Pilates Reformer 1

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The document discusses the history and principles of Pilates as well as instructor training requirements for the Balanced Body method.

The Pilates Method was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century as a system of physical fitness involving exercises performed on special apparatus.

The eight principles of Pilates are breathing, concentration, control, centering, precision, flowing movement, and relaxation.

Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Training

Reformer 1: Creating the Foundation

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body
Reformer 1 Instructor Training

The Universal
Reformer is the
heart of
based Pilates
and a wonderful
tool for creating
a fit and
functional body.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Pilates: The Art and Science of Contrology

“Through Contrology you first purposefully

acquire complete control of your own body and
then, through proper repetition of its exercises,
you gradually and progressively acquire that
natural rhythm and coordination associated with
all your mental and subconscious activities.

Contrology is designed to give you suppleness,

natural grace and skill that will be unmistakably
reflected in the way you walk, play and work.
You will develop muscular power with
corresponding endurance, ability to perform
arduous duties, to play strenuous games, to
walk, run or travel for long distances without
undue body fatigue or mental strain.“
– Joseph H. Pilates
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1
A Brief History of Joseph Pilates
Moved dancers
Born in Trained to New and
1883 in boxers in York in ordinary
Germany Germany 1926 clients

Father Interned Set up Died in

was a in his 1967,
gymnast England studio on Clara
and a as a 8th Ave. died in
boxer resident 1977.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
The Pilates Family Tree
All of these
studied with
Joseph Pilates
and taught his
work to the
Without their
dedication, the
Pilates Method
would not
have survived.

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Reformer 1
The Balanced Body Lineage
1st Generation
Ron Fletcher, Eve Gentry,
Romana Kryzanowska, Carola
Trier, Lolita San Miguel and
Kathy Grant

2nd Generation The Pilates teachers,

Michelle Larson, doctors and patients
Alan Herdman, Jean at St. Francis
Claude West, Marie- Memorial Hospital
Jose Blom, Karen Center for Sports
Clippinger and Medicine, Dance
Elizabeth Larkam Medicine Division

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Pilates Principles





Balanced Muscle Development


Whole Body Movement


Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Balanced Body Pilates
Balanced Body
Pilates brings
Science together the best
aspects of Joseph
Pilates original
exercises with
Movement Art modifications,
additions and
variations inspired
by modern research
into biomechanics
and movement
Pilates science.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Training
Program Organization
Anatomy and Movement Principles

Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 3: Enhanced Mat + Props

Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3

Apparatus 1 or Trapeze Table Apparatus 2 or Chair Apparatus 3 or Barrels

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Training
Requirements for Mat and Reformer
20 Reformer classes required - 1 year teaching experience recommended

Complete Anatomy and Movement Principles

Complete Mat Course Work

Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 3

Complete Reformer Course Work

Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3

Complete 20 Mat and 30 Reformer personal sessions, 45 observation

hours and 125 student teaching hours

Take the final exam

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Training
Requirements for Reformer
20 Reformer classes required - 1 year teaching experience recommended

Complete Anatomy and Movement Principles

Complete Reformer Course Work

Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3

Complete 30 Reformer personal sessions, 30 observation hours and 90

student teaching hours

Take the final exam

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body
Reformer 1 Instructor Training
Reformer 1 introduces the foundational exercises on the Universal Reformer.

Exercise categories include

• Footwork
• Supine abdominals and arm work
• Feet in Straps
• Knee Stretch
• Short Box Abdominals
• Long Box Prone exercises
• Plank exercises
• Seated Arm Work
• Standing
• Lunge
• Mermaid/Side Stretch

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Reformer 1
Reformer Introduction

Allegro 1 Rialto Reformer

Allegro 2 Studio Reformer

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Reformer 1
Reformer Introduction

Shoulder Rests

Standing Straps Ropes




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Reformer 1
Reformer Introduction




Extra Heavy

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Balanced Body Movement Principles
Balanced Body Movement Principles are the key anatomical and
biomechanical concepts that underlie the Pilates Method.

The Movement Principles include the pre Pilates exercises

illustrating the essential movements on which the repertoire is

Form the foundation for good movement in Pilates, in athletic

activities and in daily life.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Balanced Body Movement Principles

Mobility Whole
and Body
Restoration Movement

Upper Body Trunk

Training Integration

Lower Body

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Lower Body Training
Effectively training the
lower body involves three
primary principles
Optimize strength
the and
alignment mobility
for daily
of the around
lower limb the hip,
knee and

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Aligning the Lower Limb
Optimum lower limb alignment means
the center of the hip, knee and ankle joint
are in a line perpendicular to the floor.

