Writing Attitude Pamuji 2016

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Jurnal Adminika Volume 1. No.

1, Januari – juni 2015 ISSN : 2442-3343



Arief Pamuji*)
English Lecturer of
STIK Bina Husada Palembang
[email protected]

Abstract: The study was aimed at findings out whether or not there was significant correlation
among attitude, reading comprehension, and writing achievement of English Education Study
Program Students of Sriwijaya University. The data were collected using attitude toward
English questionnaire, reading comprehension test, and writing test. For the purpose of the
study, 254 students had been selected by using purposive sampling technique as the research
sample. Pearson product moment correlation was applied to finding out the correlation among
attitude, reading comprehension, and writing achievement. The findings of the study showed
there was significant correlation among variables (r = .539, .000<.05). Secondly, R2 (the
coefficient determiner) was 0.290. It meant that attitude influenced reading comprehension, and
writing achievement was 29 %. Thirdly, the attitude influenced students’ vocabulary category
in each dependent variable. Finally, there was evidence that the student’s attitude toward
learning English influenced significantly on English achievement in the interpretations of the
findings were discussed.

Key words: Attitude, Reading Comprehension, and Writing Achievement.

1. BACKGROUND someone’s intelligence. Some students

As an international language, get the difficulties in writing in some
English plays an important role in reasons. Abu-Rass (2011) states that
making people acquire knowledge, writing is especially difficult for
information, skills in communication in nonnative speakers because they are
order to compete with other people in expected to create written products that
the international level. In Indonesia, demonstrate mastery of all the
there is a great demand for the people to aforementioned issues in a new
learn English both in formal education language.
and in non-formal education. According to Neyers (1994, p.526),
Reading is the key to learning in all besides lack of vocabulary mastery,
aspects of life; we often learn something there are still many factors that affect
by reading. When we read, we often try students’ reading comprehension and
to learn and find the meaning of what writing comprehension like students’
we have read. Cooper & Milligan interest, motivation, readiness, and
(1988, p.32) also claims that reading is attitude.
a process of constructing and Learning will be facilitated if the
developing meaning. While, writing is student holds positive attitudes towards
very important to learn because it is the what he learns including the language
foundation of almost everything that is and this, in turn, will affect the student’s
significant in life, and, to judge performance in that language. In other

Jurnal Adminika Volume 1. No. 1, Januari – juni 2015 ISSN : 2442-3343

words, if the attitude is positive, In additional, Rokeach (1980, p.112)

learning will be high, whereas if the argues the several characteristics of
attitude is negative, in the sense that the attitude, mainly; an attitude is relatively
learner community and the target enduring, an attitude is situational, an
language community do not accept each attitude is an organization of beliefs,
other’s way of life, learning will not be and an attitude acts as an intervening
facilitated. Montano and Kasprzyk variable.
(2008, p.71) state, “Attitude is Scholl (2002, p.3) states attitude is
determined by the individual’s beliefs composed of four components, namely:
about outcomes or attributes of cognitions, affect, behavioral intentions,
performing the behavior (behavioral and evaluation.
beliefs), weighted by evaluations of Cognitions are our beliefs, theories,
those outcomes or attributes. Thus, a expectancies, cause and effect beliefs,
person who holds strong beliefs that and perceptions relative to the focal
positively valued outcomes will result subject
from performing the behavior will have Affective refers to our feeling with
a positive attitude toward the behavior. respect to the focal object such as fear,
Conversely, a person who holds strong liking, or anger
beliefs that negatively valued outcomes Behavioral intentions are our goals,
will result from the behavior will have a aspirations, and our expected responses
negative attitude. Someone who has to the attitude object
positive attitude will view the object is Evaluations are often considered the
valuable, while someone with negative central component of attitudes.
attitude will view that an object is not Evaluations consist of the imputation of
valuable. For example, someone who some degree of goodness or badness to
has positive attitude toward a particular an attitude object. When we speak of a
subject (for example English subject); it positive or negative attitude toward an
means that he or she likes this subject object, we are referring to the evaluative
and always talk about English whenever component. Evaluations are function of
they always slip English into cognitive, affect and behavioral
conversation, frequently study hard on intentions of the object. It is most often
English and never absent in English the evaluation that is stored in memory,
class. It shows that attitude is based on often without the corresponding
visible behavior because we can see it cognitions and affect that were
when people do such kind of behavior. responsible for its formation.
In line, Asher and Simpson (1994,
p.254) defined attitude as a disposition Therefore, it has been determined
or tendency to respond positively or that students who have positive attitudes
negatively toward certain things (idea, tend to read and write on what they
object, person, situation and so forth). read.
In summary, both negative and positive Further a world bank report based
attitudes have a strong impact on the on OECD (2010) describes that children
failure and success of language of grade six in Indonesia have a very
learning. low reading ability (51.7) compared
Moreover, some characteristics of with those of the Philippines (52.6),
attitude are: it is learnt, it is not Thailand (65.1), Singapore (74.0), and
inherited, it is also likely to be relatively Hongkong (75.5). Mustova says that
stable, and it has a tendency to persist. this condition also happens to students

