Course Outcome

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Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

Paper Name: Financial Management and Risk Analysis

Paper Code: BBA 501
Total Credit: 6
Total hours of lectures: 60 hours

Course Outcome:
After completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Outline conceptual framework on Finance Functions and objectives
2. Construct corporate final accounts and cash flow statements in the business growth
3. Build financing and investment decisions considering discounting and non-
discounting factors
4. Explain the importance of working capital management and risk capital management.

Sl. Topic/Module Hours

1. Module 1 5
Introduction: Concepts, Nature, Scope, Function and Objectives of
Financial Management, Time Value of Money, Risk and Return.
2. Module 2 10
Analysis and Interpretation of Corporate Final Accounts: Preparation of
Cash Flow Statement as per Accounting Standard and its Analysis
3. Module 3 15
Financing Decision: Capital structure, cost of capital and valuation
Designing capital structure. Leverage Analysis: Developing the Concept of
Leverage in Finance. Computation and inferences of Degree of Operating
Leverage, Financial Leverage and Combined Leverage.
4. Module 4 15
Investment Decisions: Analysis of Risk and Uncertainty. Concept and
Computation of Time Value of Money, DCF and Non DCF methods of
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21
Investment Appraisal. Project selection on the basis of Investment Decisions.
Valuating Investment Proposals for Decision Making. Capital Rationing
5. Module 5 8
Management of Working Capital: Concepts, components, Determinants
and need of Working Capital. Computation of Working Capital for a
6. Module 6 7
Risk Management: Option valuation, Derivatives: Managing financial Risk

Suggested Readings:
1. Khan, M. Y., & Jain, P. K. Financial Management: Text, Problems and Cases.
McGraw-Hill Education.
2. IM Pandey. Financial Management- By Pearson
3. Chandra, P. Financial management. Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
4. Bhalla, V. K. Financial management. S. Chand Publishing.
5. Banerjee, B. Fundamentals of financial management. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd..
6. Brigham, E. F., & Ehrhardt, M. C. (2019). Financial management: Theory &
practice. Cengage Learning.
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

Paper Name: Entrepreneurship

Paper Code: BBA-502

Total Credit: 6
Total hours of lectures: 60 hours

Course Outcome:
After completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Develop the concepts of entrepreneurship and the role of an entrepreneur in the economic
2. Illustrate various steps as well as aspects involved in entrepreneurship in India
3. Develop understanding about scope and policies in women entrepreneurship.
3. Apply various tools and techniques in solving real life problem in developing

Sl. Topic/Module Hours

1. Module 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship Definition of Entrepreneur, 10
Entrepreneurial Traits, and Entrepreneur vs. Manager, Entrepreneur vs.
Entrepreneur. The Entrepreneurial decision process. Role of
Entrepreneurship in Economic Development, Ethics and Social responsibility
of Entrepreneurs. Opportunities for Entrepreneurs in India and abroad.
2. Module 2: Entrepreneurial Behaviors: Entrepreneurial Motivation, Need 14
for Achievement Theory, Risk-taking Behavior, Innovation and
Entrepreneurial Talents : Definitions, Characteristics of Entrepreneurs,
Entrepreneurial Types, Functions of Entrepreneur.
3. Module 3: Entrepreneurial Development in India: 16
History, Objectives, Stages of Growth, Target Group, Programmes, Govt.
Policy towards Small Scale Industries (SSI’s).
Organization Assistance:
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21
Start-ups and Govt. schemes for encouraging starts-ups like Mudra, e
Biz New Ventures, Industrial Park (Meaning, Features, & Examples),
10Special Economic Zone (Meaning, Features & Examples) Financial
Assistance by Different Agencies , Small Scale Industries, The Small
Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) , The State Small Industries
Development Corporation (SSIDC), Science and Technology Entrepreneurs’
Park (STEP) etc.
4. Module 4: Entrepreneurial strategy: New Entry, Entry Strategy, Risk 04
Reduction Strategy for New Entry.
5. Module 5: Conceptual Framework for detecting sickness in SSIs, Status, 06
Dimensions of SSIs, Symptoms for detecting sickness, Causes for Sickness,
Govt. Policies to strengthen the SSIs.
6. Module 6: Woman as Entrepreneurship: Introduction, Scope, National 10
Policy, Supporting Programs, Employment and Income Generation-cum-
production units.

Suggested Readings:

1. Lall & Sahai : Entrepreneurship,Excel Books

2. Pareek, U & Venkateswara Rao, T : Developing Entrepreneurship – A Handbook on
Systems, Learning Systems, New Delhi.
3. Druckar, Peter : Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Heinemann.
4. Chakraborty, Tridib : Introducing Entrepreneurship Development, Modern Book
5. Manimala, M.J.: Entrepreneurial Policies and Strategies,TMH.

