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Professional Practice Essay

[Name of Writer]

[Name of Institution]
Professional Practice Essay

Table of Contents

Discipline Related Knowledge and Understanding.........................................................................3

Workplace Competencies................................................................................................................7




Learning Ability...........................................................................................................................9


Attitude and Approaches to Work.................................................................................................10

Attitudes towards work..............................................................................................................10

Job Involvement.....................................................................................................................11

Job Satisfaction......................................................................................................................12

Commitment by Organisations..............................................................................................12


The concept of the Learning Approach.................................................................................14

Career Aspirations & Plan.............................................................................................................15


Professional Practice Essay


The purpose of this activity is to stimulate critical thought about an individual's

professional progress and development like a direct result of the amount of time spent working in

the workforce. 13th March 2022 was the time when I started my professional practice remotely,

majorly after writing my dissertation, and this was a continuation of my dissertation project

which was MACHINE LEARNING FOR STEEL WORK ESTIMATE. In order to do so, they

must first carry out a comprehensive investigation of the way in which they deal with

professional development.

In addition, the role of professional practioner that I will explain by referring to one of

my personal experiences will be discussed as a knowledge practice that is pertinent to the field.

Second, the mentalities and orientations to work which I observed when I was working, as well

as the talents that I picked up while I was doing that job. It is vital to construct a career objective

in order to become a practitioner, and this assignment will be considered finished upon

presentation of a dream career & action plan relevant to the field.

Discipline Related Knowledge and Understanding

Home-based business owner It began on March 13 after I submitted my dissertation,

MACHINE LEARNING FOR STEEL WORK ESTIMATE. The company's mediator asked me

to test a novel data loading and splitting approach to reduce MAE. First, the dataset was split in

half using training and test ranges. My dissertation MAE was 875.64 and R score was 0.878 due

to these reasons. I didn't have time to randomise my dissertation research, so I'm doing it now. I

was apprehensive to use it owing to the company's restricted data set, but I assumed I'd test if it

worked. After randomly dividing the data, I evaluated the nonlinear and linear models. I studied

three nonlinear regression methods and six linear regression approaches (Linear Regression,

Professional Practice Essay

Lasso, Ridge, Lasso Lars, Elastic Net, and Lars) (kernel Ridge, K Neighbors Regressor, Decision

Tree Regressor). Lasso Regression won for MAE accuracy (Saputra., 2021). Standardizing the

data increased MAE. Standardization didn't alter linear regression results. Effectively


After normalisation, the linear-like ridge regression did poorly. Lasso regression

outperformed other models for the data. Elastic Net failed linear models. Nonlinear models didn't

improve, unfortunately. This is due to training data. Adjusting Lasso Regression's

hyperparameter improved its performance (alpha). I got 0.99 alpha after tweaking the model's

hyperparameters. My model is a pickle to prevent file corruption. I needed to understand the

model after evaluation and hyperparameter adjustment. I ran the last model forecast. This

strategy yielded a lower MAE (170) and higher R score (0.9907). After telling the boss, I called a

staff meeting. Even though he was happy, he wanted to try Deep learning. I've never attempted

this method, and what little knowledge I had was primarily theoretical because the curriculum

concentrated on the mathematics of deep learning rather than programming.

Three weeks were spent building together code to run the provided data set and apply

deep learning. The MAE value of 15449.444 from model evaluation using repeated k- fold cross-

validation showed that the data set was insufficient for deep learning, but it did provide a

platform for future deep learning research. I sent him all the data and python code he needed.

Next, he told his boss. I need a webpage to explain the algorithm's rationale and the difference

between actual and anticipated values. My lack of programming skills means I don't grasp how

front- and back-end websites work. This was another challenge I faced. I found Streamlit, a free,

open-source media player, online and offline.

