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B.Tech Students of Third Year
of All Engineering Colleges Affiliated to
Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University,
Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow
(Formerly Uttar Pradesh Technical University)

Strength of Material


Sanjay Kumar



Ghaziabad New Delhi

PUBLISHED BY : Apram Singh

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Strength of Material (ME : Sem-5)

1st Edition : 2009-10 11th Edition : 2020-21
2nd Edition : 2010-11
3rd Edition : 2011-12
4th Edition : 2012-13
5th Edition : 2013-14
6th Edition : 2014-15
7th Edition : 2015-16
8th Edition : 2016-17
9th Edition : 2017-18
10th Edition : 2018-19

Price: Rs. 90/- only

Printed at : Mayank Enterprises, Delhi-110093.


Introduction, normal stress and strain, shear stress and strain,
stresses on inclines sections, strain energy, impact loads and stresses,
state of plane stress, principal stress and strain, maximum shear
stress, Mohr’s circle for plane stress, three dimensional states of
stress & strain, equilibrium equations, generalized Hook’s law,
theories of failure. Thermal Stresses.
UNIT-2 : BEAMS AND TORSION (2–1 D to 2–46 D)
Stresses in Beams: Pure Bending, normal stresses in beams, shear
stresses in beams due to transverse and axial loads, composite beams.
Deflection of Beams: Differential equation of the elastic curve,
cantilever and simply supported beams, Macaulay’s method, area
moment method, fixed and continuous beams
Torsion: Torsion, combined bending & torsion of solid & hollow
shafts, torsion of thin walled tubes.
UNIT-3 : SPRINGS, COLUMNS & STRUTS (3–1 D to 3–39 D)
Helical & Leaf Springs: Deflection of springs by energy method, helical
springs under axial load & under axial twist (respectively for circular &
square cross sections) axial load & twisting moment acting
simultaneously both for open and closed coiled springs, laminated springs.
Columns & Struts: Buckling and stability, slenderness ratio, combined
bending & direct stress, middle third & middle quarter rules, struts with
different end conditions, Euler’s theory for pin ended columns, effect of
end conditions on column buckling, Ranking Gordon formulae, examples
of columns in mechanical equipment and machines.
Thin cylinders & spheres: Introduction, difference between thin
walled and thick walled pressure vessels, thin walled spheres and
cylinders, hoop and axial stresses and strain, volumetric strain.
Thick cylinders: Radial, axial & circumferential stresses in thick
cylinders subjected to internal or external pressures, compound
cylinders, stresses in rotating shaft and cylinders, stresses due to
interference fits.
UNIT-5 : CURVED BEAM (5–1 D to 5–40 D)
Curved Beams: Bending of beams with large initial curvature,
position of neutral axis for rectangular, trapezoidal & circular
cross sections, stress in crane hooks, stress in circular rings subjected
to tension or compression.
Unsymmetrical Bending: Properties of beam cross-section, slope
of neutral axis, stress and deflection in unsymmetrical bending,
determination of shear center and flexural axis (for symmetry about
both axis and about one axis) for I-section and channel section.
SOLVED PAPERS (2014-15 TO 2018-19) (SP-1D to SP-49D)

SubjectCode:KME502 StrengthofMaterial LTP:310 Credits:4

CO1 Understandtheconceptofstressandstrainunderdifferentconditionsofloading K2
CO2 Determinetheprincipalstressesandstrainsinstructuralmembers K3
CO3 Determinethestressesandstrainsinthememberssubjectedtoaxial,bendingand K3
CO4 Applytheconceptsofstressesandstraininsolvingproblemsrelatedtosprings, K3
CO5 Calculatetheslope,deflectionandbucklingofloadedmembers K3
CO6 Analyzethestressesdevelopedinstraightandcurvedbeamsofdifferentcross K4

UnitI   8Hours
inclines sections, strain energy, impact loads and stresses, state of plane stress, principal stress and

UnitII             8Hours



UnitIII            8Hours
Helical and Leaf Springs: Deflection of springs by energy method, helical springs under axial load and
under axial twist (respectively for circular and square cross sections) axial load and twisting moment

Columns and Struts: Buckling and stability, slenderness ratio, combined bending and direct stress,

UnitIV            8Hours
Thin cylinders & spheres: Introduction, difference between thin walled and thick walled pressure

Thick cylinders: Radial, axial and circumferential stresses in thick cylinders subjected to internal or
external pressures, compound cylinders, stresses in rotating shaft and cylinders, stresses due to
Curriculum&EvaluationSchemeV&VIsemester Page8


UnitV             8Hours
Curved Beams: Bending of beams with large initial curvature, position of neutral axis for rectangular,

1. StrengthofmaterialsbySadhuSingh,KhannaBookPublishingCo.(P)Ltd.
2. StrengthofMaterialbyRattan,MCGRAWHILLINDIA
3. MechanicsofMaterialsbyB.C.Punmia,LaxmiPublications(P)Ltd.

1. MechanicsofMaterialsbyHibbeler,Pearson.
2. MechanicsofmaterialbyGere,CengageLearning
3. MechanicsofMaterialsbyBeer,Jhonston,DEwolfandMazurek,MCGRAWHILLINDIA
4. StrengthofMaterialsbyPytelandSinger,HarperCollins
5. StrengthofMaterialsbyRyder,Macmillan.
6. StrengthofMaterialsbyTimoshenkoandYʍungs,EastWestPress.
7. IntroductiontoSolidMechanicsbyShames,Pearson
8. MechanicsofmaterialbyPytel,CengageLearning
9. AnIntroductiontoMechanicsofSolidsbyCrandall,MCGRAWHILLINDIA
10. StrengthofMaterialsbyJindal,PearsonEducation
11. StrengthofMaterialsbyBasavajaiahandMahadevappa,UniversityPress.


Curriculum&EvaluationSchemeV&VIsemester Page9

Strength of Material 1–1 D (ME-Sem-5)

1 Compound Stress
and Strains

Part-1 ............................................................................(1–2D to 1–14D)

• Introduction
• Normal Stress and Strain
• Principal Stress and Strain
A. Concept Outline : Part-1 ............................................................. 1–2D
B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................... 1–2D
Part-2 ......................................................................... (1–15D to 1–19D)
• Shear Stress and Strain
• Stress on Incline Sections
• Maximum Shear Stress

A. Concept Outline : Part-2 ........................................................... 1–15D

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................. 1–15D
Part-3 ......................................................................... (1–19D to 1–24D)
• Strain Energy
• Impact Load and Stresses
A. Concept Outline : Part-3 ........................................................... 1–19D
B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................. 1–19D
Part-4 ......................................................................... (1–24D to 1–40D)
• Mohr’s Stress Circle
• Three Dimensional Stress and Strain
• Equilibrium Equation
• Generalized Hook’s Law
• Theories of Failure
• Thermal Stresses
A. Concept Outline : Part-4 ........................................................... 1–24D
B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................. 1–24D
Compound Stress & Strains 1–2 D (ME-Sem-5)

Introduction, Normal Stress and Strain, and Principal
Stress and Strain.


Stress : The force of resistance per unit area, offered by a body
against deformation is known as stress.
Mathematically, =
Where,  = Stress, P = External load, and A = Cross-sectional area
Strain : When a body is subjected to some external force, there is
some change of dimension of the body. The ratio of change of dimension
of the body to the original dimension is known as strain.



Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.1. Define stress and also classify it.

A. Stress :
1. The force of resistance per unit area, offered by a body against
deformation is known as stress. The external force acting on the body is
called the load or force.
2. Mathematically, stress
Where,  = Stress (also called intensity of stress), P = External force or
load, and A = Cross-sectional area.
3. It stress is expressed in N/m2.
4. There are two types of stresses :
a. Normal stress, and
b. Shear stress.
Strength of Material 1–3 D (ME-Sem-5)

a. Normal Stress :
1. It is the stress which acts in a direction perpendicular to the area. It is
represented by .
2. The normal stress is further divided into tensile stress and compressive
i. Tensile Stress :
1. The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and
opposite pulls as a result of which there is an increase in length, is
known as tensile stress (Fig. 1.1.1).
2. The tensile stress acts normal to the area and it pulls on the area.

Fig. 1.1.1.
ii. Compressive Stress :
1. The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and
opposite pushes as a result of which there is a decrease in length of
the body, is known as compressive stress (Fig. 1.1.2).

Fig. 1.1.2.
2. The compressive stress acts normal to the area and it pushes on the
b. Shear Stress :
1. The stress induced in a body, when subjected to two equal and opposite
forces which are acting tangentially across the resisting section as a
result of which the body tends to shear off across the section, is known
as shear stress (Fig. 1.1.3).
2. It is represented by .


(b )
Fig. 1.1.3.
Compound Stress & Strains 1–4 D (ME-Sem-5)

Shear resistance P
= =
Shear area A

Que 1.2. Define strain. What are different types of strain ?

A. Strain :
1. The ratio of change of dimension of the body to the original dimension is
known as strain.
2. These changes in the dimension of the body occur due to external load
subjected on the body
B. Types of Strain :
a. Tensile Strain : If there is some increase in length of a body due to
external force, then the ratio of increase of length to the original length
of the body is known as tensile strain.
b. Compressive Strain : If there is some decrease in length of the body,
then the ratio of decrease of the length of the body to the original length
is known as compressive strain.
c. Volumetric Strain : The ratio of change of volume of the body to the
original volume is known as volumetric strain.
d. Shear Strain : The strain produced by shear stress is known as shear

Que 1.3. Derive the expression for elongation of a uniform bar

due to its self-weight. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 05

1. Fig. 1.3.1 shows a bar AB fixed at end A and hanging freely under its
own weight.


Fig. 1.3.1.
Strength of Material 1–5 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. Let L = Length of bar, A = Area of cross-section, E = Young’s modulus

for the bar material, w = Weight per unit volume of the bar material.
3. Consider a small strip of thickness dx at a distance x from the lower end.
Weight of the bar for a length of x is given by,
P = Specific weight × volume of bar upto length x
= w×A×x
This means that on the strip, a weight of w × A × x is acting in the
downward direction. Due to this weight, there will be some increase in
the length of element. But length of the element is dx.
4. Now stress on the element
Weight acting on element w  A  x
=  =w×x ...(1.3.1)
Area of cross section A
5. The eq. (1.3.1) shows that stress due to self weight in a bar is not
uniform. It depends on x. The stress increases with the increase of x.
6. Therefore, elongation of the element = Strain × Length of element
wx  Stress w  x 
=  dx  Strain  E  E 
E  
7. Total elongation of the bar is obtained by integrating the above equation
between limits zero and L.
L w x w L
L =  dx   x dx
0 E E 0
w  x2  w L2
=    
E  2 0 E 2
= ( W = w × A × L)
2 AE
Que 1.4. Derive the expression for elongation of a conical bar

due to its self-weight. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 05

1. Consider a small length x of the bar at a distance x from the free end
(Fig. 1.4.1).

L x

Fig. 1.4.1.
Compound Stress & Strains 1–6 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. Let A = Area of cross-section at the small length, w = Weight per unit

volume of the bar, W = Weight of the whole bar = wAL, Wx = Weight of
the bar below the section = wAx/3.
Wxx wAxx
3. The extension of a small length = 
wx w w  x2 
4. Extension of the whole rod =  3E dx  3E  xdx = 3E  
2 0
0 0

=  
6E 6 AE 6 AE

Que 1.5. Analyze when a body is subjected to a direct tensile

stress () in one plane and accompanied by a single shear stress

1. Consider a rectangular body of uniform cross-sectional area and unit
thickness subjected to tensile stresses along x-x and y-y axes and
accompanied by a positive (i.e., clockwise) shear stress along x-x axis as
shown in Fig. 1.5.1(a).
2. Now let us consider an oblique section AB inclined with x-x axis on
which we are required to find out the stresses as shown in the Fig. 1.5.1.
3. Let σx = Tensile stress along x-x axis, σy = Tensile stress along y-y axis,
xy = Positive (i.e. clockwise) shear stress along x-x axis, and  = Angle,
which the oblique section AB makes with x-x axis in an anticlockwise
y y
A  xy A
x x x x x

xy  C B
C B xy
 xy
y y y
(a) (b ) (c )
Fig. 1.5.1.
4. First of all, consider the equilibrium of the wedge ABC. We know that as
per the principle of simple shear, the face BC of the wedge will be
subjected to an anticlockwise shear stress equal to xy as shown in
Fig. 1.5.1(b).
5. We know that horizontal force acting on the face AC,
P1 = x × AC () ...(1.5.1)
Strength of Material 1–7 D (ME-Sem-5)

and vertical force acting on the face AC,

P2 = xy × AC () ...(1.5.2)
6. Similarly, vertical force acting on the face BC,
P3 = y × BC () ...(1.5.3)
and horizontal force on the face BC,
P4 = xy × BC () ...(1.5.4)
7. Now resolving the forces perpendicular to the section AB,
Pn = P1 sin  – P2 cos  + P3 cos  – P4 sin 
= x AC sin  – xy AC cos  + y BC cos  – xy BC sin 
and now resolving the forces tangential to AB,
Pt = P1 cos  + P2 sin  – P3 sin  – P4 cos 
= x AC cos  + xy AC sin  – y BC sin  – xy BC cos 
A. Normal Stress (across the section AB) :
 AC sin  –  xy AC cos    y BC cos  –  xy BC sin 
n = Pn  x
 AC sin   xy AC cos   y BC cos   xy BC sin 
= x –  –
 x AC sin   xy AC cos   y BC cos   xy BC sin 
= –  
sin  sin  cos  cos 
= x sin2  – xy sin  cos  + y cos2  – xy sin  cos 
 y
= x (1  cos 2)  (1  cos 2) – 2  xy sin  cos 
2 2
   
= x – x cos 2  y  y cos 2 –  xy sin 2
2 2 2 2
x  y x – y
or n = – cos 2 –  xy sin 2 ...(1.5.5)
2 2
B. Shear Stress or Tangential Stress (across the section AB) :

Pt  x AC cos    xy AC sin  –  y BC sin  –  xy BC cos 

= 
 x AC cos   xy AC sin   y BC sin   xy BC cos 
=  – –
 x AC cos   xy AC sin   y BC sin   xy BC cos 
=  – –
sin  sin  cos  cos 
= x sin  cos  + xy sin2  – y sin  cos  – xy cos2 
 xy  xy
= ( x –  y ) sin  cos   (1  cos 2) – (1  cos 2)
2 2
Compound Stress & Strains 1–8 D (ME-Sem-5)

x – y
or = sin 2 –  xy cos 2 ...(1.5.6)
8. Now the planes of maximum and minimum normal stresses (i.e.,
principal planes) may be find out by equating the shear stress to zero.
9. From the above equations, we find that the shear stress to any plane is
a function of y, x, xy and .
10. Now let p be the value of the angle for which the shear stress is zero.
x –  y
 sin 2 p –  xy cos 2 p  0
x – y 2 xy
or sin 2 p = xy cos 2p or tan 2p =
2 x – y
11. From the above equation, we find that the following two cases satisfy
this condition as shown in Fig. 1.5.2(a) and (b).

( (
x – x –
y ) 2+ y ) 2+
– 2  xy 4 2
2  xy 4 2
xy xy

2 p1 2 p2
– (  x –  y) – (  x –  y)
(a) (b )
Fig. 1.5.2.

12. Thus we find that there are two principal planes, at right angles to each
other, their inclinations with x-x axis being p1 and p2.
13. Now for case 1,
– 2 xy – ( x –  y )
sin 2p1 = and cos2 p1 
( x –  y )  4 2xy ( x –  y )2  4 2xy
Similarly for case 2,
2 xy ( x –  y )
sin 2p2 = and cos 2 p2 
( x –  y )  4  2xy ( x –  y )2  4  2xy
14. Now the values of principal stresses may be find out by substituting the
above values of 2p1 and 2p2 in eq. (1.5.5).
C. Maximum Principal Stress :
x  y x –  y
p1 = – cos 2 p1 –  xy sin 2 p1
2 2
x  y  x – y – ( x –  y )   – 2 xy 
= –   –   xy  
2  2 2 2
( x –  y )  4  xy   2 2
( x –  y )  4  xy 
Strength of Material 1–9 D (ME-Sem-5)

x  y ( x –  y )2  4  2xy x  y ( x –  y )2  4 2xy
=   
2 2
2 ( x –  y )  4  xy2 2 2

x  y x – y 
or p1 =     2xy
2  2 
D. Minimum Principal Stress :
x   y (x –  y )
p2 = – cos 2 p2 – xy sin 2 p2
2 2
x  y  x – y ( x –  y )   2 xy 
= –   –   xy  
2  2 2 2
( x –  )  4  xy   2 2
( x –  y )  4  xy 

x   y ( x –  y )2  4 2xy x – y ( x –  y )2  4 2xy
= –  –
2 2 ( x –  y )2  4 2xy 2 2

x  y  x – y  2
or p2 =      xy
2  2

Que 1.6. At a point in a material there are normal stresses of

30 N/mm2 and 60 N/mm2 tensile, together with a shearing stress of
22.5 N/mm2. Find the value of principal stresses and the inclination
of the principal planes to the direction of the 60 N/mm2 stress.
AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10


Given : x = 60 N/mm2, y = 30 N/mm2, xy = 22.5 N/mm2

To Find : Principal stresses and inclination of the principal planes.
1. We know that,
x   y  x   y 
=     2xy
2  2 

60  30  60  30  2
= ±  2   (22.5)
= 45 ± 731.25 = 45 ± 27.04
2. Maximum principal stress, 1 = 45 + 27.04 = 72.04 N/mm2
3. Minimum principal stress, 2 = 45 – 27.04 = 17.96 N/mm2
Compound Stress & Strains 1–10 D (ME-Sem-5)

22.5 N/mm
2 30 N/mm 2

60 N/mm
60 N/mm 2 
22.5 N/mm 2

30 N/mm 2
Fig. 1.6.1.
4. Inclination of the principal planes
2 xy 2  22.5
tan 2 = =
x  y 60  30

tan 2 = 1.5
2 = 56.31°
 = 28.155° or 28°9

Que 1.7. In a stressed body, at a point, on two perpendicular

planes, normal stresses are +100 MPa and + 60 MPa and the shear
stress is  on these planes. If the maximum principal stress at the
point is 136 MPa, what is the magnitude of  ? Also calculate the
maximum shear stress and maximum shear stress at a point.

AKTU 2013-14, Marks 05


Given : x = + 100 MPa, y = + 60 MPa,

Maximum principal stress = 136 MPa
To Find : Maximum shear stress and maximum shear stress at a
1. Let shear stress = xy MPa

x   y  x   y  2
2. Since, maximum principal stress =      xy
2  2 
100  60  100  60  2
136 =      xy
2  2

136 = 80  (20)2   2xy

56 = (20)2   2xy
Strength of Material 1–11 D (ME-Sem-5)

Squaring both side,

3136 = 400 + τ2xy
xy = 52.306 MPa
3. Maximum shear stress

x   y 100  60
(t)max =  = 20 MPa
2 2
4. Maximum shear stress at a point
(t)max =  x  y  2
    xy
2 
 100  60  2
=    (52.306)

= 400  2735.91 = 56 MPa

Que 1.8. For a given loading conditions the state of stress in the
wall of a cylinder is expressed as follows :
i. 85 MN/m2 tensile,
ii. 25 MN/ m2 tensile at right angles to (i), and
iii. Shear stresses of 60 MN/m2 on the planes on which the stresses
(i) and (ii) act ; the shear couple acting on planes carrying the
25 MN/m2 stress is clockwise in effect. Calculate principal stresses
and principal planes.
25 MN/m 2
60 MN/m 2

85 MN/m 2 85 MN/m 2

60 MN/m 2
25 MN/m 2
Fig. 1.8.1.
AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10


Given : x = + 85 MN/m2, y = + 25 MN/m2, xy = 60 MN/m2

To Find : Principal stresses and principal planes.
1. Since, principal stresses,
Compound Stress & Strains 1–12 D (ME-Sem-5)

x   y
   y 
1/2 =   x 2
   xy
2  2 
2. On putting the values of x, y and xy,
85  25  85  25  2
1/2 =     60
2  2 
1/2 = 55 ± 67.082
3. Maximum principal stress,
1 = 55 + 67.082
1 = 122.082 MN/m2 (Tensile)
4. Minimum principal stress,
2 = 55 – 67.082 = – 12.082 MN/m2
2 = 12.082 MN/m2 (Compressive)
5. Principal plane,
2 xy
tan 2p =
x   y
2  60 120
= 
85  25 60
tan 2p = 2
2p = 63.43494
p = 31.7174º

Que 1.9. A rectangular block of material is subjected to a tensile

stress of 110 MPa on one plane and a tensile stress of 47 MPa at right
angles to the former. Each of the above stresses is accompanied by
a shear stress of 63 MPa and that associated with the former tensile
stress tends to rotate the block anticlockwise. Find :
i. The direction and magnitude of each of the principal stress.
ii. Magnitude of greatest shear stress
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10


Given : Major tensile stress, x = 110 N/mm2

Major tensile stress, y = 47 N/mm2, Shear stress, xy = 63 N/mm2
To Find : i. Direction and magnitude of each principal stress.
ii. Magnitude of greatest shear stress.

x   y   – y
1. Major principal stress =   x 2
   xy
2  2 
Strength of Material 1–13 D (ME-Sem-5)

47 N/mm 2
63 N/mm 2

110 N/mm 2 110 N/mm 2

63 N/mm 2

47 N/mm 2
Fig. 1.9.1.
110  47  110 – 47  2
=  
   63
2 2
157  63 
=     (63)2
2  2
= 78.5  31.52  632  78.5  992.25  3969
= 78.5 + 70.436 = 148.936 N/mm2
x   y   – y 
2. Minor principal stress = –  x 2
   xy
2  2 
110  47  110 – 47  2
= –    63 = 78.5 – 70.436
2  2
= 8.064 N/mm2
3. The directions of principal stresses are given by
2 xy 2  63
tan 2θ = 
x –  y 110 – 47
2  63
=  2.0
 –1
2 = tan 2.0 = 63° 26 or 243° 26
  = 31° 43 or 121° 43.
4. Greatest shear stress is given by,
(t)max = ( x –  y )2  4  2xy
= (110 – 47)2  4  632
1 1
= 632  4  632   63  5
2 2
= 70.436 N/mm2.
Compound Stress & Strains 1–14 D (ME-Sem-5)

Que 1.10. At a point in a strained material the principal stresses

are 100 MPa (tensile) and 60 MPa (compressive). Determine the
normal stress, shear stress and resultant stress on a plane inclined
at 50° to the axis of major principal stress. Also determine the
maximum shear stress at a point. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 05


Given : Major principal stress ,1 = 100 N/mm2

Minor principal stress, 2 = – 60 N/mm2
(Negative sign due to compressive stress)
Angle of the inclined plane with the axis of major principal stress = 50°
 Angle of the inclined plane with the axis of minor principal stress,
 = 90 – 50 = 40°.
To Find : Normal stress, shear stress, resultant stress, and maximum
shear stress at a point.
1. Normal stress (n)
1   2 1 –  2
n =  cos 2
2 2
100  (– 60) 100 – (– 60)
=  cos (2  40)
2 2
100 – 60 100  60
=  cos 80
2 2
= 20 + 80 × cos 80° = 20 + 80 × 0.1736
= 20 + 13.89 = 33.89 N/mm2
1 –  2
2. Shear stress (t) t = sin 2
100 – (– 60)
= sin (2  40)
100  60
= sin 80° = 80× 0.9848
= 78.785 N/mm2
3. Resultant stress (R)
R =  2n   2t = 33.892  78.7852
= 1148.53  6207.07 = 85.765 N/mm2
4. Maximum shear stress at a point
1 –  2 100 – (– 60)
(t)max = 
2 2
100  60
= = 80 N/mm2
Strength of Material 1–15 D (ME-Sem-5)

Shear Stress and Strain, Stresses on Incline Sections, and
Maximum Shear Stress.


Shear Stress : When a section is subjected to two equal and opposite
forces, acting tangentially across the resisting section, as a result of
which the body tends to shear off across the section and the stress
induced is called shear stress.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.11. What are complementary shear stresses ? Explain with

diagram. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 05

Complementary Shear Stress :
1. When ever a shear stress  is applied on parallel surface of body then to
keep the body in equilibrium a shear stress ‘’ is induced on remaining
surface of body.
2. These stresses form a couple.
3. The couple form due to shear stress  produces clockwise moment.
4. For equilibrium this couple is balanced by couple developed by .
5. This resisting shear stress  is known as complementary shear stress.

 

Fig. 1.11.1.
6. Couple produced by , (BC) × AB
7. Couple produced by , (CD) × BC
8. For equilibrium
(BC) × AB = (CD) × BC
  =  { AB = CD}
Compound Stress & Strains 1–16 D (ME-Sem-5)

Que 1.12. An element of material in plane strain undergoes the

following strains :  x = 340 × 10–6,  y = 110 × 10–6, xy = 180 × 10–6.
Determine :
i. Strain of a line inclined at an angle of 30° from X-axis,
ii. Principal strains, and
iii. Maximum shear strain.


Given : x = 340 × 10–6, y= 110 × 10–6, xy = 180 × 10–6

To Find : i. Strain of a line inclined at an angle of 30° from
ii. Principal strain.
iii. Maximum shear strain.

x  y x  y  xy
1.  x =  cos 2  sin 2
2 2 2
(340  110)  106  340  110  10
=  cos (2  30 )
2 2
180  106
 sin (2  30 ) = 360.44 × 10–6
 (x  y )  xy 
2.  = 2   sin 2  cos 2 
 2 2 
 (340  110) 180 
= 2  sin (2  30)  (cos 2  30)   106
 2 2 
= – 109.18 × 10–6
3. Now, x + y = x + y
 y = x + y – x
= [340 + 110 – 360.44] × 10–6 = 89.56 × 10–6
4. Principal strains :
2 2
x  y  x  y    xy 
1, 2 =     
2  2   2 

2 2
(340  110)  106  340  110    180  10 6 
=     10 6    
2  2    2 
= 225 × 10–6 + 146.03 × 10–6
1 = (225 + 146.03) × 10–6 = 371.03 × 10–6
2 = (225 – 146.03) × 10–6 = 78.97 × 10–6
Strength of Material 1–17 D (ME-Sem-5)

5. Maximum shear strain :

 2 2
 x  y    xy  
max = 2     
  2   2  

 6 2  2
   340  110  10  180  10 6  
= 2     
2  2  
  

= 2[ (115  106 )2  (90  10 6 )2 ] = 292.06 × 10 – 3

Que 1.13. In a strained material at a point, the strains are

 xx = 600 µ strain,  yy = 200 µ strain and  xy = 300 µ strain. What is
the maximum principal strain at a point ?
AKTU 2013-14, Marks 05

Given : xx = 600 , yy = 200 , xy = 300 
To Find : Maximum principal strain at a point.
1. Maximum principal strain,
2 2
   yy   xx  yy   xy 
1 =  xx       
 2   2 2 
2 2
 600  200   600   200   300  
=        
 2 2 2 
= 400 + (200  )2  (150 )2
= 650 

Que 1.14. At a point in a strained material, stresses are applied

as shown in Fig. 1.14.1 find out the normal and shear stress on the
oblique plane, principal stresses and principal strain.
20 MPa
15 MPa

30 MPa 30 MPa

15 MPa 60°

20 MPa
Fig. 1.14.1.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10
Compound Stress & Strains 1–18 D (ME-Sem-5)


Given :xx = 30 MPa, yy = – 20 MPa, xy = 15 MPa.

Oblique angle,  = 90° – 60° = 30° from major axes of plane.
To Find : Normal and shear stress on oblique plane, principal
stresses and principal strain.
Data Assume :  = 0.5 and E = 200 MPa
1. Normal stress :
20 MPa
15 MPa

30 MPa 30 MPa

15 MPa 60°

20 MPa
Fig. 1.14.2.
 xx   yy
 xx   yy
n =  cos 2 + xy sin 2.
2 2
30  (20) 30  20
=  cos 60° + 15 sin 60°
2 2
n = 30.49 MPa
2. Shear stress :
 xx   yy
= sin 2 – xy cos 2
30  20
= sin 60° – 15 cos 60°
= – 14.150 MPa
3. Principal stresses :
 xx   yy   xx   yy  2
1, 2 =      xy
2  2
30  20  30  20  2
=  
   (15)
2 2 
= 5  252  152
= 5 ± 29.15
1 = 34.15 MPa
2 = – 24.15 MPa
4. Principal strain :
Strength of Material 1–19 D (ME-Sem-5)

1 
i. Major principal strain, 1 =  2
= (1   2 )
= [34.15 – (0.5) × (– 24.15)]
= 0.231125
 
ii. Minor principal strain,2 = 2   1
= [2 – 1]
= [(24.15)  0.5  34.15]
= – 0.206

Strain Energy, Impact Loads and Stresses.


Strain Energy : The work done by the load in straining the body is
known as the strain energy.
Strain energy, U = Average load × Elongation
= ×P×


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.15. Derive the expression for strain energy stored in a body
when the load is applied gradually. Also write the expression for
sudden load applied.

1. Fig. 1.15.1 shows load extension diagram of a body under tensile test
upto elastic limit.
2. The tensile load P increases gradually from zero to the value of P and
the extension of the body increases from zero to the value of x.
Compound Stress & Strains 1–20 D (ME-Sem-5)

3. The load P performs work in stretching the body. This work will be
stored in the body as strain energy which is recoverable after the load
P is removed.

Load P

O x
Fig. 1.15.1.
4. Let P = Gradually applied load, x = Extension of the body, A = Cross-
sectional area, L = Length of the body, V = Volume of the body,
E = Young’s modulus, U = Strain energy stored in the body, and
 = Stress induced in the body.
5. Now work done by the load = Area of load extension curve (Shaded area
in Fig. 1.15.1)
= Area of triangle ONM
=  P  x. ...(1.15.1)
6. But Load, P = Stress × Area =  × A
 Extension 
And extension, x = Strain × Length  Strain = Length 

Stress  Stress 
x= L  E  
E Strain 

x= L
7. Substituting the values of P and x in eq. (1.15.1), we get
1  1 2
Work done by the load =  A L  AL
2 E 2 E
= ( Volume V = A × L)
8. But the work done by the load in stretching the body is equal to the
strain energy stored in the body.
Therefore, energy stored in the body,
U= V
Strength of Material 1–21 D (ME-Sem-5)

9. As the load is applied suddenly, the load P is constant when the extension
of the bar takes place.
 Work done by the load = Load × Extension = P × x.
10. The maximum strain energy stored (i.e., energy stored upto elastic
limit) in a body is given by
U= × Volume of the body
= × A × L. ( Volume = A × L)
11. Equating the strain energy stored in the body to the work done, we get
2 
 ALPxP  L
2E E
  
 x   L
A P
= P or  = 2 ×
2 A
12. From the above equation it is clear that the maximum stress induced
due to suddenly applied load is twice the stress induced when the same
load is applied gradually.

Que 1.16. A bar of uniform cross section area A and length L hangs
vertically, subjected to its own weight. Prove that the strain energy
stored within the bar is given by
A   2  L3
Where E is modulus of elasticity and  is weight per unit volume.
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10

1. Fig. 1.16.1 shows a bar AB fixed at end A and hanging freely under its
own weight.


Fig. 1.16.1.
Compound Stress & Strains 1–22 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. Let L = Length of bar, A = Area of cross-section, E = Young’s modulus

for the bar material,  = Weight per unit volume of the bar material.
3. Consider a small strip of thickness dx at a distance x from the lower end.
A weight of pAx is acting in the downward direction. Due to this weight,
there will be some increase in the length of element.
4. Elongation of the element
= dx
5. Therefore, strain energy stored in the element;
dU = × force × elongation
1 x
= ××A×x × dx
2 E
1 2 A 2
= x dx
2 E
6. Total strain energy stored in the bar;
1 2 A 2 A 2 L3
U= 2
x dx =

Que 1.17. Obtain a relation for the stress induced in a body, if a

load P is applied with an impact.

1. Consider a vertical rod fixed at the upper end and having a collar at the
lower end as shown in Fig. 1.17.1.

Vertical Load



Fig. 1.17.1.
Strength of Material 1–23 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. Let the load be dropped from a height on the collar. Due to this impact
load, there will be some extension in the rod.
3. Let P = Load dropped (i.e., load applied with impact), L = Length of the
rod, A = Cross-sectional area of the rod, V = Volume of rod = A × L,
L = Extension of the rod due to load P, E = Modulus of elasticity of the
material of rod,  = Stress induced in the rod due to impact load.
4. The strain in the bar is given by,
Strain =
L 
i.e., =

 L = L
5. Work done by the load = Load × Distance moved
= P(h + L) ...(1.17.1)
6. The strain energy stored by the rod,

2 2
U= V   AL ...(1.17.2)
2E 2E
7. Equating the eq. (1.17.1) and eq. (2.17.2), we get

P(h + L) =  AL
   2   
or Ph 

L =
  AL  L   L

E 2E E

 2
or Ph  P  L =  AL
E 2E
2 
or  AL – P   L – Ph = 0
2E E
8. Multiplying by to both sides, we get
 2E 2E
2 – P  L – Ph  =0
2P 2 PEh
or 2 – – =0
9. The above equation is a quadratic equation in ‘’,
2P  2P  2 PEh
  4
A  A  AL
 =
Compound Stress & Strains 1–24 D (ME-Sem-5)

P 4P2 8  PEh P  P 2 PEh
=       
A 4A 2 4  A  L A  A  AL
P  P 2 PEh
=     (Neglecting – ve root)
A  A AL

P P 2 PEh A 2 P P 2 AEh
=  1    1
P 2 AEh 
= 1  1  
A PL 
10. Strain energy,
P  2 AEh  
  1  1  PL    V
2 A  
U= V 
2E E

Mohr’s Stress Circle, Three Dimensional State of Stress and Strain,
Equilibrium Equations, Generalized Hook’s Law, and
Theories of Failure, Thermal Stresses.


Mohr’s Circle : This is the graphical method used for determination
of normal, shear and resultant stresses across a section.
Theories of Failure : These are following common five theories of
failure :
1. Maximum principal stress theory or Rankine’s theory
2. Maximum principal strain theory or Saint Venant’s theory
3. Maximum shear stress theory or Guest’s theory
4. Maximum strain energy theory or Haigh’s theory
5. Maximum shear strain energy theory or Mises Henky theory


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 1.18. A body is subjected to direct stresses in two mutually

perpendicular directions accompanied by a simple shear stress.
Draw the Mohr’s circle of stresses and explain how will you obtain
the principal stresses and principal planes ?
Strength of Material 1–25 D (ME-Sem-5)

A  xy A
x x x

xy C B
C B  xy
y y
(a) Fig. 1.18.1. (b )
1. Consider a rectangular body of uniform cross-sectional area and unit
thickness subjected to direct tensile stresses in two mutually
perpendicular directions along X-X and Y-Y axes accompanied by a
positive (i.e., clockwise) shear stress along X-X axis as shown in
Fig. 1.18.1(a) and (b).
2. Now draw the Mohr’s circle of stresses as shown in Fig. 1.18.2 and as
discussed below :

 xy
O K 2 
 xy

x E

Fig. 1.18.2.
i. First of all, take some suitable point O and through it draw a horizontal
line OX.
ii. Cut off OJ and OK equal to the tensile stresses σx and σy respectively to
some suitable scale and towards right (because both the stresses are
iii. Now erect a perpendicular at J above the line OX (because xy is positive
along X-X axis) and cut off JD equal to the shear stress xy to the scale.
The point D represents the stress system on plane AC.
iv. Similarly, erect perpendicular below the line OX (because xy is negative
along Y-Y axis) and cut off KE equal to the shear stress xy to the scale.
The point E represents the plane BC. Join DE which bisects it at C.
v. Now with C as centre and radius equal to CD or CE draw a circle. It is
known as Mohr’s circle of stresses.
vi. Now through C, draw a line CP making an angle 2 with CE in clockwise
direction meeting the circle at P. The point P represents the stress
Compound Stress & Strains 1–26 D (ME-Sem-5)

system on section AB. Through P, draw PQ perpendicular to the line

OX, join OP.
vii. Now OQ, QP and OP will give the normal stress, shear stress and
resultant stress respectively to the scale. Similarly OG and OH will give
the maximum and minimum principal shear stresses to the scale. The
angle POC is called the angle of obliquity.
A. Proof :
1. From the geometry of the Mohr’s Circle of stresses, we find that
x  y
OC =
 x – y  2
and radius of the circle, R = EC = CD = CP =     xy
2. Now in the right angled triangle DCJ
JD  xy JC  x –  y 1  x –  y
sin  =  and cos     
DC R DC 2 R 2R
3. Similarly in right angled triangle CPQ , PCQ = (2 – )
CQ = CP cos (2 – ) = R [cos (2 – )]
= R cos  cos 2 + R sin  sin 2
x – y  xy
= R cos 2  R  sin 2
2R R
x – y
= cos 2 + xy sin 2
a. Normal Stress (across the section AB) :
n = OQ = OC – CQ
x –  y
x  y
or n = – cos 2 –  xy sin 2
2 2
b. Shear Stress or Tangential Stress (across the section AB) :
 = QP = CP sin [(2 – )] = R sin (2 – )
= R cos  sin 2 – R sin  cos 2
 – y  xy
= R x sin 2 – R  cos 2
2R R
x – y
or = sin 2 –  xy cos 2
c. Maximum Principal Stress :
x  y  x – y  2
max = OG  OC  CG       xy
2  2
d. Minimum Principal Stress :
x  y  x –  y  2
min = OH  OC – CH  –     xy
2  2
Strength of Material 1–27 D (ME-Sem-5)

Que 1.19. Write short notes on the following :

a. Compatibility equations
b. Equilibrium equations
c. Three dimensional stress
d. Three dimensional strain
Derive the equation of equilibrium in Z-direction by considering
the equilibrium of an infinitesimal rectangular element of size dx,
dy and dz in Cartesian co-ordinate system as
 z  xz  yz
  z=0
z x y

a. Compatibility Equations :
1. The equations derive from the application of strain equation are known
as compatibility equations.
2. These equations are given as :
2 x  y 2  xy
 2 =
y x xy
2 y  2 z 2  yz
 2
z y yz
 z  2 x
2  zx
 2 =
x z zx
22 x    yz  zx  xy 
=   
yz x  x y z 
2 2 y    yz  zx  xy 
=  
zx x  x y z 
22 z    yz  zx  xy 
=  
xy x  x y z 
b. Equilibrium Equations :
1. In Fig. 1.19.1 an element with dimension dx, dy and dz is shown.
2. There are nine stresses which are working on the element.
3. The stress on each face will be equal to the stress at the center increased
or reduced by the distance from the center to the face times the partial
derivative of the stress.
4. If x, y and z denote the components of body forces per unit volume. Then
equation of equilibrium is obtained by summing all the forces acting on
the element in X-direction.
Compound Stress & Strains 1–28 D (ME-Sem-5)

dx  zy
zx  yz
C1 yx y
dz zx D1
 xy
A1 dy B1
X Fig. 1.19.1.
  x dx    dx  
  x  dydz    x  x dydz
 x 2   x 2  
  yx dy    yx dy  
   yx  dxdz    yx  dxdz
 y 2   y 2  
  dz    dz  
   zx  zx dxdy    zx  zx dxdy  + x dx dy dz = 0
 z 2   z 2  
5. After simplifying we will get
 x  yx  zx
  x=0 ...(1.19.1)
x y z
6. Similarly, we get two more equations
 y  zy  xy
  y=0 ...(1.19.2)
y z x
 z  xz  yz
  z=0 ...(1.19.3)
z x y
7. Eq. (1.19.1), (1.19.2) and (1.19.3) are known as equilibrium equations.
c. Three Dimensional Stress :
1. If we consider an elastic body as shown in Fig. 1.19.2, there are nine
stresses which are working on the body. Out of these, three are normal
stresses and six are shear stresses.
2. Normal stresses are working on the body due to the body forces and
shear stresses are working due to surface force.
3. In three dimensional case of an elastic body, we have
 yx =  x y
yz = zy
zx = xz
4. So we have only six independent stress components i.e., x, y, z and xy,
yz, zx.
Strength of Material 1–29 D (ME-Sem-5)


yz  xz
 yz  xy

Fig. 1.19.2.
d. Three Dimensional Strain :
1. In three dimensional case, the components of strain are expressed by
strain matrix which is as follows :
 x xy xz 
 
ij = yx y yz 
 zy z 
 zx
1 1 1
Here, xy =  xy , yz =  yz , zx =  zx
2 2 2
2. So, we can also write strain matrix as follows :
 1 1 
 x 2
 xy  xz
2 
 
1 1 
ij =   yx y  yz
2 2 
 
1  1
 zy z 
 2 zx 2 

Que 1.20. State the generalized Hooke’s law and prove for an
anisotropic elas tic material that the maximum number of
independent elastic constants is 21 only. Also show that for isotropic
materials it is 2. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10

1. Since any direct stress produces a strain in its own direction and an
opposite kind of strain in every direction at right angle to this we have,
p p p p p  p3
2. Longitudinal strain, 1 = 1  2  3  1  2 ...(1.20.1)
E mE mE E mE
p p p p p  p1
3. Similarly, 2 = 2  3  1  2  3 ...(1.20.2)
E mE mE E mE
p p p p p  p2
and 3 = 3  1  2  3  1 ...(1.20.3)
E mE mE E mE
Compound Stress & Strains 1–30 D (ME-Sem-5)




Fig. 1.20.1.
4. Above three equations are known as general equations of Hooke’s law
or generalized Hooke’s law.
5. Hook’s law is the constitutive law for a Hookean or linear elastic material.
6. It can be given a precise expression in terms of stress and strain by
stating, in the most general form, that, if ij ji.
x = f1(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
y = f2(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
z = f3(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
xy = f4(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
yz = f5(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
zx = f6(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
yx = f7(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
zy = f8(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
xz = f9(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
7. These functions could be linear or non-linear.
8. For a small deformation an elastic material can be considered to be
linearly elastic and in that case the functions become linear. Hence, we
can write in tensor form,
ij = Cijklkl
This is the Cauchy’s formulation for generalized Hook’s law. In most of
the general cases ij and kl will have 9 components each and Cijkl will
have 81 components.
9. So we have, in this way only 21 independent elastic constants. This is
the maximum number of elastic constants for a completely anisotropic
elastic material.
10. If we consider isotropy as well about various axes, the number of
independent elastic constants reduces considerably, till for a perfectly
isotropic material there are only 2 independent elastic constants.

Que 1.21. Name different theories of failure and represent them

graphically. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 05

These are the following theories of failure :
Strength of Material 1–31 D (ME-Sem-5)

A. Maximum Principal Stress Theory (Rankine’s Theory) :

1. According to this theory, failure will occur when the maximum principal
tensile stress (1) in the system reaches the value of maximum stress at
elastic limit (et) in simple tension or minimum principal stress reaches
the elastic limit stress (ec) in simple compression.
1  et (in simple tension)
3 < ec (in simple compression)

1 1
– e O

– e
Fig. 1.21.1. Representation of maximum principal stress theory.

B. Maximum Principal Shear Stress Theory (Guest’s or Tresca’s

Theory) :
e A
(II) F (I )

– e e
C (IV) diagonal
( III)
D – e
Fig. 1.21.2. Representation of maximum shear stress theory.
1. According to this theory, failure will occur when maximum shear stress
max in the system reaches the value of maximum shear stress in simple
tension at elastic limit.
1   3  et
max =  (In simple tension)
2 2
1 – 3 = et
2. According to condition of failure, (1 – 3) > et
C. Maximum Principal Strain Theory (Saint Venant’s Theory) :
1. According to this theory, failure of a material will take place when
principal tensile strain in the material reaches the strain at elastic limit
in the simple tension or when the minimum strain reaches the elastic
limit strain in simple compression.
Compound Stress & Strains 1–32 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. Principal strain in direction of principal stress 1,

1 = [ 1  ( 2   3 )] (= Poisson’s ratio)
3. Principal strain in direction of principal stress 3,
3 = [  3   ( 2  1 )]
e 1– m
1+ m

– e O

– e

Fig. 1.21.3. Representation of maximum principal strain theory.

D. Maximum Shear Strain Energy Theory (Distortion Energy
Theory or Mises Hencky Theory) :
1. According to this theory, the failure occurs when the shear strain energy
per unit volume in the stressed material reaches a value equal to the
shear strain energy per unit volume at the elastic limit point in the
simple tension test.

– e e
O 0.577  e

– e diagonal

Fig. 1.21.4. Graphical representation

of maximum shear strain energy theory.
Strength of Material 1–33 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. Shear strain energy due to principal stress 1, 2 and 3 per unit volume
of the stress material,

US = [(1   2 )2  ( 2   3 )2  ( 3  1 )2 ]
E. Maximum Strain Energy Theory (Haigh’s Theory) :
1. According to this theory, failure of a material occurs when the total
strain energy in the material reaches the total strain energy of the
material at elastic limit in simple tension.

( I)

( II)
2 1– m
1 45°
2 1+ m


Fig. 1.21.5. Representation of maximum strain energy theory.

2. In three dimensional stress system the strain energy per unit volume is
given by
U = [12   22  32  2(1 2   2 3  3 1 )]

Que 1.22. The load on a bolt consists of an axial pull of 20 kN

together with a transverse shear of 10 kN, calculate the diameter
of bolt according to :
1. Maximum total strain energy theory, and
2. Maximum shear strain energy theory (if  = 0.3).
(Take elastic limit in tension 280 MPa and factor of safety = 3)
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10
Compound Stress & Strains 1–34 D (ME-Sem-5)


Given : Permissible tensile stress, ut = = 93.33 N/mm2,
Factor of safety = 3, Axial pull = 20 kN = 20 × 103 N,
Transverse shear load = 10 kN = 10 × 103 N
To Find : Bolt diameter according to :
i. Maximum total strain energy theory, and
ii. Maximum shear strain energy theory.
1. Let d be the diameter of the bolt, in mm.

20  103 80  103
Hence, applied stress, = 2

d / 4 d 2
= N/mm2
10  103 12732.4
Applied shear stress, = 2

d / 4 d2
2. For the principal stress,
We know that,
 1 2 2
1, 2 =  ( / 2)2   2 = [     4  ]
2 2
 2 2
25464.8  25464.8   12732.4  
=  2
  2  4   2 
 d  d   d  
1  25464.8 36012.7 
=  
2  d2 d2 
1 =
2 = –
3. Total strain energy theory :
1  30738.75  2  5273.95  2
 U=      +
2E  d2 d2
 30738.75   5273.95  
2 × 0.3 ×      
 d2 d2 
1  87542  10 4 
= 
2E  d4 
 2ut  (93.33)2  8710.5
Strain energy in simple tension =  
2 E  2  E  2E
Strength of Material 1–35 D (ME-Sem-5)

1  87542  10 4  8710.5
  4  =
2E  d 2E
 87542  10 4 
d=  = 17.8 mm
 8710.5 
4. Maximum shear strain energy theory :
1  
Us =  [(1 – 2)2 + (2 – 3)2 + (3 – 1)2],
 6 E 

Where 3 = 0

1  1  30738.75 5273.95  2

 Us =    
 3 E  2  d2 d2 

2 2
  5273.95   30738.75  
+   0    0   
 d2 d2 
  1  1  12.97  108 0.28  108 9.45  108 
or Us =    
 3 E  2  d4 d4 d4

   1 11.35  10
or Us =  
 3E  d4
   1    1
Shear strain under axial stress =    2ut   × 93.332
 3 E   3 E 

11.35  108
 = 93.332
 11.35  108 
d= 
 93.332 
d = 18.999
d = 19 mm

Que 1.23. A steel rod of 3 cm diameter is enclosed centrally in a

hollow copper tube of external diameter 5 cm and internal diameter
4 cm. The composite bar is then subjected to an axial pull of 45000 N.
If the length of each bar is equal to 15 cm.
Determine :
i. The stresses in the rod and the tube.
ii. Load carried by each rod.
E for steel = 200 GPa and for Copper = 100 GPa.
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 05
Compound Stress & Strains 1–36 D (ME-Sem-5)

Given : Diameter of steel rod = 3 cm = 30 mm,

Area of steel rod As = (30)2 = 706.86 mm2,
External diameter of copper tube = 5 cm = 50 mm,
Internal diameter of copper tube = 4 cm = 40 mm,

Area of copper tube, Ac = [502 – 40 2 ] mm 2 = 706.86 mm2,
Axial pull on composite bar, P = 45000 N,
Length of each bar, L = 15 cm,
Young’s modulus for steel, Es = 2 × 105 N/mm2
Young’s modulus for copper, Ec = 1 × 105 N/mm2
To Find : i. Stresses in the rod and the tube.
ii. Load carried by each rod.
1. Let s = Stress in steel, Ps = Load carried by steel rod, c = Stress in
copper, and Pc = Load carried by copper tube.

15 cm Steel rod

3 cm
4 cm
5 cm
P = 45000 N
Fig. 1.23.1.
2. Now, strain in steel = Strain in copper
s    
or = c   Strain
Es Ec E 
Es 2  105
 s =  c    c = 2 c ...(1.23.1)
Ec 1  105
3. Now Stress = ,  Load = Stress × Area
4. Load on steel + Load on copper = Total load
s × As + c × Ac = P ( Total load = P)
or 2 c × 706.86 + c × 706.86 = 45000
or 2120.58 c = 45000 or c = = 21.22 N/mm2
5. Substituting the value of c in eq. (1.23.1), we get
Strength of Material 1–37 D (ME-Sem-5)

s = 2 × 21.22 N/mm2 = 42.44 N/mm2

6. Load carried by steel rod
Load = Stress × Area = 42.44 × 706.86 = 29999.13 N.
7. Load carried by copper tube = 45000 – 29999.13 = 15000 N.

Que 1.24. A weight W = 5 kN attached to the end of a steel wire rope

moves downward with constant velocity 1 m/s. What stresses are
produced in the rope when its upper end is suddenly stripped ? The
free length of rope at the moment of impact is 20 m, its net cross-
sectional area is 10 sq. cm and E = 2.00 × 105 N/mm2.
AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10


Given : Weight, W = 5 kN = 5000 N, Velocity, v = 1 m/s,

Cross-sectional area of rope, A = 10 cm2 = 10 × 10–4 m2,
Length of rope at the moment of impact, h = 20 m,
E = 2.00 × 105 N/mm2 = 2 × 1011 N/m2
To Find : Stresses in rope.

W 5000
1. Initial stress = = = 5 × 106 N/m2
A 10  104
2. Let 2 be the additional stress produced in wire rope at the sudden
3. Kinetic energy = Strain energy stored in rope
1 W 2 2
 v = 2 V ( V = A × h)
2 g 2E
1 5000 2  22
× 1 = × (10 × 10–4 × 20)
2 9.81 2  2  1011
2 = 71392156 N/m2 or 2 = 71392.156 kN/m2

Que 1.25. A solid circular shaft is subjected to a bending moment

of 3 kN-m and a torque of 1 kN-m. The shaft is to be made in carbon
steel for which the yield strength in tension and in shear is
480 MPa and 265 MPa respectively. Calculate the diameter of the
shaft using distortion energy theory. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 05


Given : M = 3 kN-m, T = 1 kN-m, yt = 480 MPa, st = 265 MPa

To Find : Diameter of shaft.

1. Bending stress, b =
d 3
Compound Stress & Strains 1–38 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. The expressions for principal stresses and maximum shearing stress for
solid circular shaft subjected to bending moment and torque are written
A x
A b

T 
M x
(a) Shaft under bending and torsion (b) State of stress at a point
A on the surface of the shaft.
Fig. 1.25.1.

p1 = [M  M2  T 2 ] ...(1.25.1)
d 3
p2 = [M  M2  T 2 ] ...(1.25.2)
d 3
max = [ M2  T 2 ] ...(1.25.3)
d 3
4. By substituting the values of M and T in eq. (1.25.1), (1.25.2) and
(1.25.3), we get
p1 = [3  106  106 (3)2  (1)2 ]
d 3
16  6.162  106
= N/mm2 ...(1.25.4)
d 3
16  0.162  106
Similarly, p2 = – N/mm2 ...(1.25.5)
d 3
16  3.162  106
 max = N/mm2 ...(1.25.6)
d 3
5. Using distortion energy theory :
(1 – 2)2 + (2 – 3)2 + (3 – 1)2 = 2yt2
Here 1 = p1, 2 = 0, 3 = p2
2 2
 16  6.162  106   16  0.162  10 
 
 d 3 
   d3 
 16  106  6.324 
+   = 2(480)2
 d 3
 16  106  4

 d3  (37.97  0.0262  39.99)  2  23.03  10
 16  106  4
or  d 3  × 77.98 = 46.08 × 10
Strength of Material 1–39 D (ME-Sem-5)

16  106
or = 76.871 or d = 40.5 mm
d 3
Que 1.26. What do you understand by thermal stresses ? Explain.

1. The stresses induced in a body due to change in temperature are
known as thermal stresses.
2. Consider a body which is heated to a certain temperature.
Let L = Original length of the body,
T = Rise in temperature,
E = Young’s modulus,
 = Co-efficient of linear expansion, and
dL = Extension of rod due to rise of temperature.
3. If the rod is free to expand, then extension of the rod is given by
dL = .T.L.
4. If the ends of the body are fixed to rigid supports, so that its expansion
is prevented, then compressive stress and strain will be set up in the
rod. These stresses and strains are known as thermal stresses and
thermal strain.
Extension prevented
5. Thermal strain, =
Original length
dL .T . L
=   .T
And thermal stress,  = Thermal strain × E = .T.L.

