Revision 1 English F4 Keep It Green

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Subject: ENGLISH Level: F4 Revision No: 1


A. Discuss.
 What do you do to protect the environment?
i. _____________________________________________________________________
ii. _____________________________________________________________________

B. Read the text quickly and decide which of the two headings (a or b) is more suitable for each of
the text numbered 1, 2 and 3.

Keep It Green!

Everybody buys and uses a variety of products every day without giving it a lot of
thought. You might not have realised it, but each of these products affects the
environment somehow; through the way it is made, used or disposed of. For this
reason, eco-scientists are trying to come up with ideas to introduce
environmentally-friendly products into our lives. Their motto is: REDUCE, REUSE,

1 a. Save water
b. Kill two birds with one stone
How eco-friendly are you at home? We tend to waste
a lot of energy, which is not particularly good for the
environment. Well, a new showerhead has been
designed to help us out in two different ways. Firstly,
it is a light for the shower, powered by the water used
while having a shower. This means that you don’t
to have the bathroom light on, which saves electricity. It is easy to install and
has another interesting feature. You must have found yourself in a situation
where you step into the shower and the water is either too cold or too hot.
Well, this showerhead has an indicator which glows blue or red when the
water is too cold or too hot, and turns off when the water has reached the
right temperature and needs no more heating. It’s sure to be a feature in
homes all over the world in the future.

2 a. The latest trendy accessories
3 a. Trendy junk
b. From phone to flower
b. Recyclable handbags

One device that is thrown out very Sometimes the most unlikely
frequently is the mobile phone. Eager to combinations have very successful
keep up with all the latest technological results and can also have positive
trends, consumers tend to throw out their effect on the environment. A company
phones after an average of 18 months and in the USA noticed how many old car
buy the latest model. If you take into number plates were left on the side of
consideration that about 4.5 billion the roads or in junkyards. They took
mobiles are in use worldwide, then it’s the number plates and thought of a
not surprising that there are mountains of way to recycle them. They turned them
unwanted phones across the globe. Most into fashionable handbags and CD
mobile phones contain hazardous cases! You may not have seen them
materials and recycling them is difficult before, but they have become a huge
and costly. However, researchers in success. The company now provides a
England have created a mobile with high- service where you can send your own
tech materials. “So, what?” you might old number plate to be turned into a
say, but it also contains a sunflower seed. handbag. They are also looking into
So, when you don’t want the phone any using other parts of cars to create
longer, you simply plant it. The seed fashionable accessories. It just shows
grows into a beautiful sunflower, fertilised you that you can look good and be eco-
by the biodegradable case, which will friendly at the same time. So have you
break down completely within a month. If got a number plate that you want to
that isn’t environmentally friendly, what get rid of?

C. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. Where does the eco-friendly showerhead get its power from?
2. How can you tell if the water is too hot with the eco-friendly showerhead?

3. What usually happens to mobile phones after 18 months?
4. What do you do with the mobile developed by English researchers when you ‘ve
finished with it?
5. What happens to the biodegradable case?
6. Where does the company that makes fashionable handbags get materials from?
7. How can you get a personalised handbag made?

D. Find words / phrases in the text and match them with the definitions below.

Meaning Words/Phrases in the text

1. get rid of (introduction) 

2. provide energy so that something works (text 1) 

3. produce a soft, steady light (text 1) 

4. often (text 2) 

5. very keen and excited about something one wants to 

do (text 2)
6. dangerous, harmful (text 2) 

7. A place where old cars, machines, etc. are collected 

(text 3)

E. Discuss
 Do you know of any other eco-friendly products? Name at least two.
 Why is it important to help protect the environment?
A. Match the words/ phrases in the pictures below with the definitions (a) – (f).

a. a layer of oil on the surface of the water which comes from tankers
b. a mixture of smoke and fog caused by exhaust fumes and factory gases
c. power that is produced using the energy from the sun, wind, water, etc.
d. rain containing acids which are harmful especially to trees and forests
e. materials containing chemicals which are no longer used and are pumped into rivers,
lakes and seas
f. substances such as coal and oil that were formed over millions of years from the
remains of animals and plants, and are burnt for energy.

B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box below.
 junk  rubbish  device  machine
 waste  litter  appliance  tool

1. When do they collect the __________________ in the neighbourhood?

2. I’ve got so much ____________________ in the garage that I need to start throwing
things out.
3. Governments should stop factories from pumping their __________________ into
4. People who drop __________________ in the streets should be fined.
5. That shirt is filthy! Put it straight into the washing __________________.
6. I think the most useful __________________ in the home is the fridge.
7. When doing a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) project, it’s important to choose the right
___________________ for the job.
8. This is a great little __________________ which helps you find your keys.

