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b FIGHT PLL THE ND : - i "ae A AHMED NAWAR Comparisons Point of Series Connection Parallel Connection comparison Drawing Total Resistance hitches (me r= RL+RI+Ry Potential WeVieVs eV; VreVieV2eVseV Difference (V) NEE (constant) hehshehel Electric Current (1) heh+hth (Constant) P=PR pat Electric Power (P) ® Pa@R (lisconstant) Pai/R (Vis constant) ‘The resistances connected in ‘The resistances connected In series, the largest resistance parallel, the smallest Relation between consume largest power. resistance consume largest eee IER:> Re> Ra Biase Resistance IERL> R2> Re SoPi>P.>Ps gi SoPi Slopes Knowing R= pel a> pa (IfL& Aare constant) La> Le (If p & Aare constant) AnRe V=IR Vel = py 1 Slope=3=0 (a) Is conductivity Wamp) AHMED NAWAR Pore p Sope= is Fapxe Slope =1 + State relation and what does slope mean of each of the following: = Siope=R Slope = Ret R= pet a RConm Slope = p. Re pet Slope=o Yop, t r= Peg a NAWAR Nail p ACADEMY AHMED NAWAR. | LN | | | Slope = p. Slope =V apt Ww I ra vet i mS oar Slope = -r | V=Ve-Ir Slope =r VeVe+ir _ Coe | ‘to the resistance of conductor | if length doubled 21 resistance of conductor if area halved 34to resistance of conductor it diometer halved 4-40 resistance if area halved ‘and length increase three times S-to resistance of conductor I It stretched to double its length 6+to resistance of conductor If It melted and reshaped (volume constant}so that its diameter NAWAR ACADEMY anes 3Ra3l, Ray Ta Re 2x3=6 1 Vol at Axa Ral, Rat ,R=4x4= 16 AHMED NAWAR 8:0 efficiency of battery iescmaltpbelbace docsaes 9-10 the power if current In home devices Is doubled 10-To reading of voltmeter i Ve Ix R cone theostat Increase tRbt- VE 11-To reading of voltmeter if We UxRewe sheostat Incase 12-To reading of voltmeter VaVentr preonetiecresce, Rat RegleM -+ teks Vt NAWAR y ANAR 13-to reading of voltmeter If theostat increase V= Verl(Rer) HER, Tos Ragt—+ I + (RO) b> vt 14-To R of wire if current pass init R Is Ohmic Resistance doubled ? 15-To equivalent resistance of group of equal resistances when remove one of them 16-To brightness of each lamp, ‘when several lamps connected in a parallel to battery of neglected and also Its Resistance P=" Internal resistance .and one lamp ‘Voetentt of each lamp constant « ~ 1—_— — - —- - 17-To total power of group of Prato ® Peau. parallel lamp if one lamp burned | Rylan tasy Phage NAWAR = Ty SPAWAR AHMED NAWAR aL which of the following electle eleults shows the conventional direction of current (i) andthe dvection othe free electrons motion (a) correctly? >, - 4 { } f 4 f ® ® © @ 2. The opposite graph represents the relation between the number of the " electrons (N) that passes through a certain crost-section of a conductor In an electric crcult and the time (t), o the graph that represents the relation between the current Intensity (I) that passes through the conductor and the te 1) lena Zo 1 1 hs 1 @ oO © @ 3. The opposite figure represents a charge of 2j€ that rotates with a wa frequency of 1000 HZ in a circular path, then the current that arises due to the rotation of the charge equals a)5ma b)ama 5008 4) 2000 4. the length of wire increase to double and Is dlameter Increases to double so Its resistance... a) halved ) doubled €)no change d) Increase 4 times 5. three copper wires x, y and 2 of lengths 2 m, 4 m and 1 m respectively have the same cross: ‘sectional area, then which of the following figures represents the resistances of the three wires? bal ull. Ua. il 8 co) AHMED NAWAR R 6, The opposite graph represents the relation between the resistance (R) ze and the length (@) of the two copper wires (x) and (y), so the ratio between the cross-sectional areas of the two wires A 15 wan Y be 7. Two resistors, made of the same material, are connected In series to a battery. The length of resistors X is twice that of —_O-2— resistor ¥, and X has twice the cross-sectional area of Y. ives Retetance Which of the following gives ‘Resistance of Y" ax b)% gt aa &. The opposite diagram shows a cross-section of a conductor A 2A whose resistivity Is ps. If the cross-sectional areas of its two terminals are different, the value of Its resistance eran 2) equal to ®t b) greater than 2! less than 2 d) equal to &=* ‘The potential difference between two ends of a conductor when a work of 1 Joule is done to transfer ‘unit charge between them Is. a) Volt b) potential difference ohm 4) quantity of charge 10. Which of the following graphs represents the relation between the potential difference (V) across NAWAR 9) NEADENY AHMED NAWAR. 