6. McClelland, D.C. & Winter, W.G. : Motivating Economic Achievement, Free Press.
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

Paper Name: Consumer Behaviour

Paper Code: BBA 503 (A)
Total Credit: 6
Total hours of lectures: 60 hours

Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Define consumer behaviour and its impact on buying pattern.
2. Understand the power of individual influences on decision making and consumption.
3. Analyse consumer’s perception in determining brand preferences
4. To assess the components and stages of the individual decision-making process.

Sl. Topic/Module Hours

1. Module 1: Introduction to Consumer Behaviour and Consumer 6
Research: Introduction, Consumer Behaviour – Definition, Consumer
and Customers, Buyers and Users, Organisations as Buyers,
Development of Marketing Concept, Consumer Behaviour and its
Applications in Marketing, Consumer Research Process
2. Module 2: Marketing Segmentation and Positioning: Introduction, 8
Requirements for Effective Segmentation, Bases for Segmentation,
Determining How Many Segments to Enter, Product Positioning: An
Introduction, Positioning Strategy, Positioning Approaches,
3. Module 3: Consumer Motivation: Introduction, Needs and Goals, 8
motivational Conflict, Motive Arousal, Motivational Theories,
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Motivation Research
4. Module 4: Consumer Personality and Perception: Introduction, Self- 8
concept, personality Theories, Brand Personality, emotions,
Introduction, Sensation (Exposure to Stimuli), Perceptual Selection,
Perceptual Organisation, Factors that Distort Individual Perception
5. Module 5:Consumer Learning, Memory and Involvement: Introduction, 8
Components of Learning, Behavioral Theory, Cognitive Learning
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21
Theory, Concept of Involvement, Dimensions of Involvement
6. Module 6: Consumer Attitudes: Introduction, Functions of Attitude, 8
Attitude Models, Factors that Inhibit Relationship between Beliefs,
Feelings and Behaviour, Learning Attitudes, Changing Attitudes,
Attitude Change Strategies.
7. Module 7: Social Class and Group Influences on Consumer Behaviour: 8
Introduction, nature of Social Class, Social Class Categories, Money
and Other Status Symbols, Source of Group Influences, Types of
Reference Groups, Nature of Reference Groups, reference Group
Influences, Applications of Reference Group Influences, Family Life
Cycle Stages, Husband-wife Influences, Parent-child Influences,
Consumer Socialization of Children, word-of-Mouth Communications
within Groups, opinion Leadership
8 Module 8:Consumer Decision-making Process – Problem Recognition, 6
Information Search and Evaluation of Alternatives: Introduction,
Problem Recognition, Information Search, Evaluation of Alternatives,
Outlet Selection, Purchase and Post Purchase Behaviour, Introduction,
Outlet Selection and Purchase, Post Purchase Behaviour

Suggested Readings:

1. Schiffman Leon G; Consumer Behavior: Pearson Education India.

2. Rajneesh Krishna: Consumer Behaviour 1st Edition: Oxford HED
3. Kardes Frank: Consumer Behavior : Cengage
4. David L Mothersbaugh, Del I Hawkins, AmitMookerjee: Consumer Behavior :
Building Marketing Strategies: McGraw Hill India, 13th Edition.
5. Solomon: Consumer Behaviour Buying Having and Being: Pearson.
6. Michael R. Solomon, Tapan Kumar Panda: Consumer Behavior, 13/e: Pearson
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

Paper name: Financial Markets, Institutions and Financial Services

Paper Code:BBA 503 (B)

Total Credit: 6
Total hours of lectures: 60 hours
Course Outcome:
After completion of the course, the students will be able to

1. Outline Indian Financial System and the components of Indian Financial Market.
2. Develop the conceptual framework on money market and capital market
3. Classify the Financial services on the basis of its use and availability in the current
4. Compare the different credit rating agencies and the management of credit

Topic/Module Hours
Module 1: Indian Financial System: Financial system, Financial Assets and 8
Instruments, Financial Intermediaries, Financial Markets, Classification, Components of
Financial Market
Module 2: Money Market : Definition, Money Market and Capital Market and their 12
Features, Objectives, Features of a Developed Money Market, Importance of Money
Market, Composition of Money Market, Money Market Instruments, Structure of Indian
Money Market, Features of Indian Money Market.
Module 3: Capital Market: New Issue Market : Relationship between New Issues 15
Market and Stock Exchange, Functions of New Issue Market, methods of floating of new
Issues, Recent regulations for IPO. Secondary Market : Introduction, Control Over
Secondary Market, Listing of securities.
Module 4: Introduction to Financial Services: Meaning of Financial service – Features 5
– Functions Product selling Vs Services Selling – Classification - Present situation in
Indian Economy.
Module 5: Funds and Free Based Financial Services: Fee Based Financial Services: 12
Concept – Merchant Banking – Credit Rating – Stock Broking – Custodial Services –
Loan syndication - Securitization Fund Based Financial Services: Concept – Leasing –
Hire Purchase – Bill Discounting – Venture Capital – Housing finance – Insurance service
– Factoring – Forfeiting – Mutual funds
Module 6: Credit Management and Credit Rating Agencies: Concept - Functions - 8
Different Credit Rating Agencies -Popular Symbols – SEBI & Credit Rating Credit cards
– Business credits – NAV role in the economy. Regulatory Bodies in Financial Services:
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

