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Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21


Business Research Methods

Paper Code: BBA - 301
Total Credit: 6 (4 L+ 2 P)
Total hours of lectures: 60 hours

Course Outcomes:
After the completion of this course the students will able to:

1. explain the basic nature and purpose of Research and its advantages to business.

2. identify the different research designs, data collection process, tools, data cleaning and
analysis techniques.

3. sketch an introductory view about how to write reports.

4. apply the understanding of various statistical tools and its application for data

Sl. Topic/Module Hour

1. Module 1: Meaning, scope and significance of social research: Types of 10
Research: (a) Pure and Applied, (b) Exploratory, Descriptive, (c)
Experimental; Steps in Social Research & types Conceptualization and
Formulation of Hypothesis.
2. Module 2: Literature Review: Concept, necessity, research gap, reference, 10
and plagiarism.
Scientific Study of Social Phenomena: (a) The Scientific Method, Logic in
Social Science, (b) Objectivity and Subjectivity in Social Science, (c)
Positivism and Empiricism. Methods of research: (a) Quantitative and
Qualitative( Characteristics and Differences Sources of Data : Primary &
3. Module 3: Techniques of Data Collection: (a) Survey, (b) Observation, (c) 5
Questionnaire & Scheduled, (d) Interview, (e) Case Study.
4. Module 4 : Sampling: Design: Types, Advantages and Limitations. 5

5. Module 5: Classification & presentation of Data: (a) Coding, Tables, 5

Graphs, (b) Measures of Central Tendency & Dispersion.
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21
6. Module 6: Hypothesis Testing: Definition, Concepts, Types of hypothesis, 10
Test Statistics, Critical Value, Decision Rule, Procedure, Hypothesis testing
for mean, proportion etc.
7. Module 7: Introduction to Data Analysis Techniques: Introductory concepts 10
to Univariate, Bi-variate and Multi-variate techniques.
8. 5
Module 8: Data Ethics: Concept, business benefits, Principles, ethical use of

Suggested Readings:

1. S N Murthy and U Bhojanna: Business Research Methods, Excel Books.

2. D.R. Cooper and P.S. Schindler: Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw –Hill
3. Kothari, C.R.: Research Methodology – Methods and Techniques, New Age
International Ltd.
4. U. Sekharan and R Bougie: Research Methods for Business: John Wiley and Sons
5. J. K .Das: Business Mathematics and Statistics: Academic Publishers
6. P Mishra: Business Research Methods, Oxford University Press.
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

Course: Business Research Methods-Practical

Code: BBA 391
Total Credit: 2

Total hours: 40 hours

Sl. Topic/Module Hour

1. Module 1: Introduction : Classification & presentation of Data , Frequency 10
distribution, Sampling distributions, Central tendency, variance,
2. Module 2: Data types and Control structures: Operators (unary, 10
arithmetic, etc.) -- Data types, variables, expressions, and statements --
Assignment statements -- Strings and string operations -- Control Structures:
loops and decision.
3. Module 3: Introduction to Hypothesis Testing using Python/R: Large 20
sample tests, Small sample tests, F distribution, Test for correlation co-
efficient, ANOVA, Introduction to Data Analysis Techniques.

Suggested Readings:

1. Dr Sharma Pooja: Programming in Python, BPB.

2. Arora, Malik: R Programming For Beginners, Bookcentre
3. Vries Andrie De, R Programming for Dummies, Wiley india Pvt. Ltd
4. Yashavant Kanetkar: Let Us Python, BPB
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

Financial Accounting
Paper Code: BBA - 302
Total Credit: 6
Total hours of lectures: 60 hours
Course Outcomes:

After completion of the course, the students will be able to

1. demonstrate the conceptual knowledge of financial accounting

2. transfer the skills for recording various kinds of business transactions from the very
basics to a level of sole proprietorship business, partnership business to the level of
company accounts.
3. articulate the creation of provision for depreciation and reserves and bank
reconciliation for rectifying the errors
4. illustrate the methodology which involves class room lectures, power-point
presentations, solving practical problems, assignments and class room participation.

Sl. Topic/Module Hour

1. Module 1 10
Introduction to Financial Accounting: Meaning and Scope of Accounting;
the users of financial accounting information and their needs; Accounting
Principles: Accounting Concepts and Conventions, GAAP; Accounting
Transactions: Accounting Equation, Journal, Rules of debit and credit,
Ledger, Trial Balance, Cash Book.
Accounting Standards: Introduction, Objectives of Accounting Standards,
Advantages of Accounting Standards, Accounting Standards in India and
2. Module 2 15
Final Accounts: Introduction, Meaning, Objectives and Characteristics of
Final Accounts; Final Statements of Sole Proprietorship without adjustment,
Adjustments in Preparation of Final Statements.

3. Module 3 15
Partnership Accounts: Meaning and Features, Partnership Deed and
Contents; Admission, Retirement, and Death of a Partner.
Dissolution of Partnership including Garner Vs. Murray rule
4. Module 4 10
Company accounts: Issue of shares (application, allotment, first call, final
call), Calls in arrear & forfeiture of shares.
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21
5. Module 5 5
Depreciation and Provisions: Concept of depreciation; Causes of
depreciation; depletion, amortization; Depreciation accounting; Methods of
recording depreciation; Straight line and diminishing balance method,
Provisions and Reserves: Preparation of provision for doubtful debt account,
provision for discount on Debtors account and provision for Discount on
Creditors account.
6. Module 6 5
Bank Reconciliation Statement: Introduction, Meaning of Bank
Reconciliation Statement, Importance of Bank Reconciliation Statement,
Reasons for Difference, Procedure for Reconciliation;
Rectification of errors.