The femur and tibia are not rotated

relative to each other.
Hip joint

The knees are not hyperextended.

Knee joint

The tibia is relatively straight.

Ankle joint

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Creating Muscular Balance
Knee Ankle Movement
Flexion in multiple
Movements of the Hip and and plantar
balance and
Extension flexion coordination

Feet in
Abduction Medial and Footwork Straps
Flexion and
and lateral Footwork
extension Knee Stretch Standing
adduction rotation

Feet in Footwork
Feet in Straps
Straps Feet in
Standing Straps
Knee Stretch

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Focus: Leg Alignment - Hip and Knee Flexion and Extension -
Hip Internal and External Rotation - Ankle Plantarflexion and
• Heels
• Toes
• Pilates V
• Wide (2nd position)
• Internal Rotation
• Flex/Releve
• Running in Place

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Correcting Alignment on the Reformer

• Foot placement – prehensile, dorsiflexion
• Ankle plantar flexion
• Using bands and balls
• Hip adjustments
• Asymmetrical footwork

Feet in Straps
• Controlling hyperextension
• Balancing hip rotation
• Strengthening hamstrings and adductors
• Flexibility of hip extensors, hip flexors
and adductors

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Alignment Anomalies – Pelvis and Hips

Anterior pelvic Posterior High hip or low Pelvic rotation

tilt pelvic tilt hip When the pelvis
When one ilium is rotated with
When the ASIS When the ASIS one ilium
is anterior of is posterior of is higher than
the other moving toward
the pubic bone. the pubic bone the midline and
one moving

Manual pages 14 - 18 Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Alignment Anomalies – Legs

Medial Femoral Lateral Femoral Genu Valgum Genu Varum

Rotation Rotation Knock Knees Bow Legs
The patella’s The patella’s In standing In standing
angle toward angle away alignment with alignment with
each other and from each other the legs the legs parallel
the femurs are and the femurs parallel, the when the
medially are laterally medial knees medial ankles
rotated. rotated. touch but the touch but the
medial ankles knees don’t.
do not. Decreased Q
Increased Q Copyright 2019, Balanced
Manual pages 14 - 18 angle.
Body Education LLC.
Movement Principles
Alignment Anomalies – Legs and Feet

Knee Hyperextension Tibial Torsion or Foot Pronation and

Bowing Supination
In standing alignment
viewed from the side When the tibia is not When the foot is not
when the knees are lined up with the balanced between
posterior to the plumb femur creating the medial and lateral
line. torsion at the knee aspect.
and ankle. Pronation – weight
on midline
Supination – weight
on lateral foot
Manual pages 14 - 18 Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Movement Principles
The Knee
The knee is the intersection of the forces
from the ground up and from the torso

The constant balancing act requires the

knee to be strong, flexible and stable in a
wide range of positions.

In ordinary activities such as running or

climbing stairs, the knee is subjected to
as much as 4x the body weight of the

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
The Knee

• Correct leg
Key alignment
training • Create muscular
principles balance
for the • Align patellar
knee tracking
include: • Train endurance
and strength

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
The Knee
Dysfunctional patellar tracking
• When the quadriceps contract, the
patella should glide superiorly in a
straight line.
• If the alignment or muscle balance
are off, the patella will track
• This is usually caused by a tight
lateral thigh and a weak vastus
• This can lead to knee pain.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
The Lower Leg, Ankle and Foot

The alignment of
the lower leg,
ankle and foot
The tibia and directly effects
fibula connect how ground
the knee to the forces are
ankle and foot. transferred from
the foot to the
knee to the hip to
the spine.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
The Lower Leg, Ankle and Foot

Tibial Torsion

• Alignment
• Correct hip and knee
first, then correct lower
leg as tolerated.
• Strengthen
• Depends on rotation of
lower leg and Q angle

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Verbal and Non Verbal Cues

Dr. Albert
7-38-55 Rule:
• What we say is less
significant than
• How we say it
• How we move as
we are saying it
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Movement Principles
Cueing and Coaching
Mindful teaching relies on
meaningful cues - teaching
“why” and “what”

Focuses on kinesthetic
sensations i.e. pressure, touch
and effort

Increased feelings of self

empowerment and success - “I
can do this”

Results in increased program

adherence and positive health

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Cueing and Coaching
Provide clear

Focus on the

Provide the how

and the why
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Movement Principles
Cueing and Coaching
1) Exercise direction
Be straightforward,
simple and consistent!
• Exercise name
• Equipment setup
• Body position
• Number of reps (to help
them budget their energy)
• Movement sequence

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Cueing and Coaching
2) Mindful cues
Feeling, thinking and
• Quality over quantity
• Engage the client in their
• Tell them why the exercise is
• Let them observe what’s

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Cueing and Coaching

Examples of mindful cueing

Breath Physical Why Observing
• “Inhale as you sensation • “Strengthening their
push back, • “Feel equal your legs helps experience
exhale as you weight on both you get up and
• “Do you notice
return” sit bones” down from a
your right leg is
faster than your
left one?”

