Applications of Some Semiactive Control Systems To Benchmark Cable-Stayed Bridge
Applications of Some Semiactive Control Systems To Benchmark Cable-Stayed Bridge
Applications of Some Semiactive Control Systems To Benchmark Cable-Stayed Bridge
Abstract: Recently, a benchmark cable-stayed bridge model was developed for the control community as a test bed to evaluate the
performance of various strategies for the control of cable-stayed bridges during earthquakes. In this paper, the effectiveness and perfor-
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mances of some semiactive and passive control systems for this benchmark cable-stayed bridge are evaluated and presented. The
semiactive control systems considered include the semiactive stiffness damper and the semiactive friction damper. Cases of passive linear
and nonlinear viscous fluid dampers are also investigated and presented. The performances of semiactive control systems are evaluated
using effective control strategies and compared with that of the sample active control system using actuators. Simulation results clearly
indicate that the displacement of the bridge deck as well as the shear and moment at the base of the towers can be reduced substantially
by installing these passive and semiactive protective devices. It is shown that semiactive and passive devices investigated herein are
effective in reducing the peak response quantities of the bridge to a level comparable to that of the sample active controller under similar
force constraints.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9445共2003兲129:7共884兲
CE Database subject headings: Active control; Bridges, cable-stayed; Control systems; Benchmarks; Passive control; Earthquakes.
damper 共cylinder and bracings兲 serves as a stiffness element with reset the SASD unit when ḋ i ⫹␥d i ⫽0, i.e.
an effective stiffness k e , which is provided by the bulk modulus
of the fluid in the cylinder and the bracing system in series 共Yang d si ⫽d i when ḋ i ⫹␥d i ⫽0 (4)
et al. 2000a,b兲. When the valve is open, the piston is free to move For a special case in which ␥⫽0, Eq. 共4兲 becomes d si ⫽d i when
and the hydraulic oil of the damper provides only a very small ḋ i ⫽0. Such a special control law can be obtained based on the
damping due to a leakage and head loss in bypass pipe. The principle that resetting is made when the energy stored in the
semiactive stiffness damper can be operated either in the resetting SASD unit is maximum 共Bobrow et al. 2000兲, and it will be used
mode or switching mode. In the resetting mode, the on-off valve in this study.
is pulsed to open and then closed quickly at appropriate time The performance of the RSASD in protecting buildings has
instants. In the switching mode, the valve is open for a certain been investigated by Yang et al. 共1999a,b, 2000a,b兲; Agrawal and
finite time interval and closed during another time interval. Both He 共2000兲; Yang and Agrawal 共2002兲; Agrawal and Yang
the resetting and the switching control laws are described in the 共2000a,b兲. Their results have clearly shown that the RSASD is
following. quite effective in protecting the integrity of buildings subject to
all kinds of earthquakes. A preliminary investigation on the effec-
Resetting Mode tiveness of the RSASD for the benchmark cable-stayed bridge
was conducted in He et al. 共2001兲. Experimental test of small-
During the operation in the resetting mode, the valve is always scale semiactive stiffness damper had been conducted by Jabbari
closed, and hence the energy is stored in the hydraulic damper and Bobrow 共2002兲. This paper further investigates the effective-
共hydraulic cylinder and bracing兲 in the form of potential energy. ness of the RSASD for the benchmark cable-stayed bridge.
At appropriate time instants, the valve is pulsed to open and close
quickly so that the pressure difference across the cylinder is elimi-
nated. This operation is referred to as the resetting and the device Switching Mode
is called resetting semiactive stiffness damper 共RSASD兲. At the An active variable stiffness 共AVS兲 system proposed by Kobori
moment of resetting, the piston is at the position d s , referred to as and Kamagata 共1992兲 consists of bracings with an effective stiff-
the resetting position, and the energy stored in the entire damper ness k e and a computer controlled locking device. When the lock-
is released. Hence, by regulating the resetting at appropriate time ing device is on, the stiffness k e of the bracing is added to the
instants, the structural response can be reduced by drawing ener- building. When the locking device is off, bracing is disconnected
gies from vibrating structure. from the story unit and no stiffness is added. Such an AVS system
A resetting semiactive stiffness damper 共RSASD兲 can be in- has been installed in a three-story building in Tokyo 共Nasu et al.