Jurnal Adminika Volume 1. No. 1, Januari – juni 2015 ISSN : 2442-3343

of junior high, senior high, and information and ideas in life

vocational schools or even university experiences to make decisions.
students. This problem should be solved Reading is a receptive and writing is
by in all education aspects like teacher a productive language skill. Writing is
and students them self. By having good transcribing ideas into written language.
attitude towards English, the students According to Hedge (2000, p. 302)
will influence their reading and writing. writing is the result of the employing
Since the attitude has correlation in the message strategies to manage the
reading, the students are able to develop composing process, which is one of the
their want to read, by having positive gradually developing a text. It involves
attitude meaning that they have a number of activities. According to
motivation, and, feeling to read. Hedge (2002, p.302) arranges the
Furthermore, by having read the activities as follows: setting goals,
students also can influence their writing. generating ideas, organizing
Because reading and writing have the information, selecting appropriate
correlation. language, making a draft, reading and
Grabe and Stoller (2002) state that reviewing it, the revising and editing as
reading comprehension is the basic the last activities.
purpose for reading, underlying and Writing is one of the important
supporting most other purposes for things in learning language. According
reading and more complex than to Chappell (2011), that makes writing
commonly assumed. In taking the important for students ,mainly are; first,
purpose, the reader getting the meaning writing is portable and permanent. It
of the text and can comprehend the text. makes students thinking visible.
According to Rubin (1993, p. 193), Second, writing helps students move
reading comprehension refers to the easily among facts, inferences, and
ability to get the meaning of something opinions without getting confused—and
because comprehension is a without confusing the reader. Third,
construction that cannot be observed or writing fosters our ability to explain a
measured directly. complex position to readers, and to our-
Based on Rubin (1997, p.15), there self. Fourth, writing helps other give
are three categories of comprehension; feedback. Fifth, writing helps students
first, literal comprehension is defined as refine their ideas when we give others
reading the lines or understanding what feedback. Sixth, writing requires that
the author stated, such as recalling and teacher anticipate their students’ needs.
main points. There are five elements Students’ ability to do so demonstrates
involved in this comprehension skill. their intellectual flexibility and
There are main idea, detailed, maturity. Seventh, writing ideas down
vocabulary, referent, inference, and text preserves them so that students can
organization. Second, interpretive reflect upon them later. Last, writing out
comprehension is detecting information their ideas permits students to evaluate
implied in a passage to interpret, student the adequacy of their argument.
must translate, rephrase and infer Demirel (2003), finds that there is a
relationships among explicitly stated strong correlation between these two
information. Third, applied or critical language skills in the related literature.
comprehension is defined reading Reading and writing are inseparable
beyond the lines which occurs when the skills for language teaching. Reading
reader evaluates, integrates and uses and writing skills cannot be separated