11. The opposite graph shows that the relation between the current I flowing In two wires (A) and (B)& the voltage across each of them, If A ‘the two wires of equal length and the cross-section area. Which wire has greater resistance. B ays dA ¢) A and B have equal resistance 12. Ifthe ratio between the current intensity passes through a conductor and the potential difference ‘across the conductor 0.5 A/V. The resistance of the conductor IS sn a)30 b)0.50 asa aya 13. Which of the following figures represent the relation between the conductivity of the material of @ conductor and its cross-section area? ... o@tm) a(n!) (atm!) — L2, Va yeh es @ 14, The electric conductivity of a wire is (a ) ,ts volume is 4m® and its resistance is 4 0, then its area ie af oe one aoe jiameter decrease to half, soits resistance 15. Wire of resistance R ifits length increase to double and increased bye a)4R b)7R oar 9) 6R 16. If the wire reshaped to decrease Its diameter to half then Its resistance increase by.. 2) four times ») constant qBtimes 4) 15 times NAWAR (i ear 7. canes, aE ap ACADEMY oe ee ee 17. 2 wires made of Cu. length and mass of 1% one Is (1 10m, 0.2 °4 (40m , 0.2kg) then ratio between Ri / Ra = sasnsnone ' pd dora 407 OSLO a) 1/8 ba oan a) 1/16 18. The opposite figure represents three resistors (x,y, 2) that are connected in series. So, which of the following figures represents the R 2k Osk _ rtm iti ratios of the consumed electric power in each of them? a. Bar a ay SS @ 19. If (220 V - 100 W) is written on an electric fan and (220 V - 1000 W) is written on an electric heater, then the resistance of the heater is 2) equal to the resistance of the fan ) less than the resistance of the fan ) greater than the resistance of the fan 4) indeterminable 20. Quantity of heat produced after 10 minutes in a copper wire of diameter Smm and its length Is 150 ‘em, an electric current passes in it of intensity 4A and resistivity of copper 1.7x10* Om equal. a) 12.4685 b)3.a1) ) 1.298) 21. When the current passing in an ohmic resistance Is halved then the consumed power: ‘2 remains the same b-Increases 2 times increases 4 times d-decrease to quarter 22, On Joining two resistors R and 4 R In parallel with a battery, so the ratio between the power fost In the resistor RI mmm the power lost in the resistor 4R. 2. Four times b, Double ¢. Equals d, Quarter AHMED NAWAR 23. Which of the following graphs represents the relation between the value Of the rheostat Ry and the consumed electric power in it? .. Pw Tee! 24, what happen To total consumed power In parallel connection lamps If one of them burned and Its battery of neglected internal resistance. a+ remains the same b- increases c- decrease 25, Two electric bulbs of resistances R: Re respectively are connected in parallel to an electric source, if Ra>Rathen vwnnes ‘2 the glow of bulb Ri Is greater. bs. the glow of bulb Re is greater. «. the two bulbs the same glow. 4d. no correct answer. 26. The opposite diagram shows a cross-section of a conductor which is carrying an electric current, so which of the following choices shows the relation among current intensities at the cross-sections x, y and eee a) > hy> ke by k= b= Mec h> he 27. The opposite figure represents three resistors x, y,z that are connected in parallel, so which of the following figures represents the ratlos of the ‘current Intensity that passes in each of them? AHMED NAWAR 28. Three resistors (60, 20, and 40) ohm are connected to an electric current source. If the potential difference across each resistor Is (30, 10, 20) volt respectively, imagine how these resistors could be connected. Then the total resistance of the electric circuit is. 2300 by20n 9600 )1000 29. Aresistance = 3 times from another one are connected in sires so, the current intensity through 1 first us the current Intensity through the second. a) u/3 ba aa a9 30. The circuit in the figure shows a SV supply connected across three resistors In series. What Is the potential difference across the 3 ohms resistor? masa 27 b)18v gas a7.2V a be 31, Two wires (ab) and (cd) of the same material having the same the length are connected together in series In a closed Circuit If the wire (ab) is thicker than the wire (ed), which i potential difference is greater, that across the wire (ab) or across the wire (cd)?. += a) Vas>Ves b) Vee>Van ©) Vab = Ved 32. If the reading of Vs = 80 volt and V2 = 48 volt , so the resistance X equal... 