Que 1.27. A rod is 2 m long at a temperature of 10 °C. Find the

expansion of the rod, when the temperature is raised to 80 °C. If
this expansion is prevented, find the stress induced in the material
of the rod. Take E = 1.0 × 105 MN/m2 and  = 0.000012 per degree


Given : Length of rod, L = 2 m = 200 cm

Initial temperature, T1 = 10 °C
Final temperature, T2 = 80 °C
 Rise in temperature, T = T2 – T1 = 80° – 10° = 70 °C
Young’s Modulus, E = 1.0 × 105 MN/m2 = 1011 N/m2
Co-efficient of linear expansion,  = 0.000012
To Find : i. Expansion of the rod.
ii. Stress induced.
i. The expansion of the rod due to temperature rise is given by,
 Expansion of the rod = .T.L
= 0.000012 × 70 × 200 = 0.168 cm
Compound Stress & Strains 1–40 D (ME-Sem-5)

ii. The stress in the material of the rod if expansion is prevented is given
 Thermal stress,  = .T.E
= 0.000012 × 70 × 1.0 × 1011 N/m2
= 84 × 106 N/m2 = 84 N/mm2


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q. 1. Derive the expression for elongation of a uniform bar due

to its self-weight.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.3, Unit-1.

Q. 2. Derive the expression for elongation of a conical bar due to

its self-weight.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.4, Unit-1.

Q. 3. Analyze when a body is subjected to a direct tensile stress

() in one plane and accompanied by a single shear
stress ().
Ans. Refer Q. 1.5, Unit-1.

Q. 4. Derive the expression for strain energy stored in a body

when the load is applied gradually. Also write the expression
for sudden load applied.
Ans. Refer Q. 1.15, Unit-1.

Q. 5. A body is subjected to direct stresses in two mutually

perpendicular directions accompanied by a simple shear
stress. Draw the Mohr’s circle of stresses and explain how
will you obtain the principal stresses and principal planes ?
Ans. Refer Q. 1.18, Unit-1.

Q. 6. Name different theories of failure and represent them

Ans. Refer Q. 1.21, Unit-1.

Q. 7. What do you understand by thermal stresses ? Explain.

Ans. Refer Q. 1.26, Unit-1.

Strength of Material 2–1 D (ME-Sem-5)

2 Beams and Torsion

Part-1 ............................................................................(2–2D to 2–14D)

• Pure Bending
• Normal Stresses in Beams
• Shear Stresses in Beams due to Transverse and Axial Loads
• Composite Beams

A. Concept Outline : Part-1 ............................................................. 2–2D

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................... 2–2D

Part-2 ......................................................................... (2–14D to 2–36D)

• Equation of Elastic Curve

• Cantilever and Simply Supported Beams
• Macaulay’s Method
• Area Moment Method
• Fixed and Continuous Beams

A. Concept Outline : Part-2 ........................................................... 2–14D

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................. 2–15D

Part-3 ......................................................................... (2–36D to 2–45D)

• Torsion
• Combined Bending
• Torsion of Solid and Hollow Shafts
• Torsion of Thin Walled Tubes

A. Concept Outline : Part-3 ........................................................... 2–36D

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................. 2–36D
2–2 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

Pure Bending, Normal Stresses in Beams, Shear Stresses in

Beams due to Transverse and Axial Loads and Composite Beams.


Pure Bending : If a member is subjected to equal and opposite
couples acting in the same longitudinal planes, the member is said to
be in pure bending.
Shear Stress : When a beam is subjected to a bending moment
which varies from section to section. The shear force also acting on
the beam. These shear forces on the beam will be subjected to shear
stresses. These shear stresses will be acting across transverse sections
of the be am. The transverse she ar stresses will produce a
complimentary horizontal shear stresses, which will be acting on
longitudinal layers of the beam.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.1. Write the assumptions for pure bending and also derive

the equation for bending. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10

A. Assumptions :
1. Material of the beam is homogeneous.
2. The stress induced is proportional to the strain.
3. The value of modulus of elasticity (E) is same, for the every fibre of
beam under compression and tension.
4. A plane before bending remains plane after bending.
5. The loads are applied in the plane of bending.
6. Radius of curvature of the beam before bending is very large in
comparison to its transverse dimensions.
B. Bending Equation :
1. In Fig. 2.1.1(a), consider a small length dx of a beam subjected to a
simple bending.

Strength of Material 2–3 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. Due to action of bending, the part of length dx will take the shape as
curved beam as shown in Fig. 2.1.1(b).
3. Let, R = Radius of curvature,  = Angle subtended at O by AB and CD,

A C
y N N
E y F
B dx D B D
( a) (b )
Fig. 2.1.1.

4. Now consider a layer EF at a distance y below the neutral layer NN.

After bending this layer will take the shape of E F .
Original length of layer, EF = dx
Length of neutral layer , NN= dx
After bending, there is no variation in length of neutral layer NN.
So, N´N´= dx = NN = EF
5. Now from Fig. 2.1.1(b),
NN = N´N´ = R × 
E 'F ' = (R + y)
Increase in length of layer EF
= E 'F '  EF = (R + y) – R ×  = y × 
Increase in length
6. Strain in layer EF =
Original length
y y y 
= = [ dx = R × ]
EF dx R
Strain = ...(2.1.1)
7. Now strain is also given as,
Modulus of elasticity =
 
E=  Strain  ...(2.1.2)
Strain E
8. From eq. (2.1.1) and eq. (2.1.2),
2–4 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

 y
 E
= ...(2.1.3)
y R
9. Now, force on the layer at a distance y from neutral axis is given as,
Force = Stress × Area
= × dA
× y × dA
10. Moment of this force about neutral axis,
= Force × y
E E 2
× y × dA × y = y dA
11. Total moment of force on the section of the beam,
E 2
M=  R y dA
E 2
M= y dA
y dA = Moment of inertia of the area of the section
about the neutral axis.
M= ×I
= ...(2.1.4)
12. From eq. (2.1.3) and eq. (2.1.4),
M  E
= =
I y R

Que 2.2. A timber beam 5 cm wide by 7 cm deep is to be reinforced

by bolting on two steel flitches, each 5 cm by cm in section.
Calculate the moment of resistance when the flitches attached
symmetrically at top and bottom. What is the maximum stress in
the steel ?
Es = 2.1 × 105 N/mm2, Et = 1.4 × 104 N/mm2.
AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10
Strength of Material 2–5 D (ME-Sem-5)


Given : Young’s modulus of steel, Es = 2.1 × 105 N/mm2,

Young’s modulus of timber, Et = 1.4 × 104 N/mm2, Wide = 5 cm,
Deep = 7 cm, Two steel flitches 5 cm by cm.
To Find : i. The moment resistance when the flitches attached
symmetrically at top and bottom.
ii. The maximum stress in the steel.
Data Assume : In this question maximum allowable stress in timber
is not given. Let us assume it = 6 MPa

Es 2.1  105
1. = = 15
Et 1.4  104
Es = 15 Et  s = 15 t
2. Let, t = Extreme fibre stress (or maximum stress) for timber,
s = Extreme fibre stress (or maximum stress) for steel
3. Now from bending moment equation,

= constant
( s ) AC ( s ) AB
4. For steel, =
( s ) AC 15( t ) AB
= {  At AB, (s)AB = 15(t)AB}
4 3.5
(t)AB = Maximum allowable stress = 6 MPa (Let)
5 cm
C  s= 102.85 MPa
 t= 6 MPa
H 15 t = 90 MPa
4 cm
3.5 cm

8 cm


Fig. 2.2.1.
5. Maximum allowable stress in steel,
(s)AC = (15 × 6) = 102.85 MPa
At cross-section BH, the stress in steel, (s)BA = 15 × 6 = 90 MPa
The maximum allowable stress in steel = 102.85 MPa
2–6 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

6. Moment of resistance of the section

= Moment of resistance of timber section
+ Moment of resistance of steel section
= tZt + sZs
 0.05  (0.07)2   0.05  (0.08)2 0.05(.07)2 
=6×    102.85   90  
 6   6 6 
= 2.45 × 10 + 1.81 × 10 –3

= 2.055 × 10–3 MN-m

= 2.055 kN-m

Que 2.3. A timber beam 80 mm wide and 160 mm deep is reinforced

with two steel plates 5 mm thick and 60 mm wide on top and bottom.
If bending moment of 800 N-m acts at section of this beam, calculate
the magnitude of maximum fibre s tress es in tens ions and
compression in wood and steel. Assume Es / Ew = 15.
AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10


Given : M = 800 N-m = 800 × 103 N-mm, = 15,
Width of steel, b1 = 60 mm, Depth of steel, d1 = 5 mm,
Width of timber, b2 = 80 mm, Depth of timber, d2 = 160 mm
To Find : The magnitude of maximum fibre stresses in tensions
and compression in wood and steel.
1. Distance of extreme fibre of timber from N.A,
y2 = 80 mm
Distance of extreme fibre of steel from N.A,
y1 = 80 + 5 = 85 mm
2. Let, 1* = Maximum stress in steel, 1 = Stress in steel at a distance of
80 mm from N.A.
3. Now, the strain at the common surface is same. The strain at a common
distance of 80 mm from N.A. in steel and wood would be same.
1  E
Hence, = 2  1  s   2
Es Ew Ew
1 = 15 × 2 ...(2.3.1)
4. But maximum stress in steel would be at a distance of 85 mm from N.A.
As bending stress is proportional to the distance from N.A.
1  *1
Hence, =
80 85
 1 * = 1  1.0625 1 ...(2.3.2)
Strength of Material 2–7 D (ME-Sem-5)

60 mm Steel
5 mm

160 mm

5 mm

80 mm
Fig. 2.3.1.
5. Now moment of resistance of steel is given by
M1 =  I1
1.0625 1
=  I1 ...(2.3.3)
Where, I1 = MOI of two steel plate about N.A.
= 2 × [MOI of one steel plate about its C.G. +
Area of one steel plate × (Distance between
its C.G. and N.A.) 2]
 b d3  d  
= 2 ×  1 1  b1 d1  80  1  
 12  2 
 60  53  5 
= 2×   60  5  80   
 12  2 
 60  125 
= 2  300 (82.5)2 
 12 
= 4085000 mm4
6. Therefore, from eq. (2.3.3),
M1 =  1  4085000
= 51062.5 1 N-mm
7. Similarly,
2 
M2 =  I2 = 2  I2
y2 80
 2 80  1603
=  = 341333.33 2 N-mm
80 12
8. Total moment of resistance is given by,
M = M1 + M2
2–8 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

800 × 103 = 51062.5 1 + 341333.33 2 ...(2.3.4)

9. From eq. (2.3.1) and eq. (2.3.4),
1 = 10.837 N/mm2
2 = 0.722 N/mm2

Que 2.4. Derive the expression for shearing stress at any section
on a beam, also show the distribution of shearing stress over a
rectangular section. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10

A. Shearing Stress on Beam :
1. In Fig. 2.4.1, a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed
load. Due to U.D.L., the shear force and bending moment will vary
along the length of the beam.
2. Consider two sections AB and CD of this beam at a distance dx apart.
3. Let at section AB, At section CD,
F = shear force F + dF = shear force
M = bending moment M + dM = bending moment
I = moment of inertia of the section
Now, it is required to find shear stress intensity on the section AB at a
distance y from neutral axis.
4. Bending stress at distance y from the neutral axis is given by
( +d  )dA

B D dx

 + d H G
 dA
N y1 E y1 y

( M) (M +dM )
dx b
Fig. 2.4.1.

M 
I y
= ×y
Strength of Material 2–9 D (ME-Sem-5)

5. Now intensity of stress on section AB.

= y
6. Intensity of stress on section CD,
( M  dM )
+ d= y
7. Force on the section AB = Stress × Area = × dA
= × y × dA ...(2.4.1)
8. Force on the section CD = Stress × Area = (+ d) × dA
( M  dM )
= × y × dA ...(2.4.2)
9. Net unbalanced force on the section = Force on the section CD – Force
on the section AB
( M  dM ) M
= × y × dA – × y × dA
= × y × dA
dM dM
10. Total unbalanced force =   y  dA = y  dA
I I 
Since  y  dA = y A
Where, A = area of the section above EF,
y = distance of the C.G. of the area A from the neutral axis.
=  A y ...(2.4.3)
This is total unbalanced force or shear resistance at the level EF.
11. At the level EF, shear force is given as
= Shear stress × Shear area
= × b × dx ...(2.4.4)
12. Eq. (2.4.3) and eq. (2.4.4) are equal, so
× b × dx =  A y
dM A  y
= 
I b  dx

dM A  y

b I  dM
 F (shear force)
F  A y
b I
2–10 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

B. Shear Stress Over Rectangular Section :


(d/2)– y 
d/2 E F
d N A

Fig. 2.4.2.

Que 2.5. A shearing force of 180 kN acts over a T-section shown

in Fig. 2.5.1. Draw the shear stress distribution curve.
(Take I = 1.134 × 108 mm4).
200 mm
50 mm

200 mm

50 mm
Fig. 2.5.1.

AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10


Given : Shearing force, F = 180 kN

Moment of inertia, I = 1.134 × 108 mm4 = 1.134 × 10 – 4 m4
To Find : The shear stress distribution curve.
1. Distance of the neutral axis from the top edge
 0.15 
(0.20  0.05)  0.025  (0.15  0.05)   0.05
 2 
(0.2  0.05)  (0.15  0.05)
= 0.067857 m = 67.85 mm
2. We know that the shear stress at the top edge of the flange and bottom
of the web is zero.
3. Shear stress at the neutral axis
Strength of Material 2–11 D (ME-Sem-5)

NA =
Where, Ay = (0.15 × 0.05) × (0.0678 – 0.025) +
 0.01785 
0.01785  0.05 
 2
= 3.21 × 10 – 4 + 7.97 × 10 – 6
= 3.29 × 10 – 4 m3
180  3.29  10 4
 NA =
1.134  104  0.05
= 10444.4 kN/m2
= 10.44 MN/m2
4. Shear stress in the web just at the junction of web and flange
FAy 180  (0.15  0.05)  (0.025  0.01785)
= =
Ib 1.134  10 4  0.05
= 10202.427 kN/m2 = 10.2 MN/m2
200 mm
3.4 MN/m2
67.85 mm

10.2 MN/m2
17.85 mm
10.44 MN/m2
150 mm

(a) Beam cross-section. (b) Shear stress distribution.
Fig. 2.5.2.
5. Shear stress in the flange just at the junction of the flange and web
180  (0.2  0.05)  (0.025  0.01785)
1.134  10 4  0.2
= 3400.79 kN/m2 = 3.4 MN/m2

Que 2.6. Show that for a rectangular section the maximum shear
stress is 1.5 times the average stress.

1. Let a rectangular section of width b and depth d is shown in Fig. 2.6.1
and this section is subjected to shear force F. Consider a section EF at
distance y from neutral axis.
2–12 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion


(d/2)– y 
d/2 E F
d N A

Fig. 2.6.1.
2. Shear stress at this level is given by
F  A y
= ...(2.6.1)
A = Area of section above y,
d 
=   y  b
2 
3. y = distance of C.G. of area A from neutral axis.
1 d  1 d
= y   y   y  
2 2 2 2
Put this value in eq. (2.6.1),
d  1 d
F    y  b   y  
2  2 2
F  d2 
=   y2 
2I  4 
4. At the neutral axis shear stress is maximum.
Put y = 0 in above equation,
F  d2  F d2
max =   0 = 
2I 4  2I 4
Fd 2 Fd 2  1 3
= =
1  I  12  bd 
8I 8  bd 3
max = 1.5 ...(2.6.2)
5. Average shear stress is given as,
Shear force
avg =
avg = ...(2.6.3)
Strength of Material 2–13 D (ME-Sem-5)

6. From eq. (2.6.2) and eq. (2.6.3),

max = 1.5 avg
or max = 
2 avg
Que 2.7. Prove that the maximum shear stress in a circular
section of a beam is 4/3 times the average shear stress.

1. Consider a solid circular section of radius R and a layer EF at a distance y
from neutral axis (N.A.).
2. The shear stress at this layer EF is given as,
F  A y
= ...(2.7.1)
3. Consider a strip of thickness dy at a distance y from N.A.

y max

(a) (b )
Fig. 2.7.1.
4. Area of this strip, dA = b × dy
= EF × dy = 2 × EB × dy
= 2 R2  y 2 × dy
5. Moment of this area dA about N.A.
= y × dA = y  2 R2  y2 dy = 2 y R2  y2 dy
6. Moment of the whole shaded area about N.A.
Ay =  2 y R2  y2 dy

7. Put R2 – y2 = x2, – 2y dy = 2x dx
0 0
 2x3 
Ay = 2 2 x( 2x dx)   3  R2  x 2
R x

= (R2 – x2)3/2
and b = EF = 2 × EB = 2 R2  y 2
8. Now, put the value of A y and b in eq. (2.7.1),
2–14 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

2 2
F ( R  y 2 )3/ 2
= 3
I  2 R2  y 2
= ( R 2  y2 )
9. At y = 0, (i.e., Neutral axis) shear stress is maximum.
F F 2
So, max = ( R2  0) = R
3I 3I
F  R2   4  R4 
=  I  D  (2 R)4  
  64 64 4 
3  R4
4 F
max =  ...(2.7.2)
3 R2
10. Average shear stress is given as,
Shear force F
avg = = ...(2.7.3)
Area R2
11. From eq. (2.7.2) and eq. (2.7.3),
max = 
3 avg

Equation of Elastic Curve, Cantilever and Simply Supported

Beams, Macaulay’s Method, Area Moment Method and Fixed
and Continuous Beams.


Types of Beams :
a. Cantilever Beam : A beam with one fixed and other end free
is called a cantilever beam. There is a vertical reaction and
moment at the fixed end (known as fixing moment).

Cantilever beam.
b. Simply Supported Beam : When both the supports of beams
are roller supports or one support is roller and other hinged,
the beam is known as a simply supported beam.
Strength of Material 2–15 D (ME-Sem-5)

R (a) (b )
Simply supported beam.
c. Fixed Beam : A beam with both ends fixed is known as fixed
d. Continuous Beam : Beam supported at more than two sections
is termed as continuous beam.
M0 W M W W W

R0 R R R
R0 Ru
(a) Fixed or built-in beam (b) Continuous beam
e. Propped Cantilever Beam : Beams with one end fixed and
the other end simply supported are known as propped cantilever.

Propped cantilever.
Methods to find Slope and Deflection at a Point :
a. Macaulay’s Method : In this method a single equation is
written for the bending moment for all the portions of the beam.
The equation is formed in such a way that the same constants of
integration are applicable to all portions.
b. Area Moment Method : This method is useful in those cases in
which it can give an easier solution than mathematical treatment.
In such cases, most of the times a point of zero slope is known.
The deflection at any point can be found by considering the area
of the bending moment diagram between that point and point of
zero slopes and taking moments about the point where the
deflection is to be found.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 2.8. Derive an expression for the slope and deflection of a

beam subjected to uniform bending moment.
2–16 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

1. A beam AB of length L is subject to uniform bending moment M.
2. As shown in Fig. 2.8.1 beam is subjected to a constant bending moment
so it will bend into a circular arc.

R  R
(90° –  ) C
A  B
2 2
Fig. 2.8.1. Curvature of the beam.
Here, R = Radius of curvature of the deflected beam,
y = Deflection of beam at the center,
I = Moment of inertia of the beam,
E = Young’s modulus for beam material, and
 = Slope of the beam at the end.
3. Now, from the geometry of the circle
AC × CB = CC' × CD
 = y (2R – y)
2 2
= 2yR – y2
4. If deflection y is very small, then y2 is too small so we neglect it.
 = 2yR
y= L ...(2.8.1)
5. Now from bending equation,

=  R=
Strength of Material 2–17 D (ME-Sem-5)

6. Put the value of R in eq. (2.8.1),

8 EI
7. This equation gives the value of central deflection of beam.
Value of Slope :
1. From triangle AOC,
AC L / 2 L
sin  =  
2. Since angle  is very small so sin  
= ...(2.8.2)
3. Put the value of R in eq. (2.8.2),
= 
2 EI
4. This is the value of slope of beam. Due to symmetry, slope at point A and
B should be equal.
So, A = B =
2 EI

Que 2.9. Derive the relationship between slope, deflection and

radius of curvature.

1. Consider a small portion PQ of a beam, bent into an arc as shown in
Fig. 2.9.1.
2. Let, ds = Length of the beam PQ,
R= Radius of the arc, into which the beam has been bent,
C= Centre of the arc,
= Angle, which the tangent at P makes with O-X axis and
 + d = Angle which the tangent at Q makes with O-X axis.
3. From the geometry of the figure, we find that
PCQ = d
and ds = Rd
2–18 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

ds dx
 R=  (Considering ds = dx)
d d
d R

ds dy

  + d
Fig. 2.9.1. Beam bent into an arc.

1 d
or =
R dx
4. We know that if x and y be the co-ordinates of point P, then
tan  =
5. Since  is a very small angle, therefore taking tan  = ,
d d2 y  1 d 
=   
dx dx 2 R dx 
6. We also know that
M E 1
= or M = EI ×
d2 y  1
 M = EI ×  Substituting value of 
dx 2 R

Que 2.10. Derive the slope and deflection of a cantilever beam

under concentrated load W at distance a from the fixed end.

1. Consider a cantilever of length l carrying a concentrated load W at
distance a from the fixed end Fig. 2.10.1.
2. Consider a section XX at distance x from the fixed end A.
Mx = – W (a – x)
d2 y
 EI = – W (a – x)
Strength of Material 2–19 D (ME-Sem-5)

a ( l – a)

C C
x (a – x ) B
Fig. 2.10.1.

dy  x2 
3. Integrating, we get EI =  W  ax    C1
dx  2
(Where, C1 = constant of integration)
4. At fixed end A, x = 0, =0
 C1 = 0
dy  x2 
 EI =  W  ax   ...(2.10.1)
dx  2
This is known as slope equation.
5. Slope at C, putting x = a, we get
dy W a2  Wa2
C =   a  a    
dx EI 2 2 EI
i.e., C = 
2 EI
6. As there is no load on the portion BC there will be no B.M. in that
portion and the portion will not bend; it shall be straight.
B = C =  ...(2.10.2)
2 EI
7. To get deflection, integrating eq. (2.10.1), we get
 x 2 x3 
EI y =  W  a    C2
 2 6
(Where, C2 = constant of integration)
8. At fixed end A, x = 0, y = 0
 C2 = 0
 x2 x3 
and EI y =  W  a  
 2 6
9. Deflection at C, putting x = a, we get
 a2 a3  Wa3
yC =  W  a  
 2 6  3 EI
2–20 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

Downward deflection at C = ...(2.10.3)
3 EI
10. But, yc = BD (Fig. 2.10.1) and BD = DC tan C = BC × C
(Since C is small, therefore tan C = C)
 Wa2 
BD = (l – a) ×  
 2 EI 
Wa3 Wa2
11. But yB = BB = BD + BD =   (l – a)
3 EI 2 EI
Wa3 Wa2
Downward deflection of B =  (l – a) ...(2.10.4)
3 EI 2 EI

Que 2.11. A simply supported beam of span L is carrying a

uniformly distributed load of w per unit length over the entire span.
Find the maximum slope and deflection of the beam.
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10

1. A simply supported beam AB of length L and carrying a uniformly
distributed load of w per unit length over the entire length is shown in
Fig. 2.11.1. The reactions at A and B will be equal. Also the maximum
w L
deflection will be at the centre. Each vertical reaction = .
x w/unit length


RA = RB = w × L
2 2
Fig. 2.11.1.

w L
 RA = RB 
2. Consider a section X at a distance x from A. The bending moment at this
section is given by,
Mx = RA × x – w × x × x  wL x  wx
2 2 2
3. But B.M. at any section is also given by equation,
d2 y
M = EI
dx 2
Strength of Material 2–21 D (ME-Sem-5)

4. Equating the two values of B.M., we get

d2 y wL wx 2
EI 2
= x
dx 2 2
5. Integrating the above equation, we get
dy wL x 2 w x 3
EI =   C1 ...(2.11.1)
dx 2 2 2 3
Where C1 is a constant of integration.
6. Integrating the eq. (2.11.1), we get
wL x 3 w x 4
EIy =   C1 x  C2 ...(2.11.2)
4 3 6 4
Where C2 is another constant of integration. Thus two constants of
integration (i.e., C1 and C2) are obtained from boundary conditions. The
boundary conditions are :
i. at x = 0, y = 0 and
ii. at x = L, y = 0
7. Substituting first boundary condition i.e., x = 0, y = 0 in eq. (2.11.2), we
0 = 0 – 0 + 0 + C2 or C2 = 0
8. Substituting the second boundary condition i.e., at x = L, y = 0 in
eq. (2.11.2), we get
3 4
0 = wL L  w L  C1 L (C2 is already zero)
4 3 6 4
wL wL4
=   C1 L
12 24
wL3 wL3 wL3
or C1 = –  
12 24 24
9. Substituting the value of C1 in eq. (2.11.1) and eq. (2.11.2), we get
dy wL 2 w 3 wL3
EI = x  x  ...(2.11.3)
dx 4 6 24
wL 3 w 4  wL3 
and EIy = x  x   x0 ( C2 = 0)
12 24  24 
wL 3 w 4 wL3
or EIy =x  x  x ...(2.11.4)
12 24 24
10. The eq. (2.11.3) is known as slope equation. We can find the slope
 dy 
 i.e., the values of  at any point on the beam by substituting the
dx 
different values of x in this equation.
11. The eq. (2.11.4) is known as deflection equation. We can find the
deflection (i.e., the value of y) at any point on the beam by substituting
the different values of x in this equation.
2–22 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

a. Slope at the Supports :

 dy 
1. Let A = Slope at support A =  
 dx  at A
 dy 
and B = Slope at support B =  
 dx  at B
At A, x=0 and = A
2. Substituting these values in eq. (2.11.3), we get
EIA = wL  0  w  0  wL
4 6 24
wL3 WL2
= –  ( wL = W = Total load)
24 24
 A= –
24 EI
(Negative sign means that tangent at A makes an angle with AB in the
anti-clockwise direction)
3. By symmetry, B = 
24 EI
b. Maximum Deflection :
1. The maximum deflection is at the centre of the beam i.e., at point C,
where, x= .
2. Let y = yC and x = in the eq. (2.11.4), we get
3 4
wL  L  w  L wL3  L 
EI yC =        
12 2 24 2 24  2 
wL4 wL4 wL4 5wL4
=   
96 384 48 384
5 wL4 5 WL3
yC = –  ( wL = W = Total load)
384 EI 384 EI
Negative sign indicates that deflection is downwards.

Que 2.12. The load on a simply supported beam of span 6 m varies

linearly from 8 kN/m at left support to nothing at right support.
Determine the deflection at mid span if I = 316 × 106 mm4 and

E = 200 GPa. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10


Given : I = 316 × 106 mm4, E = 200 GPa

To Find : The deflection at mid span.
Strength of Material 2–23 D (ME-Sem-5)



Fig. 2.12.1.
1. Calculating reaction of A and B, we have
wl 8  6
RA =  = 16 kN
3 3
wl 8  6
RB =  = 8 kN
6 6
2. Now consider a section XX at a distance x from B. We know that the
bending moment at this section,
 wx x x  wlx wx
Mx = RB x   . .  
 l 2 3  6 6l
d2 y wlx wx 3
 EI 2
=  ...(2.12.1)
dx 6 6l
3. Integrating the eq. (2.12.1),
dy wlx 2 wx 4
EI =   C1 ...(2.12.2)
dx 12 24 l
4. Again, Integrating the eq. (2.12.2),
wlx 3 wx 5
EIy =  + C1x + C2 ...(2.12.3)
36 120l
5. Applying boundary conditions, we get
at x = 0, y=0
at x = l, y=0
We get,
C2 = 0
7 wl 3
C1 = 
6. Now, substituting C1 and C2 in eq. (2.12.3), we get
3 5 3
EIy = wlx  wx  7wl x
36 120l 360
1  wlx3 wx5 7wl3 x 
 y=    
EI  36 120l 360 
7. Putting x = 3m
2–24 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

1  8  6  33 8  35 7  8  63  3  3
y= 9 6 
    10
200  10  316  10  36 120  6 360
= (36  2.7  100.8)  103
6.32  107
y = – 1.068 × 10–3 m
y = – 1.068 mm
(–ve sign means the deflection is downwards)
y = 1.068 mm

Que 2.13. Explain the Macaulay’s method.

1. In Macaulay’s method a single equation is formed for all loadings on a
beam, the equation is constructed in such a way that the constants of
integration apply to all portions of the beam. This method is also called
method of singularity functions.
X1 W1 X2 W2 X3


X1 X2 X3
Fig. 2.13.1.
2. Fig. 2.13.1 shows a beam of span l simply supported at A and B and
carrying the point loads W1 and W2 at distances a and b from the end A.
3. Let RA and RB be the reactions at A and B respectively.
4. Consider a section X1X1 between A and C at a distance x from A. The
bending moment is given by :
Mx = R A × x ...(2.13.1)
This expression (for the bending moment) holds good for all values of x
between x = 0 and x = a.
5. Consider a section X2X2 between C and D at a distance x from end A.
The bending moment is given by :
Mx = RA × x – W1 (x – a) ...(2.13.2)
This expression holds good for all values of x between x = a and x = b.
6. Consider a section X3X3 between D and B at a distance x from A. The
bending moment is given by :
Mx = RA x – W1 (x – a) – W2 (x – b) ...(2.13.3)
Strength of Material 2–25 D (ME-Sem-5)

This expression holds good for all values of x between x = b and x = l.

7. At any section, in general, the bending moment is given by :
d2 y
Mx = EI = RA × x|– W1(x – a)| – W2 (x – b)
8. Integrating eq. (2.13.4), we get the general expression for slope as follows :
dy x2 W ( x  a)2 W2 ( x  b)2
EI = RA  C1  1 
dx 2 2 2
9. Integrating eq. (2.13.5), we get the deflection equation,
x3 W ( x  a)3 W2 ( x  b)3
EIy = RA   C1 x  C2  1 
6 6 6

Que 2.14. Find the free end deflection in cantilever beam with
uniformly distributed load by Macaulay’s method.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05
Derive the deflection for cantilever beam loaded with uniformly
distributed load.


Given : Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load.

To Find : The free end deflection of beam.
w per unit length

Fig. 2.14.1.
1. Let us consider a beam AB length l carrying uniformly distributed load
w per unit length. Take section XX at a distance x from the free end A.
2. Moment at XX section,
x wx 2
Mx = wx  ...(2.14.1)
2 2
d2 y
Mx = EI 2 ...(2.14.2)
3. Eq. (2.14.1) and eq. (2.14.2), both are equal.
2–26 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

d2 y wx 2
EI 2 =

dx 2
4. Integrate the equation,
dy wx3
EI =   C1 ...(2.14.3)
dx 6
wx 4
5. Again integrate EIy =   C1 x  C2 ...(2.14.4)
6. Boundary conditions,
x = l, y= 0, =0
7. So from eq. (2.14.3), applying boundary condition
C1 =
8. From eq. (2.14.4),
wl 4
C2 = 
9. Put the values of C1 and C2 in eq. (2.14.4),
wx 4 wl 3 wl4
EIy =   x
24 6 8
This is deflection equation.

Que 2.15. Determine the deflection at the mid and slope at the
end of the beam in terms of EI for a beam as shown in Fig. 2.15.1.
UDL, w = 2 kN/m

A 4m 3m 4m B

Fig. 2.15.1.

AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10

Given : UDL, w = 2 kN/m
To Find : The deflection at the mid and slope at the end of the beam.
1. Support Reaction :
Fv = 0; RA + RB = 2 × 3 = 6 kN
MB = 0; RA × 11 = 2 × 3 × 5.5
RA = = 3 kN
RB = 3 kN
Strength of Material 2–27 D (ME-Sem-5)

UDL, w = 2 kN/m

A 4m 3m 4m B

Fig. 2.15.2.

2. Now taking a section X-X at a distance x from end A, the moment at

this section,
2  ( x  4)2 2  ( x  7)2
Mx = 3x – 
2 2
3. By Macaulay’s method,
d2 y 2( x  4)2 2( x  7)2
EI = 3x   ...(2.15.1)
dx 2 2 2
4. On integrating,
dy 3x2 2( x  4)3 2 ( x  7)3
EI =  C1   ...(2.15.2)
dx 2 6 6
5. Again integrating it,
3 x3 2( x  4)4 2 ( x  7)4
EIy =  C1 x  C2  
6 24 24
6. Boundary conditions, x = 0, y = 0 in eq. (2.15.3), we get
C2 = 0
7. Now, putting boundary condition, x = 11, y = 0 in eq. (2.15.3), we get
3  113 2 (11  4)4 2  (11  7)4
EI × 0 =  C1  11  0  
6 24 24
0 = 665.5 + 11 C1 – 200.08 + 21.33
C1 = – 44.25
8. Put the value of C1 and C2 in eq. (2.15.3), deflection equation becomes
3 4 4
EIy = 3 x  44.25 x  0  2  ( x  4)  2( x  7)
6 24 24
9. Deflection at mid-span (x = 5.5), put in eq. (2.15.4)
3 4
EIy = 3  5.5  44.25  5.5  2  (5.5  4)
6 24
EIy = – 160.61
 160.61
10. From eq. (2.15.2), put the value of x = 11 at the end point of the beam.
dy 3x2 2( x  4)3 2( x  7)3
EI =  44.25  
dx 2 6 6
2–28 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

dy 3  112 2(11  4)3 2  (11  7)3

EI =  44.25  
dx 2 6 6
= 44.25
dy 44.25
dx EI
 dy  44.25
 Slope,  =   
 dx  x  11 EI

Que 2.16. A beam of length 6 m is simply supported at its ends and

carries two point loads of 48 kN and 40 kN at a distance of 1 m and
3 m respectively from the left support. Find :
i. Deflection under each load,
ii. Maximum deflection,
iii. The point at which maximum deflection occurs.
Given E = 200 GPa and I = 85 × 106 mm4
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10


Given : Length of beam, l = 6 m, Point loads, 48 kN and 40 kN

I = 85 × 106 mm4 ; E = 2 × 105 N/mm2
To Find : i. Deflection under each load.
ii. Maximum deflection.
iii. The point at which maximum deflection occurs.
1. First calculate the reactions RA and RB.
Taking moments about A, we get
RB × 6 = 48 × 1 + 40 × 3 = 168
RB = = 28 kN
RA = Total load – RB = (48 + 40) – 28 = 60 kN
2. Consider the section X in the last part of the beam (i.e., in length DB) at
a distance x from the left support A. The B.M. at this section is given by,
d2 y
EI 2 = RA·· x|– 48( x – 1)|– 40( x – 3)
= 60x|– 48(x – 1)|– 40(x – 3)
48 kN 40 kN

RA 6m RB
Fig. 2.16.1.
Strength of Material 2–29 D (ME-Sem-5)

3. Integrating the above equation, we get

dy 60 x2 ( x – 1)2 ( x – 3)2
EI =  C1 – 48 – 40
dx 2 2 2
= 30 x2  C1 |– 24( x – 1)2 |– 20( x – 3)2 ...(2.16.1)
4. Integrating the above equation again, we get
30 x 3 – 24( x – 1)3 –20( x – 3)3
EIy =  C1 x  C2
3 3 3
= 10 x3  C1 x  C2 |– 8( x – 1)3 | ( x – 3)3
5. To find the values of C1 and C2, use boundary conditions. The boundary
conditions are :
a. At x = 0, y = 0, and at x = 6 m, y = 0.
Substituting the first boundary condition i.e., at x = 0, y = 0 in
eq. (2.16.2) and considering the equation upto first lines (as x = 0
lies in the first part of the beam), we get
0 = 0 + 0 + C2  C2 = 0
b. Substituting the first boundary condition i.e., at x = 0, y = 0 in
eq. (2.16.2) and considering the complete equation (as x = 6 lies in
the last part of the beam), we get
0 = 10 × 63 + C1 × 6 + 0 – 8 (6 –1)3 – (6 – 3)3 ( C2 = 0)
0 = 2160 + 6C1 – 8 × 53 – × 33
= 2160 + 6C1 – 1000 – 180 = 980 + 6C1
 C1 = = –163.33
6. Now substituting the values of C1 and C2 in eq. (2.16.2), we get
EIy = 10 x3 – 163.33 x|– 8( x – 1)3 |– ( x – 3)3 ...(2.16.3)
i. Deflection Under each Load :
1. Deflection under first load i.e., at point C. This is obtained by substituting
x = 1 in eq. (2.16.3) upto the first line (as the point C lies in the first part
of the beam). Hence, we get
EIyc = 10 × 13 – 163.33 × 1
= 10 – 163.33 = –153.33 kNm3
= – 153.33 ×103 Nm3
= – 153.33 ×103 × 109 Nmm3 = – 153.33 ×1012 Nmm3
–153.33  1012 –153.33  1012
yc =  mm = – 9.019 mm.
EI 2  105  85  106
(Negative sign shows that deflection is downwards).
2–30 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

2. Deflection under second load i.e., at point D. This is obtained by

substituting x = 3 m in eq. (2.16.3) upto the second line (as the point D
lies in the second part of the beam).
Hence, we get
EIyD = 10 × 33 – 163.33 × 3 – 8 (3 – 1)3
= 270 – 489.99 – 64 = –283.99 kNm3
= – 283.99 ×1012 Nmm3
–283.99  1012
 yD = = – 16.7 mm.
2  105  85  106
ii. Maximum Deflection :
1. The deflection is likely to be maximum at a section between C and D.
For maximum deflection, should be zero. Hence equate the
eq. (2.16.1) equal to zero upto the second line.
 30x2 + C1 – 24(x – 1)2 = 0
or 30x2 – 163.33 – 24(x2 + 1 – 2x) = 0 ( C1 = – 163.33)
or 6x2 + 48x – 187.33 = 0
2. The above equation is a quadratic equation. Hence its solution is
– 48  482  4  6  187.33
x=  2.87 m.
(Neglecting – ve root)
Now substituting x = 2.87 m in eq. (2.16.3) upto the second line, we get
maximum deflection as
EIymax = 10 × 2.873 – 163.33 × 2.87 – 8(2.87 – 1)3
= 236.39 – 468.75 – 52.31
= – 284.67 kNm3 = – 284.67 × 1012 Nmm3
– 284.67  1012
ymax =  – 16.745 mm.
2  105  85  106
iii. Point of Maximum Deflection :
x = 2.87 m

Que 2.17. A simply supported beam AB carrying a load P at the

middle point C, has cross-sectional moment of inertia I over the left
half of the span and 2I over the right half. Using the moment area
method, find the angle of rotation A and B of the end tangents and
the deflection C under the load P. AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10


Given : Cross-sectional moment of inertia over the left half = I.

Cross-sectional moment of inertia over the right half = 2I.
To Find : i. The angle of rotation θA and θB of the end tangents.
ii. The deflection C under the load P.
Strength of Material 2–31 D (ME-Sem-5)

I 2I
l/2 RB

EI Pl 1
4 2EI


Fig. 2.17.1.
1. Let us consider a beam AB of length l, at its midpoint C a load P is acting.
2. The left part of beam has moment of inertia I and the right part of beam
has moment of inertia 2I.
i. Angle of Rotation A and B of the End Tangents :
1. We know that bending moment will be zero at A and B and increases to
a value of at point C.
2. Taking moment about point A
1  1  Pl   l  2  l   1  1  Pl   l   l 1  l   
RB × l =                  
EI  2  4   2  3  2   2 EI  2  4   2   2 3  2   
1  Pl3  1  Pl3 
=    
EI  48  2 EI  24 
RB × l =
24 EI
Pl 2
RB =
24 EI
1  1 Pl l  1  1 Pl l 
RA + RB =     +    
EI  2 4 2  2EI  2 4 2 
1  Pl 2 Pl2 
RA + RB =   
EI  16 32 
3 Pl2 Pl 2  Pl 2 
RA =   RB  
32 EI 24 EI  24 EI 
5 Pl2
RA =
96 EI
5 Pl2
3. We know that shear force at A, FA = + RA =
96 EI
2–32 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

5 Pl2
4. Slope at A, A = = Angle of rotation
96 EI
 Pl2
5. Shear force at B, FB = – RB =
24 EI
(Minus sign due to right upwards)
  Pl 2 
6. Slope at B, B = – FB = –  
24 EI 
Here minus sign means that the tangent at B makes an angle with AB
in the negative or anticlockwise direction.
Pl 2
B =
24 EI
ii. Deflection under the Load P :
1. We know that bending moment at C is
l 1  1 Pl l 1  l  
MC = FA –     
2 EI  2 4 2 3  2  
5 Pl3 1  Pl3 
=   
96  2 EI EI  96 
3 Pl3
MC =
192 EI
3 Pl3 Pl3
2. Deflection at C,C = MC = =
192 EI 64 EI
Que 2.18. Explain moment area method for deflection and slope

1. Let us consider a beam AB carrying some type of load. Due to load
bending moment diagram of beam is shown in Fig. 2.18.1(b).
2. Let P and Q be two points on the beam. After deflection these points are
P1 and Q1.
3. Let normal at these points will meet at point O and distance of point P
and Q from free point is x and x + dx.
4. So length of the section PQ is dx and angle between the tangent at point
P and Q will d which is same as angle between the normal at point P1
and Q1.
5. R is radius of curvature.
6. Now P1OQ1 is d,
So d= = (P1Q1 = PQ)
Strength of Material 2–33 D (ME-Sem-5)

d= (PQ = dx)
1 d
= ...(2.18.1)
R dx
Area = M. dx

M (a)

D Q1
y dy d
(b )


Fig. 2.18.1.
7. From bending equation,
M 1
= ...(2.18.2)
8. Eq. (2.18.1) and eq. (2.18.2) are equal, so
M d
EI dx
d = dx
9. Now total change of slope may be calculated by integrating the above
equation between limit 0 to l, so
1 l
M dx
EI 0
but  M dx = area of B.M.D over the entire span.
 = ...(2.18.3)
2–34 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

10 Deflection due to bending in portion CD,

M  M 
dy = xd = x dx  d  EI dx 
EI  
dy =
11. Total deflection is the integration of above equation between limit 0 to l,
l Mxdx 1 l
 Mxdx
EI 0
y= 
0 EI
 Mxdx = moment of area of B.M.D. over the entire span.

= Ax ( x = centroid of B.M.D.)
So, y= ...(2.18.4)
12. From eq. (2.18.3) and eq. (2.18.4), we can find the slope and deflection
for a beam subjected to the loading.

Que 2.19. Fig. 2.19.1 shows a beam simply supported at the supports
A and C and is continuous over the support B. Assuming EI is
constant. Draw the bending moment and shear force diagram.
2 kN 4 kN


1.8 m 1.8 m
3.6 m (l1) 2.4 m (l2)
Fig. 2.19.1.

1. Let, MA = Moment at the support A,
MB = Moment at the support B, and
MC = Moment at the support C.
2. The bending moments under the loads 2 kN and 4 kN (treating the span
AB and BC as simply supported) are 1.8 kNm each.
3. Area of B.M. diagram (simply supported) for span AB,
× 3.6 × 1.8 = 3.24 m2
a1 =
4. Distance of centroid of area a1 from A,
Strength of Material 2–35 D (ME-Sem-5)

x1 = = 1.8 m
5. Area of B.M. diagram (simply supported) for span BC,
a2 = 1/2 × 2.4 × 1.8 = 2.16 m2

a b
x1 x2
Fig. 2.19.2.

6. Distance of centroid of area a2 from C,

x2 = 2.4  1.8 = 1.4 m

7. Since the beam is freely supported at A and C, the support moments
MA = MC = 0
8. Using the relation when there is no sinking of supports and EI is
constant, we have
6 a1 x1 6 a2 x2
MAl1 + 2MB (l1 + l2) + MC l2 +  =0
l1 l2

6  3.24  1.8 6  2.16  1.4

or 0 + 2MB (3.6 + 2.4) + 0 +  =0
3.6 2.4
or 12MB + 9.72 + 7.56 = 0
 MB = – 1.44 kN m
9. Support reactions RA, RB and RC :
For span BC, taking moments about B, we get
RC × 2.4 – 4 × 0.6 + 1.44 = 0
 RC = 0.4 kN
For span AB, taking moment about B, we get
RA × 3.6 – 2 × 1.8 + 1.44 = 0
 RA = 0.6 kN
Also, RA + RB + RC = 2 + 4 = 6 kN
2–36 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

 RB = 6 – 0.4 – 0.6 = 5 kN
10. SFD and BMD are shown in Fig. 2.19.3.
2 kN 4 kN
1.8 m 1.8 m
3.6 m (l1) 2.4 m (l2)
(a) Loaded beam

1.8 kNm 1.8 kNm

1.44 kNm

(b) B.M diagram

3.6 kN
0.6 kN +
0.6 kN +
– 0.4 kN

1.4 kN (c) S.F diagram

Fig. 2.19.3.

Torsion, Combined Bending and Torsion of Solid and

Hollow Shafts and Torsion of Thin Walled Tubes.


Torsion : A shaft is said to be in torsion, when equal and opposite
torques are applied at the two ends of the shaft. The torque is equal to
the product of the force applied and radius of the shaft.
Composite Shaft : A shaft made up of two or more different materials,
and behaving as a single shaft is known as composite shaft.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Strength of Material 2–37 D (ME-Sem-5)

Que 2.20. Derive the expression of shear stress produced in a

circular shaft subjected to torsion.

1. When a circular shaft is subjected to torsion, shear stresses are set up in
the material of the shaft. To determine the magnitude of shear stress at
any point on the shaft, consider a shaft fixed at one end AA and free at
the end BB as shown in Fig. 2.20.1.
2. Let CD is any line on the outer surface of the shaft. Now let the shaft is
subjected to a torque T at the end BB as shown in Fig. 2.20.2. As a result
of this torque T, the shaft at the end BB will rotate clockwise and every
cross-section of the shaft will be subjected to shear stresses.
3. The point D will shift to D and hence line CD will be deflected to CD as
shown in Fig. 2.20.2(a). The line OD will be shifted to OD as shown in
Fig. 2.20.2(b).
4. Let R = Radius of shaft, L = Length of shaft,
T = Torque applied at the end BB,
 = Shear stress induced at the surface of the shaft due to
torque T,
G = Modulus of rigidity of the material of the shaft,
 = DCD also equal to shear strain, and
 = DOD also called angle of twist.
5. Now distortion at the outer surface due to torque T = DD


Fig. 2.20.1. Shaft fixed at one end AA before torque T is applied.
 Shear strain at outer surface
= Distortion per unit length
Distortion at the outer surface DD
= 
Length of shaft L
= = tan 
 Shear strain at outer surface,
= (if  is very small then tan   ) ...(2.20.1)
2–38 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion


D D

C  D 

(a) (b )
Fig. 2.20.2. Shaft fixed at end AA subjected to torque T at BB.
6. Now from Fig. 2.20.2(b).
Arc DD = OD ×  = R ( OD = R = Radius of shaft)
7. Substituting the value of DD in eq. (2.20.1), we get
Shear strain at outer surface
= ...(2.20.2)
8. Now the modulus of rigidity (G) of the material of the shaft is given as
Shear stress at the outer surface
Shear strain at outer surface
  R 
 R   From eq.(2.20.2), shear strain  
  L
G  RG
 = or  = ...(2.20.3)
9. Now for a given shaft subjected to a given torque (T), the values of G, 
and L are constant. Hence shear stress produced is proportional to the
radius R.

  R or
= constant ...(2.20.4)
10. If q is shear stress induced at a radius ‘r’ from the centre of the shaft
 q
= ...(2.20.5)
R r
 G
But = from eq. (2.20.3)
 G q
 = = ...(2.20.6)
R L r
Strength of Material 2–39 D (ME-Sem-5)

11. From eq. (2.20.4), it is clear that shear stress at any point in the shaft is
proportional to the distance of the point from the axis of the shaft.
12. Hence the shear stress is maximum at the outer surface and shear
stress is zero at the axis of the shaft.

Que 2.21. A torque of 4 kN-m is applied on a shaft of diameter

60 mm. Calculate the shearing stress at a point just below the
surface and at another point which is at distance of 20 mm from
the axis. Consider the cylindrical region of radius 15 mm and
calculate the torque carried by this cylinder.
AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10

Given : Torque () = 4 kN-m, Diameter (d) = 60 mm
To Find : i. The shearing stress at a point just below the
ii. The shearing stress at distance of 20 mm from
the axis.
iii. Torque carried by the cylinder.
1. Shear stress at a point just below the surface,
Tr 4  106  30
=  = 94.3140 N/mm2
J 
 (60)4
2. Shear stress at a distance 20 mm from the axis,
From similar OAB and OCD,
94.3140 
30 20
 = 62.876 N/mm2


30 20

Fig. 2.21.1.
2–40 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

3. Shear stress at a distance 15 mm,

94.3140 
=   = 47.157 N/mm2
30 15
4. Now torque acting on the radius of 15 mm,
 4
T  J d  3
  T =    32 = d
J r r d 16

T = 47.157 ×  (30)3 = 0.2499 kN-m
Que 2.22. A solid steel shaft 60 mm diameter is fixed rigidly and
coaxially inside a bronze sleeve 90 mm external diameter. Calculate the
angle of twist in a length of 2 m of the composite shaft due to action of a
torque of 1 kN-m. Take G (steel) = 80 GPa, G (bronze) = 42 GPa.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10


Given : Diameter of steel shaft, D1 = 60 mm

Diameter of bronze shaft, D2 = 90 mm, Length of shaft, l = 2 m
Torque, T = 1 kN-m, Modulus of rigidity for steel, G1 = 80 GPa
Modulus of rigidity for bronze, G2 = 42 GPa
To Find : The angle of twist.
1. Polar moment of inertia for steel,
 
J1 =  d4 = × (0.06)4 = 1.27 × 10–6 m4
32 32
2. Polar moment of inertia for bronze,
 
J2 =  ( D24  D14 ) = × (0.094 – 0.064)
32 32
= 5.17 × 10–6 m4
3. Therefore, shafts are coaxially mounted. So the angle of twist is common.
4. Substituting the value of T (equal to 103 N-m) and length l (equal to
2 m) in the equation,
Tl 1  103  2
=  = 0.019685 rad
JG 1.27  106  80  109

Que 2.23. A solid shaft of 200 mm diameter has the same cross
sectional area as the hollow shaft of the same material with inside
diameter of 150 mm. Find the ratio of
i. Powers transmitted by both the shafts at the same angular
Strength of Material 2–41 D (ME-Sem-5)

ii. Angles of twists in equal length of these shafts, when stressed

to same intensity. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10


Given : Diameter of solid shaft (D1) = 200 mm

Inside diameter of hollow shaft (d) = 150 mm.
To Find : The ratio of :
i. Powers transmitted by both of the same angular velocity.
ii. Angles of twists in equal length, when stressed to same intensity.
i. Ratio of Powers Transmitted by Both the Shafts :
1. We know that cross sectional area of the solid shaft,
 
A1 =  D12   (200) 2  10000 mm 2
4 4
and cross sectional area of hollow shaft,
  
A2 =  ( D2 – d 2 )   [ D2 – (150)2 ]  ( D2 – 22500)
4 4 4
2. Since the cross sectional area of both the shafts are same, therefore
equating A1 and A2,
 2
10000  = ( D – 22500)
40000 = D – 22500
D2 = 40000 + 22500 = 62500 mm2
D = 250 mm
3. Torque transmitted by the solid shaft,
 
T1 =  D13     (200)3 = 500 × 103  N-mm
16 16
4. Similarly, torque transmitted by the hollow shaft,
  D4 – d4    (250)4 – (150)4 
T2 =        N-mm
16  D  16  250 
= 850 × 103  N-mm
Power transmitted by hollow shaft T
5. Therefore, = 2
Power transmitted by solid shaft T1
850  103  
= = 1.7
500  103  
ii. Angles of Twist in Equal Length of these Shafts, when Stressed
to Same Intensity :
1. We know that relation for angle of twist for a shaft,
 G. l
= or  
R l RG
2. Therefore, angle of twist for the solid shaft,
2–42 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

l l  D1 200 
1 =   where R    100 mm

RG 100G 2 2
3. Similarly angle of twist for the hollow shaft,
l l  D1 250 
2 =   where R    125 mm

RG 125G 2 2
Angle of twist of hollow shaft
4. Therefore,
Angle of twist of solid shaft
2 125G 100
=   = 0.8
1 l 125
Que 2.24. In a hollow circular shaft of outer and inner diameters
of 20 cm and 10 cm respectively, the shear stress is not to exceed
40 MPa. Find the maximum torque which can be safely transmitted.
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 05


Given : Outer diameter, D0 = 20 cm = 200 mm

Inner diameter, Di = 10 cm = 100 mm,
Maximum shear stress,  = 40 N/mm2
To Find : Maximum torque.
1. Let T = Maximum torque transmitted by the shaft.

  D04 – Di4    2004 – 1004 

T=    40   
16  D0  16  200 

  16  108 – 1  108 
=  40   
16  200 
= 58904860 N-mm = 58904.86 N-m.

Que 2.25. Determine equivalent bending moment and equivalent

torque for the shafts subjected to combined bending and torsion.
AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10

1. When a shaft is transmitting torque, it is subjected to shear stresses. At
the same time, shaft is also subjected to bending moment due to inertia
loads. Due to bending moment, bending stresses are also setup.
2. Now, from torsion equation,
Strength of Material 2–43 D (ME-Sem-5)

T     4  3
= or T= J = D  D   D
J R R 32 16
M 
3. From bending equation, = b
I y
b b D4 D3
M= ×I=  = b 
y D / 2 64 32
4. If a certain material loaded in such a way that at a point, bending stress
b and shear stress  are present then principal stress max and maximum
shear stress max are given as :
b  
max =   b   2
2  2
5. Multiplying both sides by D ,
2 2
D3  D3   D3   D3 
max = b   b  
32 2 32  2 32   
32 
2 2
M  M  T M  M2  T 2
Me =      =
2  2   2 2
Me = Equivalent bending moment.
 b  2
6. Now, max =    
3 2 2
D   b D3   D3 
7. Multiplying both sides by D  max  =     
16 16 2 16   16 
Equivalent torque, Te = M2  T 2
Que 2.26. A hollow steel shaft 10 cm external diameter, 5 cm
internal diameter, transmits 600 kN at 500 rpm and is subjected to
an end thrust of 60 kN. Find what bending moment may be safely
applied to the shaft if the greater principal stress is not to exceed
100 N/mm2. AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10


Given : The external diameter of hollow shaft, do = 10 cm = 0.1 m

Internal diameter of hollow shaft, di = 5 cm = 0.05 m, F = 600 kN
Rotation of shaft, N = 500 rpm, As end thrust is given 60 kN
To Find : Bending moment applied to the shaft.
1. Let us assume it is tensile in nature.
2–44 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

The maximum principal stress should not exceed = 100 N/mm2

d 
2. Now, twisting moment, T = F ×  o 
 2

= 60

6 0k
P= M
Fig. 2.26.1.