Professional Practice Essay

Streamlit was a free and open-source Python framework that made it easy to share web-

based apps and scripts. This means I didn't have to learn HTML, CSS, or Javascript for the front

end, or Flask or FastAPI for the back end. Using Github to store and share programme code. My

repository stores Streamlit's Python code. I connected Github and streamlit, generated a new app,

and submitted the URL to management. The website focuses on single-cot or batch prediction

based on several inputs. The upper management response was extremely positive. The company's

mediator added something fresh. Machine learning was utilised to calculate how long a flat bath

should take. The task was to develop a system/algorithm that can more accurately predict when

flat bath has been achieved (when a metal is heated for a certain period, it begins to melt, and

there are no solid particles in the bath) to ensure that flat bath verification inspection needs to be

performed only once while reducing heating time. This request included raw data.

Before he would look at the dataset, he told me to design an algorithm to find 75-100

cycle completions. Full melting cycle includes Door Status, Buner input, Metal temperature, roof

temperature, and roof temperature set. I had to find the door's opening phase, which is when it

opens and closes, and the Metal temperature. Each dataset was manually searched for the whole

metal cycle. Finding every cycle takes weeks. I found 63 of 75 metal cycle elements. To collect

metal temperature readings, I had to calculate how long a cycle lasted when the door was open

and closed. 63 cycles was a lot of labour. Later that week, I met with the corporate representative

to explain my approach. He asked me to develop a machine learning-based graph representing

the complete 63-cycle virtually. The new data set, parameters, and timestamp were entered into

matplotlib, which produced a static graph representing the 63-cycle's outcome.

Next, the user used plotly to zoom in on the graph and identify particular cycles. My

laptop slowed or froze whenever I tried to browse loaded material. I divided the 332,955-record

Professional Practice Essay

dataset. The dataset is divided in half at 153,000. The laptop handled the burden and made it

easier to expand the job during the meeting with the company representative, but he wanted to

delete some of the dataset and have the data fine-tuned, resulting in the elimination of some

metal temperature measurements. This let us visualise each cycle and reduced the amount of

metal temperatures needed for model evaluation. After approving the first phase, I moved on to

the model evaluation. My decision to modify the date/time format from hours to minutes

displays an entire cycle in minutes. I normalised the dependent variable "Metal temperature." K-

Nearest Neighbor Regressor, Gradient Boosting Regressor, Lasso Regressor, Light Gradient

Boosting Machine, Bayesian Ridge, Huber Regressor, Ridge Regressor, Linear Regressor, Least

Angle Regression, Elastic Net, Extreme Gradient Boosting, AdaBoost Regressor, Extra tree

Regressor, Passive Aggressive Regressor, Orthogonal Matching Pursuit. Las Random Forest

Regressor has the lowest MAE and highest R score.

As I refined the model, the MAE was 17.92 and the R score was 0.57. With

modifications, MAE fell and R rose. I also showed the importance of a model's property. Using a

Feature critical plot, we concluded that roof temperature setpoint was our model's most

important variable. After my investigation, I met with a company representative to discuss my

findings and how I propose to use time series mining to alleviate Flat Bath's excessive energy

use. The representative was thrilled and eager to show the algorithm to his superiors. He also

needed me for one last duty. The latest presenting date was August 8, 2022, which was not a

possibility. I've developed self-confidence and improved my speaking abilities through

professional at-home workouts. Before this project, I lacked the expertise to research various

issues; I'm grateful. Due to a lack of knowledge and resources, I barely skimmed my curriculum

in school. I contributed to projects that would be used immediately to address a serious need.

Professional Practice Essay

Workplace Competencies

While everyone has their own unique way of doing their job, most share a set of abilities

that are invaluable on the job. So, what skills do employers value the most? Competencies in the

workplace are what set one company apart from another. They help the company overall and are

consistent with its guiding principles (Gehrig and Bonnstetter., 2021). Competencies are

prioritised by employers in accordance with the nature of the role and the desired candidate.

Having said that, there is a set of skills that are highly sought after by businesses. Here are seven

of the most popular and effective that have been used by businesses and other organisations.


The importance of effective communication cannot be overstated in the business world.

Without it, there would be no way to communicate your thoughts to others would not be any way

to communicate your thoughts to others without it. The ability to effectively convey your

intended message is what we mean when we talk about assertive communication. The most

effective method to communicate with others is with an assertive tone. It needs to be

unambiguous and neutral so that you can say what you mean. The workplace benefits immensely

from this type of open dialogue since misconceptions are less likely to arise. Thus, you also gain

enhanced performance. Empathy is a quality that goes hand in hand with this skill set (Al-

Bahrani, et al., 2020). It's easier to share your feelings and thoughts without easier to share your

feelings and thoughts without offering judgement or an opinion if you can put yourself in the

other person's shoes. Employers value those who can both speak and listen clearly. Additionally,

persons with adequate cognitive and linguistic abilities.