Suggested Readings:
1. Khan: Indian Financial Systems, Tata McGraw-Hill
2. Fabozzi: Financial Markets & Institutions, Pearson
3. Guruswamy: Fianacial services and Markets, Thomson Learning
4. Pathak: Indian Financial System, Pearson
5. L. M. Bhole, Jitendra Mahakund, Financial Institutions & Markets – Structure,
Growth & Innovation, Tata McGraw Hill
6. Tripaty Nalini Prava Financial Services, Prentice Hall
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

Paper Name: Industrial Relations

Paper Code: BBA 503 (C)
Total Credit: 6
Total hours of lectures: 60 hours
Course Outcome:
After the completion of this course the students will be able to
1. Outline the legal terms commonly used in industrial relations
2. Explain the importance of regulatory issues in industrial relations
3. Outline the concept, essentials and process of employee relationship.
4. Outline the methodology of settlement of disagreements.
Sl Topic/Module Hours
1. Industrial Relations: Overview, importance, Approaches to IR, Parties to IR, 10
System Model of IR, Industrial Employees of India, Problems of Industrial
Workers (absenteeism, commitment, Work Ethics), Contemporary and
emerging issues in Employee Relations
2. Salient provisions of Industrial disputes Act; 10
3. Employee Discipline: Types, Misconduct, Disciplinary Action, Disciplinary 15
Enquiry and Procedures, Grievance Handling and Redressal.
Salient provisions of Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946;
4. Collective Bargaining: Theories, Prerequisites, Process, Negotiating Skills 10
and Strategies, Agreement – content, Validity, Implementation, Productivity
Bargaining, Growth of Collective Bargaining in India.
5 Trade Unionism in India : Introduction, Trade Unions, Reasons for Joining 10
Trade Unions, Types and Functions of Trade Unions, Type of Trade Union
Agitations, Trade Unions in India and its Problems, Employers’
Organizations in India. Salient features of Trade Unions Act, 29126,
Managerial Associations. Trade Unions Act, 1926.
6 Employee Participation and Empowerment, Advantages, Employee 5
Participation in India- WPM, EPM, Quality Circles
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21
Suggested Readings:

1. Dessler, G: Human Resources Management, Pearson

2. Rao, V. S. P: Human Resources Management: Text & Cases, Excel Books.
3. D. K. Bhattacharyya: Human Resources Management: Excel Books.
4. M. Saiyadain: Personnel Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. A. Monappa: Industrial Relations in India, Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Ratna Sen: Industrial Relations in India, Shifting Paradigms, MacMillan India.
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

Paper Name: Data Analytics Skills for Managers

Paper Code: BBA 504 (A)
Total Credit: 6
Total hours of lectures: 60 hours
Course Outcome:
After completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Relate themselves with importance, role and application of data analytics in business
2. Identify three core types data analytical techniques i.e. exploratory, descriptive, and
causal along with its nature and application.
3. Classify the application of appropriate analytical techniques in appropriate situation
4. Outline the basic concepts of statistical quality control

