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1. aluminum – a silver metal that is strong and light and

that is used for making many products.

2. enough – equal to what is needed

3. garbage – things that are no longer useful or


4. plastic – a light, strong substance that can be made

into different shapes

5. protect- to keep something from being harmed

6. recycle – to use again

7. save – to keep something from being wasted

8. try – to make an effort to do something

Name: _____________

Vocabulary Assessment
A light, strong substance that
can be made into different
To use again
Equal to what is needed

To keep something from

being wasted
Things that are no longer
useful or wanted
a silver metal that is strong
and light and that is used for
making many products
To keep something from
being harmed
To make an effort to do

aluminum protect recycle garbage

enough save plastic try

Comprehension Questions
1. What can you do to help save the trees?
a. Use one side of the paper c. help cut trees down
b. water the trees in winter d. use both sides of the paper

2. How can you save water?

a. turn off the water when you c. help with the laundry
brush your teeth
b. take longer showers d. use more water in your bath

3. How can you save energy in your house?

a. keep the refrigerator open c. turn the lights off
b. do laundry every day d. make sure your air condition
is on all the time

4. What is something you can not recycle?

a. aluminum c. plastic
b. paper d. batteries

5. What is the main idea of this story?

Critical Thinking
1. What are some small things you can do every
day to make a big difference?

2. List 3 ways taking care of the Earth helps

us stay healthy.
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________

3. What do you think would happen to the

Earth if we did not take care of it in the
right way?
True or False
Put “T” if the statement is True or “F” if the statement is False

Keep the If you don’t

water running eat everything
when you brush on your plate
save the leftovers
your teeth.
to eat later.

Turn off the Throw your

lights if you garbage away
are leaving on the floor.
the room.

Recycle glass, Always use

aluminum, more water
when you take
paper, and
a bath.
Writing Prompt

Dear Planet Earth,


Writing Prompt

What do you think happens to all

the material you recycle?

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