Part 1 Leadership

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PART 1 - Leadership

1. Client Henry is to be discharged soon but is still 7. The Board of Nursing is composed of how many
not knowledgeable about how to use his cane. What governing bodies?
underlying principle in nursing ethics should guide
a. 5
the nurse in doing his duty?
b. 6
a. Responsibility c. 4
b. Competence d. 7
c. Accountability
8. Which is incorrect about the qualifications of a
d. Advocacy
Nursing Service Administrator?
a. registered nurse in the Philippines
2. The following statements are stated in the Dying b. At least 5 years of experience in the
Patient’s Bill of Rights, except for one: managerial position in nursing
c. Possess a degree of Bachelor of Science in
a. I have the right to feel the pain of dying.
Nursing with at least 9 units in management
b. I have the right to participate in decisions
and administration courses at the graduate
concerning my care.
c. I have the right to die in peace and dignity.
d. A member of good standing of the accredited
d. I have the right to have my questions answered
professional organization of nurses
9. Anna is a nurse and was asked to pose for a TV
3. This corresponds to the personal belief of a client
commercial wearing her uniform. If she agrees to it,
regarding a given idea, custom, attitude, or anything
what will she violate?
that influences her behavior and decisions.
a. R.A. No. 917Z
a. Ethics
b. R.A. No. 7164
b. Morals
c. The code of ethics for registered nurses
c. Value
d. All of the above
d. Bioethics.
10. Who of them below is considered an accessory to
a crime?
4. This law focuses on the prevention and control of
a. Nurse Fred, who administered the wrong
the Diabetes Mellitus Act, known as:
a. R.A. No. 8172 b. Nurse Milo, who was there on the act of the
b. R.A. No. 8976 incident
c. R.A. No. 8187 c. Nurse Manager Jeremy who arranged a discreet
d. R.A. No. 8191 agreement with the client’s folks to resolve the
5. Client Edwin was diagnosed with terminal cancer. d. All of them
His family asked his physician to explain to him his
illness on their behalf. What principle guides this 11. The following statements below are acts
situation? of nursing negligence, except for one:

a. Autonomy a. Use of defective equipment

b. Veracity b. Disagreeing with the physician
c. Beneficence c. Careless execution of doctor’s order
d. The principle of double effect d. Errors in administering medications

6. The ethical principle stating that a registered nurse 12. Situation: Client Zee is not compliant to his
is the client’s advocate is stated on what section of treatment ECT (electroconvulsive therapy) and does
the code of ethics for registered nurses? not take his medications due to his suspicious
personality. His nurse was so hopeless that she
a. Section11 threatened Client Zee not to give him his regular
b. Section10 meals if he will not submit himself to his therapy and
c. Section9 treatments. What kind of malpractice was committed
d. Section 8 in this situation?
a. False imprisonment 18. Louie is an experienced registered nurse and
b. Battery wants to be a clinical instructor. What qualification
c. Assault does he need to be one?
d. Fraud
a. Have at least 2 years of experience in general
13. Informed consent is an agreement that allows a nursing administration
certain procedure to happen. Which is true about it? b. Have 9 units in management and administration
courses at the graduate level
a. Sisa is being given all the relevant information of
c. Have at least 5 years in teaching and supervising
her chemotherapy.
d. Have a good standing in an accredited professional
b. Pepito, 18 years old, who refuses treatment, is organization of nurses
allowed to sign his waiver in the absence of his
19. Who among the individuals below cannot make a
c. Neneng, mother of Baby Timothy, signed the
a. NN who is 19 years old and has Leukemia.
consent form for his blood transfusion.
b. RR, who is married and has prostate cancer.
d. All of the Above c. GG who is 28 years old married, and is suffering
postpartum psychosis.
14. It is a kind of will that is entirely written, dated, d. JJ who is 18 years old and has acute renal failure.
and signed by the client himself. It is called:
20. Alex is to appear and testify in the court as a
a. Notarial will witness. What should she receive prior to that?
b. Nuncupative will
c. Holographic will a. Subpoena duces tecum
d. None of the above b. Subpoena testificandum
d. Subpoena ut des
15. Board of Nursing Resolution No. 110 s. 1998 is d. None of the above
also known as:
21. It refers to the act of adopting a foreigner and
a. Adoption of Nursing Specialty Certification clothing him with the privileges of a native citizen?
b. Adoption to a guide to evaluate compliance with a. Alienation
Standards for Safe Nursing Practice b. Naturalization
c. Specialty training on intravenous injections for c. Expatriation
registered nurses d. Repatriation
d. Promulgation of standards of safe nursing practice
22. According to the preamble of the code of ethics
16. The Unang Yakap Campaign advocates the for registered nurses, what are the fundamental
interrupted mother and child bonding through aspects of nursing?
Rooming –in and early breastfeeding. What law
a. Restoration of health
governs Rooming-in and Breastfeeding?
b. Alleviation of suffering
a. P.D. 148 c. Only answer A
b. R.A. 7600 d. A & B
c. R.A. 7432
23. As a nurse manager, one of your staff asked you
d. R.A. 7877
about incident report. What are you going to include
17. You are one of the vaccinators in the Measles- in your explanation?
Rubella Campaign. One mother hesitated since she
a. It is utilized to document any common nursing
verbalized that it would hurt her son. As a well-
versed nurse about ethical considerations,you
b. It is written in the nurse’s notes.
explained to the mother that it might cause
c. It is not a means of punishment.
discomfort, but it will protect her son from acquiring
d. It does not protect the person involved.
the said diseases. What principle did you utilize?
24. In order to pass the licensure examination, what is
a. Nonmaleficence
the general weighted average to be reached by the
b. Justice
test taker?
c. Beneficence
d. Autonomy
a. 75% secondary effects by the intended good
b. 60% outcomes.
c. 65%
d. 70% 6. Answer: D. Section 8
Rationale: Section 11 involves the nursing
25. You are a public health nurse and there are cases
ethics with his co-workers; section 10 ethical
of dengue fever in your town. You should report this
guidelines requiring professional conformity
according to what law?
with existing laws; section 9 reflects that
a. R.A. 7610 nurses should be aware that their actions
b. R.A. 1082 have corresponding ethical, moral, and legal
c. R.A. 3573 aspects.
d. R.A. 1811
7. Answer: D. 7
Rationale: According to the Philippine
Nursing Act of 2002 or R.A. No. 9173,
section 4. The Board created under section 3
of Article III of the said nursing act is
composed of a chairperson and 6 members.

