P.V.AWARD-Tapas Roy

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1. Name of the person & his designation

Whose name is recommended
for the award :Tapas Roy,
Chainman cum Environmental asst.

2. Executive/ Non-Executive : Non-Executive

3. Name of the organisation : Sanindpur Iron & Bauxite Mines
Rungta Sons (P) Limited
4. Date of entry in the organization/Mine: 01.02.2010
5. Experience (including service
in other organizations/Mines) : 12 Years

6. Contribution towards environmental management:

(a) Afforestation:
Under the active role of Tapas Roy & his own effort
and devotion, plantation has been taken place and
also post plantation care & watering, etc. are done
as and when required in the mines. Species like
Teak, Sisoo, Chakunda, Mahaneem,
Krushnachuda, Kaju, Mango, Jackfruit & other
plantation are planted in and around the mines
(Office site Plantation)

(b) Waste Dump Management:
To stabilize waste dump, various activities done by Tapas Roy & team as a key
member as per instruction of environment management official is as follows-

 Watering of Indigenous and Exogenous species

are planted over dead end slope and over waste
 Provide water for construct the catch drain in
dupms slope for proper passing of water during
rainy season and boulder retaining wall of
appropriate dimension around various dumps. (Rehabilitation of OB Dump-1)

(c) Monitoring of Environmental parameters such as Air, Water

For better ecology and the need to face environmental challenges of tomorrow, mines
adopted new techniques in the mine planning and operation for control of air quality.
Tapas Roy is associated with sprinkling of water at mines haul road by means of water
tanker for suppression of dust.

Atomized high pressure Stationary water sprinkler arrangement in all major haul roads
covering 3.2 km, as well as weighbridge area and the periphery has been done to
suppress air borne dust.

(Water sprinkling arrangement on haul road and Office road site)

Sprinkling for each head is operated in auto mode which can set at our own time. Also for
each Header we can give interval as we require. We can give interval between two
consecutive Headers as per our requirement. Total cycle is also operated as per our
suitable interval of time of 1 hour or 2 hour or as per need.

(Mobile Water Sprinkling)
Four nos of Water tanker having sprinkling system & total capacity of 56000 ltrs. are used
for dust suppression on other road, waste dump and colony area. Automized water
sprinkling arrangement along with dry fog system arrangement is in different areas of
crusher and screening plants like transfer conveyer, screen conveyor, discharge chute
etc. being practiced to suppress dust emitted by Screen & crusher plant .

(Water sprinkling arrangement at different location of Screen & Crusher plant)

(d) Publicity Propaganda

The functions Drama, Essay, Quiz, Song, Dance competitions are organised and it
has been found that people from surrounding areas participated in these functions with
employees in large numbers. Tapas Roy is one of the key members to organise &
successful completation of the same.

(Receiving prize during Annual Mines Safety Week-2015)

(e) Community Development
Various health awareness-cum-Health camps like malaria, T.B etc. are organised in
near by villagers to improve health and environmental standard. Tapas Roy takes part
in such community developent projects. Drinking water is also provided to nearby
villages i.e. Sanindpur village through pipe line.

(Dengue malaria awareness programme & Fruits bearing plants distribution in nearby villages )

(f) 70 KLD Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)

A 70 KLD (70,000 liter) Sewage Treatment Plant has been installed at Sanindpur Iron &
Bauxite Mines during 2022-23. The treated water from STP is used mainly for water sprinkling
purpose at mines haul road and watering purpose at garden and plantation area, etc. Tapas
Roy is associated with supply of treated water from STP to plantation sites, sprinkling at

Name of the person Recommending entry: ...........................
Designation: G.M. (Mining)
Place: Sanindpur
Date: 21.11.2022

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