2)30 650 ea 44a. ND ap AHMED NAWAR 33. In the figure, a group of resistors is connected with each 20 R other. ifthe equivalent resistance of the group Is 8 9, 59 therefor the value of resistance R Is equal to: x me (a90 (70 A (gaa 20 34, tn circuit shown, the value of resistance (R) which makes the equivalent My resistance of this clrcult equals 5.4 011s. a) 250 b)6n cza 43a 35. In the opposite figure the equivalent resistance of this group of ey FOSISLOFS 1S sereresnsne a (a1 (b) 9.0 (6a (a30 Pp ial @ 36. A group of lamps Is connected In parallel with battery 12V and of negligible Internal resistance, If the total current In the circuit = 6 A and the resistance of each lamp = 6 9 therefore the number of tamps is: a)? bs a3 a2 37. Three resistors each of value R, which of the following figures give the smallest value of resistance between X and ¥. x x x x x ‘ s x R R m “ YY Y y - Ye (a) () © 0) 38. In the opposite figure, the equivalent resistance between X and Y equals .. aj2n ban 60 daa NAWAR » ACADEMY “——___——— AHMED NAWAR. 39, The equivalent resistance between the points A, B when the ‘switch K Is opened and when it is closed respectively Is... 2.8020 b.9040 6a 680,40 4.360,60 ‘ 40. A uniform wire of resistance 480 shaped as a closed ring, a battery terminal connected across its diameter as shown. The equivalent resistance between (A & B) is: taysea (8) 48.0 (240 (0120 41. In the opposite figure: if the potential difference between the two terminals of the metallic ring is 477 V, the resistance of the wire that the ‘metallic ring is made of equals.... 0 am ba oan 4.8 42. In the opposite figure: The equivalent resistance between A and B QUIS oerunee a)30 bea gga a)100 43, The equivalent resistance between A and B= R ® ae oF R ag gr 120 B < 2a Fe 2a i 90 a) 39 90 R “Da R F R NAWAR F713) ACADEMY AHMED NAWAR 44, If each of the resistance of the network shown In the figure Is R, the equivalent resistance between A and Bis a)SR b)aR oR a)R/2 Bs 45. In the given figure, equivalent resistance between A and B will be... > a 2) 14/3 bata a f ogra 4)14/9 oa a = 3a 4 8 46. The total current supplied to the circuit by the battery a aja. ) a4 6 ) 2 ) ) iad 47. If The reading of voltmeter between a & b 30V the ammeter £28d5 nes a)1.6A b)SA 93a Re 48. In the shown electric circuit, on closing the key, the reading of the ammeter 2) increases i b) decreases ¢) doesn’t change 49, Mathematical relation for ohms taw closed CIFCUlt IS.mrmenmnes a) VeIR b) PV )VeVerle d)none of them IF jase Noes GRD AHMED _NAWAR. 50. P, Qand S. three Identical resistors. If key closed .reading of voltmeter Will.....scsss0s i. ahh ©) s 51, Reading of voltmeter is a-Ve-2IR ‘b-IR/2 ¥ 52. Four lamps 6 Q each, are connected in parallel. Then the combination is connected to a 12 V battery with a negligible internal resistance, The total charge leaving the battery In 10 $ 15 ween 2.80 b.60¢ <40c 4.206 20 53. The value of power delivered in the circuit when the key (K) Is closed: 2av: x Ro a) 144 Ww. b)6oW ral d2aw 4)96w ‘54, The voltmeter reading when closing the switch in the circuit shown in the figure, where the resistance are identical. 2) Increase b) decrease unchanged 55. if reading of ammeter when key Is open =2A, and when closed reading becomes 2.4 A,, then internal resistance equal vd Weis a)10 b)20 Ie 2a, 90.50 41.50 a NAWAR 1) / , ACADEMY AHMED NAWAR 56. The reading of the voltmeter in the opposite figure equals. ply ayav bev Pu osv av a hy 57. In the opposite figure, if each resistor has a resistance R and Vz reading is 33 V, so the reading Of V1 18 nuns BAe Te ajov byaiv + R BE @ a3v ayav RP OR 58. Three equal resistors of 3 9 each, are connected in series to a cell of internal resistance 1 9. If these resistances are connected in parallel and connected to the same cell, then the ratio of respective currents through the electric circuits in the two cases is a)1:8 b)a:7 ass jaa 59. Which graph represents the relation between the electromotive force of a battery and the total resistance of the circuit? Ve | Ve | Vo Rea Qi." fh @ 60, Two Battertes (A) and (B) each of them connected in separated circuit, represent by relation between potential different between poles of battery and current Intensity graphically, as in shown := 4) Find Ratio between Internal resistance of two batteries . aj1 b)% a2 a) wot 41) Which battery have large emf? a)A b)B ¢) Both A&B have same emf 18 NAWAR (18 -—_______________________ > ACADEMY awaavoy © ws en @ vsgo(P veeoe