 0.1 
= 600 × 103 ×  N-m = 30 × 103 N-m
 2 
  do4  di4 
3. T=  
16  do 
  (0.1)4  (0.05)4 
30 × 103 =  
16  0.1 
 = 162974661.8 N/m2
 = 162.97 N/mm2

 
b + d b + d

Fig. 2.26.2.
4. Let the bending stress induced in the shaft be b and direct stress induced
due to end thrust,
d =
 2
(d  di2 )
4 o
Strength of Material 2–45 D (ME-Sem-5)

60  103
d =
(0.1)2  (0.05)2 
d = 10185916.36 N/m2 = 10.186 N/mm2
5. Now the maximum principal stress will be
 b   d  1
 =  2  + 2 ( b   d )2  4  2

   10.186  1 2 2
100 =  b   2 ( b  10.186)  4(162.97)
 2
200 – 10.186 – b = ( b  10.186)2  106236.8836
Squaring on both the sides we get,
(189.814 – b)2 = (b + 10.186)2 + 106236.8836
(189.814 – b)2 – (10.186 + b)2 = 106236.8836
(189.814 – b + 10.186 + b) (189.814 – b – 10.186 – b) = 106236.8836
200(179.628 – 2b) = 106236.8836
2b = – 351.556
b = – 175.778 N/mm2
Here negative sign indicates only the direction of bending stress.
6. Now, from bending moment equation,
b M
y I
Here M = Bending moment
 
I= [do4 – di4] = [(0.1)4 – (0.05)4]
64 64
= 4.60 × 10–6 m4
do 0.1
and y= = = 0.05 m
2 2
So, Bending moment,
b 175.778  106
M= I= × 4.60 × 10–6
y 0.05
= 16171.58 N-m  16.17 kN-m


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as
2–46 D (ME-Sem-5) Beams and Torsion

Q. 1. Write the assumptions for pure bending and also derive the
equation for bending.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.1, Unit-2.

Q. 2. Derive the expression for shearing stress at any section on

a beam, also show the distribution of shearing stress over
a rectangular section.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.4, Unit-2.

Q. 3. Show that for a rectangular section the maximum shear

stress is 1.5 times the average stress.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.6, Unit-2.

Q. 4. Derive the slope and deflection of a cantilever beam under

concentrated load W at distance a from the fixed end.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.10, Unit-2.

Q. 5. A simply supported beam of span L is carrying a uniform

distributed load of w per unit length over the entire span.
Find the maximum slope and deflection of the beam.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.11, Unit-2.

Q. 6. Explain the Macaulay’s method.

Ans. Refer Q. 2.13, Unit-2.

Q. 7. Derive the expression of shear stress produced in a circular

shaft subjected to torsion.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.20, Unit-2.

Q. 8. Determine equivalent bending moment and equivalent

torque for the shafts subjected to combined bending and
Ans. Refer Q. 2.25, Unit-2.

Q. 9. A hollow steel shaft 10 cm external diameter, 5 cm internal

diameter, transmits 600 kN at 500 rpm and is subjected to
an end thrust of 60 kN. Find what bending moment may be
safely applied to the shaft if the greater principal stress is
not to exceed 100 N/mm2.
Ans. Refer Q. 2.26, Unit-2.

Strength of Material 3–1 D (ME-Sem-5)

Springs, Columns
and Struts

Part-1 ............................................................................(3–2D to 3–20D)

• Deflection of Springs by Energy Method

• Helical Springs under Axial Load and under Axial Twist
• Axial Load and Twisting Moment acting simultaneously both
for Open and Closed Coiled Springs
• Laminated Springs

A. Concept Outline : Part-1 ............................................................. 3–2D

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................... 3–2D

Part-2 ......................................................................... (3–20D to 3–38D)

• Buckling and Stability

• Slenderness Ratio
• Combined Bending and Direct Stress
• Middle Third and Middle Quarter Rules
• Rankine Gordon Formulae
• Examples of Columns in Mechanical Equipments and Machines

A. Concept Outline : Part-2 ........................................................... 3–20D

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................. 3–21D
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–2 D (ME-Sem-5)

Deflection of Springs by Energy Method, Helical Springs under

Axial Load and under Axial Twist, Axial Load and Twisting
Moment Acting Simultaneously both for Open and Closed
Coiled Springs, and Laminated Springs.


Spring : Spring is a device, in which the material is arranged in such
a way that it can undergo a considerable change, without getting
permanently distorted.
Types of Spring : Various types of springs are as follows :
1. Helical springs :
a. Closed-coiled helical springs,
b. Open-coiled helical springs,
c. Tension helical springs, and
d. Compression helical springs.
2. Leaf springs or laminated springs or bending springs :
a. Full-elliptic,
b. Semi-elliptic, and
c. Cantilever.
3. Torsion springs,
4. Circular springs,
5. Belleville springs, and
6. Flat springs.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.1. Derive the expression for shear stress, deflection, energy
stored for closed coiled helical spring with axial load.

A. Circular Section Wire Springs :
1. In Fig. 3.1.1 a closed coiled helical spring is shown which is loaded with
an axial load W.
Strength of Material 3–3 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. Let, R= Radius of the coil, d = Diameter of the wire of the coil,

= Deflection of coil under the load W, G = Modulus of rigidity,
n= Number of coils or turns,  = Angle of twist,
l= Length of wire = 2Rn,  = Shear stress, and
d 4
J = Polar moment of inertia =
3. It may be noted that each section of the coil is under torsion but there
are small bending and shearing stresses which being small are usually

l = 2Rn


 

Fig. 3.1.1. Closed-coiled helical spring.

a. Shear Stress () :

From torsion equation,
T G  T 
=   =
J l r J r
J   d 4 2  3
or T= =   d
r 32 d 16
or =
d 3
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–4 D (ME-Sem-5)

16  WR
or, = ( T = WR) ...(3.1.1)
d 3
b. Deflection () :
T G
1. Again, =
J l
Tl WR  2 Rn  32 64WR2n
=   ...(3.1.2)
G G  d 4 Gd 4
2. But = R×
 =
Gd 4
i. Wahl’s Correction Factor :
1. While deriving eq. (3.1.1) and eq. (3.1.2) the effect of curvature of spring
and direct shear is neglected.
2. Eq. (3.1.1) is modified to include these effects by introducing a factor K
called Wahl’s correction factor.
 = K ...(3.1.3)
 d3
Where, K is found from experiments and is given by
4 S – 1 0.615
K= 
4S – 4 S
Where, S= = Spring index
(Where, D = Mean diameter of the coil)
3. The deflection equation is not modified as the effect, if any, is considered
to have been incorporated in the value of n by finding the effect on
deflection due to end coils experimentally and the modified value of n is
then called effective number of coils.
c. Stiffness of the Spring, k :
W W Gd 4
k=  
 64 WR3 n 64 R3n
Gd 4
64 R3n
d. Energy Stored, U :
1. Energy stored,
1 1 64 WR2n
U= T  W  R
2 2 Gd 4
Strength of Material 3–5 D (ME-Sem-5)

1 1  16 WR  8WR2n 1 16WR 16WR

=     
2 2  Gd3  d 4G d3 d3
 
×  2 R nd2  
 4
=   2  volume of wire
i.e., U=  volume of wire
2. Again, energy stored,
1 1  1
U=  T     W  R    W (   = R)
2 2 R 2
i.e., U= W ...(3.1.4)
B. Rectangular and Square Section Wire Springs :
1. Rectangular and square section wire springs are also used in many
2. Here, =  ...(3.1.5)
Where,  = 3 + 1.8
[b = longer side, h = smaller side (For rectangular section)
b = h and  = 4.8 ...(For square section)]
 =   K (with correction factor K) ...(3.1.6)
4 S – 1 0.615
Where, K=  (S = Spring index)
4S – 4 S
Where, S=
side of thesection perpendicular tospring axis
  Tl 
3. Also,  = R, Where  =  
 bh3 G 
 Tl TlR
 = R  or =×
bh 3 G bh3 G
3.5 (b2  h2 )
Where, =
and l = 2 Rn ; T = WR
3.5 (b2  h2 ) WR  2 Rn  R
4. Therefore, = 
b bh3 .G
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–6 D (ME-Sem-5)

WR3n  b2  h2 
i.e.,  = 7    ...(3.1.7)
G  b3 h3 

Que 3.2. A closely coiled helical spring is made of 12.5 mm

diameter steel wire and its 10 coils have a mean diameter of
250 mm. Find the elongation, intensity of torsional and total
shearing stresses and strain energy per cubic cm when the spring
carries an axial load of 180 N, (G = 80 GPa).
AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10


Given : Wire diameter, d = 12.5 mm, Number of active coil, n = 10

Mean diameter, D = 250 mm, Axial load, W = 180 N, G = 80 GPa
To Find : Elongation, intensity of torsional and total shearing stresses,
and strain energy per cubic cm.
1. Elongation of spring,
 250 
64  180    10
64 W R n 3
 2 
= 4
 = 115.2 mm
Gd 80  10  (12.5)4

2. Intensity of torsional stress,

 250 
16  180  
16 WR  2 
= 3

d   (12.5)3
= 58.67N/mm 2

M My
3. Bending stress, b = 
 250 
180  
WR  2 
b =  = 117.34 N/mm2
 
 d3  (12.5)3
32 32
4. Total shear stress,
 b  2
(t) =    
 117.34  2
(t)total =    (58.67) = 82.972 N/mm2
2 
5. Strain energy per cubic cm,
1 1  115.2 
U= W    180  
2 2  10 
= 1036.8 N-cm
Strength of Material 3–7 D (ME-Sem-5)

1036.8   2
per cubic cm, u=  V  2Rn  d 
963.828 4
= 1.075 N/cm2

Que 3.3. A close coiled helical spring is to carry a load of 5000 N

with a deflection of 50 mm and a maximum shearing stress of
400 N/mm2, if the number of active turns of active coils is 8.
Estimate the following :
a. Wire diameter,
b. Mean coil diameter, and
c. Weight of the spring.
Assume G = 83000 N/mm2,
Specific weight, = 7700 kg/m3 AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10

Given : Load W = 5000 N, Deflection  = 50 mm, Maximum shear
stress  = 400 N/mm2, n = 8,
G = 83000 N/mm2, Specific weight  = 7700 kg/m3,
To Find : Wire diameter, mean coil diameter and weight of the

16 WR   d 3
1. Since, = 3
d 16  W
    d3
or D = 2R =
400    d 3
8  5000
D = 0.0314159 d3 ....(3.3.1)
8WD n
2. =
Gd 4
8  5000  D3  8
50 =
83000  d 4
D = 12.96875 d4
3 ...(3.3.2)
3. From eq. (3.3.1) and eq. (3.3.2),
(0.0314159 d3)3 = 12.96875 d4
3.10062 × 10–5 d9 = 12.96875 d4
d5 = 418262.0872
d = 13.3134 mm
4. Now putting the value of d in eq. (3.3.1),
D = 74.1342 mm
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–8 D (ME-Sem-5)

5. We know density,  =
 2
Volume = ( d )  (D  n)

=  (13.3134) 2    74.1342  8
= 259373.9211 mm3
Volume = 259373.9211 × 10–9 m3
 Mass = 7700 × 259373.9211 × 10 – 9 = 1.99718 kg
a. Wire diameter :
d = 13.3134 mm
b. Mean coil diameter :
D = 74.1342 mm
c. Weight of spring :
= mass × g = 1.99718 × 9.81 = 19.5923 N
Que 3.4. A close coil helical spring of round steel wire 10 mm in
diameter and 10 complete turns with a mean diameter of 120 mm
and subjected to an axial load of 200 N. Determine (a) deflection of
the spring (b) stiffness of the spring (c) maximum shear stress and
(d) strain energy stored in spring. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 7.5


Given : Diameter of wire, d = 10 mm, Number of turns, n = 10

Mean diameter of coil, D = 120 mm, Radius of coil, R = D/2 = 60 mm
Axial load, W = 200 N, Modulus of rigidity, G = 8 × 104 N/mm2 (assume)
To Find : Deflection of the spring, stiffness of the spring, maximum
shear stress and strain energy stored in spring.
Data Assume : Modulus of rigidity, G = 8 × 104 N/mm2

64 WR3  n 64  200  603  10

a. Deflection, =  = 34.5 mm
Gd 4 8  10 4  104
b. Stiffness of the spring,
W 200
k=  = 5.8 N/mm.
 34.5
c. Maximum shear stress,
16 WR 16  200  60
=  = 61.1 N/mm2.
 d3   103
d. Strain energy stored in the spring,
32 W 2 R3n 32  2002  603  10
U=  = 3456 J
Gd 4 8  10 4  10 4
Strength of Material 3–9 D (ME-Sem-5)

Que 3.5. A closely coiled helical spring is to carry a load of 500 N.

Its mean coil diameter is to be 10 times that of the wire diameter.
Calculate the mean diameter if the maximum shear stress in the
material of the spring is to be 80 MPa. If the stiffness of the spring is
20 N/mm deflection and modulus of rigidity = 84000 MPa. Find the
number of coils in the closely helical springs.
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 15

Given : Load on spring, W = 500 N,
Maximum shear stress,  = 80 N/mm2, Stiffness, k = 20 N/mm
Modulus of rigidity, G = 8.4 × 104 N/mm2 , D = 10d
To Find : Mean diameter and number of coils in helical spring.
1. We know, =
d 3
 D
16  500     D
 2
or 80 =  R  
d 3 2
 10 d 
8000  
 2 
= ( D = 10d)
 d3
or 80 × d3 = 8000 × 5d
8000  5
or d2 =  159.15
80  
d= 159.15 = 12.6 mm = 1.26 cm
D = 10 × d = 10 × 1.26 = 12.6 cm
3. We know that, stiffness =

or 20 =

 = = 25 mm
64 WR3 n
and =
Gd 4
64  500  (63)3  n  R  D  126  63 mm
25 =
8.4  104  12.64  2 2 

25  8.4  104  12.64

n= = 6.6 say 7.0
64  500  (63)3
Number of coils in the spring, n = 7
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–10 D (ME-Sem-5)

Que 3.6. Find the expression for energy stored in closed coiled
helical spring subjected to an axial torque.

1. The axial torque T tends to wind up the spring by producing
approximately a pure bending moment at all cross-sections (Fig. 3.6.1).
2. When bending moment is applied to curved bars with small curvature
(T is the applied bending moment),
 1 1
T = EI  –
 R R 
Where R and R are the radii of curvature before and after applying the
bending moment.
3. Let n and n be the number of turns of the spring before and after
applying the bending moment.
Then length of spring, l = 2nR = 2nR or n = n(R/R)
4. If  is the angle of rotation of one end of the spring relative to the other
and about the axis,
 = 2 × increase in number of turns of the spring
 1 1  Tl
= 2(n – n) = 2[n(R /R) – n] = 2nR  – 
 R R  EI
Tl 64Tl 64T (Dn) 64TDn
=   
E(d4 / 64) Ed 4 Ed 4 Ed 4


Fig. 3.6.1.

5. Then strain energy due to torsional effect,

U= T
Strength of Material 3–11 D (ME-Sem-5)

Que 3.7. A closed coil helical spring made of 8 mm diameter has

12 coils of 150 mm mean diameter. Calculate the elongation,
torsional stress and strain energy per unit volume when the spring
is subjected to an axial load of 120 kN. Take modulus of rigidity as
80 GPa. If a torque of 9 kN-m is applied in place of axial load, find
axial twist, bending stress and strain energy per unit volume. Take
modulus of elasticity as 200 GPa. AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10


Given : Wire diameter d = 8 mm, Number of coils n = 12

Mean coil diameter D = 150 mm, Torque T = 9 kN-m
Axial load W =120 kN = 120 × 103 N
Modulus of rigidity G = 80 × 103 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity E = 200 × 103 N/mm2
To Find : Elongation, torsional stress and strain energy.
1. Elongation of spring,
 150 
64  120  103    12
64 WR n  2 
 = =
Gd 4 80  103  84
= 118.652 m
2. Torsional stress,
 150 
16  120  103  
16WR  2 
= 3
 3
d (8)
 = 89.52 kN/mm2
3. Strain energy per unit volume,
 2 (89.52  103 )2
u=  = 25 × 103 N/mm2
4G 4  80  103
4. Axial twist,
Tl 64  T  D  n 64  9  106  150  12
=  
EI Ed 4 200  103  8 4
 = 1265.625 rad
5. Bending stress,
b = (As M = T)
T  y 32T
b = 
I d 3
32  9  106
= = 179.049 kN/mm2
  83
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–12 D (ME-Sem-5)

6. Energy stored per unit volume,

 2b (179.049  103 )2
u= 
2E 2  200  103
= 80.146 × 103 N/mm2
Que 3.8. Derive an equation for the deflection of an open coiled
helical spring subjected to axial load.

1. In an open helical spring, the spring wire is coiled in such a way, that
there is large gap between the two consecutive turns. As a result of this,
the spring can take compressive load also.
2. An open helical spring, like a closed helical spring, may be subjected to
(a) axial loading or (b) axial twist.
3. Now consider an open coiled helical spring subjected to an axial load as
shown in Fig. 3.8.1.
4. Let d = Diameter of the spring wire,
R = Mean radius of the spring coil,
P = Pitch of the spring coils, n = Number of turns of coils,


Fig. 3.8.1. Open coiled helical spring.

G = Modulus of rigidity for the spring materials,

W = Axial load on the spring,
Strength of Material 3–13 D (ME-Sem-5)

 = Maximum shear stress induced in the spring wire due to

b = Bending stress induced in the spring wire due to bending,
 = Deflection of the spring as a result of axial load, and
 = Angle of helix.
5. A little consideration will show that the load W will cause a moment WR.
This moment may be resolved into the following two components,
T = WR cos  ...(It causes twisting of coils)
M = WR sin  ...(It causes bending of coils)
6. Let  = Angle of twist, as a result of twisting moment, and
 = Angle of bend, as a result of bending moment.
7. We know that the length of the spring wire,
l = 2 nR sec  ...(3.8.1)
and twisting moment,

W R cos  =    d3 ...(3.8.2)
8. We also know that bending stress,
M y WR sin   2  M b 
b =

  I  y 
 d4
32 WR sin 
= ...(3.8.3)
d 3
Tl WR cos  l  T G 
and angle of twist  =   
JG JG  J 
l 
9. Angle of bend due to bending moment,
Ml WR sin  l
= 
10. We know that the work done by the load in deflecting the spring is equal
to the stress energy of the spring.
1 1 1
 W = T M
2 2 2
or W= T+M
 WR cos  l   WR sin  l 
= WR cos     WR sin   
 cos2  sin 2  
 = WR2 l    ...(3.8.4)
 JG EI 

11. Now substituting the values of l = 2nR sec , J = (d)4 and

I= ( d)4 in the eq. (3.8.4)
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–14 D (ME-Sem-5)

 cos2  sin 2  
 = WR2  2nR sec    
 d 4 G E   d4 

 32 64 
64WR3 n sec   cos2  2 sin 2  
=   
d4  G E 

Que 3.9. Find the mean radius of an open coiled spring of helix
angle 30°, to give a vertical displacement of 23 mm and an angular
rotation of the load end of 0.02 radian under an axial load of 35 N.
The material available is steel rod 6 mm diameter. E = 2 × 105 N/mm2,
G = 8.0 × 104 N/mm2. AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10


Given : Helix angle,  = 30°, Angular rotation,  = 0.02 rad

Vertical displacement, = 23 mm, Load, W = 35 N
Wire diameter, d = 6 mm, E = 2 × 105 N/mm2, G = 8.0 × 104 N/mm2
To Find : Mean radius of open coiled spring.

 cos2  sin 2  
1. We know,  = 2 WR3n sec    
 GJ EI 
Let n=1
 4  4
J= d = 6 = 127.23 mm4
32 32
 4  4
I= d = 6 = 63.62 mm4
64 64
 23 = 2 × 35 × R3 × 1 ×  × sec 30°
 (cos 30)2 (sin 30)2 
×  4
 5 
 8  10  127.23 2  10  63.62 
0.0906 = R3 [7.37 × 10–8 + 1.96 × 10–8]
R3 = 971061.09
R = 99.03 mm

Que 3.10. Derive equation for deflection of an open coiled helical

spring subjected to axial thrust.

1. Let the torque T applied about axis of spring OY [Fig. 3.10.1(a)] be
resolved about OX and OY;
Component about OX
T = T sin  ....causes torsion of spring
Strength of Material 3–15 D (ME-Sem-5)

Component about OY,

M  = T cos  ....causes bending of coil.
2. If  be the angular twist due to T , due to M and  due to T then, by
principle of conservation of energy, we have
1 1 1 1 T l 1 M l
T = T   M   T    M 
2 2 2 2 GJ 2 EI
1 2 l 1 l 1 T 2 sin2   l 1 T 2 cos2   l
= T  M 2  
2 GJ p 2 EI 2 GJ p 2 EI

T sin 2   l T cos2   l
 = 
But, l = 2 R sec  × n

sin2  cos2  
  = 2 TR n  sec    
 GJ EI 
3. For axial deflection/extension resolve rotations as before :
1 1 
 = TRl sin  cos   –
 GJ EI 
1 1 
= TR  2 Rn sec   sin  cos   –
 GJ EI 

= 2TR2 n  sin   1 – 1 
 GJ EI 
Axis of the



(a) Coil of a helical spring X

2 R

(b) Length of a coil
Fig. 3.10.1.
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–16 D (ME-Sem-5)

Que 3.11. What are leaf springs ? Find proof load and maximum
bending stress in a semi-elliptic type leaf spring.
AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10

1. The laminated or leaf spring (also known as flat spring or carriage
spring) consists of a number of flat plates (known as leaves) of varying
lengths held together by means of clamps and bolts. These are mostly
used in automobiles.
2. The major stresses produced in leaf springs are tensile and compressive
3. Fig. 3.11.1 shows a laminated spring which consists of a number of
parallel strips of a metal having different lengths and same width, placed
one over the other.
4. Initially all the plates are bent to the same radius and are free to slide
one over the other.
5. The spring rests on the axis of the vehicle and its top plate is pinned at
the ends to the chassis of the vehicle.
W/2 W/2

Fig. 3.11.1.
6. When the spring is loaded to the designed load W, all the plates become
flat and the central deflection () disappears.
7. Let b = Width of each plate, n = Number of plates,
l = Span of spring,
 = Maximum bending stress developed in the plates,
t = Thickness of each plate,
W = Point load acting at the centre of the spring, and
 = Original deflection of the top spring.
8. The load W acting at the centre of the lower most plate will be shared
equally on the two ends of the top plate.
9. Bending moment at the centre = Load at one end ×
Strength of Material 3–17 D (ME-Sem-5)

W l Wl
M= × = ...(3.11.1)
2 2 4
10. The moment of inertia of each plate,
bt 3
M   t
But, = b  Here y  2 
I y  
b I  bt3
or, M= = b
y t 12
 bbt 2
11. Total resisting moment by n plates = n × M
n   bbt2
= ...(3.11.2)
12. As the maximum bending moment due to load is equal to the total
resisting moment, therefore equating eq. (3.11.1) and eq. (3.11.2), we
Wl n   bbt 2
4 6
6Wl 3Wl
 b= =
4 nbt 2 2nbt 2
This is the maximum bending stress developed in the plate of the spring.
13. Deflection of a semi-elliptic leaf spring is given by,
 = y – y =
8nbt3 E
14. At y = 0, W is called proof load.
8 nbt3 Ey
 Proof load, W=
3 l3
Que 3.12. A leaf spring is made of plates 50 mm wide and 8 mm
thick. The spring has a span of 700 mm. Determine the number of
plates required to carry a central load of 45 kN. The maximum
allowable stress in the plates is 200 MPa. What is the maximum
deflection under this load ? AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10


Given : Width, b = 50 cm, Thickness, t = 8 mm, Length,l = 700 mm

Central load, W = 45 kN, Maximum allowable stress, = 200 MPa
To Find : No. of plates and maximum deflection.
Data Assume : E = 200 × 109 GN/m2
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–18 D (ME-Sem-5)

1. Bending stress () is given as,

2nbt 2
2. Putting the values,
3  45  103  700  103
200 × 106 =
2  n  50  102  (8  10 3 )2
n = 7.38 = 8
3. Deflection of the spring is given as,

= 3Wl 3
8nEbt 3
4. Putting the values,

3  45  1000  (700  10 3 )3
8  8  200  109  50  10 2  (8  10 3 )3
= 0.0141 mm = 0.14 cm

Que 3.13. Derive the expression for deflection of quarter elliptical

type leaf spring with load at the end.

1. The quarter elliptical type leaf springs are rarely used, except as certain
parts in some machines.
2. Like a carriage spring, quarter elliptical type leaf spring consists of a
number of parallel strips of a metal having different lengths but same
width and placed one over the other in laminations as shown in
Fig. 3.13.1.

Fig. 3.13.1. Quarter-elliptical spring.

3. All the plates are initially bent to the same radius and are free to slide
one over the other.
4. Now consider a quarter-elliptical type leaf spring subjected to a load at
its free end as shown in Fig. 3.13.1.
5. Let l = Length of the spring, t = Thickness of the plates,
b = Width of the plates, n = Number of plates,
Strength of Material 3–19 D (ME-Sem-5)

W = Load acting at the free end of the spring, and

 = Original deflection of the spring.
6. We know that the bending moment at the fixed end of the leaf,
M = Wl
and moment resisted by one plate, ...(3.13.1)
 2
= 12  bt  bt3 t
t  I  and y  
6  12 2
7. Therefore, total moment resisted by n plates,
M= ...(3.13.2)
8. Since the maximum bending moment due to load is equal to the total
resisting moment, therefore, equating eq. (3.13.1) and eq. (3.13.2)
nbt2 6Wl
Wl = or = ...(3.13.3)
6 nbt2
9. From the geometry of the spring figure, we know that
 (2 R – ) = l × l = l2
 = (Neglecting 2) ...(3.13.4)
10. We know that in the case of a bending cantilever,
 E
y R
E y Et  t
or R=   y  
 2 2
11. Substituting this value of R in eq. (3.13.4)
l2 l2
=  ...(3.13.5)
Et Et
12. Now substituting the value of  from eq. (3.13.3) in the eq. (3.13.5),
6Wl l2 6Wl3
=  
nbt2 Et Enbt3

Que 3.14. A cantilever leaf spring has a clear span of 800 mm and
carries a load of 10 kN at the free end. The bending stress in strip
and deflection at free end not exceed respectively 320 MPa and
80 mm. Find the number of plates if width of a plate is 8 times the
thickness. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–20 D (ME-Sem-5)

Given : Span length, l = 800 mm, Deflection,  = 80 mm
Load, W = 10 kN, Maximum bending stress, b = 320 MPa
To Find : Number of plates.
Data Assume : E = 2 × 105 N/mm2
1. Let thickness of the plate = t
Width of a plate = 8t
2. For cantilever leaf spring bending stress is given as,
6 Wl
b =
n bt 2
6  10  103  800
320 =
n  8t  t2
nt3 = 18750 ...(3.14.1)
3. Deflection of spring is given by,
6  10  103  8003
80 =
2  105  n  8t  t3
nt4 = 240000 ...(3.14.2)
4. From eq. (3.14.1) and eq. (3.14.2), we get
t = 12.8 mm
5. And from eq. (3.14.1),
n × (12.8)3 = 18750
n = 8.9406  9

Buckling and Stability, Slenderness Ratio, Combined Bending

and Direct Stress, Middle third and Middle Quarter Rules,
Struts with Different end Conditions, Euler’s Theory for
Pin Ended Columns, Effect of end Conditions on Column
Buckling, Rankine-Gordon Formulae, and Examples of
Columns in Mechanical Equipments and Machines.


Column : A column is a long vertical slender bar or vertical member,
subjected to an axial compressive load and fixed rigidly at both ends.
Strut : A strut is a slender bar or member in any position other than
vertical, subjected to a compressive load and fixed rigidly or hinged or
pin jointed at one or both the ends.
Strength of Material 3–21 D (ME-Sem-5)

Euler’s Formula : Euler’s formula is used for calculating the critical

load for a column or strut, and is as follows :
 2 EI
P= ,
Where, P = Critical load, E = Modulus of elasticity,
I = Least moment of inertia of section of the column,
le = Equivalent length of the strut.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 3.15. Derive the expression for resultant stress when a

column of rectangular section is subjected to an eccentric load.

1. A column of rectangular section subjected to an eccentric load as shown
in Fig. 3.15.1. Let the load is eccentric with respect to the axis Y-Y.
2. Calculating direct stress as well as bending stress caused due to eccentric
e P

e  min
X X  max

A B Position
b of load P
Elevation Plan
( a) (b ) (c )
Fig. 3.15.1.
3. Let P = Eccentric load on column, e = Eccentricity of the load
0 = Direct stress, b = Bending stress, b = Width of column
d = Depth of column
 Area of column section, A = b × d
4. Now moment due to eccentric load P is given by,
M = Load × eccentricity
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–22 D (ME-Sem-5)

= P×e
5. The direct stress (σ0) is given by,
Load P
0 =  ...(3.15.1)
Area A
This stress is uniform along the cross-section of the column.
6. The bending stress b due to moment at any point of the column section
at a distance y from the neutral axis Y-Y is given by
M 
= b
I y
 b =  y ...(3.15.2)
Where I = Moment of inertia of the column section about

the neutral axis Y-Y = .
7. Substituting the value of I in eq. (3.15.2), we get
M 12 M
b =   y y
db3 db3
The bending stress depends upon the value of y from the axis Y-Y.
8. The bending stress at the extreme is obtained by substituting y = in
the above equation.
12 M b 6M
 b =   
db3 2 db2
6P  e
=  ( M = P × e)
6P  e 6Pe
=   ( Area = b × d = A)
dbb Ab
9. The resultant stress at any point will be the algebraic sum of direct
stress and bending stress.
10. If y is taken positive on the same side of Y-Y as the load, then bending
stress will be of the same type as the direct stress. Here direct stress is
compressive and hence bending stress will also be compressive towards
the right of the axis Y-Y. Similarly bending stress will be tensile towards
the left of the axis Y-Y.
11. Taking compressive stress as positive and tensile stress as negative we
can find the maximum and minimum stress at the extremities of the
Strength of Material 3–23 D (ME-Sem-5)

12. The stress will be maximum along layer BC and minimum along layer
13. Let max = Maximum stress (i.e., stress along BC)
min = Minimum stress (i.e., stress along AD)
Then max = Direct stress + Bending stress = 0 + b
P 6 Pe
=  (Here bending stress is +ve)
A Ab
P 6  e
= 1   ...(3.15.3)
A b 
and min = Direct stress – Bending stress
= 0 – b
P 6 Pe P  6  e
= –  1 –  ...(3.15.4)
A Ab A b 
14. These stresses are shown in Fig. 3.15.1(c). The resultant stress along
the width of the column will vary by a straight line law.
15. If in eq. (3.15.4), min is negative then the stress along the layer AD will
be tensile.
16. If min is zero then there will be no tensile stress along the width of the
column. If min is positive then there will be only compressive stress
along the width of the column.

Que 3.16. Derive the expression for resultant stress when a

column of rectangular section is subjected to a load which is
eccentric to both axes.

1. A column of rectangular section ABCD, subjected to a load which is
eccentric to both axes, is shown in Fig. 3.16.1.
2. Let P = Eccentric load on column,
ex = Eccentricity of load about X-X axis,
ey = Eccentricity of load about Y-Y axis, b = Width of column,
d = Depth of column, 0 = Direct stress,
bx = Bending stress due to eccentricity ex,
by = Bending stress due to eccentricity ey,
Mx = Moment of load about X-X axis
= P × ex
My = Moment of load about Y-Y axis,
= P × ey
Ixx = Moment of inertia about X-X axis, and
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–24 D (ME-Sem-5)

Iyy = Moment of inertia about Y-Y axis.

Load point
ey eP

Y Plan B
Fig. 3.16.1.
3. Now the eccentric load is equivalent to a central load P, together with a
bending moment P × ey about Y-Y and a bending moment P × ex about
i. The direct stress (0) is given by,
0 = ...(3.16.1)
ii. The bending stress due to eccentricity ey is given by,
M y  x P  ey  x
by =  ( My = P × ey) ...(3.16.2)
I yy I yy
b b
In the eq. (3.16.2), x varies from – to 
2 2
iii. The bending stress due to eccentricity ex is given by,
M x  y P  ex  y
bx =  ...(3.16.3)
I xx I xx
d d
In the eq. (3.16.3), y varies from – to 
2 2
4. The resultant stress at any point on the section
=  0   by   bx
P M y  x Mx  y
=   ...(3.16.4)
A I yy I xx
i. At the point C, the co-ordinates x and y are positive hence the
resultant stress will be maximum.
ii. At the point A, the co-ordinates x and y are negative and hence the
resultant stress will be minimum.
iii. At the point B, x is +ve and y is –ve and hence resultant stress
P M y x Mx y
=  –
A I yy I xx
Strength of Material 3–25 D (ME-Sem-5)

iv. At the point D, x is –ve and y is +ve and hence resultant stress
P M y x Mx y
= – 
A I yy I xx

Que 3.17. A short column of rectangular cross section 200 mm by

150 mm carries a load of 400 kN at a point 50 mm from longer side
and 87.5 mm from the shorter side. What are the maximum
compressive and tensile stresses ? AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10


Given : Length b = 200 mm, Width d = 150 mm, Load P = 400 kN

To Find : Maximum compressive and tensile stresses.
Y 87.5 mm
50 mm 12.5
X X 150 mm

200 mm
Fig. 3.17.1.
200  (150)3
1. Ixx = = 56.25 × 106 mm4
150  (200)3
2. Iyy = = 100 × 106 mm4
400  103
3. Direct stress,0 = = 13.333 MPa (Compressive)
200  150
4. Bending stress,
Bending stress at A or C
My  x Mx  y
b = 
I yy I xx
400  103  12.5  100 400  103  25  75
b = 
100  106 56.25  106
b = 5 + 13.333
b = 18.333 MPa
It is compressive at C and tensile at A.
5. Maximum compressive stress is at C
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–26 D (ME-Sem-5)

P M y  x Mx  y
=  
A I yy I xx
= 13.333 + 18.333 = 31.666 MPa
6. Maximum tensile stress is at A

P M y  x Mx  y
=–  
A I yy I xx
= – 13.333 + 18.333 = 5 MPa
Que 3.18. Derive middle third rule for rectangular sections.

1. Consider a rectangular section of width ‘b’ and depth ‘d’ as shown in
Fig. 3.18.1.
2. Let this section is subjected to a load which is eccentric to the axis Y-Y.
3. Let P = Eccentric load acting on the column,
e = Eccentricity of the load, and A = Area of the section.


D d

b/6 b/6

Fig. 3.18.1.

Then from equation, we have the minimum stress as

P 6  e
min = 1  
A b 
4. If min is –ve, then stress will be tensile, but if min is zero (or positive)
then there will be no tensile stress along the width of column.
Hence for no tensile stress along the width of column,
min  0
Strength of Material 3–27 D (ME-Sem-5)

P 6  e  6  e
or 1    0 or 1   0
A b   b 
6e b
or  or  e
b 6
or e
5. The above result shows that the eccentricity ‘e’ must be less than or
equal to .

6. Hence the greatest eccentricity of the load is from the axis Y-Y, the
stresses are wholly compressive and the range within which the load
can be applied so as not to produce any tensile stress is within the middle
third of the base.

Que 3.19. Explain middle quarter rule for circular sections.

1. Consider a circular section of diameter ‘d’ as shown in Fig. 3.19.1.
2. Let this section is subjected to a load which is eccentric to the axis Y-Y.




Fig. 3.19.1.
3. Let P = Eccentric load, e = Eccentricity of the load
 2
A = Area of the section = d
P P 4P
4. Now direct stress, 0 =  
A  2 d 2
And moment, M= P×e
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–28 D (ME-Sem-5)

5. Bending stress is (b) given by,

M  My
= b or b =
I y I
6. Maximum bending stress will be when
y= 
 Maximum bending stress is given by,
M  d P  e
b =      2   32 Pe
I  2  4 d 3
7. Now minimum stress is given by,
min = o – b
4 P 32 P  e
= 
d 2 d 3
8. For no tensile stress, min  0
4 P 32 P  e 4P  8d 
or   0 or 1   0
d 2 d 3 d2  d
8e 8e
or 1 0 or 1
d d
or e
9. The above result shows that the eccentricity ‘e’ must be lesser than or
equal to .
10. It means that the load can be eccentric, on any side of the centre of the
circle, by an amount equal to .
11. Thus, if the line of action of the load is within a circle of diameter equal
to one-fourth of the main circle as shown in Fig. 3.19.1 then the stress
will be compressive throughout the circular section.

Que 3.20. Write the assumptions made in the Euler’s column

theory. And also write different types of end conditions for long

A. Assumptions made in the Euler’s Column Theory :
1. The column is initially perfectly straight and the load is applied axially.
2. The cross-section of the column is uniform throughout its length.
Strength of Material 3–29 D (ME-Sem-5)

3. The column material is perfectly elastic, homogeneous and isotropic

and obeys Hooke’s law
4. The direct stress is very small as compared to the bending stress.
5. The column will fail by buckling alone.
6. The self-weight of column is negligible.
B. End Conditions for Long Columns : The following four types of end
conditions of the columns are important :
1. Both the ends of the column are hinged (or pinned).
2. One end is fixed and the other end is free.
3. Both the ends of the column are fixed.
4. One end is fixed and the other is pinned.

Que 3.21. Derive a relation for the Euler’s crippling load for a
column when it has both end hinged.

1. Consider a column AB of length l hinged at both of its ends A and B and
carrying a critical load at B.
2. As a result of loading, let the column deflect into a curved form AX1B as
shown in Fig. 3.21.1.

l y

Fig. 3.21.1.
3. Now consider any section X, at a distance x from A.
4. Let P = Critical load on the column, and
y = Deflection of the column at X.
5. Moment due to the critical load P,
M= –Py
d2 y
EI 2 = – P y ...(Minus sign due to concavity
towards initial centre line)
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–30 D (ME-Sem-5)

d2 y
 EI +Py= 0
d2 y P
 y= 0
dx2 EI
6. The general solution of this differential equation is
 P   P 
y = A cos  x   B sin  x EI 
 EI   
Where A and B are the constants of integration. We know that when
x = 0, y = 0. Therefore A = 0.
7. Similarly when x = l, then y = 0. Therefore
 P 
0 = B sin  l 
 EI 
8. A little consideration will show that either B is equal to zero or
 P
sin  l is equal to zero.
 El 
9. Now if we consider B to be equal to zero, then it indicates that the
column has not bent at all. But if
 P 
sin  l  =0
 EI 

 P = 0, , 2, 3, .....

10. Now taking the least significant value,
l =
P =  EI
Que 3.22. From the first principles derive the expression for the
critical buckling for a column having both end fixed.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10

1. As shown in Fig. 3.22.1, a column is given which is fixed at both the ends.
Here P is crippling load and Mo is moment acting on the end.
2. Now taking a section X-X at the distance of x from end B.
Moment of section X-X is
M = Mo – Py ...(3.22.1)
Moment of any section of the beam is given by
Strength of Material 3–31 D (ME-Sem-5)

d2 y
M = EI ...(3.22.2)
3. From eq. (3.22.1) and eq. (3.22.2), both are equal
d2 y
EI = Mo – Py
d2 y
EI + Py = Mo
d2 y P Mo
 y=
dx2 EI EI
4. Solution of this differential equation is
 P   P  Mo
y = C1 cos  x   C2 sin  x  ...(3.22.3)
 EI   EI  P
5. Differentiate the eq. (3.22.3) again
dy P  P  P  P 
= C1 sin  x   C2 cos  x ...(3.22.4)
dx EI  EI  EI  EI 
6. Boundary conditions are

B Mo



Fig. 3.22.1.

At point B, x = 0, deflection is zero, (y = 0)

 dy 
At point B, x = 0, slope is also zero,   0
dx 
7. From eq. (3.22.3) at point B (x = 0, y = 0)
0 = C1 +
C1 = 
8. From eq. (3.22.4), at point B (x = 0, dy/dx = 0)
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–32 D (ME-Sem-5)

0 = C2
C2 = 0
9. After putting the value of C1 and C2 in eq. (3.22.3) become
M  P  Mo
y =  o cos  x 
P  EI  P
10. Now at, x = l, deflection is zero (y = 0)
Mo  P  Mo
0=  cos  l  P
P  EI 
Mo   P 
1  cos  l  = 0
P   EI  
 P 
cos  l =1
 EI 
l = 0, 2, 4
11. Considering the first practical value
l = 2
4  2 EI
P= ...(3.22.5)
From Euler’s formula
 2 EI
P= ...(3.22.6)
12. On comparing eq. (3.22.5) and eq. (3.22.6), we get
Equivalent length, le =
Que 3.23. Derive the expression for crippling load for long column
when one end of the column is fixed and the other end is free.

1. Take Y-axis towards right for positive value of y.
2. Viewing from the left end, P provides a clockwise bending moment
P(a – y) on the left portion and is thus positive then,
d2 y
EI = M = P(a – y) = Pa – Py
d2 y Pa  2 P
or  2 y =  Where   
dx 2 EI EI 
Strength of Material 3–33 D (ME-Sem-5)

a P



Fig. 3.23.1.
3. The solution is
y = A sin  x + B cos x +
EI 2
= A sin x + B cos x + a
At x = 0, y = 0,  B = – a;
At x = 0, = 0 or A cos x – B sin x = 0 or A = 0
y = – a cos x + a = a(1 – cos x)
At x = l, y = a,  a = a(1 – cos l)

or cos l = 0 or l = (Considering the least value)
or  =  / 2l
 Euler crippling load,
 2 EI
Pe = 2EI =
4l 2
From Euler’s formula,
 2 EI
Pe =
 Effective length, le = 2l
Que 3.24. Derive the Euler’s crippling load for a column when its
one end is fixed and other is hinged.

1. Let M be the fixing moment at end O.
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–34 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. For equilibrium of column, a horizontal force R will act at the free end.
d2 y d2 y R( l – x)
EI = – Py + R(l – x) or + 2y =
dx dx2 EI
 2 P
 Where   
EI 




Fig. 3.24.1.

R( l – x)
3. The solution is y = A sin  x + B cos  x +
EI 2
= A sin  x + B cos  x + (l – x )
At x = 0, y = 0,
B= – ;
dy R
At x = 0, = 0 or A cos x – B sin x – =0
dx P
or A=
R Rl R
 y= sin x – cos x + (l – x)
P P P
Strength of Material 3–35 D (ME-Sem-5)

At x = l, y = 0
R Rl
 0= sin l – cos l
P P
or tan l = l
or l = 4.49 rad (Considering the least value)
or  = 4.49 /l
(4.49)2 EI 20.2 EI 22 EI
 Euler crippling load, Pe = 2EI =  
l2 l2 l2
From Euler’s formula,
 2 EI
Pe =
 Effective length, le =
Que 3.25. What are the limitations of Euler’s theory for buckling ?

Discuss Rankine-Gordon formula. AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10

A. Limitations of Euler’s Theory for Buckling :
1. Euler’s formula is derived on the assumptions that the struts are initially
perfectly straight and the load is exactly axial. However, in practice
these assumptions are never realised.
2. There is always some eccentricity and initial curvature present. Also, it
is to be noted that no strength property of the material of the strut
exists in Euler’s formula.
3. The only property involved is E which represents the stiffness
characteristics of the material.
4. Thus due to imperfections, in practice a strut suffers a deflection before
the crippling load which increases with the load. As a result, a bending
moment acts that causes the failure before the Euler’s load is reached
and the failure is by stress rather than buckling.
B. Rankine-Gordon Formula :
1. Predictions of buckling loads by the Euler’s formula is only reasonable
for very long and slender struts that have very small geometrical
2. In practice, however most struts suffer plastic knockdown and the
experimentally obtained buckling loads are much lesser than the Euler’s
3. For struts in this category, a suitable formula is the Rankine-Gordon
formula which is a semi-empirical formula, and takes into account the
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–36 D (ME-Sem-5)

crushing strength of the material, its Young’s modulus and its

slenderness ratio, namely L/k.
1 1 1
= +
PR Pe Pc
Where, PR = Actual load to cause failure or Rankine load.
Pe = Euler’s crippling load.
Pc = Crushing load or yield point load in compression.
4. For a very short strut Pe is very large hence would be very small, so
can be neglected.
5. Thus PR = Pc, for very short strut and for very large struts, Pe is very small
1 1
so would be large and can be neglected, hence PR = Pe.
Pe Pc

6. The Rankine’s formula is therefore valid for extreme values of ·
Thus, rewriting the formula in terms of stresses, we have
1 1 1 1 1 1
= +  = 
A e A  y A  e  y

e   y y
=  =
 e y y
7. For struts with both ends pinned.
2 E y
e = 2
,  =
 le   y  le  2
 k  1  
2 E  k 
y y
or, = , Where a= ·
l 
2 E
1  a e 
 k

Que 3.26. A short length of tube, 4 cm internal diameter and 5 cm

external diameter, failed in compression at a load of 240 kN. When
a 2 m length of the same tube was tested with the fixed ends, the
load at failure was 158 kN. Assuming that the ultimate crushing
stress in Rankine’s formula is given by the first test, find the value
of the constant a in the same formula. What will be crippling load
of this tube if it is used as a strut 3 m long with one end fixed and
other is hinged. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10
Strength of Material 3–37 D (ME-Sem-5)


Given : External diameter, D = 5 cm, Internal diameter, d = 4 cm

Compression load for failure = 240 kN and with fixed end load for
failure = 158 kN
To Find : Crippling load.

 2 9
1. Area, A = (5 – 42 )  = 2.25  cm2 = 225  mm2
4 4
 4 
Moment of inertia, I = [5 – 4 4 ]  (625 – 256)
64 64
= 5.7656 ×  cm = 57656  mm4

 Least radius of gyration,

I 57656 
k=  = 16 mm
A 225 
Crushing load = 240 kN.
2. The value of c in Rankine’s formula is given by the crushing load of
240 kN.
 The value of crushing stress,
Crushing load
c =
= = 0.3395 kN/mm2
225 
Length of the strut, l = 2 m = 2000 mm
End condition when both the ends are fixed
l 2000
 Effective length, le =  = 1000 mm
2 2
Crushing load of strut, P = 158 kN.
3. Let a = Value of Rankine’s constant
Using Rankine’s equation, we have
c A
P= 2
L 
1  a e 
 k
0.33953  225 239.99
158 = 2 =
 1000  1  3906.25  a
1  a
 16 
1 + 3906.25 × a =  1.5189
1.5189 – 1.0 1
 a= = 0.0001328 = .
3906.25 7530
Springs, Columns & Struts 3–38 D (ME-Sem-5)

4. Crippling load for the strut of length 3 m when one end is fixed and
other is hinged,
Actual length, l = 3 m = 3000 mm
End conditions when one end fixed and other is hinged
l 3000
 Effective length, le = 
2 2
5. Let P = Crippling load.
Using Rankine’s equation,
c A
P= 2
L 
1  a e 
 k
0.33953  225  1 
 k  16, a 
= 2  
7530 
1  3000 
1 
7530  2  16 
0.33953  225  
= = 71.97 kN
1  2.3344


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q. 1. Derive the expression for shear stress, deflection, energy

stored for closed coiled helical spring with axial load.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.1, Unit-3.

Q. 2. A closely coiled helical spring is made of 12.5 mm diameter

steel wire and its 10 coils have a mean diameter of
250 mm. Find the elongation, intensity of torsional and
total shearing stresses and strain energy per cubic cm
when the spring carries an axial load of 180 N, (G = 80 GPa).
Ans. Refer Q. 3.2, Unit-3.

Q. 3. Find the expression for energy stored in closed coiled helical

spring subjected to an axial torque.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.6, Unit-3.

Q. 4. What are leaf springs ? Find proof load and maximum

bending stress in a semi-elliptic type leaf spring.
Strength of Material 3–39 D (ME-Sem-5)

Ans. Refer Q. 3.11, Unit-3.

Q. 5. Derive the expression for deflection of quarter elliptical

type leaf spring with load at the end.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.13, Unit-3.

Q. 6. Derive the expression for resultant stress when a column

of rectangular section is subjected to an eccentric load.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.15, Unit-3.

Q. 7. Derive middle third rule for rectangular sections.

Ans. Refer Q. 3.18, Unit-3.

Q. 8. Write the assumptions made in the Euler’s column theory.

And also write different types of end conditions for long
Ans. Refer Q. 3.20, Unit-3.

Q. 9. Derive a relation for the Euler’s crippling load for a column

when it has both end hinged.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.21, Unit-3.

Q. 10. What are the limitations of Euler’s theory for buckling ?

Discuss Rankine-Gordon formula.
Ans. Refer Q. 3.25, Unit-3.

Strength of Material 4–1 D (ME-Sem-5)

Cylinders and Spheres

Part-1 ............................................................................(4–2D to 4–14D)

• Introduction
• Difference between thin walled and thick walled Pressure Vessels
• Thin Walled Spheres and Cylinders, Hoop and Axial
Stresses and Strain
•Volumetric Strain

A. Concept Outline : Part-1 ............................................................. 4–2D

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................... 4–2D

Part-2 ......................................................................... (4–14D to 4–29D)

• Radial, Axial, and Circumferential Stresses in thick Cylinders

Subjected to Internal or External Pressures
• Compound Cylinders
• Stress in Rotating Shaft and Cylinders
• Stresses due to Interference Fits

A. Concept Outline : Part-2 ........................................................... 4–14D

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................. 4–15D
Cylinders and Spheres 4–2 D (ME-Sem-5)

Introduction, Difference between Thin Walled and Thick Walled

Pressure Vessels, Thin Walled Spheres and Cylinders, Hoop
and Axial Stress and Strain, and Volumetric Strain.


Thin Cylinders and Spheres : Cylinders and spheres subjected to
fluid pressure are common in engineering practices such as steam
boilers, tanks, chambers of engines, reservoirs etc. These are also
known as pressure vessels or shells. A shell may be termed as thin or
thick depending upon the ratio of thickness of the wall to the diameter
of the shell. If the ratio is between 1 and 15, a shell is considered as
thin, otherwise it is thick.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.1. Derive the expression for circumferential stress and

longitudinal stress for a thin shell subjected to an internal pressure.

A. Circumferential Stress :
1. Consider a thin cylindrical shell subjected to an internal pressure as
shown in Fig. 4.1.1(a) and (b).
2. We know that as a result of the internal pressure, the cylinder has a
tendency to split up into two troughs as shown in the Fig. 4.1.1.

t p
X X d

(a) (b )
Fig. 4.1.1.
3. Let, l = Length of the shell, d = Diameter of the shell,
t = Thickness of the shell, and
p = Intensity of internal pressure.
Strength of Material 4–3 D (ME-Sem-5)

4. Total pressure along the diameter (say X-X axis) of the shell,
P = Intensity of internal pressure × Area
= p×d×l
5. Circumferential stress in the shell,
Total pressure pdl pd
c =  
Resisting section 2tl 2t
( There are two sections)
This is a tensile stress across the X-X. It is also known as hoop stress.
Note : If  is the efficiency of the riveted joints of the shell, then stress,
c =
B. Longitudinal Stress :
1. Consider the same cylindrical shell, subjected to the same internal
pressure as shown in Fig. 4.1.2(a) and (b).
2. We know that as a result of the internal pressure, the cylinder also has
a tendency to split into two pieces as shown in the Fig. 4.1.2.
3. Let, P = Intensity of internal pressure, l = Length of the shell,
d = Diameter of the shell and t = Thickness of the shell.

( a) (b )
Fig. 4.1.2.
4. Total pressure along its length (say Y-Y axis) of the shell
P = Intensity of internal pressure × Area

= p( d )2
5. Longitudinal stress in the shell,

p  ( d )2
Total pressure 4 pd
l =  
Resisting section dt 4t
6. This is also a tensile stress across the section Y-Y. It may be noted that
the longitudinal stress is half of the circumferential or hoop stress.

Que 4.2. Write the expression for maximum shear stress induced
in thin cylindrical shell.
Cylinders and Spheres 4–4 D (ME-Sem-5)

1. At any point in the material of the cylindrical shell, there are two principal
stresses, namely a circumferential stress of magnitude c = acting
circumferentially and a longitudinal stress of magnitude l = acting
parallel to the axis of the shell. These two stresses are tensile and
perpendicular to each other.
pd pd
 c – l –
2. Maximum shear stress, max =  2t 4 t  pd
2 2 8t
Que 4.3. A cylindrical pipe of diameter 1.5 m and thickness 1.5 cm
is subjected to an internal fluid pressure of 1.2 N/mm2. Determine :
a. Longitudinal stress developed in the pipe, and
b. Circumferential stress developed in the pipe.


Given : Diameter of pipe, d = 1.5 m

Thickness, t = 1.5 cm = 1.5 × 10–2 m
Internal fluid pressure, p = 1.2 N/mm2
To Find : Lo ngitudinal stre ss de veloped in the pipe and
circumferential stress developed in the pipe.

t 1.5  10 –2 1 1
1. As the ratio   , which is less than , hence this is
d 1.5 100 20
a case of thin cylinder.
a. The longitudinal stress (l) is given by equation as,
l =
1.2  1.5
= = 30 N/mm2
4  1.5  10 2
b. The circumferential stress (l) is given by equation as,
l =
1.2  1.5
= = 60 N/mm2
2  1.5  10 2

Que 4.4. A thin cylinder of internal diameter 1.25 m contains a

fluid at an internal pressure of 2 N/mm2. Determine the maximum
thickness of the cylinder if :
Strength of Material 4–5 D (ME-Sem-5)

a. The longitudinal stress is not to exceed 30 N/mm2.

b. The circumferential stress is not to exceed 45 N/mm2.