Professional Practice Essay


Workplace success often hinges on an individual's ability to contribute to a team effort.

Skills in working effectively with people and creating a positive atmosphere at work are essential

for any prospective employee. The best way to prove your competence in this area is to operate

in a way that reflects well on your team or group and the company's core principles. It's vital that

you show you can collaborate with others in your organisation. In reality, this skill is far more

nuanced than it first appears. This is due to the fact that there will be a wide range of

perspectives and methods of operation inside any particular team or workgroup (Saputra., 2021).

Some worry that if they have to split up their task, nothing will be done. They are typically

solitary people who have difficulty forming close relationships. Keep in mind that you are not

the only worker might help you build and strengthen this skill. It's important to keep in mind that

a successful business or organisation relies heavily on teamwork and a pleasant workplace



This skill is associated with how dedicated you are to your job. If you desire to obtain a job, you

need to be responsible. After all, businesses don't value irresponsible workers. Taking on

responsibilities requires developing a moral compass and acting in accordance with its dictates.

If you aren't reliable, people will immediately figure out that you aren't invested in your work.

This is so because you are failing to demonstrate any feeling of responsibility. As an additional

point, you are not actually working if you are not meeting your obligations. However, remember

that there's no requirement for haste (Muna, et al., 2019). You'll inevitably encounter a situation

that prevents you from carrying out your plan, but that's not an issue unless it keeps happening.

Professional Practice Essay

An Affiliation Feeling

This is your opportunity to promote the company's goals. You need to share its core beliefs

to do so. Employers will value you more if you possess this skill, since they will know they can

count on you to remain dedicated to the company. Feeling proud of your place in the

organisation is an important aspect of that sense of belonging. Inadequate morale and work

output are the result when employees don't share the organisational values (Carnevale, et al.,

2020). Here are some ways to hone your skills in this area even if you're already employed:

“Integration activities”: Take part in business events like these to feel more inspired by

your coworkers.

“Training”: The training you receive at work might help you understand and embrace the

organization's mission. Training that takes place on the job can boost confidence since it allows

you to observe your own growth as you acquire new skills.

“Professional And Personal Development”: Being a better person and a better professional

is great for your well-being (Gopinath., 2020). If you feel good about yourself, you’ll contribute

to a positive work environment and you’ll feel more fulfilled at work.

Learning Ability

No matter how much experience you have in a given industry, there is always something

new to learn on the job. Competence in learning new things is exactly what it sounds like: a skill

that may be used in the workplace. Quickly grasping the concepts and information necessary to

accomplish a job well is a highly desirable trait in employees, and many companies actively seek

out those who possess it. It will allow you to advance in your current role and take it to new

heights if you can pull it off (Gerdenitsch, et al., 2021). This skill demonstrates to your boss that

Professional Practice Essay

you care about your job and are dedicated to doing a good job. If you put in the time and effort to

hone this skill, you'll not only be able to take in more information, but you'll also be able to draw

insights from past failures and apply them to future successes.


Businesses naturally expect workers to finish their work. Having a plan in place to guide

your decisions and help you prioritise tasks is crucial. Good time management skills will also

make you a more productive person. Thus, you will be able to accomplish more in less time.

Recognizing your own limitations is also essential in the planning process (Necchi, et al., 2020).

That is, to have an accurate grasp of one's abilities and to set goals accordingly. Although

perfection is not the aim, setting standards for oneself can be quite useful. Being competent

requires action when confronted with challenges. They also stress that you won't be bestowed

with these abilities out of the blue. In their place, you gain this knowledge through actual use.