vz90(9 wre i “sin zEAioneq m9) Fat ‘au yBnouyp Sujssed Ayjsuayuy aUdsand aya ‘31N21;9 ayIsoddo Bt WOs4 “99 Y £0 za tle "ey 7p S1B10UNION OM 3450 y @ Gr) sduypeas aip usamqaq ones au auluuorep 03 Bund URIS a4 2571 “PO wd vi ozlp ose a va ozle o-l | Ko 203 Jonba sry z anjowuue 249 Jo Suipess AoI="A ya so2yeus yotym y oouersisa4 Jo nye auf ‘umous 31nd419 91N UI “ES l oz'p st? 2, ora ve odo a AU iy ost yo-anjen au cnn “ ‘aandy aya uy uMoys 31n244> yp UI ae VP InBAy OY UJ UMOYS YN} BYR UI “ZI AGP Yer nee aia ag(e a #8] 28,2UII0n Jo BujpeDs oun VF sey0uusy yo Supeas ays “andy o4a ul umoys se anan> ouput “1S YVMYN GSWHY AHMED NAWAR 67. In this figure if the EMF= 12 V the r woo ayav byev reo oav div 200 68. From the electric circuit shown in the figure ,calculate the potential 2 ‘a . difference between points a, bif the value of R= 7.5.0. ww 1 2 ER a)2.5V b)a3V ¢)zero d)no correct Pe i i + 1sv oR” Ho 69. inthis circult the reading of ammeter =..A 4 ® a2 by 1/2 a 3/4 70. In this circuit the value of resistance R= aman. a)2 p12 Rv aa 4)3 71. In the opposite circuit when the switch K is closed, which of the following choices represent the change in the reading of the Ammeter and the Voltmeter? an [choice |. Readgof Reading of Ammeter voltmeter a) Increases Increases | | b) Increases Decreases \ a Decreases Increas | a No change Increases } AHMED_NAWAR. 72. In any device the reading will be greatest a)X az aA ac 74. In this figure the reading of voltameter =4V, so the current passes through 6 ohm 2) 1A, b)2Aa 12a 408A oy be a) | an, a, 4) Allare the same Laas | > 73. In any device the reading is incorrect 7S, In this circuit the reading of ammeter = 0.4A, so the magnitude of resistance X and Y is vee @ Y Y 60 x (0) 30 ®) 60 30 [?) 40 20 (a) 2a 40 76. in the following figure, the reading of ammeter Is. ala © NAWAR ACADEMY b) 20 ofA Sn AHMED NAWAR 77. Inthe circuit shown, if we neglect the internal resistance of the battery, the ratio between e.m.f. of the battery and the intensity of, an electric current equals... 2 a)3 b)6 a8 410 20 20 ‘78. The current in the conductor yz i.. 2)2A b) 3A aa ia d) 58 79. in the shown figure: the potential difference through 4.0 a) 20 volt b) 10 volt ¢) 24 volt 80. In the opposite figure M,2,Y,X are four lamps each of resistance 3000 A the total resistanc a) 600 b)300 ¢) no answer is correct, i) If r=0 and reading of ammeter 3A so the reading of Vs 2)60 b) 30 90 ill) Y burned so reading of ammeter... a) Increases b) decreases ¢) constant 181. If the current passing In Ax Is 1.6 Ampere, so the current passing In A ISonnone & a)0.BA by2.2A o ole 1.68 4) O40 e) 4a NAWAR AHMED NAWAR 82. The value of Rin the following circult equals. 6a 3a ben 120 digo 83. In the opposite circuit, which of the following graphs represents the relation between: the value of the resistance which is taken from Ry and the reading of ‘the ammeter? AAmomeer reading Ammer ending Ammer’ vending Armmete' reading = Fd mw %- Ry S b) © @ ‘84. In the electric circult shown in the figure, the ratio between the reading of voltmeter Vi and the reading of voltmeter V2 is: a4 b)2 aa 90.25 £85, In the given circuit, the Internal resistance of the battery equals: 40 s)0s0 =). 2 ao my ‘86, In the circuit shown in the figure, the ratio between the Vs {fading of the ammeter (A,) to the reading of the ammeter (Au) Is at yt 0 z i r at d Q@ve —___a, SS AHMED _NAWAR 87. In the circuit shown, the reading of the ammeter (A) Is... Vay = (a) 0.38.4 (bia 40 30 30 (1.250 (4) 2.240 ¥ 88. In the circuit shown in the figure below, the value of the resistance a J {R) that makes the reading of the voltmeter 5 Vis asa aise psa asso 06.0 * ws) 89. in which of the following circuits the ammeter reads the total current of the circuit Sele! 90. In the opposite circuit, the value of R and Ve are...» R Ve 7) 9 2 (B) 3 12 ( [os | 3 — a (0) 3 9 NAWAR (or AEM AHMED NAWAR K ‘91. K, L, M three identical resistors $0... a)lech Ia Ie 93. In the given circult; as the voltmeter reading is 24 volt, calculate the reading of Ax& Az... a)4A, 1A b) 6A, 2 8A, 20 d)6A,14 94, The opposite diagram represents a closed electric circuit, so which of the following represents the component X that makes the pointer of the = voltmeter deflect t0 4 VP.wwannn * =k x eS ® © aR LES 20V | O=hs ob ro | mY ty x 95. In the circuit shown f V= 20 volt-The ammeter reading i NSaecrmees, a)72 b)3 as 464 NawaR sy Nawee AHMED NAWAR 9 96. In the given circutt, the reading of voltmeter Is ...volt. AR en 2)30 ‘b)40 50 4)60 R 97. In the following circult, ammeter (As) read 2 A before close key. After close key, reading of A; becomes ......Ampere. 