C. Form adjectives by adding the correct suffix to a noun or verb.

1 natural  nature (noun) + al 4 cultural 

2 enjoyable  5 fishing 

3 colourful  6 astonishing 

D. Now, form adjectives to form sentences. Use the words in brackets.

1. Our trip down the Ganges was a __________________ (remark) one.

2. Suddenly, we heard the _________________ (invite) music of the flutes.
3. Several gymnasts were performing _________________ (impress) stunts on the streets.
4. Several boats we saw had _________________ (colour) designs on them.
5. The moon shimmered over a _________________ (peace) night.

6. During the stopover at Benares, we stayed at a ________________ (luxury) hotel.
7. The boat soon arrived at a _________________ (coast) village.
8. Mr Singh, our boatman, gave us _________________ (value) advice on how to book
tickets on a steamer going to Yangon.

Information Transfer
Read the following article and answer the questions that follow.

5 Benefits of Composting – what the experts say…

Questions 1 – 5
Using words from the article given, complete Peter’s blog entry about composting. Use only
one word for each blank.

Compost Update
October 18, 2020
As I have mentioned in the previous entries, I have started making compost. I love
gardening so adding compost to the (1) ____________________ will definitely help my
plants grow well. It is also a good way to manage kitchen (2) ____________________.
Composting is not as difficult as I thought. First, I got a compost bin with holes for (3)
_____________________. Then, I started piling up the contents, alternating between
brown and green layers. I have to admit, as the waste was decomposing there was a slight
(4) _____________________. Luckily, I placed the bin at the edge of the garden. I will
give another update when the compost is ready, probably between (5)
____________________ weeks from now. Hopefully, everything will turn out great.

Questions 6 – 10
Using words from the article, label the compost layers below. One of the layers have been
labelled. Use no more than two words for each blank.



Subject: ENGLISH Level: F4 Revision No: 1


A. Discuss.
 What do you do to protect the environment?
i. I reduce, reuse and recycle.
ii. I conserve water and electricity. [accept any suitable answer]

B. Read the text quickly and decide which of the two headings (a or b) is more suitable for each of
the text numbered 1, 2 and 3.

Keep It Green!

Everybody buys and uses a variety of products every day without giving it a lot of
thought. You might not have realised it, but each of these products affects the
environment somehow; through the way it is made, used or disposed of. For this
reason, eco-scientists are trying to come up with ideas to introduce
environmentally-friendly products into our lives. Their motto is: REDUCE, REUSE,

1 a. Save water
b. Kill two birds with one stone
How eco-friendly are you at home? We tend to waste
a lot of energy, which is not particularly good for the
environment. Well, a new showerhead has been
designed to help us out in two different ways. Firstly,
it is a light for the shower, powered by the water used
while having a shower. This means that you don’t
to have the bathroom light on, which saves electricity. It is easy to install and
has another interesting feature. You must have found yourself in a situation
where you step into the shower and the water is either too cold or too hot.
Well, this showerhead has an indicator which glows blue or red when the
water is too cold or too hot, and turns off when the water has reached the
right temperature and needs no more heating. It’s sure to be a feature in
homes all over the world in the future.

2 a. The latest trendy accessories
3 a. Trendy junk
b. From phone to flower
b. Recyclable handbags

One device that is thrown out very Sometimes the most unlikely
frequently is the mobile phone. Eager to combinations have very successful
keep up with all the latest technological results and can also have positive
trends, consumers tend to throw out their effect on the environment. A company
phones after an average of 18 months and in the USA noticed how many old car
buy the latest model. If you take into number plates were left on the side of
consideration that about 4.5 billion the roads or in junkyards. They took
mobiles are in use worldwide, then it’s the number plates and thought of a
not surprising that there are mountains of way to recycle them. They turned them
unwanted phones across the globe. Most into fashionable handbags and CD
mobile phones contain hazardous cases! You may not have seen them
materials and recycling them is difficult before, but they have become a huge
and costly. However, researchers in success. The company now provides a
England have created a mobile with high- service where you can send your own
tech materials. “So, what?” you might old number plate to be turned into a
say, but it also contains a sunflower seed. handbag. They are also looking into
So, when you don’t want the phone any using other parts of cars to create
longer, you simply plant it. The seed fashionable accessories. It just shows
grows into a beautiful sunflower, fertilised you that you can look good and be eco-
by the biodegradable case, which will friendly at the same time. So have you
break down completely within a month. If got a number plate that you want to
that isn’t environmentally friendly, what get rid of?

