Reformer 3 Presentation

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Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Training

Reformer 3: Advanced Exercises

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body
Reformer 3 Instructor Training


Reformer 3
introduces the
advanced Reformer
exercises and the
Balanced Body
Programming System

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Training
Requirements for Mat and Reformer
20 Reformer classes required - 1 year teaching experience recommended

Complete Anatomy and Movement Principles

Complete Mat Course Work

Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 3

Complete Reformer Course Work

Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3

Complete 20 Mat and 30 Reformer personal sessions, 45 observation

hours and 125 student teaching hours

Take the final exam

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Training
Requirements for Reformer
20 Reformer classes required - 1 year teaching experience recommended

Complete Anatomy and Movement Principles

Complete Reformer Course Work

Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3

Complete 30 Reformer personal sessions, 30 observation hours and 90

student teaching hours

Take the final exam

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body
Reformer 3 Instructor Training
Reformer 3 includes advanced and super advanced Reformer exercises to progress your clients
toward. Not all of these exercises are appropriate for all of your clients. Pay attention to
cautions in the manual.

Exercise categories include

• Long Box exercises
• Rowing Back
• Reverse Abdominals
• Long Spine Massage and Jackknife
• Thigh Stretch
• Tendon Stretch
• Long Back Stretch
• Snake and Twist
• Control Front and Back
• Star
• Splits

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Inspiration from Mr. Pilates
The acquirement and
enjoyment of physical
well-being, mental calm
and spiritual peace are
priceless to their
-Joseph Pilates

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body
Principle based programming and class design

Uses the Balanced Body Movement Principles and

principle based exercise categories to provide a flexible
structure for successful class design.

Smart Mind, Smart Body, Excellent Results Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Balanced Body
Principle based programming and class design

A systematic Applicable to any Can be used for a

approach to class environment with variety of class
design any equipment formats
Provides a framework for Can be used with any
exercise repertoire Private training
creating well balanced and
effective classes including
•Pilates mat
•Pilates mat and small equipment
•Pilates studio equipment Small group training
Includes exercise •Personal training
categories based on •MOTR
purpose and function. •Bodhi Suspension
•Bosu Group exercise classes
•Gym environments and more

Teaches systematic
exercise progressions for
easy level changes. Circuit classes

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body Exercise Tracks
Mirror the Movement Principles

Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 Track 4 Track 5

Lower Upper Whole Body Dynamic
Trunk Body
Body Movement Flexibility,
Integration – Strength
Strength Neuromotor, Release and
and and Relaxation
Core and Agility,
Power Balance
Lumbopelvic Balance and
Stability Coordinatio
To plan a balanced workout, use all the Tracks!
Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 3
Long Box Double Leg Kick
Focus: Hip Extension - Knee Flexion - Spinal Extension
Related to: Mat Double Leg Kick, Swan

• Hamstring curls
• 2 legs
• 1 leg
• Double Leg Kick

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Long Box Teaser
Focus: Trunk Integration - Hip Flexion - Balance
Family: Mat Teaser

• No box
• Bent knees
• Arm Swings
• Teaser 2
• Teaser 3

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Long Box Horseback
Focus: Trunk Integration - Spinal Flexion - Hip Adduction -
Family: Horseback, Standing Leg Work

• Arm swings
• Arm circles
• Reverse Horseback
• Low Reformers

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Long Box Swan
Focus: Trunk Integration - Spinal Extension - Hip Extension
Family: Swan
• Arms down
• Arms wide
• Arms overhead

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Long Box Grasshopper
Focus: Trunk Integration - Spinal Extension - Hip Extension
Family: Swan

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Long Box Rocking
Focus: Trunk Integration - Spinal Extension - Hip Extension –
Dynamic Flexibility
Family: Swan

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 2 Workouts
Long Box Teaser Progression
Principle Focus Pre-Pilates Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3
Trunk Integration Toe Taps, Feet in Straps, Short Spine, Teaser!!!!
Marching, Ab Curl Supine Arms, Coordination, Long
Hundreds Box Backstroke

Marching Toe Taps Abdominal Curl Feet in Straps Short Spine

Supine Arms Hundred Coordination LB Backstroke

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 3 Workout
Long Box Swan and Grasshopper Progression

Principles Pre-Pilates Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3 Recovery

TI – Spinal Opp Arm Overhead LB LB Child’s Pose
Extension and Leg, Press, Swan Breaststroke Grasshopper
Rockets, and and Swan
Swan Prep Swimming

Opposite Arm/Leg Reach Prone Rockets Swan Prep Overhead Press, Swan

Swimming LB - Breaststroke LB - Swan LB - Grasshopper

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Child’s Pose
Reformer 3
Rowing Back 1 Round Back
Focus: Trunk Integration - Spinal Flexion - Functional Arm
Moves - Coordination
Family: Seated Armwork, Roll Downs

• Breakdown

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Rowing Back 2 Flat Back
Focus: Trunk Integration - Spinal Flexion - Functional Arm
Moves - Coordination
Family: Seated Armwork, Roll Down

