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Environmental Engineering 8.

Which of the following factor causes reduction in

[ UPPSC 2003 ] per capita water consumptions?
1. For survival of fishes in river, the minimum dis- (a) Good quality water
solved oxygen required is (b) Hotter climate
(a) 2 mg / l (b) 4 mg / l (c) Modern living
(d) Metering system
(c) 8 mg / l (d) 10 mg / l
[ UPPSC 2003, 2008 ]
2. One litre of sewage, when allowed to settle for 30
9. If biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of a town is
minutes gives a sludge volume of 27 cm3. If the
20000 kg per day and BOD per capita per day is
dry weight of this sludge is 3.0 grams, then its sludge
0.05 kg. Then population equivalent of town is
volume index will be
(a) 1000 (b) 4000
(a) 9 (b) 24
(c) 100000 (d) 400000
(c) 30 (d) 81
10. Activated carbon is used for
3. When the Adiabatic lapse Rate (ALR) is more than
(a) Disinfection
Environmental Lapse Rate (ELR), then the ELR
(b) Removing hardness
can be called as
(c) Removing odours
(a) Super adiabatic lapse rate
(d) Removing corrosiveness
(b) Sub adiabatic lapse rate
11. Scour valves are provided
(c) Dry adiabatic lapse rate
(a) At bottom point
(d) Wet adiabatic rate
(b) At summit point
4. The spacing of manholes along a strainght portion
(c) Both
of a sewer is 300 m, the diameter of sewer may be
(d) None of these
(a) 0.9 m (b) 1.2 m
12. Sewage sickness is manifested by
(c) 1.5 m (d) > 1.5 m
(a) Clogging of soil pores
[ UPPSC 2003, 2011 ]
(b) Parthogenic bacteria in sewage
5. Carbon monoxide is having adverse health effect
(c) Epidemic in city
(d) Sickness of farmers
(a) It is carcinogenic in nature
[ UPPSC 2003, 2007(II) ]
(b) It reduces O2 carrying capacity of blood
13. COD/BOD ratio of waste water is
(c) It causes loss of smelling sence
(a) 1/2 (b) 3/4
(d) It may cause conjunctivitis
(c) 1 (d) More than 1
[ UPPSC 2003, 2011 ]
[ UPPSC 2003, 2007(II) ]
6. Two sampes of water A and B have pH value of 4.4
14. Sewarage system is usually designed for
and 6.4 respectively. How many times more acidic
(a) 10 year (b) 25 year
sampe A is than sample B?
(c) 50 year (d) 75 year
(a) 0 (b) 50
15. The devices which are installed for drawing water
(c) 100 (d) 200
from the source are called
7. Dissolved oxygen in stream is
(a) Aquifers (b) Aquiclude
(a) Maximum at noon
(c) Filters (d) Intakes
(b) Minimum at noon
16. Standard EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid)
(c) Maximum at mid night
solution is used to determine the
(d) Same throughout the day

(a) Hardness in water (c) 5 days at 25oC (d) 7 days at 25oC
(b) Turbidity in water 25. An intercepting trap is provided at the junction of
(c) Dissolved oxygen in water (a) Any two house drains
(d) Residual chlorine in water (b) A house sewer and municipal sewer
(c) An unfoul house drain and a foul house drain
[ UPPSC 2004 ] (d) Antisyphonage pipe and soil pipe
17. For a flow of 5.7 MLD (million litre per day) and a 26. The length of rectangular sedimentation tank of
detention of 2 hours, the surface area of a rectan- Breadth B should not be more than
gular sedimentation tank to remove all particles (a) B (b) 2 B
having settling velocity of 0.33 mm/sec is (c) 4 B (d) 8 B
(a) 20 m 2
(b) 40 m 2
[ UPPSC 2004, 2013 ]
(c) 100 m2 (d) 200 m2 27. The dissolved oxygen level in natural unpolluted
18. The settling velocity of inorganic particles of less water at normal temperature is found in the order
than 0.1 mm in diameter varies with diameter (d) is
in proportion to (a) 1 mg/ litre (b) 10 mg/ litre
(a) d 3
(c) 100 mg/ litre (d) 1.000 mg/ litre
(b) d 2
[ UPPSC 2004, 2007(II), 2013 ]
(c) d 28. On standard silica scale, the turbidity in drinking
(d) Diameter does not affect the settling veloity water should be limited to
19. The particles around 1 micron size are best re- (a) 10 mg/ litre (b) 20 mg/ litre
moved by (c) 30 mg/ litre (d) 50 mg/ litre
(a) Fitration (b) Plain sedimentation [ UPPSC 2004, 2007(II), 2013 ]
(c) Chemical precipitation (d)Chemical coagulation 29. A rectangular tank 15 m × 6 m × 3 m of water depth
20. The suitable layout for a water supply distribution treats 2 million litres of water per day.
system for an irregularly grown town is The detention time for tank will be
(a) Dead end system(b) Grid iron system (a) 3.24 hours (b) 5.63 hours
(c) Ring system (d) Radial system (c) 12.0 hours (d) 24 hours
21. The pipe which is installed in house drainage to [ UPPSC 2004, 2013 ]
preserve the water seal of traps is called 30. The proportion of solids in sewage is about
(a) Vent pipe (b) Waste pipe (a) 2.5% or more
(c) Soil pine (d) Anti-syphonage pipe (b) 1 % or more
22. The pH value of potable water should be (c) Between 1.5 % to 4%
(a) 3 to 5 (b) 6 to 8 (d) 0.1 % or less
(c) 7 to 9 (d) 8 to 10 31. After cleaning a slow sand filter filtered water is
23. The value of dissolved solids permissible in po- not used for [ UPPSC 2004, 2013 ]
table water is (a) 6 hours to 12 hours
(a) 100 to 200 mg/ l (b) 200 to 300 mg/ l (b) 12 hours to 18 hours
(c) 500 to 1500 mg/ l (d) 1,500 to 2,000 mg/ l (c) 18 hours to 24 hours
24. The Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) of sewer (d) 24 hours to 36 hours
is measured after 32. The coagulant which is generally not used for treat-
(a) 1 day at 20 Co
(b) 5 days at 20 Co
ing the sewage is

(a) Alum (b) Ferric chloride (c) 10,920 (d) 11,200
(c) Ferric sulphate (d) Chlorinate copperas 39. The sewers must be:
33. The population of a town in three consecutive de- (a) Of adequate size to avoid overflow
cades was 1 lakh, 1.1 lakh and 1.2 lakh respec- 1 3
tively. The population of this town in the fourth (b) Flowing under gravity to th full
2 4
consecutive decade according to geometric method (c) Laid atleast 2 m to 3 m deep to collect
would be water from the basements
(a) 1.9 lakh (b) 1.33 lakh (d) All of the above
(c) 1.25 lakh (d) 2.1 lakh 40. The pH value of fresh sewage is usually:
(a) 7 (b) 8
[ UPPSC 2007(I) ] (c) 9 (d) Less than 7
34. The rate constant (K) of BOD equation: 41. During treatment of sewage, removal of sand and
(a) Decreases with temperature grit is done by:
(b) No change with temperature (a) screening (b) Skimming tank
(c) Increases with temperature (c) Detritus tank (d) Digestion tank
(d) None of these 42. Permissible limit of fluoride in drinking water as
[ UPPSC 2007(I), 2007(II) ] per IS : 10500 - 1991 is:
35. If rate constant (K) at 20o C is 0.1 d-1. what per- (a) More than 1 (b) Less than 1
centage of BOD will be exerted in 5 days: (c) > 1.5 but < 5 (d) None of these
(a) 50% (b) 58% 43. The bluebaby disease (methemoglobinemia) is
(c) 68% (d) 75% caused by the excess of the following:
36. In water treatment, rapid gravity filters are adopted (a) Sulphate (b) Chloride
to remove: (c) Nitrate (d) Fluoride
(a) Dissolved organic substances 44. Hardness of water is caused by:
(b) Dissloved solids and gases (a) Sulphates
(c) Bacteria and colloidal solids (b) Carbonates and Bi-carbonates
(d) Floating solids and dissolved inorganic solids (c) Chlorides
[UPPSC 2007(I)] (d) Divalent Metallic lons
[BPSC AE Paper VI 2006] 45. The most significant gaseous air pollutant is :
(a) CO2 (Carbon-dioxide)
[JPSC Combined A.E. Paper (VI) 2013]
(b) O2(Oxygen)
37. Removal of iron from water may be done by which
(c) SO2(Sulphur - dioxide)
of the following methods?
(d) Nitrogen
(a) Oxidation with chlorine
46. During temperature inversion in atmosphere, air
(b) Oxidation with bromine
pollutants tend to:
(c) Oxidation with potassium permagnate
(a) Accumulate above inversion layer
(d) Both by (a) and (c)
(b) Accumulate below inversion layer
38. The populaltion of a town in three consecutive years
(c) Disperse laterally
are 5000, 7000 and 8400 respectively. The popula-
(d) Disperse vertically
tion of the town in the fourth consecutive year ac-
[ UPPSC 2008, 2007(I) ]
cording to geometrical increase method is:
47. Depletion of ozone layer in the outer atmosphere
(a) 9,500 (b) 10,000

is likely to increase the incidence of the following (c) Excess lime treatment
disease: (d) Using excess alum doses
(a) Skin cancer (b) Lung cancer [ UPPSC 2007(II) , 2013 ]
(c) Bronchitis (d) None of these 56. Septic tank involves
48. The polluting gas which is primarily responsible (a) Sedimentation alone
for causing the "gree house effect" and "global (b) Sedimentation as well as sludge digestion
warming"is. (c) Sludge digestion alone
(a) Sulphur dioxide (b) Hydrogen sulphide (d) Sewage aeration
(c) Carbon monoxide (d) None of these 57. In waste stabilization pond, the sewage is treated
49. The best sewer material to resist hydrogen sul- by:
phide corrosion is: (a) Aerobic bacteria only
(a) Reinforced cement concrete (RCC) (b) Algae only
(b) Brick Masonry (c) Sedimentation
(c) Glazed stone ware (d) Asbestos cement (d) Dual action of aerobic bacteria and algae
[ UPPSC 2008, 2007(I), 2013 ] 58. If the depletion of oxygen is found to be 5 ppm
50. A combined sewerage system collectively carries: after incubating a 2.5 percent solution of sewage
(a) Domestic sewage and industrial sewage sample for 5 days at 20oC, BOD of sewage will be
(b) Storm sewage and dometic sewage (a) 200 mg / l (b) 150
(c) Storm sewage and industrial sewage (c) 100 mg / l (d) 50 mg / l
(d) Storm, domestic and industrial sewage 59. The spigot and socket joint is chiefly used for
51. The hardness of boiler feed water should not be (a) Steel pipes
more than about: (b) Cement concrete pipes
(a) 5 mg /l (b) 2 mg /l (c) Cast iron pipes
(c) 20 mg /l (d) 50 mg /l (d) Service pipes
52. The relationship between Theoretical Oxygen
Demand (ThOD). Biochemical Oxygen Demand [ UPPSC 2008 ]
(BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) is 60. The various treatment processes in a water treat-
given by: ment plant as listed below:
(a) Th.O.D. > B.O.D. > C.O.D. 1. Filteration 2. Chlorination
(b) Th.O.D. > C.O.D.> B.O.D. 3. Sedimentation 4. Coagulation
(c) B.O.D. > C.O.D. > Th.O.D. 5. Flocculation
(d) B.O.D. > Th.O.D. > C.O.D. The correct sequence of these processes in water treat-
ment is
[ UPPSC 2007(II) ] (a) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (b) 4, 5, 3, 1, 2
53. The maximum depth of sedimentation tank is lim- (c) 2, 3, 1, 5, 4 (d) 1, 2, 5, 3, 4
ited to [ UPPSC 2007(II) , 2013 ] 61. The desirable limit for fluoride in drinking water
(a) 2 m (b) 4 m as per IS : 105000 - 1991 is upto
(c) 5 m (d) 6 m (a) 10 mg / l (b) 5.0 mg / l
55. Zero hardness of water is achieved by
(c) 2.0 mg / l (d) 1.0 mg / l
(a) Lime soda method
62. The colour in water is generally due to
(b) Ion-exchange method
(a) Suspended impurities (b) Dissolved impurities

(c) Colloidal impurities (d) None of these (d) Nothing
[ UPPSC 2008, 2013 ] 70. The average domestic consumption of water in a
63. Safe water is one which does not contain city, under normal conditions is
(a) Pathogenic bacteria (b) Turbidity (a) 105 I.p.c.d (b) 115 I.p.c.d
(c) Any taste (d) Any colour (c) 125 I.p.c.d (d) 135 I.p.c.d
64. Which one of the following is a secondary pollutant 71. The dissolved oxygen content in sewage during
of air? summer, as compared to winter season is
(a) Sulphur dioxide (b) Nitrogen oxides (a) Less (b) Equal
(c) Peroxy acetyl nitrate (d) Hydro - carbons (c) More (d) All of these
65. Match List - I (pollutants) with List-II (Sources) 72. A quantity of 100 mg/l is equivalent ot
and select correct answer using codes given be- (a) 100 ppm (b) 10 ppm
low: (c) 1 ppm (d) 0.1 ppm
List -I List-II 73. B.O.D. of treated water should be
A. Acid water 1. Volcanoes (a) 10 ppm (b) 20 ppm
B. SO2 2. Automobiles (c) 30 ppm (d) Zero
C. CO 3. Theremal power stations [ UPPSC 2008, 2011, 2013 ]
D. Fly ash 4. Mining 74. Which of the following retards the self pruification
Codes: of streams? [ UPPSC 2008 , 2013 ]
A B C D (a) Higher temperature
(a) 1 4 2 3 (b) Sunlight
(b) 4 1 2 3 (c) Satisfying oxygen demand
(c) 1 4 3 2 (d) None of these
(d) 4 1 3 2 75. Which of the following is not a coagulant?
66. The alkalinity of water develops due to presence (a) Alum (b) Ferric chloride
of (c) Gelatin (d) Sulphur dioxide
(a) Silt (b) Calcium bicarbonate [ UPPSC 2008 , 2013 ]
(c) Fluoride of sodium (d) CO 2 76. A waste water sample of 2 ml is made upto 300
67. The efficiency of disinfection by chlorine in water m l in a BOD bottle with distilled water. Initial D.O.
treatment increases by of the sample is 8 and after 5 days it is 2. So its
(a) Decrease in time of contact mg/ l is
(b) Decrease in temperature of water (a) 6 (b) 894
(c) Increase in temperature of water (c) 900 (d) 2400
(d) Prechlorination
68. Potassium dichromate is used in COD test as [ UPPSC 2011 ]
(a) Reducing agent (b) Oxidizing agent 77. Orthotolidine test is used for determination of
(c) Indicator (d) None of these (a) Dissolved oxygen(b) Residual chlorine
69. Excessive aeration for water treatment may result (c) BOD (d) Dose of coagulant
into 78. Sewers are provided with ventilation columns.
(a) Better quality of water These columns are provided to
(b) Excessive salty water (a) Support the sewers
(c) Corrosion of metal (b) Help in releasing foul gases
(c) Help in preventing spread of foul gases