Jurnal Adminika Volume 1. No. 1, Januari – juni 2015 ISSN : 2442-3343

from one another just as listening and to write on what they read. However,
speaking skills. individuals must start reading first by
In addition, Bas (2012, p.2) shows having positive attitudes towards
that reading influences writing, that English.
writing influences reading, and that they Based on the outline above, the
interactively influence one another. As problems of this study were formulated
individuals begin to read, they get in the following questions: (1) Is there
information and create a personal any significant correlation between
understanding based on what he/she attitude and reading comprehension
read, and then they tend to put down achievement, (2) Is there any significant
their understanding as a written form. In correlation between attitude and writing
other words, individuals receive achievement, (3) Is there any significant
information from reading and they put correlation between reading
down what they think, know, and, comprehension achievement and
understand by writing. writing achievement, (4) Is there any
Since the reading as input and significant correlation among attitude,
writing as output that Reading and reading comprehension achievement,
writing are connected, according to such and writing achievemen, and (5) What
views, because they depend on identical aspects of attitude contribute to the
or similar knowledge representations, reading comprehension, and writing
cognitive processes, and contexts and achievement.
contextual constraints. Therefore, we The objectives of this study were to
should expect reading and writing to be find out (1) whether or not there is any
quite similar, their developments should significant correlation between attitude
parallel each other closely, and some toward English and their reading
type of pedagogical combination may comprehension, (2) whether or not there
be useful in making learning more is any significant correlation between
efficient (Emre & Kamil, 2012). Those attitude toward English and writing
skills are the main determinants of achievement, (3) whether or not there is
individuals' educational lives and many any significant correlation between
elements in these lives. reading comprehension achievement,
The most prominent of factors and writing achievement, (4) whether or
directly influencing reading and writing not there is any significant correlation
skills is the attitudes towards these among attitude toward English, reading
skills. The fact that attitudes have comprehension achievement, and
determining impact on behaviors has writing achievement, and (5) whether
given rise to the idea that suitable or not aspects of attitude give
educational environments should be significant contribution to the reading
provided in order to improve attitudes in comprehension, and writing
the education process. it is supported achievement.
also by Kush, Marley & Brookhart
(2005), students’ attitudes towards
reading are the leading factor that 2. METHOD OF THE RESEARCH
directly affects their reading
comprehension and productive skill The researcher uses correlation
such as writing. Therefore, it has been study in conducting in present research.
determined that students who have In this research the researcher would
positive attitudes towards reading tend like to find out the correlation among

Jurnal Adminika Volume 1. No. 1, Januari – juni 2015 ISSN : 2442-3343

attitude toward English, reading (2008) which is developed from the

comprehension, and writing Attitude/Motivation Test Battery of
achievements of the second, fourth, and Gardner & Lambert. In responding the
sixth semester students’ of English items, the subjects indicate whether they
study program Sriwijaya University at strongly agree (5), agree (4), neutral (3),
Palembang and Indralaya. A pearson disagree (2), or strongly disagree (1)
product moment coefficient was used in with each statement.
this study. The writer used purposive Reading Test, in this test writer
sampling technique in this study. The used multiple choices question that’s
sample was 254 from total of the containing the literal and interpretive
population was 374. comprehension, and the texts of test had
The study was conducted by using measured by Flesh-Kincaid Level. To
attitude questionnaire, reading measure level of comprehension, the
comprehension test, and writing test writer used criterion-referenced grading
related to the variables of the study. system. It is a system of grading which
There are two possible results of is based on absolute level of
this correlational study; there is achievement (Tinambuan, 1988, p.128),
correlation and there is no correlation. and
The correlation coefficient is a measure Writing test, the writer asked the
of correlation strength and can range students to write an essay that they had
from -1.00 to +1.00 chosen from three topics. They must
create their paragraphs based on their
Reading knowledge of writing good paragraphs.
In this study, the writer asked two
Attitude raters to assess the student’s writing.
The writer asked two lecturers from
Writing English major of Sriwijaya University,
and Tridinanti University to find the
scoring of the student’s writing. To
score the students writing test the writer
Source: Sugiyono, (2006, p.50) used a modified banded marking
. scheme as described by Hugey et al
Technique for Collecting and (1983) cited by white and arndt (1991,
Analyzing the Data p. 175)

In order to collect the data, the

researcher distributed questionnaire and
test. Brown (1991, p.2) states that; test 3. FINDINGS AND
is a method of measuring a person INTERPRETATION
ability of knowledge in a given area.
From the statement above, the Findings
researcher used;
Attitude Questionnaire test, the There are five important findings of
writer gave Attitude questionnaire. In this study. First, the results of this study
order to measure the student’s showed the lowest score in the attitude
achievement Attitude questionnaire toward English test was 66, and the
consists of 33 structured questions highest score was 124. Students’
(items) adapted from R. Narayanan attitude toward English was grouped