Attitude and Approaches to Work

Attitudes towards work

Perspectives held by students and the profession of engineering The way in which a

person feels or thinks about something is reflected in the attitude that person takes toward that

thing. It is a mental and emotional preparedness that has been developed by years of practise and

exposure to a variety of situations. The attitudes that people have are comprised of their feelings

and passions. People's choices regarding what to pay attention to and how to react to the world

around them are heavily influenced by their attitudes, which are discernible patterns (Aven and

Flage., 2020). Because of the influence they have on students' capacity for learning, the views

and perspectives of engineering students are of critical importance during work from home. In

order to be successful in the field of education, one needs to possess a particular set of

Professional Practice Essay

distinguishing qualities. In this industry, providing assistance to other people takes precedence

over establishing one's own name in the sector.

The attitude that a student maintains has a tremendous bearing on the amount of effort

and productivity that they put forth in online classroom. In challenging times especially

pandemic, I feel that some teachers might choose to put in less effort than they normally would.

The following are a few examples of the many points of view that I came across while working

as a student during pandemic. There is an old proverb that says "anyone can learn," and to some

extent, this is true (Chan, et al., 2019). On the other hand, not everyone has what it takes to be a

student at home. Even fewer people have what it takes to become a good listener and expand my

knowledge, and an even smaller percentage of those people will desire to make a career out of

studying at home and working hard. Because students are tested and observed on a regular basis,

learning is not for weaklings or anyone who doesn't want to put in the effort. Because being a

good student and to get fit for a position in future is not about how much you have, but what you

are able to give, becoming a good student by working and studying at home takes skills that not

everyone possesses as well as a strong background in order to succeed in the profession.

Job Involvement

How involved a person is in their work is one way to measure their interest in their job.

Participation looks different in different professions, and working from home is no exception.

Burnout, which is a sign of overwork and perhaps over commitment to WFH, was the most

difficult challenge I faced during my pandemic era as a student (Brundrett and Lungka., 2019).

Apathy, lethargy, and a general loss in health are just some of the ways that burnout can present

itself in a person's life I got affected by Covid-19 once but no escape out from workload.

However, these are not the only possible outcomes. Burnout is common among those of us who

Professional Practice Essay

are doing WFH and taking ahead it as a profession who, like me, have a significant emotional

investment in our work. On the other hand, avoiding exhaustion is of equal importance. One of

these examples is that I am either too busy or too exhausted to give the essential amount of time

to my family and friends, therefore I am unable to provide them with the appropriate amount of

support and assistance during this awful time.

Job Satisfaction

Job satisfaction is attained by an individual when they have an emotional investment in

the work that they do. This could be taken as evidence of my dedication to the engineering

profession, given that I am a learner. Despite all of my efforts during my machine-based

learning, it's possible that I'll grow to loathe the conditions in which I currently operate that is by

home. Example: many students have a profound passion for what they do, but they find that

dealing with difficult students saps their excitement and happiness with their work (Carnevale, et

al., 2020). The joy one derives from one's work by going out might be altered by factors outside

their control. When it was time for me to receive my pay check, I had the opportunity to

understand through personal experience how big of an influence monetary reward can have on

one's level of contentment. It is common knowledge that the incomes earned by engineering are

significantly lower than those earned in other professions.

Commitment by Organisations

The degree to which an engineer considers themselves to be a part of the community at

which they are currently employed. This can include having faith in the institution mission and

providing support for working at home, desiring to remain associated with the group, and

contributing time and energy to it. The term "commitment" refers to dedication that is both

typical and emotional, as well as dedicated over a long period of time (Gopinath., 2020). The

Professional Practice Essay

dedication that a student has for the school in they work at is one definition of the normative

commitment that they have. This could be the result of pressure from peers, influence from

parents, or any one of a number of other factors. It is possible for engineers in this pandemic to

keep their jobs even if doing so would go against the cultural expectations regarding the level of

professional achievement held by members of the same social group. Many people have the

wrong motive for staying with an organisation, which is why this is so common. The level of

affective commitment exhibited by a student is indicative of the importance they attach to both

their chosen field of engineering and the organisation in which they are employed. Despite the

difficulties they've had at their place of employment by working at home and managing things

own, it's not unusual for them to develop a fondness for the organisations or at the time school

where they work as time goes on and happier memories are established there. The characteristics

of a learner that motivate them to work diligently and with a positive attitude are held in the

highest respect (Gerdenitsch, et al., 2021). Keeping one's devotion to one's existing educational

institution in the face of the absence of any other alternatives that are practicable is an example

of continuing commitment. This instructor is solely at their job for the money, not for the benefit

of their pupils. People still need to be able to produce money while they wait for better prospects

to reveal themselves, despite the fact that this kind of dedication is not well received by