(d) All of these nous ions react with hydroxide to form a precipi-
79. The true relation between Theoretical Oxygen tate of Mn(OH)2. Its colour is
Damand (ThOD), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (a) Brown (b) White
(BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demandl (COD) is (c) Red (d) Black
given by 87. Drop manholes are found to be
(a) TOD > BOD > COD (a) Without entry ladders
(b) TOD > COD > BOD (b) Without manhole covers
(c) BOD > COD > TOD (c) With depth more than 3.5 m
(d) COD > BOD > TOD (d) Having drains at different levels
80. The working conditions in lmhoff tanks are 88. The commonly used material for rising main is
(a) Aerobic only (b) Anaerobic only (a) Cast iron (b) Galvanised iron
(c) Aerobic in lower and anaerobic in upper compart- (c) Concrete (d) Asbestos pipe
ment 89. One of the following is not a primary pollutant in
(d) Anaerobic in lower and aerobic in upper air
compatment (a) Volatile organic compounds
81. For satisfactory working of a sludge digestion tank, (b) PAN
the pH range of digested sludge should be main- (c) Oxides of Nitrogen
tained as (d) Suspended particulate matter
(a) 4.5 to 6.0 (b) 6.5 to 8.0 90. How many times more acidic a rain having pH =
(c) 8.5 to 10.0 (d) 10.5 to 12.0 5.6 will be in comparison to a neutral rain having
82. The maximum allowable limit of fluoride in potable pH = 7 ?
water should not exceed (a) 1.56 (b) 20
(a) 15 mg/litre (b) 0.05 ppm (c) 1.25 (d) 10
(c) 1.5 ppm (d) 200 mg/litre 91. Air cleaning device which removes smallest par-
83. The main cause of eutrophication of lakes is the ticles is
enrichment of lake water with (a) Electrostatic precipitator
(a) Carbonaceous organic matter (b) Fabric filters
(b) Nutrients (c) Wet scrubbers
(c) Chlorides (d) Cyclone collectors
(d) Water hyacinth 92. The Bangalore method of mechanised composting
84. In fresh water organisms attached or resting at the is also known as
bottom or living in the bottom sediments are known (a) Aerobic process
as (b) Anaerobic process
(a) Plankton (b) Nekton (c) Facultative process
(c) Neuston (d) Benthos (d) Mesophilic process
85. Hardness is caused by 93. An ecosystem consists of
(a) All metallic ions (a) Green plants and animals
(b) Divalent metallic ions (b) Producers and consumers
(c) Sulphates and chlorides (c) Green plants and decomposers
(d) Carbonates and bicarbonates (d) Green plants, animals, decomposers and
86. In DO test, if no oxygen is present, the Manga- abiotic environment

94. In an ecosystem, the correct food chain will be (a) Carbonate hardness
(a) Phytoplankton  Grass  Fish (b) Non-carbonate hardness
(b) Zooplankton  Phytoplankton  Fish (c) Coliform group of organisms
(c) Phytoplankton  Zooplankton  Fish (d) (d) Chlorides
Grass  Fish  Zooplankton 103. If the total hardness of water is greater than its
95. The diameter of a RCC sewer pipe is 300 mm. The alkalinity, the carbonate hardness will be equal to
gradient required to generated self cleaning ve- (a) non-carbonate hardness
locity would be of the order of (b) total hardness
(a) 1 in 100 (b) 1 in 190
(c) total hardness -total alkalinity
(c) 1 in 220 (d) 1 in 920
(d) total alkalinity
96. The most economical and hygenic privy for rural
104. Most important source of water for public water
areas is
supply is from
(a) A pit privy (b) An aqua privy
(a) Lakes (b) Ponds
(c) A soak pit (d) A septiv tank
(c) Streams (d) Rivers
97. As per IS code, acceptable noise level for residen-
105. Water may not contain much impuirites if its source
tial and business urban areas is
(a) 70-80 db (b) 50-60 db
(a) reservoirs
(c) 040-50 db (d) 25-35 db
(b) stream flowing in plains
98. If the 5 day BOD at 20o C of a sewage is 160 ppm &
the deoxygenation constant is 0.2 per day, then ul- (c) lake in lower regions

timate BOD will be (d) spring along hill slopes

(a) 180 mg/L (b) 193 mg/L 106. Disinfection of water results in
(c) 201 mg/L (d) 234 mg/L (a) removal of turbidity
99. The part of environment where life forms of the (b) removal of hardness
earth, including human being live, is (c) killing of pathogenic bacteria
(a) Biosphere (b) Atmosphere
(d) removal of odour
(c) Hydrosphere (d) Lithosphere
107. In chlorination, due to rise in temperature of wa-
100. The ultimate BOD of waste water ter, death rate of bacteria
(a) Increases with temperature
(a) Increases (b) Decreases
(b) Decrease with temperature
(c) Reamains unaffected (d) None of the above
(c) Remains constant the temperature
108. The bacterias which may survive with or wihout
(d) Doubles with every 10oC rise in temperature free oxygen, are called
[ UPPSC 2013 ]
(a) aerobic bacteria (b) anerobic bacteria
101. Hardness of water is caused by
(c) facultative bacteria (d) none of the above
(a) presence of soap lather
109. The indicator used in COD test is
(b) presence of chlorides and sulphates of sodium and potas-
sium (a) starch (b) phenolphthalein

(c) presence of CO3,SO4 or chlorides of calcium and magne- (c) ferrous ammonium sulphate (d) ferroin
sium 110. COD/BOD ratio of fresh wastewater is
(d) Turbidity (a) less than 1 (b) more than 1
102. The most important water quality parameter for domes- (c) equal to 1 (d) none of these
tic use of water is

111. The proportion of solids in sewage is about Aeration system.
(a) 2.5% or more (b) 1% or more · Generally SVI value should be (80–150) ml/gm.
· SVI represents the degree of concentration of sludge
(c) 0.1% or less (d) zero in the system
112. For the COD test of sewage, organic matter is oxi- · Its unit ml/gm
dized by potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) in the pres- QR X 106
ence of  X 
Q0 Xu  X , u SVI , where X is MLSS in tank
(a) Sulphuric Acid (b) Nitric Acid (ppm)
(c) Hydrochloric Acid (d) Acetic Acid
Recirculation Ratio =  6
Q0 10
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (d)
Vob (ml/l ) Vob
Where, SVI = X (mg/l )  X ml/mg
5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (a) ob ob

8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (c) 11. (b) Given that , Vob  27 cm 3  27 ml / l

12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (b)
15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (d) 18. (b) X ob  3000 mg / l
19. (a) 20. (a) 21. (d) 22. 27
(b) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (b) SV I   1000ml / g = 9 ml / g
26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29.
3. (b) Sub-adiabatic Lapse Rate
(a) 30. (d) 31. (d) 32. (a)
33. (*) 34. (d) 35. (c) 36.
(c) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (d) 2000
40. (b) 41. (c) 42. (b) 43.
Height (m)

(c) 44. (d) 45. (c) 46. (b)
47. (a) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. 500
(d) 51. (d) 52. (b) 53. (d) 55.
(b) 56. (b) 57. (d) 58. (a) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
59. (c) 60. (b) 61. (d) 62. Temperature (ºC)
(b) 63. (a) 64. (c) 65. (b)
66. (d) 67. (d) 68. (b) 69.
(c) 70. (d) 71. (a) 72. (a) 73. 4. (d) Manhole spacing as per IS 1742 : 1960
(c) 74. (d) 75. (d) 76. (c)
77. (b) 78. (b) 79. (b) 80. Recommended spacing of Size of Sewer
(d) 81. (b) 82. (c) 83. (b) manhole on straight reaches (m)
84. (d) 85. (b) 86. (b) 87. of sewer lines as per IS
(d) 88. (a) 89. (b) 90. (*) 91. 1742-1960
(b) 92. (b) 93. (d) 94. ( c )
1. 45 m  0.3 m (upto)
95.(c) 96. (b) 97. (c) 98. (d)
2. 75 m  0.6 m (upto)
99. (a) 100.(c) 101. (c) 102. (c) 3. 90 m  0.9 m (upto)
103. (d) 104. (d) 105. (d) 106. (c) 4. 120 m  1.2 m (upto)
107. (a) 108. (c) 109. (d) 110. (c) 5. 250 m  1.5 m (upto)
111. (c ) 112. (a) 6. 300 m  1.5 m (greaterthan)

1. (b) The minimum D.O. content should be 4 ppm for 5. (b) Carbon monoxide is an odourless & colourless gas.
survival of aquatic things. It is a highly poisonous gas & is generally classified as
2. (a) Sludge Volume Index (SVI) an asphyxiant. It has a strong affinity for combinig with
· It indicate physical state of sludge in the Biological

the haemoglobin of the blood to form carboxy-haemo- · It can be prevented by frequent Ploughing and rotation of
soil, giving rest to the land.
globin. Therefore, this reduces the ability of haemoglo-
bin to carry oxygen to the body tissues. 13. (d) Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
· It measure the content of organic matter of waste
6. (c) For sample A, pH   log[ H  ] water, both biodegradable & non-biodegradable.
4.4   log[H  ] · ((COD-BOD5) = Non-biodegradable organics.)
15. (d) Intake structures are used for collecting water from
For sampe B, H   104.4
the surface sources like as river, lake, reservoir etc. and
H   106.4
conveying it further to the water treatment plant. These
 H   structures are concrete or masonry structures and pro-
Sample A is    times more acidic than sample B. vides relatively clean water, which is free from pollution,
H  B
sand & objectionable floating material.
104.4 16. (a) Hardness
N  times = 100 times
10 6.4 · Hardness is measured by spectrophotometric tech-
7. (a) Maximum Algal photo synthesis occurs at noon. niques.
8. (d) Factors Affecting per Capita Demand · It is the Concentration of multivalent metallic cations
(i) Size of city (ii)Climatic condition in solution.
(iii) Habit of people (Types of gentry) · It can be divided in two parts, carbonate hardness
(iv) Quality of water supply & non-carbonate hardness.
· HCO3– and CO3–2 of calcium and magnesium cause
(v) Development of Sewerage facilities
carbonate hardness. It is also known as temporary
(vi) Cost of water & method of charging
(vii) Pressure in water distribution system (viii) System of Versanate method
· In it, hardness is determined by titrating against
9. (d) BOD of town = 20000 kg/day Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid (EDTA)
BOD per capita per day, X = 0.05 kg solution using Erio-chrome Black T (EBT) as
Population equivalent indicator at pH 8.5 to 11.
20000 kg / day · EBT forms red colour & titration changes the
  400, 000 colour to blue.
0.05kg / day / person
11. (b) Scour valve or blow off valve or drain valve. 17. (d) Given that, Q  5.7 MLD  5.7  103 m 3 / d
· These are similar to the sluice valves, but the t d  2 hour
function is different.
· Scour valves are provided at the dead-end of the
V s  0.33mm / sec
pipe line. we know that
· The function of this valve is to remove the sand, silt Q Q
etc from the pipe line. Vs  
Surface area A
12. (a) Sewage Sickness
· When the sewage is continuously applied on the land, the 5.7 103
pores of soil continuously go on reducing & a condition 0.33 10 
comes, when the soil gets clogged by deposition of solids
of sewage. After reaching at this condition, the air can’t
circulate through the soli pores, hence resulting in the 5.7 103
starting of anaerobic conditions. When anaerobic A 3
 200m 2
decompositions start, H 2S gas is produced creating 0.33 10 86400
nuisance in the area. In this stage, the sewage treating 18. (b)
capacity of the land is finished & it can not accept any
more amount of sewage. When such condition is reached, V 
 s   l  d 2
the land is said to be sick. 18

 that sufficient oxygen is available for the incubation pe-
V d 2
riod of 5-days at 20°C.
20. (a) Dead End System: It is followed for old town.
It is also called tree system. 25. (b) A trap which is provided to disconnect house drain
from the street sewer is called intercepting trap.
CV - Cut off valve
M - Main pipe · Intercepting trap is provided at the junction of house sewer
SM - Sub main
B - Branch pipe and a municipal sewer so as to prevent the entry of foul
B B gases of the municipal sewer into the house.
SM SM Tight fitting plug Inspection arm or
or lid called rodding arm
CV cleaning eye
Inlet from
house Outlet to
CV B CV street sewer
Water seal

B B B Fig. An intercepting trap

26. (c) Width 10 to 12 m., Length - 4 times the width. (2-5

· Water can reach at a particular point only through one times)
route. Hence it is uni-directional only.
· Many dead ends which prevent free circulation of water. 27 (b) Saturation D. O = 9.2 mg / l
· Stagnant water has to removed periodically by providing 28. (a) Limit of turbidity in drinking weter is 5 ppm - 10
scour valves ppm.
21. (d) Anti Siphonage pipe: A pipe which is installed for 29. (a) Volume of tank = discharge × detention time
the purpose of preserving the water seal of traps in drain-
age system is called anti siphonage pipe.  2  106 103 
15  6  3    td
· It is very helpful to seal the back flow of drainage. 24
 
· Anti-siphon pipe is connected to top of P-trap water
closet (W.C.)  24 15  6  3 
td    hours = 3.24 hours
 2 103 
30. (d) Sewage normally contain very small amount of solid
(0.1%) as compare to water (99.9%)
A · Solids in sewage consist of both the organic and inorganic
solids. The organic matter work out to be about 45% of
total solid & the remaining about 55% is the inorganic
pipe matter.
Anti syphonage 32 (a) Alum
 It is cheap & commonly

B  used as coagulant for raw water supplies.