Given : Internal diameter of cylinder, d = 1.25 m

Internal pressure of fluid, p = 2 N/mm2
Longitudinal stress, l = 30 N/mm2
Circumferential stress c = 45 N/mm2
To Find : Maximum thickness of cylinder.
1. We know, circumferential stress,
c =
p  d 2  1.25
 t=  = 0.0277 m
2  c 2  45
= 2.77 cm. ...(4.4.1)
2. Longitudinal stress is given as,
l =
pd 2  1.25
 t=  = 0.0208 m
4  l 4  30
= 2.08 cm. ...(4.4.2)
3. The longitudinal or circumferential stresses induced in the material are
inversely proportional to the thickness (t) of the cylinder.
4. Hence the stress induced will be less if the value of ‘t’ is more. Hence
take the maximum value of ‘t’ calculated in eq. (4.4.1) and eq. (4.4.2).
5. From the eq. (4.4.1) and eq. (4.4.2) it is clear that t should not be less
than 2.77 cm. Take t = 2.80 cm

Que 4.5. What is the effect of internal pressure on the dimensions

of thin cylinder shell and also strain induced in it ?

1. When a fluid having internal pressure (p) is stored in a thin cylindrical
shell, due to internal pressure of the fluid the stresses set up at point of
the material of the shell are :
i. Hoop or circumferential stress (c), acting on longitudinal section.
ii. Longitudinal stress (l), acting on the circumferential section.
2. These are principal stresses, as they are acting on principal planes.
3. The stress in the third principal plane is zero as the thickness (t) of the
cylinder is very small. Actually the stress in the third principal plane is
radial stress which is very small for thin cylinders and can be neglected.
4. Let p = Internal pressure of fluid, L = Length of cylindrical shell,
Cylinders and Spheres 4–6 D (ME-Sem-5)

d = Diameter of the cylindrical shell,

t = Thickness of the cylindrical shell,
E = Modulus of elasticity for the material of the shell,
c = Hoop stress in the material,
l = Longitudinal stress in the material,  = Poisson’s ratio,
d = Change in diameter due to stresses set up in the material,
L = Change in length, and V = Change in volume.
5. The values of c and l are given as
c =
l =
6. Let c = Circumferential strain,
l = Longitudinal strain.
7. Then circumferential strain,
 c  l
c = –
pd pd  pd pd 
= –   c  and  l  
2tE 4 tE 2t 4t 
pd  
=  1 –  ...(4.5.1)
2tE  2
and longitudinal strain,
  c
l = l – ...(4.5.2)
pd pd
= – (substituting values of c and l)
4 tE 2tE
pd  1 
=  –  ...(4.5.3)
2tE  2
8. But circumferential strain is also given as,
Change in circumference due to pressure
c =
Original circumference
Final circumference – Original circumference
Original circumference
(d  d ) – d
( d  d) – d d
= 
d d
d  Change in diameter 
= or ...(4.5.4)
d  Original diameter 
Strength of Material 4–7 D (ME-Sem-5)

9. Equating the two values of c given by eq. (4.5.1) and eq. (4.5.4), we get
d pd  
=  1 –  ...(4.5.5)
d 2 tE 2
10 Therefore change in diameter,
pd2  
d =  1 –  ...(4.5.6)
2tE  2
11. Similarly longitudinal strain is also given as,
Change in length due to pressure
l =
Original length
= ...(4.5.7)
12. Equating the two values of 2 given by eq. (4.5.2) and eq. (4.5.7)
L pd  1 
=  – 
L 2tE  2
 Change in length,
p  d  L 1 
L =  – 
2tE 2
Volumetric Strains :
13. It is defined as change in volume divided by original volume.
 Volumetric strain =
14. But change in volume
V = Final volume – Original volume
Original volume, V = Area of cylindrical shell × Length
 2
= d L
Final volume = (Final area of cross-section) × Final length

= [d + d]2 × [L + L]
 2
= [d + (d)2 + 2d d] × [L + L]
 2
= [d L + (d)2 L + 2d Ld + Ld2 + L(d)2 + 2d dL]
Neglecting the smaller quantities such as (d2)L, L(d)2 and 2d dL,
we get
 2
Final volume = [d L + 2d Ld + Ld2]
Cylinders and Spheres 4–8 D (ME-Sem-5)

 Change in volume (V)

 2  2
= [d L + 2 dLd + Ld2] – d ×L
4 4

= [2d Ld + Ld2]

[2 d Ld  Ld 2 ]
V 4
15. Volumetric strain = 
V  2
d L
2d L
=  ...(4.5.8)
d L
 d L 
= 2 c + l   c,   l  ...(4.5.9)

d L
pd   pd  1 
= 2  1 –    – 
2 Et  2 2 Et  2
(Substituting the values of c and l)
pd  2 1 
= 2 –  – 
2 Et  2 2 
pd  1 
=  2  –  – 
2 Et  2
pd  5 
=  – 2
2 Et  2
Also change in volume, V = V (2c + l).

Que 4.6. A thin cylinder 150 mm internal diameter, 2.5 mm thick,

has its end closed by rigid plates and then filled with water. When
an external axial pull of 37 kN is applied to the ends the water
pressure is observed to fall by 0.1 N/mm2. Determine the value of
Poisson’s ratio. E = 1.4 × 105 N/mm2, K = 2200 N/mm2.
AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10


Given : Internal diameter of the cylinder, d = 150 mm = 0.15 m

Wall thickness of the cylinder, t = 2.5 mm = 0.0025 m
Axial pull on the cylinder, P = 37 kN = 0.037 MN
Fall in pressure of water, p = 0.1 N/mm2 = 0.1 MN/m2
Young’s modulus, E = 1.4 × 105 N/mm2 = 1.4 × 105 MN/m2
Bulk modulus, K = 2200 N/mm2 = 2200 MN/m2
To Find : Value of Poisson’s ratio.
1. As no liquid is pumped in or is allowed to escape therefore,
Strength of Material 4–9 D (ME-Sem-5)

Volumetric strain of the liquid = Compressive volumetric strain of the

2. Thus if P be the axial force on the shell which lowers the pressure of
liquid to p, then
Longitudinal stress,
P pd
l = 
dt 4 t
0.037 0.1  0.15
=  = 29.90 MN/m2
  0.15  0.0025 4  0.0025
3. Circumferential stress,
pd 0.1  0.15
c = = = 3 MN/m2
2t 2  0.0025
4. Volumetric strain of the shell = 2c + l
p      
= 2 c  l    l  c 
K  E mE   E mE 
0.1  3 29.90   29.90 3 
= 2 5
 
5  5
 5
2200  1.4  10 m  1.4  10   1.4  10 m  1.4  10 
6  10 5 59.8  105 29.90  105 3  10 5
4.55 × 10–5 =   
1.4 1.4 m 1.4 1.4 m

62.08  10 5 35.90  10 5
or, = – 4.55 × 10–5
1.4m 1.4
62.08  10 5
= 21.09 × 10–5
62.08  105
 m=
1.4  21.09  10 5
m = 2.103
1 1
5. Poisson’s ratio = = = 0.475
m 2.103
Que 4.7. A thin walled copper alloy spherical shell has diameter
of 1 m and thickness of 12 mm. It is filled with unpressurized
incompressible liquid. Through a small hole additional 106 mm3 of
same liquid is pumped into the shell thus expanding the shell.
Calculate the pressure after addition of liquid and change in
diameter. For the copper alloy take E =105 MPa and µ = 0.28. Also
calculate the resulting stress. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10
Cylinders and Spheres 4–10 D (ME-Sem-5)


Given : Diameter of shell = 1 m = 1000 mm

Radius of the shell = 500 mm, Thickness, t = 12 mm
Additional liquid, V = 106 mm3, E = 105 MPa,  = 0.28
To Find : Pressure after addition of liquid and change in dimension.
1. Volumetric strain of thin shell is given by,
V 3 Pd
= (1  )
V 4 tE
106 3  P  103
= (1 – 0.28)
4 4  12  105
  (500)3
P = 4.244 N/mm2
2. Change in diameter,
Pd 4.244  103
Hoop strain = (2  ) = (2 – 0.28)
4 tE 4  12  105
= 1.52 × 10–3
Change in diameter, d = 1.52 × 10–3 × 1000 = 1.52 mm
Pd 4.244  1000
3. Resulting hoop stress, =  = 176.83 N/mm2
2t 2  12

Que 4.8. A mild steel hollow cylinder has diameter to thickness

ratio of 25. Find the internal pressure to which the cylinder should
be subjected so that its volume is increased by 5 × 10–4 of its original
volume. Take E = 2 × 105 and  = 0.3.


Given : D/t = 25, = 5 × 10–4 , E = 2 × 105,  = 0.3
To Find : Internal pressure to which cylinder is subjected.
1. We know that
= 2 c + l ...(4.8.1)
2. Longitudinal strain,
pd 1  pd
l =     = (1 – 2)
2tE 2 4 tE
p  25
= (1 – 2 × 0.3)
4  2  105
Strength of Material 4–11 D (ME-Sem-5)

25 p 10 p
= (1 –0.6) =
8  105 8  105
3. Circumferential strain,
pd   pd
c =  1 –  = (2 – )
2 tE 2 4 tE
p  25 42.5 p
= (2  0.3) =
4  2  105 8  105
4. From eq. (4.8.1), we get
10 p 2  42.5 p
5 × 10–4 = 
8  105 8  105
5 × 10 – 4 = [10 + 85]
8  105
95 p
5 × 10 – 4 =
8  105
p = 4.21 N/mm2

Que 4.9. A cylindrical shell 90 cm long 20 cm internal diameter

having thickness of metal as 8 mm is filled with fluid at atmospheric
pressure. If an additional 20 cm3 of fluid is pumped into the cylinder,
find :
a. The pressure exerted by the fluid on the cylinder, and
b. The hoop stress induced. Take E = 200 GPa and  = 0.3
AKTU 2016-17, Marks 10


Given : Length of cylinder, L = 90 cm, Diameter of cylinder, d = 20 cm

Thickness of cylinder, t = 8 mm = 0.8 cm
Volume of additional fluid = 20 cm3
E = 200 GPa = 2 × 105 N/mm2,  = 0.3
 2 
Volume of cylinder, V = d  L   202  90 = 28274.33 cm3
4 4
Increase in volume, V = Volume of additional fluid = 20 cm3
To Find : a. Pressure exerted by the fluid on cylinder,
b. Hoop stress induced.
a. Pressure Exerted by the Fluid :
1. Let p = Pressure exerted by fluid on the cylinder
E = 2 × 105 N/mm2
 = 0.3
2. Now using equation of volumetric strain is given as
Cylinders and Spheres 4–12 D (ME-Sem-5)

= 2c + l
or = 2c + l ...(4.9.1)
Where c and l circumferential and longitudinal strains respectively
and are given by
pd  1 
c = 1 – 
2tE  2 
pd  1 
and l = – 
2tE  2 
3. Substituting these values in eq. (4.9.1), we get
20 2 pd  1  pd  1 
= 1 –   – 
28274.33 2tE  2  2tE  2 
2 p  20  1  p  20 1 
= 1 –  0.3   – 0.3 
2  0.8  2  105  2  2  0.8  2  105  2 
p p 0.95 p
0.000707 =  0.85   0.10 
8000 8000 8000
0.000707  8000
p= = 5.954 N/mm2.
b. Hoop Stress :
Hoop stress (c) given by equation as
pd 5.954  20
c =  = 74.425 N/mm2.
2t 2  0.8
Que 4.10. Derive the equations for circumferential stress and
volumetric strain in a thin spherical shell under internal pressure.
AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10

A. Circumferential Stress :
1. Fig. 4.10.1 shows a thin spherical shell of internal diameter d and
thickness t and subjected to an internal fluid pressure p.
2. The fluid inside the shell has a tendency to split the shell into two
hemispheres along X-X axis.
3. The force (F) which has a tendency to split the shell
 2
= p× d
4. The area resisting this force = dt
5. Hoop or circumferential stress (c) induced in the material of the shell is
given by,
Strength of Material 4–13 D (ME-Sem-5)

Force ( F )
c =
Area resisting the force ( A)
 2
p d pd
= 4 
dt 4t
The stress c is tensile in nature.


Resisting area t
(dt )

Fig. 4.10.1.
6. The fluid inside the shell is also having tendency to split the shell into
two hemispheres along Y-Y axis. Then it can be shown that the tensile
hoop stress will also be equal to . Let this stress is l.
 l =
The stress l will be at right angles to c.
 V 
B. Volumetric Strain  :
 V 
1. If V = Original volume and V= Change in volume.
Then = Volumetric stain.
Where, V=
 3
d  4  3
 For a sphere, V   r  d 

6 3 6
2. Taking the differential of the above equation,

V = × 3d2 × d(d)

V  3 d 2  d( d) d( d)
3. Hence = 6 =3 ...(4.10.1)
V  d
 d3
Cylinders and Spheres 4–14 D (ME-Sem-5)

But we have,
d d( d) pd
or = (1 – )
d d 4 tE
4. Substituting this value in eq. (4.10.1), we get
dV V 3 p d
= = (1 – )
V V 4 tE

Que 4.11. A spherical shell of 1.2 m internal diameter and 6 mm

thickness is filled with water under pressure until its volume
increases by 400 × 103 mm3. Find the pressure exerted by water on
the shell. E = 200 GPa and = 0.3.


Given : d = 1.2 m = 1200 mm, t = 6 mm, V = 400 × 103 mm3

E = 200 GPa = 2 × 105 N/mm2, = 0.3
To Find : Pressure exerted by water on shell.
1. For spherical shell, volumetric strain is given as :
V 3 pd
= (1 – ) ...(4.11.1)
V 4 tE
2. Original volume of shell,
4 3 d3 
V= r   (1200)3 = 904.78 × 106 mm3
3 6 6
3. Now from eq. (4.11.1),
V 3 pd
= (1 – )
V 4 tE
400  103 3  p  1200
= (1 – 0.3)
904.78  10 6
4  6  2  105
p = 0.84 N/mm2

Radial, Axial, and Circumferential Stresses in thick Cylinders

Subjected to Internal or External Pressures, Compound
Cylinders, Stresses in Rotating Shaft and Cylinders, and
Stresses due to Interference Fits.


Thick Cylinders : If the ratio of thickness to internal diameter is
more than 1/20, then cylindrical shell is known as thick cylinders.
The hoop stress in case of a thick cylinder will not be uniform across
Strength of Material 4–15 D (ME-Sem-5)

the thickness. Actually the hoop stress will vary from a maximum
value at the inner circumference to a minimum value at the outer


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 4.12. Explain Lame’s theory for thick shell cylinder also gives
its assumptions.
Derive Lame’s equation for thick cylinder.
AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10

1. The assumptions made in Lame’s theory are as follows :
a. The material is homogeneous and isotropic.
b. Plane sections perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cylinder
remain plane after the application of internal pressure.
c. The material is stressed within elastic limit.
d. All the fibres of material are free to expand or contract
independently without being constrained by adjacent fibres.
2. A thick cylinder subject to internal and external radial stress (pressure)
is shown in Fig. 4.12.1.

 r + d r p2

c c ring
r dr


Fig. 4.12.1.
3. Consider an element ring of internal radius r and thickness dr.
Cylinders and Spheres 4–16 D (ME-Sem-5)

4. Let, r1 = Internal radius of the cylinder,

r2 = External radius of the cylinder,
l= Length of the cylinder,
p1 = Pressure on the inner surface of the cylinder,
p2 = Pressure on the outer surface of the cylinder,
r = Internal radial stress on the elemental ring,
r + dr) = External radial stress on the elemental ring, and
c = Circumferential stress on elemental ring.
5. The conditions for equilibrium on one half of the elemental ring are
(similar to those in the case of thin cylinder) are as follows :
Bursting force = (r × 2rl) – [(r + dr) × 2(r + dr) l]
= 2l[– rdr – rdr – dr dr]
= – 2l (rdr + rdr)
(neglecting the product of small quantities)
Resisting force = 2c l dr
6. Equating the resisting force to bursting force (for equilibrium), we get
2c l dr = –2l(rdr + rdr)
d r
or, c = –r – r ...(4.12.1)
7. Now let us obtain another relation between the radial stress (pressure)
and circumferential (or hoop) stress by using the condition that the
longitudinal strain (l) at any point in the section is same.
The Longitudinal stress,
p1  r12 p r2
l= 2 2
 21 1 2
(r2  r1 ) (r2  r1 )
8. Hence at any point in the section of the element ring considered above,
the following three principal stresses exist,
a. The radial stress (pressure), r,
b. The circumferential stress, c,
c. The longitudinal tensile stress, l,
9. Since the longitudinal strain (l) is constant, we have
l c  r
l =   = constant
E E E
(Where, = Poisson’s ratio)
But, since l,  and E are constant
 c – r = constant
10. Let, c – r = 2a ...(4.12.2)
Putting c = (r + 2a) in eq. (4.12.1), we get
Strength of Material 4–17 D (ME-Sem-5)

d r
(r + 2a) = – r – r
d r 2( r  a)
 =
dr r
d r 2 dr
or, = – ...(4.12.3)
r  a r
Integrating both sides, we get
loge (r + a) = – 2log er + logeb
(Where log eb = constant of Integration)
 loge (r + a) = loge 2
or, r + a = 2
or, r = b  a ...(4.12.4)
11. Also, from eq. (4.12.2),
c = a ...(4.12.5)
12. The eq. (4.12.4) and eq. (4.12.5) are called Lame’s equations.
13. The constant a and b can be evaluated from the known internal and
external radial pressure and radius.
14. It may be noted that in the above equations r is compressive and c is

Que 4.13. A thick hollow cylinder 200 mm internal and 300 mm

external diameter is subjected to an internal pressure 50 MPa and
external pressure 25 MPa. Find the maximum shear stress at the
inner surface of the cylinder.


Given : di = 200 mm (ri = 100 mm), do = 300 mm (ro = 150 mm)

Internal pressure, pi = 50 MPa, External pressure, po= 25 MPa
To Find : Maximum shear stress at the inner surface of cylinder.
1. Stresses are given as :
r = –a ...(4.13.1)
c= +a ...(4.13.2)
2. Now, at r = ri = 100 mm, pi = r = 50 MPa (from eq. (4.13.1)),
Cylinders and Spheres 4–18 D (ME-Sem-5)

50 = –a ...(4.13.3)
3. At r = ro = 150 mm, po = r = 25 MPa,
25 = –a ...(4.13.4)
4. From eq. (4.13.3) and eq. (4.13.4),
a = – 5, b = 450000
5. Now circumferential stress at r = ri = 100 mm (from eq. (4.13.2)),
(c)i = + (– 5) = 40 MPa
6. At r = ro = 150 mm
(c)o = + (–5) = 15 MPa
7. Now shear stress of the material is given as,
( c )i  ( c )o 40  15
max = = = 12.5 MPa
2 2
Que 4.14. The maximum stress permitted in a thick cylinder of
inner and outer radius of 10 cm and 15 cm is 20 N/mm2. The external
pressure is 8 N/mm2; what internal pressure can be applied ?
AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10


Given : c = 20 N/mm2 = 20 MN/m2, r1 = 10 cm = 0.10 m

r2 = 15 cm = 0.15 m, p2 = 8 N/mm2 = 8 MN/m2
To Find : Internal pressure.

1  2 2 r12 r22 
1. We know that, c =  p1r1  p2 r2  2 ( p1  p2 ) 
r22  r12  r1 
(c)r1 = [p1 r12 – p2 r22 + r22 (p1 – p2)]
r22  r12
20 =
(0.15)2  (0.10)2
× [p1 (0.1)2 – (8 × 0.152) + (0.15)2 (p1 – 8)]
0.25 = 0.01 p1 – 0.18 + 0.0225 p1 – 0.18
0.61 = 0.0325 p1
p1 = 18.77 MN/m2
Strength of Material 4–19 D (ME-Sem-5)

Que 4.15. A steel pipe whose external diameter and thickness are
respectively 318.75 mm and 9.375 mm carries water at a pressure of
2.8 N/mm2. Determine the maximum tensile stress induced in the
pipe. By what percent will this stress change if the thickness of the
pipe is increased by 33 % ? AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10


Given : External diameter, d2 = 318.75 mm

External radius, r2 = 159.375 mm, Thickness, t = 9.375 mm
Internal diameter, d1 = 318.75 – (2 × 9.375) = 300 mm
Internal radius, r1 = 150 mm
Pressure, P1 = 2.8 N/mm2
To Find : Maximum tensile stress induced in the pipe and
percentage change in stress.
1. The maximum tensile stress induced in the pipe,
P1 r12 2.8  (150)2
l = 
(r  r1 ) (159.3752  150 2 )
2 2

= 21.7212 N/mm2
2. Internal diameter when thickness increases by 33 %,
t = t + 0.33t = 1.33t = 12.468 mm
Internal diameter,d1 = 318.75 – (2 × 12.468) = 293.814 mm
External radius r2 = 159.375 mm
Internal radius r1 = 146.907 mm
3. The tensile stress induced in the pipe,
2.8  (146.907)2
l =
(159.3752  146.907 2 )
= 15.8243 N/mm2
4. Percentage change in stress,
 l   l 21.7212  15.8243
=  100   100
l 21.7212
= 27.14 %

Que 4.16. Discuss about the stresses induced in the compound

thick cylindrical shells.
Cylinders and Spheres 4–20 D (ME-Sem-5)

A. Stresses in Compound Thick Cylindrical Shells :
1. When the compound shell is subjected to an internal pressure, both the
inner and outer shells will be subjected to hoop tensile stress.
2. The net effect of the initial stresses and those due to internal pressure
is to make the resultant stresses more or less uniform.
3. Now consider a compound thick cylindrical shell made up of two tubes
as shown in Fig. 4.16.1.
4. Let r1 = Outer radius of the outer shell,

Fig. 4.16.1.
r2 = Inner radius of the inner shell,
r3 = Outer radius of the inner shell, (also inner radius
of the outer shell), and
P1 = Radial pressure at the junction of the two shells
(i.e., at radius r3)
5. Now the Lame’s equations may be applied in this case for the initial
conditions i.e., when the outer tube exerts pressure on the inside shell,
or in other words before the fluid under pressure is admitted into the
inner shell.
a. For inner tube :
px = – a1
We know that when x = r2, then px = 0.
 0= – a1
Also when x = r3, then px = p1.
 p1 = – a1
b. For outer tube :
b2 b
px = – a2 and  x  22  a2
x2 x
Strength of Material 4–21 D (ME-Sem-5)

We know that when x = r3, then px = p1.

 p1 = – a2
Also when x = r1, then px = 0.
 0= – a2
6. The values of a1, b1, a2 and b2 may be find out from the above four
equations, if the radial pressure p1 at the junction of the two shells is
7. The hoop stress (x) may also be obtained with the help of relative

Que 4.17. A compound steel tube is composed of a tube 200 mm

internal diameter and 30 mm thickness, shrunk on a tube of
200 mm external diameter and 25 mm thickness. The radial pressure
of the junction is 12 N/mm2. The composed tube is subjected to an
internal fluid pressure of 80 N/mm2. Find the variation of the hoop
stress over the wall of the compound tube.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10


Given : Inner diameter of outer cylinder = 200 mm,

Thickness of outer cylinder = 30 mm,
Outer diameter of inner cylinder, d3 = 200 mm,
Thickness of inner cylinder = 25 mm,
Pressure due to shrinkage at the junction of two cylinder,
p1 = 12 N/mm2
Internal fluid pressure in the compound cylinder, px = 80 N/mm2
Outer diameter of outer cylinder = 200 + 30 + 25 = 255 mm
Inner diameter of inner cylinder = 200 – 30 – 25 = 145 mm
To Find : Variation of the hoop stress.
1. Let, x = Hoop stress at a radius x in the compound cylinder.
2. First of all, let us apply all the Lame’s four equations for the inner and
outer cylinders before the fluid under pressure is admitted.
b1 b1
0=  a1   a1
r22 (72.5)2
0= – a1 ...(4.17.1)
b b1
Similarly, p1 = 12  a1  – a1
r3 (100)2
Cylinders and Spheres 4–22 D (ME-Sem-5)

12 =  a1 ...(4.17.2)
b b2
p1 = 22  a2  12   a2 ...(4.17.3)
r3 10000
b2 b2
and 0=  a2   a2
r12 (127.5)2
0= – a2 ...(4.17.4)
3. Solving eq. (4.17.1) and eq. (4.17.2) simultaneously, we find that
b1 = – 132964.4 and a1 = – 25.3.
Similarly solving eq. (4.17.3) and eq. (4.17.4) simultaneously, we find
b2 = 311808.19 and a2 = 19.18
4. We know from Lame’s equation that permissible stress (x)
 132964.4
72.5 =  (– 25.3) (For inner tube)
= – 50.6 N/mm2 ...(4.17.5)
100 =  (25.3) (For inner tube)
= – 38.59 N/mm2 ...(4.17.6)
100 =  19.18 (For outer tube)
100 2
= 50.36 N/mm2 ...(4.17.7)
and 127.5 = + 19.18 (For outer tube)
= 38.36 N/mm2 ...(4.17.8)
5. Now let us apply Lame’s equation for the inner cylinder only after the
fluid under pressure 80 N/mm2 is admitted, i.e.,
px = –a
b b
80 = a a ...(4.17.9)
72.52 5256.25
b b
and 0= a a ...(4.17.10)
127.52 16256.25
6. Subtracting eq. (4.17.10) from eq. (4.17.9)
b b
 = 80
5256.25 16256.25
Strength of Material 4–23 D (ME-Sem-5)

11000 b = 80 × 5256.25 × 16256.25

b = 621432.1023
b 621432.1023
and a=  = 38.23
16256.25 16256.25
7. We know from Lame’s equation that permissible stress
x = 2  a
= + 38.23
 72.5 =  38.23 = 156.46 N/mm2
100 =  38.23 = 100.37 N/mm2
127.5 =  38.23 = 76.45 N/mm2
8. Now tabulate the hoop (i.e., circumferential) stress at different point
as given below.
[(+ve for tension, –ve for compression)
Inner Cylinder Outer Cylinder
x = 72.5 mm x = 100 mm x = 100 mm x = 127.5 mm
Initial – 50.6 – 38.59 + 50.36 + 38.36
Due to fluid + 156.46 + 100.37 + 100.37 76.45
Final + 105.86 + 61.78 + 150.73 114.81

Que 4.18. A compound cylinder is composed of a tube of 250 mm

internal diameter and 25 mm thick, shrunk on a tube of 200 mm
internal diameter and 250 mm external diameter. The interface
radial pressure at the junction is 8 N/mm2 due to shrinking. Then
the compound cylinder is subjected to an internal pressure of
60 N/mm2. Find the variation in hoop stresses over the thickness of
compound cylinder. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 05


Given : A compound cylinder,

Outer cylinder : di = 250 mm do = 300 mm
Inner cylinder : di = 200 mm d0 = 250 mm
Pi = 60 MPa P = 8 MPa
To Find : Variation of hoop stress.
Cylinders and Spheres 4–24 D (ME-Sem-5)

A. Shrinkage Stresses :
1. Outer cylinder, pressure P is internal,
d02  di2 3002  2502
c250 = 2 2
P  8 = 44.36 MPa
d0 – di 300 2 – 250 2

2  di2 2  2502
c300 = 2 2
P  8 = 36.3636 MPa
d0 – di 300 2 – 250 2
2. Inner cylinder, pressure P is external,
d02  di 2 250 2  200 2
c250 = 2 2
 P =–  8 = – 36.44 MPa
d0 – di 2502 – 200 2

2 di 2 2  250 2
c200 = 2 2
 P =–  8 = – 44.44 MPa
d – di
0 2502 – 200 2
3. Stress due to pressure :

d02  di 2 3002  2002

c200 = 2 2
 Pi =  60 =156 MPa
do – di 300 2 – 200 2

2.di 2 2  2002
c300 = 2 2
 Pi   60 = 96 MPa
d – di
0 3002 – 2002

d02 – di2 di 2 300 2  250 2 2002

c250 = 2 2
 2  P   60 = 117.12 MPa
d0 – di di 3002 – 2002 2502



Pi 200

Fig. 4.18.1.
B. Final Stresses :
1. The final stresses are summed in table

Inner cylinder Outer Cylinder

200 mm 250 mm 250 mm 300 mm
Shrinkage stresses (MPa) – 44.44 – 36.44 44.36 36.3636
Stresses due to pressure 156 117.12 117.12 96
Final stresses (MPa) 111.56 80.68 161.48 132.3636
Strength of Material 4–25 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. Variation in hoop stresses over thickness of compound cylinder,


156 S tr e
press du e t o
s ur e
u lt an
111.56 t st r 132.3636
117.12 s
Hoop stress (MPa)


Shrinkage stress
200 250 300

36.44 d (MPa)
Outer cylinder
44.44 Inner cylinder

Fig. 4.18.2.

Que 4.19. Find the expression for stresses induced in a long

cylinder rotating with angular speed .
AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10

1. For rotating long cylinders, it is assumed that the longitudinal strain (l)
even at high speeds of rotation is constant (i.e., the cross-section remain
plane, which is true for the sections away from the ends).
2. Let c = Circumferential (or hoop) stress,
r = Radial stress,
l = Longitudinal (or axial) stress,
c = Circumferential strain, and
r = Radial strain.
l = Longitudinal strain.
3. When the cylinder rotates at high speed, let the radius ‘r’ becomes (r + x)
and ‘dr’ becomes (dr + dx).
Then circumferential strain,
2  (r  x)  2  r x
c = =
2r r
( dr  dx)  dr dx
4. Radial strain, r = =
dr dr
Cylinders and Spheres 4–26 D (ME-Sem-5)

c, r and l are the stresses acting on any element of a section of the
5. The strains produced by these stresses in circumferential direction,
radial direction and longitudinal direction are circumferential strain,
radial strain and longitudinal strain respectively.
6. These strains in terms of stresses are given by,
Circumferential strain,
  x
c = c  (r + l) = ...(4.19.1)
E E r
r  dx
7. Radial strain, r =  (c + l) = ...(4.19.2)
E E dr
8. Longitudinal strain,
l 
l =  (r + c) ...(4.19.3)
where,  = Poisson’s ratio, and
E = Young’s modulus.
9. From eq. (4.19.1), we have
x= [c –  (r + l)]
or, Ex = r [c –  (r + l)]
Differentiating it with respect to r, we get
dx  d  d r d l  
E = [c –  (r + l)] + r  c     ...(4.19.4)
dr  dr  dr dr  
10. But from eq. (4.19.2),
dx  
= r  (c + l)
dr E E
or, E = r –  (c + l) ...(4.19.5)
11. From eq. (4.19.4) and eq. (4.19.5), we have
 d  d r d l  
[c – (r + l)] + r  c     = r – (c + l)
 dr  dr dr  
 d  d r d l  
c –  r –  l + r  c     = r – c – l
 dr  dr dr  
 d  d r d l  
c (1 + ) – r (1 + ) + r  c     =0
 dr  dr dr  
 d  d r d l  
or,(1 + ) (c – r) + r  c     =0 ...(4.19.6)
 dr  dr dr  
12. Now, from eq. (4.19.3), we have
Strength of Material 4–27 D (ME-Sem-5)

l =
[l –  (c + r)]
or, l – (c + r) = E × l
where l = Longitudinal strain which is assumed constant.
Differentiate it with respect to ‘r’ :
d l  d d r 
  c  =0 [RHS is constant]
dr  dr dr 
d l  d d r 
or, =  c 
dr  dr dr 
d 2 2
2 D  r  d dr × t
 c dr t
A ( r + d r ) ×
(r + dr)d × t

 t d
rd 2
r  c dr t
d r

Fig. 4.19.1.

d l
13. Substitute the value of in eq. (4.19.6), we get
 d  d  d c d r  
(1 + ) (c – r) + r  c    r      = 0
 dr  dr  dr dr  
 d d r d c d r 
or, (1 + ) (c – r) + r  c    2  2 =0
 dr dr dr dr 
 d d r 
or, (1 + ) (c – r) + r (1   2 ) c   (1  )  = 0
 dr dr 
d  c d  r
or, (1 + ) (c – r) + r (1 – 2) –×r (1 + ) = 0
dr dr
d c d r
or, (c – r) + r (1 – ) – r =0 ...(4.19.7)
dr dr
14. Now considering the equilibrium of an element ABCD of radius ‘r’,
radial width ‘dr’ and thickness ‘t’ subtending an angle d at the centre.
r × rd × t + 2c × dr × t × sin
= (r + dr) (r + dr) d × t + centrifugal force
Where, Centrifugal force = m2r, (m = mass of element)
Cylinders and Spheres 4–28 D (ME-Sem-5)

m =  × volume of element
m =  × (rd × dr × t)
Fc = ( × rd × dr × t) × 2r
Fc = r2 × 2 × d × dr × t
d d
and sin  as d is very small.
2 2
15. Hence, r × rd × t +2c × dr × t ×
= (r + dr) (r + dr) d × t + r2 2 × d × dr × t
or,r × r + 2c × dr × = (r + dr) (r + dr) + r2 2 × dr
or, r × r + c dr = [r × r + rdr + rdr + dr (dr)] + r2 2 × dr
[Neglecting the product of two small quantities i.e., (dr) × dr]
or, c dr = r × dr + rdr + r2 2 × dr
rd r
or, c = r + + r22
rd r
or, (c – r) = + r22 ...(4.19.8)
16. From eq. (4.19.7) and eq. (4.19.8), we have
rd r d c d r
+ r2 2 + r(1 – ) –×r× =0
dr dr dr
rd r d c
(1 – ) + r2 2 + r(1 – ) =0
dr dr
 d d c 
or, r(1 – )  r  + r2 2 = 0
 dr dr 
d r d c r 22 r2
or,  =  = 
dr dr r (1  ) (1  )
Integrating both sides, we get
 r2
r + c = – × 2 ×  C1 ...(4.19.9)
1 2
Where C1 is a constant of integration.
17. Subtracting eq. (4.19.8) from eq. (4.19.9), we get
  r2  d r
2r =    2   C1   r  r 2 2
 (1  ) 2  dr
d r  r2
or, 2r + r =   2  – r2 × 2 + C1
dr (1  ) 2

 2 r 2  1  2  C  2 r 2  3  2 
=   1    1 =   1    + C1
2 2
18. Multiplying by ‘r’ to both sides, we get
Strength of Material 4–29 D (ME-Sem-5)

r 2 d r  2 r 3  3  2 
2rr + =   1    + C1 r
dr 2
d  2 r 3  3  2 
or, (r2 × r) =   1    + C1 r
dr 2
19. Integrating the above equation, we get
 2 r 4  3  2  Cr
r2 × r = – + 1  C2
2  4  1    2
Where C2 is another constant of integration.
   2  r 2  3  2  C1 C2
 r =  
8  1    2 r 2
C1 C2  2 r 2  3  2 
or, r =   ...(4.19.10)
2 r2 8  1   
20. The eq. (4.19.10) gives the expression for radial stress set up in a rotating
long cylinder.
21. Now, substitute the value of r in eq. (4.19.9), we get
 C1 C2  2 r 2  3  2     2r2
  2      c =    C1
 2 r 8  1  (1  ) 2
  2r2 C C  2 r 2  3  2 
c =    C1  1  22 
(1  ) 2 2 r 8  1   
C1 C2  2 r 2
=   [4 – (3 – 2)]
2 r 2 8(1  )
C1 C2  2 r 2
c =   [1 + 2] ...(4.19.11)
2 r 2 8(1  )
22. The eq. (4.19.11) gives the expression for circumferential stress set up
in a rotating long cylinder.


Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q. 1. Derive the expression for circumferential stress and

longitudinal stress for a thin shell subjected to an internal
Ans. Refer Q. 4.1, Unit-4.

Q. 2. A cylindrical pipe of diameter 1.5 m and thickness 1.5 cm is

subjected to an internal fluid pressure of 1.2 N/mm 2.
Determine :
Cylinders and Spheres 4–30 D (ME-Sem-5)

a. Longitudinal stress developed in the pipe, and

b. Circumferential stress developed in the pipe.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.3, Unit-4.
Q. 3. What is the effect of internal pressure on the dimensions of
thin cylinder shell and also strain induced in it.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.5, Unit-4.
Q. 4. A cylindrical shell 90 cm long 20 cm internal diameter
having thickness of metal as 8 mm is filled with fluid at
atmospheric pressure. If an additional 20 cm3 of fluid is
pumped into the cylinder, find
a. The pressure exerted by the fluid on the cylinder, and
b. The hoop stress induced. Take E = 200 GPa and  = 0.3
Ans. Refer Q. 4.9, Unit-4.
Q. 5. Derive the equations for circumferential stress and
volumetric strain in a thin spherical shell under internal
Ans. Refer Q. 4.10, Unit-4.
Q. 6. Derive Lame’s equation for thick cylinder.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.12, Unit-4.
Q. 7. A thick hollow cylinder 200 mm internal and 300 mm
external diameter is subjected to an internal pressure 50
MPa and external pressure 25 MPa. Find the maximum
shear stress at the inner surface of the cylinder.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.13, Unit-4.

Q. 8. Discuss about the stress induced in the compound thick

cylinder shells.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.16, Unit-4.

Q. 9. A compound steel tube is composed of a tube 200 mm

internal diameter and 30 mm thickness, shrunk on a tube
of 200 mm external diameter and 25 mm thickness. The
radial pressure of the junction is 12 N/mm2. The composed
tube is subjected to an internal fluid pressure of 80 N/mm2.
Find the variation of the hoop stress over the wall of the
compound tube.
Ans. Refer Q. 4.17, Unit-4.

Q. 10. Find the expression for stresses induced in a long cylinder

rotating with angular speed .
Ans. Refer Q. 4.19, Unit-4.

Strength of Material 5–1 D (ME-Sem-5)

5 Curved Beam and


Part-1 ............................................................................(5–2D to 5–22D)

• Bending of Beams with Large Initial Curvature

• Position of Neutral Axis for Rectangular, Trapezoidal and Circular
• Stress in Crane Hooks
• Stress in Circular Rings Subjected to Tension or Compression

A. Concept Outline : Part-1 ............................................................. 5–2D

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................... 5–2D

Part-2 ......................................................................... (5–22D to 5–40D)

• Properties of Beam Cross-section

• Slope of Neutral Axis
• Stress and Deflection in Unsymmetrical Bending
• Determination of Shear Center and Flexural Axis
(for Symmetry about Both Axis and about One Axis)
for I-section and Channel Section

A. Concept Outline : Part-2 ........................................................... 5–23D

B. Long and Medium Answer Type Questions ............................. 5–23D
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–2 D (ME-Sem-5)

Bending of Beams with Large Initial Curvature, Position of Neutral

Axis for Rectangular, Trapezoidal and Circular Cross-sections,
Stress in Crane Hooks, Stress in Circular Rings Subjected to
Tension or Compression.


Curved Beams : The curved beams may be broadly grouped into the
following two categories on the basis of their initial curvature :
i. Beams with a small initial curvature, and
ii. Beams with a large initial curvature.
The main characteristic of classification is the ratio of the depth of
bar section (h) to the initial radius of curvature (R). If this ratio (i.e.,
h/R) is 0.2 or less, the bar is considered to be of large radius of curvature.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.1. Write down the assumptions for analysis of bending in

curved bar. Also, derive the expression for stress induced in a bar
with large curvature.

A. Assumptions for the Stresses in the Bending of Curved Bar :
1. The bar material is stressed within the elastic limit, and thus obeys
Hooke’s law.
2. The transverse sections, which were plane before bending, remain
plane after bending also.
3. The longitudinal fibres of the bar, parallel to the central axis, exert no
pressure on each other.
4. The transverse cross-section has at least one axis of symmetry, and
the bending moment lies on this plane.
5. The value of E (i.e., modulus of elasticity) is the same in tension and
B. Bar with a Large Initial Curvature :
1. Now consider a curved bar with a large initial curvature as shown in
Fig. 5.1.1(a).

Strength of Material 5–3 D (ME-Sem-5)


R R S
P P Q

(a) Initial curvature (b) Final curvature
Fig. 5.1.1.

2. Let the bar be given more curvature after the applications of the end
moments as shown in Fig. 5.1.1(b).
3. Let R = Initial radius of curvature,
R1 = Final radius of curvature,
 = Initial angle subtended at the centre of the bar,
 = Final angle subtended at the centre of the bar,
0 = Bending stress in the centroidal fibre RS,
 = Bending stress in the fibre PQ, and
dA = Area of fibre PQ.
4. Now consider a layer PQ which has been bend up to PQ after bending.
Let y be distance of the layer PQ from RS, the centroidal axis of the bar.
5. We know that the increase in the length of the bar at the centroidal axis,
l = RS – RS
l R S  RS R S
 Strain, 0 =   1
R S  R1
or 0 + 1 =  ...(5.1.1)
RS R0
and increase in the length of the bar at a distance y from the centroidal
l = PQ – PQ
l P Q  PQ P Q
 Strain, =   1
P Q ( R1  y)
or +1=  ...(5.1.2)
PQ ( R  y)
6. Dividing eq. (5.1.2) by eq. (5.1.1),
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–4 D (ME-Sem-5)

( R1  y) R1  y
 1 ( R  y) R1
= 
0  1 R 1  R y
R R
 y
(0  1)  1 
 R1 
 +1=
y y
0  0 1
R1 R1
y y
0  0 1
R1 R1
 = –1
y y y
0  0 1 1
R1 R1 R
y  1 1
0  0  y 
R1  R1 R 

y 0 y 0 y  1 1
0  0    y 
R1 R R  R1 R 

 0 y 
 Adding and subtracting 
R 
 y  1 1  1 1
0  1    0 y    y 
 R  R1 R   R1 R 
Strength of Material 5–5 D (ME-Sem-5)

 1 1
(0 y  y)  
 R1 R 
= 0 
 1 1
(0  1) y  
 R1 R 
  = 0  ...(5.1.3)
7. We know that the bending stress in the fibre PQ.
  1 1
 (0  1) y  
 R1 R  
 = E = E 0   ...(5.1.4)
 y 
 1  
R 
and the force in an element of area dA at distance y from the centroidal
  1 1
 (0  1) y  
 R1 R  
=  A = E 0   dA
 y 
 1 
8. The total normal force on the cross-section may be find out by integrating
the above equation, i.e.,
  1 1
 (0  1) y  
 R1 R  
P =  E 0   dA
 y 
 1  
 1 1
E(0  1) y  
 R1 R 
=  E 0 dA   dA
 1 1 y
= E 0 A + E(0 + 1)   
 R1 R  1  y

9. Since the beam is in equilibrium, therefore the total normal force on the
cross-section is zero.
 1 1 y
or E 0 A + E(0 + 1)   
 R1 R  1  y
dA = 0 ...(5.1.5)

10. Now let us find out the value of  y
dA separately.
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–6 D (ME-Sem-5)

y yR
 y
dA =  R  y dA
yR  y2  y 2
=  dA
R y
(Adding and subtracting y2)
y( R  y)  y
=  dA
R y
=  ydA   R  y dA
Since  y dA, being the first moment of area, about the central axis is
zero, therefore
y y2
 dA =  dA
y R y
y2 Ah2
Now substituting  R  y dA = R
, we get

y Ah2
 dA = – ...(5.1.6)
y R
where h2 is the constant of the section; h is called the link radius. It
corresponds to the radius of gyration in ordinary case.
11. By using eq. (5.1.6), the eq. (5.1.5) may be rewritten as
 1 1   Ah2 
E 0 A + E(0 + 1)     =0
 R1 R   R 
 1 1  h2
0 – (0 + 1)    =0
 R1 R  R
 1 1  h2
 0 = (0 + 1)    ...(5.1.7)
 R1 R  R
12. We know that moment of resistance of the fibre PQ = y  dA and the
total moment of the section.
M=  y dA =  yE  dA
13. Now substituting the value of  from eq. (5.1.3).
  1 1
 (0  1) y  
 R1 R  
M =  yE 0   dA
 y 
 1 
Strength of Material 5–7 D (ME-Sem-5)

 1 1
(0  1) y2  
 R1 R 
=  E y 0 dA   E dA
 1 1 y2
= E 0  y dA  E( 0  1)    dA
 R1 R  1  y
14. Since  y dA, being the first moment of area about the central axis, is
equal to zero, therefore
 1 1 y2
M = E(0  1)    dA
 R1 R  1  y
 1 1 y2
= E(0  1)    R dA
 R1 R  R y
 1 1  y2 Ah2 
= E(0  1)  Ah2 ...(5.1.8)
  R  y  R 

 R1 R 
15. From eq. (5.1.7) and eq. (5.1.8), we get
0 =
16. From eq. (5.1.4), we know that the bending stress,
  1 1
 (0  1) y   
 1 R 
 = E 0 
 y 
 1 
  1 1 
 (0  1)y   R
 R1 R  
= E 0  
 R y 
 M MRy 
= E  2 
 EAR E Ah ( R  y) 
= 
AR Ah2 ( R  y)
M  R2 y 
= 1  2  ...(5.1.9)
AR  h ( R  y) 

Que 5.2. What do you understand by neutral axis and determine

the position of neutral axis. Also derive the neutral axis position for
rectangular section.
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–8 D (ME-Sem-5)

A. Neutral Axis : Neutral axis is a layer present inside the beam where
neither compressive nor tensile stress acts. At neutral axis stress will
become zero.
B. Position of Neutral Axis :
1. As we know that the stress acting on the beam is
M  R2  y  
= 1  2  
AR  h  y  R  
2. At neutral axis stress will become zero, so= 0
M  R2  y  
From eq. (5.1.9), 1  2  = 0
AR  h  y  R  
R2  y 
1 =0
h2  y  R 
y h2
=  2
R y R
R2y = – h2R – yh2
y (R2 + h2) = – Rh2
y= 
R 2  h2
3. This equation shows that y is negative means the position of neutral
axis is below the centroidal axis.
C. Value of h2 and Position of Neutral Axis for Rectangular Cross-
Section :
1. Let us consider a curved beam of rectangular cross-section (B × D). R is
the distance between centre of curvature and centroid of rectangular
y G D

Fig. 5.2.1.
2. Consider a strip of depth dy and width B having elemental area as dA.
3. Area of rectangular cross-section, A = BD
4. Area of elemental strip, dA = Bdy
5. Putting the values of A and dA in equation given below,
Strength of Material 5–9 D (ME-Sem-5)

R3  1 
h2 = dA  R2
A   R  y 

R3 D / 2 Bdy
6. We have, h2 =  R2
BD  D / 2 y  R
R3 D/2
h2 = B  ln( y  R) D / 2  R 2
R3   D  D  2
h2 =  ln  R    ln  R     R
D   2 2 
 D 
R3   R  
2  
h2 = ln   R2
D  D 
  R  
2  

R  2R  D 
h2 = ln  R2
D  2 R  D 
7. Position of neutral axis :
 Rh2 
y =  2
 R  h2 
  R3  2 R  D  
 R ln    R2  
D  2R  D
y =   
 R3  2 R  D  
 ln   
 D  2R  D 
y = R  3
R  2R  D
ln  
D  2R  D
y= R
 2R  D
ln  
 2R  D

Que 5.3. Derive the expression for ‘h2’ for trapezoidal and circular

A. Value of Link Radius (h2) for a Trapezoidal Section :
1. Consider a curved bar of trapezoidal section as shown in Fig. 5.3.1.
2. Let B1 = Base width of the bar section,
B2 = Top width of the bar section,
D = Depth of the bar section,
D( B1  B2 )
 Area, A =
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–10 D (ME-Sem-5)

R = Radius of curvature of the bar section from the

centroidal axis.
R1 = Distance between the base of the bar section
and the axis of curvature, and
R2 = Distance between the top of the bar section
and the axis of curvature.
3. Now consider a strip of thickness dr at a distance y from the centroidal
axis (i.e., at a distance r from the axis of curvature) as shown in
Fig. 5.3.1.
4. From the geometry of the Fig. 5.3.1, we find that the width of the bar,
( B1  B2 )
b = B2 + (R2 – r)
 ( B  B2 ) 
 Area of strip, dA = bdr =  B2  1 ( R2  r )  dr
 D 
dr B2

y b


Fig. 5.3.1.
5. We know that the general equation for the link radius,
R3 dA
h2 =  R2 ...(5.3.1)
A  R y
6. First of all, let us find out the value of separately.
R y
 ( B  B2 ) 
dA R2 B  1 ( R2  r )  dr
 2 D 
  R y =  R y

 dr ( B1  B2 ) dr 
=   B

( R2  r ) 
r 
( R + y = r)
Strength of Material 5–11 D (ME-Sem-5)

R2 R2 R2
dr ( B1  B2 ) R2 dr ( B1  B2 ) r dr
= B
 
D r
 
D r
( B1 – B2 ) R2 (B  B )
= B2  ln r  R2   ln r  RR12  1 D 2  r  RR12
R 1
= B2 ln R2  ( B1 – B2 ) R2 ln R2  ( B1  B2 )  ( R2  R1 )
R1 D R1 D
R2 ( B1 – B2 ) R2 R
= B2 × ln   ln 2  ( B1  B2 )
R1 D R1
( R2 – R2 = D)
R2  ( B1 – B2 ) R2 
= ln B2    ( B1  B2 )
R1  D
7. Now substituting the value of  R  y in eq. (5.3.1), we get
R3  R2  ( B1 – B2 ) R2   2
h2 =  ln  B2    ( B1  B2 )  R
A  R1  D 
B. Value of Link Radius (h2) for a Circular Section :
1. Consider a curved bar of circular section as shown in Fig. 5.3.2

b y


Fig. 5.3.2.
2. Let D = Diameter of the bar section.

 Area, A = × D2
R = Radius of curvature of the base section (i.e.,
the distance between the centroidal axis and
the axis of curvature).
3. Now consider a strip of thickness dy at a distance y from the centroidal
axis as shown in Fig. 5.3.2.
4. From the geometry of the Fig. 5.3.2, we find that the width of the bar,
 D 2   D2 
 
b = 2     y2   2    y2 

 2    4 
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–12 D (ME-Sem-5)

 D2 
 Area of strip dA = bdy = 2 ×   y2   dy
4 
5. We know that the general equation for the link radius,
R3 dA
h2 =  R2
A  R y

D  D2 

2 2   y2 
R  4 
= dy – R2
 2 D R  y
D 
4 2

Expanding the integral by binomial expression and then integrating, we

D2 1 D4
h2 =   + ......
16 8 16 R2

Que 5.4. A curved bar of square section 4 cm sides and mean

radius of curvature 5 cm is initially unstressed. If a bending moment
of 300 N-m is applied to bar to straighten it, find the stresses at the
inner and outer faces. AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10


Given : R = 5 cm, D = 4 cm, M = 300 N-m = 300 × 102 N-cm

To Find : The stresses at the inner and outer faces.

R3  2 R  D 2
1. h2 = ln  R
D 2R  D
53  2  5  4
h2 = ln   – 52
4 2  5  4
h2 = 1.48 cm
D 4
2. For bending stress, y = = = 2 cm
2 2
3. Bending stress at inner face,
M  R2  y  
max = 1  2  
AR  h  R  y 
300  102  52  2  
= 1   
4  4  5  1.48  5  2  
max = – 3847.97 N/cm = 3847.97 N/cm2 (Compressive)

4. Bending stress at outer face,

M  R2  y  
min = 1  2  
AR  h  R  y 
Strength of Material 5–13 D (ME-Sem-5)

300  102  52  2  
= 1   
4  4  5  1.48  2  5  
min = 2184.85 N/cm (Tensile)

Que 5.5. Derive the expression for the resultant stress induced
in a hook.

1. Fig. 5.5.1 shows a hook, which supports a vertical load P. The centre of
curvature of the hook is at O.
2. Consider a horizontal section AC passing through the centre of curvature
of the hook. This section carries the maximum stress. This horizontal
section may be trapezoidal or any other shape.
3. The centroidal axis of the section is represented by BB.

D2 D1 A
Neutral axis

B2 B1
Centre of curvature


e –
B +
B R Axis of curvature
Fig. 5.5.1.
4. Let, W = Load supported by hook.
e = Eccentricity of the load i.e., the distance between
the load line and centroidal axis.
R = Radius of curvature of the curved hook i.e.,
distance betwe en axis of curvature and
centroidal axis.
5. The other dimensions such as B1, B2, D, R1 and R2 are as usual. The
bending moment caused by load P is given by,
M= W×e
6. This bending moment is –ve as it decreases the curvature of the hook.
Hence M = – P × e the resultant stress at any point across the section is
given as,
R = 0 + b
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–14 D (ME-Sem-5)

W M  R2  y  
=  1  2   ...(5.5.1)
A A  R h  R  y  

 W
Hence load P is tensile, hence direct stress  0   will be tensile
 A
stress and hence it will be +ve.
7. Bending moment M = – P × e.
Hence the eq. (5.5.1) becomes as
 
R = W  W  e 1  R2  y  
A A  R h  R  y  
8. The bending moment here produces tensile stress at AA and compressive
stress at CC. The vertical load P produces tensile stress over the whole

Que 5.6. A crane hook trapezoidal horizontal cross-section is

50 mm wide inside and 30 mm wide outside. Thickness of the section
is 60 mm. The crane hook carries a vertical load of 20 kN whose line
of action is 50 mm from the inside edge of the section. The center of
curvature is 60 mm from the inside edge. Determine the maximum
tensile and compressive stresses in the section.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05

50  30
Given : A=  60  2400 mm 2 ; D = 60 mm;
D  2 B1  B2  60  2  30  50 
D2 =   27.5 mm
3  B1  B2  3  30  50 
D1 = 60 – 27.5 = 32.5 mm; R = 60 + 27.5 = 87.5 mm
To Find : Maximum tensile and compressive stresses.