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Inspiration from Mr. Pilates

"If your spine is

inflexibly stiff at 30, you
are old. If it is
completely flexible at
60, you are young."
-Joseph Pilates

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Roll Down
Focus: Trunk Integration - Spinal Flexion - Abdominal Strength

• Oblique
• Add arms
• Biceps curl
• Posterior shoulder press
• Rows

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Supine Arm Work
Focus: Upper Body Strength - Pelvic Stability

• Triceps pull
• Posterior deltoid pull
• Arm Circles
• Lat pulls
• Cheerleader

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Trunk Integration


Core work
• Transverse Abdominis, Multifidi, Pelvic Floor, Diaphragm

Outer unit or lumbopelvic stability

• Anterior Oblique Sling, Posterior Oblique Sling, Deep Longitudinal
System, Lateral System

Spinal mobility

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
The Core or Inner Unit
The core, powerhouse or inner unit, is the
foundation of every exercise in Pilates.
The elements of the core include:

• Multifidi
• Transversus abdominis
• Pelvic floor
• Diaphragm

The core stabilizes the spine through a

complex series of interconnections
between the fascia, the muscles and the

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Lumbopelvic Stability
Lumbopelvic stability is the Good core activation
ability of the neuromuscular combined with the action of
system to maintain balance the 4 “outer units” is
between the rib cage, required for lumbopelvic
lumbar spine and pelvis. stabilization.

Maintaining balance and

strength in the four outer This model is based loosely
units is essential for on the work of Diane Lee,
preventing low back pain PT, FCAMT, CGIMS. and
and for creating efficient and Andry Vleeming, PhD, PT
graceful movement patterns.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
The 4 Outer Units

Deep Longitudinal System Anterior and Posterior Sling Lateral System

•Erector Spinae, Quadratus Lumborum, •Anterior = Anterior serratus, External oblique, •Hip abductors and adductors
Thoracolumbar Fascia, Sacrotuberous Ligament Contralateral internal oblique and adductors •Quadratus Lumborum
and the Biceps Femoris, Gastrocnemius, Plantar
•Posterior = Latissimus dorsi and Contralateral
Fascia and Toe Flexors
glutes Function
Function •Keeps the pelvis balanced over the femurs
Function when walking, running or balancing on one
•This system holds us upright against gravity and
creates spinal extension. •Together stabilize the torso and in opposition leg.
create flexion, lateral flexion and rotation of the •Imbalances lead to an un-level pelvis when
torso standing on both legs.
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1 Exercises
The Hundred
Focus: Abdominal Strengthen - Trunk Integration - Hip Flexion

• Hundred prep
• Level 1 - Knees and hip flexed
• Level 2 - Legs straight to ceiling
• Level 3 - Legs lower
• Leg variations
• Raise and lower
• Flex and point the feet
• Rotate the legs medially and laterally

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Kneeling Abdominals
Focus: Abdominal Strength - Trunk Integration - Hip Flexion
• Facing Back
• Flat back
• Round back
• Oblique
• Lat pull
• Single leg
• Facing front
• Hips extend and flex
• Shoulders flex and extend
• Combine hips and shoulders

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Feet in Straps
Focus: Lumbopelvic Stability - Hip Adduction, Flexion, Extension and Medial
and Lateral Rotation Strength and Flexibility


• Leg Lowers
• Scissors
• Circles
• Frogs


• Hamstring
• Lateral Hamstring
• Hip Flexor
• Adductor 1 and 2 legs
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1 Workouts
Warm Up 1

Footwork Feet in Straps Supine Arm Work

100’s prep or 100

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Workouts
Warm Up 2

Footwork Supine Arm Work 100’s prep or 100

Feet in Straps Roll Down Kneeling Abs Back

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Scapulohumeral Rhythm

In the Long Box Pulling Straps,

Overhead Press and Swan, the
arms move overhead.

The scapulae must upwardly

rotate to accommodate the
movement of the humerus.