8. Answer: B
ANSWER AND RATIONALE Rationale: Answer B refers to the
qualification of a Chief Nurse/ Director of
1. Answer: C. Accountability
Rationale: Accountability can be referred to
as a nurse’s ability to answer for his own
9. Answer: C. the code of ethics for registered
actions. If the nurse knows that his client is
still not knowledgeable in using his cane, he
Rationale: Under section 10 of the code of
might request for more hospitalization or
ethics, a registered nurse must not allow
arrange with his caregiver to continue
herself to be used in advertisements that
providing health teaching at home.
should demean the image of the profession.
2. Answer: A
Rationale: The statement should be: I have
10. Answer: C. Nurse Manager Jeremy
the right to be free from pain.
Rationale: Nurse Fred was the Principal who
3. Answer: C. Values
committed the direct harm to the client, while
Rationale: Ethics refers to the study of what
nurse Milo was an Accomplice. Nurse
is good and just for clients, while morals
Manager Jeremy tried to conceal the escape
reflect the character of the social setting from
of his staff members by discreetly arranging
where the client bases his behavior.
the resolution with the client’s family
Bioethics, on the other hand, pertains to the
study of what is right and wrong behavior in
the healthcare setting.
11. Answer: B. Disagreeing with the physician
4. Answer: A. R.A. No. 8191
Rationale: Disagreeing with the physician;
Rationale: Option A refers to the promotion
especially knowing what is good and right
of salt iodization; B pertains to the Philippine
for the client and rationalizing it to his
Food Fortification Program; and C
physician, does not mean negligence since
corresponds to the 7- day Paternity leave.
there is no unreasonable risk for harming the
client, there is no failure to perform any task,
5. Answer: B. Veracity
and no physical, emotional, or mental
Rationale: Veracity guides the practice of
damage to the client.
truth. On the other hand, autonomy is the
client’s right to decision making;
12. Answer: C. Assault
Beneficence refers to actions that prevent
Rationale: Threatening the client to submit
harm, and the principle of double effect
himself to therapy or treatment he did not
pertains to outweighing the harmful
want is considered an assault as long as no
physical harm was done since it could then order for respondents to produce necessary
be referred to as battery. documents.

21. Answer: B. Naturalization

13. Answer: D. All of the Above Rationale: Expatriation is the voluntary act of
Rationale: All the options above describe an abandoning one’s country and become a
informed consent. The client must be citizen of another country; repatriation refers
informed of all the relevant information, to regaining one’s nationality after
They must be of legal age reflected on option expatriation; an alien is also known as a
B, and parents sign the consent form for foreigner or a person born abroad.
pediatric clients.
22. Answer: D
14. Answer: C. Holographic will Rationale: The 4 fundamentals of nursing
Rationale: A notarial will is only signed by include promotion of health, prevention of
the testator or by another person in the illness, alleviation of suffering, and
presence of the testator, while a nuncupative restoration of health.
will is also called an oral will.
23. Answer: C
15. Answer: A Rationale: An incident report is to document
Rationale: Option A refers to BON Res. No. an unusual occurrence or incident. It is not
14 s. 1999, C corresponds to BON Res. No. advised to be written in the nurse’s notes, is
08 s. 1994, and option D pertains to PRC- not a means of punishment, and it is filed to
BON Res. No. 82 s. 1998. protect the individual involved.

24. Answer: A. 75%

16. Answer: B. R.A. 7600 Rationale: According to section 15 of R.A.
Rationale: P.D. 148 is called Woman and 9173, an examinee needs to reach at least a
child labor law; R.A. 7432 is about Senior 75% general average to pass the exam.
Citizen’s Act, and R.A. 7877 corresponds to
Anti sexual harassment act of 1995. 25. Answer: C. R.A. 3573
Rationale: It corresponds to reporting
17. Answer: C. Beneficence communicable diseases. R.A. 7610 refers to
Rationale: Beneficence focuses on promoting the law against child abuse, R.A. 1082
the best interest of the client despite some pertains to the Rural health act, and R.A.
risks like discomfort. 1811 pertains to strengthening health and
dental services to rural areas.
18. Answer: D
Rationale: To be a faculty of the college of
nursing: one must be an R.N. in the
Philippines, have at least 1 year of clinical
practice, a member of good standing in an
organization for nurses, and must have a
master’s degree in nursing, education, or any
allied medical or health sciences.
19. Answer: C
Rationale: GG is of legal age, but she has
postpartum psychosis, implying that she is
not of sound mind. A person should have a
sound mind at the time of execution of the

20. Answer: Subpoena testificandum

Rationale: This subpoena is given to
witnesses and respondents to appear in court
while subpoena duces tecum is issued in

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