Life Review

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Near-death experiences: ‘A light came into

Excerpted with permission from “Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of
Near-Death Experiences” by Dr. Jeffrey Long and Paul Perry (HarperOne,

A life review experience accurately reflects real events in the person’s life,
even if those events have been forgotten. Fragments of life may be seen, or the
review may be fully panoramic with a comprehensive review of most of the
prior life. Here is one such example, from a young woman from India who
nearly died from a complication of anesthesia:

My entire consciousness seemed to be in my head. Then I started seeing

pictures. I think they were in color. It was as if someone had started a movie
of myself and of my entire life, but going backwards from the present
moment. The pictures were about my family, my mother, other members,
others, and it seemed that the most meaningful, loving, caring relationships
were being focused upon. I could sense the real meaning of these
relationships. I had a sense of love and gratitude towards the persons
appearing in my flashback. This panoramic review of my life was very
distinct; every little detail of the incidents, relationships, was there — the
relationships in some sort of distilled essence of meaning.

Mo Med. 2014 Nov-Dec; 111(6): 486–491.

Distressing Near-Death Experiences: The Basics

Nancy Evans Bush, MA
There are also distressing experiences. A woman collapsed from
hyperthermia and began re-experiencing her entire life: “I was filled with
such sadness and experienced a great deal of depression.”

Another woman in childbirth felt herself floating on water, but at a

certain point, “It was no longer a peaceful feeling; it had become pure
hell. I had become a light out in the heavens, and I was screaming, but no
sound was going forth. It was worse than any nightmare. I was spinning
around, and I realized that this was eternity; this was what forever was
going to be…. I felt the aloneness, the emptiness of space, the vastness of
the universe, except for me, a mere ball of light, screaming.”

A man who was attacked by a hitchhiker felt himself rise out of his body:
“I suddenly was surrounded by total blackness, floating in nothing but
black space, with no up, no down, left, or right…. What seemed like an
eternity went by. I fully lived it in this misery. I was only allowed to think
and reflect.”

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