3)2.4 bye 036 an 98. In the given electric circuit; on closing the key (K), the ae. readings of both ammeter and voltmeter . — 2a Choce Reading of (A) _| Reading of (V) A Increase Decrease 22 8 Decrease Increase c Increase Increase 2 Decrease Decrease 199, In the opposite figure, if the reading of Ammeter equals 1A, so the electromotive force of battery (Ve) eqUalS wears ay2v bytov ousv d)a2v @ a 120 ow a 1A 1100. in the circuit shown, the unknown (X) equals mms Ohm $0. ays by10 6 4) 30 (26,——__________ NAWAR |, NAMAS AHMED NAWAR. 102. tn the opposite figure the value of IIs. a)2a byaa 6A a)aza 102. In the opposite figure, if the electric current passing through the 2 resistor is 1 A, then the electric current Intensity passing In the 12.Q resistor equals enon a)O.SA bia 2a asa 103, In the circuit shown in the figure below, the value of the ; resistance (R) that makes the reading of ammeter 5 A when 12V the key (K) is closed equals: TO ()20 {baa (asa (asa ¥ 20 4Q 104. In the opposite electric circuit: If the bulb lights up with its full Intensity, the equivalent resistance between the two points x and y equal: 2)0.450 b)19 gsa g30 3.8% aankoney 1105. Which of the following graphs represents the relation between the readings of the ammeter A1 and A2 by changing the rheostat walue (R)? (Notice that: Ir, I2 are drawn with the same scale) ACADEMY AHMED NAWAR 106. tn opposite circuit when the filament of bulb Is blown off the voltmeter reading.. Acincrease b- decreases unchanged : reo} 207. In the following circuit if resistor Ris replaced by another one Value of ——————-- will change. 8 9) Ammeter ) Voltmeter ‘Ammeter and + voltmeter 108. Four identical electric bulbs A, B, C and D are connected with a battery of negligible internal resistance as shown in figure. If the potential difference between the terminals of the bulb ( C) Is 3V, the electromotive force of the battery would be. alev bjov giv d) 15v 109. What happens for the readings of devices shown on increasing ‘the value of variable resistor (Rx)? Readingof —_| Readingof Reading of ‘ammeter(A) | voltmeter(vi) | voltmeter(v) A | Decreases Decreases Increases 8 | Unchanged | Decreases Unchanged © | Decreases Decreases Decreases © | Decreases Increases Increases 110. In the given eircuit; on burning the filament of the lamp, the reading of voltmeter sursenne + a) Increases b) decreases Unchanged Ca NAWAR > ACADEMY AHMED NAWAR 111. Voltmeter reading when Ki & K2 open. and when K1 open & K2 closed a)12V&96V —b) zero KEV )9.6V&BV 112. In the opposite figure when the resistance of rheostat Is Increased, ‘which of the following choices represents the change in the reading of voltmeters (Vi and V2) Choice | _Reading of Vi “Reading of V2 | sits) Increases Increases ) Decreases Increases a Increases Decreases (a) Decreases Decreases 113. In the opposite figure, the reading of voltmeter i 22 40 20 a)3 bya 48 a)16 a “Hy: ‘e=40Vort 114. In which of the following electric circuits the ammeter measures directly the current Intensity that passes through the resistor R?. © vows 29 AHMED _NAWAR | 115. In the opposite electric circult 159 ‘The value of |_| The electric potential of point x (a) ta 10V (b) sv (ce) aA sv (¢) 1A 20V 116. In the opposite figure an equilateral triangle abe, ifI=6A, the current intensity passing in the side ac equals ..... Ampere. a6 ba «3 az 117. In the electric circuit shown In the figure, four lamps are lighted, if the one pointed by the arrow is blown up how many bulbs will be kept lighted? 3 2.0 bal Me 62 a3 118. in the electric circuit shown in the figure, when putting the switch in position (1), a current of 2 A passes in the ammeter, thus the value of the at svt re0T resistance Ris. 2.30 bs 119, It equal numerically terminal voltage of battery when no current flow in circuit a) electromotive force b) internal resistance ¢) resistance e—_——. ® 5 4.2.5 ep | | 1 AHMED _NAWAR. 