Karya Ilmiah Frans

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1.1 Background of The Problem

Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior or potential behavior as

a result of reinforced experience or practiceLearning is “a process that leads to
change, which occurs as a result of experience and increases the potential for
improved performance and future learning” . The change in the learner may happen at
the level of knowledge, attitude or behavior. As a result of learning, learners come to
see concepts, ideas, and/or the world differently.
Learning is not something done to students, but rather something students
themselves do. It is the direct result of how students interpret and respond to their
Learning English is what people do when they want to use the English
language. Language skills include: speaking, listening, reading, and writing.A lot of
people learn English at school, where English is a common subjects. Many people
also want to spend their own personal time to learn English. Some of these people
may not know any English, where others will have learned some English in school,
and will want to advance their knowledge of it.In our daily lives we do a lot of
activities. From each of these activities, can be told to others. In telling them there are
various ways of delivering them.
In this 2013 curriculum, I found a lot of difficulties in learning English. In my
opinion learning narrative texts can be a matter that makes it easier for students to
learn English,one of them using text. In narrative texts we can find many stories come
from our country or abroad
Narrative text also can interest student to read these stories because the stories
in narrative text entertain the reader . Because of that in my opinion narrative text
can interest trhe student to learn English, so I wrote my papers with title “ Learning
English Through Narrative Text “

1.2 Formulation of The Problem
Based on the background above, the formulation of the problems are as follows:
 What is learning?
 What is narrative text?
 What are the advantages of studying narrative text?

1.3 Purpose
This writing aims to:
 Knowing the meaning of learning?
 Knowing the meaning of the narrative text?
 Knowing the advantages of studying narrative texts?


2.1 Learning English (According to Experts)

Learning is an activity of mental / psychic that takes place in an active
interaction with the environment, which is yielding a change - a change in
knowledge, understanding, skills, and attitudes ( Winkel ).
Learning is a process that allows the emergence or change a behavior as a
result of the formation of primary response, with the proviso that any changes or the
emergence of new behavior is not caused by a change in the maturity or temporarily
for some reason. ( NOEHI NASUTION ).
Learning is a kind of change shown in changes in behavior, which is different
from before keadaaannya individuals are in a learning situation and after such actions.
Changes are the result of an experience or training. Unlike the change immediately
due to reflex or instinctive behavior. ( Gagne The Conditions of Learning 1977 ).
A  process of individual efforts to obtain a change in behavior of the new
total, as a result of the individual's own experience in interaction with the
environment. The conclusion that can be drawn from both the definition above, that
in principle, learning is a change of one's self.( Moh. Surya 1981:32 ).
Is the most important change in human behavior, and it includes everything
that is thought and done.Anni  ( 2004:4 ).

2.2 Narrative Text (According to Experts)

In order to better understand what the narrative means, we can refer to the
opinions of the following experts:

 Gorys Keraf
According to Gorys Keraf (2001: 137), the notion of narrative is a form of
discourse that attempts to narrate an event as if the reader saw or experienced the
event himself. Narration is more about a dynamic life in a series of time.
 Atar Semi
According to Atar Semi (2003: 29), narration is a form of conversation or
writing that aims to convey or tell a series of events or human experiences based on
developments from time to time.
 Widjono H.S
According to Widjono H.S (2007: 175), the notion of narrative is a description
that tells something or a series of events, actions, circumstances, sequentially from
beginning to end so that a series of relationships with each other is seen.
 Ismail Marahimin
According to Ismail Marahimin (1994: 93), the notion of narration is a story
that is made based on a series of events / events, in which there are characters who
face a conflict with the conflict.


3.1 English Learning Activities

Learning activities are a series of physical or physical or mental or spiritual
activities that are interrelated so that optimal learning is created. In this learning
activity students must actively dominate in following the teaching and learning
process so as to develop their own potential.
According to Nasution (2000: 89), learning activities are activities that are
physical or spiritual. In the learning process, the two activities must always be
related. A student will think as long as he does, without deeds the student does not
think. Therefore, for active students to think, students must be given the opportunity
to do or do activities.
Diedrich (in Nasution, 2000: 91) makes a list that contains the types of student
activities that can be classified as follows:
 Visual activities:Which include for example: reading, paying attention to
pictures, demonstrations, experiments, other people's work.
 Oral activities:Which include such as: stating, formulating, asking, giving
advice, issuing opinions, conducting interviews, discussions, interruptions.
 Listening activities:Such as listening to explanations, conversations,
discussions, music, speeches.
 Writing activities:Such as writing stories, essays, reports, questionnaires,
 Drawing activities:For example drawing, making graphics, maps, diagrams,
 Motor activities, such as doing experiments, doing construction, modeling,
repairing, playing.