• Breakdown

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3 Workout
Rowing Progressions
Principles Pre-Pilates Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3
Trunk Ab curls, Roll Down, Rowing Front 1 Rowing Back 1
integration, Pinwheel Supine Arms, and 2 Round Back
spinal mobility, Seated Arms Rowing Back 2
upper body Flat Back

Abdominal Curl Pinwheel

Supine Arm Work Roll Down Seated Armwork Seated Armwork
Face Back Face Front

Rowing Front 1 Rowing Front 2 Rowing Back I & II

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Reverse Abdominals
Focus: Trunk Integration - Spinal Flexion - Hip Flexion
Family: Abdominals, Kneeling Abdominals

• Sagittal
• Oblique
• Elbow to knee
• Hand to opposite hip

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Long Spine Massage
Focus: Inversion - Spinal Mobility - Trunk Integration
Family: Inversions

• Reverse
• Add leg circles

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Focus: Inversion - Spinal Mobility - Trunk Integration
Family: Inversions

• Arm support

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3 Workouts
Inversion Progressions
Principles Pre-Pilates Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3
Trunk Bridging Feet in Straps, Short Spine Long Spine
Integration, Bridging, SB Massage, Massage,
Spinal Abdominals Corkscrew Jackknife

Neutral Bridging Feet in Straps Bridging SB Abdominals

Short Spine Long Spine Massage Corkscrew Jackknife

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Thigh Stretch
Focus: Trunk Integration - Hip Extension - Spinal Extension
Family: Kneeling Armwork, Swan

• Neutral spine
• Arched back

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Tendon Stretch
Focus: Scapular Stability - Hip and Spine Flexion - Lumbopelvic
Stability - Dynamic Flexibility
Family: Tendon Stretch

• Single leg side
• Single leg back

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Long Back Stretch (Slide)
Focus: Scapular Stability - Functional Arm Movements -
Triceps Press - Posterior System Strength
Family: Back Plank, Triceps Press

• Bent knees
• Box in front of shoulder rests
• Scapula glide

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3 Workouts
Tendon Stretch & Long Back Stretch Progressions

Principles Pre-Pilates Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3

Trunk Sternum Drop, Seated Arms Tendon
Integration, Plank, Back Back, Bridging Stretch, Long
Scapular Plank Back Stretch

Sternum Drops + Modified and Full Modified and Full Bridging Seated Armwork
Opp A/L Plank Back Plank Face Back

Tendon Stretch Long Back Stretch

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Focus: Scapular Stability - Trunk Integration - Spinal
Extension - Coordination
Family: Plank, Elephant

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Focus: Scapular Stability - Trunk Integration - Spinal
Rotation - Coordination
Family: Plank, Mat Side Bend Twist

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Control Front
Focus: Scapular Stability - Trunk Integration - Hip Extension
Family: Long Stretch, Plank

• No leg lift
• Leg Lift

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Control Back
Focus: Scapular Stability - Posterior System Strength
Family: Back Plank

• No leg lift
• Leg Lift

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Star/Side Support
Focus: Scapular Stability - Lateral System Strength - Trunk
Integration - Balance
Family: Side Plank
• Knees on carriage
• Both feet on shoulder rests
• Star

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3 Workouts
Plank Progressions
Principles Pre-Pilates Mat 2 Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3
Trunk Plank, Mod. Side Bend Long Stretch, SB Mermaid Snake, Twist,
Integration, Back Plank, Mermaid, Leg Control Front,
Scapular Mod. Side Pull Up, Leg Control Back,
Stability Plank Pull Down Star

Modified and Full Modified and Modified and Full Side Bend
Plank Leg Pull Down Full Back Plank Leg Pull Up Mermaid
Side Plank

Long Stretch SB Mermaid Control Front Control Back Snake Twist

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3
Splits – Front/Back/Side
Focus: Hip Strength – Dynamic Flexibility - Trunk Integration
- Standing Balance
Family: Standing/Side Splits

• Hands on footbar/frame
• Upright (no hand hold)
• Russian (Front/Back)

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3 Workouts
Advanced Total Body Workout, part 1

Knee Stretch Kneeling Abs Kneeling Abs Footwork Supine Arm Work
Lunges Flat + Round Face Front Face Back Full Sequence Full Sequence

100’s Coordination Jackknife Feet in Straps Short Spine Long Spine


Bridging Bridging Single Leg Semi Circle Mermaid Cleopatra

Side Support + Star

Long Stretch + Up Reverse Abs + LB Overhead Press Grasshopper Breaststroke

Stretch + Elephant Obliques + Swan
Horseback Front
Page 1 of 2 Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 3 Workouts
Advanced Total Body Workout, part 2

LB Pulling Straps LB Swan Horseback - Back Back Stroke Teaser

Kneeling Armwork – Kneeling Armwork – Kneeling Armwork – Jackrabbit Control Front

face back face side face front

Tendon Stretch Twist Snake

Standing Splits Front

Rowing Front I & II Rowing Back I & II Stretches

Splits Back Side Splits

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Reformer 3 Workouts
Advanced Classical Workout, part 1