stalled between the pier and deck. The control force u(t) from the 2001兲. The control force u i (t) from the ith AVS unit installed in
RSASD can be expressed as the bridge can be expressed as
u 共 t 兲 ⫽k e 共 d⫺d s 兲 (1)
u i 共 t 兲 ⫽ v共 t 兲 k ei d i 共 t 兲 (5)
where k e ⫽effective stiffness of the damper; d⫽relative displace-
in which v (t)⫽1 when the device is locked, and v (t)⫽0 when
ment between the deck and pier; and d s ⫽piston position of the
the device is unlocked. A control law was presented by Kamagata
RSASD at the previous instance of resetting. At the moment of
and Kobori 共1994兲 as follows:
resetting 共the valve is pulsed to open and close兲, one has d s ⫽d
and the force from the RSASD is zero. One can design a RSASD
with an appropriate effective stiffness and a certain range of
stroke for practical applications. In the RSASD, velocity and dis-
v共 t 兲 ⫽ 再 1
if d i ḋ i ⭓0
placement sensors are needed and they can be integrated into the Such a control law has also been derived using the method of
device itself. sliding mode control 共Yang et al. 1996兲.
For the ith RSASD damper installed at the ith location of the The AVS system above can be implemented using the semi-
bridge, the control force is given by active stiffness damper 共SASD兲 presented in Fig. 1 operating in
the switching mode 共Yang et al. 2000b兲. In the switching mode
u i 共 t 兲 ⫽k ei 共 d i ⫺d si 兲 (2)
operation, the valve is closed for a certain period of time and it is
where k ei ⫽effective stiffness of the ith damper; d i ⫽relative dis- open for another period of time, referred to the switching semi-
placement between the deck and tower where the ith damper is active stiffness damper 共SSASD兲. Again, the control force from
installed; and d si ⫽previous resetting piston position of the ith the ith SSASD is given by Eq. 共2兲. The control law to open and
damper. close the valve is given by
u i 共 t 兲 ⫽N i 共 t 兲 sgn共 ḋ i 兲 if ḋ i ⫽0
⫺N i 共 t 兲 ⭐u i 共 t 兲 ⭐N i 共 t 兲 if ḋ i ⫽0
Fig. 2. Schematic drawing of electromagnetic semiactive friction in which N i (t)⫽normal force across the ith damper. The com-
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valve is closed. Following such reasoning, it can be shown easily
that the SSASD system using the control law in Eq. 共7兲 is iden-  兩 P 关 d i 共 t 兲兴 兩 sgn共 ḋ i 兲 if 兩 ḋ i 兩 ⬎␦ i
tical to the AVS system using the control law in Eq. 共6兲. In this
paper, the SSASD system with the control law in Eq. 共7兲 will be u i共 t 兲 ⫽  兩 P 关 d i 共 t 兲兴 兩兩 ḋ i 兩 (9)
sgn共 ḋ i 兲 if 兩 ḋ i 兩 ⭐␦ i
used for applications to the benchmark cable-stayed bridge. ␦
in which ⫽controller gain; ␦ i ⫽boundary layer parameter to
Semiactive Friction Damper avoid chattering around ḋ i ⬵0; and P 关 d i (t) 兴 ⫽magnitude of the
A typical passive friction damper consists of two steel plates that previous local peak drift before the time t, given by
are slot-bolted together and is installed in the structure as a brac- P 关 d i 共 t 兲兴 ⫽d i 共 t⫺s 兲 where s⫽ 兵 min t̄⭓0:ḋ i 共 t⫺t̄ 兲 ⫽0 其
ing element. During an earthquake event, sliding takes place be- (10)
tween the plates when the dynamic force 共slip force兲 is greater
than the friction force between the plates. The friction force in The idea to utilize the previous peak drift in Eq. 共9兲 was origi-
such devices depends on the normal force applied by the bolts. In nally proposed by Inaudi 共1997兲 to produce a constant friction
practical applications, passive friction dampers are designed to force in half a cycle of oscillation, and it has been modified by He
slide when the earthquake magnitude exceeds a threshold level et al. 共2003兲 in Eq. 共9兲. The implementation of the control algo-
and they act as stiffness elements 共sticking phase兲 for smaller rithm in Eqs. 共9兲 and 共10兲 requires only the measurements of local
earthquakes. Since energy is dissipated through sliding, the effi- drift and velocity across the damper, i.e., two sensors are re-
ciency of friction dampers can be improved by guaranteeing con- quired. Hence, the control system is completely decentralized.