50 mm


60 mm 50 mm
(Section at PQ )
60 mm
Fig. 5.6.1. 20 kN
Strength of Material 5–15 D (ME-Sem-5)

1. Calculating h2,
R3  ( B2  B1 )   R  D1   2
h2 =  B1  ( R  D1 ) ln    ( B2  B1 )   R
A D   R  D 
 2 
87.53 
2400  
30 
(50  30)
(87.5  32.5) ln 
 87.5  32.5 
 87.5  27.5 

 (50  30) 

– 87.52
= 279.1 [(30 + 40) ln (2) – 20] – 87.52 = 303.77 mm2
2. Stress at outside face (P),
Eccentricity, x = 50 + d2 = 50 + 27.5 = 77.5 mm; y = d1= 32.5 mm
 Wx  R2  y  
o = 1  2  
AR  h  R  y  
20000  77.5  87.52 32.5 
=– 1   
2400  87.5  303.77 87.5  32.5 
o = – 57.76 MPa
3. Stress at inside face (Q),
y = d2 = 27.5 mm
Wx  R2  y  
i = 1  2  
AR  h  R  y  
20000  77.5  87.52 27.5 
=– 1   
2400  87.5  303.77 87.5  27.5 
i = 77.88 MPa
4. Direct stress,
Direct stress = = 8.33 MPa
5. Maximum stress,
At the outside edge, o = – 57.76 + 8.33 = – 49.43 MPa
At the inside edge, i = 77.88 + 8.33 = 86.21 MPa

Que 5.7. Explain the stress induced in the circular ring under
tensile load.

1. Consider a circular ring acted upon by a tensile load W as shown in
Fig. 5.7.1. At any section C-C inclined at an angle  with the load line, let
the bending moment be M2.
2. The portion BBCC of the ring is in equilibrium under the action of
bending moment M1 and pull W/2 at B-B and the moment M2 and pull
(W/2) sin  at C-C.
M2 = M1 + × R(1 – sin ) ...(5.7.1)
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–16 D (ME-Sem-5)

 1 1
Also, M2 = E(1 + )    Ah2 ...(5.7.2)
 1 R 
3. From eq. (5.7.1) and eq. (5.7.2),
 1 1
E(1 + )    Ah2 = M + W × R(1 – sin ) ...(5.7.3)
 1 R  1
4. Multiplying both sides by Rd and integrating from 0 to /2,
/2  1 1
E (1  )   Ah2 Rd
 R1 R 
/2 /2 W
=  M1 Rd   R(1  sin ) Rd
0 0 2

A M2 W sin 
C 2
C W/2

B B 
C 
R M1 
W/2 W
B M1
R(1 – sin  )

Fig. 5.7.1.
  / 2 (1   ) /2 
or E  RAh2 d   (1  ) Ah2 d 

0 R1

/2 /2 WR2  / 2 WR
=  M1 Rd   d   sin d
0 0 2 0 2
 R R
5. Now,  (1  ) or  = (1   )  ...(5.7.5)
 R1 R1
Differentiating eq. (5.7.5) we get, d = (1   ) d
6. Therefore, eq. (5.7.4) becomes,
/2 /2
E  Ah 2 d   (1   ) Ah2 d 
 0 0 
/ 2 /2 WR2  / 2 WR
=  M1 Rd   d   sin d
0 0 2 0 2
Strength of Material 5–17 D (ME-Sem-5)

  2 2
or EAh2  EAh2 (1  ) =  M1 R   WR  WR
2 2 2 2 2 2
  WR   
or – EAh2  = M1 R    1 ...(5.7.5)
2 2 2 2
7. Longitudinal (tangential) force, F = sin 
  1 1  h2 
Thus EA   (1  )     = W sin 
  R1 R  R  2
  1 1 
or REA   EAh2 (1  )     = WR sin 
  R1 R  2
 W  WR
or REA  –  M1  R(1  sin ) = sin  [From eq. 5.7.3]
 2  2
or REA   M1  R=0
W M1
or  =  ...(5.7.6)
This is independent of  and thus is constant for the ring.
8. From eq. (5.7.5) and eq. (5.7.6), we get
  W M1    WR2 WR2
 EAh 2    = M1 R  · 
2  2 EA EAR 2 2 2 2
9. Multiplying throughout by 2R,
 2 WR3
– h WR – h2M1 = M1R2 + – WR3
2 2
WR 2
or M1 (R2 + h2) = – (R + h2) + WR3
WR  2 R2 
or M1 =   2  1 ...(5.7.7)
2   R  h2 
WR  2 R2  W
10. From eq. (5.7.1), M2 =   2  1  R(1  sin )
2   R  h2  2
WR  2 R2 
=   2  sin  ...(5.7.8)
2   R  h2 
It is maximum at  = 0°, Mmax = ...(5.7.9)
 ( R 2  h2 )
2 R2
It is zero at sin  =  2
 R  h2
 1 1 y
11. Now, 0 =   (1   )  
 R R  1  y / R
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–18 D (ME-Sem-5)

W M1
In this equation,  = 
W WR  2 R2 
=    1
2 EA 2 EAR   R  h2

(using eq. 5.7.7)
W R2
=  ...(5.7.10)
EA ( R  h2 )

 1 1
and (1 + )    = M1  W R(1 – sin ) (From eq. 5.7.3)
 1 R  EAh2 2 EAh2
WR  2 R2  W
= 2 
 2  1  R(1  sin )
2 EAh   R  h2  2 EAh2
1 1 y 
12. Equation 0 =  + (1 + )     can be written as,
 R1 R   1  y / R 
W R2
0 = 
EA ( R  h2 )

 WR  2 R2  W  Ry
 2 
 2 2
 1  2
R(1  sin ) 
 2 EAh   R  h  2 EAh R y
W R2 WR  2 R2  Ry
=   2 
 2  sin 
EA ( R  h ) 2 EAh   R  h2
2 2
 R y
W  R2 R2  2 R2  y 
 = 0 E =  2 2
 2  2 2
 sin  
A   ( R  h ) 2h   R  h  R  y
W sin 
13. Direct stress =
i.e., along line of action it is zero and on a section perpendicular to line of
action it is W/2A.
14. Total stress,
W  R2 R2  2 R2  y  W sin 
=  2 2
 2  2 2
 sin  
A   ( R  h ) 2 h   R  h  R  y 2A
15. Stress along line of action of load,
W  R2 R2  2 R2  y 
=  2 2
 2  2 2 
A   ( R  h ) 2h   R  h  R  y 
W  R2  R2 y 
=  2 2 
1 2   ...(5.7.14)
A  ( R  h )  h R  y  
Strength of Material 5–19 D (ME-Sem-5)

16. Stress on a section perpendicular to line of action of load,

W  R2 R2  2 R2  y  W
=  2 2
 2 
 2 2
 1 
A   ( R  h ) 2 h   R  h  R  y  2A

W  R2 R2  2 R2  y 1
=  2 2
 2 
 2 2
 1   ...(5.7.15)
A   ( R  h ) 2 h   R  h  R  y 2

Que 5.8. A ring of steel bar has a diameter of 20 mm and carries a

pull of 4 kN as shown in Fig. 5.8.1. Determine the stresses at points P,
Q, R and S of the rim. The mean radius of the rim is 100 mm.
4 kN

R 20 mm

4 kN
Fig. 5.8.1.


Given : Diameter, D = 20 mm, Pull load, W = 4 kN, R = 100 mm

To find : Stresses at P, Q, R and S
1. Cross-section area of ring,

A= × 202 = 100 mm2
2. Calculating h2,
D2 D4 202 1 204
h2 =  2
 ...    = 25.125 mm2
16 128 R 16 128 1002
W  R2 R2  2 R2  y  W sin 
=  2 2
 2 
 2 2
 sin  
A  ( R  h ) 2 h   R  h  R  y 2A
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–20 D (ME-Sem-5)

3. Stress at P
At P,  = 0°,
W  R2  R2 y 
=  2 2 
1 2  
A  ( R  h )  h R  y  

4000  1002  1002 10  

=   1  
  100  (100  25.125)  25.125 100  10  
 = 150.3 MPa (Tensile)
4. Stress at Q
At B,  = 0°, y is negative.
4000  100 2  100 2 10  
=   1  
  100   (100  25.125)  25.125 100  10  
= 4.043 × (– 43.22)
 = – 174.7 MPa (Compressive)
5. Stress at R
At R,  = 90°,
W R2 R2  2 R2  y 1
=  2 2
 2 
 2 2
 1  
A   ( R  h ) 2h   R  h  R  y 2

4000  100 2 100 2  2 1002  10 1

=  2
   2
 1  
100   (100  25.125) 2  25.125   100  25.125  100  10 2 

 10 
= 12.732 0.3175  72.632   0.5 
 110 
 = – 74 MPa (Compressive)
6. Stress at S
At S,  = 90°, y is negative
W  R2 R2  2 R2  y 1
=  2 2
 2 
 2 2
 1  
A   ( R  h ) 2 h   R  h  R  y 2

4000  100 2 100 2  2 1002  10 1

=    1  
100   (100  25.125) 2  25.125   100  25.125  100  10 2 
2  2

 10 
= 12.732 0.3175  72.632   0.5 
 90 
 = 113.16 MPa (Tensile)

Que 5.9. A circular link shown in Fig. 5.9.1 has a rectangular

cross section 100 mm wide and 50 mm thick. Calculate the stress at
A and B under a compressive load of 50 kN. All dimensions are
in mm.
Strength of Material 5–21 D (ME-Sem-5)

50 kN

100 100

50 kN
Fig. 5.9.1.

AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10


Given : Compressive load, P = 50 kN

Radius of curvature, R = 100 + 50 = 150 mm
Area of section, A = 100 × 50 = 5000 mm2
To Find : Stress at A and B.
1. Calculation of h2
For rectangular section,

R3  2R  D
h2 = ln   R2
D  2 R  D 
1503  2  150  100 
h2 = ln  – 1502 = 893.72 mm
100  2  150  100 
2. Resultant stress = Direct stress + Bending stress
i. Stress at outside face B,
W WR  R2  y  
B = –  1  2  
A AR  h  R  y  

50  103 50  10 3  150  1502  50  

=–  1  
5000 5000  150  893.72  150  50  
B = – 10 + 72.94 = 62.94 N/mm
ii. Stress at inside face A,
W WR  R2  y    150 2  50  
A = –  1  2    = – 10 + 10 1   150  50  
A AR  h  R  y   893.72 
A = – 125.88 N/mm2

Que 5.10. A ring with a mean diameter of 120 mm and a circular

cross section of 40 mm diameter is subjected to a diametral
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–22 D (ME-Sem-5)

compressive load of 20 kN. Calculate the deflection of the ring along

the load line. E = 200 GPa. AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10

1. Given :
Mean diameter of ring D = 120 mm
Mean radius of ring R = 60 mm
= 0.06 m
Diameter of the circular cross-section,
d = 40 mm
= 0.04 m
Compressive load P = 20 kN
Young’s modules E = 200 GPa
2. Deflection of the Ring Along the Load Line  :
Moment of Inertia
 4 
I= d  (0.04)4 = 1.2566 × 10–7m4
64 64
d2 d4
h2 = 
16 128 R2

(0.04)2 (0.04)4
= 
16 128  (0.06)2
= 1 × 10–4 + 5.556 × 10–6 = 1.0556 × 10–4 m2
Since the diametral load is compressive, there will be reduction in
diameter along the load line and increase in diameter perpendicular to
the load line.
PR3   2  R2  
= –    2 2
EI 4   R  h 
20  103  (0.06)3  2  (0.06)2 
=– 7 
  
200  10  1.2566  10  4   (0.06)  1.0556  104  
9 2

= 2.869 × 10 m
Hence,  = 0.0287 mm (Decrease).

Properties of Beam Cross-section, Slope of Neutral Axis, Stress

and Deflection in Unsymmetrical Bending, Determination of Shear
Center and Flexural Axis (for Symmetry about both Axis and
about One Axis) for I-section and Channel Section.
Strength of Material 5–23 D (ME-Sem-5)


Unsymmetrical Bending : If the plane of loading or that of bending,
does not lie in (or parallel to) a plane that contains the principal centroidal
axis of the cross-section, the bending is called unsymmetrical bending.
Shear Centre : The shear centre (for any transverse section of the
beam) is the point of intersection of the bending axis and the plane of
the transverse section.


Long Answer Type and Medium Answer Type Questions

Que 5.11. If principal moments of inertia of section are Iuu and

Ivv and X and Y axes inclined to an angle  to U-V axis, then prove
Ixx + Iyy = Iuu + Ivv AKTU 2014-15, Marks 10

1. Let us consider a planar object of arbitrary shape. This object has its
centroid at point ‘O’ and XX and YY are two axes which passes through
the point ‘O’.

V Y dA

x U
 u v


Fig. 5.11.1.
2. Consider an arbitrary elementary area dA of the body having its
coordinate as (x, y) with respect to XX and YY axis. Let (u, v) are the
coordinate of this elementary area with respect to the axes UU and VV.
These axes are at  angle from the XX and YY axes in anticlockwise
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–24 D (ME-Sem-5)

3. For finding the principal axes we have to find product of inertia

(or product second moment of area) about UU and VV axes such that
IUV = 0 (At principal axes)
IUV =  uv dA ...(5.11.1)

4. Using coordinate of geometry to find the value of u and v in terms of x

and y as
u  x   cos  sin    x cos   y sin  
 v  =  y    sin  cos      x sin   y cos  
      
5. By comparing both the matrices we get
u = x cos  + y sin  and v = – x sin  + y cos 
6. Put these values in eq. (5.11.1),
IUV =  ( x cos   y sin ) ( x sin   y cos )dA
2 2 2 2
= [( x sin  cos   xy cos   xy sin   y sin  cos )] dA

 2 2sin  cos  
=   xy(cos   sin 2 )  ( x 2  y2 )  dA
2 
sin 2  2
=  xy cos 2 dA  x dA   y2 dA 
2 
sin 2
= cos 2 xydA  [ IYY  I XX ]
sin 2
IUV = cos 2I XY  [ IYY  I XX ]
7. The above equation provides a generalized form of formula to find
product second moment of area (or product of inertia) at any general
UV and VV axis making an angle  from the XX and YY axes passing
through the centroid of body.
8. For Principal Moment of Inertia :
At principal axes, IUV = 0
sin 2
cos 2 I XY  [ IYY  I XX ] = 0
2 I XY
tan 2=
( IYY  I XX )
This equation gives the direction of principal axes.
2 2
9. Now, IUU =  v dA =  ( x sin   y cos ) dA
2 2 2 2
= [ x sin   y cos   2xy cos  sin ] dA
2 2 2 2
IUU = sin  x dA  cos  y dA  sin 2 xy dA
2 2
= sin  IYY + cos  IXX – sin 2 IXY
Strength of Material 5–25 D (ME-Sem-5)

=  1  cos 2  IYY   cos 2  1  I XX  sin 2I XY

 2   2 
 I  IYY  cos 2
IUU =  XX   ( I XX  IYY )  sin 2 I XY ...(5.11.2)
 2 2
 I  IYY  cos 2
10. Similarly, IVV =  XX   ( IYY  I XX )  sin 2 I XY ...(5.11.3)
 2 2

(The value of IVV can be easily found by replacing the  by + in the
formula of IUU as both the axes are perpendicular.)
11. Now, to find the maximum and minimum values of moment of inertia,
putting or = 0. This will provide,
d d
2 I XY
tan 2 =
12. As the values of tan 2 are same for both principal axes and maximum
and minimum values of moment of inertia. So UU and VV become
principal axes.
13. Let
UU = Major principal axis.
VV = Minor principal axis.
IUU = Maximum moment of inertia.
IVV = Minimum moment of inertia.
2 I XY
14. We know that tan 2=
2 I XY
sin 2 =
( IYY  I XX ) 2  (2 I XY )2
cos 2 =
( IYY  I XX ) 2  (2 I XY )2
15. Putting these values of sin 2 and cos 2 in eq. (5.11.2) and eq. (5.11.3),
we get
 I  I XX   IYY  I XX  2
IUU =  YY      ( I XY )
 2 2
 I  I XX   IYY  I XX  2
IVV =  YY      ( I XY )
 2 2
This shows that the sum of moments of inertia about any two
perpendicular axes remains constant.
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–26 D (ME-Sem-5)

Que 5.12. Define product of inertia and principal moment of inertia.

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 7.5

A. Product of Inertia :
1. Consider a plane area or section (area A) as shown in the Fig. 5.12.1.
2. Further consider an elemental area dA at a distance x and y from the
Y-Y axis, and X-X axis respectively.
3. The  xydA is defined as the product of inertia of the cross-section.
IXY = xy dA =  xy dA

B. Principal Moment of Inertia :

1. If the two axes about which the product of inertia is found, are such that
the product of inertia becomes zero, the two axes are then called the
principal axes.
2. The moment of inertia about a principal axis is called the principal moment
of inertia.
Area A

x dA

Fig. 5.12.1.
3. Let, UU = Major principal axis,
VV = Minor principal axis,
IUU = Maximum principal moment of inertia, and
IVV = Minimum principal moment of inertia.
4. The values of IUU and IVV are given by :
IUU =  IYY  I XX    IYY  I XX 
 ( I XY )2
 2   2 
and, IVV =  IYY  I XX    IYY  I XX   ( I XY )2
 2   2 
Strength of Material 5–27 D (ME-Sem-5)

Que 5.13. Discuss unsymmetrical bending slope of neutral axis

and stresses induced. AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10

A. Stresses Due to Unsymmetrical Loading (or Bending) :
1. In unsymmetrical loading, we know that centroidal axis, axis of loading
(or bending) and neutral axis are at some different angles.
2. The bending stress due to bending moment can be obtained by simple
 M
bending equation  but with the difference in the axis bending
y I
moment M is to be resolved in the direction of major and minor principal
axes and take their sum.

V Y dA

u (u, v)

X 


Fig. 5.13.1.

3. Let us consider an elementary area dA having its position coordinate

with respect to UU and VV axes is (u, v).
4. Here XX and YY are the axes passing through the centroid ‘O’ of the
planar object.
5. UU and VV are the major and minor principal axes inclined at an angle
 in anticlockwise direction to the XX and YY axes respectively.
6. Consider the neutral axis ‘NN’ of object makes an angle  from the UU
7. Let a moment M is acting along the YY axis. This moment M can be
resolved in UU and VV directions respectively.
Moment along UU axis = M sin 
Moment along VV axis = M cos 
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–28 D (ME-Sem-5)


M sin   M cos 

Fig. 5.13.2.
8. From simple bending equation
M 
I y
M cos 
For UU Axis (b)UU = v ...(5.13.1)
M sin 
Similarly, (b)VV = u ...(5.13.2)
9. On taking the algebraic sum of bending stress about UU and VV axis it
gives the total bending stress acting on the body.
Hence b = (b)VV + (b)UU
M sin  M cos 
b = u v
 u sin  v cos  
b = M   
10. The above equation gives the value of bending stress acting upon the
body due to unsymmetrical loading.
Note : Keep in mind that values of u and v are the position coordinates
means these are taken with their signs according to the quadrant in
which they lie.
(– u, + v) (+ u, + v)


(– u, – v) (+ u, – v)
Fig. 5.13.3.
B. Position or Slope of Neutral Axis N-N :
1. Neutral axis is the axis in the body where no stress is acting means this
axis has zero bending stress.
Strength of Material 5–29 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. For Neutral Axis N-N, b = 0

 v cos  u sin  
M   =0

I 
v =   UU tan  u ...(5.13.3)
 IVV 
3. The eq. (5.13.3) represents an equation of straight line having UU and
VV as axes.
v = m.u ...(5.13.4)
(equation of a straight line having slope m and passing through (0, 0)
and m = tan )
4. Comparing the eq. (5.13.3) and eq. (5.13.4), we get
The slope of neutral axis,

m = tan  = – tan 
5. The value of b will be maximum if the values of u and v are maximum
means a point which is at the greatest distance from the neutral axis.
6. Neutral axis is a partition line between the two natures of stresses. (i.e.,
a line which has tensile stress at one side and compressive stress at
other side).

Que 5.14. Under what conditions unsymmetrical bending occurs

in a beam. Also state the position of neutral axis.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05

A. Conditions for Unsymmetrical Bending :
1. The section is symmetrical but the loads are inclined to both the principal
2. The section is unsymmetrical itself and load line is acting along centroidal
B. Position of Neutral Axis : Refer Q. 5.13, Page 5–27D, Unit-5.

Que 5.15. Fig. 5.15.1 shows a steel rod of 12 mm diameter with one
end fixed into a horizontal table. The remainder of the rod is bent
into the form of three quarters of a circle and the free end is
constrained to move vertically. Determine the vertical deflection
for a load of 10 kg. E = 208,000 N/m2.
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–30 D (ME-Sem-5)

150 m

Fig. 5.15.1.

AKTU 2012-13, Marks 10


Given : Steel rod has a diameter, d = 12 mm = 12 × 10–3 m

Load, P = 10 kg = 98.1 N, Mean radius of ring, R = 150 m
To Find : Vertical deflection.

(12  10 3 )2 (12  10 3 )4
1. Calculating, h2 =  = 9 × 10–6 m2
16 128(150)2
3  lx ly 
2. Centroid position of the circle =  , 
4 l l 
 ly 
3. y = 
 l 
l1 y1  l2 y2
 4 R  R  4 R   1
R     1  
 3  2  3   R4 R   2 4R
= =   3R =
 R  3  9
 R   2
2 
4. Now moment of inertia about X–X for circle
= Moment of inertia about X–X for circle + Moment of inertia about
X–X for circle
1  R4  1  R4  3  R4 
=      
2 4  4 4  4  4 
Strength of Material 5–31 D (ME-Sem-5)

5. Moment of inertia about its centroid (IC) is

 4R
IXX = IC + A 
 9 
3  R4  3 2   4 R
= I +  R   
4  4  C 4   9 
3R4 48 R4
= IC +
16 324 2
IC = 0.5418 R4 = 2742.8625 × 105 m4
6. Due to load of 10 kg (i.e., w = 10g N) the vertical deflection,
3   2 
 = PR    2  R 
E I C  4   R  h2  

98.1  1503  2  (150)2 

= 5 
  
208000  2742.8625  10  4   (150)2  9  106  
–7 –4
 = 8.63 × 10 m = 8.63 × 10 mm

R=150 m 4R

Fig. 5.15.2.

Que 5.16. Find the maximum bending stress in the cantilever

beam shown in Fig. 5.16.1.
5 P
10 kN


Cross section
Fig. 5.16.1.
All dimensions are in mm otherwise given.
AKTU 2013-14, Marks 10
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–32 D (ME-Sem-5)


Given : Load = 10 kN,

Length = 1 m, Cross-section = 5 × 20 and 20 × 5.
To Find : Maximum bending stress.
1. Area of part-1, A1 = 20 × 5 = 100
Area of part-2, A2 = 15 × 5 = 75
20  5  2.5  15  5  (5  7.5)
2. Centroid, Y =
20  5  15  5
Y = 6.786 mm = X

2 20° 25°

20 mm X X

6.786 mm

1 5 mm

6.786 mm Y V

20 mm
Fig. 5.16.2.
20  53
3. IXX = + 20 × 5 × (6.786 – 2.5)2
5  153
+ + 15 × 5 × (12.5 – 6.786)2
= 2045.313 + 3854.985
IXX = 5900.3 mm4
15  53
4. IYY = + 75 × (6.786 – 2.5)2
5  203
+ + 100 × (10 – 6.786)2
= 1533.985 + 4366.313
IYY = 5900.3 mm4
5. IXY = 20 × 5 × (10 – 6.786) × {– (6.786 – 2.5)}
+ 15 × 5 × (12.5 – 6.786) × {– (6.786 – 2.5)}
IXY = – 3214.3 mm4
Strength of Material 5–33 D (ME-Sem-5)

2 I XY
6. tan 2 = 
 = 45°
1 = 45° and 2 = 135°
7. Principal moment of inertia,
1 1
IUU = (I + IYY) + (I – IYY) cos 2 – IXY sin 2
2 XX 2 XX
= × 5900.3 × 2 + 0 – (– 3214.3) × sin 90°
IUU = 9114.6 mm4
IVV = 2 × 5900.3 – 9114.6
IVV = 2686 mm4
8. Maximum bending moment,
M = 10 × 1 = 10 kN-m
9. The components of the bending moments are :
M = M cos  = 10 × 106 cos 25° = 9.06 × 106 N-mm
M = M sin  = 10 × 106 sin 25° = 4.22 × 106 N-mm
u, v coordinates :
Point A :
x = – 6.786 mm, y = 20 – 6.786 = 13.214 mm
u = x cos  + y sin 
= – 6.786 × cos 45° + 13.214 × sin 45° = 4.545 mm
v = y cos  – x sin 
= 13.214 × cos 45° – (– 6.786) × sin 45° = 14.142 mm
Point B :
x = – 6.786, y = – 6.786 mm
u = – 6.786 × cos 45° + (– 6.786) × sin 45° = – 9.6 mm
v = – 6.786 × cos 45° – (– 6.786) × sin 45° = 0
Point C :
x = 20 – 6.786 = 13.214, y = – 6.786 mm
u = 13.214 cos 45° + (– 6.786) sin 45° = 4.545 mm
v = – 6.786 cos 45° – 13.214 sin 45° = – 14.142 mm
M u M v
A = 
9.06  106  4.545 4.22  106  14.142
= 
2686  104 9114.6  10 4
A = 2.18 N/mm
9.06  106  ( 9.6) 4.22  106  0
A = 
2686  104 9114.6  104
B = – 3.238 N/mm2
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–34 D (ME-Sem-5)

9.06  106  4.545 4.22  106  ( 14.142)

C = 
2686  104 9114.6  104
C = 1.53 – 0.654 = 0.876 N/mm2

Que 5.17. A simply supported I-section beam of span 1.5 m carries

a concentrated load of 8 kN at an angle of 20° from vertical as
shown in Fig. 5.17.1. Load passes through the centroid of the section.
Determine the maximum bending stress in the beam.
8 kN
100 mm

10 mm

180 mm

Fig. 5.17.1.
AKTU 2014-15, Marks 05


Given : A simply supported I-section beam of span 1.5 m carries a

concentrated load of 8 kN. i.e., L = 1.5 m and W = 8 kN
To Find : Maximum bending stress.
1. As the I-section is symmetrical, hence its centroid will be at its centre
of the web and X-X and Y-Y axes are also its principal axes.
2. Moment of inertia :
 100  103  10  1603
About X-axis, Ix = 2 ×   100  10  852  
 12  12
= 17.88 × 106 mm4
 10  1003  160  103
About Y-axis, Iy = 2    = 1.68 × 106 mm4
 12 12
3. Bending moment :
Maximum bending moment,
w  L 8  1.5
M=  = 3 kN-m
4 4
My = M cos 20° = 3 cos 20° = 2.819 kN-m
= 2.819 × 106 N-mm (to induce tensile stress in
lower half)
Mx = M sin 20° = 3 sin 20° = 1.026 kN-m (to induce tensile stress
in left half)
Strength of Material 5–35 D (ME-Sem-5)

Mx = 1.026 × 106 N-mm

M y = M cos 20°
8 kN M


10 mm 180 mm
X X Mx = M sin 20°

10 mm
100 mm

Fig. 5.17.2.
4. As both the components of bending moment (i.e., Mx and My) are to
give tensile stress in the 3rd quadrant, x and y both can be assumed
positive in this quadrant. So the sign convention can be followed as
shown in the Fig. 5.17.3.

(+, –) (–, –)

(+, +) (–, +)

Fig. 5.17.3.
5. This shows that the maximum tensile stress will occur at A as both
(x, y) co-ordinates for this quadrant are positive.
Position coordinate of A, (x, y) = (50, 90)
6. Maximum tensile stress at A,
My Mx
A = y x
Ix Iy

2.819  106 1.026  106

A =  90  × 50
17.88  106 1.68  106

2.819  90 1.026  50
A = 
17.88 1.68
A = 44.73 MPa
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–36 D (ME-Sem-5)

The maximum compressive stress occurs at C and is 44.73 MPa.

Que 5.18. Define shear centre. Find the shear centre of the section
shown in Fig. 5.18.1.
dx x


S S5 y
S3 b1


Fig. 5.18.1.

A. Shear Centre :
1. Shear centre of a section can be defined as a point about which the
applied force is balanced by the set of shear forces obtained by summing
the shear stresses over the section. Shear centre is also known as
“centre of twist”.
2. In case of a beam having two axes of symmetry, the shear centre coincides
with the centroid.
3. In case of sections having one axis of symmetry, the shear centre does
not coincide with the centroid but lies on the axis of symmetry.
4. When the load passes through the shear centre then there will be only
bending in the cross-section and no twisting.
The principle involved in locating the shear centre for a cross-section of
a beam is that the loads acting on the beam must lie in a plane which
contains the resultant shear force on each cross-section of the beam as
computed from the shearing stresses produced in the beam when it is
loaded so that it does not twist at its ends.
Fig. 5.18.1.
Flanges : b2 × t, Web : h × t, Projections : b1 × t
B. Derivation :
Let, S = Applied force, and
Strength of Material 5–37 D (ME-Sem-5)

S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 = Shear forces in different portions.

Also, S1 = S5 and S2 = S4 (By symmetry)
1. Shear stress in any layer,  =
I XX . t
Shear force in vertical projection :
Area, A=y×t
h  y  h – 2b1  y 
y =  – b1     
2 2 2
Area, dA = t × dy
b1 b1
Syt  h – 2b1  y 
2.  Shear force S5 =    dA   I XX  t    t  dy
0 0
St 2
=  (hy – 2b1 y  y ) dy
2 I XX 0
St hy2 y3
= – b1 y2 
2 I XX 2 3 0

St  hb12 b3  St  hb12 2 3 
=  – b13  1    – b1 
2 I XX  2 3  2 I XX  2 3 
St b12
or, S5 = (3h – 4b1)
12 I XX
3. Shear force in flange S4 (= S2) :
h h b
Ay = (x × t)  b1  t  – b1  1 
2 2 2
h h b 
= xt  b1  t  – 1 
2 2 2
and, dA = dx × t
S  x  t  h b1 t 
4.  S4 = I   (h – b1 )   dx  t
0 XX  t  2 2 
St 2
=  ( x  h  b h – b ) dx
1 1
2 I XX 0

St  b22 h 
S4 =   b1b2 h – b12 b2 
2 I XX  2 
5. Taking moments about the centre of the web, we get
S × e = 2 × S5 × b2 + 2 × S4 × h/2
St b12 St  b22h  h
or, S × e = 2  (3h – 4 b1 )  b2  2    b1b2 h – b12 b2  
12 I XX 2 I XX  2  2
t b12 b2 th 2
or, e = (3h – 4 b1 )  (b h  2b1 b2h – 2b12b2 )
6 I XX 4 I XX 2
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–38 D (ME-Sem-5)

= 6t b12 b2h – 8t b13 b2  3t h2 b22  6t b1 b2 h2 – 6t hb12 b2 
12 I XX
t 2 3 2 2 2 2
= 6b1 b2h – 8b1 b2  3h b2  6b1b2 h – 6hb1 b2 
12 I XX
or, e =  – 8b13 b2  3h2 b22  6b1 b2 h2 
12 I XX
2 2
t  h3  b  t3  h    t  b1
h b  
IXX = 2 2  b2 t        b1t   – 1  
12  12  2    12 2 2 
t  h3 b2  t 3 b2  t  h2 t  b13 b1  t
or, IXX =     (h – b1 )2
12 6 2 6 2
Que 5.19. Determine the shear centre for the channel section as
shown in Fig. 5.19.1.

A t
B 2a
t t

Fig. 5.19.1.

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 10

1. Let us consider XX as the horizontal symmetry of axis. Hence the shear
centre will lie on the line XX.
S t dA

X O X 2a

Fig. 5.19.2.
Strength of Material 5–39 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. To determine shear centre apply a shear force S at a point SC at a

distance ‘e’ from the web on the horizontal XX axis.
3. Consider S1 is the shear force in the top flange hence an equal and
opposite shear force will act in the bottom flange.
4. We know that stress () in the flange,
Shear stress () = y
I XX t
Where, S = Shear force acting on the plane,
A = Area of the plane,
y = Position of its centroid in Y-direction,
t = Thickness, and
IXX = Moment of inertia of the body about axis of symmetry.
5. Hence for an elementary area dA at a distance x from the right hand
side having the thickness dx,
A = tx, y  =a
S(tx) Sxa
 = a
6. Shear force acting on elementary area dA = dA
= tdx ( dA = tdx)
7. Total shear force on top flange,
a a a
Sat Sat a2
S1 =
 tdx =  I tdx =

I XX 0
xdx =
I XX 2
0 XX

8. Taking moments of shear forces about centre ‘O’,

Se = S12a
S1 Sat a2 2a
e= 2a =
S I XX 2 S
e= ...(5.19.1)
3 3
 at3  t(2 a)  at 3  2a t
9. Now, IXX = 2   ata2   = 2  a3 t  
 12  12  12  3
at 3 8 a3 t
= 
6 3
8 a3 t  at 3 
IXX =  is negligible

3 6
10. Put the value of IXX in the eq. (5.19.1), we get
8 a3 t
Curved Beam & Unsymmetrical Bending 5–40 D (ME-Sem-5)



Following questions are very important. These questions
may be asked in your SESSIONALS as well as

Q. 1. Write down assumption made for analysis of curved bars.

Ans. Refer Q. 5.1, Unit-5.

Q. 2. What do you understand by neutral axis ? How is it

determined ?
Ans. Refer Q. 5.2, Unit-5.

Q. 3. How will you find the value of link radius for rectangular,
circular and trapezoidal section of curved bar ?
Ans. Refer Q. 5.2 and Q. 5.3, Unit-5.

Q. 4. Explain the stress induced in the circular ring under tensile

Ans. Refer Q. 5.7, Unit-5.

Q. 5. Proof IXX + IYY = IUU + IVV

Ans. Refer Q. 5.11, Unit-5.

Q. 6. Define product of inertia and principal moment of inertia.

Ans. Refer Q. 5.12, Unit-5.

Q. 7. How will determine the position of neutral axis in case of

unsymmetrical bending ?
Ans. Refer Q. 5.13, Unit-5.

Q. 8. Define shear centre. Determine the shear centre for the

channel section.
Ans. Refer Q. 5.18 and 5.19, Unit-5.

Strength of Material SQ–1 D (ME-Sem-5)

1 Compound Stress
and Strains
(2 Marks Questions)

Memory Based Questions

1.1. What do you mean by stress ?

Ans. The force of resistance per unit area, offered by a body against
deformation is known as stress.

1.2. What is strain ?

Ans. The ratio of change of dimension of the body to the original
dimension is known as strain.

1.3. What do you mean by shear strain ?

Ans. Shear strain is defined as the change in the right angle of the
element measured in radians and is dimensionless.

1.4. Explain the following terms :

a. Young’s modulus, and
b. Modulus of rigidity.
Ans. a. Young’s Modulus : It is the ratio between tensile stress and
tensile strain or compressive stress and compressive strain.
b. Modulus of Rigidity : It is defined as the ratio of shear
stress to shear strain.

1.5. Define bulk modulus of elasticity.

Ans. Bulk modulus of elasticity is defined as the ratio of normal stress to
volumetric strain.

1.6. Define strain energy.

Ans. The workdone by the load in straining the material of a body is
stored within it in the form of energy known as strain energy.

1.7. What do you mean by resilience ?

Ans. The strain energy stored by the body within elastic limit, when
loaded externally is called resilience.
2 Marks Questions SQ–2 D (ME-Sem-5)

1.8. Explain the term proof resilience.

Ans. The maximum strain energy stored in a body upto elastic limit is
known as proof resilience.

1.9. Define the modulus of resilience.

Ans. Modulus of resilience is defined as the proof resilience of a material
per unit volume.
proof resilience
Modulus of resilience =
volume of the body

1.10. What is the difference between impact loading and gradual

loading ?
Ans. In impact loading, the maximum stress induced is twice the stress
induced during gradual loading.

1.11. What are principal stresses and strains ?

Ans. Principal Stresses : In complex systems of loading, there exist
three mutually perpendicular planes, on each of which the resultant
stress is wholly normal. These are known as principal planes and
the normal stresses across these planes are known as principal
Principal Strain : Maximum and minimum normal strain possible
for a specific point on a structure element. Shear strain is zero at
the orientation where principal strain occurs.

1.12. Explain Mohr’s circle.

Ans. Mohr’s circle is a graphical method for finding out the normal and
shear stresses on any interface of an element when it is subjected
to two perpendicular stresses.
1.13. What do you mean by major principal plane and major
principal stress ?
Ans. The plane carrying the maximum normal stress is called the major
principal plane and the stress acting on it is called the major principal
1.14. What do you mean by minor principal plane and minor
principal stress ?
Ans. The plane carrying the minimum normal stress is called the minor
principal plane and the stress acting on it is called the minor principal

1.15. What is Hooke’s law ? Explain. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02

Ans. Hooke’s Law : It states, ‘‘When a material is loaded, within its
elastic limit, the stress is proportional to the strain.’’ Mathematically
Strength of Material SQ–3 D (ME-Sem-5)

= E (constant)
It may be noted that Hooke’s law equally hold good for tension as
well as compression.

1.16. What are thermal stress and thermal strain ?

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02

Extension prevented
Ans. Thermal strain, T =
Original length
dL .T . L
= = = T
T =  T
and thermal stress = Thermal strain × E
T = . TE
Thermal stress is also known as temperature stress and thermal
strain is also known as temperature strain.

Application Based Questions

1.17. An unknown weight falls by 30 mm onto a collar rigidly

attached to the lower end of a vertical bar 4 m long and
1000 mm 2 in section. If the maximum instantaneous
extension is found to be 3.66 mm. Find corresponding
weight. E = 2 × 105 N/mm2. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Given : h= 30 mm
l= 4m
A= 1000 mm2
l = 3.66 mm
E= 2 × 105 N/mm2
W  2hAE 
Since, p = 1  1  
A  Wl 
 l 
But p = E ×  
 l
 l  W  2hAE 
then, E ×   = 1  1  
 l A  Wl 

3.66 W  2  30  1000  2  105 

2 × 105 × = 1  1  
4000 100  W  4000 
183000 3000000
–1= 1
2 Marks Questions SQ–4 D (ME-Sem-5)

W = 9.949 kN
W = 10 kN

Evaluation Based Questions

1.18. How does the complimentary shear stress affects the

anisotropic materials ?
Ans. The presence of complimentary shear stress may cause an early
failure of anisotropic materials.

1.19. When does the principle of superposition is not applicable

to materials ?
Ans. The principle of superposition is not applicable to materials with
non-linear stress-strain characteristics which do not follow Hooke’s

1.20. Why stresses are called tensor ? AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02

Ans. Stresses are called tensor because they can produce strain in all
three directions.

Strength of Material SQ–5 D (ME-Sem-5)

2 Beams and Torsion

(2 Marks Questions)

Memory Based Questions

2.1. What do you mean by bending stresses ?

Ans. The stresses produced due to bending moment are known as
bending stresses.

2.2. Write down the bending equation for the beam.

Ans. The bending equation is given by,
M  E
= 
I y R

2.3. Define pure bending.

Ans. When the beam is subjected to a constant bending moment, the
beam bends or tries to bend into circular arc, such type of bending
is known as pure bending.

2.4. What is neutral axis ?

Ans. Neutral axis is defined as the line of intersection of the neutral
layer with the transverse section.

2.5. What do you mean by composite beams ?

Ans. A beam made up of two or more different materials assumed to be
rigidly connected together behaving like a single unit, is known as
composite beam.

2.6. Define neutral surface.

Ans. The surface of the beam neither in tension nor in compression i.e.,
bending stresses are zero, is known as neutral surface.

2.7. Write down any two assumptions of simple theory of

bending ?
2 Marks Questions SQ–6 D (ME-Sem-5)

Ans. Following are the two assumptions of simple theory of bending :

a. The material of beam is homogeneous.
b. A plane before bending remains plane after bending.

2.8. Define elastic curves.

Ans. Under the action of load the neutral axis becomes a curved line and
is called the elastic curve.

2.9. What are the different methods to determine the deflection

of beams ?
Ans. Following are the different methods to determine the deflection of
beams :
a. Moment area method,
b. Macaulay’s method, and
c. Double integration method.

2.10. What are flitched beam and fixed beam ?

AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. Flitched Beam : Beam made up to two different materials such as
wooden beams reinforced by steel plates are known as flitched.
Fixed Beam : Fixed beam is a beam in which both ends are
constrained or built-in to remain in horizontal position.

2.11. Define continuous beam.

Ans. A continuous beam is one which is supported on more than two

2.12. What are the advantages of fixed beams over simply

supported beams ?
Ans. Following are the advantages of a fixed beam over a simply supported
beam :
a. For the same loading, the maximum deflection of a fixed beam is
less than that of a simply supported beam.
b. The slope at both ends of a fixed beam is zero.
c. The beam is more stable and stronger.

2.13. Define torsion.

Ans. Torsion refers to the twisting of a structural member when it is
loaded by couples that produce rotation about its longitudinal axis.

2.14. What are the different torques acted on the shaft during
power transmission ?
Ans. Shaft is subjected to following torques during power transmission :
a. Driving torque at the input end.
b. Resisting torque at the output end.
Strength of Material SQ–7 D (ME-Sem-5)

2.15. Write down the torsion equation for circular shafts.

Ans. The torsion equation is given by,
 G
R l

2.16. Define modulus of rupture.

Ans. Modulus of rupture is defined as the maximum fictitious shear
stress calculated by the torsion formula by using the experimentally
found maximum torque required to rupture a shaft.

2.17. Write down any two assumptions made for a circular shaft
subjected to torsion.
Ans. Following assumptions are made for a circular shaft subjected to
torsion :
a. The twist along the length of shaft is uniform throughout.
b. The material of shaft is uniform throughout.

2.18. What do you mean by polar modulus ?

Ans. Polar modulus is defined as the ratio of the polar moment of inertia
to the radius of the shaft.

2.19. What do you mean by strength of a shaft ?

Ans. The strength of a shaft means the maximum torque or maximum
power that the shaft can transmit.

2.20. Define torsional rigidity.

Ans. Torsional rigidity of the shaft is defined as the product of modulus
of rigidity and polar moment of inertia of the shaft.

2.21. Compare the strength of hollow and solid shaft.

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Let us assume that both the shafts have same length, material,
weight and hence the same maximum shear stress.
strength of hollow shaft T
Then, = H
strength of solid shaft TS
n2  1
n n2  1
external diameter
where, n=
internal diameter
Since, n is always greater than 1. Hence, strength of hollow shafts
is greater than solid shaft.

Application Based Questions

2 Marks Questions SQ–8 D (ME-Sem-5)

2.22. Which method is used to determine the deflection of beam

under several loads ?
Ans. Macaulay’s method is used to determine the deflection under several

2.23. Which methods are used to determine deflection under

single load ?
Ans. Double integration method and moment area method are used to
determine deflection under single load.

2.24. Write relation for maximum deflection and slope for simply
supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load
over the whole span. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. For maximum deflection,
ymax =
384 EI
For maximum slope,
Wl 3
max =
24 EI

Evaluation Based Questions

2.25. How does the bending stress vary with the distance of the
layer from the neutral axis ?
Ans. The bending stress in any layer is directly proportional to the
distance of the layer from the neutral axis.

2.26. What is the value of bending stress on the neutral axis of a

beam ?
Ans. Zero.

2.27. Is there any difference in the value of Young’s modulus for

the material in tension and compression ?
Ans. No, the value of Young’s modulus for the material is the same in
tension and compression.

2.28. Which shaft is more stronger for same length, material and
weight ?
Ans. Hollow shaft is stronger than solid shaft for same length, material
and weight.

Strength of Material SQ–9 D (ME-Sem-5)

Springs, Columns
and Struts
(2 Marks Questions)

Memory Based Questions

3.1. What is spring ? What are different types of spring ?

Ans. Spring : Springs are elastic members which distort under load and
regain their original shape when load is removed.
Types of Spring :
Following are the different types of springs :
a. Helical springs, b. Leaf springs,
c. Torsion springs, d. Circular springs,
e. Belleville springs, and f. Flat springs.
3.2. Write down the functions of springs.
Ans. Springs perform the following functions :
a. To absorb shock or impact loading,
b. To measure forces as in spring balances, and
c. To store energy as in clock springs.
3.3. What do you mean by leaf spring ?
Ans. A leaf spring is made up of a number of parallel plates of varying
length, but having the same width and thickness, strapped together.
3.4. What is bending spring ?
Ans. When a spring is subjected to bending only and the resilience is also
due to it, such a spring is known as bending spring.
3.5. What do you mean by resilience of the spring ?
Ans. Resilience of the spring is defined as the capacity of the spring for
storing energy without exceeding a certain stress limit.
3.6. What are the various stresses induced in closed coil helical
spring ? AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Following are the various stresses induced in closed coil helical
spring :
a. Direct shear stress, and b. Torsional stress.
2 Marks Questions SQ–10 D (ME-Sem-5)

3.7. Define stiffness.

Ans. The stiffness of the spring is defined as the load required to produce
unit deflection.
3.8. Define spring index.
Ans. Spring index is defined as the ratio of mean coil diameter to wire
diameter. It is generally denoted by C.
Mathematically, C =

3.9. Write the relation for axial deflection for open coil helical
spring subjected to axial twist. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Axial deflection,
 1 1 
 = 2TR2n sin    
 GJ EI 

3.10. What are closed helical springs ?

Ans. Closed helical springs are those in which the angle of helix is so
small that the coils may be assumed to be in a horizontal plane if the
axis of the spring is vertical.

3.11. Write down the formula for proof load in a leaf spring.
Ans. Proof load in a leaf spring is given as,
8nbt3 Ey
3 l3
3.12. What is column ?
Ans. A column is a long vertical slender bar or vertical member, subjected
to an axial compressive load and fixed rigidly at both ends.

3.13. Define strut.

Ans. A strut is a slender bar or member in any position other than
vertical, hinged or pin joined at one or both the ends.
3.14. What is slenderness ratio and equivalent length of a
column ? AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
Ans. Slenderness Ratio : It is the ratio of unsupported length of the
column to the minimum radius of gyration of the cross-sectional
ends of the column. It is dimensionless and denoted by ‘k’.
Equivalent Length : The distance between adjacent points of
inflexion is called equivalent length or effective length or simple
column length. A point of inflexion is found at every column end that
is free to rotate and at every point where there is a change of the
Strength of Material SQ–11 D (ME-Sem-5)

3.15. What is crippling load ?

Ans. The maximum limiting load at which the column tends to have
lateral displacement or tends to buckle is called crippling or buckling

3.16. Define safe load.

Ans. Safe load is the load to which a column is actually subjected to and
is well below the buckling load.
buckling load
Safe load =
factor of safety

3.17. Write down Euler’s formula for calculation of critical load ?

 2 EI
Ans. PEuler =

3.18. What are the limitations of Euler’s formula ?

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Limitations for the use of Euler’s formula :
i. It is applicable to an ideal strut only.
ii. It takes no account of direct stress.

3.19. Write the relation for axial deflection for open coil helical
spring subjected to axial twist. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Axial deflection,
 1 1 
 = 2TR2n sin    
 GJ EI 

Application Based Questions

3.20. Give one application of bending spring and one application

of torsion spring ?
Ans. a. Bending springs are used in railway wagons.
b. Torsion springs are used in clocks.

3.21. Which type of stress is acted on the leaf spring ?

Ans. Bending stress is acted on the leaf spring.

3.22. Which type of springs are used to carry axial tension ?

Ans. Generally, the closed coiled springs are used to carry axial tension.

2 Marks Questions SQ–12 D (ME-Sem-5)

Cylinders and Spheres
(2 Marks Questions)

Memory Based Questions

4.1. What is thin cylinder ?

Ans. If the thickness of the wall of the cylindrical vessel is less than 1/20
of its internal diameter, the cylindrical vessel is known as a thin
4.2. What do you mean by circumferential stress ?
Ans. The stress act in a tangential direction to the circumference of the
shell is known as circumferential stress.
4.3. Define longitudinal stress.
Ans. The stress acting along the length of the cylinder i.e., in the
longitudinal direction, is known as longitudinal stress.
4.4. Establish the relation between circumferential stress and
longitudinal stress.
circumferential stress
Ans. Longitudinal stress =
4.5. Differentiate between thick and thin cylinder.
AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
S. No. Thick Cylinder Thin Cylinder
a. The thickness of cylindrical The thickness of the cylindrical
vessel is greater than
1 1
1 vessel is less than to of
15 20
of its internal diameter.
20 its internal diameter.
b. The stresses are not uniform Stresses are assumed to be
rather it varies along the uniform throughout the wall
thickness. thickness .
Strength of Material SQ–13 D (ME-Sem-5)

4.6. What is wire winding of thin cylinder ?

AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02
Ans. Wire winding is the process in which a thin cylinder is strengthened
against the internal pressure by winding it with wire under tension
and putting the cylinder wall in compression.

4.7. Write down any two assumptions of Lame’s theory.

Ans. Following assumptions are made in Lame’s theory :
a. Material is homogeneous and isotropic.
b. Material is stressed within elastic limit.

4.8. How can we obtain the variation in the radial as well as

circumferential stresses across the thick cylinder ?
Ans. The variation in the radial as well as circumferential stresses across
the thick cylinder is obtained with the help of Lame’s theory.

4.9. For what purpose, cylinders are compounded ?

Ans. The cylinders are compounded with a purpose to increase the
pressure bearing capacity of a single cylinder.

Evaluation Based Questions

4.10. Why is it neces sary to strengthen the cylinder

longitudinally ?
Ans. The chances of bursting the cylinder longitudinally are more than
those for circumferential failure of the cylinder. Therefore, it is
necessary to strengthen the cylinder longitudinally.

4.11. Why is wire winding used in thin cylinders ?

Ans. Wire winding is used in thin cylinders for following purposes :
a. To increase the pressure carrying capacity of the cylinder.
b. To reduce the chances of longitudinal burst.

4.12. At which part of the thick cylinder the hoop stress is

maximum and minimum ?
Ans. The hoop stress is maximum at the inner circumference and
minimum at the outer circumference of a thick cylinder.

2 Marks Questions SQ–14 D (ME-Sem-5)

Curved Beam and

5 Unsymmetrical
(2 Marks Questions)

Memory Based Questions

5.1. Give the classification of curved bars.

Ans. The curved bars may be broadly grouped into the following two
categories :
a. Bars with a small initial curvature, and
b. Bars with a large initial curvature.
5.2. What do you mean by neutral axis ?
Ans. Neutral axis is a layer present inside the beam where neither
compressive nor tensile stress acts.
5.3. What is unsymmetrical bending ?
Ans. If the plane of loading does not lie in a plane that contains the
principal centroidal axis of the cross-section, the bending is called
unsymmetrical bending.
5.4. Give the reasons of unsymmetrical bending.
Ans. Following are the two reasons of unsymmetrical bending :
a. The section is symmetrical but the load line is inclined to both the
principal axes.
b. The section itself is unsymmetrical and the load line is along any
centroidal axis.

5.5. State the parallel axes theorem for product of inertia.

Ans. The moment of inertia of a lamina about any axis in the plane of
lamina equals the sum of moment of inertia about a parallel centroid
axis in the plane of lamina and the product of the area of lamina
and square of the distance between the two axes.

5.6. What do you mean by principal axes ?

Ans. If the two axes about which the product of inertia is found, are such
that the product of inertia becomes zero, the two axes are then
called the principal axes.
Strength of Material SQ–15 D (ME-Sem-5)

5.7. i. Section modulus.

ii. Modular ratio. AKTU 2016-17, Marks 02
i. Section Modulus : It is defined as the ratio of moment of inertia of
a section about neutral axis to distance of the outermost layer from
the neutral axis. It is denoted by Z.
ii. Modular Ratio : It is the ratio of Young’s modulii of elasticity of
two different materials in construction by composite materials.

5.8. Define shear centre. AKTU 2015-16, Marks 02

Ans. The shear centre is the point of intersection of the bending axis and
the plane of transverse section.

Application Based Questions

5.9. Write down some applications of curved beam with large

initial curvature.
Ans. Applications of curved beam with large initial curvature are as
follows :
a. Crane hook,
b. Making of flyover trusses, and
c. Big structures of trusses.

Evaluation Based Questions

5.10. Why is simple bending formula not applicable for deeply

curved beams ?
Ans. The simple bending formula is not applicable for deeply curved
beams because the neutral and centroidal axes do not coincide.

5.11. Why is trapezoidal section very commonly used in crane

hooks ?
Ans. Due to trapezoidal cross-section the neutral axis of the beam shifted
towards the centre of curvature of the section and nearer to the
centre of curvature. So, the bending stress strength of hook
increases and hence its strength to carry load improves.
5.12. Where does the maximum stress occur in the
unsymmetrical bending ?
Ans. The maximum stress occurs at a point which is at the greatest
distance from the neutral axis.

Strength of Material SP–1 D (ME-Sem-5)

B. Tech.

Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Note : 1. Attempt all the question.
2. Notations used have usual meaning.
1. Attempt any four parts of the following : (5 × 4 = 20)
a. Prove that the maximum shear stress in the body is the
half of the difference between maximum principal and
minimum principal stress.

b. Drive the expression for extension in the vertically

suspended bar due to self weight.

c. Find the free end deflection in cantilever beam with

uniformly distributed load by Macaulay’s method.

d. A mild steel hollow cylinder has diameter to thickness ratio

of 25. Find the internal pressure to which the cylinder
should be subjected so that its volume is increased by
5 × 10–4 of its original volume. Take E = 2 × 105 and  = 0.3.

e. Under what conditions unsymmetrical bending occurs in

a beam. Also state the position of neutral axis.
f. Derive the expression of the value of constant (h2) in curved
beam for rectangular cross section area beam.

2. Attempt any two parts of the following : (10 × 2 = 20)

a. At a point in a strained material, stresses are applied as
shown in Fig. 1, find out the normal and shear stress on
the oblique plane, principal stresses and principal strain.
20 MPa
15 MPa

30 MPa 30 MPa


20 MPa
Fig. 1.
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–2 D (ME-Sem-5)

b. The load on a bolt consists of an axial pull of 20 kN together

with a transverse shear of 10 kN, calculate the diameter of
bolt according to :
1. Maximum total strain energy theory, and
2. Maximum shear strain energy theory (if  = 0.3).
(Take elastic limit in tension 280 MPa and factor of
safety = 3)
c. Write the assumptions for pure bending and also derive
the equation for bending.