 Mental activities:Such as exploring, remembering, solving problems,
analyzing, seeing relationships, making decisions.
 Emotional activities:Such as being interested, feeling bored, excited, excited,
passionate, brave, calm, nervous.

How the quality of teaching can be obtained and maintained in a teaching

program Testing the factors involved in creating the conditions of a teaching Not only
how good a teacher is but how a teacher can create Teacher influence Basically,
effective teaching is influenced by the teacher's ability to deliver material to students.
After understanding the material to be taught (content knowledge), then how the
material is taught. Mastery of approaches, methods or techniques of teaching
(practical knowledge ).
Language is a system for expressing meaning / purpose. The main function of
language is for interaction and communication.
Language structure reflects its use in functions and communication. Language
teaching must be done based on context sasaran The target language is a
communication tool in class activities, not as an object of learning Students must use
discourse language Games are suitable to be used to form more real communication
activities Students are given the opportunity to express their ideas or opinions ž One
of the main responsibilities of the teacher is `creating an atmosphere or situation that
emphasizes communication activities sosial The social context of important
communication activities is given to interpret speech
As indicators of individual student learning activities in teaching and learning
in class are as follows:
 Class attendance
 Timeliness of collecting assignments
 Completeness of the notebook
 Listening and paying attention to explanations
 Express opinions

As an indicator of student learning activities in practical activities in groups in
the laboratory are as follows:
 Compactness of cooperation in groups
 Carry out activities with the right procedure
 Using pratikum tools appropriately
 Obtain data from experiments
 Make conclusions correctly
The technique used to assess learners' learning activities is observation
completed with scoring guidelines. Scores obtained by each student are analyzed to
find out the percentage of student activity.
In Indonesia, one of the most important learning activities is learning English
because English is a tool for absorb and develop science, technology and cultural arts.
Learning English as a second language needs to be known and understood
true what the meaning of language itself is. A standard definition about the
understanding of language, namely: "Language is a system of arbitrary
conventionalized vocal, written, or gestural symbol that enables members of a given
community to communicate intelligibly with one another."(Brown, 2000: 5).
Giving a definition of language (Brown, 2000: 5) further says that a
consolidation of a number of possible definitions The language is explained as
 Language is systematic.
 Language is a separate set of symbols.
 Those symbols are mainly vowels,but also visual possibilities.
 The meaning of the symbol has been adjusted with reference.
 Language is used as a communication tool.
 Language used in public or cultural speech.
 Essentially,language is for humans, although the possibilities are not limited
to only for humans.
 The language most humans use hassame way.

Language English is a basic tool for participating in cultural life English
speaking community. Regarding learning, Brown (2000: 6) states:
 Learning is acquisition or “getting”.
 Learning is retention of information or skill.
 Retention implies storage systems, memory, cognitive organization.
 Learning involves active, conscious focus on and acting upon events outside
or inside the organism.
 Learning is relatively permanent but subject to forgetting.
 Learning involves some form of practice, perhaps reinforced practice.
 Learning is a change in behavior.

3.2 Narrative Text

Narrative text is a type of text in the form of fantasy stories, real stories that
are fabricated, or fairy tales. Narrative text tells a story that has a series of
chronological events that are interconnected.The purpose of narrative texts is to
entertain as well as educate readers through stories written in the text and is to
entertain the reader about a story.
There are several types of narrative texts, as follows:
 Fairy tale
 Mystery
 Science fiction
 Romance
 Horror
 Fable
 Myth and legend
 History
 Slice of life
 Personal experience
And as follows the characteristics of the narrative text:
 Use Action Verb in the form of Past Tenses.

 Use certain nouns as people pronouns.
 Using Adjectives that make up Noun Phrase.
 Use Conjunction to sort events.

3.2.1 Text Structure

The narrative text is composed of 3 main structures which will be explained below:
 Orientation: This section is the part that introduces the story through the
introduction of characters, place and time of the event in the story and so
 Complications: This section is the part when problems faced by the main
characters in the story begin to appear.
 Resolution: This section shows the story when the main character tries to
solve the problem and the part that will be the end of the story.

Example of narrative text

Snow White

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with
her Aunt and Uncle because her parents were dead.

