1413 SATDT Report

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ReWiser Test no: 1413_SATDT

SAT Diagnostic Test Report

Dear Student,

Congratulations on completing the SAT Diagnostic test with ReWiser.

You are holding the test report in your hand. This Document
provides you with not only your test scores and its analysis but also
helps you understand where you lost your marks and how to improve
further. It will help your understand the stucture of the test, its
assesment parameters and your readiness levels currently against each
section. It will provide with insight into your strengths an areas of
development to enable you to focus on the required areas to achieve
your optimal score.

Each year around 1.5 million students write the SAT out of which
nearly 80,000 are international students based outside the US in other
countries. Each student can ace the exam, All it takes in sincere effor,
corect learning stratagy for each section, sufficient practice and
focus. the same holds true for you. Please go thgrough this report
and its each section, spend required time to build your SAT preparatory
plan for the days/weeks ahead as required.

Given on the next page is the curent format of SAT, which as you
know has changed from earlier format. To ensure there is no
confusion and that you are clear about the currrent format, which
you have recently attempted the diagnostic test, please review the
current SAT format and stucture provided below.
ReWiser Test no: 1413_SATDT

As you now know there are three main components of the SAT
• Evidence-Based reading and writing
• Math/ Quant
• Essay(optional)

The Evidence-Based reading and writing section of the SAT asks

you to analyze, synthesize, and interpret data from various sources
like informational graphics, such as tables, charts, and graphs, as well
as multi-paragraph passages in the areas of literature nonfiction,
humanities, science, history and social studies, and on topics about
work and career.
The writing and language test also focuses on command of evidence.
It asks youto analize a series of sentences/ paragraphs and decide if
it makes sence. Other questions ask you to interpret graphics and to
edit a part of accompanying passage so that it clearly and accurately
communicates the information.
ReWiser Test no: 1413_SATDT

Overall score and analysis

Your total score: 1080 out of 1600 (Analysis for each category below)

You are looking at your overall SAT score and breakup of the two
mandatory sections


Overall English Maths

Max 1600 800 800


Total 1080 520 560


Number of correct answers in each section

Raw Scores Reading Writing Math No Cal Math Cal

Total Questions 52 44 20 38

Correct Answers36 18 7 26

Incorrect Answers16 17 8 10

Not Attempted0 9 5 2
ReWiser Test no:

Section Wise Analysis

Reading Section
Analysis based on Area of Passage

Analysis based on Level of Difficulty

ReWiser Test no:

Section Wise
Reading Section
Please refer to the description of each Verbal Section sub-
category while reviewsing your analysis chart below:

Detail: Detail questions usually refer you to a specific line within the
passage. they might ask what a sentence means or how it functions within
the overall passage.
Vocab-in-context: These refer you to a specific line and a word fucntions
within a sentence. Often common words with an unusual meaning
based on context.
Inference: Ask you to interpret the meaning of a 1-2 lines in the passage.
Usually not too vague/ open to interpretation as there can be only one
absolutely correct answer.
Command to evidence: identify, interpret & use the best evidence/
Global: What is the overall purpose of the passage? Is it describing an
issue or event? Is it trying to review, prove, contradict or hypothesize?
Rhetoric: These are the skills related to style, organization and writing
logic to enable connection of two ideas together and sequencing of
Synthesis: Draw conclusions & make connections between 2 related
ReWiser Test no:

Section Wise
Writing Section
Please refer to the description of each Verbal Section sub-
category while reviewsing your analysis chart below:

Sentence Formation: Corect issues with modifier placement, parallel

structure, sentence boundaries, subordination and coordination.

Development: Refining content to archive the writer's purpose including

the main idea, retaining what supports the key points and deleting on the
basis of relevance.

Usage: grammer rules such as punctuation, subject/verb argreement/verb


Organization: Ensure logical sequence - presentation in the most logical

place and order.

Shifts in construction: Editing text to correct problems in sentence

formation and inappropriate shifts in verb tense, voice and mood within
and between sentences.

Effective Language: Making word choice more exact, appropriate,

economical and consistent with the overall style and tone of a passage.

Punctutation: Test conventions of intrenal and end of the sentence

puntuation. Also emphasize the relationship of puntuation to sentence

Quantitative: Using data from informational graphics (tables, graphs,

charts etc), interpreting and placing it in the context of the overall
ReWiser Test no:

Section Wise
Writing Section
Analysis based on Question Type

Analysis based on Level of Difficulty

ReWiser Test no:

Section Wise
Math/Quant Section
The new SAT Math tests certain topics in math as well as your ability
to use reasoning and critical thinking to solve real-world problems.
These consepts and skills provice the foundations for your math you
will learn in college and use in everyday life. The SAT groups these
concepts into four major areas that you will see on the Math test:
• Heart of Algebra
• Problem Solving and Data Analysis
• Passport to Advanced Math
• Additional Topics in Math

Here is a breakdown of the topics and number of questions in each

content area:
ReWiser Test no:

Section Wise Analysis

Math Calculator
Analysis based on Content Area

Analysis based on Level of Difficulty

ReWiser Test no:

Section Wise Analysis

Math Calculator

Analysis based on Topic

ReWiser Test no:

Section Wise Analysis

Math No Calculator
Analysis based on Content Area

Analysis based on Difficulty level

ReWiser Test no:

Section Wise Analysis

Math No Calculator

Analysis based on Topic

ReWiser Test no:

Next Steps & Summary

Remember SAT preparation is no rocket science. A good SAT score largely

depends on only one person - 'YOU'. Irrespective of what you have heard
from friends, seniors and anyone else, we assure you that you can get a
great score too. If you believe you have sufficient time, knowledge level
and discipline you could very well do it yourself. If not, you could look for
a good coaching institute/ teacher who is willing to help you enhance your
score. Look for a teacher/ institute which is willing to support and
handhold you till your exam date and not just attend classes for a few
weeks and then leave you on your own. Your instructor/ guide has to be
invested in your success. However nobody can make a big difference to
your SAT score unless you are not 100% invested in it yourself.

A few SAT preparation tips:

• You will need at least 3-4 hours practice on a daily basis during your
preparatory period.
• Write as many mock SATs as possible. Write both the overall test as
well as only one section test during your prep.
• Get used to the exam environment and sitting continuously for the 3
hours (+50 minutes for essay) needed for the SAT.
• Do not take breaks during mock SAT tests at home or your coaching
• Make sure you have the right material/ official books
for the preparation.
• Give yourself ample time to prepare before the exam. Do not start
preparing seriously 2 weeks before the exam.
• Do not feel discouraged at any stage of preparation. This is just a
simple exam which requires sincere effort consistently.
• Be true to yourself. Don't cheat while taking a practice test. You wont
deceive anyone but yourself.
• Book your SAT exam date early enough to avoid last minute panic.
• Do not freak out on the exam day. If you have done the hard work,
nobody can stop you from doing well.
• Rest before your test day. In one day you cannot cover everything
you did not in the last few weeks of preparation.
We wish you the very best in your road ahead till the SAT exam date.
Be sincere in your efforts and you will find success!

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