 Effective in pH range of 6.5 to 8.5.
 Normal dose  (10 – 30) ppm.
 It also reduces colour, taste & odour.
Branch pipe
 Introduces permanent hardness in water & water
becomes corrosive.
22. (b) pH  Disadvantage is that it is difficult to dewater the
· pH = – log10[H+], [H+] is in moles/litre. sludge formed.
· pH is measured by potentiometer 33. (c)
· 6.5– 8.5 is accepatable limit (IS 10500: 2012).
(< 6.5 and > 9.2 is cause for rejection)
23. (c) Dissloved solids (DS) = Total solids (TS) – Suspended
solids (SS)
24. (b) Sample is diluted with dilution water in such a way
Decade Population Increase in % increase in population  r 

(Lakh) population = growth rate% P  P0  1  

 100 
(1) (2) (3)   100 4
Col.(2)  28.28 
 8400 1    10775
1. 1  100 
0.1 10% 40. (b) pH Value: It is measured by Potentiometer
2. 1.1
· The alkalinity of fresh waste water sample is alkaline
0.1 9% but with passage of time, it becomes acidic because
3. 1.2 of the bacterial action in anaerobic or nitrification
Constant growth rate, process.
r  10  9  9.48% 41. (c) Detritus Tank: It is used for removing finer par-
So, The population in the 4 decade th
ticle but Grit chamber for larger particles.
n 4 · To remove finer & inorganic particles.
 r   9.48 
P  P0   1    1 1   42. (b) Fluorides
 100   100  · It helps to prevent dental cavities upto 1 ppm,
= 1.43 lakh · Excess value (greater than 1.5 to 2 ppm) results in
decolouration of teeth called mottling of teeth.
34. (d) K T  K 20 1.047 
T  20
(Infants are affected, not adults).
The rate constant ( k ) increase with temperature, if 43. (c)Free ammonia should not be more than 0.15 ppm
temperature is greater than 20oC & decrease if tem- · Organic ammonia should not be more than 0.3 ppm
perature is less than20oC · Free ammonia + organic ammonia = Kjedahl
36. (c) Filtration removes the fine floc particles, Nitrogen Ammonia
· Nitrate is not harmful as it is fully oxidised. But too
colour,dissolved minerals & micro organism. It also re-
much of nitrate affects infants. Becauses it caused
moves the suspended solids, which does not get removed blue baby disease or Mathemoglobinemia
in sedimentation. · Nitrate concentration should not be more than 45
37. (b) Removal of Iron and Managanese: ppm
1. It can be removed by simple aeration · Nitrite permissible limit is zero.
followed by coagulation, sedimentation 44. (d) Hardness
and filteration. · Hardness is measured by spectrophotometric tech-
2. Chlorine + Aeration (oxidation) niques.
· It is the Concentration of multivalent metallic cations
3. Lime + Aeration (oxidation)
in solution.
4. KMnO4 + Aeration (oxidation) · It can be divided in two parts, carbonate hardness
5 Zeolites method & non-carbonate hardness.
38. (c) · HCO3– and CO3–2 of calcium and magnesium cause
carbonate hardness. It is also known as temporary
% increase in
Y ear Population Increase in hardness.
population · Calcium Hardness does not cause any health
growth rate %
Col .  3 
(1) (2) 3   100 46. (b) When the temperature of the environment increase
Col .  2 
1. 5000 200 40% with altitude, then the lapse rate become negative from
2. 7000 1400 20% normal state. This stage is called 'inversion'.Inversion is
3. 8400
the state in which the warmer air lies over the colder air.
Constant growth rate,
47. (a) The ozone layer acts as a filter for UV-radiation from
r  40  20  28.28% the sun, therefore, this process serves as a protective
So, The population in 4th year, shield to human life against the adverse effects of UV

like burn and some types of skin cancer. It is obvious
that any depletion of stratosphere ozone would be harmful  BOD5  5 
to life on this earth. 2.5
· In troposphere, ozone is air pollutant (threat to human BO D 5  200 ppm
health) and green house gas (increasing the earth
temperature). 59. (c) Joint in Water supply Piping:
(a) Spigot & socket joint: Also known as Bell-spigot joint.
48. (d) The major green house gases are
Where spigot end is inserted into the bell end.
(i) Carbon dioxide (CO2)–57% (Generally for CI joint)
(ii) Chlorofloro carbon (CFC) – 25% (b) Expansin joint: Provided at suitable intervals to take
(iii) Methane (CH4) – 12% into account the change in pipe length due to
(iv) Nitrous oxide (N2O) – 6% temperature variations.
49. (c) The stoneware pipes offer the maximum advantage (c) Flanged joint: Recommended for temporary work
where the pipe line is to be dismantled after work or to
of being highly resistant to sulphide corrosion & hence, be shifted.
preferred for carrying pulluted sewage and industrial (d) Collar joint: Recommended for joining R.C.C pipes & asbestos
wastes. cement pipes.
(e) Flexible joint: Where Settlement of pipe line can occur.
52. (b)Generally (THOD > COD > BODu > BOD >TOC)
(f) Threaded joint: Recommended for connecting the GI
53. (d) The maximum depth of sedimentation tank is 6 pipes.
meters. (g) Simplex joint: For joining asbestos cement pipes.
Sedimentation tanks are generally rectangular with length
to width ratios between 2:1 & 5:1. The depth of the tank
is usually between 1.5 and 2.0 m. The inlet and outlet Raw
must be at opposite ends of the tank.
It becomes necessary when water comes from fast flowing
55. (b) Zero hardness of water is achieved by streams. It removes large suspended solid

(a) Ion-exchange method alum

Mixing, flocculation
(b) Zeolite method and settling
56. (b) Septic tank is like an oridinary sedimentatioon tank
It removes turbidity by coagulating the colloids & settling them out
with provision for digestion of sludge4 by anaerobic bac- It may be remove colour caused by large organic molecules

teria. Micro Strainer

57. (d)
Filtration Cl2

It polishes the water and removes remaining turbidity


It becomes necessary if water contains dissolved organics. The

Effluent unit may consist of activated carbon added in powdered form
Raw Photosynthesis: CO2+ HO2= O2+ Algal Cells Aerobic 60. (b) in operation similar to mixing, flocculation & settling.
Wastewater Algae Zone

Settleable Organic matter CO + NO, PO3+ H O

2 2
Solids + Oxygen Facultative
Bacteria Zone Disinfection Cl2
Rising Gases
Biomass Anaerobic
Zone It destroys the pathogens & enough quantity of chlorine is added
to provide residual in the distribution system.
Sludge CO2+ CH 4+ NH3+ H2S (gases)
Layer + New Cells
Solids removal mechanism in a faculative stabilization pond

Distribution system
58. (a) BOD5 =[DOi-DO5]
Vol. of diluted sample
= 61. (d) As per IS 10500 : 1991
Vol. of undiluted sewage
desirable limit for fluoride = 1.0 ppm
cause of rejection= 1.5 ppm 60% of total water consumption.
· The IS code lays down a limit on domestic water
62. (b) Colour in water is generally due to Dissolved organic
consumption between 135 to 225 lpcd.
matter from decaying vegetation or some inorganic ma-
· Under general conditions (as per IS 1172 : 1993)
terials, like as coloured soil etc.
the minimum domestic water demand for a town
64. (c) Secondary air pollutants are produce by the in- with full flushing system should be taken at 200 lpcd
teraction among two or more primary pollutants, or by while it can be reduced to 135 lpcd for economical
reaction with normal atmospheric constitutents, with or weaker sections & LIG colonies (Low income
without photoactivation. group) depending upon prevailing conditions.
· The components of domestic water demand are (per
A. Ozone
capita per day)
B. Formaldehyde
C. PAN (peroxy acetyl nitrate) (a) Drinking – 5 litre
D. Sulphuric Acid (b) Cooking – 5 litre
E. Photochemical smog (c) Bathing – 55 litre
66. (d) Alkalinity (d) Cloth washing– 20 litre
· Quantity of ions in water that will react to neutralize (e) Utensils washing– 10 litre
hydrogen ions (H+). (f) House washing– 10 litre
· Alkalinity in water comes due to minerals or it may (g) Flushing of water closets– 30 litre
be produced due to atmospheric CO2 mixed in water or Total = 135 lpcd
microbial decomposition of organic matter. For an average Indian town the requirement of
water in various uses is as under:
· Common constituents of alkalinity are OH–, CO32–
Domestic purpose– 135 lpcd
, HCO3– .
Industrial use– 40 lpcd
· OH – is caustic alkalinity, CO 32– is carbonate Public use–25 lpcd
alkalinity, HCO3– is bicarbonate alkalinity . Fire demand–15 lpcd

CO2 + H2O  Losses, wastage & thefts – 55 lpcd
 H2CO3 ....(a)
Total = 270 lpcd

H2CO3 
 H+ + HCO3 ....(b) 71. (a) The concentration of dissolved oxygen in surface
water is affected by temperature & has both a seasonal
 2
HCO 

3  H+ + CO 3
....(c) and a daily cycle. Cold water can hold more D.O. than

 warm water. In winter & early spring, when the water
CO32–  H 2 O 
 HCO3  OH
 –
temperature is low, the D.O. concentration is high.
· If algae is present in water, the water becomes
72. (a) Normally 1 ppm = 1 mg/l
alkaline (pH = 9 - 10).
73. (c) BIS standards for sewage disposal

CO2 + H2O 
 H2CO3
Industrial sewage
Ca2+ + CO32–  CaCO3 ¯ (PPt) Parameter Domestic Surface water Public sewer
(ppt cause incrustation of pipes) Sewage like stream

· Alkalinity measurements are done by titrating the BOD5 20 mg/l 30 mg/l 500 mg/l
pH - 5.5-9.0 5.5-9
water with an acid. It is expressed in terms of ppm suspended solids 30 mg/l 100 mg/l 600 mg/l
as CaCO3. Phenolic compounds - 1 mg/l 5 mg/l
Cyanides - 0.2 mg/l 2 mg/l
68. (b) In COD test potassium dischromate is used as oxi-
dizing agent. COD is also known as dichromate demands. The water that we drink should have a BOD value of
less than 5 ppm. The wastewater that is disposed off in
69. (c) Aeration of water is done to remove undesirable gases the water bodies in India should have a BOD level of
dissolved in water like as CO2 and H2S. It also remove less than 30 ppm and the treated water that is discharged
iron and managanese. into the sewerage system has a BOD level of 100 ppm.
70. (d) Domestic Water Demand: 135 to 225 lpcd. & 50- 74. (d) At higher temperature, rate of biological & chemical

acticities are high, it will cause rapid depletion of D.O., should be in the range of 6.5 to 8.0 as the methane form-
which will lead to anaerobic conditions. ers work in this range.
Also the sunlinght (photo synthesis) & satisfying oxygen 82. (c) As per WHO's latest standard guidelines for potable
demand also promote the sefl purification of stream. water (1984 guidelines, modified in 1993), the maximum
76. (c) allowable limit of fluoride in potable water should not
BOD5 = Do consumed by diluted sample exceed 1.5 ppm.
Vol. of diluted sample 83. (b) Eutrophication of Lake
 It is the excessive richness of nutrients in a lake, river or other
Vol. of undiluted sewage
body of water, generally due to run off from the land, which
300 causes a dense growth of plant life.
 BOD 5   DO i   DO 5  
2 84. (d) Nekton refers to the aggregate of actively swim-
300 ming aquatic organisms in a body of water (generally
 BOD 5   8  2   = 900 ppm
2 oceans or lakes) above to move independenly of water
Plankton are the microscopic plants & animal life that
77. (b) Testing of Chlorine Residue: either swim weakly or float in water and serve as a food
for small sea creatures & fishes.
DPD Chlorotex Neuston is the collective term for the organism that float
on the top of water or live under the surface.
Dard Ae DiSCO Orthotolidece
Bonthos is the community of organisms which live on, in
Starch iodine or near the sea bed (benthic zone). This community lives
· (a) Orthotolidece test, (b)DPD test,
(c) Chlorotex, (d) Starch iodide test in or near marine sedimentary.
85. (b) Hardness
78. (b) The decomposition & putrefaction of sewage inside
· Hardness is measured by spectrophotometric tech-
the sewers may result in the production of various gases, niques.
like as CO2, H2S, CO, methane, amonia etc. If these · It is the Concentration of multivalent metallic cations
gases are not removed, these may cause serious prob- in solution.
lems & prove hazardous to the workers entering the · It can be divided in two parts, carbonate hardness
& non-carbonate hardness.
sewers, therefore these gases are disposed off into the
86. (b) In DO test,
atmosphere by suitable method of ventilation like as ven-
(a) If oxygen present - Brown ppt
tilation columns etc.
(b) If oxygen not present - White ppt
79. (b) Generally (THOD > COD > BODu > BOD >TOC)
87. (d) Drop Manholes: To connect the high level branch
80. (d) Imhoff Tanks: Two storey digestion tank.These
sewer to the low level main sewer by vertical dropping
are based on Anaerobic decomposition only. pipe.
Sludge Removal
Gas Removal
Gas Chamber
Raw sewage
Liquid Removal

Neutral Zone

Digested sludge

Imhoff Tank

81. (b) For satisfactory working a sludge digestion tank, pH

can also be termed the zone of life on earth
100. (c) Ultimate BOD of sewage is a fixed quantity & does
Branch sewer not depend upon temperature of oxidation.
101. (c) Hardness
 Hardness is measured by spectrophotometric tech-
Vertical pipe niques.
 It is the Concentration of multivalent metallic cations
Main sewer
in solution.
 It can be divided in two parts, carbonate hardness
Bottom concrete
& non-carbonate hardness.
 HCO3– and CO3–2 of calcium and magnesium cause
carbonate hardness. It is also known as temporary
89. (b) Primary air pollutants are those emitted directly from
 Calcium Hardness does not cause any health
identifiable sources. problem.
Example:  Sulphate, chloride and nitrate of calcium and
A. Finer particles (less than 100 micron m in diameter). magnesium gives permanent hardness. It is also
B. Coarse particles (larger than 100 micron m in known as non-carbonate hardness.
102. (c) The coliforms and the Escherichia coli (E-coli) are
C. Organic compounds. normally used as indicator organisms, as they are present in
D. Oxides of Sulphur. large number than pathogens.
E. Oxides of Carbon.
103. (d) Total hardness,
F. Halogen compounds.
G. Oxides of nitrogen. TH = CH + NCH
H. Radioactive compounds. if TH > Alkalinity
90. (*) pH = - log 10[H ] +
then CH = Alkalinity
5.6 = - log 10[H+]
and NCH = TH - Alkalinitiy
[H+] = 10-5.6 mol/lit
104. (d)
For Neutral rain, water of pH = 7,
105. (d) Groundwater supplies of water has much less
[H+] = 10-7 mol/lit
impurities as compared to other sources of supply. Wells,
105.6 springs are the common example of groundwater supply. Water
So, = = 25 times from these sources countain very less turbidity in dissolved
form, & contain much less bacteria or micro-organisms.
92. (b) Bangalore Method
106. (c) Water disinfection means decomposition of or-
· This method is widely adopted by municipal authorities
ganic matter and killing of pathogenic bacteria.
throughout the country. Its an Anaerobic method.
93. (a) An ecosystem is a group of biotic communities of 107. (a) The growth rate of the micro-organisms & the death
rate due to chemical application will increase as temperature
species interacting with one another & with their non- increase.
living environment exchanging energy & matter.
108. (c) Bacteria those survive with molecular bounded
98. (d) BOD = 160 ppm oxygen are called anaerobic bacteria & bacteria those re-
deoxygenation constant (K) = 0.2 per day quired free or dissolved oxygen are called aerobic bacteria.
BOD5 = 0.68 BODU Facultative bacteria are those culture which may survive in
both aerobic and anaerobic enviorment.
BOD 5 160
BODU =  109. (d) Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is used as a
0.68 0.68 measure of oxygen requirement of a sample that is suscep-
 BODU  235 ppm tible to oxidation by strong chemical oxidant. In COD test,
Ferroin indicator is used.
99. (a) The biosphere is the global sum of all ecosystem. It