3. Attempt any two parts of the following : (10 × 2 = 20)

a. Determine the deflection at the mid and slope at the end of
the beam in terms of EI for a beam as shown in Fig. 2.
Udl, w = 2 kN-m

A 4m 3m 4m B

Fig. 2.

b. A solid steel shaft 60 mm diameter is fixed rigidly and

coaxially inside a bronze sleeve 90 mm external diameter.
Calculate the angle of twist in a length of 2 m of the
composite shaft due to action of a torque of 1 kN-m.
Take G (steel) = 80 GPa, G (bronze) = 42 GPa.

c. A shearing force of 180 kN acts over a T-section shown in

Fig. 3. Draw the shear stress distribution curve.
(Take I = 1.134 × 108 mm4).
200 mm
50 mm

200 mm

50 mm
Fig. 3.

4. Attempt any two part of the following : (10 × 2 = 20)

a. From the first principles derive the expression for the
critical buckling for a column having both end fixed.

b. A closed coil helical spring made of 8 mm diameter has 12

coils of 150 mm mean diameter. Calculate the elongation,
torsional stress and strain energy per unit volume when
Strength of Material SP–3 D (ME-Sem-5)

the spring is subjected to an axial load of 120 kN. Take

modulus of rigidity as 80 GPa. If a torque of 9 kN-m is
applied in place of axial load, find axial twist, bending stress
and strain energy per unit volume. Take modulus of
elasticity as 200 GPa.

c. A compound steel tube is composed of a tube 200 mm

internal diameter and 30 mm thickness, shrunk on a tube
of 200 mm external diameter and 25 mm thickness. The
radial pressure of the junction is 12 N/mm2. The composed
tube is subjected to an internal fluid pressure of 80 N/mm2.
Find the variation of the hoop stress over the wall of the
compound tube.

5. Attempt any two parts of the following : (10 × 2 = 20)

a. A crane hook trapezoidal horizontal cross-section is
50 mm wide inside and 30 mm wide outside. Thickness of
the section is 60 mm. The crane hook carries a vertical
load of 20 kN whose line of action is 50 mm from the inside
edge of the section. The center of curvature is 60 mm from
the inside edge. Determine the maximum tensile and
compressive stresses in the section.

b. If principal moments of inertia of section are Iuu and Ivv

and X and Y axes inclined to an angle  to U-V axis, then
prove that
Ixx + Iyy = Iuu + Ivv

c. A simply supported I-section beam of span 1.5 m carries a

concentrated load of 8 kN at an angle of 20° from vertical
as shown in Fig. 4. Load passes through the centroid of
the section. Determine the maximum bending stress in
the beam.
8 kN
100 mm

10 mm

180 mm

Fig. 4.

Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–4 D (ME-Sem-5)


Note : 1. Attempt all the question.

2. Notations used have usual meaning.

1. Attempt any four parts of the following : (5 × 4 = 20)

a. Prove that the maximum shear stress in the body is the
half of the difference between maximum principal and
minimum principal stress.
i. Maximum Principal Stress :
x  y x –  y
1 = – cos 21 –  xy sin 21
2 2
x  y  x – y – ( x –  y )   – 2 xy 
= –   –   xy 
2  2 2 2   2 2 
( x –  y )  4  xy   ( x –  y )  4  xy 

 x – y 
x  y 2
or 1 =      xy ...(1)
2  2
ii. Minimum Principal Stress :
 x   y ( x –  y )
2 = – cos 22 –  xy sin 22
2 2
x  y  x – y ( x –  y )   2 xy 
= –   –   xy 
2  2 2 2   2 2 
( x –  )  4  xy   ( x –  y )  4  xy 
x  y  x – y  2
or 2 =      xy ...(2)
2  2
iii. Maximum Shear Stress :
1. Maximum shear is given by,
x   y
(t)max = sin 2   xy cos 2
Putting the value of sin 2 and cos 2
x   y x   y 2 xy
=     xy 
2 2
( x   y )  4  2
xy ( x   y )2  4  2xy
= ( x   y ) 2  4  2xy
 1   2 
2. According to question, max =  
2 
Putting the value of 1 and 2 from eq. (1) and eq. (2)
Strength of Material SP–5 D (ME-Sem-5)

 2 2 
1  x   y    y  x  y    y 
  x   x    xy 
2 2
=    xy 
2  2  2  2  2  
1 2 
=  ( x   y )2  4  2xy 
2 2 
1    2 
3. Hence, max = ( x   y ) 2  4  2xy =  1 
2 2 

b. Drive the expression for extension in the vertically

suspended bar due to self weight.
1. Fig. 1 shows a bar AB fixed at end A and hanging freely under its
own weight.


Fig. 1.
2. Let L = Length of bar, A = Area of cross-section, E = Young’s
modulus for the bar material, w = Weight per unit volume of the
bar material.
3. Consider a small strip of thickness dx at a distance x from the lower
Weight of the bar for a length of x is given by,
P = Specific weight × volume of bar upto length
= w×A×x
This means that on the strip, a weight of w × A × x is acting in the
downward direction. Due to this weight, there will be some increase
in the length of element. But length of the element is dx.
4. Now stress on the element
Weight acting on element w  A  x
=  =w×x ...(1)
Area of cross section A
5. The eq. (1) shows that stress due to self weight in a bar is not
uniform. It depends on x. The stress increases with the increase of
6. Therefore, elongation of the element = Strain × Length of element
wx  Stress w  x 
=  dx  Strain  E  E 
E  
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–6 D (ME-Sem-5)

7. Total elongation of the bar is obtained by integrating the above

equation between limits zero and L.
L w x w L
L =  dx   x dx
0 E E 0
w  x2  w L2
=    
E  2 0 E 2
= ( W = w × A × L)
2 AE

c. Find the free end deflection in cantilever beam with

uniformly distributed load by Macaulay’s method.
Given : Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load.
To Find : The free end deflection of beam.
w per unit length

Fig. 2.
1. Let us consider a beam AB length l carrying uniformly distributed
load w per unit length. Take section XX at a distance x from the
free end A.
2. Moment at XX section,
x wx 2
Mx = wx  ...(1)
2 2
d2 y
Mx = EI 2 ...(2)
3. Eq. (1) and eq. (2), both are equal.
d2 y wx 2
EI = 
dx2 2
4. Integrate the equation,
dy wx3
EI =   C1 ...(3)
dx 6
wx 4
5. Again integrateEIy =   C1 x  C2 ...(4)
6. Boundary conditions,
x = l, y= 0, =0
Strength of Material SP–7 D (ME-Sem-5)

7. So from eq. (3), applying boundary condition

C1 =
8. From eq. (4),
wl 4
C2 = 
9. Put the values of C1 and C2 in eq. (4),
wx 4 wl 3 wl4
EIy =   x
24 6 8
This is deflection equation.

d. A mild steel hollow cylinder has diameter to thickness ratio

of 25. Find the internal pressure to which the cylinder
should be subjected so that its volume is increased by
5 × 10–4 of its original volume. Take E = 2 × 105 and  = 0.3.

Given : D/t = 25, = 5 × 10–4, E = 2 × 105,  = 0.3
To Find : Internal pressure (p).
1. We know that
= 2 c + l ...(1)
2. Longitudinal strain,
pd  1  pd
l =     = (1 – 2)
2tE  2 4 tE
p  25
= (1 – 2 × 0.3)
4  2  105
25 p 10 p
= (1 –0.6) =
8  105 8  105
3. Circumferential strain,
pd   pd
c =  1 –  = (2 – )
2 tE  2 4 tE
p  25 42.5 p
= (2  0.3) =
4  2  105 8  105
4. From eq. (1), we get
10 p 2  42.5 p
5 × 10–4 = 
8  105 8  105
5 × 10 – 4 = [10 + 85]
8  105
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–8 D (ME-Sem-5)

95 p
5 × 10 – 4 =
8  105
p = 4.21 N/mm2

e. Under what conditions unsymmetrical bending occurs in

a beam. Also state the position of neutral axis.
A. Conditions for Unsymmetrical Bending :
1. The section is symmetrical but the loads are inclined to both the
principal axes.
2. The section is unsymmetrical itself and load line is acting along
centroidal axis.
B. Position or Slope of Neutral Axis N-N :
1. Neutral axis is the axis in the body where no stress is acting means
this axis has zero bending stress.
2. For Neutral Axis N-N, b = 0
 v cos  u sin  
M   =0
I 
v =   UU tan  u ...(1)
 IVV 
3. The eq. (1) represents an equation of straight line having UU and
VV as axes.
v = m.u ...(2)
(equation of a straight line having slope m and passing through
(0, 0) and m = tan )
4. Comparing the eq. (1) and eq. (2), we get
The slope of neutral axis,
m = tan  = – tan 
5. The value of b will be maximum if the values of u and v are
maximum means a point which is at the greatest distance from the
neutral axis.
6. Neutral axis is a partition line between the two natures of stresses.
(i.e., a line which has tensile stress at one side and compressive
stress at other side).

f. Derive the expression of the value of constant (h2) in curved

beam for rectangular cross section area beam.
1. Let us consider a curved beam of rectangular cross-section (B × D).
R is the distance between centre of curvature and centroid of
rectangular cross-section.
2. Consider a strip of depth dy and width B having elemental area as
Strength of Material SP–9 D (ME-Sem-5)

y G D

Fig. 3.
3. Area of rectangular cross-section, A = BD
4. Area of elemental strip, dA = Bdy
5. Putting the values of A and dA in equation given below,
R3  1 
h2 = dA  R2
A   R  y 
R3 D / 2 Bdy
6. We have, h2 =  R2
BD  D / 2 y  R
R3 D/2
h2 = B  ln( y  R) D / 2  R 2
R3   D  D  2
h2 =  ln  R    ln  R     R
D  2 2 
 D 
R3   
2  
h2 = ln   R2
D  D 
  R  
2  

R3  2 R  D 
h2 = ln  R2
D  2 R  D 

2. Attempt any two parts of the following : (10 × 2 = 20)

a. At a point in a strained material, stresses are applied as
shown in Fig. 4, find out the normal and shear stress on
the oblique plane, principal stresses and principal strain.
20 MPa
15 MPa

30 MPa 30 MPa


20 MPa
Fig. 4.
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–10 D (ME-Sem-5)

Given :xx = 30 MPa, yy = – 20 MPa, xy = 15 MPa.
Oblique angle,  = 90° – 60° = 30° from major axes of plane.
To Find : Normal and shear stress on oblique plane, principal
stresses and principal strain.
Data Assume :  = 0.5 and E = 200 MPa
1. Normal stress :
20 MPa
15 MPa

30 MPa 30 MPa

15 MPa 60°

20 MPa
Fig. 5.
 xx   yy
 xx   yy
n =  cos 2 + xy sin 2.
2 2
30  (20) 30  20
=  cos 60° + 15 sin 60°
2 2
n = 30.49 MPa
2. Shear stress :
 xx   yy
= sin 2 – xy cos 2
30  20
= sin 60° – 15 cos 60°
= – 14.150 MPa
3. Principal stresses :
 xx   yy   xx   yy  2
1, 2 =      xy
2  2
30  20  30  20  2
=  
   (15)
2 2 
= 5  252  152
= 5 ± 29.15
1 = 34.15 MPa
2 = – 24.15 MPa
4. Principal strain :
1 
i. Major principal strain, 1 =  2
Strength of Material SP–11 D (ME-Sem-5)

= (1   2 )
= [34.15 – (0.5) × (– 24.15)]
= 0.231125
 
ii. Minor principal strain,2 = 2   1
= [ – 1]
E 2
= [(24.15)  0.5  34.15]
= – 0.206

b. The load on a bolt consists of an axial pull of 20 kN together

with a transverse shear of 10 kN, calculate the diameter of
bolt according to :
1. Maximum total strain energy theory, and
2. Maximum shear strain energy theory (if  = 0.3).
(Take elastic limit in tension 280 MPa and factor of
safety = 3)
Given : Permissible tensile stress, ut = = 93.33 N/mm2,
Factor of safety = 3, Axial pull = 20 kN = 20 × 103 N,
Transverse shear load = 10 kN = 10 × 103 N
1. Let d be the diameter of the bolt, in mm.
Hence, applied stress,
20  103 80  103
= 2

d / 4 d 2
= N/mm2
Applied shear stress,
10  103 12732.4
= 
d 2 / 4 d2
2. For the principal stress,
We know that,
 1 2 2
1, 2 =  ( / 2)2   2 = [     4  ]
2 2
 2 2
25464.8  25464.8   12732.4  
=  2
  2  4   2 
 d  d   d  
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–12 D (ME-Sem-5)

1  25464.8 36012.7 
=   
2  d2 d2 
1 =
2 = –
3. Total strain energy theory :
1  30738.75  2  5273.95  2
 U=      +
2E  d2 d2
 30738.75   5273.95  
2 × 0.3 ×      
 d2 d2 
1  87542  10 4 
=  
2E d4
 2ut  (93.33)2  8710.5
Strain energy in simple tension =  
2 E  2  E  2E
1  87542  10 4  8710.5
  =
2E  d4  2E
 87542  10 4 
d=  = 17.8 mm
 8710.5 
4. Maximum shear strain energy theory :
1  
Us =  [(1 – 2)2 + (2 – 3)2 + (3 – 1)2],
 6 E 
Where 3 = 0
1  1  30738.75 5273.95  2
 Us =    
 3 E  2  d2 d2 

2 2
  5273.95   30738.75  
+   0    0   
 d2   d2  
  1  1  12.97  108 0.28  108 9.45  108 
or Us =    
 3 E  2  d4 d4 d4

   1 11.35  10
or Us =  
 3E  d4
   1    1
Shear strain under axial stress =    2ut   × 93.332
 3 E   3 E 
11.35  108
 = 93.332
Strength of Material SP–13 D (ME-Sem-5)

 11.35  108 
d= 
 93.332 
d = 18.999
d = 19 mm

c. Write the assumptions for pure bending and also derive

the equation for bending.
A. Assumptions :
1. Material of the beam is homogeneous.
2. The stress induced is proportional to the strain.
3. The value of modulus of elasticity (E) is same, for the every fibre of
beam under compression and tension.
4. A plane before bending remains plane after bending.
5. The loads are applied in the plane of bending.
6. Radius of curvature of the beam before bending is very large in
comparison to its transverse dimensions.
B. Bending Equation :
1. In Fig. 6(a), consider a small length dx of a beam subjected to a
simple bending.
2. Due to action of bending, the part of length dx will take the shape
as curved beam as shown in Fig. 6(b).
3. Let, R = Radius of curvature,  = Angle subtended at O by AB and

A C
y N N
E y F
B dx D B D
( a) (b )
Fig. 6.
4. Now consider a layer EF at a distance y below the neutral layer NN.
After bending this layer will take the shape of E F .
Original length of layer, EF = dx
Length of neutral layer, NN= dx
After bending, there is no variation in length of neutral layer NN.
So, N´N´= dx = NN = EF
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–14 D (ME-Sem-5)

5. Now from Fig. 6(b),

NN = N´N´ = R × 
E 'F ' = (R + y)
Increase in length of layer EF
= E 'F '  EF = (R + y) – R ×  = y × 
Increase in length
6. Strain in layer EF =
Original length
y y y 
=  = [ dx = R × ]
EF dx R
Strain = ...(1)
7. Now strain is also given as,
Modulus of elasticity =
 
E=  Strain  ...(2)
Strain E
8. From eq. (1) and eq. (2),
 y
 E
= ...(3)
y R
9. Now, force on the layer at a distance y from neutral axis is given as,
Force = Stress × Area
= × dA
=× y × dA
10. Moment of this force about neutral axis,
= Force × y
E E 2
× y × dA × y = y dA
11. Total moment of force on the section of the beam,
E 2
M=  R y dA
E 2
M= y dA
y dA = Moment of inertia of the area of the section
about the neutral axis.
M= ×I
Strength of Material SP–15 D (ME-Sem-5)

= ...(4)
12. From eq. (3) and eq. (4),
M  E
= =
I y R

3. Attempt any two parts of the following : (10 × 2 = 20)

a. Determine the deflection at the mid and slope at the end of
the beam in terms of EI for a beam as shown in Fig. 7.
Udl, w = 2 kN-m

A 4m 3m 4m B

Fig. 7.
Given : Fig. 7.
To Find : The deflection at the mid and slope at the end of the
1. Support reaction,
Fv = 0; RA + RB = 2 × 3 = 6 kN
MB = 0; RA × 11 = 2 × 3 × 5.5
RA = = 3 kN
RB = 3 kN
UDL, w = 2 kN/m

A 4m 3m 4m B

Fig. 8.
2. Now taking a section X-X at a distance x from end A, the moment
at this section,
2  ( x  4)2 2  ( x  7)2
Mx = 3x – 
2 2
3. By Macaulay’s method,
d2 y 2( x  4)2 2( x  7)2
EI 2
= 3x   ...(1)
dx 2 2
4. On integrating,
dy 3x2 2( x  4)3 2 ( x  7)3
EI =  C1   ...(2)
dx 2 6 6
5. Again integrating it,
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–16 D (ME-Sem-5)

3 x3 2( x  4)4 2 ( x  7)4
EIy = C1 x  C2   ...(3)
6 24 24
6. Boundary conditions, x = 0, y = 0 in eq. (3), we get
C2 = 0
7. Now, putting boundary condition, x = 11, y = 0 in eq. (3), we get
3  113 2 (11  4)4 2  (11  7)4
EI × 0 =  C1  11  0  
6 24 24
0 = 665.5 + 11 C1 – 200.08 + 21.33
C1 = – 44.25
8. Put the value of C1 and C2 in eq. (3), deflection equation becomes
3 4 4
EIy = 3 x  44.25 x  0  2  ( x  4)  2( x  7)
6 24 24
9. Deflection at mid-span (x = 5.5), put in eq. (4)
3 4
EIy = 3  5.5  44.25  5.5  2  (5.5  4)
6 24
EIy = – 160.61
 160.61
10. From eq. (2), put the value of x = 11 at the end point of the beam.
dy 3x2 2( x  4)3 2( x  7)3
EI =  44.25  
dx 2 6 6
dy 3  112 2(11  4)3 2  (11  7)3
EI =  44.25  
dx 2 6 6
= 44.25
dy 44.25
dx EI
  44.25
 Slope,  =   
 dx  x  11 EI

b. A solid steel shaft 60 mm diameter is fixed rigidly and

coaxially inside a bronze sleeve 90 mm external diameter.
Calculate the angle of twist in a length of 2 m of the
composite shaft due to action of a torque of 1 kN-m.
Take G (steel) = 80 GPa, G (bronze) = 42 GPa.
Given : Diameter of steel shaft, D1 = 60 mm
Diameter of bronze shaft, D2 = 90 mm, Length of shaft, l = 2 m
Torque, T = 1 kN-m, Modulus of rigidity for steel, G1 = 80 GPa
Modulus of rigidity for bronze, G2 = 42 GPa
To Find : The angle of twist.
Strength of Material SP–17 D (ME-Sem-5)

1. Polar moment of inertia for steel,

 
J1 =  d4 = × (0.06)4 = 1.27 × 10–6 m4
32 32
2. Polar moment of inertia for bronze,
 
J2 =  ( D24  D14 ) = × (0.094 – 0.064)
32 32
= 5.17 × 10–6 m4
3. Therefore, shafts are coaxially mounted. So the angle of twist is
4. Substituting the value of T (equal to 103 N-m) and length l (equal
to 2 m) in the equation,
Tl 1  103  2
Angle of twist,  =  = 0.019685 rad
JG 1.27  106  80  109

c. A shearing force of 180 kN acts over a T-section shown in

Fig. 9. Draw the shear stress distribution curve.
(Take I = 1.134 × 108 mm4).
200 mm
50 mm

200 mm

50 mm
Fig. 9.
Given : Shearing force, F = 180 kN
Moment of inertia, I = 1.134 × 108 mm4 = 1.134 × 10 – 4 m4
To Find : The shear stress distribution curve.
1. Distance of the neutral axis from the top edge
 0.15 
(0.20  0.05)  0.025  (0.15  0.05)   0.05
 2 
(0.2  0.05)  (0.15  0.05)
= 0.067857 m = 67.85 mm
2. We know that the shear stress at the top edge of the flange and
bottom of the web is zero.
3. Shear stress at the neutral axis
NA =
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–18 D (ME-Sem-5)

Where, Ay = (0.15 × 0.05) × (0.0678 – 0.025) +

 0.01785 
0.01785  0.05 
 2
– 4 – 6
= 3.21 × 10 + 7.97 × 10 = 3.29 × 10 m – 4 3

180  3.29  10 4

 NA =
1.134  104  0.05
= 10444.4 kN/m2 = 10.44 MN/m2
4. Shear stress in the web just at the junction of web and flange
FAy 180  (0.15  0.05)  (0.025  0.01785)
= =
Ib 1.134  10 4  0.05
= 10202.427 kN/m = 10.2 MN/m2

200 mm
3.4 MN/m2

67.85 mm

10.2 MN/m2
17.85 mm
10.44 MN/m2
150 mm

(a) Beam cross-section. (b) Shear stress distribution.
Fig. 10.
5. Shear stress in the flange just at the junction of the flange and
180  (0.2  0.05)  (0.025  0.01785)
1.134  10 4  0.2
= 3400.79 kN/m2 = 3.4 MN/m2

4. Attempt any two part of the following : (10 × 2 = 20)

a. From the first principles derive the expression for the
critical buckling for a column having both end fixed.
1. As shown in Fig. 11, a column is given which is fixed at both the
ends. Here P is crippling load and Mo is moment acting on the end.
2. Now taking a section X-X at the distance of x from end B.
Moment of section X-X is
M = Mo – Py ...(1)
Moment of any section of the beam is given by
d2 y
M = EI ...(2)
Strength of Material SP–19 D (ME-Sem-5)

3. From eq. (1) and eq. (2), both are equal

d2 y
EI = Mo – Py
d2 y
EI + Py = Mo
d2 y P Mo
 y=
dx2 EI EI
4. Solution of this differential equation is
 P   P  Mo
y = C1 cos  x  C2 sin  x  ...(3)
 EI   EI  P
5. Differentiate the eq. (3) again
dy P  P  P  P 
= C1 sin  x  C2 cos  x ...(4)
dx EI  EI  EI  EI 
6. Boundary conditions are

B Mo



Fig. 11.
At point B, x = 0, deflection is zero, (y = 0)
 dy 
At point B, x = 0, slope is also zero,   0
dx 
7. From eq. (3) at point B (x = 0, y = 0)
0 = C1 +
C1 = 
8. From eq. (4), at point B (x = 0, dy/dx = 0)
0 = C2
C2 = 0
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–20 D (ME-Sem-5)

9. After putting the value of C1 and C2 in eq. (3) become

M  P  Mo
y =  o cos  x  P
P  EI 
10. Now at, x = l, deflection is zero (y = 0)
Mo  P  Mo
0=  cos  l  P
P  EI 
Mo   P 
1  cos  l  = 0
P   EI  
 P 
cos  l =1
 EI 
l = 0, 2, 4
11. Considering the first practical value
l = 2
4  2 EI
P= ...(5)
From Euler’s formula
 2 EI
P= ...(6)
12. On comparing eq. (5) and eq. (6), we get
Equivalent length, le =

b. A closed coil helical spring made of 8 mm diameter has 12

coils of 150 mm mean diameter. Calculate the elongation,
torsional stress and strain energy per unit volume when
the spring is subjected to an axial load of 120 kN. Take
modulus of rigidity as 80 GPa. If a torque of 9 kN-m is
applied in place of axial load, find axial twist, bending stress
and strain energy per unit volume. Take modulus of
elasticity as 200 GPa.
Given : Wire diameter d = 8 mm, Number of coils n = 12
Mean coil diameter D = 150 mm, Torque T = 9 kN-m
Axial load W =120 kN = 120 × 103 N
Modulus of rigidity G = 80 × 103 N/mm2
Modulus of elasticity E = 200 × 103 N/mm2
To Find : Elongation, torsional stress and strain energy.
1. Elongation of spring,
Strength of Material SP–21 D (ME-Sem-5)

 150 
64  120  103    12
64 WR n  2 
 = =
Gd 4 80  103  84
= 118.652 m
2. Torsional stress,
 150 
16  120  103  
16WR  2 
= 
 d3 (8)3
 = 89.52 kN/mm2
3. Strain energy per unit volume,
 2 (89.52  103 )2
u=  = 25 × 103 N/mm2
4G 4  80  103
4. Axial twist,
Tl 64  T  D  n 64  9  106  150  12
=  
EI Ed 4 200  103  8 4
 = 1265.625 rad
5. Bending stress,
b = (As M = T)
T  y 32T
b = 
I d 3
32  9  106
= = 179.049 kN/mm2
  83
6. Energy stored per unit volume,
 2b (179.049  103 )2
u=  = 80.146 × 103 N/mm2
2E 2  200  103

c. A compound steel tube is composed of a tube 200 mm

internal diameter and 30 mm thickness, shrunk on a tube
of 200 mm external diameter and 25 mm thickness. The
radial pressure of the junction is 12 N/mm2. The composed
tube is subjected to an internal fluid pressure of 80 N/mm2.
Find the variation of the hoop stress over the wall of the
compound tube.
Given : Inner diameter of outer cylinder = 200 mm,
Thickness of outer cylinder = 30 mm,
Outer diameter of inner cylinder, d3 = 200 mm,
Thickness of inner cylinder = 25 mm,
Pressure due to shrinkage at the junction of two cylinder,
p1 = 12 N/mm2
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–22 D (ME-Sem-5)

Internal fluid pressure in the compound cylinder, px = 80 N/mm2

Outer diameter of outer cylinder = 200 + 30 + 25 = 255 mm
Inner diameter of inner cylinder = 200 – 30 – 25 = 145 mm
To Find : Variation of the hoop stress.
1. Let, x = Hoop stress at a radius x in the compound cylinder.
2. First of all, let us apply all the Lame’s four equations for the inner
and outer cylinders before the fluid under pressure is admitted.
b1 b1
0=  a1   a1
r22 (72.5)2
0= – a1 ...(1)
b b1
Similarly, p1 = 12  a1  – a1
r3 (100)2
12 =  a1 ...(2)
b b2
p1 = 22  a2  12   a2 ...(3)
r3 10000
b2 b2
and 0=  a2   a2
r12 (127.5)2
0= – a2 ...(4)
3. Solving eq. (1) and eq. (2) simultaneously, we find that
b1 = – 132964.4 and a1 = – 25.3.
Similarly solving eq. (3) and eq. (4) simultaneously, we find that
b2 = 311808.19 and a2 = 19.18
4. We know from Lame’s equation that permissible stress (x)
 132964.4
72.5 =  (– 25.3) (For inner tube)
= – 50.6 N/mm2 ...(5)
100 =  (25.3) (For inner tube)
= – 38.59 N/mm2 ...(6)
100 =  19.18 (For outer tube)
100 2
= 50.36 N/mm2 ...(7)
and 127.5 = + 19.18 (For outer tube)
= 38.36 N/mm2 ...(8)
Strength of Material SP–23 D (ME-Sem-5)

5. Now let us apply Lame’s equation for the inner cylinder only after
the fluid under pressure 80 N/mm2 is admitted, i.e.,
px = –a
b b
80 = a a ...(9)
72.52 5256.25
b b
and 0= a a ...(10)
127.52 16256.25
6. Subtracting eq. (10) from eq. (9)
b b
 = 80
5256.25 16256.25
11000 b = 80 × 5256.25 × 16256.25
b = 621432.1023
b 621432.1023
and a=  = 38.23
16256.25 16256.25
7. We know from Lame’s equation that permissible stress
x = a
= + 38.23
 72.5 =  38.23 = 156.46 N/mm2
100 =  38.23 = 100.37 N/mm2
127.5 =  38.23 = 76.45 N/mm2
8. Now tabulate the hoop (i.e., circumferential) stress at different
point as given below.
[(+ve for tension, –ve for compression)
Inner Cylinder Outer Cylinder
x = 72.5 mm x = 100 mm x = 100 mm x = 127.5 mm
Initial – 50.6 – 38.59 + 50.36 + 38.36
Due to fluid + 156.46 + 100.37 + 100.37 76.45
Final + 105.86 + 61.78 + 150.73 114.81

5. Attempt any two parts of the following : (10 × 2 = 20)

a. A crane hook trapezoidal horizontal cross-section is
50 mm wide inside and 30 mm wide outside. Thickness of
the section is 60 mm. The crane hook carries a vertical
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–24 D (ME-Sem-5)

load of 20 kN whose line of action is 50 mm from the inside

edge of the section. The center of curvature is 60 mm from
the inside edge. Determine the maximum tensile and
compressive stresses in the section.

50  30
Given : A=  60  2400 mm 2 , D = 60 mm;
D  2 B1  B2  60  2  30  50 
D2 =   27.5 mm
3  B1  B2  3  30  50 
D1 = 60 – 27.5 = 32.5 mm, R = 60 + 27.5 = 87.5 mm
To Find : Maximum tensile and compressive stresses.

50 mm


60 mm 50 mm
(Section at PQ )
60 mm
20 kN
Fig. 12.
1. Calculating h2,
R3  ( B2  B1 )   R  D1   2
h2 =  B1  ( R  D1 ) ln    ( B2  B1 )   R
A D   R  D 
 2 
87.53 
2400 
30 
(50  30)
(87.5  32.5) ln 
 87.5  32.5 
 87.5  27.5 
 
 (50  30) 

– 87.52
=279.1 [(30 + 40) ln (2) – 20] – 87.52 = 303.77 mm2
2. Stress at outside face (P),
Eccentricity, x = 50 + d2 = 50 + 27.5 = 77.5 mm; y = d1= 32.5 mm
 Wx  R2  y  
o = 1  2  
AR  h  R  y  
20000  77.5  87.52 32.5 
=– 1   
2400  87.5  303.77 87.5  32.5 
o = – 57.76 MPa
Strength of Material SP–25 D (ME-Sem-5)

3. Stress at inside face (Q),

y = d2 = 27.5 mm
Wx  R2  y  
i = 1  2  
AR  h  R  y  
20000  77.5  87.52 27.5 
=– 1   
2400  87.5  303.77 87.5  27.5 
i = 77.88 MPa
4. Direct stress,
Direct stress = = 8.33 MPa
5. Maximum stress,
At the outside edge, o = – 57.76 + 8.33 = – 49.43 MPa
At the inside edge, i = 77.88 + 8.33 = 86.21 MPa

b. If principal moments of inertia of section are Iuu and Ivv

and X and Y axes inclined to an angle  to U-V axis, then
prove that
Ixx + Iyy = Iuu + Ivv
1. Let us consider a planar object of arbitrary shape. This object has its
centroid at point ‘O’ and XX and YY are two axes which passes
through the point ‘O’.

V Y dA

x U
 u v


Fig. 13.
2. Consider an arbitrary elementary area dA of the body having its
coordinate as (x, y) with respect to XX and YY axis. Let (u, v) are
the coordinate of this elementary area with respect to the axes UU
and VV. These axes are at  angle from the XX and YY axes in
anticlockwise direction.
3. For finding the principal axes we have to find product of inertia
(or product second moment of area) about UU and VV axes such
that IUV = 0 (At principal axes)
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–26 D (ME-Sem-5)

IUV =  uv dA ...(1)
4. Using coordinate of geometry to find the value of u and v in terms
of x and y as
u  x   cos  sin    x cos   y sin  
 v  =  y    sin  cos      x sin   y cos  
      
5. By comparing both the matrices we get
u = x cos  + y sin  and v = – x sin  + y cos 
6. Put these values in eq. (1),
IUV =  ( x cos   y sin ) ( x sin   y cos )dA
2 2 2 2
= [( x sin  cos   xy cos   xy sin   y sin  cos )] dA

 2 2sin  cos  
=   xy(cos   sin 2 )  ( x 2  y2 )  dA
2 
sin 2  2
=  xy cos 2 dA  x dA   y2 dA 
2 
sin 2
= cos 2 xydA  [ IYY  I XX ]
sin 2
IUV = cos 2I XY  [ IYY  I XX ]
7. The above equation provides a generalized form of formula to find
product second moment of area (or product of inertia) at any general
UV and VV axis making an angle  from the XX and YY axes
passing through the centroid of body.
8. For Principal Moment of Inertia :
At principal axes,IUV= 0
sin 2
cos 2 I XY  [ IYY  I XX ] = 0
2 I XY
tan 2=
( IYY  I XX )
This equation gives the direction of principal axes.
2 2
9. Now, IUU =  v dA =  ( x sin   y cos ) dA
2 2 2 2
= [ x sin   y cos   2xy cos  sin ] dA
2 2 2 2
IUU = sin  x dA  cos  y dA  sin 2 xy dA
= sin2  IYY + cos2  IXX – sin 2 IXY

=  1  cos 2  IYY   cos 2  1  I XX  sin 2I XY

 2   2 

 I  IYY  cos 2
IUU =  XX  ( I XX  IYY )  sin 2 I XY
 2  2
Strength of Material SP–27 D (ME-Sem-5)

 I  IYY  cos 2
10. Similarly, IVV =  XX   ( IYY  I XX )  sin 2 I XY ...(3)
 2 2

(The value of IVV can be easily found by replacing the  by + in
the formula of IUU as both the axes are perpendicular.)
11. Now, to find the maximum and minimum values of moment of
inertia, putting or = 0. This will provide,
d d
2 I XY
tan 2 =
12. As the values of tan 2 are same for both principal axes and
maximum and minimum values of moment of inertia. So UU and
VV become principal axes.
13. Let
UU = Major principal axis.
VV = Minor principal axis.
IUU = Maximum moment of inertia.
IVV = Minimum moment of inertia.
2 I XY
14. We know that tan 2=
2 I XY
sin 2 =
( IYY  I XX ) 2  (2 I XY )2
cos 2 =
( IYY  I XX ) 2  (2 I XY )2
15. Putting these values of sin 2 and cos 2 in eq. (2) and eq. (3), we get
 I  I XX   IYY  I XX  2
IUU =  YY      ( I XY )
 2 2
 I  I XX   IYY  I XX  2
IVV =  YY      ( I XY )
 2 2
This shows that the sum of moments of inertia about any two
perpendicular axes remains constant.

c. A simply supported I-section beam of span 1.5 m carries a

concentrated load of 8 kN at an angle of 20° from vertical
as shown in Fig. 14. Load passes through the centroid of
the section. Determine the maximum bending stress in
the beam.
Solved Paper (2014-15) SP–28 D (ME-Sem-5)

8 kN
100 mm

10 mm

180 mm

Fig. 14.
Given : A simply supported I-section beam of span 1.5 m carries a
concentrated load of 8 kN. i.e., L = 1.5 m and W = 8 kN
To Find : Maximum bending stress.
1. As the I-section is symmetrical, hence its centroid will be at its
centre of the web and X-X and Y-Y axes are also its principal axes.
2. Moment of inertia :
 100  103  10  1603
About X-axis, Ix = 2 ×   100  10  852  
 12  12
= 17.88 × 106 mm4
 10  1003  160  103
About Y-axis, Iy = 2    = 1.68 × 106 mm4
 12 12
M y = M cos 20°
8 kN M


10 mm 180 mm
X X Mx = M sin 20°

10 mm
100 mm

Fig. 15.
3. Bending moment :
Maximum bending moment,
Strength of Material SP–29 D (ME-Sem-5)

w  L 8  1.5
M=  = 3 kN-m
4 4
My = M cos 20° = 3 cos 20° = 2.819 kN-m
= 2.819 × 106 N-mm (to induce tensile stress in
lower half)
Mx = M sin 20° = 3 sin 20° = 1.026 kN-m (to induce tensile stress
in left half)
Mx = 1.026 × 106 N-mm
4. As both the components of bending moment (i.e., Mx and My) are
to give tensile stress in the 3rd quadrant, x and y both can be
assumed positive in this quadrant. So the sign convention can be
followed as shown in the Fig. 16.

(+, –) (–, –)

(+, +) (–, +)

Fig. 16.
5. This shows that the maximum tensile stress will occur at A as
both (x, y) co-ordinates for this quadrant are positive.
Position coordinate of A, (x, y) = (50, 90)
6. Maximum tensile stress at A,
My Mx
A = y x
Ix Iy
2.819  106 1.026  106
A = 6
 90  × 50
17.88  10 1.68  106
2.819  90 1.026  50
A = 
17.88 1.68
A = 44.73 MPa
The maximum compressive stress occurs at C and is 44.73 MPa.

Strength of Material SP–1 D (ME-Sem-5)

B. Tech.

Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Section – A
1. Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write answer of
each part in short. (2 × 10 = 20)
a. Why stresses are called tensor ?

b. What are the limitations of Euler’s formula ?

c. What is wire winding of thin cylinder ?

d. What are the various stresses induced in closed coil helical

spring ?

e. Define shear centre.

f. Difference between thin and thick cylinder.

g. Write the relation for axial deflection for open coil helical
spring subjected to axial twist.

h. Compare the strength of hollow and solid shaft.

i. An unknown weight falls by 30 mm on to a collar rigidly

attached to the lower end of a vertical bar 4 m long and
1000 mm 2 in section. If the maximum instantaneous
extension is found to be 3.66 mm. Find corresponding
weight. E = 2 × 105 N/mm2.

j. Write relation for maximum deflection and slope for simply

supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load
over the whole span.

Section – B

Attempt any five questions from this section. (10 × 5 = 50)

2. For a given loading conditions the state of stress in the
wall of a cylinder is expressed as follows :
i. 85 MN/m2 tensile,
ii. 25 MN/ m2 tensile at right angles to (i), and
Solved Paper (2015-16) SP–2 D (ME-Sem-5)

iii. Shear stresses of 60 MN/m2 on the planes on which the

stresses (i) and (ii) act ; the shear couple acting on planes
carrying the 25 MN/m2 stress is clockwise in effect.
Calculate principal stresses and principal planes.
25 MN/m 2
60 MN/m 2

85 MN/m 2

Fig. 1.

3. State the generalized Hooke’s law and prove for an

anisotropic elastic material that the maximum number of
independent elastic constants is 21 only. Also show that for
isotropic materials it is 2.

4. Derive the deflection for cantilever beam loaded with

uniformly distributed load.

5. Determine equivalent bending moment and equivalent

torque for the shafts subjected to combined bending and

6. A close coiled helical spring is to carry a load of 5000 N with

a deflection of 50 mm and a maximum shearing stress of
400 N/mm2, if the number of active turns of active coils is 8.
Estimate the following :
a. Wire diameter,
b. Mean coil diameter, and
c. Weight of the spring.
Assume G = 83000 N/mm2,
Specific weight = 7700 kg/m3

7. A leaf spring is made of plates 50 mm wide and 8 mm thick.

The spring has a span of 700 mm. Determine the number of
plates required to carry a central load of 45 kN. The
maximum allowable stress in the plates is 200 MPa. What is
the maximum deflection under this load ?

8. Derive the equations for circumferential stress and

volumetric strain in a thin spherical shell under internal
Strength of Material SP–3 D (ME-Sem-5)

9. Determine the shear centre for the channel section as shown

in Fig. 2.

A t
B 2a

Fig. 2.

Section – C

Attempt any two questions from this section. (15 × 2 = 30)

10. a. A compound cylinder is composed of a tube of 250 mm
internal diameter and 25 mm thick, shrunk on a tube of
200 mm internal diameter and 250 mm external diameter.
The interface radial pressure at the junction is 8 N/mm2
due to shrinking. Then the compound cylinder is subjected
to an internal pressure of 60 N/mm2. Find the variation in
hoop stresses over the thickness of compound cylinder.

b. Define product of inertia and principal moment of inertia.

11. a. Derive the bending equation for a beam subjected to bending

moment M in pure bending condition. Also state the

b. A close coil helical spring of round steel wire 10 mm in

diameter and 10 complete turns with a mean diameter of
120 mm and subjected to an axial load of 200 N. Determine (i)
deflection of the spring (ii) stiffness of the spring (iii)
maximum shear stress and (iv) strain energy stored in

12. Define the following terms :

a. Draw the stress-strain diagram for mild steel under tensile

b. Write down assumption in Euler’s theory for column.

c. Name different theories of failure and represent them


Solved Paper (2015-16) SP–4 D (ME-Sem-5)


Section – A
1. Attempt all parts. All parts carry equal marks. Write answer of
each part in short. (2 × 10 = 20)
a. Why stresses are called tensor ?
Ans. Stresses are called tensor because they can produce strain in all
three directions.

b. What are the limitations of Euler’s formula ?

Ans. Limitations for the use of Euler’s formula :
i. It is applicable to an ideal strut only.
ii. It takes no account of direct stress.

c. What is wire winding of thin cylinder ?

Ans. Wire winding is the process in which a thin cylinder is strengthened
against the internal pressure by winding it with wire under tension
and putting the cylinder wall in compression.

d. What are the various stresses induced in closed coil helical

spring ?
Ans. Following are the various stresses induced in closed coil helical
spring :
i. Direct shear stress, and
ii. Torsional stress.

e. Define shear centre.

Ans. The shear centre is the point of intersection of the bending axis and
the plane of transverse section.

f. Difference between thin and thick cylinder.

S. No. Thick Cylinder Thin Cylinder
1. The thickness of cylindrical The thickness of the cylindrical
1 1 1
vessel is greater than of its vessel is less than to of
20 15 20
internal diameter. its internal diameter.
2. The stresses are not uniform Stresses are assumed to be
rather it varies along the uniform throughout the wall
thickness. thickness .
Strength of Material SP–5 D (ME-Sem-5)

g. Write the relation for axial deflection for open coil helical
spring subjected to axial twist.
Ans. Axial deflection,
 1 1 
 = 2TR2n sin    
 GJ EI 

h. Compare the strength of hollow and solid shaft.

Ans. Let us assume that both the shafts have same length, material,
weight and hence the same maximum shear stress.
strength of hollow shaft T
Then, = H
strength of solid shaft TS
n2  1
n n2  1
external diameter
Where, n=
internal diameter
Since, n is always greater than 1. Hence, strength of hollow shafts
is greater than solid shaft.

i. An unknown weight falls by 30 mm on to a collar rigidly

attached to the lower end of a vertical bar 4 m long and
1000 mm 2 in section. If the maximum instantaneous
extension is found to be 3.66 mm. Find corresponding
weight. E = 2 × 105 N/mm2.
Given : h = 30 mm, l = 4 m, A = 1000 mm2, l = 3.66 mm
E = 2 × 105 N/mm2
To Find : Weight (W).

W  2hAE 
We know that, p = 1  1  
A  Wl 
 l 
But p = E ×  
 l
 l  W  2hAE 
then, E×   = 1  1  
 l A  Wl 

3.66 W  2  30  1000  2  105 

2 × 105 × = 1  1  
4000 100  W  4000 
183000 3000000
– 1= 1
W = 9.949 kN
W = 10 kN
Solved Paper (2015-16) SP–6 D (ME-Sem-5)

j. Write relation for maximum deflection and slope for simply

supported beam subjected to uniformly distributed load
over the whole span.
i. For Maximum Deflection :
ymax =
384 EI
ii. For Maximum Slope :
Wl 3
max =
24 EI

Section – B

Attempt any five questions from this section. (10 × 5 = 50)

2. For a given loading conditions the state of stress in the
wall of a cylinder is expressed as follows :
i. 85 MN/m2 tensile,
ii. 25 MN/ m2 tensile at right angles to (i), and
iii. Shear stresses of 60 MN/m2 on the planes on which the
stresses (i) and (ii) act ; the shear couple acting on planes
carrying the 25 MN/m2 stress is clockwise in effect.
Calculate principal stresses and principal planes.
25 MN/m 2
60 MN/m 2

85 MN/m 2

Fig. 1.
Given : x = + 85 MN/m2, y = + 25 MN/m2, xy = 60 MN/m2
To Find : Principal stresses and principal planes.
1. Since, principal stresses,
x   y
   y 
1/2 =   x 2
   xy
2  2 
2. On putting the values of x, y and xy,
85  25  85  25  2
1/2 =     60
2  2 
1/2 = 55 ± 67.082
3. Maximum principal stress,
Strength of Material SP–7 D (ME-Sem-5)

1 = 55 + 67.082
1 = 122.082 MN/m2 (Tensile)
4. Minimum principal stress,
2 = 55 – 67.082 = – 12.082 MN/m2
2 = 12.082 MN/m2 (Compressive)
5. Principal plane,
2 xy
tan 2p =
x   y
2  60 120
= 
85  25 60
tan 2p = 2
2p = 63.43494
p = 31.7174º

3. State the generalized Hooke’s law and prove for an

anisotropic elastic material that the maximum number of
independent elastic constants is 21 only. Also show that for
isotropic materials it is 2.
1. Since any direct stress produces a strain in its own direction and an
opposite kind of strain in every direction at right angle to this we
p p p p p  p3
2. Longitudinal strain, 1 = 1  2  3  1  2 ...(1)
E mE mE E mE
p p p p p  p1
3. Similarly, 2 = 2  3  1  2  3 ...(2)
E mE mE E mE
p p p p p  p2
and 3 = 3  1  2  3  1 ...(3)
E mE mE E mE


Fig. 2.
4. Above three equations are known as general equations of Hooke’s
law or generalized Hooke’s law.
5. Hook’s law is the constitutive law for a Hookean or linear elastic
6. It can be given a precise expression in terms of stress and strain by
stating, in the most general form, that, if ij ji.
x = f1(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
y = f2(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
Solved Paper (2015-16) SP–8 D (ME-Sem-5)

z = f3(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)

xy = f4(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
yz = f5(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
zx = f6(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
yx = f7(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
zy = f8(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
xz = f9(x, y, z, xy, yz, zx, yx, zy, xz)
7. These functions could be linear or non-linear.
8. For a small deformation an elastic material can be considered to be
linearly elastic and in that case the functions become linear. Hence,
we can write in tensor form,
ij = Cijklkl
This is the Cauchy’s formulation for generalized Hook’s law. In
most of the general cases ij and kl will have 9 components each
and Cijkl will have 81 components.
9. So we have, in this way only 21 independent elastic constants. This
is the maximum number of elastic constants for a completely
anisotropic elastic material.
10. If we consider isotropy as well about various axes, the number of
independent elastic constants reduces considerably, till for a
perfectly isotropic material there are only 2 independent elastic

4. Derive the deflection for cantilever beam loaded with

uniformly distributed load.
Given : Cantilever beam with uniformly distributed load.
To Find : The free end deflection of beam.
w per unit length

Fig. 3.
1. Let us consider a beam AB length l carrying uniformly distributed
load w per unit length. Take section XX at a distance x from the
free end A.
2. Moment at XX section,
x wx 2
Mx = wx  ...(1)
2 2
d2 y
Mx = EI 2 ...(2)
Strength of Material SP–9 D (ME-Sem-5)

3. Eq. (1) and eq. (2), both are equal.

d2 y wx 2
EI 2 =

dx 2
4. Integrate the equation,
dy wx3
EI =   C1 ...(3)
dx 6
wx 4
5. Again integrateEIy =   C1 x  C2 ...(4)
6. Boundary conditions,
x = l, y= 0, =0
7. So from eq. (3), applying boundary condition
C1 =
8. From eq. (4),
wl 4
C2 = 
9. Put the values of C1 and C2 in eq. (4),
wx 4 wl 3 wl4
EIy =   x
24 6 8
This is deflection equation.

5. Determine equivalent bending moment and equivalent

torque for the shafts subjected to combined bending and
1. When a shaft is transmitting torque, it is subjected to shear stresses.
At the same time, shaft is also subjected to bending moment due to
inertia loads. Due to bending moment, bending stresses are also
2. Now, from torsion equation,
T     4  3
= or T=J = D  D   D
J R R 32 16
M 
3. From bending equation, = b
I y
b b D4 D3
M= ×I=  = b 
y D / 2 64 32
4. If a certain material loaded in such a way that at a point, bending
stress b and shear stress  are present then principal stress max
and maximum shear stress max are given as :
Solved Paper (2015-16) SP–10 D (ME-Sem-5)

b  
max =   b   2
2  2
5. Multiplying both sides by D ,
2 2
D3  D3   D3   D3 
max = b   b  
32 2 32  2 32   
32 
2 2
M  M  T M  M2  T 2
Me =      =
2  2   2  2
Me = Equivalent bending moment.
 b  2
6. Now, max =   
7. Multiplying both sides by
2 2
D3 D3   D3   D3 
 max  =  b  
16 16  2 16   16 
Equivalent torque,Te = M2  T 2

6. A close coiled helical spring is to carry a load of 5000 N with

a deflection of 50 mm and a maximum shearing stress of
400 N/mm2, if the number of active turns of active coils is 8.
Assume G = 83000 N/mm2, Specific weight  = 7700 kg/m3.
Estimate the following :
a. Wire diameter,
b. Mean coil diameter, and
c. Weight of the spring.
Given : Load W = 5000 N, Deflection  = 50 mm, Maximum shear
stress  = 400 N/mm2, n = 8, G = 83000 N/mm2, Specific weight
 = 7700 kg/m3,
To Find : Wire diameter, mean coil diameter and weight of the

16 WR   d 3
1. We know that,  = 3
d 16  W
    d3
or D = 2R =
400    d 3
8  5000
D = 0.0314159 d3 ....(1)
Strength of Material SP–11 D (ME-Sem-5)

8WD3 n
2. Deflection, =
Gd 4
8  5000  D3  8
50 =
83000  d 4
D = 12.96875 d4
3 ...(2)
3. From eq. (1) and eq. (2),
(0.0314159 d3)3 = 12.96875 d4
3.10062 × 10–5 d9 = 12.96875 d4
d5 = 418262.0872
d = 13.3134 mm
4. Now putting the value of d in eq. (1),
D = 74.1342 mm
5. We know that,
 2
Volume = ( d )  (D  n)

=  (13.3134) 2    74.1342  8
= 259373.9211 mm3
Volume = 259373.9211 × 10–9 m3
and, Mass = 7700 × 259373.9211 × 10 – 9 = 1.99718 kg
 Weight of spring,
= mass × g = 1.99718 × 9.81 = 19.5923 N

7. A leaf spring is made of plates 50 mm wide and 8 mm thick.

The spring has a span of 700 mm. Determine the number of
plates required to carry a central load of 45 kN. The
maximum allowable stress in the plates is 200 MPa. What is
the maximum deflection under this load ?
Given : Width, b = 50 cm, Thickness, t = 8 mm, Length,
l = 700 mm Central load, W = 45 kN, Maximum allowable stress,
= 200 MPa
To Find : Number of plates and maximum deflection.
Data Assume : E = 200 × 109 GN/m2
1. Bending stress () is given as,
2nbt 2
3  45  103  700  103
200 × 106 =
2  n  50  102  (8  10 3 )2
n = 7.38 = 8
2. Deflection of the spring is given as,
Solved Paper (2015-16) SP–12 D (ME-Sem-5)

= 3Wl 3
8nEbt 3
3  45  1000  (700  10 3 )3
8  8  200  109  50  10 2  (8  10 3 )3
= 0.0141 mm = 0.14 cm

8. Derive the equations for circumferential stress and

volumetric strain in a thin spherical shell under internal
A. Circumferential Stress :
1. Fig. 4 shows a thin spherical shell of internal diameter d and
thickness t and subjected to an internal fluid pressure p.
2. The fluid inside the shell has a tendency to split the shell into two
hemispheres along X-X axis.
3. The force (F) which has a tendency to split the shell
 2
= p× d
4. The area resisting this force = dt
5. Hoop or circumferential stress (c) induced in the material of the
shell is given by,
Force ( F )
c =
Area resisting the force ( A)
 2
p d
4 pd
= 
dt 4t
The stress c is tensile in nature.


Resisting area t
(dt )

Fig. 4.
Strength of Material SP–13 D (ME-Sem-5)

6. The fluid inside the shell is also having tendency to split the shell
into two hemispheres along Y-Y axis. Then it can be shown that the
tensile hoop stress will also be equal to . Let this stress is l.
 l =
The stress l will be at right angles to c.
 V 
B. Volumetric Strain  :
 V 
1. If V = Original volume and V= Change in volume.
Then = Volumetric stain.
Where, V=
 3
d  4  3
 For a sphere, V   r  d 

6 3 6
2. Taking the differential of the above equation,

V =× 3d2 × d(d)

V  3 d 2  d( d) d( d)
3. Hence = 6 =3 ...(1)
V  d
 d3
But we have,
d d( d) pd
or = (1 – )
d d 4 tE
4. Substituting this value in eq. (1), we get
dV V 3 p d
= = (1 – )
V V 4 tE

9. Determine the shear centre for the channel section as shown

in Fig. 5.

