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Exam (2)
Chapter (1) All
1) Two wires (A) and (B) with circular cross-sections have identical lengths and are made of
the same material. Wire (A) has a resistance four times that of wire (B). How many times
greater is the diameter of wire (B) than wire (A)?
(A) 2 Times
(B) 3 Times
(C) 4 Times
(D) 5 Times
2) Out of (V – I) graph for parallel and series combination of two metallic resistors, the one
represents parallel combination of resistors is …………
(A) Resistor (A)
(B) Resistor (B)
(C) Both of them
(D) None of them

3) A uniform wire of resistance 48Ω shaped as a closed ring, a battery terminals connected
across its diameter as shown. The equivalent resistance between (A & B) is:
(A) 96 Ω
(B) 48Ω
(C) 24Ω
(D) 12Ω

4) In the opposite electric current, when the variable resistor (S) increases, then the reading
of the voltmeter …….

a) Increase
b) Decreases
c) Remains constant
d) The answer can’t be determined without knowing the
value of R

5) In the opposite figure: The reading of the ammeter is:

(A) 4A
(B) 3.5A
(C) 3A
(D) 2A

6) Using Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL), the unknown current (I2) is ….…….
(A) 6A
(B) -6A
(C) 2A
(D) -2A

7) In the circuit shown, the equivalent resistance is ……
(A) 22 Ω
(B) 10 Ω
(C) 6 Ω
(D) 4 Ω

8) On closing the key (K) in the circuit, respectively the reading of each ammeter and
voltmeter ……..
(A) Increases, Increases
(B) Decreases, Decreases
(C) Decreases, Increases
(D) Increases, Decreases

9) Four identical electric bulbs (A, B, C and D) are connected with a battery of negligible
internal resistance as shown in figure. If the potential difference between the terminals
of the bulb (C) is 3V, the electromotive force of the battery would be …….
(A) 6V
(B) 9V
(C) 12V
(D) 15V

10) In the figure, if the internal resistance of the battery is R then the voltmeter reading is:
(A) VB
(B) VB
(C) VB
(D) VB

11) In the circuit shown, if a voltmeter connected between (A) and (C) will read 12Volt. So
the resistance (X) equals:
(A) 2 Ω
(B) 1 Ω
(C) 3/2 Ω
(D) 1/2 Ω

12) What will happen to brightness of the lamps (A) & (B) in the circuit when the slider of
rheostat moves from (X) to (Y)? (neglecting internal resistance)

Lamp (A) Lamp (B)

(A) Doesn't change Increases
(B) Increases Increases
(C) Decreases Doesn't change
(D) Increases Decreases

13) When two resistors (R) and (4R) are connected in parallel to a battery. The consumed
power in the resistor (R) is …….. that consumed in the resistor (4R).
(A) Four times.
(B) Double.
(C) Equal to.
(D) A quarter of.

14) In the circuit shown, the key (K) is opened, if a battery of emf 30V with internal resistance
2Ω connected between (A&B). If the key (K) closed,
what is the reading of the ammeter.
a) 1A
b) 2A
c) 3A
d) 4A

15) In the following circuit, find the ratio between the consumed power when the switch is
in position (1) and when it is in position (2) knowing that all resistors are of the same
value, and the battery has negligible internal resistance.
a) 4/3
b) 3/4
c) 1/4
d) 2/1

16) Using Kirchhoff’s laws, find the current through each battery in the following circuit.
a) -6.27A, 2.86A
b) -2.27A, 2.86A
c) -2.27A, 4.76A
d) 3.25A, 4.76A

17) In the opposite circuit what is the current passing in the 4Ω resistor if a battery of emf
120V and negligible internal resistance is connected between the terminals (a and b).
a) 5.5A
b) 6.5A
c) 7.5A
d) 8.5A

18) Consider the circuit below. Knowing that all resistances equal 10Ω, find:
The current (I4) through resistor (R4).
a) 1A
b) 2A
c) 3A
d) 4A

19) In the opposite figure, the total resistance equals:

a) 3Ω
b) 12 Ω
c) 2Ω
d) 6 Ω

20) In a circuit that consists of (R1) in series with a parallel combination of (R 2) and (R3), if (R1)
becomes shorted, total resistance will:
a) increase
b) decrease
c) remain the same
d) cannot tell

21) You connect resistors of 2Ω, 3Ω, and 6Ω in parallel across a battery. The current through
the 6Ω resistor is 3A. What are the currents in the other two resistors?

a) [I1 = 6A; I2 = 9A]

b) [I1 = 9A; I2 = 6A]
c) [I1 = 1A; I2 = 1.5A]
d) The answer cannot be obtained without knowing the emf of the battery

22) If the current intensity passing through the resistance (R1) is 2A then the equivalent
resistance of the circuit equals …………. VB = 12 V r=0
a) 3 
b) 4 
c) 6  R1

d) 12 

R2 = 2R1

23) Three identical lamps was connected in series with the source has a negligible internal
resistance then they was connected in parallel with the same source, so the ratio between
the consumed power in the two cases respectively is …………….
a) 1:2
b) 1:3
c) 1:6
d) 1:9

24) The reading of the voltmeter in the opposite circuit equals …
a) 4V VB = 12 v r=0
b) 6V
c) 8V
d) 12V R R

25) The opposite graph represents the relation between the consumed power (P w) and the
square of the current intensity (I 2) in the conductor, then the slope of the line represents
this relation equals ………….