120. tn the given electric circuit; on closing the key (K), the readings of both ammeter and voltmeter .. rary ae, [choice [Reading of (A) _|Reading of (V) A [asa asv ma B | 05a asv c OSA ov . LSA ov 1121. In the circuit shown find the ratio between the ammeter reading (A) ‘before and after switching the key (K) on, neglecting the Internal ‘resistance of the battery. os Oe a at 1122. In the circuit shown find the ratio between the ammeter reading (A) before and after switching the key (K) on, neglecting the internal resistance of the battery. *) i; a? 223. which tamp must cut off to obtain max reading of voltmeter aA ys ac we AHMED NAWAR 124. In the opposite figure if the electric current passing In resistor Rx IS 2A, then the equivalent resistance of the circuit is... aj3a ban asa 120 125. In the given electric circuit, what would happen to the reading ‘of both voltmeters (Vi) and (V2) when increasing the value of the variable resistance (Ri)? a) Va (constant ),Vs (increase) 1b) Vs (increase ), V2 (decrease) Vi (constant) , V2 (increase ) 126. In the electric circult shown in the figure, the electric current becomes minimum value when closing switch at bz “3 a4 127. In the electric circuit shown in the figure: What will happen to the brightness of the two bulbs (a and b) at closing the switch k? 2) decreases, increases 'b) turned off, increa: ©) increases, decreases 4) decreases, decreases 128. In the shown figure: what happens to the voltmeter reading If R Increases? a) Increases b) decreases ©) doesn’t change @ AHMED NAWAR ¢) doesn’t change 129, in the shown figure : what happens to the voltmeter reading If R increases? a) increases b) decreases 130. in the shown figure : what happens to the voltmeter reading if R Increases? a) increases b) decreases ¢) doesn’t change 131. In the opposite figure, when the key is open the reading of voltmeter asa sy is 30V,, so when the key is closed, the reading of voltmeter 18 xvon-V ais 38 920 24 132. In the circuit shown in figure, If R: decreases, then a) the reading of A., Ax, As increases R, +) the reading of As, Az increases while reading of As remains constant (4) ) the reading of A Ar, As decreases (4) & NAWAR AHMED Nawal Vavr 133. The opposite diagram represents a closed electric circult, so when ‘the variable resistance (5) is increased, the readings of the two voltmeters V1 and V 2 vnsnson The reading of |_| The reading of Va Ms (a) Increases Increases (b) Decreases Decreases (c) Increases Decreases (9) Decreases Increases 134, The opposite diagram represents a closed electric circult, So Vp.r=0 when the variable resistance (5) is increased, the readings of the two voltmeters V and A wennnn The reading of | The reading of v A (a) |_ Increase Increase (b) |" Decrease Increase (c) |_ increase Decrease (d)| Decrease Decrease 135. in the shown electric circuit, if the variable resistance (S) is increased, $0...» a)Vi=V2=0 b)Vi=V240 VarVa d)VirV2 4 (Fj OOH AHMED _NAWAR. 136. Which of the following graphs represents the relation between the readings of the two ammeters A and Az when the value of the taken resistance from R changes? R (Where : Is and Iz are represented with 0 6a 1, the same drawing scale) ul 137. In the shown electric circuit, If the variable resistance(S) is. increased, the voltmeter readingrmenmse a) decreases b) increases ©) remains constant d) becomes zero 138. When key closed, in the opposite figure: a) Ammeter reading (A) ... (decrease ~ Increase ~ not change) b) Voltmeter reading (Vs) ... (decrease increase — not change ) €) Voltmeter reading (V1) . (decrease ~ increase ~ not change ) 139. A student sets up the clrcult shown In the diagram, Initially, ‘Switch 1 Is closed and switch 2 is open. If she opens switch 1. and closes switch 2, will the current in the eireult = Increase or decrease? cy a) Dec. b)inc, NAWAR ue <9 __sy | __ AHMED NAWAR. 140. Each resistor has a resistance of 10 0. where Si is closed ‘The value of I1=3 A. a) What is the value of lai? a)9a b)5A ©) 200 b) IFS: is then open, what happened to the value of lx? a) Increases. b) Decreases. ¢) Remain the same €) With S: still closed, is the resistance of the circuit lower than, higher than, or the same as it was when Si was open? a) the same b) Higher c)lower d) S:and Szare kept closed, but Ssis opened. Does the resistance in the circuit increase, decrease, or stay the same? a) increases. b) Decreases. C) Remain the same 141, Four identical light bulbs K, L, M, and N are connected in the electrical Circuit shown in the accompanying figure. In order of decreasing al brightness (starting with the brightest), the bulbs are: @keLMon ®k=L=Mon ©N>k>t=m g6——_________ @ ww AHMED NAWAR 142. Three identical lamps connected to source has no the internal resistance as in Figure 1. If they are connected as In Figure 2, what Is the change In the Illumination of the lamps? Ll L M , (a) | increases _| increases | Increases (8) | Decreases | Decreases _| Decreases (€)__|Notchange | increases | Increases (0) | Decreases | increases _| Decreases 143, The shown electric circult, if the value of the variable resistance (5) is decreased, which of the following ratios decreases? at oe oy ange 144. The opposite diagram represents a closed electric circult, so when the variable resistance (S) is increased, the readings of the Festi ‘two voltmeters Vi and V: Ry Ry ieee} ve Ve ®@ @ increases increases (b) decreases decreases (e) increases decreases @ decreases Increases b 145, Find the value of s&s when the Reading of the voltammeters yy x 13V2 i A 2)2.25,1A OD b) 2.258, 3.258 r=10 ©)3A, 1.58 @ AHMED NAWAR. 