Observe the movement of the

scapulae for symmetry and

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Long Box Pulling Straps
Focus: Spinal Extension - Arm Strength
• Pulling down
• Pulling in a T
• Triceps Pull Back
• Pulling Straps

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Long Box Overhead Press & Swan
Focus: Spinal Extension - Arm Strength

• Hands up
• Hands in
• Single arm
• Swan

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Short Box Abdominals
Focus: Abdominal Strength - Spinal Flexion
• Round back
• Flat back
• Arm variations
• Arms across chest
• Holding bar
• Picture frame

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Bridging & Pelvic Lift
Focus: Glute – Hamstring - Back Strength - Spinal Flexion

• Bridging – stable carriage
• Heels or toes
• Feet in V
• Wide
• Parallel, sit bone width
• Parallel, together
• Pelvic Lift
• Single leg

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Workouts
Trunk Integration

SB Abdominals Overhead Press LB Overhead Press Swan

Pulling Straps Pulling Straps in a T Pulling Straps in Extension

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Workouts
Lower Body Sequence

Footwork Bridging Bridging Single Leg

Feet in Straps Scissors, Circles, Leg Lowers, Frogs Stretches

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Knee Stretch
Focus: Scapular Stability - Pelvic Stability - Hip
Flexion/Extension Strength - Trunk Integration
• Single Leg Flat Back
• Single Leg Round Back
• Balance challenge
• Double Leg Flat Back
• Double Leg Round Back

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Focus: Scapular Stability - Trunk Integration - Hamstring
• Round Back
• Flat Back
• Walking

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Long Stretch
Focus: Scapular Stability - Trunk Integration - Hamstring
• Upper back flexion
• Upper back extension
• Push Ups

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Up Stretch
Focus: Scapular Stability - Trunk Integration - Hamstring
• Light spring

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Workouts
Plank Progressions

Kneeling Abs Front Kneeling Abs Back Kneeling Abs 1 Leg

Knee Stretch Single Leg Elephant Long Stretch

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Up Stretch
Pilates and Osteoporosis

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1

What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis, or porous bone, is a
disease characterized by:
• Low bone mass
• Structural deterioration of bone tissue
• Bone fragility and an increased susceptibility
to fractures, especially of the hip, spine and
wrist, although any bone can be affected

Bone is living, growing tissue that

changes throughout the lifespan.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1

Osteoporosis Facts
10 million Americans are estimated to
have osteoporosis, of which 8 million are
women and 2 million are men.

34 million Americans are estimated to

have low bone mass, placing them at
increased risk for osteoporosis.
One in 2 women and 1 in four men over
the age of 50 will have an osteoporosis-
related fracture in her/his remaining

Risk has been reported in all ethnic


Though associated with advanced age,

can occur at any age.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1

Categories of Osteoporosis

Bone loss is measured • T–score -1 to -2.5 or 10-25% of normal bone

in relationship to the loss is considered low bone mass or
normal bone mass of a osteopenia
young adult and is • T-score >2.5 or more than 25% - 30% is
called a T-score. considered osteoporosis

Specialized tests called

bone density tests can • Detect osteoporosis before a fracture occurs
measure bone density • Predict your chances of fracturing in the
in various sites of the future
body. • Can determine the rate of bone loss and/or
monitor the effects of treatment.
Bone density tests can
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1


Osteoporosis is often called the “silent disease”

as bone loss occurs without symptoms.

Bones may become so weak that a sudden strain,

bump or fall causes a fracture or a vertebrae to

Collapsed vertebrae may initially be felt or seen in the

form of severe back pain, loss of height or spinal
deformities such as kyphosis or stooped posture.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1

Prevention of Osteoporosis
Women acquire 98 percent of skeletal
mass by about age 20.

Building strong bones during childhood

and adolescence can be the best defense
against developing osteoporosis later.

Four steps to optimize bone health include:

• Balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D
• Weight-bearing exercise
• A healthy lifestyle with no smoking or excessive
alcohol intake
• Bone density testing and medication when

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1

Wolff’s Law
Bones become stronger in
response to increased stress. In
order to continue to build bone
the stress placed on it must be
greater then the stress to which
it has become accustomed.