110. (c) 1. For municipal waste BOD lies between 100 tion, mostly applicable, is [RPSC A. En - 2013]
to 500 ppm at 20oC
BOD The suitable method of forecasting population for a
2. If  0.5 ,waste water is considered to consist of
COD young & rapidly increasing city is
toxic non-biodegradable organic matter. (BPSC AE Paper VI 2001)
3. If  0.8 , waste water is considered to be biologi-
COD Which method is accurate for forecasting population for
cally treatable. sound & rapidly increasing city is
BOD (BPSC AE Paper VI 05.12.2012)
4. lies between 0.92 to 1.0, then waste water can
COD (a) Incremental increase method
be considered to be fully biodegradable.
(b) Geometrical increase method
111. (c) Sewage normally contain very small amount of solid
(0.1%) as compare to water (99.9%) (c) Graphical method
 Solids in sewage consist of both the organic and inorganic (d) Logistic method
solids. The organic matter work out to be about 45% of
total solid & the remaining about 55% is the inorganic 5. The volume of water, that can be extracted by
matter. force of gravity from a unit volume aquifer mate-
rial is called
112. (a) In order to perform COD test, a known quantity of
wastewater is mixed with a known quantity of standard solu- [UK Combined State AE Paper II 2007]
tion of potassium dichromate & the mixture is heated. The
(a) specific storage (b) specific capacity
organic matter is oxidised by K2Cr2O7 in the presence of
H2SO 4 . (c) specific retention (d) none of the above
1. Forecast of population for water supply is done 6. As compared to shallow wells, deep wells have
using [U.K. Combined AE Paper II 2012] (BPSC AE Paper VI 2001)
(a) Arithmetic Mean Method (a) more depth
(b) Comparative Method (b) more discharge
(c) Graphical Method (c) more depth and more discharge
(d) All the above (d) moredepth but less discharge
2. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) 7. The most commonly used type of tube well in In-
Act was enacted by Indian Parliament in the year dia is (BPSC AE Paper VI 2001)
[U.K. Combined AE Paper II 2012] (a) gravity type (b) strainer type
(c) slotted type (d) perorated pipe type
(UK AE Paper II 2012)
(a) 1972 (b) 1974 8. The yield of a surface stream may be obtained by
(BPSC AE Paper VI 2001)
(c) 1986 (d) 1994
(a) cross-section velocity method
3. The peak demand of water in Indian conditions
(b) stream gauging
is [UK Combined State AE Paper II 2007]
(c) straight line curve
(a) 2.5 to 3.0 times the average
(d) all of these
(b) 1.25 to 1.50 times the average
(c) 0.75 to 1.20 times the average 9.Septic tank is provided for
(d) 0.45 to 0.70 times the average (BPSC AE Paper VI 2001)
4. For growing towns and cities having fast scope (a) settling of incomming sewage
for expansion, the method of forecasting popula- (b) settle sludge digestion

(c) storage of digested sludge (a) bones and joints stiffness (b) kidney function
(d) all these factors (c) hear disease (d) none of these
10. The yield of the well depends upon the 17. A water treatment works treats 5000 cubic
metres of water per day,If it consumes 20kg chlo-
(BPSC AE Paper VI 2006)
rine per day, then the chlorine dosage would be
(a) permeability of the soil
[Uttarakhand Combined State AE Paper II 2007]
(b) position of water table
(a) 10 ppm (b) 4 ppm
(c) depth of wall in impervious layer
(c) 0.4 ppm (d) 0.25 ppm
(d) all of these
18. Tintometer is used to measure
11. The yield of the well is measured in
[Uttarakhand Combined State AE Paper II 2007]
(BPSC AE Paper VI 2006)
(a) colour (b) odour
(a) cum/h (b) liters/h
(c) hardness (d) temperature
(c) either (a) or (b) (d) none of these
19. The presence of calcium and magnesium chloride
12. Iron and manganese can be removed from water in water causes
[U.K. Combined AE Paper II 2012]
[Uttarakhand Combined State AE Paper II 2007]
(a) Softening (b) bad taste
(a) absorption
(c) hardness (d) turbidity
(b) boiling
20. The pH value of water for public supplies is lim-
(c) aeration followed by coagulation
ited from- (BPSC AE Paper VI 05.12.2012)
(d) chlorination
(a) 4.5 to 5.5 (b) 5.5 to 6.5
13. Cavities in teeth are caused if fluoride concen- (c) 6.5 to 8.5 (d) 8.5 to 10
tration (ppm) is less than
21. The short circulating occurring in a sedimenta-
[U.K. Combined AE Paper II 2012] tion tank is represented by
(a) 1.5 (b) 1
(BPSC AE Paper VI 2006)
(c) 0.5 (d) 0.25
(a) surface loading (b)displacement efficiency
14. Turbidity in water is due to (c) recirculation ratio (d) detention time
[U.K. Combined AE Paper II 2012] 22. As compared to slow sand filters, rapid sand fil-
[UKPSC JE & AE 2013 Paper II] ters give (BPSC AE Paper VI 2001)
(a) Algae (b) Fungi (a) lower filtration rate and lower efficiency in re-
(c) Organic salts (d) Colloidal particales moval of bacteria
(b) lower filtration rate but higher efficiency in re-
15. The coliform organism in 100 ml of drinking wa-
moval of bacteria
ter should not be more than
(c) higher filtration rate but lower efficiency in re-
[U.K. Combined AE Paper II 2012] moval of bacteria
(a) 1000 (b) 450 (d) higher filtration rate and higher efficiency in re-
(c) 250 (d) 1 moval of bacteria
16. Excessive fluoride concentration in drinking wa- 23. Soak pit is connected to
ter causes problems related with
(BPSC AE Paper VI 2001)
[Uttarakhand Combined State AE Paper II 2007] (a) manhole (b) septic tank

(c) gulley trap (d) nahani trap 2. Greater production of methane
24. The yield of rapid sand filter is_____to that of 3. Lower BOD concentration in supermetant liquor
slow sand filter (BPSC AE Paper VI 05.12.2012)
4. Lesser operating cost
(a) 10 times (b) 15 times
5. Lesser capital cost
(c) 20 times (d) 30 times
(JPSC Combined AE Paper VI 2013)
25. Pump commonly used for lifting water in water
supply mains is (BPSC AE Paper VI 05.12.2012) (BPSC AE Paper VI 2006)
(a) axial-flow pump (b) centrifugal pump (a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 1, 3 and 5
(c) reciprocating pump (d) rotary-type pump (c) 3, 4 and 5 (d) 2, 3, 4 and 5

26. A valve that allows the water to flow in one di- 32. The colour of fresh sewage is-
rection but prevents its flow in the reverse di- (BPSC AE Paper VI 05.12.2012)
rection is known as-
(a) blue (b) green
(BPSC AE Paper VI 05.12.2012) (c) pink (d) grey
(a) sluice valve (b) reflux valve
33. A reactor, in which the surface area for growth
(c) air-relief valve (d) pressure-relief valve of biofilm is provided by randomly packed solid
27. Hydraulically for dry weather flow, the best sewer forms is called (BPSC AE Paper VI 2006)
section is (BPSC AE Paper VI 05.12.2012) (JPSC Combined AE Paper VI 2013)
(a) circular (b) oval-shaped (a) activated sludge reactor (b) tricking filter
(c) V-shaped with circular (d) rectangular (c) stablization pond (d) none of these
28. Water seal in water closets is meant to prevent 34. The distributing arms of large trickling filter units
(BPSC AE Paper VI 2001) are rotated at speed of
(a) water entering WC (b) foul gases
(BPSC AE Paper VI 05.12.2012)
(c) rain water (d) drain water
(a) (1/3-1/2) r.p.m (b) 1-2 r.p.m
29. The function of trap is to- (c) 2-4 r.p.m (d) None of these
(BPSC AE Paper VI 05.12.2012) 35. Self cleaning velocity desired to be provided for
(a) stop flow of sewage septic tank is (BPSC AE Paper VI 2001)
(b) avoid back flow of sewage (a) 0.5 m/sec (b) 0.75 m/sec
(c) separate flow of liquid and solids (c) 0.9 m/sec (d) 1.05 m/sec
(d) prevent the escape of foul gases inside and out- Answer Key
side the house 1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (b)
30. Stoneware pipes are used for flow of 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (b)
8. (d) 9. (d)10. (d) 11. (c) 12.
(BPSC AE Paper VI 2001)
(c) 13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (d)
(a) drinking water (b) raw water 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19.
(c) sewage water (d) water from overhead tank (c) 20. (c) 21. (b) 22. (c) 23.
(b) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (b)
31. Which of the following are claimed as advanta-
27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (d) 30.
geous in respect of aerobic sludge digestion as
(c) 31. (b) 32. (d) 33. (b)
compared-to anaerobic sludge digestion?
34. (a) 35. (b)
1. Production of well-stabilized sludge with excel- 1. (d)
lent dewatering property (a)Arithmatic Increase Method:
 This method is based upon the assumption that 6. The Water (Prevention & Control of pollution) Act, 1974
population increases at constant rate. 7. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
 Design Engineer in the field adopt Arithmetic av- 8. The Public liability Insurance Act, 1991.
erage method. Government of India Manuals:
 For old cities, this method is better. 1. GOI manual on Water Supply & treatment - 1999.
P n = P0  n x 2. GOI manual on Municipal SWM-2000.
P n =Population after n decades from present. 3. GOI manual on operation & Maintenance of Water Supply
n = No. of decades Scheme-2005.
P 0 = Present population 4. GOI manual on Sewage Treatment - 1993.
x = Arithmetic mean of population Increase in 5. GOI manual on Water Demand – IS 1172 – 1993.
known decades. 3. (a) Assesment of Normal Variation
(b) Geometric Increase Method: (a) Maximum hourly demand for Peak demand
 In this method, the per decade percentage increase = 2.7 × Avg. hourly consumption of the avg. day
or percentage growth rate (r) is assumed to be = 1.5 Avg. hourly consumption of the max. day.
 GOI Manual on water treatment recommends this q
= 2.7   , q = Average Daily Consumption
method.  24 
 For New younger cities expanding at faster rate, (b) Maximum daily demand = 1.8 × Annual Average daily
this method is better. demand
 It is also called Uniform Increase method & give (c) Maximum hourly demand = 1.5 × Average hourly demand
highest value of forecasted. of max. day
(d) Maximum weekly demand = 1.48 × Average weekly
 r  demand
P n = P0  1  
 100  (e) Maximum monthly demand = 1.28 × Average monthly
P 0 =Population at the end of last known census demand
r=Average percentage growth rate per decade (f) Maximum seasonal demand = 1.3 × average seasonal
r1  r2  ...  rn 4. (b) Geometric Increase Method:
n  In this method, the per decade percentage increase
or r = (r1 × r2 × ... rn)1/n or percentage growth rate (r) is assumed to be
(c) Incremental Increase method (or method of varying constant.
Increment)  GOI Manual on water treatment recommends this
It is considered to best method for any city whether method.
old or new.  For New younger cities expanding at faster rate,
n(n  1) this method is better.
P n = P0  nx  y
2  It is also called Uniform Increase method & give
x = Average Increase of population of known highest value of forecasted.
decades 5. (d)
y = Average of incremental increases of the List - I List - II
known decades
Specific yield Volume of water drained by
2. (b) gravity per unit drained
The various Regulations & Acts of Environmental Engineering volume of aquifer
arefollows: Specific retention
Volume of water retained per
unit volume of aquifer
1. The forest Act, 1927 Specific storage Volume of water released from
2. The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, (Tiger project - 1973) unit volume of aquifer for unit
decline in piezometric head
3. The water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act,
1977 Specific yield + Specific retention = Porosity
4. The Forest conservation Act, 1980. 6. (c)Tube-wells in Alluvial Soils: Deep tubewells (It is
5. The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. excavated up to complete depth of first permeable layer