146. In the following circult, find the current In each resistance. 2) 0.148, 0.43 A, 0.2850, 1b) 0.12A, 0.84, 0.10 0.21, 0.34, 0.1. 2a 147, Wthe ts », find Re 1 reading of the ammeter is zero, fi es a)20 bia Veo 6 Rg 30 aaa r=0 aes 148, The opposite diagram represents a part of a closed electric OV. circuit, so the current intensities ly and lz are... st — & a aA 7A 5) 3A ° @ aA TA @ 3A GA 149. in the shown electric circuit, the reading of the voltmeter Is yh 3A = 6 h ia 3a 2)20v byasv » 30 4 aw 4)0 0 a 18V,r=0 150, The opposite figure represents a part of an electric circult, so the Patt aRe oar ayia b)20 aan asa ~ 38 ig Oia AHMED NAWAR. Exams 2021 151. Four equal resistors are connected together as in 4 figures, so, the correct arrangement for the figures from 4 4—AAN the highest equivalent resistance to the least one Is L4— A) 4132 4——4 B)1<2<3«4 c)4cBezed +84 sy D) 1823 152. In the figure, Then, the ratio: i sa 100 153. In the opposite figure .If the shown directions Represent the motion of the electrons so We can apply Kirchhoff's 1° law at the point (X) 25 FOlOW seinen L L A) -h-b4eth+s=0 Is B) hthelrhsls =0 L C) -hthththtbe 0 D) b+ s+ le-I2+s =O h 154. In the electric circuit shown, the equivalent resistance between points 100 102 (0, b) equals... A)sa : 6 Byon c)200 a 109 D)40a Ye a Oy ee Se 50 155. tn the circuit shown, the value of electric current (1s) is = vi a sv A)2ASA B)yI25A cyaza wv hhiw& D)2A 156. A current of (1) Intensity passes In a conductor of (L) length and Its cross-sectional area (3A), when ‘the same battery is used with a different conductor of the same material as the first one, it was found that 2 current of (31) passes in it, this I$ dUC 0 enum ‘A) The second conductor is of length (2L) and its cross-section area = (18 A) 'B) The second conductor Is of length (3L) and Its cross-section area = (3 A) ©) The second conductor Is of length (181) and its cross-section area = (2A) 'D) The second conductor is of length (L) and its cross-section area = (A) 157. Which combination of the resistors shown In the figure gives an equivalent =R? o @ Qu AHMED NAWAR 158. A cell of unknown emf is connected to a resistance (Rs) and a current of 0.5 passes in the cell. When (Rs) Is. Resa R90 replaced by another (Ri), a current of 0.3 A passes in the cell. So, the emf of the cell w= O5n O34 ayav Byasy qazv oj2v Ys Vs Ss Ve 159, Using the data in figure the ratio between (Ii/lt) = wen A)zL B)3/1 a bY aus 2% Ve ® Is 1160. When the switch K is closed, which row shows the correct readings of the meters Vs, V2, Va? vi v vs (| Becomes zero Tacreases Dereases © Tncreases Tnereases Desreases (© | Becomes ze Decreases Tnereases @ Tncreases Tnereases Tacreases 1161. The figure shows four uniform conductors made of the same material, but of different dimensions. Thelr correct arrangement ascendingly according to their electrical resistance, starting from the least tothe greater resistances. a) * Oe “ o A\CSA>B2D 8)D>8>A9C SS A OB>C>A>D a fe D)D>AZC>B ©. NANaR a AHMED NAWAR 162. Each of the four electric circults contains an ammeter. What is the correct arrangement of the reading Ax, Aa, As, As of the four ammeter ? “a Ve Vs an ® mn AYAs> Ar> Ar> Aa " B)As>Aa>AL> Ar ‘ wo ALD Ar>Ar> Aa = D)Ar>Ar>As> As = ® 163. Two wires of the same material, if you know that the diameter of the first wire is 3 times the diameter of the second wire, and the resistance of the second wire is 4 times the resistance of the first wire; Therefore, the length of the second wire ........ the length of the first wire. 4 4 at 8)? 2 36 a Ws Vp 1A ‘164. In the circuit shown in the drawing, when the switch (K) is closed, the ammeter reading becomes..... eo AOS B)15A 40 = i 82a D)0.75A 165. From the circle infront of you, the ratio between 2 vaste NR intr 9 va-ve AHMED NAWAR. 30 166. In the electrical circuit in front of you:The intensity of the electric ‘current of the circuit | equals. 