7428 Chap 5

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Running Head: [Dissertation]

“To what extent does sustainable construction save costs in the construction of houses”

[Name of Writer]

[Name of Institution]

Chapter 5. Conclusion and Recommendation.............................................................................................3
5.1 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................................3
5.2 The way forward................................................................................................................................4


Chapter 5. Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion
The goals of this paper were to determine whether or not there is a consensus within
the industry that sustainable practises entail higher costs, and if so, whether or not sustainable
building practises actually save money in the long run by lowering a building's carbon footprint
and operating expenses in comparison to conventional practises. For these goals, we used a
literature review, a case study that compared the old college building to the new one in terms
of operating expenses and carbon outputs, and secondary research in the form of several
publications organised under two overarching themes with a number of subsidiary issues.

It is difficult to tell exactly where we are at any one time due to a lack of perspective,
and it is of course far more difficult to anticipate the future. It is possible to say that its probable
future trajectory, but it is impossible to say exactly where we are. Since its inception
somewhere between 15 and 20 years ago, the current movement for sustainability in the built
environment has unquestionably had an impact on both mindsets and behaviours. In wealthy
nations a decade ago, there were not many grading systems, products, methods, or
publications that supported sustainable construction. At this time, there is a plethora of
resources that are available to give services, knowledge, and support for the execution of
'green' projects. A decade ago, there was very little information available regarding this
emerging field, and most individuals had become tired of the conventional approaches. Today,
general understanding of it is reasonably common, but techniques for tackling the key
problems caused by buildings and the impacts they have are still difficult to come across.

In order to boost their sustainability performance, contractors might benefit from

adopting sustainable construction techniques. However, there is a dearth of research analysing
how they improve a company's ability to compete. This paper reviews the literature on the
topic of how traditional method limitations and advantages relate to sustainable performance
and concludes that there is no such thing as a causal relationship between the two. With a
longer time horizon, however, sustainable performance will make a more substantial
contribution to future corporate competitiveness. So, we try to establish a set of guidelines for

green building. Sustainability results and contractor competitiveness can both benefit from
using the framework. Contractors can utilise the framework as a starting point for crafting their
own sustainability policy, strategy, and practise in order to fulfil the growing need for
sustainable development in the building industry.

5.2 The way forward

Traditional approach in construction is facing a lot of challenges such as the delay to
complete the project in time, the expenditure exceeding the budget, the building defects and
over dependent of foreign workers. Thus, it needs serious attention to re-think construction for
improvement. A significant improvement can be achieved by using advanced technological
methods Like Lean techniques, Industrialized Building System (IBS), Building Information
Modeling (BIM), Value Engineering (VE), Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) etc.
Construction projects have a significant impact on the surrounding ecosystem and consume a
significant number of resources (Dasović, et al., 2020). Concerns about both economics and the
environment have been a major impetus for the growth of the sustainable design movement.
Utilizing environmentally friendly materials and methods throughout the building's construction
is one way to cut down on the building's overall budgetary impact. Improving the energy
efficiency of buildings both when they are being constructed and while they are in use is one of
the most significant alternatives that owners have to reduce their financial burden.

The planners and building rules in the construction business are continuously setting
higher and higher criteria for sustainable building practices, which raises the bar for everyone.
Because an increasing number of people are paying attention to the effect that various
industries have on the surrounding environment, an increasing number of building projects may
be required to incorporate provably sustainable practices in order to meet the expectations of
the clientele. The construction sector needs to contribute to the development of a more
equitable society if it is to play a part in making the world a better place for future generations.
In order to conduct business in a manner that is sustainable, you need to take into account the
requirements of a growing population while also making provisions for the long-term health of
the planet. The establishment of a competent and financially stable domestic building industry


is the first step that sustainable owners and developers need to take (Iqbal, et al., 2021). The
second step is to ensure that the manufacturing industry can adapt to the many constraints
that sustainable design will place on it. This strategy is essential due to the fact that sustainable
growth would lead to the domestic building sectors being subjected to new criteria. One that
requires particular supportive activities from all relevant key actors and, indeed, the
development of a set of enablers can only be put into action with the joint efforts of all
necessary parties, which is the only way that a unified plan can be implemented successfully.

This is the only way that a unified plan can be successfully implemented. If sustainable
practices were put into place, it would result in a significant increase in costs, which is not
acceptable at this time. Despite the significant progress that has been made in best practices,
sustainable construction practices that improve the performance of buildings have trailed far
behind (Santos, et al., 2019). This mismatch can be attributed to a number of factors, the most
significant of which are indifference on the part of consumers and the common notion that
environmentally responsible building practices result in higher costs. Businesses that want to be
more environmentally conscious can consider taking the advice of their financial advisors and
increasing their capital expenditures by 10 per cent.


Santos, R., Costa, A.A., Silvestre, J.D. and Pyl, L., 2019. Informetric analysis and review of
literature on the role of BIM in sustainable construction. Automation in
Construction, 103, pp.221-234.

Iqbal, M., Ma, J., Ahmad, N., Hussain, K., Usmani, M.S. and Ahmad, M., 2021. Sustainable
construction through energy management practices in developing economies: an
analysis of barriers in the construction sector. Environmental Science and Pollution
Research, 28(26), pp.34793-34823.

Dasović, B., Galić, M. and Klanšek, U., 2020. A survey on integration of optimization and project
management tools for sustainable construction scheduling. Sustainability, 12(8), p.3405.

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