tinuous slippage in the damper through a continuous regulation of Such a control algorithm will be used in this paper to investigate
normal force across the damper for all levels of excitations. The the performance of semiactive friction damper, because it is the
normal force can be applied and regulated by hydraulic mecha- most effective control algorithm available to date.
nism 共e.g., Fujita et al. 1994; Inaudi 1997; etc.兲, piezoelectric
mechanism 共Chen and Chen 2001兲 or electromagnetic regulation Passive Viscous Fluid Dampers
共e.g., Agrawal and Yang 2000a,b; He et al. 2003; Yang and
Agrawal 2002兲. The semiactive electromagnetic friction damper To compare the performance of various control systems, passive
recently proposed by Agrawal and Yang 共2000a,b兲 consists of a viscous fluid dampers are also considered in this study. The force
friction pad sandwiched between two steel plates as shown in Fig. from the ith passive viscous damper installed between the deck
2. These three layers are slot-bolted together so that sliding takes and pier is given by
place between the steel plates and the friction pad. The friction u i 共 t 兲 ⫽c ␣ 兩 ḋ i 兩 ␣ sgn共 ḋ i 兲 (11)
force between steel plates and the friction pad depends on the
coefficient of friction 共兲 and the normal force N(t). Two insu- where ḋ i ⫽velocity across the damper and c ␣ ⫽experimentally de-
lated solenoids are installed on the outer surfaces of steel plates termined damping coefficient with the units of force per velocity
raised to the ␣ power, ␣ is a real positive exponent with typical The stiffness matrices of the linearized evaluation model of the
values in the range of 0.35–1 for seismic applications. Eq. 共11兲 benchmark cable-stayed bridge are determined through a nonlin-
becomes u i (t)⫽c 1 ḋ i for ␣⫽1, which represents a linear viscous ear static analysis corresponding to the deformed state of the
damper, and u i (t)⫽c 0 sgn(ḋi) for ␣⫽0, which represents a pure bridge with dead load. If lock-up devices are used between the
friction damper. deck and towers, the first ten frequencies of the evaluation model
Linear viscous dampers are very effective in reducing the seis- are 0.2899, 0.3699, 0.4683, 0.5158, 0.5812, 0.6490, 0.6687,
mic demands on the structure. However, they may develop exces- 0.6970, 0.7102, and 0.7203 Hz, which is used as a basis of com-
sive forces when large structural velocities occur for long period parison for various controlled systems. If no connection or control
structures subject to near-fault ground motions. Nonlinear viscous devices are employed between the deck and towers, the model is
dampers have become popular recently because of their nonlinear referred to as the uncontrolled case. The first ten frequencies for
force-velocity relationships and their ability to limit the peak the uncontrolled case are 0.1618, 0.2666, 0.3723, 0.4545, 0.5015,
damper forces at large structural velocities while providing suffi- 0.5650, 0.6187, 0.6486, 0.6965, and 0.7094 Hz, respectively. De-
cient supplemental damping. Both linear 共with ␣⫽1.0) and non- tailed information about the cable-stayed bridge, including its
linear viscous dampers 共with ␣⫽0.35) will be used in this study. modeling and the FEM package, can be found in Dyke et al.