below ground surface ) may be deep as 70 - 300 m, & cific capacity, which is the discharge of the well per unit
tap more than one aquifer. But walls may yield as high drawdown.
as 200 - 220 litres/sec. (The general average yield from 13. (b) Fluorides
the standard tubewells is 40-45 litres/sec). The discharge  It helps to prevent dental cavities upto 1 ppm,
of deep well is always more than discharge of shallow  Excess value (greater than 1.5 to 2 ppm) results in
well. The diameter of the hole is 0.6 m upto 60 m depth decolouration of teeth called mottling of teeth.
& then 0.56 m below 60 m. The diameter of the strainer (Infants are affected, not adults).
is 0.25 m.
14. (d) Turbidity: It is not direct quantitative mea-
Shallow tubewells is type of open well that can be excavated sure of suspended solids.
up to certain depth of first permeable layer, which have 20 - • It is due to colloidal particles.
70 m depth & tapping water from only one aquifer, may yield
 The measurement of turbidity is done using the
as high as 15-20 litres/sec (if located at proper places).
7. (b) Strainer Type  Turbidity rod: It is a field method.
This well consists of perforated pipe surrounded by a
 Jackson’s turbdimeter: It is a laboratory method
strainer in the form of wire mesh.
The direction of entry of water is radial direction.  Turbid raw water of natural source has turbidity
Function of strainer is to decrease the entry of soil par- greater than 25 ppm.
ticles in the well. 16. (a) Fluorides
Cavity Type  It helps to prevent dental cavities upto 1 ppm,
In it, the water enters through the base of the well due to  Excess value (greater than 1.5 to 2 ppm) results in
which a cavity is formed below the bottom surface of decolouration of teeth called mottling of teeth.
well. (Infants are affected, not adults).
Screen type or Gravel Pack type 17. (b)
Direction of water entering to the well is Radial, horizon-
tal & laminar. 20  1000 1000
Chlorine Dose =  4 ppm
In it, a layer of gravels is provided along the permeable 5000 1000
layers only. 18. (a) Colour
This packing reduces the entry of soil particles to the well.  After suspended matter causing colour is removed
9. (d) Septic Tank: by centrifugation, the colour obtained is called true
It is provided for settling of incoming sewage, settling of sludge colour.
digestion and storage of digested sludge.  Organic compounds causing colour may produce
 Designed as ordinary settling tank. chlorine demand.
Design Parameters of Septic Tank  Water containing oxidised iron & magnese give
 Flow of sewage 40 – 70 lpcd & rate of accumulation = characteristic reddish or black colour.
30 1pc per year  The measurement of colour is done by colour
 Detention time 12 – 36 hrs & Cleaning period 6 month matching technique (tintometer).
- 1 year
19. (c) Hardness
 Length/width ratio = 2 to 3 & Depth 1.2 – 1.8 m
 Hardness is measured by spectrophotometric tech-
 Volume of septic tank = (Sewage flow × Detention
time) + (Sludge accumulation rate × cleaning period).
Cowl  It is the Concentration of multivalent metallic cations
in solution.
Vent Pipe  It can be divided in two parts, carbonate hardness
& non-carbonate hardness.
Scum  HCO3– and CO3–2 of calcium and magnesium cause
Inlet Outlet
carbonate hardness. It is also known as temporary
Buffle wall
20. (c)pH
 pH = – log10[H+], [H+] is in moles/litre.
Sloping Floor
 pH is measured by potentiometer
Septic Tank
 6.5– 8.5 is accepatable limit (IS 10500: 2012).
11. (c) The performance of a well is measured by its spe-
(< 6.5 and > 9.2 is cause for rejection) (d) None of these
 Methyl orange is an acidic indicator & its range [RPSC ACF - 2011]
[RPSC GWD A.En. - 2014]
 Phenolphthalein is a basic indicator & its range 8.6-
3. The type of valve which allows water to flow in
 Acidic water causes corrosion & alkaline water one direction but prevents its flow in the reverse
causes incrustation of pipe. direction is
22. (c) Efficiency of rapid send filter with respect to bacteria removal is (a) Reflux valve (b) Sluice valve
80–90%. (c) Air relief valve (d) Pressure relief valve
25. (b) Centrifugal pump [RPSC ACF - 2011]
 It is reverse of inward flow reaction turbine. It works on
principle of forced vortex motion. It has high discharging [RPSC GWD A.En. - 2014]
capacity and can be used for lifting highly viscous liquids 4. Which of the following sewers is preferred for com-
e.g. sewage water, chemicals etc. bined system of sewage?
26. (b) Check valve or reflux valve or non-returning (a) Circular sewer (b) Egg shaped sewer
(c) Rectangular sewer (d) None of these
 This valve is provided in the pipe line which draws
water from the pump. [RPSC ACF - 2011]
 These possess some automatic device which allows [RPSC GWD A.En. - 2014]
the water to flow in one direction only. 5. The most common coagulant is
29. (d) Traps, simply are fittings at the ends of pipes to (a) Magnesium sulphate (b) Alum
prevent foul gases coming out of the soil pipe/waste pipe. (c) Chlorine (d) Bleaching powder
 There are 3 kinds of traps – P, Q and S trap. Depth of a
[RPSC ACF - 2011]
trap seal would
32. (d) Colour: [RPSC GWD A.En. - 2014]
 Fresh waste water is gray or light brown & as organic 6. Which one the following Acts / Rules has a pro-
compounds are broken down by bacteria, the dissolved vision for ‘No right to appeal’?
oxygen in the waste water is reduced to zero & colour
changes to black. This condition of waste water is (a) The Hazardous Waste (Management and
called septic/stale. Handling) Rules, 1986
35. (b) Self-cleansing velocity is defined as the minimum (b) Environment (Protection) Act, 1986
velocity at which sewage should flows such that there (c) Environment (Protection) Rules, 1992
is no deposition or accumulation of particles along the
drain length. It is about 0.6 to 0.9 m/sec. (d) Manufacture, Storage and Import of
Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989
1. The alum when added as a coagulant in water [RPSC GWD A.En. - 2014]
(a) Does not affect alkalinity in water 7. The trap used for a water closet is called:
for flocculation (a) P - trap (b) Gully trap
(b) Does not affect pH value of water (c) Anti-siphon trap (d) None of these
(c) Increase pH value of water [RPSC ACF - 2011]
(d) Decrease pH value of water [RPSC GWD A.En. - 2014]
[RPSC ACF - 2011] 8. Laying of sewers is usually done with the help of
[RPSC GWD A.En. - 2014] (a) A theodolite
2. In a sedimentation tank,sedimentation depends on (b) A compass
(a) Depth of tank (c) Sight rails and boning rods
(b) Surface area of tank (d) A plane table
(c) Both depth and surface area of tank [RPSC ACF - 2011]

[RPSC A.En. - 2013] is provided at the summit to release the air pressure.
3. Check valve or reflux valve or non-returning
9. Minimum Dissolved Oxygen prescribed for a river
stream, to avoid fish kills, is  This valve is provided in the pipe line which draws
(a) 2 ppm (b) 4 ppm water from the pump.
(c) 8 ppm (d) 10 ppm  These possess some automatic device which allows
the water to flow in one direction only.
[RPSC ACF - 2011]
4. Scour valve or blow off valve or drain valve.
[RPSC LECTURE - 2011]  These are similar to the sluice valves, but the
ANSWER KEY function is different.
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5.  Scour valves are provided at the dead-end of the
(b) 6. (b) 7. (a)8. (c) 9. (b) pipe line.
 The function of this valve is to remove the sand, silt
1. (d) etc from the pipe line.
4. (b) If a circular sewer is used for combined system. It
Types of coagulant Properties
will be effective only during maximum rain water flow
(a) ALum  It is cheap & commonly
(Al2 (SO4)3. 18H2O) used coagulant for raw water supplies. but during Dry Weather flow, velocity generated would
(Aluminium Sulphate) be very less. Hence to take advantage of a circular
 Effective in pH range of 6.5 to 8.5.
 Normal dose  (10 – 30) ppm. sewer, Two such circular sewers are assumed to be
 It also reduces colour, taste & odour. combined into one to form an Egg shaped sewer.
 Introduces permanent hardness in
water & water becomes corrosive.
 Disadvantage is that it is difficult to
dewater the sludge formed 5. (b)
2. (b) Surface over flow rate, Vs = Types of coagulant Properties
BL (a) ALum  It is cheap & commonly
3. (a) Pipe Appurtenances (Al2 (SO4)3. 18H2O) used coagulant for raw water supplies.
(Aluminium Sulphate)
 Effective in pH range of 6.5 to 8.5.
 Normal dose  (10 – 30) ppm.
 It also reduces colour, taste & odour.
Gate valve Air valve  It is most commonly used coagulent.

Air valves 6. (b) The various Regulations & Acts of Environmental

Engineering are as
Blowoff / drain valve follows:
Drain valve 1. The forest Act, 1927
2. The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, (Tiger project - 1973)
1. Sluice Valve/Gate Valve/Shut off valves 3. The water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Cess Act,
 These valves are provided to regulate the flow of 1977
water through the pipe & are essential to divide the 4. The Forest conservation Act, 1980.
main line into several sections. 5. The Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981.
 These valves are usually placed at the summits of 6. The Water (Prevention & Control of pollution) Act, 1974
the pressure conduits where pressure is low. 7. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986.
 They are made up of iron with bronze or
8. The Public liability Insurance Act, 1991.
stainlesssteel mounting, they are either solid wedge
type or double disk type. Government of India Manuals:
2. Air valves 1. GOI manual on Water Supply & treatment - 1999.
 Air valves are also known as air relief valves. 2. GOI manual on Municipal SWM-2000.
 At every summit of a pipe line & d/s of sluice valve, 3. GOI manual on operation & Maintenance of Water Supply
an air valve should be provided. Scheme-2005.
 The water flowing through the pipe line always
4. GOI manual on Sewage Treatment - 1993.
carries some air with it.Due to the accumulation of
air, a backward pressure is created which causes a 5. GOI manual on Water Demand – IS 1172 – 1993.
blockage to the flow of water. This air lends to 7. (a) Trap
accumulate at the summit of pipe line. So, this valve

Trap Classification (d) The presence of HCl
3. As per ISI, the maximum distance between two
Shape Bases Purpose Bases consecutive manholes shall not be less than
(a) 30 m (b) 60 m
Intercepting Gully Floor
(c) 50 m (d) None of the above
4. In chemical toilet, the chemical used is
P-trap (a) Caustic soda (b) Strong caustic soda
(c) Alum (d) None of the above
Water 5. The dimensions of 50-user septic tank are
(a) 2.3 m × 1.1 m × 3.3 m
Dip (b) 2.3 m × 1.1 m × 1.1 m
(c) 1.5 m × 2.8 m × 3.3 m
· The trap which is provided at the end of water closet is (d) None of the above
called as P-trap 6. After collection of sewage from the city, the sew-
8. (c) Laying of Sewer age first reaches to which unit of sewage treatment
It consists of the following steps:
plant ?
1. Marking of the Alignment
(a) Wet well (b) Dry well
(a) By Reference Line
(b) By Sight Rail (c) Balancing tank (d) Overhead tank
2. Excavation of Trench
3. Bracing of the Trench 1.(b)2.(b) 3.(*) 4.(b) 5.(d) 6.(a)
4. Dewatering of Trench
1. (b)
5. Laying & Joining of Pipes
6. Testing of Leakage ALum
(a) By air test - For long pipe. (Al2 (SO4)3. 18H2O)
(b)By water test- For small pipe. (Aluminium Sulphate)
9. (b) Dissolved Oxygen: · It is cheap & commonly
 If temperature of sewage is more. Then D.O. content used coagulant for raw
will be less. Maximum quantity of D.O. that can water supplies.
remain mixed in water at a particular temperature is · Effective in pH range of 6.5 to 8.5.
called Saturation Dissolved Oxygen. · Normal dose (10 – 30) ppm.
 The minimum D.O. content should be 4 ppm for · It also reduces colour, taste & odour.
survival of aquatic things. · Introduces permanent hardness in water & water
 D.O. content of waste water is determind by the becomes corrosive.
Winkler’s Method. · Disadvantage is that it is difficult to dewater the sludge
CGVYAPAM NAGAR NIGAM 2. (b) Light yellow colour due to presence of chlorine.
In the elemental state, these chlorine content reacts highly
JE 2018
and extermely poisonous in nature.
1. The quantity of alum required in a litre of water is
The main reason for the yellow colour in the pool water
(a) 55 mg (b) 74 mg
is due to effect cause by elemental chlorine.
(c) 104 mg (d) None of the above
3. (*)
2. If the colour of water is light yellow, it indicates
Min distance b/w manhole is 30-150 m.
(a) The presence of ozone
Max distance b/w manhole is 300- m.
(b) The presence of chlorine
5. (d)
(c) The presence of CO2

(a) 0.93% (b) 0.032%
No.of users Length (m) Width ( m) Depth ( m) (c) 20.95% (d) 78.09%
5 1.5 0.75 1.0-1.05 6. To dispose waste water produced by public, the
10 2.0 0.9 1.0-1.4 underground pipe line is laid down, which is known
15 2.0 0.9 1.3-1.0 as :- (UPPCL AE 2014)
20 2.3 1.1 1.3-1.8 (a) Sewer (b) Drains
50 4.0 1.4 1.3-2.0 (c) Cannel (d) Tunnel
7. The particulate which is emitted by combustion of
6. (a) petroleum in automobiles and which affects he-
wet well - wet well / lift station cleaning moglobin formation is :- (UPPCL AE 2014)
wet wells are holding sump for gravity flow sewer sys- (a) Lead (b) Mercury
tem as sewage enters the wet wells and water level (c) Nickel (d) Cadmium
rises, pumps are engaged to pump out the sewage to a 8. The pollution which has far-reaching consequences
forced main, or the sewage is lifted to a higher grade to and has many physical, physiological as well as
continue the gravity flow to the outlet point. psychological effects on human beings is termed
1. The gases produced by landfills primarily com- as :- (UPPCL AE 2014)
prised of :- (UPPCL AE 2014) (a) Air pollution (b) Water pollution
(a) Ethane and oxygen (c) Marine pollution (d) Noise pollution
(b) Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide 9. The noise pollution produced by tractors, thrash-
(c) Methane and carbondioxide ers, harvesters etc. can be categorized under:-
(d) Carbon monoxide and hydrogen sulphide (UPPCL AE 2014)
2. The second stage of water treatment is :- (a) Agricultural machines pollution
(UPPCL AE 2014) (b) Household pollution
(a) Disinfection (b) Mixing and Coagulation (c) Transport pollution
(c) Sedimentation (d) Filtration (d) Defense equipment pollution
3. To estimate the magnitude of a flood peak (Qp) by 10. Following is not recommended for management
the formula Qp  124 A / ( A 10.4), where A = of plastic waste (UPPCL AE 2014)
(a) Autoclave (b) Deep burial
catchment area in km2. This formula is termed as
(c) Incineration (d) Hydroclave
:- (UPPCL AE 2014)
11. The particulate contaminants are removed from
(a) Dicken
the polluted gas stream by incorporating the par-
(b) Ryve’s
ticulates into liquid droplets are termed as:-
(c) Inglis
(UPPCL AE 2014)
(d) Rational
(a) Electrostatic precipitators
4. To maintain the aerobic condition of sewage, the
(b) Fabric filters
sewage is mixed with a large quantity of water is
(c) Cyclone separators
known as :- (UPPCL AE 2014)
(d) Wet collectors
(a) Sedimentation (b) Current
12. Allowable disposable rate of application of sludge
(c) Dilution (d) Oxidation
on land is determined by :-
5. The Argon content in composition of clean, dry
(UPPCL AE 2014)
and atmospheric air in percentage by volume will
(a) Carbon content of sludge
be : - (UPPCL AE 2014)