A t
B 2a

Fig. 5.
1. Let us consider XX as the horizontal symmetry of axis. Hence the
shear centre will lie on the line XX.
Solved Paper (2015-16) SP–14 D (ME-Sem-5)

S t dA

X O X 2a

Fig. 6.
2. To determine shear centre apply a shear force S at a point SC at a
distance ‘e’ from the web on the horizontal XX axis.
3. Consider S1 is the shear force in the top flange hence an equal and
opposite shear force will act in the bottom flange.
4. We know that stress () in the flange,
Shear stress () = y
I XX t
Where, S = Shear force acting on the plane,
A = Area of the plane,
y = Position of its centroid in Y-direction,
t = Thickness, and
IXX = Moment of inertia of the body about axis of
5. Hence for an elementary area dA at a distance x from the right
hand side having the thickness dx,
A = tx, y  =a
S(tx) Sxa
 = a
6. Shear force acting on elementary area dA = dA
= tdx ( dA = tdx)
7. Total shear force on top flange,
a a a
Sat Sxa Sat a2
S1 =
 tdx =  I 
I XX 0
tdx =
xdx =
I XX 2
0 XX

8. Taking moments of shear forces about centre ‘O’,

Se = S12a
S1 Sat a2 2a
e= 2a =
S I XX 2 S
Strength of Material SP–15 D (ME-Sem-5)

e= ...(1)
3 3
 at3  t(2 a)  at 3  2a t
9. Now, IXX = 2   ata2   = 2  a3 t  
 12  12  12  3

at 3 8 a3 t
= 
6 3

8 a3 t  at 3 
IXX =  is negligible

3 6
10. Put the value of IXX in the eq. (1), we get
8 a3 t

Section – C

Attempt any two questions from this section. (15 × 2 = 30)

10. a. A compound cylinder is composed of a tube of 250 mm
internal diameter and 25 mm thick, shrunk on a tube of
200 mm internal diameter and 250 mm external diameter.
The interface radial pressure at the junction is 8 N/mm2
due to shrinking. Then the compound cylinder is subjected
to an internal pressure of 60 N/mm2. Find the variation in
hoop stresses over the thickness of compound cylinder.
Given : A compound cylinder,
Outer cylinder : di = 250 mm, do = 300 mm
Inner cylinder : di = 200 mm, d0 = 250 mm
Pi = 60 MPa, P = 8 MPa
To Find : Variation of hoop stress.
A. Shrinkage Stresses :
1. Outer cylinder, pressure P is internal,
d02  di2 3002  2502
c250 = 2 2
P  8 = 44.36 MPa
d0 – di 300 2 – 250 2

2  di2 2  2502
c300 = 2 2
P  8 = 36.3636 MPa
d0 – di 300 2 – 250 2
2. Inner cylinder, pressure P is external,
Solved Paper (2015-16) SP–16 D (ME-Sem-5)

d02  di 2 250 2  200 2

c250 = 2 2
 P =–  8 = – 36.44 MPa
d0 – di 2502 – 200 2

2 di 2 2  250 2
c200 = 2 2
 P =–  8 = – 44.44 MPa
d – di
0 2502 – 200 2
3. Stress due to pressure :
d02  di 2 3002  2002
c200 = 2 2
 Pi =  60 =156 MPa
do – di 300 2 – 200 2

2.di 2 2  2002
c300 = 2 2
 Pi   60 = 96 MPa
d – di
0 3002 – 2002

d02 – di2 di 2 300 2  250 2 2002

c250 = 2 2
 2  P   60 = 117.12 MPa
d0 – di di 3002 – 2002 2502



Pi 200

Fig. 7.
B. Final Stresses :
1. The final stresses are summed in table

Inner cylinder Outer Cylinder

200 mm 250 mm 250 mm 300 mm
Shrinkage stresses (MPa) – 44.44 – 36.44 44.36 36.3636
Stresses due to pressure 156 117.12 117.12 96
Final stresses (MPa) 111.56 80.68 161.48 132.3636
Strength of Material SP–17 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. Variation in hoop stresses over thickness of compound cylinder,


156 S tr e
press du e t o
s ur e
u lt an
111.56 t st r 132.3636
117.12 s
Hoop stress (MPa)


Shrinkage stress
200 250 300

36.44 d (MPa)
Outer cylinder
44.44 Inner cylinder
Fig. 8.
b. Define product of inertia and principal moment of inertia.
A. Product of Inertia :
1. Consider a plane area or section (area A) as shown in the
Fig. 9.
2. Further consider an elemental area dA at a distance x and y from
the Y-Y axis, and X-X axis respectively.
3. The  xydA is defined as the product of inertia of the cross-section.
IXY = xy dA =  xy dA
B. Principal Moment of Inertia :
1. If the two axes about which the product of inertia is found, are such
that the product of inertia becomes zero, the two axes are then
called the principal axes.
Area A

x dA

Fig. 9.
Solved Paper (2015-16) SP–18 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. The moment of inertia about a principal axis is called the principal

moment of inertia.
3. Let, UU = Major principal axis,
VV = Minor principal axis,
IUU = Maximum principal moment of inertia, and
IVV = Minimum principal moment of inertia.
4. The values of IUU and IVV are given by :
IUU =  IYY  I XX    IYY  I XX  2
 2   2   ( I XY )
and, IVV =  IYY  I XX    IYY  I XX   ( I XY )2
 2   2 

11. a. Derive the bending equation for a beam subjected to bending

moment M in pure bending condition. Also state the
A. Bending Equation :
1. In Fig. 10(a), consider a small length dx of a beam subjected to a
simple bending.
2. Due to action of bending, the part of length dx will take the shape
as curved beam as shown in Fig. 10(b).
3. Let, R = Radius of curvature,  = Angle subtended at O by AB and

A C
y N N
E y F
B dx D B D
( a) (b )
Fig. 10.
4. Now consider a layer EF at a distance y below the neutral layer NN.
After bending this layer will take the shape of E F .
Original length of layer, EF = dx
Length of neutral layer, NN= dx
After bending, there is no variation in length of neutral layer NN.
So, N´N´= dx = NN = EF
5. Now from Fig. 10(b),
Strength of Material SP–19 D (ME-Sem-5)

NN = N´N´ = R × 
E 'F ' = (R + y)
Increase in length of layer EF
= E 'F '  EF = (R + y) – R ×  = y × 
Increase in length
6. Strain in layer EF =
Original length
y y y 
=  = [ dx = R × ]
EF dx R
Strain = ...(1)
7. Now strain is also given as,
Modulus of elasticity =
 
E=  Strain  ...(2)
Strain E
8. From eq. (1) and eq. (2),
 y
 E
= ...(3)
y R
9. Now, force on the layer at a distance y from neutral axis is given as,
Force = Stress × Area
= × dA
=× y × dA
10. Moment of this force about neutral axis,
= Force × y
E E 2
× y × dA × y = y dA
11. Total moment of force on the section of the beam,
E 2
M=  R y dA
E 2
M= y dA
y dA = Moment of inertia of the area of the section
about the neutral axis.
M= ×I
= ...(4)
Solved Paper (2015-16) SP–20 D (ME-Sem-5)

12. From eq. (3) and eq. (4),

M  E
= =
I y R
B. Assumptions :
1. Material of the beam is homogeneous.
2. The stress induced is proportional to the strain.
3. The value of modulus of elasticity (E) is same, for the every fibre of
beam under compression and tension.
4. A plane before bending remains plane after bending.
5. The loads are applied in the plane of bending.
6. Radius of curvature of the beam before bending is very large in
comparison to its transverse dimensions.

b. A close coil helical spring of round steel wire 10 mm in

diameter and 10 complete turns with a mean diameter of
120 mm and subjected to an axial load of 200 N. Determine :
i. Deflection of the spring,
ii. Stiffness of the spring,
iii. Maximum shear stress, and
iv. Strain energy stored in spring.
Given : Diameter of wire, d = 10 mm, Number of turns, n = 10
Mean diameter of coil, D = 120 mm, Radius of coil, R = D/2 = 60 mm
Axial load, W = 200 N, Modulus of rigidity, G = 8 × 104 N/mm2
Data Assume : Modulus of rigidity, G = 8 × 104 N/mm2

64 WR3  n 64  200  603  10

1. Deflection, =  = 34.5 mm
Gd 4 8  10 4  104
2. Stiffness of the spring,
W 200
k= = 5.8 N/mm.
 34.5
3. Maximum shear stress,
16 WR 16  200  60
=  = 61.1 N/mm2.
 d3   103
4. Strain energy stored in the spring,
32 W 2 R3n 32  2002  603  10
U=  = 3456 J
Gd 4 8  10 4  10 4

12. Define the following terms :

a. Draw the stress-strain diagram for mild steel under tensile
1. Mild steel or low carbon steel is known as structural steel.
Strength of Material SP–21 D (ME-Sem-5)

Tensile stress ( )
C D  ult

O ep
Tensile strain (e)
Fig. 11. Stress-Strain diagram for a typical structural steel in tension.
2. Above diagram can be understood by following points :
i. The limit of proportionality is from O to A, and OA is linear.
ii. B is the upper yield point and C is the lower yield point.
iii. The inelastic region starts from B and extends upto fracture
point F.
iv. BD denotes discontinuous yielding.
v. DE part of the curve indicates strain or work hardening.
vi. Neck formation occurs during EF region.
vii. Point F depicts fracture or rupture or breaking.

b. Write down assumption in Euler’s theory for column.

1. The column is initially perfectly straight and the load is applied
2. The cross-section of the column is uniform throughout its length.
3. The column material is perfectly elastic, homogeneous and isotropic
and obeys Hooke’s law
4. The direct stress is very small as compared to the bending stress.
5. The column will fail by buckling alone.
6. The self-weight of column is negligible.

c. Name different theories of failure and represent them

Ans. These are the following theories of failure :
i. Maximum Principal Stress Theory (Rankine’s Theory) :
1. According to this theory, failure will occur when the maximum
principal tensile stress (1) in the system reaches the value of
maximum stress at elastic limit (et) in simple tension or minimum
principal stress reaches the elastic limit stress (ec) in simple
1  et (in simple tension)
Solved Paper (2015-16) SP–22 D (ME-Sem-5)

3 < ec (in simple compression)


1 1
– e O

– e
Fig. 12. Representation of maximum principal stress theory.
ii. Maximum Principal Shear Stress Theory (Guest’s or
Tresca’s Theory) :
e A
(II) F (I )

– e e
C (IV) diagonal
D – e

Fig. 13. Representation of maximum shear stress theory.

1. According to this theory, failure will occur when maximum shear
stress max in the system reaches the value of maximum shear
stress in simple tension at elastic limit.
1   3  et
max =  (In simple tension)
2 2
1 – 3 = et
2. According to condition of failure, (1 – 3) > et
iii. Maximum Principal Strain Theory (Saint Venant’s Theory) :
1. According to this theory, failure of a material will take place when
principal tensile strain in the material reaches the strain at elastic
limit in the simple tension or when the minimum strain reaches
the elastic limit strain in simple compression.
2. Principal strain in direction of principal stress 1,
1 = [ 1  ( 2   3 )] (= Poisson’s ratio)
3. Principal strain in direction of principal stress 3,
3 = [  3   ( 2  1 )]
Strength of Material SP–23 D (ME-Sem-5)

e 1– m
1+ m

– e O

– e

Fig. 14. Representation of maximum principal strain theory.

iv. Maximum Shear Strain Energy Theory (Distortion Energy
Theory or Mises Hencky Theory) :
1. According to this theory, the failure occurs when the shear strain
energy per unit volume in the stressed material reaches a value
equal to the shear strain energy per unit volume at the elastic limit
point in the simple tension test.

– e e
O 0.577  e

– e diagonal
Fig. 15. Graphical representation
of maximum shear strain energy theory.
2. Shear strain energy due to principal stress 1, 2 and 3 per unit
volume of the stress material,
US = [(1   2 )2  ( 2   3 )2  ( 3  1 )2 ]
v. Maximum Strain Energy Theory (Haigh’s Theory) :
1. According to this theory, failure of a material occurs when the total
strain energy in the material reaches the total strain energy of the
material at elastic limit in simple tension.
Solved Paper (2015-16) SP–24 D (ME-Sem-5)

(I )

2 1– m
1 45°
2 1+ m


Fig. 16. Representation of maximum strain energy theory.

2. In three dimensional stress system the strain energy per unit
volume is given by
U = [12   22  32  2(1 2   2 3  3 1 )]

Strength of Material SP–1 D (ME-Sem-5)


Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100

Note : Attempt questions as per instructions.

Section – A

1. Attempt all parts of the following : (2 × 10 = 20)

a. What is Hooke’s law ? Explain.

b. What are thermal stress and thermal strain.

c. What are principal stresses and strains ?

d. What is slenderness ratio and equivalent length of a

column ?

e. What are flitched beam and fixed beam ?

f. Differentiate between resilience and proof resilience.

g. What is spring ? What are different types of spring ?

h. What is the difference between column and strut ?

i. Explain :
i. Section Modulus.
ii. Modular ratio.


Note : Attempt any five questions from this section. (10 × 5 = 50)
2. Derive the expression for shearing stress at any section on
a beam, also show the distribution of shearing stress over
a rectangular section.

3. A simply supported beam of span L is carrying a uniformly

distributed load of w per unit length over the entire span.
Find the maximum slope and deflection of the beam.
Solved Paper (2016-17) SP–2 D (ME-Sem-5)

4. A solid shaft of 200 mm diameter has the same cross

sectional area as the hollow shaft of the same material
with inside diameter of 150 mm. Find the ratio of
i. Powers transmitted by both the shafts at the same angular
ii. Angles of twists in equal length of these shafts, when
stressed to same intensity.

5. A cylindrical shell 90 cm long 20 cm internal diameter having

thickness of metal as 8 mm is filled with fluid at atmospheric
pressure. If an additional 20 cm3 of fluid is pumped into the
cylinder, find
i. The pressure exerted by the fluid on the cylinder, and
ii. The hoop stress induced. Take E = 200 GPa and  = 0.3

6. A short length of tube, 4 cm internal diameter and 5 cm

external diameter, failed in compression at a load of 240 kN.
When a 2 m length of the same tube was tested with the
fixed ends, the load at failure was 158 kN. Assuming that
the ultimate crushing stress in Rankine’s formula is given
by the first test, find the value of the constant a in the same
formula. What will be crippling load of this tube if it is used
as a strut 3 m long with one end fixed and other is hinged.

7. What are the various theories of failure ? Explain with


8. A bar of uniform cross section area A and length L hangs

vertically, subjected to its own weight. Prove that the strain
energy stored within the bar is given by
A   2  L3
Where E is modulus of elasticity and  is weight per unit

9. A beam of length 6 m is simply supported at its ends and

carries two point loads of 48 kN and 40 kN at a distance of
1 m and 3 m respectively from the left support. Find :
i. Deflection under each load,
ii. Maximum deflection,
iii. The point at which maximum deflection occurs.
Given E = 200 GPa and I = 85 × 106 mm4

10. A rectangular block of material is subjected to a tensile

stress of 110 MPa on one plane and a tensile stress of 47 MPa
at right angles to the former. Each of the above stresses is
Strength of Material SP–3 D (ME-Sem-5)

accompanied by a shear stress of 63 MPa and that associated

with the former tensile stress tends to rotate the block
anticlockswise. Find :
i. The direction and magnitude of each of the principal stress.
ii. Magnitude of greatest shear stress

Section – C

Note : Attempt any two questions from this section. (15 × 2 = 30)

11. Attempt all parts of the following : (5 × 3 = 15)

a. In a hollow circular shaft of outer and inner diameters of
20 cm and 10 cm respectively, the shear stress is not to
exceed 40 MPa. Find the maximum torque which can be
safely transmitted.

b. Determine the Poisson’s ratio and bulk modulus of a

material, for which Young’s modulus is 120 GPa and
modulus of rigidity 48 GPa.

c. At a point in a strained material the principal stresses are

100 MPa (tensile) and 60 MPa (compressive). Determine the
normal stress, shear stress and resultant stress on a plane
inclined at 50° to the axis of major principal stress. Also
determine the maximum shear stress at a point.

Solved Paper (2016-17) SP–4 D (ME-Sem-5)


Note : Attempt questions as per instructions.

Section – A
1. Attempt all parts of the following : (2 × 10 = 20)
a. What is Hooke’s law ? Explain.
Ans. It states, ‘‘When a material is loaded, within its elastic limit, the
stress is proportional to the strain.’’ Mathematically
= E (constant)
It may be noted that Hooke’s law equally hold good for tension as
well as compression.

b. What are thermal stress and thermal strain.

Extension prevented
Ans. Thermal strain, T =
Original length
dL .T . L
= = = T
T =  T
and thermal stress = Thermal strain × E
T = . TE
Thermal stress is also known as temperature stress and thermal
strain is also known as temperature strain.

c. What are principal stresses and strains ?

Ans. Principal Stresses : In complex systems of loading, there exist
three mutually perpendicular planes, on each of which the resultant
stress is wholly normal. These are known as principal planes and
the normal stresses across these planes are known as principal
Principal Strains : Maximum and minimum normal strain possible
for a specific point on a structure element. Shear strain is zero at
the orientation where principal strain occurs.

d. What is slenderness ratio and equivalent length of a

column ?
Ans. Slenderness Ratio : It is the ratio of unsupported length of the
column to the minimum radius of gyration of the cross-sectional
ends of the column. It is dimensionless and denoted by ‘k’.
Equivalent Length : The distance between adjacent points of
inflexion is called equivalent length or effective length or simple
column length. A point of inflexion is found at every column end that
Strength of Material SP–5 D (ME-Sem-5)

is free to rotate and at every point where there is a change of the


e. What are flitched beam and fixed beam ?

Ans. Flitched Beam : Beam made up to two different materials such as
wooden beams reinforced by steel plates are known as flitched.
Fixed Beam : Fixed beam is a beam in which both ends are
constrained or built-in to remain in horizontal position.

f. Differentiate between resilience and proof resilience.

Resilience Proof Resilience
The strain energy stored by the body The maximum strain energy stored
within elastic limit, when loaded in a body upto elastic limit is known
externally is called resilience. as proof resilience.

g. What is spring ? What are different types of spring ?

Ans. Spring : Springs are elastic members which distort under load and
regain their original shape when load is removed.
Types of Spring :
Following are the different types of springs :
i. Helical springs, ii. Leaf springs,
iii. Torsion springs, iv. Circular springs,
v. Belleville springs, and vi. Flat springs.

h. What is the difference between column and strut ?

Column Strut
A column is a long vertical slender A strut is a slender bar or member
bar or vertical member, subjected to in any position other than vertical,
an axial compressive load and fixed hinged or pin joined at one or both
rigidly at both ends. the ends.

i. Explain :
i. Section Modulus.
ii. Modular ratio.
i. Section Modulus : It is defined as the ratio of moment of inertia of
a section about neutral axis to distance of the outermost layer from
the neutral axis. It is denoted by Z.
Solved Paper (2016-17) SP–6 D (ME-Sem-5)

ii. Modular Ratio : It is the ratio of Young’s modulii of elasticity of

two different materials in construction by composite materials.

Note : Attempt any five questions from this section. (10 × 5 = 50)
2. Derive the expression for shearing stress at any section on
a beam, also show the distribution of shearing stress over
a rectangular section.
A. Shearing Stress on Beam :
1. In Fig. 1, a simply supported beam carrying a uniformly distributed
load. Due to U.D.L., the shear force and bending moment will vary
along the length of the beam.
2. Consider two sections AB and CD of this beam at a distance dx
3. Let at section AB, At section CD,
F = shear force F + dF = shear force
M = bending moment M + dM = bending moment
I = moment of inertia of the section
Now, it is required to find shear stress intensity on the section AB
at a distance y from neutral axis.
4. Bending stress at distance y from the neutral axis is given by
( +d  )dA

B D dx

 + d H G
 dA
N y1 E y1 y

( M)
(M +dM )
dx b
Fig. 1.
M 
I y
= ×y
5. Now intensity of stress on section AB.
= y
Strength of Material SP–7 D (ME-Sem-5)

6. Intensity of stress on section CD,

( M  dM )
+ d= y
7. Force on the section AB = Stress × Area = × dA
= × y × dA ...(1)
8. Force on the section CD = Stress × Area = (+ d) × dA
( M  dM )
= × y × dA ...(2)
9. Net unbalanced force on the section = Force on the section CD –
Force on the section AB
( M  dM ) M
= × y × dA – × y × dA
= × y × dA
dM dM
10. Total unbalanced force =   y  dA = y  dA
I I 
Since  y  dA = y  A
Where, A = area of the section above EF,
y = distance of the C.G. of the area A from the neutral axis.
=  A y ...(3)
This is total unbalanced force or shear resistance at the level EF.
11. At the level EF, shear force is given as
= Shear stress × Shear area
= × b × dx ...(4)
12. Eq. (3) and eq. (4) are equal, so
× b × dx =  A y
dM A  y
= 
I b  dx
dM A  y

b I 
 F (shear force) 
F  A y
b I
Solved Paper (2016-17) SP–8 D (ME-Sem-5)

B. Shear Stress Over Rectangular Section :


(d/2)– y 
d/2 E F
d N A

Fig. 2.

3. A simply supported beam of span L is carrying a uniformly

distributed load of w per unit length over the entire span.
Find the maximum slope and deflection of the beam.
1. A simply supported beam AB of length L and carrying a uniformly
distributed load of w per unit length over the entire length is shown
in Fig. 3. The reactions at A and B will be equal. Also the maximum
w L
deflection will be at the centre. Each vertical reaction = .
x w/unit length


RA = w × L RB =
2 2
Fig. 3.
w L
 RA = RB 
2. Consider a section X at a distance x from A. The bending moment
at this section is given by,
Mx = RA × x – w × x × x  wL x  wx
2 2 2
3. But B.M. at any section is also given by equation,
d2 y
M = EI
dx 2
4. Equating the two values of B.M., we get
d2 y wL wx 2
EI 2
= x
dx 2 2
Strength of Material SP–9 D (ME-Sem-5)

5. Integrating the above equation, we get

dy wL x 2 w x 3
EI =   C1 ...(1)
dx 2 2 2 3
Where C1 is a constant of integration.
6. Integrating the eq. (1), we get
wL x 3 w x 4
EIy =   C1 x  C2 ...(2)
4 3 6 4
Where C2 is another constant of integration. Thus two constants of
integration (i.e., C1 and C2) are obtained from boundary conditions.
The boundary conditions are :
i. at x = 0, y = 0 and ii. at x = L, y = 0
7. Substituting first boundary condition i.e., x = 0, y = 0 in eq. (2), we
0 = 0 – 0 + 0 + C2 or C2 = 0
8. Substituting the second boundary condition i.e., at x = L, y = 0 in
eq. (2), we get
3 4
0 = wL L  w L  C1 L (C2 is already zero)
4 3 6 4
wL4 wL4
=   C1 L
12 24
wL3 wL3 wL3
or C1 = –  
12 24 24
9. Substituting the value of C1 in eq. (1) and eq. (2), we get
dy wL 2 w 3 wL3
EI = x  x  ...(3)
dx 4 6 24
wL 3 w 4  wL3 
and EIy = x  x   x0 ( C2 = 0)
12 24  24 
wL 3 w 4 wL3
or EIy =x  x  x ...(4)
12 24 24
10. The eq. (3) is known as slope equation. We can find the slope
 dy 
 i.e., the values of  at any point on the beam by substituting
dx 
the different values of x in this equation.
11. The eq. (4) is known as deflection equation. We can find the
deflection (i.e., the value of y) at any point on the beam by
substituting the different values of x in this equation.
a. Slope at the Supports :
 dy 
1. Let A = Slope at support A =  
 dx  at A
 dy 
and B = Slope at support B =  
 dx  at B
Solved Paper (2016-17) SP–10 D (ME-Sem-5)

At A, x=0 and = A
2. Substituting these values in eq. (3), we get
EIA = wL  0  w  0  wL
4 6 24
wL3 WL2
= –  ( wL = W = Total load)
24 24
 A= –
24 EI
(Negative sign means that tangent at A makes an angle with AB in
the anti-clockwise direction)
3. By symmetry, B = 
24 EI
b. Maximum Deflection :
1. The maximum deflection is at the centre of the beam i.e., at point C,
where, x= .
2. Let y = yC and x = in the eq. (2.11.4), we get
3 4
wL  L  w  L wL3  L 
EI yC =        
12 2 24 2 24  2 
wL4 wL4 wL4 5wL4
=   
96 384 48 384
5 wL4 5 WL3
yC = – 
384 EI 384 EI
( wL = W = Total load)
Negative sign indicates that deflection is downwards.

4. A solid shaft of 200 mm diameter has the same cross

sectional area as the hollow shaft of the same material
with inside diameter of 150 mm. Find the ratio of
i. Powers transmitted by both the shafts at the same angular
ii. Angles of twists in equal length of these shafts, when
stressed to same intensity.
Given : Diameter of solid shaft (D1) = 200 mm
Inside diameter of hollow shaft (d) = 150 mm.
To Find : The ratio of :
i. Powers transmitted by both of the same angular velocity.
ii. Angles of twists in equal length, when stressed to same intensity.
Strength of Material SP–11 D (ME-Sem-5)

i. Ratio of Powers Transmitted by Both the Shafts :

1. We know that cross sectional area of the solid shaft,
 
A1 = D12   (200) 2  10000 mm 2
4 4
and cross sectional area of hollow shaft,
  
A2 =  ( D2 – d 2 )   [ D2 – (150)2 ]  ( D2 – 22500)
4 4 4
2. Since the cross sectional area of both the shafts are same, therefore
equating A1 and A2,
 2
( D – 22500)
10000  =
40000 = D – 22500
D2 = 40000 + 22500 = 62500 mm2
D = 250 mm
3. Torque transmitted by the solid shaft,
 
T1 =  D13     (200)3 = 500 × 103  N-mm
16 16
4. Similarly, torque transmitted by the hollow shaft,
  D4 – d 4    (250)4 – (150)4 
T2 =        N-mm
16  D  16  250 
= 850 × 10  N-mm
Power transmitted by hollow shaft T
5. Therefore, = 2
Power transmitted by solid shaft T1
850  103  
= = 1.7
500  103  
ii. Angles of Twist in Equal Length of these Shafts, when
Stressed to Same Intensity :
1. We know that relation for angle of twist for a shaft,
 G. l
= or  
R l RG
2. Therefore, angle of twist for the solid shaft,
l l  D1 200 
1 =   where R    100 mm

RG 100G 2 2
3. Similarly angle of twist for the hollow shaft,
l l  D1 250 
2 =  where R    125 mm

RG 125G 2 2
Angle of twist of hollow shaft
4. Therefore,
Angle of twist of solid shaft
2 125G 100
=   = 0.8
1 l 125
Solved Paper (2016-17) SP–12 D (ME-Sem-5)

5. A cylindrical shell 90 cm long 20 cm internal diameter having

thickness of metal as 8 mm is filled with fluid at atmospheric
pressure. If an additional 20 cm3 of fluid is pumped into the
cylinder, find
i. The pressure exerted by the fluid on the cylinder, and
ii. The hoop stress induced. Take E = 200 GPa and  = 0.3
Given : Length of cylinder, L = 90 cm, Diameter of cylinder,
d = 20 cm, Thickness of cylinder, t = 8 mm = 0.8 cm, Volume of
additional fluid = 20 cm3, E = 200 GPa = 2 × 105 N/mm2,  = 0.3,
 2 
Volume of cylinder, V = d  L   202  90 = 28274.33 cm3
4 4
Increase in volume, V = Volume of additional fluid = 20 cm3
a. Pressure Exerted by the Fluid :
1. Let p = Pressure exerted by fluid on the cylinder
E = 2 × 105 N/mm2
 = 0.3
2. Now using equation of volumetric strain is given as
= 2c + l
or = 2c + l ...(1)
Where c and l circumferential and longitudinal strains respectively
and are given by
pd  1 
c = 1 – 
2tE  2 
pd  1 
and l = – 
2tE  2 
3. Substituting these values in eq. (1), we get
20 2 pd  1  pd  1 
= 1 –   – 
28274.33 2tE  2  2tE  2 
2 p  20  1  p  20 1 
= 1–  0.3   – 0.3 
2  0.8  2  105  2  2  0.8  2  105  2 
p p 0.95 p
0.000707 =  0.85   0.10 
8000 8000 8000
0.000707  8000
p= = 5.954 N/mm2.
b. Hoop Stress :
Hoop stress (c) given by equation as
pd 5.954  20
c =  = 74.425 N/mm2.
2t 2  0.8
Strength of Material SP–13 D (ME-Sem-5)

6. A short length of tube, 4 cm internal diameter and 5 cm

external diameter, failed in compression at a load of 240 kN.
When a 2 m length of the same tube was tested with the
fixed ends, the load at failure was 158 kN. Assuming that
the ultimate crushing stress in Rankine’s formula is given
by the first test, find the value of the constant a in the same
formula. What will be crippling load of this tube if it is used
as a strut 3 m long with one end fixed and other is hinged.
Given : External diameter, D = 5 cm, Internal diameter, d = 4 cm
Compression load for failure = 240 kN and with fixed end load for
failure = 158 kN
To Find : i. Value of constant
ii. Crippling load.

 2 9
1. Area, A= (5 – 42 )  = 2.25  cm2 = 225  mm2
4 4
Moment of inertia,
 4 
I= [5 – 4 4 ]  (625 – 256)
64 64
= 5.7656 ×  cm4 = 57656  mm4
 Least radius of gyration,

I 57656 
k=  = 16 mm
A 225 
Crushing load = 240 kN.
2. The value of c in Rankine’s formula is given by the crushing load
of 240 kN.
 The value of crushing stress,
Crushing load
c =
= = 0.3395 kN/mm2
225 
Length of the strut, l = 2 m = 2000 mm
End condition when both the ends are fixed
 Effective length,
l 2000
le =  = 1000 mm
2 2
Crushing load of strut, P = 158 kN.
3. Let a = Value of Rankine’s constant
Using Rankine’s equation, we have
Solved Paper (2016-17) SP–14 D (ME-Sem-5)

c A
P= 2
L 
1  a e 
 k

0.33953  225 239.99

158 = 2 =
 1000  1  3906.25  a
1  a
 16 

1 + 3906.25 × a =  1.5189
1.5189 – 1.0 1
 a= = 0.0001328 = .
3906.25 7530
4. Crippling load for the strut of length 3 m when one end is fixed and
other is hinged,
Actual length, l = 3 m = 3000 mm
End conditions when one end fixed and other is hinged
l 3000
 Effective length, le = 
2 2
5. Let P = Crippling load.
Using Rankine’s equation,
c A
P= 2
L 
1  a e 
 k

0.33953  225  1 
=  k  16, a  
1  3000 
2 7530 
1 
7530  2  16 
0.33953  225  
= = 71.97 kN
1  2.3344

7. What are the various theories of failure ? Explain with

Ans. These are the following theories of failure :
i. Maximum Principal Stress Theory (Rankine’s Theory) :
1. According to this theory, failure will occur when the maximum
principal tensile stress (1) in the system reaches the value of
maximum stress at elastic limit (et) in simple tension or minimum
principal stress reaches the elastic limit stress (ec) in simple
1  et (in simple tension)
3 < ec (in simple compression)
Strength of Material SP–15 D (ME-Sem-5)


1 1
– e O

– e
Fig. 4. Representation of maximum principal stress theory.
ii. Maximum Principal Shear Stress Theory (Guest’s or
Tresca’s Theory) :

e A
(II) F (I )

– e e
C (IV) diagonal
D – e

Fig. 5. Representation of maximum shear stress theory.

1. According to this theory, failure will occur when maximum shear
stress max in the system reaches the value of maximum shear
stress in simple tension at elastic limit.
1   3  et
max =  (In simple tension)
2 2
1 – 3 = et
2. According to condition of failure, (1 – 3) > et
iii. Maximum Principal Strain Theory (Saint Venant’s Theory) :
1. According to this theory, failure of a material will take place when
principal tensile strain in the material reaches the strain at elastic
limit in the simple tension or when the minimum strain reaches
the elastic limit strain in simple compression.
2. Principal strain in direction of principal stress 1,
1 =[ 1  ( 2   3 )] (= Poisson’s ratio)
3. Principal strain in direction of principal stress 3,
3 = [  3   ( 2  1 )]
Solved Paper (2016-17) SP–16 D (ME-Sem-5)

e 1– m
1+ m

– e O

– e

Fig. 6. Representation of maximum principal strain theory.

iv. Maximum Shear Strain Energy Theory (Distortion Energy
Theory or Mises Hencky Theory) :
1. According to this theory, the failure occurs when the shear strain
energy per unit volume in the stressed material reaches a value
equal to the shear strain energy per unit volume at the elastic limit
point in the simple tension test.

– e e
O 0.577  e

– e diagonal
Fig. 7. Graphical representation
of maximum shear strain energy theory.
2. Shear strain energy due to principal stress 1, 2 and 3 per unit
volume of the stress material,
US = [(1   2 )2  ( 2   3 )2  ( 3  1 )2 ]
v. Maximum Strain Energy Theory (Haigh’s Theory) :
1. According to this theory, failure of a material occurs when the total
strain energy in the material reaches the total strain energy of the
material at elastic limit in simple tension.
Strength of Material SP–17 D (ME-Sem-5)

(I )

2 1– m
1 45°
2 1+ m


Fig. 8. Representation of maximum strain energy theory.

2. In three dimensional stress system the strain energy per unit
volume is given by
U = [12   22  32  2(1 2   2 3  3 1 )]

8. A bar of uniform cross section area A and length L hangs

vertically, subjected to its own weight. Prove that the strain
energy stored within the bar is given by
A   2  L3
Where E is modulus of elasticity and  is weight per unit
1. Fig. 9 shows a bar AB fixed at end A and hanging freely under its
own weight.


Fig. 9.
2. Let L = Length of bar, A = Area of cross-section, E = Young’s
modulus for the bar material,  = Weight per unit volume of the bar
Solved Paper (2016-17) SP–18 D (ME-Sem-5)

3. Consider small strip of thickness dx at distance x from the lower

end. A weight of pAx is acting in the downward direction. Due to
this weight, there will be some increase in the length of element.
4. Elongation of the element
= dx
5. Therefore, strain energy stored in the element;
dU = × force × elongation
1 x
= ××A×x × dx
2 E
1 2 A 2
= x dx
2 E
6. Total strain energy stored in the bar;
1 2 A 2 A 2 L3
U= 
2 E
x dx =

9. A beam of length 6 m is simply supported at its ends and

carries two point loads of 48 kN and 40 kN at a distance of
1 m and 3 m respectively from the left support. Find :
i. Deflection under each load,
ii. Maximum deflection,
iii. The point at which maximum deflection occurs.
Given E = 200 GPa and I = 85 × 106 mm4
Given : Length of beam, l = 6 m, Point loads, 48 kN and 40 kN
I = 85 × 106 mm4 ; E = 2 × 105 N/mm2
1. First calculate the reactions RA and RB.
Taking moments about A, we get
RB × 6 = 48 × 1 + 40 × 3 = 168
RB = = 28 kN
RA = Total load – RB = (48 + 40) – 28 = 60 kN
2. Consider the section X in the last part of the beam (i.e., in length
DB) at a distance x from the left support A. The B.M. at this section
is given by,
d2 y
EI 2 = RA·· x|– 48( x – 1)|– 40( x – 3)
= 60x|– 48(x – 1)|– 40(x – 3)
Strength of Material SP–19 D (ME-Sem-5)

48 kN 40 kN

RA 6m RB
Fig. 10.
3. Integrating the above equation, we get
dy 60 x2 ( x – 1)2 ( x – 3)2
EI =  C1 – 48 – 40
dx 2 2 2
= 30 x2  C1 |– 24( x – 1)2 |– 20( x – 3)2 ...(1)
4. Integrating the above equation again, we get
30 x 3 – 24( x – 1)3 –20( x – 3)3
EIy =  C1 x  C2
3 3 3
= 10 x3  C1 x  C2 |– 8( x – 1)3 | ( x – 3)3
5. To find the values of C1 and C2, use boundary conditions. The
boundary conditions are :
a. At x = 0, y = 0, and at x = 6 m, y = 0.
Substituting the first boundary condition i.e., at x = 0, y = 0 in
eq. (2) and considering the equation upto first lines (as x = 0 lies in
the first part of the beam), we get
0 = 0 + 0 + C2  C2 = 0
b. Substituting the first boundary condition i.e., at x = 0, y = 0 in
eq. (2) and considering the complete equation (as x = 6 lies in the
last part of the beam), we get
0 =10 × 63 + C1 × 6 + 0 – 8 (6 –1)3 – (6 – 3)3 ( C2 = 0)
0 = 2160 + 6C1 – 8 × 53 – × 33
= 2160 + 6C1 – 1000 – 180 = 980 + 6C1
 C1 = = –163.33
6. Now substituting the values of C1 and C2 in eq. (2), we get
EIy = 10 x3 – 163.33 x|– 8( x – 1)3 |– ( x – 3)3 ...(3)
i. Deflection Under each Load :
1. Deflection under first load i.e., at point C. This is obtained by
substituting x = 1 in eq. (3) upto the first line (as the point C lies in
the first part of the beam). Hence, we get
EIyc = 10 × 13 – 163.33 × 1
Solved Paper (2016-17) SP–20 D (ME-Sem-5)

= 10 – 163.33 = –153.33 kNm3

= – 153.33 ×103 Nm3
= – 153.33 ×103 × 109 Nmm3
= – 153.33 ×1012 Nmm3
–153.33  1012 –153.33  1012
yc =  mm
EI 2  105  85  106
= – 9.019 mm.
(Negative sign shows that deflection is downwards).
2. Deflection under second load i.e., at point D. This is obtained by
substituting x = 3 m in eq. (3) upto the second line (as the point D
lies in the second part of the beam).
Hence, we get
EIyD = 10 × 33 – 163.33 × 3 – 8 (3 – 1)3
= 270 – 489.99 – 64 = –283.99 kNm3
= – 283.99 ×1012 Nmm3

–283.99  1012
 yD = = – 16.7 mm.
2  105  85  106
ii. Maximum Deflection :
1. The deflection is likely to be maximum at a section between C and
D. For maximum deflection, should be zero. Hence equate the
eq. (1) equal to zero upto the second line.
30x2 + C1 – 24(x – 1)2 = 0
or 30x2 – 163.33 – 24(x2 + 1 – 2x) = 0 ( C1 = – 163.33)
or 6x2 + 48x – 187.33 = 0
2. The above equation is a quadratic equation. Hence its solution is

– 48  482  4  6  187.33
x=  2.87 m.
(Neglecting – ve root)
Now substituting x = 2.87 m in eq. (3) upto the second line, we get
maximum deflection as
EIymax = 10 × 2.873 – 163.33 × 2.87 – 8(2.87 – 1)3
= 236.39 – 468.75 – 52.31
= – 284.67 kNm3 = – 284.67 × 1012 Nmm3

– 284.67  1012
ymax =  – 16.745 mm.
2  105  85  106
Strength of Material SP–21 D (ME-Sem-5)

iii. Point of Maximum Deflection :

x = 2.87 m

10. A rectangular block of material is subjected to a tensile

stress of 110 MPa on one plane and a tensile stress of 47 MPa
at right angles to the former. Each of the above stresses is
accompanied by a shear stress of 63 MPa and that associated
with the former tensile stress tends to rotate the block
anticlockswise. Find :
i. The direction and magnitude of each of the principal stress.
ii. Magnitude of greatest shear stress
Given : Major tensile stress, x = 110 N/mm2
Major tensile stress, y = 47 N/mm2, Shear stress, xy = 63 N/mm2
1. Major principal stress,
x   y   – y
=   x 2
   xy
2  2 
47 N/mm 2
63 N/mm 2

110 N/mm 2 110 N/mm 2

63 N/mm 2

47 N/mm 2
Fig. 11.
110  47  110 – 47  2
=  
   63
2 2
157  63 
=     (63)2
2  2
= 78.5  31.52  632  78.5  992.25  3969
= 78.5 + 70.436 = 148.936 N/mm2
2. Minor principal stress,
x   y   – y 
= –  x 2
   xy
2  2 
110  47  110 – 47  2
= –    63 = 78.5 – 70.436
2  2
= 8.064 N/mm2
Solved Paper (2016-17) SP–22 D (ME-Sem-5)

3. The directions of principal stresses are given by

2 xy 2  63
tan 2 = 
x –  y 110 – 47
2  63
=  2.0
 –1
2 = tan 2.0 = 63° 26 or 243° 26
  = 31° 43 or 121° 43.
4. Greatest shear stress is given by,
(t)max = ( x –  y )2  4  2xy
= (110 – 47)2  4  632
1 1
= 632  4  632   63  5
2 2
= 70.436 N/mm2.

Section – C

Note : Attempt any two questions from this section. (15 × 2 = 30)

11. Attempt all parts of the following : (5 × 3 = 15)

a. In a hollow circular shaft of outer and inner diameters of
20 cm and 10 cm respectively, the shear stress is not to
exceed 40 MPa. Find the maximum torque which can be
safely transmitted.
Given : Outer diameter, D0 = 20 cm = 200 mm
Inner diameter, Di = 10 cm = 100 mm,
Maximum shear stress,  = 40 N/mm2
To Find : Maximum torque.
1. Let T = Maximum torque transmitted by the shaft.
  D04 – Di4    2004 – 1004 
T=    40   
16  D0  16  200 

  16  108 – 1  108 
=  40   
16  200 
= 58904860 N-mm = 58904.86 N-m.

b. Determine the Poisson’s ratio and bulk modulus of a

material, for which Young’s modulus is 120 GPa and
modulus of rigidity 48 GPa.
Strength of Material SP–23 D (ME-Sem-5)

Given : Young’s modulus, E = 1.2 × 105 N/mm2, Modulus of rigidity,
C = 4.8 × 104 N/mm2
To Find : i. Poisson’s ratio, and
ii. Bulk modulus.
1. We know that,
E = 2C(1 + )
or 1.2 × 105 = 2 × 4.8 × 104 (1 + )
1.2  105
or (1 + ) = = 1.25
2  4.8  104
or  = 1.25 –1.0 = 0.25.
2. Bulk modulus is given by
E 1.2  105
K=  (   = 0.25)
3(1 – 2) 3(1 – 0.25  2)
= 8 × 10 N/mm .2

c. At a point in a strained material the principal stresses are

100 MPa (tensile) and 60 MPa (compressive). Determine the
normal stress, shear stress and resultant stress on a plane
inclined at 50° to the axis of major principal stress. Also
determine the maximum shear stress at a point.
Given : Major principal stress ,1 = 100 N/mm2
Minor principal stress, 2 = – 60 N/mm2
(Negative sign due to compressive stress)
Angle of the inclined plane with the axis of major principal stress
= 50°
 Angle of the inclined plane with the axis of minor principal
stress,  = 90 – 50 = 40°.
To Find : Normal stress, shear stress, resultant stress, and
maximum shear stress at a point.
1. Normal stress (n)
1   2 1 –  2
n =  cos 2
2 2
100  (– 60) 100 – (– 60)
=  cos (2  40)
2 2
100 – 60 100  60
=  cos 80
2 2
= 20 + 80 × cos 80° = 20 + 80 × 0.1736
= 20 + 13.89 = 33.89 N/mm2
 – 2
2. Shear stress (t)t = 1 sin 2
Solved Paper (2016-17) SP–24 D (ME-Sem-5)

100 – (– 60)
= sin (2  40)
100  60
= sin 80° = 80× 0.9848
= 78.785 N/mm2
3. Resultant stress (R)
R =  2n   2t = 33.892  78.7852
= 1148.53  6207.07 = 85.765 N/mm2
4. Maximum shear stress at a point
1 –  2 100 – (– 60)
(t)max = 
2 2
100  60
= = 80 N/mm2

Strength of Material SP–1 D (ME-Sem-5)

B. Tech.

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Note : Attempt all sections. If require any missing data; then choose

1. Attempt all questions in brief : (2 × 7 = 14)

a. What are principal planes and principal stresses ?

b. Define resilience, proof resilience and modulus of resilience.

c. What are the different methods of finding slope and

deflection of cantilever beam ?

d. What do you understand by the term torsional rigidity ?

e. What is shear center ?

f. What do you unders tand by the term “buckling” of

columns ?

g. What is the difference between thin and thick cylinder ?


2. Attempt any three of the following : (7 × 3 = 21)

a. A beam of uniform section, 10 m long, is simply supported
at its ends. It carries point loads of 150 kN and 65 kN at a
distance 2.6 m and 5.5 m respectively from the left end.
Calculate :
i. The maximum deflection, and
ii. Deflection under each load.
b. Determine the internal and external diameter of a hollow
shaft whose internal diameter is 0.6 times external
diameter and transmits 120 kW at 210 rpm and the
allowable stress is limited to 75 MPa. If bending moment of
2800 N-m is applied to the shaft, find the speed at which the
shaft must rotate to transmit the same power for the same
value of maximum shear stress.
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–2 D (ME-Sem-5)

c. A mild steel hollow column, having 100 mm external

diameter, 40 mm thick and 4 m long. Determine crippling
load using Rankine’s formula, when both end fixed. Take
c = 320 N/mm2 and Rankine constant  = 1/7500.

d. Derive an expression for maximum principal stress in a

thick cylindrical shell subjected to internal pressure only.

e. For a tube having E = 2 × 105 N/mm2 and  = 0.3 the hoop

stress at the inner surface is twice the internal pressure.
Find the thickness of the wall if internal radius is 60 mm.


3. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Derive Euler’s equation for long column having its both
end built in.

b. Derive expression of deflection angular rotation and

stresses in case of open coil helical spring subjected to
axial load. Calculate what % the axial extension is
underestimated if the inclination of the coil is neglected
for a spring in which  = 25°. Assume n and R remain same.

4. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. What is shear centre ? Channel section has flanges b × t1
and web h × t2. Determine position of its shear centre.

b. A 60 mm × 40 mm × 6 mm unequal angle is placed with

longer leg vertical and used as a beam. It is subjected to a
bending moment of 12 kN-cm acting in the vertical plane
through the centroid of the section. Determine the
maximum bending stress induced in the section.

5. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. At a point in a material under stress, the intensity of the
resultant stress on a certain plane is 50 MPa (tensile)
inclined at 30° to the normal of that plane. The stress on a
plane at right angle to this has a normal tensile component
of intensity of 30 MPa, find :
i. The resultant stress on the second plane.
ii. The principal planes and stresses.
iii. The plane of maximum shear and its intensity.

b. Explain different theories of failure along with their

graphical representation.
Strength of Material SP–3 D (ME-Sem-5)

6. Explain any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. A crane hook is of trapezoidal c/s having inner side 80 mm,
outer side 300 mm and depth 120 mm. The radius of
curvature of inner side is 80 mm. If a load of 100 kN is
applied to the hook pas sing through the centre of
curvature, determine the maximum tens ile and
compressive stresses at the critical cross section.

b. Determine the dimensions of hollow shaft with a diameter

ratio of 3:4, which is to transmit 60 kN at 200 rpm. The
maximum shear stress is limited to 70 MN/mm2 and angle
of twist is 3.8° in a length of 4 m. G = 80 GPa.

7. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 1)

a. Write down the assumption in Lame’s theory and also
derive its equation for thick shell.

b. Find the Euler’s buckling load of a long column of length L

subjected to compressive load P when one end of column is
fixed and other is hinged. Take EI constant.

Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–4 D (ME-Sem-5)


Note : Attempt all sections. If require any missing data; then choose


1. Attempt all questions in brief : (2 × 7 = 14)

a. What are principal planes and principal stresses ?
Ans. In complex systems of loading, there exist three mutually
perpendicular planes, on each of which the resultant stress is wholly
normal. These are known as principal planes and the normal
stresses across these planes are known as principal stresses.

b. Define resilience, proof resilience and modulus of resilience.

Ans. Resilience : The strain energy stored by the body within elastic
limit, when loaded externally is called resilience.
Proof Resilience : The maximum strain energy stored in a body
upto elastic limit is known as proof resilience.
Modulus of Resilience : Modulus of resilience is defined as the
proof resilience of a material per unit volume.

c. What are the different methods of finding slope and

deflection of cantilever beam ?
Ans. Methods to find Slope and Deflection at a Point :
1. Macaulay’s Method,
2. Area Moment Method, and
3. Double integration method.

d. What do you understand by the term torsional rigidity ?

Ans. Torsional rigidity of the shaft is defined as the product of modulus
of rigidity and polar moment of inertia of the shaft.

e. What is shear center ?

Ans. The shear centre is the point of intersection of the bending axis and
the plane of transverse section.

f. What do you unders tand by the term “buckling” of

columns ?
Ans. When the long column is subjected to a compressive load, it is
subjected to a compressive stress and if the load is gradually
increased, the column will reach a stage when it will start bending.
This bending is called buckling.

g. What is the difference between thin and thick cylinder ?

Strength of Material SP–5 D (ME-Sem-5)

S. No. Thick Cylinder Thin Cylinder

1. The thickness of cylindrical The thickness of the cylindrical

1 1 1
vessel is greater than of vessel is less than to of
20 15 20
its internal diameter. its internal diameter.
2. The stresses are not uniform Stresses are assumed to be
rather it varies along the uniform throughout the wall
thickness. thickness .


2. Attempt any three of the following : (7 × 3 = 21)

a. A beam of uniform section, 10 m long, is simply supported
at its ends. It carries point loads of 150 kN and 65 kN at a
distance 2.6 m and 5.5 m respectively from the left end.
Calculate :
i. The maximum deflection, and
ii. Deflection under each load.
Given : Length of beam, l = 10 m, Point loads, 150 kN and 65 kN
To Find : i. Maximum deflection, and
ii. Deflection under each load.
1. First calculate the reactions RA and RB.
Taking moments about A, we get
RB × 10 = 150 × 2.6 + 65 × 5.5 = 747.5
RB = = 74.75 kN
RA = Total load – RB = (150 + 65) – 74.75 = 140.25 kN

150 kN 65 kN
2.6 m
5.5 m

RA 10 m RB

Fig. 1.
2. Consider the section X in the last part of the beam (i.e., in length
DB) at a distance x from the left support A. The B.M. at this section
is given by,
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–6 D (ME-Sem-5)

d2 y
EI = RA·· x|– 150( x – 2.6)|– 65( x – 5.5)
dx 2
= 140.25x|– 150(x – 2.6)|– 65(x – 5.5)
3. Integrating the above equation, we get
dy 140.25 x 2 ( x – 2.6)2 ( x – 5.5)2
EI =  C1 – 150 – 65
dx 2 2 2
= 70.125 x 2  C1 |– 75( x – 2.6)2 |– 32.5( x – 5.5) 2 ...(1)
4. Integrating the above equation again, we get
70.125 x3 – 75( x – 2.6)3 –32.5( x – 5.5)3
EIy =  C1 x  C2
3 3 3
3 3 –32.5
= 23.375 x  C1 x  C2 |– 25( x – 2.6) | ( x – 5.5)3
5. To find the values of C1 and C2, use boundary conditions. The
boundary conditions are :
i. At x = 0, y = 0, and at x = 10 m, y = 0.
Substituting the first boundary condition i.e., at x = 0, y = 0 in
eq. (2) and considering the equation upto first lines (as x = 0 lies in
the first part of the beam), we get
0 = 0 + 0 + C2  C2 = 0
ii. Substituting the first boundary condition i.e., at x = 10, y = 0 in
eq. (2) and considering the complete equation (as x = 10 lies in the
last part of the beam), we get
0 = 23.375 × 103 + C1 × 10 + 0 – 25 (10 – 2.6)3 – (10 – 5.5)3
( C2 = 0)
0 = 23.375 + 10C1 – 10130.6 – 987.18
– 10 C1 = 12257.21
 C1 = – 1225.72
6. Now substituting the values of C1 and C2 in eq. (2), we get
3 3 32.5
EIy = 23.375 x – 1225.72 x|– 25( x – 2.6) |– ( x – 5.5)3
i. Deflection Under each Load :
1. Deflection under first load i.e., at point C. This is obtained by
substituting x = 2.6 in eq. (3) upto the first line (as the point C lies in
the first part of the beam). Hence, we get
EIyc = 23.375 × 2.63 – 1225.72 × 2.6
yc = –
(Negative sign shows that deflection is downwards).
Strength of Material SP–7 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. Deflection under second load i.e., at point D. This is obtained by

substituting x = 5.5 m in eq. (3) upto the second line (as the point D
lies in the second part of the beam).
Hence, we get
EIyD = 23.375 × 5.53 – 1225.72 × 5.5 – 25 (5.5 – 2.6)3
– 3462.19
 yD =
ii. Maximum Deflection :
1. The deflection is likely to be maximum at a section between C and
D. For maximum deflection, should be zero. Hence equate the
eq. (1) equal to zero upto the second line.
70.125x2 + C1 – 75(x – 2.6)2 = 0
or 70.125x2 – 1225.72 – 75x2 – 507 + 390x = 0 ( C1 = – 1225.72)
or – 4.875x2 + 390x – 1732.72 = 0
x = 4.72 m (Neglecting – ve root)
Now substituting x = 4.72 m in eq. (3) upto the second line, we get
maximum deflection as
EIymax = 23.375 × 4.723 – 1225.72 × 4.72 – 25(4.72 – 2.6)3
– 3565.645
ymax =

b. Determine the internal and external diameter of a hollow

shaft whose internal diameter is 0.6 times external
diameter and transmits 120 kW at 210 rpm and the
allowable stress is limited to 75 MPa. If bending moment of
2800 N-m is applied to the shaft, find the speed at which the
shaft must rotate to transmit the same power for the same
value of maximum shear stress.
Given : Di = 0.6Do, P = 120 kW, N = 210 rpm,  = 75 MPa,
M = 2800 N-m
To Find i. Internal and external diameter of hollow shaft.
ii. Speed of shaft at applied bending moment.
1. Power, P=
60  10 3
2  210  T
120 =
60  103
120  103  60
T= = 5456.7 N-m
2    210
= 5456.7 × 103 N-mm
Assume, Tmax = 1.4 T = 1.4 × 5456.7 × 103 = 7639.4 × 103 N-mm
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–8 D (ME-Sem-5)

  Do4  Di4 
2. Tmax =  
16  Do 
  D4  (0.6 Do )4 
7639.4 × 103 =  75   o 
16  Do 
7639.4  103  16
0.87 Do3 =
  75
7639.4  103  16
Do3 =
0.87    75
Do = 84.17 mm
 Di = 0.6 Do = 0.6 × 84.17 = 50.5 mm
3. Maximum shear stress,
16 Do
= ( M2  T 2 )
 [ Do4  Di4 ]
16  84.17
75 =  (2800  103 )2  T 2
 [(84.17)4  (50.5)4 ]
T = 711217 N-mm = 7.1122 kN-m
2  NT
4. Power, P=
60  10 3
120  103  60
N= = 161.12 rpm
2   7112.2
c. A mild steel hollow column, having 100 mm external
diameter, 40 mm thick and 4 m long. Determine crippling
load using Rankine’s formula, when both end fixed. Take
c = 320 N/mm2 and Rankine constant  = 1/7500.
Given : do =100 mm, t = 40 mm, di = 100 – 2 × 40 = 100 – 80 =
20 mm, l = 4 m, c = 320 N/mm2 ,  =
To Find : Crippling load using Rankine’s formula.
 2 
1. Area, A = (do  di2 ) = [(100)2  (20)2 ] = 7539.8 mm2
4 4
 
2. I= (do4  di4 ) = [(100)4  (20)4 ]
64 64
= 490 × 104 mm4
I 490  104
3. r2 =  = 650 mm
A 7539.8
4. Using Rankine formula, we have
Strength of Material SP–9 D (ME-Sem-5)

c A 320  7539.8
Crippling load, P = 2
= 2
 L 1  4000 
1    1  
 r 7500  650 
= 2400.62 × 103 N = 2400.62 kN

d. Derive an expression for maximum principal stress in a

thick cylindrical shell subjected to internal pressure only.
1. A thick cylinder subject to internal and external radial stress
(pressure) is shown in Fig. 2.

 r + d r p2

c c ring
r dr


Fig. 2.
2. Consider an element ring of internal radius r and thickness dr.
3. Let, r1= Internal radius of the cylinder,
r2= External radius of the cylinder,
l= Length of the cylinder,
p1 = Pressure on the inner surface of the cylinder,
p2 = Pressure on the outer surface of the cylinder,
r = Internal radial stress on the elemental ring,
r + dr) = External radial stress on the elemental ring, and
c = Circumferential stress on elemental ring.
4. The conditions for equilibrium on one half of the elemental ring are
(similar to those in the case of thin cylinder) are as follows :
Bursting force =(r × 2rl) – [(r + dr) × 2(r + dr) l]
= 2l[– rdr – rdr – dr dr]
= – 2l (rdr + rdr)
(neglecting the product of small quantities)
Resisting force = 2c l dr
5. Equating the resisting force to bursting force (for equilibrium), we
2c l dr = –2l(rdr + rdr)
d r
or, c = –r – r ...(1)
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–10 D (ME-Sem-5)

6. Now let us obtain another relation between the radial stress

(pressure) and circumferential (or hoop) stress by using the condition
that the longitudinal strain (l) at any point in the section is same.
The Longitudinal stress,
p1  r12 p r2
l= 2 2
 21 1 2
(r2  r1 ) (r2  r1 )
7. Hence at any point in the section of the element ring considered
above, the following three principal stresses exist,
i. The radial stress (pressure), r,
ii. The circumferential stress, c,
iii. The longitudinal tensile stress, l,
8. Since the longitudinal strain (l) is constant, we have
l c  r
l =   = constant
E E E
(Where, = Poisson’s ratio)
But, since l,  and E are constant
 c – r = constant
9. Let, c – r = 2a ...(2)
Putting c = (r + 2a) in eq. (1), we get
d r
(r + 2a) = – r – r
d r 2( r  a)
 =
dr r
d r 2 dr
or, = – ...(3)
r  a r
Integrating both sides, we get
loge (r + a) =– 2log er + logeb
(Where log eb = constant of Integration)
 loge (r + a) = loge 2
or, r + a = 2
or, r = b  a ...(4)
10. Also, from eq. (2),
c = a ...(5)
11. The eq. (4) and eq. (5) are called Lame’s equations.
12. The constant a and b can be evaluated from the known internal
and external radial pressure and radius.
13. It may be noted that in the above equations r is compressive and c
is tensile.
Strength of Material SP–11 D (ME-Sem-5)

e. For a tube having E = 2 × 105 N/mm2 and  = 0.3 the hoop

stress at the inner surface is twice the internal pressure.
Find the thickness of the wall if internal radius is 60 mm.
Given : E = 2 × 105 N/mm2,  = 0.3, ri = 60 mm,  = 2 p
To Find : Thickness of wall.