In order to build bone you need

to challenge the client to keep
working harder or to place
different kinds of stress on the
bones in order to make them

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Exercise Considerations

Exercise programs for

Weight bearing exercise and Pilates has not been directly osteoporosis should be
weight training have been shown to help and many designed to:
studied in relationship to traditional Pilates exercises • Build bone mass
osteoporosis and have been are contraindicated for • Improve posture and balance
shown to be helpful clients with osteoporosis. • Be progressive or changing in order
to keep bones responding
• Improve spinal extension

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Contraindications and Precautions
Movements shown to Precautions when
increase risk of fracture, working with clients
particularly to the spine with osteoporosis
Avoid loaded flexion of the spine
Spinal Flexion - Especially with i.e. abdominal curls, all rolling
resistance as in Hundreds and exercises, all rolling up exercises
abdominal curls

Spinal Rotation – Especially Use a neutral spine position in

when combined with spinal Bridging
flexion as in oblique
abdominal exercises

Be careful with rotation as in

Saw and Spine Twist

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Mat and Reformer Exercises to Avoid

Mat Reformer
• Abdominals • Abdominals
• Hundreds • Hundreds
• Roll Up
• Coordination
• Neck Pull
• Series of 5 – Single Leg Stretch, Double Leg • Roll Downs
Stretch, Single Straight Leg Stretch, Double • Short Box Abdominals
Straight Leg Stretch, Criss Cross
• Teaser • Teaser
• Rolling Exercises • Back Stroke
• Rolling Like a Ball
• Open Leg Rocker
• Spinal Exercises
• Seal • Short Spine Stretch
• Inversions • Long Spine Stretch
• Roll Over
• Jackknife • Jackknife
• Corkscrew • Corkscrew
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1
Reformer Exercises to Emphasize
Moderate Impact loading: In order to
Spinal Extension increase bone mass, exercise needs to be
• Swan on the box
moderately strenuous.
• Pulling Straps Keep progressing the resistance you use
• Breast Stroke with each exercise to maintain a moderate
level of effort with your client.
Weight Bearing
• All Fours Abdominals
• Long Stretch series
• Knee Stretch

Hip Joint Stimulation

• Feet in Straps
• Standing Leg Work
• Knee Stretch
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1
Reformer Program for Osteoporosis
• Parallel, external and internal rotation
Footwork • Single leg and single leg progressions
• Ankle work

Supine Arm work • All directions

• All positions
Feet in Straps • Parallel, external and internal rotation

All Fours • Facing front

Abdominals • Facing back

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Reformer Program for Osteoporosis
• Single leg
Knee Stretch (flat • Single leg with balance
back only) • Double leg

• Seated and kneeling facing back

Arm work • Seated and kneeling facing front

• Add push ups

Long Stretch • Add thoracic extension (if appropriate)

Standing leg • Abduction

work • Adduction

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Additional Exercise Recommendations
Muscle Group Specific Training
• Target spinal extensors
• Train pelvic and scapular stabilizers
• Focus on upper and lower limb training while keeping spine neutral.

Aerobic Activity
• Encourage clients to walk, use low impact aerobic machines, swim or other activities that
encourage increased aerobic capacity and overall physical fitness.
Balance and Coordination Training
• To train the nervous system and the muscular system to react appropriately to balance
challenges it is important to add safe balance exercises such as
• Standing on one leg
• Moving on unstable surfaces (spot the client as needed, add when appropriate)
Flexibility Exercises
• Maintain flexibility in the torso, shoulder girdle and hips in order to help the client to
maintain good posture.
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Pilates and Pregnancy

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Guidelines for Exercise during Pregnancy

can be
beneficial to
both the
mother and
the baby if
guidelines are

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Benefits of Exercise during Pregnancy
Can reduce lower back pain

Eases constipation

May decrease risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia and

cesarean delivery

Promotes healthy weight gain

Improves overall fitness and strengthens cardiovascular system

Helps with weight loss after delivery

Helps prepare the body for labor, delivery and taking care of the baby.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Low Risk Pregnancy
Low Risk Pregnancy Exercise Considerations
• Under 35 • Follow the normal guidelines for each
• Previous normal pregnancy and trimester.
delivery • Pay attention to changes in energy level.
• No known risks Pay attention to changes in flexibility and
• Focus on maintaining trunk integration,
lumbopelvic stability and overall strength
with an emphasis on upper body

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
High Risk Pregnancy
High Risk Pregnancy Exercise Considerations
• First pregnancy over age 35 • Minimize or eliminate exercise during
• Previous issues with pregnancy and the first trimester (first 12 weeks).
delivery • If client has any unusual symptoms, refer
• Medically identified risks – preeclampsia, them to their MD or other medical
gestational diabetes, cervical practitioner.
insufficiency • Focus on maintaining trunk integration,
• In-vitro or other assisted fertility lumbopelvic stability and overall strength
treatments. with an emphasis on upper body