In practical applications, these dampers can provide forces in ex- 共2003兲.
cess of 8,000 KN. Because the bridge is assumed to attach to the bedrock, the
effect of soil-structure interaction has been neglected. One-
dimensional ground acceleration is assumed to apply longitudi-
Benchmark Cable-Stayed Bridge nally and acts simultaneously at all supports. The following three
earthquake records have been prescribed for the numerical simu-
The benchmark model developed by Dyke et al. 共2003兲 is based lations of the bridge response: 共i兲 El Centro north-south 共NS兲
on the Missouri 74-Ilinois 146 cable-stayed bridge spanning the 共1940兲; 共2兲 Mexico City 共1985兲; and 共3兲 Gebze NS 共1999兲. The
Mississippi River near Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and a schematic Mexico City earthquake is selected because the Cape Girardeau
drawing of the bridge is shown in Fig. 3. The proximity of the region is geologically similar to the Mexico City. The El Centro
bridge site to the New Madrid seismic zone makes the protection and Gebze earthquakes are used to test the performance of differ-
of the bridge from seismic excitation of interest. ent control strategies for earthquakes with different characteris-
To evaluate the effectiveness of various control systems and
algorithms, evaluation criteria J 1 to J 18 have been presented
共Dyke et al. 2003兲. The first six evaluation criteria J 1 to J 6 are
related to the peak responses, where J 1 ⫽the peak base shear of
towers, J 2 ⫽the peak shear force of towers at the deck level,
J 3 ⫽the peak overturning moment at the bases of towers, J 4 ⫽the
peak moment of towers at the deck level, J 5 ⫽the peak deviation
in cable tension, and J 6 ⫽the peak displacement of the deck at the
abutment. These criteria are normalized by the corresponding re-
sponse quantities of the bridge with rigid links between the deck
and towers. Since the bridge has two towers, all the peak response
Fig. 6. Reduction factors for evaluation criteria for cable-stayed bridge equipped with various semiactive and passive devices and subject to El
Centro earthquake. 共Reduction factor for J i ⫽J i with damper devices/J i without rigid links between deck and towers.兲
Fig. 7. Reduction factors for evaluation criteria for cable-stayed bridge equipped with various semiactive and passive devices and subject to
Mexico City earthquake. 共Reduction factor for evaluation criteria, J i ⫽J i with damper devices/J i without rigid links between deck and towers.兲
Fig. 8. Reduction factor for evaluation criteria for cable-stayed bridge equipped with various semiactive and passive devices and subject to
Gebze earthquake. 共Reduction factor for J i ⫽J i with damper devices/J i without rigid links between deck and towers.兲
quantities elated to the tower are normalized by the maximum of Numerical Simulations
the peak response quantities of the two towers.
The evaluation criteria J 7 to J 11 represent the norm of bridge
Response Spectra of Ground Motions
response quantities, where J 7 ⫽the norm of the base shear of tow-
ers, J 8 ⫽the norm of shear force to towers at the deck level, The peak accelerations of the aforementioned three earthquakes
J 9 ⫽the norm of the overturning moment at the bases of towers, are 3.4170, 1.4068, and 2.5978 m/s2 , respectively. The response
J 10⫽the norm of the moment of towers at the deck level, and spectra of a single-degree-of-freedom 共SDOF兲 structure with 3%
J 11⫽the norm of the deviation in cable tension. The norm 储.储 of a damping ratio 共same as the damping ratio of the FEM model of
response quantity is defined as the cable-stayed bridge兲 subject to these three earthquakes are
储.储⬅ 冑冕 1
关 . 兴 2 dt (12)
shown in Fig. 4. It is observed from Fig. 4 that 共1兲 the El Centro
earthquake has a longer duration and a predominant period of
approximately 0.95 s, 共2兲 the Gebze record is a typical near-fault
where t f is sufficiently large to allow the response of the structure ground motion with a short duration and a long predominant pe-
to attenuate, and 关.兴 is the quantity whose norm is to be calculated. riod of approximately 4.2 s, and 共3兲 the Mexico City record is a
Evaluation criteria J 7 to J 11 are calculated by normalizing the typical long duration ground motion on soft soil with a predomi-
norm of the response quantities by the corresponding norm of the nant period of 2.1 s. The geological condition of the Cape Gi-
bridge with rigid links between deck and towers. Since there are rardeau region is similar to that of the Mexico City region.