One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in
the castle because they both wanted to go to America and they didn’t have enough
money to take Snow White. Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this
so she decided it would be best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from
home when her Aunt and Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.
Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside
and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went
inside. There they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw
the dwarfs. The dwarfs said, “what is your name?” Snow White said, “My name is
Snow White.” Doc, one of the dwarfs, said, “If you wish, you may live here with us.”
Snow White said, “Oh could I? Thank you.” Then Snow White told the dwarfs the
whole story and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.

Let's discuss the narrative story above, entitled "Snow White" from paragraph
one to another paragraph

Snow White

Paragraph 1 (Orientation)

Once upon a time there lived a little girl named Snow White. She lived with her Aunt
and Uncle because her parents were dead.

In this paragraph, it is explained about when the story occurs through the word
"once upon a time" which means at a time, and the character is also mentioned,
namely a little Girl named Snow White. And also Her Aunt and uncle. The meaning
of the first paragraph "in a lifetime there was a little girl named Snow White. He
lives with his uncle and aunt because his parents are dead.

Paragraph 2 (Complications 1)

One day she heard her Uncle and Aunt talking about leaving Snow White in the castle
because they both wanted to go to America and they didn't have enough money to
take Snow White.

In this paragraph there is the first conflict where Uncle and Aunt want to leave Snow
White The meaning of the second paragraph "One day Snow White heard that his

uncle and aunt would leave Snow White in the castle because they both wanted to go
to America and they both didn't have enough money to bring Snow White

Paragraph 3 (Resolutions)

Snow White did not want her Uncle and Aunt to do this so she decided it would be
best if she ran away. The next morning she ran away from home when her Aunt and
Uncle were having breakfast. She ran away into the woods.

In this paragraph there is an settlement in the previous Paragraph. The meaning of

this paragraph is "Snow White does not want his uncle and aunt to do this so he
decides that his best step is to run away. The next morning he ran away from home
when his uncle and aunt were having breakfast. He escaped into the forest

Paragraph 4 (Complications 2)

Then she saw this little cottage. She knocked but no one answered so she went inside
and fell asleep.

In this fourth paragraph, the Snow White occurs the second problem that is, the
meaning of this paragraph is "then he saw a small house. He knocked on the door but
no one answered so he went inside and fell asleep "

Paragraph 5 (resolutions 2)

Meanwhile, the seven dwarfs were coming home from work. They went inside. There
they found Snow White sleeping. Then Snow White woke up. She saw the dwarfs.
The dwarfs said, "what is your name?" Snow White said, "My name is Snow White."

The meaning of the paragraph above is "meanwhile, seven dwarves are heading
home from work. They entered and they found Snow White asleep. Then Snow White

woke up. He saw the dwarves. The dwarf said "what is your name?" , Snow White
answered "My name is Snow White".

Paragraph 6

Doc, one of the dwarfs, said, "If you wish, you may live here with us." Snow White
said, "Oh could I? Thank you. " Then Snow White told the dwarfs the whole story
and Snow White and the 7 dwarfs lived happily ever after.

The meaning of the sixth Paragraph is "Doc, one of the dwarves said," if you want
you may stay here with us. " Snow White says "oh can I? Thank you." Then Snow
White told the dwarves everything he said and Snow White and the dwarf lived
happily ever after ”.

The elements contained in the narrative text are:

 Noun: This is generally a noun used by animal pronouns and so on.

 Past tense: to use words with past forms

 Time connective: is a conjunction by sorting the word event

 Action verbs: A verb by showing an event in an activity.

 Saying verb: Is a verb with reporting on the utterance and showing the event

3.2.2 Social Function

The social function of the narrative text is certainly to entertain the reader. However,
there are still some functions of the narrative text as follows:

1. The Function of Narrative Texts as Fairy Tales

Smelling stories about a fairy tale that has an imaginary story, generally
presented to provide an interesting story. Generally this story is taken from a myth or
folklore that has a background in fiction or fantasy. It aims to attract readers to the
idea of stories and imaginary world that is full of imagination and beautiful.

2. Narrative Text Functions Offering Stories with Various Types

Not only as a fantasy and mythical story, narrative text stories are made
according to categories and several types of story ideas. Examples of narrative text
types tell stories, stories, imaginations, mysteries, science fiction, romance, horror
stories, adventure stories, fables, myths and legends, historical narratives, ballads,
slice of life, experience stories, and much more.