Jurnal Adminika Volume 1. No. 1, Januari – juni 2015 ISSN : 2442-3343

into three categories; positive, neutral with their reading comprehension (r =

and negative category. The students .413, .000<.05). Next, the correlation
categorized to have positive attitude between the students’ attitude toward
toward English were 83 (32,68%) English and their writing achievement
neutral attitudes were 100 (39,37%) and was also found positive and significant
negative attitude were 71 (27,95%). (r = .542, .000<.05). Additionally it was
Based on the analysis of reading also found that there was also a positive
comprehension test, it was found that 17 significant correlation between two
(6.69%) students were in outstanding independent variables. The analysis
level, 99 (38.98%) students were in very showed that there was a positive
good level, 87 (34.25%) students were significant relationship between
in satisfactory level, 48 (18.90%) students’ reading comprehension (Y1)
students were in very weak level, and and their writing achievement (Y2) (r =
3(1.18%) students were in fail level. the .638, .000<.05). (see table 1)
lowest score in the reading The analysis was continued using
comprehension test was 58, and the the multiple regression (F test) in order
highest score was 95. to see the correlation among attitude
The results showed that in writing toward English (X), students’ reading
test, it was found that 70 (27.56%) comprehension (Y1) and writing
students were in outstanding level, 25 achievement (Y2). The model summary
(9.84%) students were in very good 2 and the F test of multiple regression
level, 85 (33.46%) students were in analysis showed that the combination of
satisfactory level, 74 (29.13%) students students’ attitude toward English in
were in very weak level, and 0 (0.00%) learning reading comprehension, and,
students were in fail level writing achievement had a positive
Based on the results of pearson significant correlation with their English
product moment analysis, it was found proficiency (r = .539, .000<.05). (see
that students’ attitude toward English table 2)
had a positive significant correlation

Table 1
The correlation among variables
Reading Writing Atitide
Reading Pearson
1 .638(**) .413(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) . .000 .000
N 254 254 254
Writing Pearson
.638(**) 1 .542(**)
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 . .000
N 254 254 254
Atitide Pearson
.413(**) .542(**) 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .
N 254 254 254
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Jurnal Adminika Volume 1. No. 1, Januari – juni 2015 ISSN : 2442-3343

Table 2
Statistics Summary for Predicting
Reading Achievement, and Writing Achievement from Attitude toward English
Model Predictor Criterion R R2 df t sig Stand. Unstand
Variable Variable Beta Beta
1 Attitude Reading & 0.539(a) 0.290 252 10,149 0.000 0.539 0,703

The results of Stepwise Regression socio-psychological 1.0%, and self

Analysis: the contribution of attitude esteem 1.0% and the rest, and the
toward English to the reading unexplained factors 71.0%. (see on chart)
comprehension was 19.0%. Partially
contribution of attitude is as follows:
attitude toward English learning 17.0%, 27% Attitude Toward English

Sociolinguistics & socio-psychological Attitude toward Lerning

1.0%, and self esteem 1.0% and the rest Self Esteem

the unexplained factors 81.0%. The 1% 1% Unexplained Factors

contribution of attitude toward English 71%

to reading comprehension level was

19.0%. The reading comprehension
level which was contributed by attitude Chart of the Percentage of Attitude Contribution to the
Reading Comprehension Achievement, and Writing
toward English is as follows; detailed Achievement
1.0%, inference 1.0%, vocabulary
12.0%, text organization 3.0%, main Discussion
idea 1.0%, referent 1.0%, and the un
explained level 81.0%. In order to strengthen the value of
The contribution of attitude toward this study, the followings are some
English to the writing achievement was interpretations based on the results of
29.0%. Partially contribution of attitude the data analysis. The access to master
is as follows: attitude toward English and learn English have been opened
learning 27.0%, Sociolinguistics & widely, the students can use many ways
socio-psychological 1.0%, and self to expand their English such as reading;
esteem 1.0% and the rest, and the however, the students have not been
unexplained factors 71.0%. accustomed to doing that. They are not
The contribution of attitude toward introduced to the joy of English,
English to writing achievement level although, by mastering English, the
was 19.0%. The writing elements which students can easily communicate with
was contributed by attitude toward people from other countries in English
English is as follows; vocabulary and can read scientific books written in
33.0%, structure 2.0%, text organization English. Reviewing from the aspect of
5.0%, Content 2.0%, Mechanics 2.0%, English proficiency, that is reading
and un-explained category 56.0%. comprehension, it was found out that
The contribution of attitude toward Indonesian students scored an average
English to the reading comprehension 402 in the reading literacy, whereas the
and writing achievement was 29.0%. mean international score was 493 or in
Partially contribution of attitude is as the 57th rank out of the 65 countries
follows: attitude toward English participated in the survey (PISA, 2009)
learning 27.0%, Sociolinguistics &