two towers, normed response quantities related to towers are nor- In the sample control problem by Dyke et al. 共2003兲, actuators
malized by the maximum of the norm of the response quantities are installed at eight locations as shown in Fig. 5. Four actuators
for two towers. Further, J 12⫽the maximum force from a single are installed at each location between the girder and two piers
damper normalized by the bridge weight W, J 13⫽the maximum symmetrically 共a total of four locations兲, and two actuators are
stroke of the damper normalized by the maximum displacement installed at each location between the girder and abutment at two
of the deck, J 16⫽the total number of dampers used, and J 17⫽the edges of the bridge 共a total number of four locations兲. The number
total number of sensors required. Criteria J 14 and J 15 relate to the of actuators installed at each of the eight locations is indicated in
peak power and total power required by damper devices and are Fig. 5 by parentheses. The distribution of the passive or semi-
not used in this research, since experimentally, verified models of active dampers is identical to that of the sample actuators in order
semiactive systems being investigated are not available. to facilitate a valid comparison for the performance of each con-
Finally, since the bridge is subject to three different earth- trol system. Since all semiactive controllers considered in this
quakes, the maximum of each evaluation criteria of the three paper use the local velocity and displacement across the dampers,
earthquakes are presented for the performance comparison, i.e., sensors are required at these eight locations. Hence, all semiactive
max controllers considered are completely decentralized and they can
El Centro operate independently in the event of failure of other controllers.
J i ⫽ Mexico City兵 J i 其 , i⫽1 to 17 (13) The peak displacement of the deck J 6 of the uncontrolled
Gebze bridge 共no connection and control devices between the deck and
towers in longitudinal direction兲 for the El Centro, Mexico City 共9兲 is used with a friction coefficient ⫽0.2 and a boundary layer
and Gebze earthquakes are 36.26, 18.41, and 77.34 cm, respec- parameter of ␦ i ⫽0.1. Then, the value of the control gain  i is
tively. The peak displacements of a SDOF structure with a natural varied to achieve different levels of the peak control force. Fur-
period of T⫽6.18 s 共the first natural period of the uncontrolled ther, a linear spring with a stiffness of 2,000 KN/m is installed in
bridge兲 subject to these three earthquakes 共as shown in Fig. 5兲 are parallel to the SAFD to restrict the displacement of the bridge
37, 20, and 82 cm, respectively. These results indicate that the deck, since the friction damper alone provides little stiffness to
response of the bridge is governed by the first mode of vibration reduce the bridge deck displacement. For RSASD and SSASD
during these earthquakes. dampers, different values of the effective stiffness k e are used to
The evaluation criteria J 1 through J 13 as a function of the peak obtain different levels of the peak control forces.
control force of each damper for linear viscous dampers, nonlin- It is observed from Figs. 6– 8 that the nonlinear viscous
ear viscous damper, RSASD, SSASD, and SAFD systems are damper has the best performance among passive and semiactive
presented for the three ground motions in Figs. 6– 8. It is men- control devices considered, when the peak control force is less
tioned again that, for all the passive and semiactive control sys- than a certain value. For the El Centro and Gebze earthquakes, the
tems considered above, a total of 24 dampers are installed and normed shears of towers at the base (J 7 ) and at the deck level
their distribution is shown in the parentheses of Fig. 5, which is (J 8 ) increase when the peak control force is greater than 250 KN.
identical to that of the sample problem using actuators 共Dyke Such a force limit is 100 kN for the Mexico earthquake for the
et al. 2003兲. The abscissa in Figs. 6– 8 denotes the maximum evaluation criteria J 1 , J 7 , and J 8 , and it is 200 KN for all other
peak control force for a single damper 共a total of 24 dampers兲. evaluation criteria. Hence, the installation of nonlinear viscous
The ordinate of graphs shown in Figs. 6– 8 are reduction factor dampers with capacities higher than the force limit will cause
for particular evaluation criteria. For example, ordinate J 1 in Fig. undesirable results. This may be due to the fact that the control
6 is the peak base shear of the bridge towers with damper devices force of nonlinear viscous dampers reaches the peak capacity
normalized by the peak base shear of the uncontrolled 共without whenever the velocity is greater than a certain value. It is ob-
rigid links between deck and towers兲 bridge. Hence, response served that the performances of the RSASD and SAFD and
quantities with values less than 1 indicate response reduction be- sample active controller are similar for these three earthquakes for
cause of the damper devices. The construction of Figs. 6– 8 is most of the response quantities. The linear viscous damper has a
described in the following. better performance during the Mexico earthquake, which is a long
For linear (␣⫽1) and nonlinear (␣⫽0.35) viscous damper, duration ground motion. The performance of switching the semi-
the response factors in Figs. 6– 8 are obtained by varying the active stiffness damper 共SSASD兲 is inferior to that of the resetting
damping coefficient C ␣ to achieve different level of maximum semiactive stiffness damper 共RSASD兲 for all earthquakes. The
peak control forces. For the SAFD system, the controller in Eq. semiactive friction damper has a better performance than other
control devices during the Gebze earthquake, since friction damp- control law was shown to be very effective 共Yang et al. 2000b兲.
