LWF - ToR - Knowledge Product

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For Development of Knowledge Products under

COVID-19 vaccine access and awareness for rural communities in Nepal


Lutheran World Relief (LWR) is implementing the project COVID-19 vaccine access and awareness for rural
communities in Nepal. The project is designed with the aim to enhance the uptake of COVID-19 vaccine among
rural communities, it has emphasized two key components: i) increased demand for vaccine among target
population and ii) efficient delivery and equitable access to vaccines in rural communities. The project is being
implemented in 7 districts namely, Gorkha, Tanahun, Nawalparasi-East, Nawalparasi-West, Saptari, Siraha and
Bardiya districts of Nepal. The project will be implemented by DAFUO in Bardiya, KVS in Saptari and Siraha,
and SAHAMATI in Gorkha, Tanahun, Nawalparasi-East and Nawalparasi-West Districts in layering with LWR’s
current ongoing projects and community.

The project has planned to prepare the knowledge product covering major achievements, success case studies,
learnings and implementation approach applied in the project. The knowledge product (communication material)
will be prepared for internal and external audiences for the purpose of learning, visibility, replicability, exchange
the learning to other stakeholders like partner NGO, decision makers including government of Nepal, donors, and
community people. LWR is seeking an experienced and expert-consultant for developing such knowledge product
as described in the ToR.


The overall purpose of developing knowledge product is to share the learning of the LWR’s Vaccine Access
Project among internal and external organizations, donors, decision-makers, professionals, interested public, and
leading private sectors for possible opportunities in scaling up and replicating the project or developing the similar
projects in future.

The specific objective of the assignment is as follows:

• To prepare a technical document that includes key achievements, strengths, lessons learnt,
challenges and way forward. This should also include the process of implementation of the project


The consultant will document the project’s ground-breaking ideas and smoothly implemented activities. The
consultant will come up with a detailed plan and skeletons of knowledge product. The consultant will review the

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project documents, carry out field visits, and meetings with partners, key selected project beneficiaries and relevant
stakeholders including government officials.


The process of development of knowledge product should be participatory and should be in consultation with
LWR, project partner NGO, beneficiaries and local government stakeholders where needed. The consultant should
design the draft of the product and submits to LWR for final review and inputs. The consultant should work with
designer for better formatting, diagram and inserting the photographs where necessary. After incorporating the
inputs and comments of LWR, consultant will submit a final copy for the approval. Then LWR may print the copy
as final knowledge products and will disseminate as necessary.

The key deliverables for this consultancy are as follows:

Knowledge product preparation inception plan: The consultant will prepare and submit an inception plan that
includes what and how the knowledge product will be prepared (process) including its’s skeletons and basic
content of the knowledge product. After sharing the draft inception plan, LWR will review and provide the inputs.

Final technical product: The document will be based on the approved plan/content/skeleton by consultant and
LWR). The consultant will prepare document following the contents provided by LWR and reviewing the reports
and field visit. Consultant will share the 2nd draft version to LWR after incorporating the inputs from the LWR
team. LWR’s country office may share it to its’ HQ MarCom department for final inputs and suggestions. Then
consultant will finalize and submit the final copy to LWR.

The knowledge product should include the following contents. These are basic ideas and not limited. The
consultant can use his/her technical ideas.

1. Project Overview
-Goals, Outcome, Outputs
2. Project approach – A short background of the approach that includes unique interventions of the project.
- Activities of the project,
- Introduction – (what, how, whom and where, Approach (group, individual etc),
- Strength, weakness, opportunities and challenges
- Recommendation
- Strength, weakness, opportunities and challenges in this enterprise
- Recommendation
3. Evidence of Change
-Success Stories
Project’s contribution in terms of achievements comparing the data where needed

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4. Key Learning, Challenges and Recommendations
• Learning
• Challenges

5. Way Forward


Consultant: He or she is fully responsible for finalizing the knowledge product as per above intended
deliverables. He or she should prepare a detailed work plan (inception plan), draft and final copy of the knowledge
product. S/he need to review and necessary reports and should plan field visit as necessary.

Project staff: Scheduling meeting with stakeholders at local level, informing communities about visit and its
coordination/facilitate the expert.

The consultant/expert will lead and be responsible for the overall process of assessment starting from the
implementation, debriefing and reporting. The consultant will work with Country Director, Program Director and
Program Manager.


The timeframe to accomplish the task will be 25 days including the 3-4 days of field verification and learning trip.
The consultant should be able to submit the final product (including print design) latest by 25 March 2022.


Consultant hired for the development of the knowledge product ought to be seasoned in public health with
excellent knowledge and skills in writing attractive technical documents and knowledge products.

• Demonstrated knowledge of preparing knowledge products, project documents, case stories, project
approach papers and possess strong research/analytical skills.
• Preference to advanced degree in public health
• Experience in the design, monitoring and evaluation of health -related report/books/research articles
writing skills etc.
• Excellent in written English and Good computing skills.
• Should be able to meet the set deadlines.
Interested consultants are requested to submit the Updated CV and EOI including the total budget with per day
rates for the consultancy in the application in given email below. The consultant should also submit his/her a
sample of similar work done recently to the email [email protected] by 1 March 2022. Any decision for
disqualification rests solely with LWR.

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