5 ¢ «n A)0.76.8 8) 0.834 c)3a D)aa 2a nv ria 167. Four equal resistances connected together as shown in the figures (4) 8) Q) () Which of this shapes gives lower equivalent Resistance aya bya gz 0)3 nh BY 22 168. In the circle shown in the figure: Kirchhoff’s second law can be applied, in the closed path (adcba) as A)2h+h+4=0 8) 2h-be-20=0 C)2-h-4=0 D)3h-fs-4=0 19st 169. In the shown circuit when the varlable resistance (s) increase ©) A)Vi.p Increase: 1B) Vs increase, vz decrease C) Vi decrease, vz Increase D) Viva decrease la 170. tn the opposite circuit if direction of 1,12 represent the direction of elecrons but I represent the conventional Girection by applying the equation ... a)-Irtaths=0 b) tet €) Atletls<0 ad) itlzts=0 171, In the shown circuit, if the value of li=2A what is the value of? ayaa ban 3a yan iv 12ohm ohm an 172. The following figure shows a part of an electric circuit, ifthe consumed power through the part between the two points a and b equals 210 W and the internal resistance of the electric cells are negligible, so: ‘The unknown electromotive force (Ve) equals )30V b)20v 173. In the opposite figure If the reading of vsis 0.8V ,which of the following express on reading of Vs,V2 o10v Ve a 10V ov B B4aV 9.2v c T.6V 9.20 d av av (4 Ow YAR if NAM AHMED NAWAR, 174, When pass a current it’s intensity (I) and it’s cross sectional area is (A), when change the battery , the Intensity of current will be 31 , the cross sectional area will be aya b)3A aga 4) 6A 175. you have 3 electric circuits 1,2,3 which of the following relations is correct? B a) heb b)h> Ty O> Is dis >h Exams 2022: 176. A uniform cross sectional copper wire was shaped as a rectangle {kyxm} as in figure, its length is double its width, Which two terminals should be connected to the electric source to ™, obtain the greatest electric resistance? a) Mk dky axy ak, x 177. in the shown electric circuit: On increasing the value of the variable G@) resistance (S) - Which choice correctly represents the change in the reading of voltmeters, (Vs) and (V2)? @) Increases Increases @ (b) Remains constant Increases ) Decreases [Remains constant (6) Decreases Decreases NAWAR 45 » ACADEMY pe ee AHMED NAWAR 178. In the shown electric circult, the value of (Vo) that mi the reading of the ammeter vanishes = a)6v b)asv ev ayizv 179, Two electric resistors, the resistance of the first Is three times as that of the second, When they are connected In parallel glves an equivalent resistance 30 then, when they are connected In series gives a) 120 b)160 8a aaa 180. In the shown electric circult, the value the Intensity of electric current passing through the 8 9 resistor equals a) 0.23A b) 0.846 A. ¢) 1.076 A 1d) 0.306 A vB-18 181. If the Voltmeter reads 18V when the switch (K) is opened, but reads 15V when the switch Is closed, so the Internal resistance of the cell a)30 b)4a 1 920 aia 50 182. Two wires (1) and (2) are made of same material, wire (1) has length (3L) and radius (r) while wire (2) has length (2L) and radius (2+) as shown In the figure : ty ty ee! Wire (1) Wire (2) So, the ratio w a) «) ot R i —_a O_o Ge AHMED NAWAR 183. The figure shows a part of a closed electric circult If the directions of ly lz, and Is represent the conventional currents, While a represents the direction of the electrons movement. So, the intensity of current (I) =~. a)iith-t byshel kth a) kth-h 184. Three resistors Ri, Rz, Ro as shown in the figure. When they are connected in parallel gives an equivalent resistance 49 then, when they are connected in series gives... R,=3R R,=4R R,=6R OO enn a)9a0 b)270 130 d)390 185. In the shown closed electric circuit , The value of Vo mn a) 10Vv byav dasv dev 186. In the electric circuit shown, the Voltmeter roads 14 V when the ‘switch (k) Is opened, but reads 8 V when the switch (k) is closed. ‘Then the Internal resistance of the battery | 2) 1.250, b)050 T a 91sa 4)0.25.0 Ak 6a. uae WW ‘Switch 30 AHMED NAWAR 187, The graph shows the relation between the electric resistance (R) and the reciprocal of the RO) volume (4) for many wires of same length but of different materials, The correct arrangement of these wires concerning the conductivity of thelr materials Is a) 4 > 01> 03> 02 b) a1 > 03> 02> 04 ) r>a2> > 4d) 04> 03>02> 0% 188. In the figure, then the ratio equalssuu at L r=19 Ht 52. 5 9s at circuit (2) a Vs 0103 224 0876 [email protected] 0101 734 5920 facebook WAWAR ACADEMY WAWAR ACADEMY 3RD 2023

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