ers are quite effective for near-fault earthquakes. The effective stiffness of RSASD is chosen to be k e ⫽1,500
A purpose of the benchmark problem 共Dyke et al. 2003兲 is to KN/m so that the peak control force does not exceed the limit of
compare the performance of various control devices and strate- 1,000 KN. For the SSASD with the control law in Eq. 共7兲, the
gies. For this purpose, the constraints on the device capabilities, effective stiffness k e ⫽2,000 KN/m is chosen so that the peak
including the peak control force and strokes, should be identical. control force does not exceed the limit. For the semiactive friction
In this study, the total number of dampers 共24 dampers兲 and their dampers 共SAFD兲, the control law in Eq. 共9兲, that has been dem-
installation locations for all passive and semiactive devices con- onstrated to be the most effective 共He et al. 2003兲, is used with a
sidered above are identical to the active system in the sample boundary layer parameter ␦ i ⫽0.1 and the friction coefficient
benchmark problem. As in the sample benchmark problem in ⫽0.2. Again, the peak control force increases as the control gain
which each actuator has a peak control force of 1,000 KN, we  i increases, and  i ⫽17,500 is chosen so that the peak control
also impose the same constraints on the peak control force for all force does not exceed the limit. Likewise, a linear spring with a
dampers, i.e., 1,000 kN. Evaluation criteria J 1 to J 13 and J 16 to
spring constant k⫽2,000 KN/m is installed in parallel with each
J 17 for all the passive and semiactive control systems considered
SAFD to provide the stiffness for the damper.
are presented in Tables 1–3 for El Centro, Mexico and Gebze
It is observed from Tables 1– 4 that the nonlinear viscous
earthquakes, respectively. The maximum of the evaluation criteria
damper is quite effective for the El Centro and Gebze earthquakes
for these three earthquakes are presented in Table 4. Also shown
in the third column of Tables 1– 4 are the evaluation criteria for for most of the evaluation criteria except the normed base shear
active control systems 共actuators兲 given in Dyke et al. 共2003兲. (J 7 ) and the normed shear of towers at the deck level (J 8 ). The
The performance of each control system presented in Tables overall performance of the nonlinear viscous damper is inferior to
1– 4 depends on the design of the device as well as the control that of other control systems since the nonlinear viscous damper
algorithm and control parameters used. For linear viscous damp- with C ␣ ⫽900 KN (m/s) ⫺0.35 results in large values of peak and
ers, we choose C ␣ ⫽1,600 KN s/m with ␣⫽1.0, and for nonlinear normed shear forces at the base of towers and at the deck level.
viscous dampers, we choose C ␣ ⫽900 KN 共m/s兲⫺0.35 with ␣ Hence, nonlinear viscous dampers can be designed to achieve a
⫽0.35. The only criterion used for choosing the damping coeffi- better performance for a particular individual earthquake. How-
cient C ␣ above is that the maximum control force for the three ever, they may have relatively poor performance for ground mo-
earthquakes does not exceed the limit of 1,000 KN. Note that the tions with different characteristics. On the other hand, linear vis-
maximum control force increases as the damping coefficient C ␣ cous dampers are very effective for all the three earthquakes,
increases. For the resetting semiactive stiffness dampers especially for the long duration ground motion during the Mexico
共RSASD兲, the control law in Eq. 共3兲 is used with ␥⫽0. This City earthquake.
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