(b) Potassium content of sludge turbidity should not be greater than 15 ppm.
(c) Nitrogen content of sludge 1. The design Reference flow (DRF) is a/n ———
(d) Phosphorous content of sludge (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
13. To make potable water by killing harm full patho- (a) yearly flow rate (b) weekly flow rate
gens present in water is termed as:- (c) hourly flow rate (d) daily flow rate
(UPPCL AE 2014)
2. Which of the following air pollution control equip-
(a) Purification (b) Disinfection ments is not used for removal of particulate mat-
(c) Sterilization (d) Chlorination ter from the air? (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
14. The atmospheric condition in which certain sub- (a) Cyclones (b) Adsorbers
stances are present in such concentration that af-
(c) Scrubbers (d) Electrostatic Precipitators
fect the health of humans, animals, plants and prop-
3. Which at the following statements are true?
erty is known as :- (UPPCL AE 2014)
(a) Water pollution (b) Marine pollution (I) Ozone is an air pollutant
(c) Air pollution (d) Noise pollution (II) Burning of fuel in the car is a source of Nitrogen
ANSWER KEY Oxide, a type of air polluant.
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (c)
(III) Some agricultural processes and Term animals
5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (a)
are a source of ammonia, an air polluant.
8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (c) 11. (d)
12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (c) ((IV) Lead smallers are the only source of Lead

3. (c) Empirical Formula’s for flood peak

(a) Dicken Formula used in Central & Northern parts of (a) I, II and III only (b) II, III and IV only
the country. (c) II and III only (d) III and IV only
Q P= CDA3/4 , QP  m3/sec, CD  6 to 30 , A 
km2 4. Which of the following air pollutants is the main
(b) Inglis Formula used in western ghats of Maharashtra cause of corrosion? (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
124 A (a) Nitrogen (b) Carbon dioxide
QP =
A + 10.4
(c) Ryves Formula used in Tamil Nadu, Parts of Andhra (c) Carbon monoxide (d) Sulphur dioxide
Pradesh & Karnataka. 5. Nitrous Oxide (N2O) traps ——— times more
Q P= CRA2/3 , CR  Ryves coefficient heat than Carbon dioxide (CO2):
5. (a)  78% (N2), 21% (O2), 1% argon (Ar), 0.03%
carbon dioxide (CO2) (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
 The layer of greatest interest in pollution control is the (a) 230 (b) 140
(c) 310 (d) 70
10.(c) Incineration: In it, emission of dioxins takes place.
 It is an exothermic process. 6. One of the following terms refers to the removal
 Estimation of oxygen requirement and heat balance are of items from the waste stream to be used as raw
very vital. materials in the manufacture of new products.
 Most effective methods of reducing the volume and Identify the term. (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
(a) Recycling (b) Reuse
13. (b) Disinfection
 It is the process of destruction or inactivation of harmful (c) Removal (d) Reclaim
micro-organism in water either by physical process or
7. How can we correct high C/N (Carbon-nitrogen)
chemical process.
ratio during compost formation?
 Sterilization process: In it, all organism (harmful and
non harmful) are killed by a physical phenomenon. (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
 For the treatment of water by ultraviolet rays, the (a) By adding cellulose

(b) By adding dehydrated mud A. Dead End System
(c) By adding hydrocar B . Grid Iron System
(d) By adding fructose
C. Ring System
8. When solid waste is disposed off on land an open
D. Radial System
dumps, if causes bad impact on the environment.
Mentioned below are few such impacts. choose List 2
the one which does not belong to same category? P. It is suitable for cities with rectangular layout,
(UPRVUNL AE 2014) where the water mains and bracnches are laid in
(a) Acidity to surrounding soil
(b) Epidemics through stray animals Q. The area is divided into different zones. The wa-
ter is pumped into the distribution reservoir kept
(c) Generation of inflammable gas
in the middle of each zone.
(d) Absorption of green house gas
R. It is suitable for old towns and cities having no
9. What is the main factor for controlling microbial definite pattern of roads.
digestion in BIoeractor landfills?
S. The supply main is laid all along the peripheral
(UPRVUNL AE 2014) roads and sub-mains branch out from the mains.
(a) Moisture (b) Nitrogen (a) A-P, B-S, C-P, D-R
(c) Oxygen (d) Temperature (b) A-Q, B-S, C-R, D-P
10. At what stage of waste management system can (c) A-R, B-P, C-S, D-Q
we recycle the waste? (d) A-S, B-R, C-P, D-Q
(UPRVUNL AE 2014) 14. What is the function of Aerobic Biological At-
(a) Waste can be recycled during handling and stor- tached Growth Process in waste water treatment?
age only (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
(b) Waste can be recycled during sorting and process- (a) Conversion of suspended organic matter into settle-
ing of waste only able biofloc and stable inorganics.
(c) Waste can be recycled during collection and trans- (b) Removal of organic setteable solids.
portation only (c) Conversion of organic matter into CH4 and CO2
(d) Waste can be recycled at any stage and relatively stable organic residue
11. According to Indian standard specification for (d) Removal of inorganic suspended solids
drinking water IS : 10500, what is the desired 15. In trickling filter, what is the phenomenon of los-
limit of total hardness in water? ing slimer layer called? (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
(UPRVUNL AE 2014) (a) Sloughing (b) Slugging
(a) 300 (b) 400 (c) Sliming (d) Slashing
(c) 200 (d) 500 16. Which of the following is not a basic filtration
12. Which of the following is not a type of aerator? mechanism? (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
(UPRVUNL AE 2014) (a) Interception
(a) Gravity aerator (b) Fountain Aerator (b) Brownian Diffusion
(c) Diffused aerator (d) Electrical aerator (c) Interjection
13. Match the following (UPRVUNL AE 2014) (d) Inertia

List 1 17. Which of the following Anaerobic Reactor does

not require any special media to keep sludge in (d) It can cause behavioural disorders.
suspension during treatment? (a) A, B and C (b) A and C
(UPRVUNL AE 2014) (c) B and D (d) A, B, C and D
(a) Up flow anaerobic filters 22. What is permissible limit of noise in residential
(b) Down flow anerobic filters area (day time limit) as defined by Ministry of
(c) Fluidized bed units Environment and Forest, India?

(d) UASB type units (UPRVUNL AE 2014)

18. The chemical energy contained in an algal cell (a) 55 dB(A) (b) 65 dB(A)
averages to how many calories per gram of algae? (c) 60 dB(A) (d) 50 dB(A)
23. Sounds of what frequency are covered by A-
(a) 2000 calories per gram of algae weighted scale? (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
(b) 6000 calories per gram of algae (a) 500-2000 Hz (b) 600 - 2500 Hz
(c) 5000 calories per gram of algae (c) 1200 - 3900 Hz (d) 800 - 3000 Hz
(d) 4000 calories per gram of algae
24. What is Noise dosimeter used for?
19. Which of the following statements are true about
design of sewers?
(a) It is for measurement of impulse noise levels e.g.
A. The flow velocity in the sewers should be such hammer blows, punch press stokes etc.
that the suspended materials in sewage get sited
(b) It is used for detailed design and engineering pur-
pose, using a set of filters.
B . It is important to limit the maximum velocity in (c) It is attached to sound level meter and plots the
the sewer pipe. SPL as a function of time on a moving paper chart.
C. It is necessary that the sewer pipes be laid at (d) It is used to find out the noise levels in a working
such a gradient, as to generate self cleansing ve- environment attached to the workers.
locities (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
25. What are the time constants used for sound level
(a) A and B only (b) B and C only meter standards? (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
(c) A and C only (d) A, B and C (a) S(Slow = 1 second F(Fast) = 125 miles seconds
20. Which type of equilization tank is mainly useful (b) S (slow = 1 second, F(Fast) = 225 miles seconds
in assisting self neutralization or evening out of (c) S (Slow) = 2 second, F(Fast) = 125 mile seconds
fluctuating concentrations and not for blancing of
(d) S(Slow) = 2 second, F(Fast) = 225 mile seconds
flows? (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
(a) Flow through type
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d)
(b) Intermittent flow type 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (b)
(c) Variable inflow/constant discharge type 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (d) 11. (c)
(d) Variable discharge/constant infolow type 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (a)
15. (a) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18.(b)
21. Which of the following statements are true about
19. (b) 20.(a) 21. (d) 22. (a)
noise pollution? (UPRVUNL AE 2014)
23. (d) 24. (d) 25. (a)
(a) It can cause Cadiovascular issues like high
blood pressure, heart failure etc. 2.(b)
(b) It can cause sleeping disorders: Centrifugal Gas Collectors
(c) It can cause permanent loss of hearing. Cyclone Collectors: It is use in Cement/Fertilizer plants,

petroleum refinery etc. Total Arsenic 0.01 ppm 0.05 ppm
 A cyclone collectors consists of a cylindrical shell, Total 200 ppm 600 ppm
conical base, dust hopper, and an inlet where the dust- Alkalinity (as CaCO3)
laden gas enters tangentially. Iron (Fe) 0.3 ppm No Relaxation
3. Wet Scrubbers (or Collectors) Calcium (Ca) 75 ppm 200 ppm
(a).Spray Towers Sulphate (SO4) 200 ppm 400 ppm
(b).Wet Cyclone Scrubbers Nickel (Ni) 0.02 ppm No Relaxation
(c).Venturi Scrubbers Free NH3 0.15 ppm 0.15 ppm
  Electrostatic Precipitators Organic NH3 0.3 ppm 0.3 ppm
Discharge Nitrite 0 0
electrode (wire) Nitrate (NO3) 45 ppm No Relaxation
13. (c)
Dead End System: It is followed for old town.
Clean It is also called tree system.
gas  Water can reach at a particular point only through one
out route. Hence it is uni-directional only.
Collection  Many dead ends which prevent free circulation of water.
 Stagnant water has to removed periodically by providing
Gas in scour valves
Grid System: It is most suitable for planned city.
 It is also called reticular system/Interlaced system.
 At the time of fire, water can be diverted to the affected
Weights area by closing cutt-off valves of other areas.
High voltage electrostatic precipitators  Design is little difficult & costlier.
 Mostly used in thermal power plants, mining &  Requires more length of pipe lines & a large number of
metallurgical industries, pulp and paper industries, iron sluice valve.
and steel plants, chemical industries etc Ring System
7. Fabric filters  Also called circular system.
Control Devices for Gaseous Pullutants  It consists of a main pipe all round the area.
1. Condensation Units Radial System: It is based upon pressure.
2. Adsorption Unit
It gives higher service head and efficient water distribution.
3. Absorption Units
(a) Spray Towers 15.(a) Trickling filter is an attached growth process.
(b) Packed Towers Process Description
(c) Plate or Tray Towers  The wastewater in trickling filter is distributed over the
11. (c) Acceplable limit of total hardness = 200 ppm & top area of a vessel containing non-submerged packing
Causes for rejection = 600 ppm material.
Characteristic Requirement Permissible Limit in  Air circulation in the void space provides oxygen for the
(Acceptable the Absence of micro-organisms growing as an attached biofilm.
Limit) Alternate Source  During the operation, the organic material present in the
Colour 5 TCU 15 TCU
wastewater is metabolised by the biomass attached to
Taste and 1 TON 3 TON
Odour the medium. The biological slime grows in thickness as
pH value 6.5-8.5 No Relaxation the organic matter abstracted from the flowing waste-
Turbidity 1 NTU 5 NTU water is synthesized into new cellular material.
Total Dissolved 500 ppm 2000 ppm  The thickness of the aerobic layer is restricted by the
Solids depth of penetration of oxygen into the microbial layer.
Chloride 250 ppm 1000 ppm  The micro-organisms near the medium face enter the
Fluoride 1 ppm 1.5 ppm
endogenous phase as substrate is metabolised before it
Zinc 5 ppm 15 ppm
can reach the micro-organisms near the medium face
Lead 0.01 ppm No Relaxation
Mercury 0.001 ppm No Relaxation due to increased thickness of the slime layer & loose

their ability to cling to the media surface. Then liquid pression head of 4 m. If the water body is in coarse
washes the slime off the medium & a new slime layer sand (K/A = 1), then what will be the required di-
starts to grow. This phenomenon of losing the slime layer ameter of the well ? (UPPCL AE-2015)
is called sloughing.
 The sloughed off film & treated wastewater are col- 18 24
(a) (b)
lected by an underdrainage, which also allows circula-  
tion of air through filter. Thus collected liquid is passed 30 22
to a settling tank used for solid- liquid separation. (c) (d)
 
17. (d) 3. Which of the following is not a layout system for
Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor water distribution ? (UPPCL AE-2015)
19.(b) (a) Radial (b) Dead-end
Maximum Velocity (c) Circular (d) Cascading
• To avoid erosion of pipe surface, max. velocity should be 4. The developing of anaerobic condition due to clog-
limited as follows:
ging of voids in a soil land due to continuous appli-
Concrete sewer — (2.5–3) m/s
cation of sewage is termed as
Cast Iron sewer — (3.5–4.5) m/s
(UPPCL AE-2015)
Stone ware sewer — (3–4) m/s
(a) Soil sickness (b) Soil damping
• It is assumed that almost 75-80% of water supply reaches
sewer. (c) Bacterial sickness (d) Sewage sickness
• Self cleaning velocity is the minimum velocity at which 5. A sewer is usually designed to attain self-cleaning
no solid gets deposited at the bottom of sewer & its 0.45 m/s. velocity at: (UPPCL AE-2015)
22.(a) Permissible noise level in India (a) The sewer running 3/4th full
In industrial areas, the permissible limit is 75 dB for (b) The peak hourly flow rate
daytime & 70 dB at night. In commercial areas, it is 65 (c) The minimum hourly flow rate
dB & 55 dB, while in residential areas it is 55 dB & 45
(d) An average hourly flow rate
dB during daytime and night respectively
6. Which of the following coagulants is singularly
Acceptable outdoor noise level in residential areas effective in producing sludge for the activated
Location Noise levels dB (A) sludge process ? (UPPCL AE-2015)
Rural areas 25–35 (a) Ferric sulphate
Suburban areas 30–40 (b) Ferric chloride
Urban residential areas 35–45 (c) Alum
Residential and business urban areas 40–50
(d) Chlorinated copperas
City areas 45–55
7. Sewage may be disposed of without treatment into
Industrial areas 50 –60
a water body, if the available dilution is :
1. A town having population of 40000 is to be sup- (UPPCL AE-2015)
plied water at a rate of 150 l /d/head. The disin- (a) > 400 (b) > 500
fection of water is to be carried out with bleaching (c) > 200 (d) > 300
powder containing 30% of active chlorine. If the 8. Bag filters are used for removing dust particles
chlorine does required is 0.3 ppm, what is the quan- from: (UPPCL AE-2015)
tity of bleaching powder required per day ? (a) Fresh air (b) Waste water
(UPPCL AE-2015) (c) Water (d) Waste gases
(a) 2 (b) 2.2 9. What would be the 5-day Biological Oxygen De-
(c) 2.5 (d) 1.8 mand (BOD) (ppm) of a strong sewage ?
2. A well is to yield 400 l /min while working at a de- (UPPCL AE-2015)