Jurnal Adminika Volume 1. No. 1, Januari – juni 2015 ISSN : 2442-3343

The exposure to English in The correlation among predictor and

Indonesian students’ proficiency is very criterion variables was a strong
limited. It is different if English is used correlation, it seems like in previous
as a second language in the content study of Suri (2007), with entitle “The
where English is used in daily relationship between students’ attitude
communication. The limitation of the toward reading and writing
use of English as the target language achievements in reading comprehension
makes it difficult for the students to and writing in EFL” she got strong
practice their English. It must also be correlation. It means that the students
affected by their attitude with the fact who got high attitude toward English
that English subject may seem to be tended to get high scores in reading
difficult for Indonesian students since comprehension and writing test. On the
English as a foreign language in contrary, the students who got low
Indonesia. scores in the attitude toward English
From the result of the data analysis tended to get low scores in the reading
from two places of English students of comprehension, and writing test. From
Sriwijaya university, mainly; the table of interpretation of r-value the
Palembang and Indralaya showed that writer found that the value of
English Education Study Program correlation among attitude toward
students of Sriwijaya University had English, reading, and writing
medium or sufficient correlation among achievement of students showed the
variables with mean score in attitude medium or sufficient correlation
was 96.22, reading comprehension was interpretation.
81.27, and writing achievement was The coefficient of determination (r2)
80.20. Furthermore, from the of attitude toward English, reading and
correlation results showed; first, the writing achievement was 0.290. It
correlation between attitude toward means that attitude toward English
English (X) and reading comprehension influenced and contributed to reading,
(Y1) showed there was significant and writing achievement for about
correlation between them with was 29.0%, and 71.0% of reading, and
0.413 with the sufficient correlation writing achievement were determined or
level. Second, the correlation between influenced by other factors. While in
attitude toward English (X) and writing attitude category, attitude toward
achievement (Y2) showed there was English learning (27.0%) was the best
significant correlation between them predictor to the reading comprehension,
with 0.542 with the sufficient and writing achievement. Furthermore,
correlation level. Third, the correlation from the others stepwise regression also
between reading comprehension (Y1) showed; first, the contribution of
and writing achievement (Y2) showed attitude toward English to reading
there was significant correlation comprehension was 18% (attitude
between them with 0.638 with the toward English learning 17.0%,
sufficient correlation level, fourth, the Sociolinguistics & socio-psychological
correlation among attitude toward 1.0%, and self esteem 1.0%), and the
English (X), reading comprehension rest the unexplained factors 81.0%.
(Y1), and writing achievement (Y2), While the reading comprehension level
also showed there was positive which was contributed by attitude
significant correlation with 0.539 with toward English was 19.0% (the reading
the sufficient correlation level. level as follows; detailed 1.0%,