3. The Function of Narrative Texts To Attract Interests To Readers

Because the types and categories of the stories vary, of course this can attract
the interest of readers to examine and read each story. The interest of narrative text
readers will be overwhelmed by very interesting story ideas, ranging from reason,
feelings, logic, emotions and also experiences about life that are very useful and full
of meaning. So that it is increasingly interesting to continue reading and learning.

4. The Function of Narrative Texts as Entertaining Stories

Of course if you read a book, you definitely want a story line that is not only
interesting but also can entertain the heart and atmosphere. In order not to get bored
and monotonous every narrative text in a story is made in such a way that the readers
become enjoy, entertained, emit emotions, and also more curious about what they
read. This will foster interest in reading everyone.

5. The Function of Narrative Texts as a Way to Foster Interest in Reading

Because this narrative text is made as a fun, interesting and imaginative story.
So if the reader reads the story there will be an attraction about the story. This will
certainly attract the interest of many people to become fond of the world of reading,
this is certainly very positive. Besides you like reading, it will also be useful as a
medium to increase your knowledge and insight more openly.

6. The Function of Narrative Texts as a Way to Grow Creative Thinking Power

One of the functions of narrative texts in English is to be able to foster

someone thinking creatively and actively. Stories that are packaged so interestingly,
can foster positive energy for readers, ranging from their memory, thoughts, brain,
feelings and emotional.

3.2.3 Language Feature

Language features in texts are aspects of quality or prominent characteristics in a

text.Next we will discuss any language features contained in the narrative text:

1. Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tenses are used to express an action or event that happened in the
past. So, the events that are told begin and end in the past. Before we go on to the
second language feature, in this first language feature, Simple Past Tense, there are
several structures contained in it as follows.

It snowed yesterday.

I watched television last night.

Verbal Sentence

1. Positive sentences for regular verb

 Formula: subject + verb + -ed

 Example: She finished her work at 9 o'clock

2. Positive sentences for irregular verbs

 Formula: subject + verb 2

 Example: We gave her a beautiful birthday cake for her party

3. Negative sentences for regular verb

 Formula: subject + did + not + infinitive without to

 Example: She didn't finish her work at 9 o'clock

4. Negative sentences for irregular verb

 Formula: subject + did + not + infinitive without to

 Example: We didn't give her a beautiful cake for her party

5. The question sentence for regular verb

 Formula: Did + subject + infinitive without to

 Example: Did she finish her work at 9 o'clock?

6. Question sentence for irregular verb

 Formula: Did + subject + infinitive without to

 Example: Did we give her a beautiful cake for her birthday?

A description of the time to declare past tense

-Yesterday -At past -A month ago

-Last week -A day go -Last year

-In 2000 -An hour ago -A week before

Nominal Sentence

1. Positive sentence

 Formula: subject + was / were


 The historicity of the Kurukshetra War was a subject to scholarly


 I was a history teacher before.

 Ranada and Fanaya were my students.

2. Negative sentence

 Formula: subject + was / were + not


 The historicity of the Kurukshetra was not a subject to scholarly


 I was not a history teacher.

 Ranada and Fanaya were not my students.

3. Interrogative sentence

 Formula: Was / Were + subject


 Was the historicity of the Kurukshetra War a subject to scholarly


 Was I a history teacher before?

 Were Ranada and Fanaya my students?

Note: Was used for Subject I, She, He, and It. Whereas Were is used for You,
We, They, and Plural Subject.

2. Action verbs

Then, the rules of the second language used are action verbs or verb types that
show an action or action that appears, including activities, processes and momentary
actions. Action verbs are widely used in narrative texts to tell what the characters in
the story are doing.

3. Adverb

Next, the third language rules used are prepositional phrases or adverbs used
to indicate the time and location of events and adjectives that make up noun phrases.

4. Adjective

Finally, the rules of language used are adjective. Adjectives are one of the
many words found in narrative texts because by using adjectives, we can explain the
characteristics of the characters in the story.

adjectives that describe nouns. In grammar, adjectives give slightly different

meanings to a noun.


 intelligent student

 lazy student

 good student.

Adjective characteristics can be determined from several things:

Opinion Adjectives

 General                : good, bad, beautiful, etc

 More Specific    : comfortable, clean, expensive, etc

Descriptive Adjectives

 Size        : small, big, etc

 Age        : old, young, etc
 Shape   : round, square, etc
 Color     :  green, red, etc
 Origin    :  American, Japanese, etc

 Material : leather, metal, plastic, etc

Participial Adjective

Adjectives derived from active and passive verbs that are converted into an
adjective to describe nouns. Participative Adjectives usually have the add -ed and -ing
affix which are not present participle or past form in the verb Continuous or Past


 The problem confuses the students.