C. Read the text again and answer the questions.

1. Where does the eco-friendly showerhead get its power from?
It gets its power from the water used while having a shower.
2. How can you tell if the water is too hot with the eco-friendly showerhead?
It has an indicator which glows blue or red when the water is too cold or too hot.

3. What usually happens to mobile phones after 18 months?
After an average of 18 months, consumers tend to throw out their mobile phones.
4. What do you do with the mobile developed by English researchers when you ‘ve
finished with it?
I would probably plant it.
5. What happens to the biodegradable case?
The biodegradable case acts as a fertiliser for the sunflower seed in it, as it will break
down completely within a month.
6. Where does the company that makes fashionable handbags get materials from?
They get the materials left on the side of roads or in junkyards.
7. How can you get a personalised handbag made?
I can send my own old car number plate to the company that provides such a service.

D. Find words / phrases in the text and match them with the definitions below.

Meaning Words/Phrases in the text

1. get rid of (introduction)  disposed of

2. provide energy so that something works (text 1)  powered by

3. produce a soft, steady light (text 1)  an indicator which


4. often (text 2)  frequently

5. very keen and excited about something one wants to  eager to keep up
do (text 2)

6. dangerous, harmful (text 2)  hazardous

7. A place where old cars, machines, etc. are collected  junkyards

(text 3)

E. Discuss
 Do you know of any other eco-friendly products? Name at least two.
Biodegradable or disposable waste bags; recycled papers or bags; organic t-shirts,
shorts, etc.
 Why is it important to help protect the environment?
It is critical to protect the environment so as to reduce the destruction of the ecosystem.

A. Match the words/ phrases in the pictures below with the definitions (a) – (f).

a. a layer of oil on the surface of the water which comes from tankers ….. (3)
b. a mixture of smoke and fog caused by exhaust fumes and factory gases ….. (1)
c. power that is produced using the energy from the sun, wind, water, etc. ….. (6)
d. rain containing acids which are harmful especially to trees and forests ….. (2)
e. materials containing chemicals which are no longer used and are pumped into rivers,
lakes and seas ….. (4)
f. substances such as coal and oil that were formed over millions of years from the
remains of animals and plants, and are burnt for energy. ….. (5)

B. Complete the sentences with the words in the box below.
 junk  rubbish  device  machine
 waste  litter  appliance  tool

1. When do they collect the rubbish in the neighbourhood?

2. I’ve got so much junk in the garage that I need to start throwing things out.
3. Governments should stop factories from pumping their waste into rivers.
4. People who drop litter in the streets should be fined.
5. That shirt is filthy! Put it straight into the washing machine.
6. I think the most useful appliance in the home is the fridge.
7. When doing a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) project, it’s important to choose the right tool for the
8. This is a great little device which helps you find your keys.

C. Form adjectives by adding the correct suffix to a noun or verb.

1 natural  nature (noun) + al 4 cultural  culture (noun) + al

2 enjoyable  enjoy (verb) + able 5 fishing  fish (noun) + ing

3 colourful  colour (noun) + ful 6 astonishing  astonish (verb) + ing

D. Now, form adjectives to form sentences. Use the words in brackets.

1. Our trip down the Ganges was a remarkable (remark) one.

2. Suddenly, we heard the inviting (invite) music of the flutes.
3. Several gymnasts were performing impressive (impress) stunts on the streets.
4. Several boats we saw had colourful (colour) designs on them.
5. The moon shimmered over a peaceful (peace) night.
6. During the stopover at Benares, we stayed at a luxurious (luxury) hotel.
7. The boat soon arrived at a coastal (coast) village.
8. Mr Singh, our boatman, gave us valuable (value) advice on how to book tickets on a
steamer going to Yangon.

Information Transfer
Read the following article and answer the questions that follow.

5 Benefits of Composting – what the experts say…

Questions 1 – 5
Using words from the article given, complete Peter’s blog entry about composting. Use only
one word for each blank.

Compost Update
October 18, 2020
As I have mentioned in the previous entries, I have started making compost. I love
gardening so adding compost to the (1) _____soil_____ will definitely help my plants grow
well. It is also a good way to manage kitchen (2) _______waste______. Composting is not
as difficult as I thought. First, I got a compost bin with holes for (3)
______aeration______. Then, I started piling up the contents, alternating between brown
and green layers. I have to admit, as the waste was decomposing there was a slight (4)
______odour______. Luckily, I placed the bin at the edge of the garden. I will give
another update when the compost is ready, probably between (5) ______8 - 12_____
weeks from now. Hopefully, everything will turn out great.

Questions 6 – 10
Using words from the article, label the compost layers below. One of the layers have been
labelled. Use no more than two words for each blank.

6 fallen leaves

7 kitchen scraps

8 hay

9 grass clippings

10 leaf litter



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