(A) The resistance of the conductor.

(B) The potential difference across the conductor.

(C) The square of the potential difference across the


(D) The reciprocal of the resistance of a conductor.

26) In which of the following electric circuits the intensity of the electric current which passes
in one of the two resistors differs from the other resistor?

27) Which of the following graphs represents the relation between the consumed energy
(W) in a conductor that carriers an electric current of constant intensity and the time (t)
when assuming the temperature of the conductor is held constant?

28) In each of the following figures, seven equal resistors are connected together, then the
figure in which their equivalent resistance is equal to the value of one resistor is ….

29) In the opposite figure if (R1) is greater than (R2), then the equivalent resistance of the
two resistor is ……

(A) Equal to (R2)

(B) Equal to (R1 + )

(C) Less than (R2)

(D) Equal to (R1)

30) The opposite figure represents an electric circuit. If (V 2 = 4V1), then the value of (I)
equals ………………

(A) 2A

(B) 4A

(C) 6A

(D) 8A

31) In the opposite electric circuit when the position of the slider is changed from
position (a) to position (b), which of the following choices represents what happens
in the circuit? (C)

32) The following table shows different values for lengths, cross-sectional areas and
resistivities of four wires made of different materials, so which of these wires has a
resistance of 0.005Ω? (D)

33) The opposite figure represents a torch that contains two electric cells, a switch and
a bulb, so which of the following circuits represents the electric circuit of the torch?

34) The opposite graph represents the variation of the resistance (R) for a group of wires
that are made of the same material and have the same cross-sectional area of 0.2mm2
with respect to the length (L) of each wire, so the resistivity of the material of these
wires equals:

a) 5×10-8Ω.m

b) 7.5×10-8Ω.m

c) 10-8Ω.m

d) 2.5×10-8Ω.m

35) Heat produced in a wire carrying current in 5sec is 60J. The same current is passed through
another wire of half the resistance of the first. The heat produced in 5sec will be?
a) 60J
b) 30J
c) 15J
d) 120J

36) If the current through a circuit were tripled, then the resistance of the circuit would be:
a) one-third as much
b) three times as much
c) unchanged
d) no correct answer

37) In the shown circuit the value of R equals :

a) 5 ohms
b) 21 ohms
c) 60 ohms

38) Which of the following statements is true? For the circuit shown in figure. Assume that
the internal resistance of batteries are zero.

a) VB1 + VB2 + VB3 = IR1 + IR2 + IR3

b) VB2 + VB3 – VB1 – I (R1 + R2 + R3 ) = 0
c) I (R1 + R2 + R3 ) = VB1 –VB2 –VB3
d) VB2 + VB3 – VB1 = IR1 + IR2 + IR3

39) In the circuit shown determine the values of the unknown currents (i b, id, ie and if).
Given that (ia = 2A, ic = -3A, ig = 6A, and ih = 1A).

a) -2A, 5A, -2A, 7A

b) -1A, 8A, -2A, 7A
c) -1A, 5A, -2A, 9A
d) -1A, 5A, -2A, 7A

40) In the opposite circuit, with neglecting the internal resistance of the battery, if the
reading of ammeter doubles when you close the switch, the value of (R) equals:

a) 100 Ω

b) 50 Ω

c) 75 Ω

d) No right Answer.

41) In the shown circuit if Vxy = 15 volt. The power consumed in resistance 4Ω equals.
a) 4 watt
b) 6 watt
c) 7 watt

42) A circuit consists of a battery (εA) of emf 60V and internal resistance 3 ohms, battery (εB)
of emf 12V and internal resistance 1 ohm, and four resistors connected as shown in the
figure. Calculate. The terminal voltage of battery (εB).
a) 15V

b) 18V

c) 20V

d) 22V

43) In the opposite figure. The equivalent resistance between A and B equals ………

a) 3 Ω
b) 6 Ω
c) 9 Ω
d) 10 Ω

44) In the electric circuit shown in the figure, the electric current through the battery
becomes minimum value when closing switch ……..

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3

d) 4

45) In the opposite figure, resistors X , Z have fixed values and Y can be changed from
Zero to 3000 Ω, so the range of potential differences between a and b is from ……..

a) 0 to 6V
b) 3V to 6V
c) 4.5V to 6V
d) 4.5V to 9V

46) Cylindrical metal rod has a resistance R. if both its length and it’s diameter are tripled,
its new resistance will be
a) R
b) 9R
c) 3R
d) R/3

47) Consider a circuit consisting of a battery and a resistor. We add a second identical
resistor in parallel with the first one. So the current (I) that is drawn from the battery will
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Unchanged

48) Nine identical wires, each of diameter d and length L are connected in parallel. The
combination has the same resistance as a single similar wire of length L but whose
diameter is ……
a) 3d
b) 9d
c) d/3
d) d/9
e) d/81

49) The intensity of the current that passes in resistor R 3 equals.......
(a) 0.22 A
(b) −0.23 A
(c) 0.45 A
(d) 0.53 A

50) In the shown figure, 12 resistors each of resistance R, are connected together in the
form of a cube, so the equivalent resistance of the shape in
terms of R equals .........

(a) R

(b) R

(c) R

(d) R


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