Sl. Topic/Module Hours

1. Module 1: Introduction to Data Analytics: Definition, Role of data analytics 5
in business, tools used in data analytics, Application of analytics in business.
2. Module 2: Data Collection and Data Pre-Processing Data Collection 5
Strategies – Data Pre-Processing Overview – Data Cleaning – Data
Integration and Transformation – Data Reduction – Data Discretization.
3. Module 3: Exploratory Data Analytics and Descriptive Statistics – Stem and 5
Leaf Diagram, Mean, Standard Deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis, ANOVA.
Some useful plots: Box Plots – Pivot Table – Heat Map.
4. Module 4: Correlation and Regression: Scatter Diagram – Karl 10
Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient – Rank Correlation - Correlation
Coefficient for Bivariate Frequency Distribution, Simple and
Multiple Regression: Introduction, Overview, Importance,
Application of Least Square Method, Model Evaluation through
Visualization: Residual Plot – Distribution Plot,
5. Module 5: Logistic Regression: Discrete choice models, Logistic 5
Regression, Logistic Model Interpretation, Logistic Model
Diagnostics, Logistic Model Deployment
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21
6. Module 6: Strategic Marketing Analytics: The STP framework, Value 10
generation through STP framework, Managing the segmentation
process, Segmentation in Real world: Cluster Analysis, Hierarchical
and Non-Hierarchical - K Means Clustering, Prediction of Customer’s
segment membership: Discriminant Analysis (DA), Two-Group DA.
7. Module 7: Quantitative Techniques used in Advanced Decision 10
Making: Multi-Criteria Decision Making [MCDM], Analytic
Hierarchic Processing [AHP], Using Excel Solver for Optimization
8. Module 8: Data Analysis using MS-Excel: What If Analysis, Goal 5
Seek Analysis
9. Module 9: Statistical Quality Control: Types of Inspection; Statistical 5
Quality Control – Acceptance Sampling and Control Charts.

Suggested Readings:
1. Stephen G. Powell, Kenneth R. Baker: Management Science, The Art of Modeling
with Spreadsheets, Wiley.
2. Nagraj Balakrishnan, Barry Render: Managerial Decision Modeling with
Spreadsheets, Jr. Ralph M. Stair Prentice Hall.
3. N. D. Vohra: Quantitative Techniques in Management, Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Eugene Lodewick Grant: Statistical Quality Control, McGraw-Hill
Richard S. Leavenworth.
5. Dr. Anasse Bari, Mohamed Chaouchi: Predictive Analytics for Dummies, John Wiley
& Sons.
6.Namakum R N Prasad, Seema Acharya : Fundamentals of Business Analytics, Wiley.
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

Paper Name: Business Intelligence

Paper Code: BBA – 504 (B)
Total Credit: 6
Total hours of lectures: 60 hours
Course Outcome:
After completion of this course, the students will be able to
1. Summarise the concepts and components of Business Intelligence (BI).

2. Illustrate the use of technologies and tools related to BI

3. Outline the technological architecture that underpins BI systems.

4. Apply the use of BI for supporting decision making in an organisation.

Sl. Topic/Module Hours

1. Module 1: Introduction to Business Intelligence: 08
BI concept, BI architecture, BI in today’s perspective, BI Process,
Applications of BI like Financial analysis, statistical analysis, sales analysis,
CRM, result pattern and ranking analysis, Balanced Scorecard, BI in
Decision Modelling: Optimization, Decision making under uncertainty.
Ethics and business intelligence.

2. Module 2: Elements of Business Intelligence: 08

Reports & ad hoc queries; Analyse OLAP data; Dashboards & Scorecards
development, Metadata Models; Automated tasks & events; Mobile &
disconnected BI.

3. Module 3: Building the BI Project: Planning the BI project, Project 10

Resources, Project Tasks, Risk Management, Cost-justification, Collecting
User Requirements, Requirements-Gathering Techniques, Prioritizing &
Validating BI Requirements, Changing Requirements, BI Design and
Development, Best Practices, Post-Implementation Evaluations.

4. Module 4: Data Science: The concept, process and typical tools in data 08
science. Example of different algorithms i.e. segmentation, classification,
validation, regressions, recommendations.

5. Module 5: Data Visualization and Dashboard Design: Responsibilities of 10

BI analysts, Importance of data visualization, types of basic and composite
charts, dashboards.
Syllabus of BBA
(Effective for 2020-2021 Admission Session)
Choice Based Credit System
140 Credit (3-Year UG) MAKAUT Framework
w.e.f 2020-21

6 Unit 6: Reporting authoring: Building reports with relational vs 08

Multidimensional data models ; Types of Reports – List, crosstabs, Statistics,
Chart, map, financial etc., Data Grouping & Sorting, Filtering Reports,
Adding Calculations to Reports, Conditional formatting, Adding Summary
Lines to Reports.

7 Module 7: Future of Business Intelligence: Emerging Technologies, 08

Machine Learning, Predicting the Future with the help of Data Analysis, BI
Search & Text Analytics – Advanced Visualization – Rich Report, Future
beyond Technology.

Suggested Readings:

1. Vercellis Carlo: Business Intelligence, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd.

2. Meenakshi Gupta: Business Intelligence and Applications, BUUKS.
3. Dr.Manoj Kumar Patel: Business Intelligence in Decision Making , BUUKS.
4. Ramesh Sharda (Author), Dursun Delen (Author), Efraim Turban: Business.
Intelligence and Analytics: Systems for Decision Support, Pearson Education.
5. Surma Jerzy: Business Intelligence, Business Expert Press.
6. Sharda Ramesh: Business Intelligence and Analytics, Pearson.

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