Jurnal Adminika Volume 1. No. 1, Januari – juni 2015 ISSN : 2442-3343

inference 1.0%, vocabulary 12.0%, text her/his beliefs and feelings. The mental
organization 3.0%, main idea 1.0%, process itself influences the person to
referent 1.0%), and the un-explained act positively or negatively toward
level 81.0%. The highest level in English. This finding is in line with
reading comprehension was in Kush, Marley, & Brookhart (2005),
vocabulary, it means that by having students’ attitudes towards reading are
positive attitude on reading, the students the leading factor that directly affects
are able to influence and enrich their their reading comprehension and
vocabulary. In line with Hayashi productive skill such as writing.
(1999), he states positive attitude Therefore, it has been determined that
toward reading helps develop EFL students who have positive attitudes
learner’s vocabulary because the learner towards reading tend to write on what
has the opportunity to choose the they read.
appropriate text to read. While reading The null hypothesis (Ho) was
extensively, the learners encounter new rejected and consequently, the research
vocabulary in various contexts. This hypothesis (H1) was accepted because
incidentally helps the learner to induce the value of r obtained was higher than
the meaning and the use of vocabulary. critical value of r-table (0.539>0.3291)
Therefore, reading is one of the efficient r = .539, .000<.05). From this, the
ways to learn vocabulary. researcher concluded that there was a
Second, the contribution of attitude significant correlation among attitude
toward English to writing achievement toward English, reading achievement
was 29.0%. (attitude toward English and the writing achievement of English
learning 27.0%, Sociolinguistics & education study program students of
socio-psychological 1.0%, and self Sriwijaya University. The result of this
esteem 1.0%), and the unexplained study has similarities with the previous
factors 71.0%. While the writing study of Suri that showed there was
elements which was contributed by significant correlation between
attitude toward English was 19.0% students’ attitude toward reading and
(vocabulary 33.0%, structure 2.0%, text writing achievements in reading
organization 5.0%, Content 2.0%, comprehension and writing.
Mechanics 2.0%), and un-explained Attitude plays a major role in
category 56.0%. The element of writing learning a second language since the
shows that vocabulary was the most students positive or negative attitudes
influenced. It means, when the writers towards learning English largely
with positive attitude in writing, they determine high or low achievement or
usually try to find new word or proficiency in English. Learning will be
vocabulary. It is supported by Mercia facilitated if the student holds positive
(1991) who states that writing is a attitudes towards the language and this,
process through which writers explore in turn, will affect the student
thoughts and ideas, and make them performance in that language. From the
visible and concrete. When writer has analysis, reading attitude is positively
good attitude toward writing, they tend correlated with the reading
to influence certain level of linguistics comprehension, and writing
knowledge, especially vocabulary. achievement, because it could help the
The findings above shows that it is a students to understand how to
mental process of a person toward an comprehend the reading, and make a
object or situation on the basis of good paragraph. It happened because

Jurnal Adminika Volume 1. No. 1, Januari – juni 2015 ISSN : 2442-3343

the role of a teacher in encouraging his where the highest contribution from
or her students to understand a reading three sub-scales of attitude factor was
text and writing the paragraph. attitude toward English learning. This
finding means that the students’ reading
comprehension and writing were
4. CONCLUSION AND determined by other factors.
SUGGESTION Furthermore, the reading
comprehension level which was
Conclusion contributed by attitude toward English
In this research the researcher point showed that the vocabulary level as the
out to find the correlation among highest contributed by attitude, and also
attitude toward English, reading the writing elements which was
comprehension, and writing contributed by attitude toward English
achievement. In this research, students’ showed that the vocabulary element as
attitude toward English gives positive the highest contributed by attitude.
significant correlation on their reading Finally, learning a new language
comprehension achievement, and is linked to the way in which the learner
writing achievement. furthermore, views the target language community
based on the results of pearson product and culture. Gardner (2003, p. 23)
moment analysis, it was found that insists that students’ attitude towards
students’ attitude toward English had a the target language group will affect
positive significant correlation with their success in learning that language.
their reading comprehension. Then, the Normally, learners manifest different
correlation between the students’ attitude towards the target language,
attitude toward English and their target language speaker, the target
writing achievement also found positive language culture, aand social value of
and significant. Additionally, it also learning the second language, particular
found that there was also a positive uses of the target language , and them
significant correlation between two selves as members of their own culture.
dependent variables (reading
comprehension and writing Suggestions
achievement). And, the researcher Having conducted this study, the
concluded that there was a correlation writer suggests parents, teachers, other
among students’ attitude toward researchers and government to do as
English, reading comprehension follows:
achievement, and writing achievement. First, Being proficient in English
The correlation was medium or doesn’t happen instantly. It should be
sufficient. It means that the students developed through a process of routing
who got good in attitude test tended to habit. It is suggested that parents could
get good scores in the reading help their children in learning English;
comprehension, and writing test. The it can be done by providing their
students who got low scores in attitude children books, film, or other materials
test tended to get low scores in the in English. By dong so, it is hoped that
reading comprehension, and writing the children will have positive attitude
test. From the result of regression in learning English
analysis, the writer showed that attitude Second, teachers are suggested to
toward English influence reading, and use various techniques in teaching
writing achievement for about 29.0 % English so that they can cover the

Jurnal Adminika Volume 1. No. 1, Januari – juni 2015 ISSN : 2442-3343

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