(a) 150-250 (b) 50-100 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (c) 11. (b)
(c) 450-550 (d) 200-250 12. (d) 13. (a) 14. (d)
10. For a water treatment plant supplying water to a 15. (d)
town whose population is 100000, with an average
water demand of 120 l /head/day, what will be the 3. (d) Dead End System: It is followed for old town.
It is also called tree system.
area of the filter required, if around 4000 l is fil-  Water can reach at a particular point only through one
tered per hour per sq m of the filter ? Assume route. Hence it is uni-directional only.
design margin of 1.25. (UPPCL AE-2015)  Many dead ends which prevent free circulation of water.
(a) 155 (b) 75  Stagnant water has to removed periodically by providing
scour valves
(c) 125 (d) 250
CV - Cut off valve
11. Pathogenic bacteria enter waste waters primarily M - Main pipe
SM - Sub main
from : (UPPCL AE-2015) B - Branch pipe

(a) Infiltration water from soils B B B
(b) Domestic and industrial SM

(c) Domestic waste B CV B

(d) Industrial waste CV

12. What is the amount of explosive required to frac-
ture a unit volume of rock (cum) called ? B
(UPPCL AE-2015)
(a) Stiffness factor (b) Explosive factor Grid System: It is most suitable for planned city.
(c) Specific yield (d) Powder factor  It is also called reticular system/Interlaced system.
13. The ventilation of sewers is essential for all rea- Supply

sons except : (UPPCL AE-2015) SV M

(a) Causing air pollution

(b) Maintaining continuous flow B B or L
(c) Avoiding excessive built-up of gaseous SM

pressure inside the system B


(d) Disposing off sewer gases SM

14. What will be the length of a sedimentation tank to B

B or L

be used for a water treatment plant supplying 36

MLD ? Assume the flow velocity as 15 cm/s and a SV
M Main pipe

detention period of 5h. (UPPCL AE-2015) SM Sub main

B Branches or laterals
(a) 72 (b) 45 SV Scour valves

(c) 50 (d) 60  At the time of fire, water can be diverted to the affected
15. When the pH of the falling rain drops below X, it area by closing cutt-off valves of other areas.
is termed as acidic. What is the value of X ?  Design is little difficult & costlier.
 Requires more length of pipe lines & a large number of
(UPPCL AE-2015)
sluice valve.
(a) 4.75 (b) 4.5 Ring System
(c) 4.8 (d) 5
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (d)
5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (b)

M Main pipe directly discharged into the volume of dilution
Cut off
14. (d)
M 15. (d) Acid Rain
SM Sub mains
SM  ‘clean rain’ is slightly acidic. If pH of rain is less than
or equal 5.6, it is called acid rain.

SM 1. The acceptable outdoor noise leve (dB) in urban

residential area is
(a) 25-35 (b) 30-40
 Also called circular system. (c) 35-45 (d) 40-50
 It consists of a main pipe all round the area. [ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]
Radial System: It is based upon pressure. 2. In general, the total solids destroyed (%) during
It gives higher service head and efficient water distribution. the anaerobic digestion of solid waste range be-
M Main pipe
(a) 20-40 (b) 40-60
SM Sub main pipe
B Branches
(c) 60-80 (d) 80-100
M Distribution reservoir [ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]
3. A municipality is searching for landfill cover ma-
terial. Which of the following soil types, in gen-
SM eral, should be used in
M (a) Clean gravel (b) Clean sand
(c) Silt (d) Clay
[ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]
SM SM B 4. Which type of air pollutant is Ethylene?
B B (a) Solid (b) Liquid
(c) Hydrocarbons (d) Aldehydes
[ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]
4. (d)
5. If about 90% of suspended solids are to be re-
Sewage Sickness
moved by coagulation. Then which of the follow-
 When the sewage is continuously applied on the land, the
pores of soil continuously go on reducing & a condition ing coagulant should be preferred?
comes, when the soil gets clogged by deposition of solids (a) Alum
of sewage. After reaching at this condition, the air can’t (b) Chlorinated copperas
circulate through the soli pores, hence resulting in the
(c) Ferric chloride
starting of anaerobic conditions. When anaerobic
decompositions start, H 2S gas is produced creating (d) Ferric sulphate
nuisance in the area. In this stage, the sewage treating [ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]
capacity of the land is finished & it can not accept any
6. In a sludge digestion tank, which of the following
more amount of sewage. When such condition is reached,
the land is said to be sick. gases is primarily present?
 It can be prevented by frequent Ploughing and rotation of (a) Oxygen (b) Nitrogen dioxide
soil, giving rest to the land. (c) Carbon dioxide (d) Methane
7. (b) [ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]
Dilution Factor Standards of Purification Required 7. If 75% of water supplied is available for disposal
Above 500 No treatment is required. Raw sewage can be

on a sewage farm constructed for a population of 12. The 5-day Biological oxygen demand (BOD) of
25000 and the water is supplied at a rate of 200 per sewage is found to be 325 ppm. This sewage will
head per day, then the net area (in hectare) of the be classified as:
required farm will be (assume the farm land is ca- (a) Strong sewage (b) Average
pable of consuming 25000 lt per hectare) (c) Weak (d) Standard
(a) 50 (b) 100 [ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]
(c) 150 (d) 200 13. In an area, if storms appear in every 10 years and
[ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ] the duration of each storm is 361 min, then the
8. If the dilution factor of sewage is found to be 100, intensity of rainfall (mm/h) will be approximately
then which of the following treatments are re- given by
quired? (a) 15 (b) 20
(a) No treatment (c) 25 (d) 30
(b) Complete treatment [ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]
(c) Extensive treatment to bring BOD below 20 ppm 14. A catchment area consists of 25 hectares, each of
and SS below 30 ppm watertight roofs (impermeability factor i=0.90),
(d) Chemical precipitation gardens (i=0.1), forest land (i=0.05), and areas with
[ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ] housing units (i=0.8). What will be the runoff coef-
9. In an industrial area, the industrial sewage has a ficient of the area?
5-day BOD of 800 kg per day at 20 degree Cel- (a) 0.463 (b) 0.116
sius. If the average population equivalent per (c) 0.578 (d) 0.347
capita per day is 80 g of 5-day BOD at 20 degree [ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]
Celsius, then the equivalent population (persons) 15. Compared to Lime soda process, Zeolite process
for which the industry can be charged will be: has advantages in terms of the following, except
(a) 10000 (b) 15000 (a) Better removal of hardness
(c) 20000 (d) 25000 (b) Plant is compact and small
[ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ] (c) Skilled supervision is not required
10. If the pH of sewage goes down below 5, which of (d) Economy
the following processes is severely affected? [ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]
(a) Sedimentation 16. The application of chlorine after all the treatments
(b) Coagulation of purification of water are completed is term as
(c) Anaerobic treatment (a) Pre-chlorination
(d) Dilution (b) Post-chlorination
[ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ] (c) Double chlorination
11. For determining a 5-days BOD, sewage has been (d) Super-chlorination
diluted to a ratio of 100. If the contents of the dis- [ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]
solved oxygen at the beginning and end of the test 17. If the flow rate is 100 cum/h and if the length, width
are respectively 15 and 7.5 ppm, the 5-day BOD and depth of a detention tank are respectively 15,6
(ppm) will be: and 3 m, the detention period (h) will be
(a) 150 (b) 750 (a) 0.33 (b) 1.25
(c) 1000 (d) 1500 (c) 2.70 (d) 3.30
[ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ] [ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]

18. The acceptable limit (mg/I) of total dissolved sol- Net area of farm required
ids for drinking water is 3750000
  150 hectare
(a) 250 (b) 500 25000
(c) 1000 (d) 1500 8. (c)
[ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ] Dilution Factor Standards of Purification Required

19. In last three decades, the population of a city was Above 500 No treatment is required. Raw sewage can be
directly discharged into the volume of dilution
recorded as 20000, 30000 adn 40000. What will water.
be the population for which a water supply system Between 300 to 500 Primary treatment such as plain sedimentation
should be given to sewage,& the effluents
should be designed, if it should be adequate for should not contain suspended solids more than
next two decades? 150 ppm.
Between 150 to 300 Treatments such as sedimentation, screening
(a) 10000 (b) 35000 & essentially chemical precipitation are re-
(c) 60000 (d) 75000 quired. The sewage effluent should not con-
tain suspended solids more than 60 ppm.
[ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ]
Less than 150 Complete through treatment should be given
20. A water supply scheme is to be designed for an to sewage. The sewage effuent should not con-
tain suspended solids more than 30 ppm, & it
area with over 90% population as lower income
is 5 days B.O.D. should not exceed 20 ppm.
group. What should be the water demand (liter per
day) considered in designing such system?
(a) 100 (b) 135 800 1000
9. (a) Equivalent population 
(c) 150 (d) 200 80
[ UPRVUNL AE 2016 ] = 10000 persons.
11. (b) BOD5 = 100 × (15-7.5) = 750 ppm
14. (a) Runoff cefficient of area =
i = Average of impermeeability factor of given areas
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c)
5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (c) 0.9  0.1  0.05  0.8
8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (c) 11. (b) 4
12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (a)  0.4625  0.463
15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18.(b) 15. (a) Base exchange Process (Cation Ex-
19. (c) 20.(b) change Process)
 Zeolite is a natural or synthetic cation
1. (c)  Zeolite  Na2O.Al2O3 .xSiO2. yH2O (green sand).
S.No. Acceptable outdoor noise level in residential areas  We use 5-10% Brine solution of NaCl to recharge
Location Noise levels dB (A) Zeolite bed.
1. Rural areas 25–35
2. Suburban areas 30–40  HCO3 HCO3 
Ca   2 Ca 
Na 2 Z + SO 4 
 Na  SO 4  Z
Mg  Mg 
3. Urban residential areas 35–45
4. Residential and business urban areas 40–50  CI   CI 
  
5. City areas 45–55
6. Industrial areas 50 –60  Water will have zero hardness & No sludge is
7. (c) Population = 25000
 Ion exchange process commonly used in indus-
water demand = 200 lped
tries and individual residence but it is not suitable
capacity of farmland = 25000 l/day/hectare
for water with iron and Mn
75  Regeneration from CaZ to Mg Z
Sewage Quantity  25000  200 
= 3750000 l/day

prevailing conditions.
Ca  Ca  1. As per B.I.S. code, the acceptable indoor noise
 Z  2NaCl 
 Na 2 Z   Cl 2
Mg  Re generated Mg
 level in Court roooms is :
 zeolite

(a) 55 dB (b) 45 dB
16. (b) Types of Chlorination
(a) Plain chlorination: Used for clean water (c) 20 dB (d) 75 dB
 Turbidity between 20-30 ppm & Dose is 0.5 ppm [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
(b) Pre Chlorination 2. The data pertaining to solid waste collected by
 Chlorine is added before filtration or rather before
Hauled container system are - quantity of solid
sedimentation & coagulation
 Doses Required 0.1 to 0.5 ppm wastes = 300 yd3/week, container size = 8 yd3/ trip,
(c) Post Chlorination and Container utilization factor = 0.67, then the
 Such dose of that residue 0.1 to 0.2 ppm & contact Number of trips per week is -
period of 20 min.
(a) 25.13 (b) 38.21
(d) Double Chlorination
 Prechlorination & post-chlorination combinedly. (c) 55.97 (d) 65.00
(e) Super Chlorination [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
 Excess chlorine (5 - 15 ppm) is added in water during 3. If 5 ml of waste water is placed in the bottle and
epidemic. Such that it gives residue of 1-2 ppm.
mixed with specially prepared dilution water to
17. (c) Q  100m2 / h
make 300ml diluted sample, the dilution ration is :
volume  15  6  3  270 m 2
(a) 6 (b) 60
volume = Q  t (c) 0.016 (d) 1.6
t  27 hour
100 4. Which of the following is a chemical characteristic
18. (b) Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) TDS is made by of waste water?
determining the electrical conductivity of water. (a) Solid contents (b) Turbidily
(Electrical conductivity in µMho/cm at 25ºC) × 0.65 =
(c) Temperature (d) PH value
dissolved solid content is ppm.
 Source of Total dissolved solids:
5. According to Central Pollution Control Board, the
 Major source: Na+, Ca++, Mg++, HCO3– , SO42–, Cl–
annual concentration of Sulpuhr Dioxide (SO)2 in
 Minor source : Fe, K, CO32–, NO3–, Fluoride Boron,
ambient air at ecologically sensitive areas shall not
 Acceptable limit of TDS (ppm) is 500 and cause exceed ...........  g/cum on two consecutive days of
for rejection is 2000. monitoring. [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
19. (c)No of decades = 2 (a) 100 (b) 0.5
Present Population, P = 4000 (c) 20 (d) 180
Average increment in Population 6. The odour of hydrogen sulphide is like that of :
10000  10000 (a) Rotten eggs (b) Rotten cabbage
r  1000
2 (c) Fish (d) Ammonia
P2  P0  r.n [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
= 40000 + 10000 × 2 7. According to Central Pollution Control Board, the
= 60000 annual concentration of Ozone O3 in ambient air at
20. (b) Under general conditions (as per IS 1172 : 1993) the ecologically sensitive areas shall not exceed..........
minimum domestic water demand for a town with full
 g/cum on two consecutive days of monitoring.
flushing system should be taken at 200 lpcd while it can
be reduced to 135 lpcd for economical weaker sections (a) 20 (b) 180
& LIG colonies (Low income group) depending upon (c) 100 (d) 0.5
[UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] (b) Nitrogen dioxide
8. Consider the below statements: (c) Ozone
A. Change in impulse can be achieved by chang- (d) Carbon monoxide
ing the magnitude of force applied. [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
B. Change in impulse can be achieved by chang- 14. Lateral sewer is a :
ing the time interval in which that force acts. (a) Sewer that receives sewage from many tributar-
Identify the correct statement/s. ies, serving as an outlet for a large territory
(a) Both statements are false (b) Sewer which carry rain water
(b) Statement B is true A is false (c) Sewer that conducts waste water from
(c) Both statement are true collecting system to the disposal point
(d) Statement A is true B is false (d) Sewer which collects sewage directly from the
[UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] houses
9. Consider the below statements with respect to Air [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
pollution cantrol 15. The least sound which can be perceived by human
A. Dispersion of air pollutants through long chim- hear is:
neys helps in diluting the air pollutants near their (a) 12 dB (b) 5 dB
source. (c) 1 dB (d) 10 dB
B. Dispersion of air pollutants through long [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
chimneys reduce long term undesirable effects on 16. Abating of noise effects on mankind can not be
the community as a whole. achieved by : [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
(a) Both statements are true (a) Using centrifugal collectors and dynamic precipi-
(b) Statement A is true B is false tators
(c) Statement B is true A is false (b) Raising obstructions and barriers in be tween the
(d) Both statements are false noise sources and residences
[UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] (c) Raising a thick and high vegetation and tree grow-
10. The flow in the major rivers of India is monitored ing along the sides of sides of roads and railway lines
by : [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] (d) Proper town planning technique
(a) CWC (b) NBSS & LUP 17. Which of the following receptor organ for hearing
(c) CGWB (d) IMD is destructed due to noise pollution ?
11. The unit of measurement of sound is : (a) Medulla (b) Vena cava
(a) Pascals (b) Decibels (c) Cortex (d) The organ of corti
(c) Hertz (d) Candela [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
[UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] 18. The specific gravity of grit ranges from :
12. As per IS 1742-1983, Recommended spacing man- (a) 1 to 2 (b) 1.5 to 3.5
holes on straight reaches for a size of sewer hav- (c) 1 to 1.5 (d) 2.4 to 2.65
ing diameter upto 0.6 m is- [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
(a) 45 m (b) 120 m 19. Consider the below statements with respect to
(c) 90 m (d) 75 m point of final disposition of solid waste by motor
[UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] vehicle transport :
13. Which of the following is a secondary air pollutant? A. Vehicles must be designed for highway traffic.
(a) Suspended particulate matter B. It is mandatory to cover the wastes during haul