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Exercise during Pregnancy
Changes during pregnancy Precautions during pregnancy
• Hypermobility - Pregnancy • Drink plenty of water –
hormones make the joints looser.
Be cautious with high impact, Dehydration can be
bouncy or contact sports where especially dangerous
the joints may be unstable. during pregnancy.
• Balance changes - As the body • Wear a supportive
changes shape, balance can sports bra - As the
unexpectedly change. Be cautious
with balance challenges. breasts enlarge, support
• Breathing difficulties – As the is necessary to keep
uterus grows and the body them comfortable.
demands more oxygen, shortness • Avoid becoming
of breath can occur. Take it easy overheated.
until the body adjusts.
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1
Stages of Pregnancy
1st Trimester (0 – 12 weeks)
• All exercises are generally possible
during this time.
• Pay attention to the woman’s energy
level and any morning sickness
• Pay attention to changes in flexibility
and balance.
1st Trimester exercises to focus
• Trunk integration
• Lumbopelvic stability
• Arm and upper back strength.
• Flexibility of the chest, lower back and
anterior hip.
• Decrease or eliminate inversion
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1
Stages of Pregnancy
Early 2nd Trimester (12 – 16
• Prone exercises are no longer possible.
• Abdominals may become less easy to
feel or activate.
• Mobility in hips, pelvis and spine may

2nd trimester exercise guidelines

• Maintain flexibility of the lower back
and abdominals
• Emphasize lumbopelvic stability
• Find abdominals that are comfortable
• If client has low blood pressure, teach
them to change positions slowly.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Stages of Pregnancy
Late 2nd Trimester (16 – 24
• From 16 weeks on minimize or
eliminate supine exercises to keep the
fetus from putting pressure on the
blood supply to the uterus and lower
• Modify Footwork with a wedge pillow
or Pilates Arc or use Stomach Massage
with lower back support to elevate the
heart above the pelvis.
• Discontinue or modify exercises that
work the hips in deep flexion such as
Teaser or Knee Stretch.
• Focus on stability of the shoulders and
pelvis rather than mobility.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Stages of Pregnancy
3rd Trimester (24 weeks until
delivery) exercise guidelines
• Use a wide leg position on footwork.
• Emphasize the limbs rather than the
• Continue to focus on shoulder and
lumbopelvic stability.
• Leg and hip strength
• Light, neutral trunk integration
• Upper body exercises for lifting and
• Caution with resisted adductor work to
minimize pressure on the pubic
symphysis especially if the client is

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1
Stages of Pregnancy
Post natal
• If delivery was vaginal,
begin basic trunk
integration, core and
lumbopelvic stabilization
exercises as soon as
• If delivery was by C section,
do only light trunk
integration, core
stabilization and
lumbopelvic stability
exercises until cleared by
the doctor. This usually
takes 6 to 8 weeks.
• Focus on a full body
workout to restore tone in
the abdomen, stability of
the pelvis and strength in
the upper body.
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Movement Principles
Upper Body Strength and Balance

The combination of
very mobile joints
and complex muscle
actions can make
learning to effectively
train this area
challenging for the
novice or even the
experienced teacher.

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
The Shoulder Joints

All of
joints • Scapulothoracic
need to • Glenohumeral
move in
harmony • Sternoclavicular
to create • Acromioclavicular

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Muscles of the Shoulder

The • Glenohumeral
muscles stability and
of the mobility
shoulder • Scapular
play stability and
three mobility
key • Humeral
roles: mobility

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Training the Upper Body
1) Create stability, endurance
2) Optimize the mobility and
and balance of the rotator
stability of the scapula.

These 4 steps provide a

framework for training
the upper body

3) Perform exercises to
4) Integrate upper body
address the majority of the
movements into the thorax
functional movement
and lower body.
patterns of the upper body.
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Movement Principles
Training the Upper Body
Functional Movement Patterns include:

Straight Arm
Pulling Pushing Lifting Reaching

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Training the Upper Body

Rotator cuff exercises

• Medial rotation
• Lateral rotation

Scapular Stability and

Mobility exercises
• All Fours
• Long Stretch/Plank
• Supine Arms
• Rowing

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Training the Upper Body

• Pulling
• Pushing
• Pushing up
• Pulling down

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Training the Upper Body

Integrating the
arms with the rest
of the body
• Pulling across
• Pulling with rotation
• Punching
• Throwing

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Training the Upper Body
• Rotator cuff exercises
Scapular stability and
• Pinwheel and planks