Footwork – Full 100’s Short Spine Coordination


Rowing Front I & II Rowing Back I & II Backstroke Teaser

Up Stretch + Down Stomach Massage

Breaststroke Long Back Slide Round + Flat
Stretch + Elephant

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Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Tendon Stretch Jackknife
Reformer 3 Workouts
Advanced Classical Workout, part 2

Semi Circle Chest Expansion Thigh Stretch Twist

SB Abs – Fire Baton + Knee Stretch – Round +

Corkscrew Oblique + Climb A Tree Long Spine Massage Flat + Knees Off

Running in Place Pelvic Press Splits - Front


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Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Splits - Side Mermaid
Reformer 3 Workouts
Romana Kryzanowska’s Super Advanced Workout, part 1

Footwork 100’s Jackknife Coordination Rowing Front I & II

Rowing Back I & II Backstroke Teaser Breaststroke Horseback

Up Stretch + Down Stomach Massage

LB Swan Stretch + Elephant Long Back Stretch
Arabesque Round + Flat + Twist

Tendon Stretch Short Spine Semi Circle

Chest Expansion

Page 1 of 2 Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3 Workouts
Romana Kryzanowska’s Super Advanced Workout, part 2

Thigh Stretch Kneeling Side Arms Twist Corkscrew LB Rocking

SB Abs – Fire Baton Knee Stretch – Round

LB Swimming + Oblique + Climb A Long Spine Massage + Flat + Knees Off Running in Place

Pelvic Press Splits - Side Control Front Control Back

Splits - Front

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Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Star Mermaid
Reformer 3 Workouts
Michele Larsson’s Super Advanced Workout, part 1

Footwork 100’s Jackknife Coordination Rowing Front I & II

Rowing Back I & II Hug a Tree + Salutes LB Swan Pulling Straps

Backstroke Teaser Breaststroke Horseback Swan Dive

Up Stretch + Down
Stretch + Elephant Long Back Stretch Tendon Stretch Stomach Massage
Page 1 of 2 Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.
Reformer 3 Workouts
Michele Larsson’s Super Advanced Workout, part 2

Short Spine Semi Circle Chest Expansion Thigh Stretch Kneeling Arm

SB Abs+ Spear Fish

Snake Corkscrew Long Spine Massage Knee Stretch
+ Round World +

Running in Place Cleopatra Splits - Side Lunge

Splits - Front

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Reformer 3 Workout
Advanced Workout: Strong Shoulders & Arms, part 1

Footwork Supine Arm Work 100’s Coordination Rowing Front I & II

Hug a Tree + Salutes Rowing Back I & II Pulling Straps Breaststroke Backstroke

Long Stretch + Up
Teaser Swan Dive Stretch + Down Kneeling Side Arms Long Back Stretch
Stretch + Elephant

Tendon Stretch Short Spine Semi Circle Chest Expansion Thigh Stretch

Page 1 of 2 Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3 Workouts
Advanced Workout: Strong Shoulders & Arms, part 2

Kneeling Arm SB Abs: Round Back

Snake Twist Corkscrew
Circles + Spear a Fish +
Around the World +
Climb a Tree

Long Spine Massage Knee Stretch – Round Running in Place Side Support Star
+ Flat + Knees Off

Splits - Front Splits - Side Lunge Cleopatra

Page 2 of 2 Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3 Workouts
Advanced Workout: Powerful Legs, part 1

Footwork Single Leg 100’s Coordination Feet in Straps

Pulling Straps Backstroke Teaser Breaststroke Double Leg Kick

LB Swan Grasshopper Up Stretch + Down Long Back Stretch Tendon Stretch

Stretch + Elephant +

Page 1 of 2 Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3 Workouts
Advanced Workout: Powerful Legs, part 2

Stomach Massage Short Spine Bridging: 2 & 1 Leg Semi Circle Thigh Stretch

Kneeling Arm Circles Knee Stretch Snake Corkscrew SB Abs: Round Back Long Spine Massage
+ Spear a Fish +
Around the World +
Climb a Tree

Footwork on the Jumping Variations Splits - Front Splits - Side Mermaid

Roll Throughs

Page 2 of 2 Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Training
Requirements for Mat and Reformer
20 Reformer classes required - 1 year teaching experience recommended

Complete Anatomy and Movement Principles

Complete Mat Course Work

Mat 1 Mat 2 Mat 3

Complete Reformer Course Work

Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3

Complete 20 Mat and 30 Reformer personal sessions, 45 observation

hours and 125 student teaching hours

Take the final exam

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Training
Requirements for Reformer
20 Reformer classes required - 1 year teaching experience recommended

Complete Anatomy and Movement Principles

Complete Reformer Course Work

Reformer 1 Reformer 2 Reformer 3

Complete 30 Reformer personal sessions, 30 observation hours and 90

student teaching hours

Take the final exam

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

Reformer 3 Complete!
Your next step is to practice the exercises, practice teaching and gain
confidence in helping your friends and clients achieve greater health and

Schedule your Reformer practical and written exam after you have
completed your personal practice, observation and student teaching hours
or continue on to the Apparatus training.

We recommend taking your Reformer exam 12 months from completion of


Thanks for joining the Balanced Body Pilates Instructor Training Program!

Copyright 2019, Balanced Body Education LLC.

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