operation [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
(a) Both statements are true 26. Which of the following is not the effect of noise?
(b) Both statements are false (a) Hearing loss (b) Sleeplessness
(c) Statement A is true B is false (c) Fluorosis (d) High blood pressure
(d) Statement B is true A is false [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
[UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] 27. As per BIS code, the acceptable indoor noise level
20. In leachate treatment, metals present in leachate in hospitals is : [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
can be removed by which treatment process? (a) 60 dB (b) 80 dB
(a) Precipitation (b) Burning (c) 25 dB (d) 40 dB
(c) Washing (d) Oxidation 28. Which of the following air pollutant causes
[UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] "disorder of central nervous system" in human
21. Pick odd one out with respect to type of particu- body?
lates in suspended matter (air pollutants). (a) Lead (b) Nitrogen oxides
(a) Dust (b) Smoke (c) Ozone (d) Sulphur dioxide
(c) Fumes (d) CO [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
[UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] 29. As per the Royal commission report on sewage
22. What is maximum recommended exposure time to disposal standards of purification required for
a noise level of 100 dB in a day? waste water having dilution factor above 500 is :
(a) 180 min (b) 15 min (a) Tertiary treatment required
(c) 50 min (d) 250 min (b) Treatment such as sedimentation, screening and
[UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] chemical precipitation is required
23. In activated sludge plants, Rising sludge occurs (c) No teatment required
due to : [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] (d) Plain sedimentation is required
(a) Industrial waste [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
(b) Low PH 30. The effective process used in purifying emissions
(c) Denitrification in the settling tank from industries like, Varnish cooking and Asphalt
(d) Sudden discharge of septic solids Oxidation is : [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
24. In physical unit operations, micro screening is done (a) Gravitational settling
for the propose of : (b) Catalytic Combustion
(a) Aggregating the small particles into large particles (c) Nuclear fission
(b) Thickening the biological sludges (d) Catalytic reduction
(c) Removal of algae from stabilization pond effluents 31. Identify the type of land filling shown in figure.
(d) Removing the settleable solids
25. The carbonaceous analyzer, which provides aque-
ous sample used for evaluating the total organic Solid waste cells
carbon in wastewater is patented by: Final cover (sloped)
(a) Mitsui chemicals
(b) Dow chemical company
(c) Reliance industries
(d) Solvary chemical company (a) Trench method (b) Indore method

(c) Depression method (d) Area method landfilling of solid waste ?
[UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] (a) Canyon method (b) Bangalore method
32. The basic cause of crown corrosion is the forma- (c) Load count method (d) Indore method
tion of : [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019]
(a) H 2SO 4 (b) Phosphates
Answer Key
(c) H2S gas (d) HCL
(b) 1. 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (d)
33. According to Central Pollution Control Board, the
5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (c)
24 hour concentration of Lead (Pb) in ambient air 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (a) 11. (b)
at ecologically sensitive areas shall not exceed 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (d)
...  g/cum on two consecutive days of monitoring. 15. (c) 16. (a) 17. (d) 18. (d)
(a) 5.0 (b) 2.0 19. (a) 20. (a) 21. (d)
(c) 3.0 (d) 1.0 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (b)
26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (a) 29.
(c) 30. (b) 31. (d) 32. (c)
34. Which of the following is an "Adsorption Unit" used
33. (d) 34. (d) 35. (d) 36.
to control emission of gaseous pollutants from in- (b) 37. (b) 38.(a)
dustries ? [UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] 1. (b)
(a) Plate towers (b) Packed towers S.No. Acceptable indoor noise level for various type of buildings

(c) Catalytic incinerators Location Noise levels dB (A)

(d) Activated carbon beds 1. Radio and TV studios 25–35
35. Minimum concentration of dissolved oxygen that 2. Music rooms 30–35
3. Apartments, hotels, homes 35–40
should be ensured while discharging the treated
Conference rooms, small offices
waste water into receiving waters is : 4. Hospitals, class rooms, auditorial 35–40
(a) 1 ppm (b) 2 ppm 5. Court rooms, private offices, libraries 40–45
6. Large public offices, banks, stores,etc. 45–50
(c) 3 ppm (d) 4 ppm
7. Restaurants 50–55
36. Which of the following is the physical characteris- 2. (c) Quantity of solid waste = 3000 yd3/week
tics of municipal solid waste ? Container size = 8 yd3/trip

(a) Proximate analysis (b) Field capacity Container utlisation factor = 0.67
(c) Energy content (d) Fusing point of ash
[UPPCL AE TRAINEE 2019] No. of Trips per week =
8  0.67
37. Consider the below statements with respect to
= 55.97 trip/week
Large hauled container system :
A. Reduces Handling time. 300
3. (b) Dilution ratio =  60
B. Reduces Unslightly 5
Indentify the correct statement.
4. (d) Chemical Characteristics:
(a) Both statements are false  Suspended solids (Non filterable solids) are those which
(b) Both statements are ture remain floating in water.
(c) Statement A is true, B is false  Colloidal solids are finely divided solids remaining either in
suspension or in solution.
(d) Statement B is true, A is false
 Dissolved solids are those which dissolve in waste water.
38. Which of the following, is the method used for

 It has been estimated that about 1000 kg of sewage contain
about 0.45 kg of total solids, out of which 0.225 kg is in Lateral

dissolved solution, 0.112 kg in suspension & 0.112 kg is

Branch sewer
 Settleable solids are that portion of solid matter which
settles out, If the waste water is allowed to remain Lateral Ma
undisturbed for a period of 2 hours in imhoff cone. in
 The solids in waste water has organic solids & Inorganic s ew
solids, which is about 45 & 55% of total solids respec- House Branch
tively. hold plant

Out fall
1 Litre (Note: Out fall sewers are designed to run full)

Conical 21. (d) Aerosols

vessel  Aerosols refer to the dispersion of liquid or solid particles
50 of microscopic size in gaseous media, such as smoke, dust
30 or mist.
The following are the various aerosols.
(a) Dust (b) Smoke (c) Fog
Imhoff cone
(d) Mists (e) Fumes
6. (a) Sulphides, Sulphates and Hydrogen Sulphide
S.No. Acceptable indoor noise level for various type of buildings
 It is formed due to the decompostion of various
sulphur containing substances. Its smell is like as Location Noise levels dB (A)
rotten eggs. 1. Radio and TV studios 25–35
11. (b) Sound intensity (I) is defined as sound power aver- 2. Music rooms 30–35
aged over the time, per unit area normal to the direction 3. Apartments, hotels, homes 35–40
of propagation of the sound wave. Conference rooms, small offices
W 4. Hospitals, class rooms, auditorial 35–40
a 1. The settling which occurs in dilute suspension
Where, W = Power of sound wave in watts with flocculent particles is termed as type ___
a =A unit area normal to the direction of wave motion settling (Haryana AE 2020)
I = Intensity of sound wave in watt/m2
(a) III (b) IV
I = rms (c) II (d) I
 = Density of air or medium in which sound 2. Identify the false statement
wave is travelling in kg/m3
(Haryana AE 2020)
C = Velocity of sound wave in m/s.
P r m s = r.m.s. sound pressure in pascals (Pa) (a) Plain sedimentation tank in water treatment re-
The unit of measurement of sound is decibel moves inert discrete particles.
13. (c) Secondary air pollutants are produce by the inter- (b) Excess organic load in effluent discharged into a
action among two or more primary pollutants, or by re- stream will lead to eutrophication.
action with normal atmospheric constitutents, with or
(c) Chlorine disinfection can provide a residual ef-
without photoactivation.
Examples fect.
A. Ozone B. Formaldehyde (d) Certain amount of bacteria will be removed in
C. PAN (peroxy acetyl nitrate) D. Sulphuric Acid sand filtration unit.
E. Photochemical smog
3. 60 mg of magnesium sulphate is dissolved in 500
14. (d)
mL of water sample. The corresponding increase
in the hardness of water of water in mg/L as
CaCO3 __
(Molecular weight of Mg = 24, S = 32, O = 16, (a) Oxidation ditch
Ca = 40, C = 12) (Haryana AE 2020) (b) Upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor
(a) 100 (b) 50 (c) Rotating biological contactor
(c) 144 (d) 72 (d) Sequencing blank reactor
4. Which of the following statements is true for a 10. Treated wastewater is discharged into a river.
water sample having pH of 6.0? The flow rate of wastewater is 10 MLD. BOD and
(Haryana AE 2020) DD of waste water are 30 mg/L and 1.5 mg/L re-
spectively. The river, upstream from the point of
(a) Total alkalinity = 0
wastewater discharge, is found to have a flow rate
(b) Corbonate alkalinity = Bicarbonate alkalinity of 1 m3/s, BOD of 5 mg/L and DD of 8 mg/L. Cal-
(c) Total acidity = 0 culate the DO of river water at the point of dis-
(d) Hydroxide alkalinity = 0 charge assuming instantaneous complete mixing
(Haryana AE 2020)
5. Identify the treatment technology which can not
be used for sludge stabilization (a) 9.5 (b) 7.3
(c) 7.5 (d) 7.6
(Haryana AE 2020)
(a) Aerobic digestion
1. (c) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (d)
(b) Activated sludge process 5. (b) 6. (a) 7. (d)
(c) Composting 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b)
(d) Anaerobic digestion
1. (c) Types of Settling:
6. Which of the following mechanism does not aid 1. Discrete settling: It occurs when particles do not
in coagulation? (Haryana AE 2020) change its size, shape or mass during settling Ex.-
(a) Inertial impaction settling in Grit chamber.In it, particle velocity do not
(b) Ionic layer compression
2. Flocculent settling: It refers to settling of flocculent
(c) Adsorption and charge neutralization particles of low concentration (1000 ppm) Ex.-Bioflocs
(d) Inter particle bridging in upper part of SST. In it, particle velocity increase
with time.
7. Calculate the length of a primary sedimentation 3. Zone settling /Hindered settling: When the
tank to be installed in a 1.5MLD water treatment concentration of flocculated particles is in intermediate
plant. Surface overflow rate is 20m3/m 2 /d and range, they are close enough together so that their
length to width ratio is 3.1 (Haryana AE 2020) velocity fields overlap causing Hindered settling. Particle
concentration increase during settling. Ex.-found in SST
(a) 10m (b) 5m following ASP.
(c) 7.5m (d) 15m 4. Compression: In it, concentration of particles be-
comes so High that particles are in physical contact
8. The moisture content of primary sludge is re-
with each other.Particle concentration increase during
duced from 98% to 96% during dewatering.The
settling. Ex.-bottom of SST following TF.
corresponding reduction in sludge volume is
2. (b) Eutrophication of Lake
(Haryana AE 2020)
It is the excessive richness of nutrients in a lake, river or other
(a) 0% (b) 50% body of water, generally due to run off from the land, which
(c) 2% (d) 98% causes a dense growth of plant life.
3. (a) CaCO3 = 40 + 12 + 3(16) = 100 g
9. Identify the biological treatment unit which sup-
ports attached growth of microbes. MgSO4 = 24 + 32 + 4 × 16 = 120g

(Haryana AE 2020) 120

eq. wt. of MgSO4 =  60g
given wt
 Hardness   eq. wt. of CO3
eq. wt. of mg Rotating biological contactors

Influent Primary Secondary
clarifier clarifier
100g Reactor
 60mg   100 mg / L
Sludge waste

5. (b) Activated Sludge process:

 Sheared off mass is kept in suspension, by the
1° – ST ASP 2° – ST
turbulence created due to movement of disc.
 RBC disc are kept immersed only upto 40% of the
QR Sludge form
2° – ST diameter.
Wasted Alternate return 10. (b)

The returned sludge from SST is active & rich in microbial (1.5 10 106 )  (8  8.64 107 )
(Do)max   7.3 mg / L
masses. Hence, It is called Activated sludge. (10 106  8.64 107 )
It is an Aerobic suspended growth type Biological pro-
cess that uses the active micro-organisms kept in suspension
in the reactor to decompose & stabilize the soluble & par-
ticulate (Colloidal & suspended) organic matter present in
The settled sludge in secondary clarifier containing living
micro-organisms is returned to the available biomass & thus
speed up the reaction.
7. (d)
8 1.5  106 l / day  103 L
A  L.B    75;  3
v 20 B

 L.  75

 L  15m
8. (b) V(100 – P) = V1 (100 –P1)
V = Volume of sludges at moisture content P
V1 = Volume of sludge at moisture content P1
V(100 – 98) = V1 (100 –96)
V = 2 V1

V1  V2 2V2  V2 V
 100   100  2  100  50%
V1 2V2 2V2

9. (c) Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC):

 It is based on aerobic attached growth system & film

is moving at (3-6 rpm).

Leave the Rest
Ki Goli
Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (AE Papers) 2007, 2012, 2013 (Both Paper)
Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (Urban Engineering) AE 2011 Paper
Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission JE (2013,(2020 All 3 Shift Paper))
Uttarakhand Subordinate Service Selection Commission (Draftman 2017 and Surveyor 2018)
UJVNL AE 2012, 2016, 2021, UJVNL JE 2015 & UBTER JE 2015, UPCL AE-2021
Uttarakhand Forest Research Institute (JE Paper)
Power Transmission Corporation of Uttarakhand (JE 2016 & AE 2016)
Detailed Solution of Previous Year Questions.

MRP 500/-

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