 It is a confusing problem.
 The students are confused by the problems.
 They are confused students.

3.3.4 Narrative Example

The following are examples of questions and discussion for narrative text

A Woman and the Wolves

A long time ago, very few people lived in the New Territories. There were
only a few villages. If the people wanted to go from one village to another, they often
had to pass through wild and unsafe forest.

One day, a farmer's young wife went to the next village to visit her own
mother and brother. She brought along her baby son. When it was time for her to
leave, her brother said "it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah. The team goes with you
though the forest. "
So Ah The team led the way and the young woman followed behind, carrying
her baby. When they were in the forest, suddenly they saw a group of wolves. They
began to run to avoid the danger, but Ah The team kicked against a stone and fell
down. At once the wolves caught him. The young woman cried to the wolves, "please
eat my own son instead." Then, she put her baby son on the ground in front of the
wolves and took her away.
Everyone understood that this was because the woman was very good and
kind. She had offered her own son's life to save her nephew.

They ran back to the house and were called for help. All men in the village
fetched thick sticks and went back with her into the forest. When they got there, they
saw something very strange. Instead of eating the woman's baby the wolves were
playing with him.

Read the text, then choose the best choice for each question.
1. What is separated from one village to another a long time ago in the New
a. Another village
b. Mountains
c. Forests
d. Hills ve. Towers and logs
Answer C
Discussion. Note this sentence "... ... they often have to pass through wild and
unsafe forests ..." which means that each village is separated by forest.
2. Who was Ah Team?
a. The young woman’s brother

b. The young woman’s son
c. The young woman’s brother and nephew
d. The young woman's brother's son
e. One of the men who fetched a stick
The answer B
Discussion. Look at this sentence "... it is getting dark. Let my son, Ah Team
goes with you even though the forest ... "which shows that Ah Tim is the daughter
of the older sister.
3. Who walks in front when they are in the forest?
a. Ah Tm
b. The woman
c. The woman’s son
d. Her brother’s nephew
e. The baby and his mother
Answer A
Discussion. Note the sentence below So Ah The team led the way and the young
woman followed behind ... " So it's clear what goes ahead is Ah Team.
4. How could the wolves catch Ah Team?
a. He was afraid
b. He was stumbled by a stone
c. He slowly slowly
d. The woman cried
e. The wolves were good runners
The answer. B
Discussion. Pay attention to this sentence. , but Ah The team kicked against a
stone and fell down. At once the wolves caught him ...
5. The woman gave her son to the wolves because
a. She loved her nephew than her son.
b. She thought about how her brother would be
c. She wanted her son to be eaten by the wolves

d. She was crazy
e. She kept a grudge on his brother
The answer. B
Discussion. The woman gave her child because she felt bad for her brother
and was sorry for him

3.3 The Advantages of Learning Narrative Texts for students

Some of the benefits students can get when studying narrative text:

 Understanding "Settings"

In each narrative text, because it must take the form of a story, the setting shows
students where and when this narrative story takes place. Students can understand the
difference between one place and another. Students should also be able to distinguish
between time and place between stories.

 Understanding "Character"

A story must have a main character, be it the protagonist or antagonist. Students

can recognize their respective characters. Students should be able to distinguish
which characters are inappropriate to emulate, and which are exemplary characters. If
students have not been able to distinguish between these two characters, then it can be
said that the narrative text taught by the teacher has not been fully useful.

 Personalizing

Many studies have shown that narrative text can help people control the situation
they are experiencing. Because usually there are stories in the narrative text that relate
to the story they are experiencing. In addition, narrative text can also make students
think more logically in controlling their time. The beginning of the story, the middle
of the story, and the end of the story should be considered by students in taking their
lives further.

4.1 Conclusion
The conclusion that I can get that narrative texts can greatly help students in
learning English is said to be a solution if when getting difficulties that can not be
overcome. In this narrative text can help a lot of difficulties that can not be overcome
by students
This narrative text can broaden students' insights on how to find orientation,
complications and resolution in a text. And this text also helps students to multiply
adjectives, verbs and adverbsand also can help students to know the origin of the
story in a text

4.2 Suggestion
I, as me, realize that this scientific paper has many errors and is far from
perfect.Of course, I will continue to improve scientific papers with reference to
sources that can be accounted for later.herefore, I really expect criticism and
suggestions about the discussion of scientific papers above.













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