Earthquake Wps Office

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Earthquake - is minimal to rapid shaking of the earth due to movement of rocks along fractures more
commonly known as fault on Earth's surface. As the plates move, rock deformation occurs and energy
start to build up. Once the rocks break, it releases the energy and earthquake happens.

The Philippines is prone to earthquake hazardhazards because of tge numerous numbers of faults
present , this means that the country experience lots of its hazard

Glimpse of history

1. Shaanxi Earthquake of 1556 is considered as the deadliest earthquake ever recorded in history. A
magnitude rangingranging from 8.0-8.3 hits ShaanxiShaanxi, China on January 23 1556 and killed around
830,000 people.

2.The great Chilean Earthquake in 1960 is the largest earthquake in the world having magnitude of 9.5 it
also created a tsunami reaching up to 10.7 meters high.

3.Haiti Earthquake on January 12, 2010 has a richer magnitude of 7.0 and the number of deaths
reached 230,000

Earthquake Hazard

-there are so many things that happen during or after an Earthquake.

 Surface rupture and physical damage is the most obvious hazard of an earthquake. Earthquakes
with higher energy have strongestronger ground motion, which can cause the ground to break,
and buildings to fall. Urban areas would experience more of this damage due to the presence of
a lot of infrastructures.
 Liquefaction occurs in areas where the soil becomes saturated with water . During an
earthquake the movement of the ground may loosen the soil and allow more water to seep in
between the particles. If it can no longer support the building, instead of being toppled over the
building starts to sink. These will mostly occur in reclaimed lands being once a part of a body of
 Fires can break out during or after an earthquake when damages happen along electric power
lines, substation and powerplant. It can also be caused when ground rupture create gas leaks
 Tsunami or harbor wave is an earthquake hazard that is generated when earthquakes occur on
the sea floor.
 Landslide is another hazard of an earthquake that occurs when there is too much shaking of the
ground and the soil on slopes downward. Though landslides are earthquake hazards it can also
be triggered by other factors such as heavy rainfall, volcanic eruptions, and human activities.
Harry O. Wood and Frank Neumann developed the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale in 1931 to
measurethe effect of the Earthquake on the surface. This is represented by Roman numerals and was
based on the observe effects. A lower number for the intensity is generally based on those felt by people
and a higher number for the intensity is based on the observed structural damage.

Group 2


Luis Luigu Asuncion

Rainard John Bangalisan


Mary Claire Mercado


Krizalyn Jocson

Jamaliah Ibra


Maureen Jocson

Cassandra Verdeflor

Dainnielle Jonn Uno

Shaina Cichon

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