Teacher Leadership Self-Assessment (TLSA)
Teacher Leadership Self-Assessment (TLSA)
Teacher Leadership Self-Assessment (TLSA)
Enter the total of items 1-6 In the space to the right Total Items 1-6
total of items 7-12 in the space to the rlghf Total Items 7-12
r;nter the total of items 13-18 in the space to the right. Total Items 13-18
Enter the total of items 19-24 in the space to the right Total Items 19-24
Enter the total of items 25-30 in the space to the rights Total Items 25-30
Enter the total ofitems 31-36 In the space to the right Total Items 31-36
Enter the total of items 3742 In the space to the right Total Items 37-42
Scale Descriptions and Scoring Protocol
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