Posterior shoulder • Rows, shoulder extension, triceps kick back

Anterior shoulder • Chest press, biceps curls

Functional movement
• Pulling, pushing, throwing

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Arm Work Facing Straps
Focus: Functional Arm Strength - Pulling, Lifting, Trunk
• Lateral rotation
• Medial rotation
• Rows
• Posterior shoulder
• Twist
• Biceps Curl

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Arm Work Facing Footbar
Focus: Pushing - Trunk Integration

• Serve a Tray
• Hug a Tree
• Salutes
• Punching

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Movements of the Scapula

Elevation Protraction Upward Rotation

Depression Retraction Downward Rotation

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Movement Principles
Movements of the Glenohumeral Joint

Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction

Medial Lateral Horizontal Horizontal

Rotation Rotation Adduction Abduction

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Movements of the Elbow and Forearm

Elbow flexion

Elbow extension

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Movement Principles
Movements of the Wrist

Ulnar deviation or
Wrist extension

Radial deviation or
Wrist flexion abduction

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

(scapulothoracic joint)

Reformer exercises for Elevation: Overhead Press

Reformer exercises for Depression: Supine arm work, Pulling straps, Scapula glides
(scapulothoracic joint)
Reformer exercises for Abduction/Protraction: Serve a Tray, Hug a Tree
Reformer exercises for Adduction/Retraction: Rows
(scapulothoracic joint)

Reformer exercises for Upward Rotation: Pulling straps (T) eccentric phase,
Supine arms eccentric phase
Reformer exercises for Downward Rotation: Pulling straps (T) concentric phase
(glenohumeral joint)

Reformer exercises for Extension: Pulling straps, Chest expansion, Twist facing back,
Supine arm work
Synergists – Muscles Working Together
(glenohumeral joint)

Reformer exercises for Flexion: Serve a Tray, Breaststroke (modified), Kneeling Arm Circles
(glenohumeral joint)

Reformer exercises for Adduction: Supine arm work: Lat pulls, Pulling straps: in a T
(glenohumeral joint)

Reformer exercises for Abduction: Eccentric phase of Lat pulls

(glenohumeral joint)
Reformer exercises for Horizontal Adduction: Hug a Tree, Kneeling arms: Pull across
Reformer exercises for Horizontal Abduction: Kneeling arms: Draw a Sword
Synergists – Muscles Working Together
(humeroulnar and
humeroradial joints)

Reformer exercises for Elbow Flexion: Biceps Curls, LB Breaststroke

Reformer exercises for Elbow Extension: Salutes, Overhead Press
(proximal and distal
radioulnar joints)
These actions are frequently imbalanced in terms of both range of motion and strength:
To work on them, add pronation, neutral and supination forearm positions to different arm
Reformer 1 Workouts
Upper Body Sequence

Supine Arm Work Roll Down Seated Armwork Back – Lateral Rotation

Seated Armwork Back – Rows Seated Armwork Back – Twist

Seated Armwork Back – Triceps Press

Seated Armwork Front – Hug a Tree Seated Armwork Front – Salutes Seated Armwork Front – Twist/Punching

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Standing Side Splits
Focus: Hip Abduction and Adduction Strength
• Legs parallel or turned out
• Knees straight, weight centered
• Knees bent, weight centered
• Knees bent, weight on standing leg

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Focus: Hip Flexor Flexibility
• Lunge
• Eve’s Lunge

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Side Stretch/Mermaid
Focus: Lateral Spinal Flexion
• Side bend
• Rotation
• Counter stretch
• Feet on floor
• Hip lift and lower

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Exercises
Focus: Lateral Spinal Flexion

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Workouts
Cool Down

Standing Lunge Mermaid

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Workouts
Lower Body Sequences

Footwork Bridging Feet in Straps

Knee Stretch Double Leg Flat Back Knee Stretch Single Leg Flat Back


Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Workouts
Introductory Session

Footwork Supine Arm Work 100’s prep or 100

Feet in Straps Roll Down Seated Armwork Face Back

Seated Armwork Face Front Mermaid Lunge

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Workouts
The Basics, part 1

Footwork 100’s prep or 100 Feet in Straps

Feet in Straps, Stretches Supine Arm Work Roll Down

SB Abdominals Kneeling Abs Back Seated Armwork Face Back

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Workouts
The Basics, part 2

Seated Armwork Face Front Bridging

Knee Stretch Single Leg Flat Back


Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Workouts
Full Program 1

Footwork 100’s prep or 100 Feet in Straps and Supine Arm Work Roll Down

SB Abdominals Pulling Straps Knee Stretch 2 Legs, Knee Stretch 2 Legs, Pelvic Lift
Round Flat

