Multi Grade Lesson Plan
Multi Grade Lesson Plan
Multi Grade Lesson Plan
Grade 2 Grade 3
A. Content Standard The learners define the the The learners recognize the
definition of a noun. difference between common and
proper noun.
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to The learners should be able to use
identify the classification of a noun capital letters properly
C. Learning Appreciate the importance of noun Appreciate the use of common
Competency/Objectives in our daily life. and proper nouns in our daily life.
E. Lesson Proper Introduced the class what is a Introduced the class what is a
noun. noun
Let the student classify the Introduced the types of nouns
pictures whether it is a name,
place, animals, or things.
G. Abstraction Ask the class if who can Ask the class if who can
generalize the lesson for today. generalized the lesson for
Ask the class, the importance today.
of knowing and classifying Ask the class the importance
nouns. identifying Common and
Proper Noun.
IV. Evaluation Direction: In a piece of paper Direction: In a piece of paper give
identify the picture if it is a Name, an example of a noun using a
Person, Place, or a Thing. sentence (BY GROUP) 1 and 2.