Suggested Readings:
1. Ashoke Banerjee: Financial Accounting, Excel Books
2. Basu & Das : Financial Accounting, Rabindra Library
3. Ramchandran Kakani: Financial Accounting for Managers, TMH
4. P. C. Tulsian: Financial Accounting, Pearson.
5. M. Hanif, A. Mukherjee: Financial Accounting, TMH.
6. Dr. S. N. Maheshwari, Sharad K. Maheshwari: Financial Accounting for BBA, Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

Paper Name-Marketing Management

Paper Code: BBA - 303
Total Credit: 6
Total hours of lectures: 60 hours

Course Outcomes:

After completion of the course, the students will be able to

1. develop understanding on fundamentals of marketing concepts, theories, and principles in

areas of marketing.
2. explain fundamental knowledge of applying analytics to overcome challenges, and issues
of marketing in a changing technological landscape.
3. apply the basic strategies of marketing in the organization
4. design the effective marketing programs.

Sl. Topic/Module Hour

1. Module 1: Introduction to Marketing –Definition, Scope, Marketing 10
Concepts- Traditional and Modern; Selling vs. Marketing; Functions and
Evaluation of Marketing. b. Marketing Environment, Macro and Micro
Environment, SWOT Analysis, Marketing Mix, Marketing Information
2. Module 2: a. Consumer Behavior- Meaning, Determinants- Cultural, Social, 10
Personal, Psychological
b. Industrial Buying Behavior-Meaning, Characteristics; Differences
Between Consumer Buying and Industrial Buying Behavior
c. Market Segmentation Targeting & Positioning (STP) - Meaning, Benefits
of Market Segmentation, Basis of Segmentation; Target Market;
d. Branding- Definition, Importance, Branding Strategy; Packaging
3. Module 3: a. Concepts of Products, Product Mix, Product Line, Product 10
Width, Depth; Product Life Cycle Meaning and Stages, Strategies Involved
in PLC Stages b. New Product Development- Steps
4. Module 4 : a. Pricing- Meaning, Importance of Price in the Marketing Mix, 6
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21
Objectives and Methods of Pricing, Factors Affecting Price of a
Product/Service b. Discounts and Rebates
5. Module 5: Distribution Channel- Meaning, Types of Distribution Channel- 6
Direct & Indirect. Role of Intermediaries and Distribution Channel
6. Module 6: Promotion – Elements of Promotion Mix Advertising Media – 6
Their Relative Merits and Limitations; Characteristics of an Effective
7. Module 7: Introduction to Integrated Marketing Communications: Role, 6
Developing, Deciding, Managing Marketing Communications.
8. Module 8: Other forms of Marketing and Future of Marketing. 6

Suggested Readings:
1. Kotlar Philip and Armstrong Gary: Principles of Marketing, Pearson.
2. Arun Kumar: Marketing Management, Vikas Publishing House.
3. Saxena, Rajan: Marketing Management, TMH.
4. Gandhi, J.C.: Marketing, TMH.
5. Ramaswamy, V.S. and S. Namakumari: Marketing Management, Macmillian.
6. Ramesh Kumar, Case Studies in Marketing Management, 1e, Pearson Education India.
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

Paper Name-Personality Development

Paper Code: BBA - 305
Total Credit: 2
Total hours: 40 hours

Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, the students will be able to

1. recognize personality and prove themselves as good human-being of the Society.

2. identify with the various factor involved in self-assessment for professional
3. articulate business and professional etiquettes and apply in real life
4. design individual or in-group class presentations pertaining to the applications of
concepts, theories or issues in human development which will make them industry-

Sl. Topic/Module Hour

1. Module 1: Introduction: • Meaning and Definition of Personality. • Factors 8
affecting Personality Development: Biological, Personal, Social. •
Understanding self and others (Johari Window)
2. Module 2: Personality Traits. • Meaning and Definition: Personality Traits. 8
• Developing Positive Personality Traits: Attitude: Factors that determine
Attitude, Benefits of Positive Attitude and Consequences of negative
3. Module 3: Pillars of personality development: Self-Assessment, Self 8
Appraisal. Factors behind personality development. Perspectives: • Sigmund
Freud ID, EGO and SUPER EGO Concept. • Erikson’s Psychosocial
4. Module 4: Personality Formation Structure: Mind mapping, Competency 8
mapping, Strategies of gaining power and influence. Enhancing personality
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21
through effective communication. Intentional Communication: Listening
and Speaking.
5. Module 5: Grooming: Business and professional etiquettes, Presenting 8
yourself (dressing, hair etc), Handling interviews and rejections, Leadership:
Definition, Types, Qualities of a good leader.

Suggested Readings:
1. Stephen Covey: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Simon & Schuster.
2. Shiv Khera: You Can Win – A Step-by-Step Tool for Top Achievers, Bloomsbury India.
3. Three Basic Managerial Skills for All – Hall Of India Pvt Ltd New Delhi.
4. Wehtlel David A and Kin S Kemerron: Developing Managerial Skills – Pearson Education
New Delhi.
5. Rajendra Pal and J. S. Korlhalli: Essentials of Business Communication - Sultan Chand &
Sons, New Delhi.
6. Nirmal Singh : Business Communication (Principles, Methods and Techniques) - Deep &
Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
7. Barbara Engler: Personality Theories, An Introduction, 8th edition – Cengage Learning.

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