Seated Armwork Seated Armwork

Face Back Face Front

Lunge Mermaid
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1 Workouts
Full Program 2

Footwork 100’s prep or 100 Feet in Straps and Supine Arm Work SB Abdominals

Knee Stretch 2 Legs, Knee Stretch 2 Legs,

Pulling Straps Round Flat Elephant Long Stretch

Seated Armwork Seated Armwork

Face Back Face Front Pelvic Lift

Lunge Mermaid
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1 Workouts
Full Program 3

Footwork Supine Arm Work 100’s Feet Straps & Stretch SB Abdominals

Knee Stretch 2 Legs, Knee Stretch 2 Legs,

Pulling Straps LB Overhead Press LB Swan Round Flat

Long Stretch Up Stretch Seated Armwork Seated Armwork

Face Back Face Front

Pelvic Lift
Lunge Mermaid
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1 Workouts
More for the Core

Footwork Supine Arm Work 100’s Feet Straps & Stretch Kneeling Abs Back

SB Abdominals Knee Stretch 2 Legs,

Pulling Straps LB Swan Round Knee Stretch 2 Legs,

Long Stretch Up Stretch Seated Arms Back Seated Arms Front


Pelvic Lift
Lunge Mermaid
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1 Workouts
Strong Arms

Footwork Supine Arm Work 100’s Feet Straps & Stretch Roll Down + Arms

Pulling Straps LB Overhead Press SB Abdominals Knee Stretch 2 Legs,

Kneeling Abs Back
Round + Flat

Elephant + Walking Long Stretch + Push Up Stretch Seated Arms Back Seated Arms Front

Lunge Mermaid
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 1 Workouts
Mostly Legs

Footwork Pelvic Lift + Pilates 100 + Leg raise and Feet in Straps and SB Abdominals
V + Single Leg lower Stretches

LB Swan Pulling Straps Knee Stretch 2 Legs, Long Stretch + Push

Elephant + Walking
Round + Flat Ups

Kneeling Arms Back Kneeling Arms Front Lunge Mermaid


Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Training
Requirements for Mat and Reformer
20 Reformer classes required - 1 year teaching experience recommended

Complete Anatomy and Movement Principles

Complete Mat Course Work

Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 3

Complete Reformer Course Work

Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3

Complete 20 Mat and 30 Reformer personal sessions, 45 observation

hours and 125 student teaching hours

Take the final exam

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Training
Requirements for Reformer
20 Reformer classes required - 1 year teaching experience recommended

Complete Anatomy and Movement Principles

Complete Reformer Course Work

Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3

Complete 30 Reformer personal sessions, 30 observation hours and 90

student teaching hours

Take the final exam

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 1 Complete!

Your next step is to practice the exercises, practice

teaching and gain confidence in helping your friends and
clients achieve greater health and wellbeing.

We look forward to seeing you in Reformer 2

Thanks for joining the Balanced Body Pilates Instructor

Training Program!

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

(coxal joint)
(tibiofemoral joint)
Ankle, Foot and Toes
(talocrural, talotarsal, midtarsal, tarsometatarsal,
metatarsophalangeal and interphalangeal joints)
Synergists – Muscles Working Together
(hip joint)

Reformer exercises for Hip Flexion: Feet in Straps, Kneeling Abdominals Back, 100,
(hip joint)

Reformer exercises for Hip Extension: Footwork, Bridging,

Feet in Straps, Knee Stretch
(hip joint)

Reformer exercises for Medial Rotation: Footwork, Feet in

Straps, Standing
(hip joint)

Reformer exercises for Hip Adduction: Footwork, Feet in Straps, Standing

(hip joint)

Reformer exercises for Hip Abduction: Standing, Single Leg Knee Stretch,
(Side Lying Leg Work)
(hip joint)

Reformer exercises for Lateral Rotation: Footwork, Feet in

Straps, Standing
Knee Reformer exercises for Knee
(tibiofemoral joint) Flexion: Footwork, Bridging

Reformer exercises for Knee Extension:

Footwork, Bridging, Knee Stretch
(tibiofemoral joint)
Synergists – Muscles Working Together
Ankle Reformer exercises for Plantar and Dorsiflexion: Footwork,
(talocrural joint)
(talocrural joint)

Reformer exercises for Plantar and

Dorsiflexion: Footwork, Jumpboard

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