According to my point of view, the numerous ideas that were presented earlier are not

restricted to devotion to a single organisation. Some students like are committed to their field

regardless of the school or district in which they are employed (Carnevale, et al., 2020). It's

possible that I was interested in changing careers but also support work from home, that I

Professional Practice Essay

became a good engineer because I felt pressure to do so, or that I chose this line of work because

I actually like assisting young people in their development.


The concept of the Learning Approach

After coming to the conclusion that some children have difficulty in learning at home

because their conceptions of knowledge are different from those of their mates, William Perry,

who studied the epistemological views of college undergraduates, provided the impetus for

researchers to investigate students' conceptions of learning. Perry's study was the impetus that

led to the investigation of students' conceptions of learning. In light of this, Marton and saljo

penned a study in which they outlined the SAL theory, which outlines the method that kids take

to learning as of during pandemic. There is widespread agreement that the SAL framework was

developed using a strategy that places the learners' requirements at the forefront of the process

(Chan, et al., 2019). The term "approaches to learning" referred to two distinct aspects: (a) the

practises that are utilised during the process of learning, which have an effect on the outcome of

the learning; and (b) the tendency of the utilisation to be applied to the various channels that are

involved in the learning. Taking this approach in my professional life demonstrates that students'

conceptions of learning have a significant impact on both the manner in which they learn and the

significance of what they learn when compare to Covid-19.

Professional Practice Essay

Career Aspirations & Plan

Goals Actions Time Resources Achieved/ not achieved

Pursuing a deeper, To further understand 4 -5 -Peer-to-peer My goal is to create a
more nuanced these two well-known systems, including SCALE that will quantify
knowledge of the and original methods, weeks My Co-workers and expand my knowledge on
educational landscape we will first evaluate other students coursework’s related to
so that I may better the relevant academic my field and further
encourage a literature and industry -Authority for Higher choose it as my
stimulating and reports (Gerdenitsch, and Further Learning profession.
stimulating learning et al., 2021). based Educaton
environment for
myself from all over -Education and Field
the world, both in and related publications
out of the classroom from a variety of
either in the aura of academic journals
pandemic or by the
end of it. -Institutions for
individual instruction
and public sector
instruction sessions
In order to better serve Group discussion of 3 -4 - Peer-to-peer Attend workshops and
both my presentations two widely used systems, including conferences to gain
in a better form and pedagogical weeks They are the people I confidence.
coming out of the techniques work with so I will
many different gain confidence
perspectives present in Work on my (Ahad, et al., 2021)
the education system. communication skills
-Work on projects
more n more

Professional Practice Essay


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Competencies Employers Want.

Chan, C.K.Y., Yeung, N.C.J., Kutnick, P. and Chan, R.Y.Y., 2019. Students’ perceptions of

engineers: dimensionality and influences on career aspiration in

engineering. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29(3), pp.421-


Gehrig, E. and Bonnstetter, R., 2021. TTI Success Insights Workplace Competencies Technical

Manual Version 1.0.

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Gerdenitsch, C., Meneweger, T., Stockreiter, C., Butterer, P., Halbwachs, M. and Scheiblhofer,

D., 2021. Experiencing an augmented-reality assisted assembly task autonomy, passive

work attitude, and responsibility. Journal of Corporate Real Estate.


Muna, A.A.B., Suad, M.A.L., Yousef, A.A.S., Bakkar, S.B. and Khalid, S.A., 2019. Differential

item functioning of the career aspiration scale within Arab context. International Journal

of Psychology and Counselling, 11(6), pp.59-65.

Necchi, S., Peña, E., Fonseca, D. and Arnal, M., 2020. Improving teamwork competence applied

in the building and construction engineering final degree project. The International

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Saputra, F., 2021. Leadership, Communication, And Work Motivation In Determining The

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