1. Hoop stress, =
p  120
2p =
t= = 30 mm


3. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. Derive Euler’s equation for long column having its both
end built in.
1. As shown in Fig. 3, a column is given which is fixed at both the ends.
Here P is crippling load and Mo is moment acting on the end.
2. Now taking a section X-X at the distance of x from end B.
Moment of section X-X is
M = Mo – Py ...(1)
Moment of any section of the beam is given by
d2 y
M = EI ...(2)
3. From eq. (1) and eq. (2), both are equal

d2 y
EI = Mo – Py
d2 y
EI + Py = Mo
d2 y P Mo
 y=
dx2 EI EI
4. Solution of this differential equation is
 P   P  Mo
y = C1 cos  x  C2 sin  x  ...(3)
 EI   EI  P
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–12 D (ME-Sem-5)

5. Differentiate the eq. (3) again

dy P  P  P  P 
= C1 sin  x   C2 cos  x ...(4)
dx EI  EI  EI  EI 
6. Boundary conditions are

B Mo



Fig. 3.
At point B, x = 0, deflection is zero, (y = 0)
 dy 
At point B, x = 0, slope is also zero,   0
dx 
7. From eq. (3) at point B (x = 0, y = 0)
0 = C1 +
C1 = 
8. From eq. (4), at point B (x = 0, dy/dx = 0)
0 = C2
C2 = 0
9. After putting the value of C1 and C2 in eq. (3) become
M  P  Mo
y =  o cos  x 
P  EI  P
10. Now at, x = l, deflection is zero (y = 0)
Mo  P  Mo
0=  cos  l  P
P  EI 
Strength of Material SP–13 D (ME-Sem-5)

Mo   P 
1  cos  l  = 0
P   EI  
 P 
cos  l =1
 EI 
l = 0, 2, 4
11. Considering the first practical value
l = 2
4  2 EI
P= ...(5)
From Euler’s formula
 2 EI
P= ...(6)
12. On comparing eq. (5) and eq. (6), we get
Equivalent length, le =

b. Derive expression of deflection angular rotation and

stresses in case of open coil helical spring subjected to
axial load. Calculate what % the axial extension is
underestimated if the inclination of the coil is neglected
for a spring in which  = 25°. Assume n and R remain same.
A. Derivation :
1. In an open helical spring, the spring wire is coiled in such a way,
that there is large gap between the two consecutive turns. As a
result of this, the spring can take compressive load also.
2. An open helical spring, like a closed helical spring, may be subjected
to (a) axial loading or (b) axial twist.
3. Now consider an open coiled helical spring subjected to an axial
load as shown in Fig. 4.
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–14 D (ME-Sem-5)


Fig. 4. Open coiled helical spring.

4. Let d= Diameter of the spring wire,
R= Mean radius of the spring coil,
P= Pitch of the spring coils,
n= Number of turns of coils,
G= Modulus of rigidity for the spring materials,
W= Axial load on the spring,
= Maximum shear stress induced in the spring
wire due to loading,
b = Bending stress induced in the spring wire due
to bending,
 = Deflection of the spring as a result of axial load,
 = Angle of helix.
5. A little consideration will show that the load W will cause a moment
WR. This moment may be resolved into the following two
T = WR cos  ...(It causes twisting of coils)
M = WR sin  ...(It causes bending of coils)
6. Let  = Angle of twist, as a result of twisting moment,
 = Angle of bend, as a result of bending moment.
7. We know that the length of the spring wire,
l = 2 nR sec  ...(1)
and twisting moment,
Strength of Material SP–15 D (ME-Sem-5)

W R cos  =    d3 ...(2)
8. We also know that bending stress,
M y WR sin   2  M b 
b =

  I  y 
 d4
32 WR sin 
= ...(3)
Tl WR cos  l  T G 
and angle of twist =    
JG JG J l 
9. Angle of bend due to bending moment,
Ml WR sin  l
= 
10. We know that the work done by the load in deflecting the spring is
equal to the stress energy of the spring.
1 1 1
 W = T M
2 2 2
or W= T+M
 WR cos  l   WR sin  l 
= WR cos    WR sin  
 JG   EI 
 cos2  sin 2  
 = WR2 l    ...(4)
 JG EI 

11. Now substituting the values of l = 2nR sec , J = (d)4 and

I= ( d)4 in the eq. (4)
 cos2  sin 2  
 = WR2  2nR sec    
  d 4 G E   d4 
 32 64 
64WR3 n sec   cos2  2 sin 2  
=   
d4  G E 
B. Numerical :
Given :  = 25°, n and R are same.
To Find : % change in axial extension.
Data Assume : E/N = 2.5.
1. The axial deflection of open coiled helical spring is given by,
64WR3 n sec   cos2  2 sin 2  
=   
d4  N E 
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–16 D (ME-Sem-5)

64WR3 n sec 
or = [1 – 0.2 sin2 ] ( E/N = 2.5)
Nd 4
64WR3 n sec 25
2. For  = 25°, = [1 – 0.2 sin2 25°]
Nd 4
 = 1.064 ×
Nd 4
3. When inclination of the coil is neglected i.e.,  = 0,  =
Nd 4
4. Percentage change in axial extension,
    1.064  1
=  =6%
 1.064

4. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. What is shear centre ? Channel section has flanges b × t1
and web h × t2. Determine position of its shear centre.
A. Shear Centre : The shear centre is the point of intersection of the
bending axis and the plane of transverse section.
B. Shear Centre for Channel Section :
1. Fig. 5 shows a channel section (flanges : b × t1 ; web : h × t2) with
XX as the horizontal symmetric axis.
dx x
Area A
t1 S1
Top flange
S dA

X X h


t1 S1

Bottom flange
Fig. 5.
2. Let, S = Applied shear force (vertical downwards), and
(then S is the shear force in the web in the
upward direction).
Strength of Material SP–17 D (ME-Sem-5)

S1 = Shear force in the top flange (there will be

equal and opposite shear force in the bottom
flange as shown).
3. Now, shear stress () in the flange at a distance of x from the right
hand edge (of the top flange),
I XX t
Ay = (t1 x) (Where, t = t1, thickness of the flange)
St1 x h Sxh
 =  
I XX t1 2 2 I XX
4. Shear force in elementary area, dA = t1dx = .dA = t1dx
5. Total shear force in top flange

=  t dx
1 (Where, b = breadth of the flange)

b b
Sxh Sht1
S1 =  2I t1 dx  x dx
0 XX 2 I XX 0
Sht1 b2
or S1 =
2 I XX 2
6. Let, e = Distance of the shear centre (SC) from the
web along the symmetric axis XX.
7. Taking moments of shear forces about the centre O of the web,
we get
Sht1 b2 St h2 b2
Se = S1h = h 1
2 I XX 2 4 I XX
b2 h 2t1
 e= ...(1)
4 I XX
 bt 3  h  t h
8. Now, IXX = 2  1  bt1     2
 12  
2  12
bt13 bt1 h2 t2 h3 bt h2 t h3
=   = 1  2
6 2 12 2 12
(Neglecting the term , being negligible in comparison to other
or IXX = (t2h  6 bt1 )
9. Substituting the value of IXX in eq. (1), we get
b2 h2 t1 12 3b2 t1
e=  2 
4 h (t2 h  6 bt1 ) (t2 h  6 bt1 )
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–18 D (ME-Sem-5)

10. Let, bt1 = Af (area of flange) and,

ht2 = Aw (area of the web).
3 b Af 3b
Then e= 
Aw  6 Af A
6 w
i.e., e=
6 w

b. A 60 mm × 40 mm × 6 mm unequal angle is placed with

longer leg vertical and used as a beam. It is subjected to a
bending moment of 12 kN-cm acting in the vertical plane
through the centroid of the section. Determine the
maximum bending stress induced in the section.
Given : Bending moment, M = 12 kN-cm = 12 × 104 N-mm
To Find : Maximum bending stress.
1. For the position of the angle as shown in Fig. 6, the various
parameters are as follows :
CX = 20.2 mm, CY = 10.2 mm, A = 564 mm2,
IXX = 20.34 × 104 mm4, IYY = 7.33 × 104 mm4,
IXY = 7.04 × 104 mm4, IUU = 23.42 × 104 mm4,
IVV = 4.26 × 104 mm4, and  = 23° 40
2. The plane of loading is vertical. Hence Y axis and Y axis coincide.
  =  = 23° 40.
3. The inclination  of the neutral axis N-N with the U-U axis is
given by,
IUU 23.42  10 4
tan  = tan  = tan 23° 40 = 2.4
IVV 4.26  104
  = 67° 24
4. INN = IUU cos2  + IVV sin2 
= 23.42 × 104 cos2 67° 24 + 4.26 × 104 sin2 67° 24
= 3.46 × 104 + 3.64 × 104 = 7.1 × 104 mm4
5. Since point S is farthest from the NA, it will be stressed maximum.
The distance S from NA is given by, (yN)s = u sin  + v cos 
Where u and v are the coordinates of point S referred to U-V axes.
Strength of Material SP–19 D (ME-Sem-5)

Y Plane of loading

10.2 mm
6 mm
20.2 mm

X O  = 67°24 X
 = 23° 40 

is l
ax tra

N Direction
of resultant
V deflection
(y N ) s

Fig. 6.
6. If (x, y) are the coordinates of S referred to X-Y axes, we have
u = y sin – x cos 
v = y cos  + x sin 
x = – (10.2 – 6) = – 4.2 mm
y = – (60 – 20.2) = – 39.8 mm.
(Both x and y are negative since S is in the second quadrant with
respect to the X-Y axes, the plane of loading being reckoned as
situated in the first quadrant).
 u = [– 39.8 sin 23° 40 + 4.2 cos 23° 40] = – 12.2 mm
v = [– 39.8 cos 23° 40 – 4.2 sin 23° 40] = – 38.2 mm
 (yN)s = u sin  + v cos 
= – 12.2 sin 67° 24– 38.2 cos 67°24 = – 25.9 mm.
M cos (  )
7. We know that, (fb)s = × yN
12  10 4 cos (6724  2340 )
= × 25.9
7.1  104
2 2
= – 31.63 N/mm = 31.63 N/mm (Tensile).

5. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–20 D (ME-Sem-5)

a. At a point in a material under stress, the intensity of the

resultant stress on a certain plane is 50 MPa (tensile)
inclined at 30° to the normal of that plane. The stress on a
plane at right angle to this has a normal tensile component
of intensity of 30 MPa, find :
i. The resultant stress on the second plane.
ii. The principal planes and stresses.
iii. The plane of maximum shear and its intensity.
Given : Resultant stress on plane AB = 50 MPa
Angle of inclination = 30°, Normal stress on plane BC = 30 MPa
1. The resultant stress 50 MPa on plane AB is resolved into normal
and tangential stress.
The normal stress on plane AB = 50 × cos 30° = 43.30 N/mm2
The tangential stress on plane AB = 50 × sin 30° = 25 N/mm2
2. Resultant stress on the second plane BC =  22   2
= 302  252 = 39.05 N/mm2
3. Major principal stress,
1   2    2 
=   1  2
2  2 
43.30  30  43.30  30  2
=  
   (25)
2 2
= 62.5 N/mm2 (Tensile)
30 MPa
50 MPa

 2 = 30 MPa
 = 25 MPa
y  = 25 MPa
 1 = 43.3 MPa x  1 = 43.3 MPa
 = 25 MPa
D 2 A
 = 25 N/mm
 2 = 30 N/mm
Fig. 7.
Strength of Material SP–21 D (ME-Sem-5)

1   2    2  2
4. Minor principal stress =   1  
2  2 
43.30  30  43.30  30  2
=  
   25
2 2
= 36.65 – 25.87 = 10.78 N/mm2
5. The direction of principal stress,
tan 2 =
1   2
2  25
tan 2 =
43.3  30
 = 37.55° or 127.55°
6. Maximum shear stress, (t)max
2 2
1  1   2   43.3  30 
= (1   2 )2  4  2 = 
       (25)
2 2  2
= 25.87 N/mm2

b. Explain different theories of failure along with their

graphical representation.
Ans. These are the following theories of failure :
i. Maximum Principal Stress Theory (Rankine’s Theory) :
1. According to this theory, failure will occur when the maximum
principal tensile stress (1) in the system reaches the value of
maximum stress at elastic limit (et) in simple tension or minimum
principal stress reaches the elastic limit stress (ec) in simple
1 et (in simple tension)
3 <ec (in simple compression)

1 1
– e O

– e
Fig. 8. Representation of maximum principal stress theory.
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–22 D (ME-Sem-5)

ii. Maximum Principal Shear Stress Theory (Guest’s or

Tresca’s Theory) :
e A
(II) F (I )

– e e
C (IV) diagonal
D – e
Fig. 9. Representation of maximum shear stress theory.
1. According to this theory, failure will occur when maximum shear
stress max in the system reaches the value of maximum shear
stress in simple tension at elastic limit.
1   3  et
max =  (In simple tension)
2 2
1 – 3 = et
2. According to condition of failure, (1 – 3) > et
iii. Maximum Principal Strain Theory (Saint Venant’s Theory) :
1. According to this theory, failure of a material will take place when
principal tensile strain in the material reaches the strain at elastic
limit in the simple tension or when the minimum strain reaches
the elastic limit strain in simple compression.

e 1– m
1+ m

– e O

– e

Fig. 10. Representation of maximum principal strain theory.

Strength of Material SP–23 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. Principal strain in direction of principal stress 1,

1 = [ 1  ( 2   3 )] (= Poisson’s ratio)
3. Principal strain in direction of principal stress 3,
3 = [  3   ( 2  1 )]
iv. Maximum Shear Strain Energy Theory (Distortion Energy
Theory or Mises Hencky Theory) :
1. According to this theory, the failure occurs when the shear strain
energy per unit volume in the stressed material reaches a value
equal to the shear strain energy per unit volume at the elastic limit
point in the simple tension test.


– e e
O 0.577  e

– e diagonal

Fig. 11. Graphical representation

of maximum shear strain energy theory.
2. Shear strain energy due to principal stress 1, 2 and 3 per unit
volume of the stress material,
US = [(1   2 )2  ( 2   3 )2  ( 3  1 )2 ]
v. Maximum Strain Energy Theory (Haigh’s Theory) :
1. According to this theory, failure of a material occurs when the total
strain energy in the material reaches the total strain energy of the
material at elastic limit in simple tension.
2. In three dimensional stress system the strain energy per unit
volume is given by
U = [12   22  32  2(1 2   2 3  3 1 )]
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–24 D (ME-Sem-5)

(I )

2 1– m
1 45°
2 1+ m


Fig. 12. Representation of maximum strain energy theory.

6. Explain any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. A crane hook is of trapezoidal c/s having inner side 80 mm,
outer side 300 mm and depth 120 mm. The radius of
curvature of inner side is 80 mm. If a load of 100 kN is
applied to the hook pas sing through the centre of
curvature, determine the maximum tens ile and
compressive stresses at the critical cross section.
Given : B2 = 80 mm, B1 = 300 mm, D = 120 mm, W = 100 kN
To Find : Maximum tensile stress and compressive stress.
Note : Hook problem can’t be solve with outer side = 300 mm, so
we are solving it by using outer side = 30 mm.
 b  b2 
1. A=  1 D
 2 
 80  30  2
A=   × 120 = 55 × 120 = 6600 mm
 2 
D  2 B1  B2  120  (2  30)  80 
2. D2 =   = 50.9 mm
3  B1  B2  3  30  80 
D1 = 120 – 50.9 = 69 mm
R = 80 + 50.9 = 130.9 m

3. Calculating h2,
R3  ( B2  B1 )   R  D1  
h2 =  B1  ( R  D1 ) ln   ( B2  B1 )   R2
A  D   R  D2  
Strength of Material SP–25 D (ME-Sem-5)

(130.9)3  (80  30)   130.9  69  

=  30  120 (130.9  69) ln  130.9  50.9   (80  30) 
6600    
– (130.9)2
h2 = 339.84 [30 + (83.29 × 0.915) – 50] – 17134.81
h2 = 1967.7

120 mm
Centre of
m curvature
80 30 mm 80 mm

100 kN D2
Fig. 13.
4. Stress at outside face :
Eccentricity, x = 80 + D2 = 80 + 50.9 = 130.9 mm
y = D1 = 69 mm
 Wx  R2  y  
o = 1  2  
AR  h  R  y  
100  103  130.9  (130.9)2  69  2
=  1   = – 60.69 N/mm
6600  130.9  1967.7  130.9  69  
5. Stress at inside face :
y = D2 = 50.9 mm
Wx  R2  y  
i = 1  2  
AR  h  R  y  
100  103  130.9  (130.9)2  50.9 
=  1  
6600  130.9  1967.7  130.9  50.9  
= – 15.15 × (– 4.5) = 68.8 N/mm 2

100  103
6. Direct stress,  = = 15.15 N/mm2
7. Maximum stress,
At the outer edge, o = – 60.69 + 15.15 = – 45.54 N/mm2
At inner edge, i = 68.8 +15.15 = 83.95 N/mm2

b. Determine the dimensions of hollow shaft with a diameter

ratio of 3:4, which is to transmit 60 kN at 200 rpm. The
maximum shear stress is limited to 70 MN/mm2 and angle
of twist is 3.8° in a length of 4 m. G = 80 GPa.
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–26 D (ME-Sem-5)

Given : Diameter ratio, Di : Do = 3:4, Power = 60 kN, N = 200 rpm
max = 70 MN/mm2 (wrong unit),  = 3.8°, l = 4 m, G = 80 GPa
To Find : Dimension of hollow shaft.
2  NT
1. Power, P=
3 2  200  T
60 × 10 =
T = 2864.78 N-m
T = 2864.78 × 103 N-mm = 2.86 × 106 N-mm
2. The unit of given shear stress is incorrect so we are using the
correct unit MN/m2 such that,  = 70 MN/m2
3. Diameter of the shaft when shear stress is not to exceed
70 MN/m2,
  Do4  Di4 
T= 
16  Do 
 4 3  
 Do   Do  
 4
2864.78 × 103 =  70   
16 Do
2864.78  103  16 81
= Do3  D3
70   256 o
 81 
208431.49 = Do3 1 
 256 
208431.49 = 0.6836Do3
Do3 =
Do = 67.3 mm
3 3
 Di = Do   67.3 = 50.47mm
4 4
4. Diameters of shaft when the twist is not to exceed 3.8°.
T G
We know that, =
2864.78  103 80  103  3.8  
 4000  180
[ D4  Di4 ]
32 o
2864.78  103  32  4000  180
Do4  Di4 =
  80  103  3.8  
Do4  Di4 = 21998872.46
3 
Do4   Do  = 21998872.46
4 
Strength of Material SP–27 D (ME-Sem-5)

Do4 =
Do = 75.32 mm
 Di =
 75.32
Di = 56.49 mm
5. The diameter of the shaft, which would satisfy both the conditions
are the greater of the two values.
 External Diameter, Do = 75.32 mm
Internal Diameter, Di = 56.49 mm

7. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 1)

a. Write down the assumption in Lame’s theory and also
derive its equation for thick shell.
A. Assumption :
The assumptions made in Lame’s theory are as follows :
1. The material is homogeneous and isotropic.
2. Plane sections perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cylinder
remain plane after the application of internal pressure.
3. The material is stressed within elastic limit.
4. All the fibres of material are free to expand or contract
independently without being constrained by adjacent fibres.
B. Derivation :
1. A thick cylinder subject to internal and external radial stress
(pressure) is shown in Fig. 14.

 r + d r p2

c c ring
r dr


Fig. 14.
2. Consider an element ring of internal radius r and thickness dr.
3. Let, r1= Internal radius of the cylinder,
r2= External radius of the cylinder,
l= Length of the cylinder,
p1 = Pressure on the inner surface of the cylinder,
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–28 D (ME-Sem-5)

p2 = Pressure on the outer surface of the cylinder,

r = Internal radial stress on the elemental ring,
r + dr) = External radial stress on the elemental ring, and
c = Circumferential stress on elemental ring.
4. The conditions for equilibrium on one half of the elemental ring are
(similar to those in the case of thin cylinder) are as follows :
Bursting force =(r × 2rl) – [(r + dr) × 2(r + dr) l]
= 2l[– rdr – rdr – dr dr]
= – 2l (rdr + rdr)
(neglecting the product of small quantities)
Resisting force = 2c l dr
5. Equating the resisting force to bursting force (for equilibrium), we
2c l dr = –2l(rdr + rdr)
d r
or, c = –r – r ...(1)
6. Now let us obtain another relation between the radial stress
(pressure) and circumferential (or hoop) stress by using the condition
that the longitudinal strain (l) at any point in the section is same.
The Longitudinal stress,
p1  r12 p r2
l= 2 2
 21 1 2
(r2  r1 ) (r2  r1 )
7. Hence at any point in the section of the element ring considered
above, the following three principal stresses exist,
i. The radial stress (pressure), r,
ii. The circumferential stress, c,
iii. The longitudinal tensile stress, l,
8. Since the longitudinal strain (l) is constant, we have
l c  r
l =   = constant
E E E
(Where, = Poisson’s ratio)
But, since l,  and E are constant
 c – r = constant
9. Let, c – r = 2a ...(2)
Putting c = (r + 2a) in eq. (1), we get
d r
(r + 2a) = – r – r
d r 2( r  a)
 =
dr r
d r 2 dr
or, = – ...(3)
r  a r
Integrating both sides, we get
loge (r + a) =– 2log er + logeb
(Where log eb = constant of Integration)
Strength of Material SP–29 D (ME-Sem-5)

 loge (r + a) = loge
or, r + a =
or, r = b  a ...(4)
10. Also, from eq. (2),
c = a ...(5)
11. The eq. (4) and eq. (5) are called Lame’s equations.
12. The constant a and b can be evaluated from the known internal
and external radial pressure and radius.
13. It may be noted that in the above equations r is compressive and c
is tensile.

b. Find the Euler’s buckling load of a long column of length L

subjected to compressive load P when one end of column is
fixed and other is hinged. Take EI constant.
1. Let M be the fixing moment at end O.
2. For equilibrium of column, a horizontal force R will act at the free
end. Then
d2 y d2 y R( l – x)
= – Py + R(l – x) or + 2y =
dx dx2 EI
 2 P
 Where   
EI 
R( l – x)
3. The solution is y = A sin  x + B cos  x +
EI 2
= A sin  x + B cos  x + (l – x )
At x = 0, y = 0,
B= – ;
dy R
At x = 0, = 0 or A cos x – B sin x – =0
dx P
or A=
R Rl R
 y= sin x – cos x + (l – x)
P P P
Solved Paper (2017-18) SP–30 D (ME-Sem-5)




Fig. 15.
At x = l, y = 0
R Rl
 0= sin l – cos l
P P
or tan l = l
or l = 4.49 rad (Considering the least value)
or  = 4.49 /l
(4.49)2 EI 20.2 EI 22 EI
 Euler crippling load, Pe = 2EI =  
l2 l2 l2
From Euler’s formula,
 2 EI
Pe =
 Effective length, le =

Strength of Material SP–1 D (ME-Sem-5)

B. Tech.

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Note : Attempt all sections. If require any missing data; then choose


1. Attempt all questions in brief : (2 × 7 = 14)

a. Differentiate between the terms section modulus and
flexural rigidity.

b. What do you understand by autofrettage ? Explain it in


c. Analytically differentiate between bending of straight and

curved beam.

d. Differentiate between strain energy and shear strain


e. What is the difference in analysis of closed and open coiled

springs ?

f. Define shear center and its importance.

g. Explain slenderness ratio and its importance in case of



2. Attempt any three of the following : (7 × 3 = 21)

a. A beam ABCDE is continuous over four supports and carries
the loads shown in Fig. 1 given below. Determine the values
of the fixing moments at each support.
Solved Paper (2018-19) SP–2 D (ME-Sem-5)

20 kN 10 kN
A 1 kN/m B C 3kN/m D

5m 3m 4m
Fig. 1.

b. Derive the differential equation of deflection curve.

c. A close coiled helical spring is fixed at one end and

subjected to axial twist at the other. When the spring is in
use the axial torque varies from 0.75 N-m to 3 N-m, the
working angular deflection between these torques being
35°. The spring is to be made from rod of circular section,
the maximum permissible stress being 150 MN/m2 . The
mean diameter of the coils is 8 times the rod diameter.
Calculate the mean coil diameter, the number of turns
and the wire diameter.

d. The load to be carried by a lift may be dropped 10 cm on to

the floor. The cage itself weighs 100 kg and is supported by
25 m of wire rope weighing 0.9 kg/m, consisting of 49 wires
each 1.6 mm diameter. The maximum stress in the wire is
limited to 90 N/mm2 and E for the rope is 70000 N/mm2. Find
the maximum load which can be carried.

e. A timber beam 6 cm wide and 8 cm deep is to be reinforced

by bolting on two steel flitches, each 6 cm by 5 mm in section
in the following cases :
i. flitches attached symmetrically at top and bottom.
ii. flitches attached symmetrically at the sides.
Take allowable timber stress as 8 N/mm 2. What is the
maximum stress in the steel in each case ?
Take Esteel = 210 kN/mm2, Etimber = 14kN/mm2


3. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. A steel tube of 24 mm external diameter and 18 mm internal
diameter encloses a copper rod 15 mm diameter to which it
is rigidly attached at each end. If, at a temperature of 10 °C
there is no longitudinal stress, calculate the stresses in
the tube and rod when the temperature is raised to 200 °C.
Esteel = 210 kN/mm2, Ecopper = 210 kN/mm2
Strength of Material SP–3 D (ME-Sem-5)

Coefficients of linear expansion :

steel = 11 × 10– 6 /°C, copper = 11 × 10– 6 /°C

b. A small block is 40 mm long, 30 mm high and 5 mm in thick.

It is subjected to uniformly distributed tensile forces
having the resultant values in N shown in figure. Compute
the stress components developed along the diagonal AC.
2400 2400

Fig. 2.

4. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. A solid circular shaft of length of 3 m and diameter of
50 mm rotates at 1200 rpm by a 400 HP electric motor at its
middle. It derives two machines of 150 HP and 250 HP at
left and right ends of the shaft, respectively. Determine
the maximum shear stress and relative displacement of
the two ends of the shaft. Take G = 85 GPa.

b. Determine the deflection of the beam at midpoint for the

beam loading system shown in the figure given below :
Take : E = 200 GN/m2 and I = 83 × 106 m 4.
20 N
30 N
10 N/m

10 m 5m 10 m
Fig. 3.

5. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. A short column is of hollow circular section, the center of
the inside hole being 6 mm eccentric to that of the outside.
The outside diameter is 96 mm and the inside 48 mm. The
line of action of the load intersects the cross-section at a
point in line with the two centers. What are the limiting
position of the load for there to be no tensile stress set up?

b. Derive the relation to find deflection induced in the open

coiled helical spring subjected to axial torque.
6. Explain any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)
Solved Paper (2018-19) SP–4 D (ME-Sem-5)

a. The cylinder for a hydraulic press has an inside diameter

of 300 mm. Determine the wall thickness required if the
cylinder is to withstand an internal pressure of 60 MPa
without exceeding a shearing stress of 90 MPa.

b. In an experiment on a thick cylinder of 100 mm external

diameter and 50 mm internal diameter the hoop and
longitudinal strains as measured by strain gauges applied
to the outer surface of the cylinder were 240 × 10– 6 and
60 × 10 – 6 respectively, for an internal press ure of
90 MN/m2, the external pressure being zero. Determine the
actual hoop and longitudinal stresses present in the
cylinder if E = 208 GN/m2 and  = 0.29. Compare the hoop
stress value so obtained with the theoretical value given
by the Lame’s equations.

7. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 1)

a. A 75 mm × 75 mm × 12 mm angle is used as a cantilever with
the face AB horizontal as shown in figure. A vertical load
of 3 kN is applied at the tip of the cantilever which is 1 m
long. Determine the stresses at A, B and C.
75 mm
12 mm
75 mm

12 mm
Fig. 4.

b. The bending moment acting on the curved beam with a

rectangular cross section is M = 8 kN-m. Calculate the
bending stress at point B.

70 mm
B 20 mm

40 mm 170 mm M
100 mm

Fig. 5.

Strength of Material SP–5 D (ME-Sem-5)


Note : Attempt all sections. If require any missing data; then choose


1. Attempt all questions in brief : (2 × 7 = 14)

a. Differentiate between the terms section modulus and

flexural rigidity.

S. No. Section Modulus Flexural Rigidity

1. Section modulus is defined The product EI is an index of the
as the ratio of moment of bending (flexural) strength of an
inertia of a section about element is called the flexural rigidity
the neutral axis to the of the element.
distance of the outermost
layer from the neutral axis.
2. It is given by, Z = I / ymax. It is the product of elastic modulus
and moment of inertia of the section.

b. What do you understand by autofrettage ? Explain it in

Ans. Autofrettage is metal fabrication technique in which a pressure
vessel is subjected to enormous pressure, causing internal portions
of the part to yield plastically, resulting in internal compressive
residual stresses once the pressure is released.

c. Analytically differentiate between bending of straight and

curved beam.
Solved Paper (2018-19) SP–6 D (ME-Sem-5)

S. No. Bending of Straight Beam Bending of Curved Beam

1. The stress is calculated by The stress is calculated by Winkler

simple bending equation, Bach formula,

M  E M  R2   y  
  = 1  2 
I y R 
RA  h  R  y 

2. Stress distribution across a Stre ss distribution acro ss a

section is linear. section is linear.
Centroidal dy y
axis e y +
N A Stress
d distribution –
across a
t section

3. Fo r Straight be am, the For curved beams, the neutral

neutral and centroidal axes and ce ntroidal axe s do no t
coincide. coincide.
d. Differentiate between strain energy and shear strain
S. No. Strain Energy Shear Strain Energy
1. Energy due to change in Energy due to change in shape.
2. This is caused by normal This is caused by shear stresses
stress acting o n the acting on the material.

e. What is the difference in analysis of closed and open coiled

springs ?
S. No. Closed Coiled Springs Open Coiled Springs
1. It is known as torsion spring. It is known as compression spring.
2. Torsional stress is extremely Torsional stress is extremely low.

f. Define shear center and its importance.

Ans. The shear centre is the point of intersection of the bending axis and
the plane of transverse section.
Strength of Material SP–7 D (ME-Sem-5)

Importance : Shear center is a point through which if the external

load passes, then there will not be any twisting of the section.

g. Explain slenderness ratio and its importance in case of

Ans. Slenderness ratio : It is the ratio of unsupported length of the
column to the minimum radius of gyration of the cross-sectional
ends of the column. It is dimensionless and denoted by ‘k’.
Importance :
1. The slenderness ratio of a column gives an indication of buckling
failure in the column.
2. More the slenderness ratio more is the tendency of column to fail
by buckling effect in that direction.


2. Attempt any three of the following : (7 × 3 = 21)

a. A beam ABCDE is continuous over four supports and carries
the loads shown in Fig. 1 given below. Determine the values
of the fixing moments at each support.
20 kN 10 kN
A 1 kN/m B C 3kN/m D

5m 3m 4m
Fig. 1.
Given : Fig. 1.
To Find : Fixing moments at each support.
6 kN-m
3.125 kN-m 5.33 4.19
+ – – +
10 kN-m
Fig. 2.
1. For Span, AB :
wl 2 1  52
Bending moment =  = 3.125 kN-m
8 8
Area, a1 = 2/3 × 5 × 3.125 = 10.42 m2
a1 x1 = (10.42) = 26.05 m3
Solved Paper (2018-19) SP–8 D (ME-Sem-5)

2. For Span BC :
Wab 20  2  1
Bending moment =  = 13.33 kN-m
l 3
Area, a2 = × 3 × 13.33 = 19.995 m2
 3  1 3
With, C as origin, a2 x2 = 19.995 ×   = 26.66 m
 3 
(3  2)
With, B as origin, a2 x2 = 19.995 × = 33.325 m3
3. For Span CD :
wl2 3  4 2
Bending moment =  = 6 kN-m
8 8
Area, a3 = 2 / 3 × 6 × 4 = 16 m2
a3 x3 = 16 × 4 / 2 = 32 m3
4. Moment at Support :
i. Since the beam is freely support at A and overhanged at E
MA = 0, MD = – 10 kN-m
ii. Applying three moments theorem for the spans AB and BC
6a x 6 a2 x2
5MA + 2MB(5 + 3) + 3MC + 1 1 + =0
5 3
6  26.05 6  33.325
0 + 2MB × 8 + 3MC +  =0
5 3
16 MB + 3MC + 97.91 = 0 ...(1)
iii. Similarly, applying three moments theorem for span BC and CD.
6 a2 x2 6 a3 x3
3MB + 2MC(3 + 4) + 4MD +  =0
3 4
6  33.325 6  32
3MB + 14MC – 40 +  =0
3 4
3MB + 14MC + 74.65 = 0 ...(2)
5. From eq. (1) and eq. (2)
MB = – 5.33 kN-m
MC = – 4.19 kN-m

b. Derive the differential equation of deflection curve.

1. Consider a small portion PQ of a beam, bent into an arc as shown in
Fig. 3.
2. Let, ds = Length of the beam PQ,
R = Radius of the arc, into which the beam has been bent,
C = Centre of the arc,
 = Angle, which the tangent at P makes with O-X axis and
 + d = Angle which the tangent at Q makes with O-X axis.
3. From the geometry of the figure, we find that
Strength of Material SP–9 D (ME-Sem-5)

PCQ = d
and ds = Rd
ds dx
 R=  (Considering ds = dx)
d d
d R

ds dy

  + d
Fig. 3. Beam bent into an arc.
1 d
or =
R dx
4. We know that if x and y be the co-ordinates of point P, then
tan  =
5. Since  is a very small angle, therefore taking tan  = ,
d d2 y  1 d 
=   
dx dx 2 R dx 
6. We also know that
M E 1
= or M = EI ×
d2 y  1
 M = EI ×  Substituting value of 
dx 2 R

c. A close coiled helical spring is fixed at one end and

subjected to axial twist at the other. When the spring is in
use the axial torque varies from 0.75 N-m to 3 N-m, the
working angular deflection between these torques being
35°. The spring is to be made from rod of circular section,
the maximum permissible stress being 150 MN/m2 . The
mean diameter of the coils is 8 times the rod diameter.
Calculate the mean coil diameter, the number of turns
and the wire diameter.
Solved Paper (2018-19) SP–10 D (ME-Sem-5)

Given : Axial torque range = 0.75 N-m to 3 N-m, Angular
deflection = 35°, Maximum stress,  = 150 MN/m2, Mean coil
diameter, D = 8d
To Find : Mean coil diameter, wire diameter and number of
Data Assume : Modulus of elasticity, E = 200 GPa.

1. Maximum bending stress,max =
32  3
150 × 106 =
Wire diameter, d = 5.884 × 10–3 m  6 mm
2. Mean coil diameter, D = 8d = 8 × 6 = 48 mm
3. Angular deflection,  =
Ed 4
 64  0.75  0.048  n
35  =
180 200  109  0.006 4
n = 68.72 = 69

d. The load to be carried by a lift may be dropped 10 cm on to

the floor. The cage itself weighs 100 kg and is supported by
25 m of wire rope weighing 0.9 kg/m, consisting of 49 wires
each 1.6 mm diameter. The maximum stress in the wire is
limited to 90 N/mm2 and E for the rope is 70000 N/mm2. Find
the maximum load which can be carried.
Given : Weight of cage = 100 kg, Length of rope = 25 m, Unit
weight of rope = 0.9 kg/m, Number of wire = 49, Diameter of
wire = 1.6 mm, Maximum stress = 90 N/mm2, E = 70000 N/mm2
To Find : Maximum load.

mg (100  25  0.9) 9.81

1. Initial stress in the rope  
A 49  (  / 4)  1.62
= 12.4 N/mm2
2. Increase in stress,  = 90 – 12.4 = 77.8 N/mm2
3. Load due to increased stress,
p = 77.8 × 49 × ( / 4) × 1.62 = 7665 N = 782 kg
4. Increase in length of rope, x =  × L/E
77.8  25  100
x= = 27.8 mm = 2.78 cm
5. If W is the load dropped, applying the energy equation, we get
Strength of Material SP–11 D (ME-Sem-5)

W(h + x) = (1/2) px
W (10 + 2.78) = × 782 × 2.78
Maximum load, W = 85 kg

e. A timber beam 6 cm wide and 8 cm deep is to be reinforced

by bolting on two steel flitches, each 6 cm by 5 mm in section
in the following cases :
i. Flitches attached symmetrically at top and bottom.
ii. Flitches attached symmetrically at the sides.
Take allowable timber stress as 8 N/mm 2. What is the
maximum stress in the steel in each case ?
Take Esteel = 210 kN/mm2, Etimber = 14 kN/mm2
Given : Young’s modulus of steel, Es = 210 kN/mm2,
Young’s modulus of timber, Et = 14 kN/mm2, Wide = 6 cm,
Deep = 8 cm, Two steel flitches 6 cm by 5 mm, t = 8 N/mm2.
i. Flitches Attached Symmetrically at Top and Bottom.
Es 210
1. = = 15
Et 14
Es = 15 Et  s = 15 t
2. Let, t = Extreme fibre stress (or maximum stress) for
s = Extreme fibre stress (or maximum stress) for
3. Now from bending moment equation,

= constant
6 cm
4 cm 4.5 cm

9 cm

Fig. 4.
( s ) AC ( s ) AB
4. For steel, =
Solved Paper (2018-19) SP–12 D (ME-Sem-5)

( s ) AC 15( t ) AB
= {  At AB, (s)AB = 15(t)AB}
4.5 4
(t)AB = Maximum allowable stress = 8 MPa
5. Maximum allowable stress in steel,
(s)AC = (15 × 8) = 135 MPa
ii. When the Fliches are Attached Symmetrically at the Sides :
Refer to Fig. 5 :
1. In this case when the maximum stress in timber is t = 8 MN/m2
3 
2. The maximum stress in steel is s =   8 × 15 = 90 MN/m2
4 
6 cm

3 cm 4 cm

6 cm 8 cm

Fig. 5.

3. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)
a. A steel tube of 24 mm external diameter and 18 mm internal
diameter encloses a copper rod 15 mm diameter to which it
is rigidly attached at each end. If, at a temperature of 10 °C
there is no longitudinal stress, calculate the stresses in
the tube and rod when the temperature is raised to 200 °C.
Esteel = 210 kN/mm2, Ecopper = 210 kN/mm2
Coefficients of linear expansion :
steel = 11 × 10– 6 /°C, copper = 11 × 10– 6 /°C
Given : DS = 24 mm, ds = 18, DC 15 mm, t1 = 10 °C, t2 = 200 °C,
Es = 210 kN/mm2, s = 11 × 10–6/°C
To Find : Stress in the tube and rod.
Note : Since the given value of E and  for steel and copper are
same hence it is not possible to solve the numerical.
So assuming the value of E and  for copper as
EC =110 kN/mm2, c = 18 × 10–6 / °C and solving the numerical
1. Rise in temperature, t = t2 – t1 = 200 – 10 = 190 °C
2. Stresses in the Rod and the Tube, c, s :
i. Fig. 6 since c > s, elongation of copper will naturally be more
than that of steel for the same rise of temperature but since they
Strength of Material SP–13 D (ME-Sem-5)

are rigidly jointed at each end, the copper rod will venture to pull
the steel tube along with it; whereas the steel tube will struggle to
bring the copper rod back.
ii. Ultimately, they will compromise and become stable at certain
common position.
3. Extension of copper rod when free to expand = ab = l c . t
Extension of steel rod when free to expand = ac = l s t
4. Being connected together, suppose they compromise at the position
dd; which means that steel tube will be pulled from c to d, and the
copper rod pushed back from b to d. In this way steel is under
tension and the copper is under compression.
Steel tube a c d
24 mm
18 mm
15 mm

Copper rod Pull Push

a c d
Fig. 6.
5. Compressive strain in copper rod,
bd ab – ad ab ad
c =   –
l l l l
= ct – ( ab = l ct)
or, c = ct –  (where, ad / l = common strain = e)
cd ad – ac ad ac
6. Tensile strain in steel tube, s =   –
l l l l
= – st ( ac = l st)
or, s =  – st ...(2)
7. Adding eq. (1) and (2), we get
c + s = ct – st = t (c – s)
 c s  c s 

Ec Es
= t(c – s)   c  E and  s  E 
c s

c s
 = 190 (18 × 10–6 – 11 × 10–6)
1.0  105 2.1  105
2.1 c + s = 279.3 ...(3)
8. But at the stabilized or common position dd,
Push on copper rod = Pull on steel tube
c Ac = sA s
 
c × × 152 = s × × (242 – 182)
4 4
Solved Paper (2018-19) SP–14 D (ME-Sem-5)

c × 225 = s (576 – 324)

225  c
s = = 0.89 c ...(4)
(576 – 324)
9. Substituting for s in eq. (3), we have
2.1 c + 0.89 c = 279.3
 c = 279.3 / 2.99 = 93.41 N/mm2
10. From eq. (4), we get s = 0.89 × 93.41 = 83.13 N/mm2

b. A small block is 40 mm long, 30 mm high and 5 mm in thick.

It is subjected to uniformly distributed tensile forces
having the resultant values in N shown in figure. Compute
the stress components developed along the diagonal AC.
2400 2400

Fig. 7.
Given : Length = 40 mm, Height = 30 mm, Width = 5 mm,
Force along x-axis = 2400 N, Force along y-axis = 1280 N
To Find : Stress component along diagonal AC.
1. Area of cross-section normal to X-axis = 30 × 5 = 150 mm2
2. Area of cross-section normal to Y-axis = 40 × 5 = 200 mm2
Force along X - axis
3. Stress along x-axis, =
Area normal to X - axis
= = 16 N/mm2
Force along Y - axis
4. Stress along y-axis, y =
Area normal to Y - axis
1280 N
5 mm

 2400 N
2400 N
30 mm

5 mm
A 40 mm
1280 N
Fig. 8.
y = = 6.4 N/mm2
Strength of Material SP–15 D (ME-Sem-5)

5. Inclination of diagonal AC, tan  = 40 / 30  = 53° 7

6. Normal stress, on AC
   y x –  y
n = x  cos 2
2 2
16  6.4 16 – 6.4
n =  cos (2  53 7 )
2 2
= 9.858 N/mm 2

7. Tangential stress on AC,

x –  y
t = sin 2
16  6.4
= sin (2  53 7 ) = 4.608 N/mm2

4. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. A solid circular shaft of length of 3 m and diameter of
50 mm rotates at 1200 rpm by a 400 HP electric motor at its
middle. It derives two machines of 150 HP and 250 HP at
left and right ends of the shaft, respectively. Determine
the maximum shear stress and relative displacement of
the two ends of the shaft. Take G = 85 GPa.
Given : Length of shaft, L = 3 m Diameter of shaft = 50 mm,
speed, N = 1200 rpm, G = 85 GPa
To Find : Maximum shear stress and relative displacement
1. Power transmitted across BC = Power applied at B = 400 HP
For Part BC : P = 400 × 746 = 298.4 kW
150 HP 400 HP 250 HP

1.5 m 1.5 m
Fig. 9.
2. Torque transmitted across BC is given by,
60  1000
298.4  60  1000
T= = 2374.6 N-m
2  1200
3. The maximum shear stress in BC is given by,
  3
T= D
 
2374.6 =  0.053   = 96.75 MN/m2
Solved Paper (2018-19) SP–16 D (ME-Sem-5)

4. The maximum angle of twist 1 in BC of B relative to C is given by,

T G
Ip L
2374.6  1.5
1 = = 0.0683 radian
85  109   / 32  0.054
For Part AB : 5 Power transmitted across AB,
P = 150 × 746 = 111.9 kW
5. Torque transmitted across AB is given by,
111.9  60  1000
T= = 890.47 N-m
2  1200
6. The maximum shear stress in AB is given by,
16  890.47
=  10 –6 = 36.28 MN/m2
  0.053
7. The maximum angle of twist 2 in AB of A relative to B is given by,
890.47  1.5
2 = = 0.0256 radian
85  109   / 32  (0.05)4
The shear stress in the shaft is developed in BC being equal to
96.75 MN/m2
ii. Angle of Twist : Angle of twist of A relative to
C = 1 + 2 = 0.0683 + 0.0256 = 0.0939 radian.

b. Determine the deflection of the beam at midpoint for the

beam loading system shown in the figure given below :
Take : E = 200 GN/m2 and I = 83 × 106 m 4.
20 N
30 N
10 N/m

10 m 5m 10 m
Fig. 10.
Given : E = 200 GN / m2, I = 83 × 10–6 m4
To Find : Deflection of midpoint.
20 N
30 N
10 N/m
10 m 5m 10 m
20 N
X 30 N
10 N/m 100 N-m
C 15 m
10 m
x X
Fig. 11.
Strength of Material SP–17 D (ME-Sem-5)

1. Calculate support reaction,

RA + RB = 10 × 10 + 20 + 30 = 150 N
2. Total moment about A, MA = 0
RB × 25 = 20 × 10 + 10 × 10 × 5 + 100 + 30 × 25
RB = 62 N and RA = 150 – 62 = 88 N
3. Use Macaulay’s method,
d2 y 10 x 2 10
EI 2
= 88 x   ( x  10)2  20 ( x  10)  100 ...(1)
dx 2 2
4. Integrate the eq.(1), wet get
dy x2 5 3 5 ( x  10)3 20 ( x  10)2
EI = 88  x  C1    100 x ...(2)
dx 2 3 3 2
5. Again integrate the eq. (2),
x3 5 x 4 5 (x  10)4 10 ( x  10)3
EI y = 44   C1 x  C2    50 x2
3 12 12 3
6. By boundary condition, x = 0, y = 0, C2 = 0
And x = 25, y = 0, put in eq. (3), we get
(25)3 5 5 (15)4 10 (15)3
0 = 44  (25)4  C1  25  0    50 (25)2
3 12 12 3
C1 = – 4300
7. Putting the value of C1 and C2 in eq. (3)
44 x3 5 x4 5 ( x  10)4 10 ( x  10)3
EI y =   4300 x    50 x2 ...(4)
3 12 12 3
8. Deflection at mid point (Put x = 25/2 = 12.5 in eq. (4)),
y=– = – 1.657 × 10–3 m = – 1.657 mm
200  109  83  106
Here, (–ve) sign shows the downward deflection.

5. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. A short column is of hollow circular section, the center of
the inside hole being 6 mm eccentric to that of the outside.
The outside diameter is 96 mm and the inside 48 mm. The
line of action of the load intersects the cross-section at a
point in line with the two centers. What are the limiting
position of the load for there to be no tensile stress set up ?
Given : D = 96 mm, d = 48 mm
To Find : Limiting position of the load.
1. Area of hollow section,
 
A= (96)2  (48) 2 = 5428.67 mm2
4 4
Solved Paper (2018-19) SP–18 D (ME-Sem-5)



x = 46

Fig. 12.

2. CG of hollow section from end A

   
 962   48    482   54
A1 x1  A2 x2  4  4 
x =  = 46 mm
A1  A2  2    2 
  96     48 
4 4
3. Moment of inertia of section, I = I1 – I2 = (IG + A1h12) – (IG + A2h22)
1 2
       
=  964   96 2  22     484   482  82 
 64 4   64 4 
 
= (964  484 )  (96 2  22  482  82 )
64 4
= 3908643.916 + (– 86858.7537) = 3821785.16 mm4
4. Section modulus of hollow section, Z = I/ymax =
( ymax = 2 + 48 = 50 mm)
= 76435.70 mm3
Z 76435.70
5. For not tensile stress, e  e  e  14.08 mm
A 5428.67
6. For no tensile stress, place the load within the distance of 14.08 mm
either side of the CG of the hollow section.

b. Derive the relation to find deflection induced in the open

coiled helical spring subjected to axial torque.
1. Let the torque T applied about axis of spring OY [Fig. 13(a)] be
resolved about OX and OY;
Component about OX
T = T sin  ....causes torsion of spring
Component about OY,
M  = T cos  ....causes bending of coil.
2. If  be the angular twist due to T , due to M and  due to T then,
by principle of conservation of energy, we have
1 1 1 1 T l 1 M l
T = T   M   T    M 
2 2 2 2 GJ 2 EI
Strength of Material SP–19 D (ME-Sem-5)

1 l 1 l 1 T 2 sin2   l 1 T 2 cos2   l
= T 2  M 2  
2 GJ p 2 EI 2 GJ p 2 EI

T sin2   l T cos2   l
 = 
But, l = 2 R sec  × n
sin2  cos2  
  = 2 TR n  sec    
 GJ EI 
3. For axial deflection/extension resolve rotations as before :
 1 1 
 = TRl sin  cos   –
 GJ EI 
1 1 
= TR  2 Rn sec   sin  cos   –
 GJ EI 

= 2TR2 n  sin   1 – 1 
 GJ EI 
Axis of the


 X

(a) Coil of a helical spring

2 R

(b) Length of a coil
Fig. 13.

6. Explain any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 7)

a. The cylinder for a hydraulic press has an inside diameter
of 300 mm. Determine the wall thickness required if the
cylinder is to withstand an internal pressure of 60 MPa
without exceeding a shearing stress of 90 MPa.
Solved Paper (2018-19) SP–20 D (ME-Sem-5)

Given : d = 300 mm, p = 60 MPa, max = 90 MPa
To Find : Wall thickness.

pd 60  300 9000
1. Hoop stress, c =  
2t 2t t
pd 60  300 4500
2. Longitudinal stress, l =  
4t 4t t
c  l
3. Maximum shear stress, max =
(9000 / t)  (4500 / t) 4500
90 =  90 =
2 2t
Thickness of wall, t = 25 mm
b. In an experiment on a thick cylinder of 100 mm external
diameter and 50 mm internal diameter the hoop and
longitudinal strains as measured by strain gauges applied
to the outer surface of the cylinder were 240 × 10– 6 and
60 × 10 – 6 respectively, for an internal press ure of
90 MN/m2, the external pressure being zero. Determine the
actual hoop and longitudinal stresses present in the
cylinder if E = 208 GN/m2 and  = 0.29. Compare the hoop
stress value so obtained with the theoretical value given
by the Lame’s equations.
Given : d2 = 100 mm, d1 = 50 mm, c = 240 × 10–6, l = 60 × 10–6,
r = 90 MN/m2, E = 208 GN /m2,  = 0.29, p2 = 0
To Find : Compare the hoop stress.
r2 50
1. Radius ratio, = =2
r1 25
2. We know that, Lame’s equation, r = –a
at r = r2, r = 0  0 = b/r22 – a  b = ar22
at r = r1r = 90  90 = –a
ar22 r 
90 = – a = a  2  – a = a[22 – 1] = 3a
r12  r1 
a = 90 / 3 = 30 MN/m2
3. Again at, r = r2
c = + a = a + a = 2a = 2 × 30 = 60 MN/m2
Strength of Material SP–21 D (ME-Sem-5)

p1r12 p1 90
l =   2 = 30 MN/m2
r – r12  r 2
2 –1
  –1
 r1 
At r = r2 ; r = 0 ( p2 = 0)
4. Circumferential strain, c = [ – (l + r)]
E c
240 × 10–6 = [c – 0.29l]
208  103
c – 0.29 l = 49.92 ...(1)
5. Similarly longitudinal strain, l = [ – (c + r)]
E l
60 × 10–6 = [l – 0.29(c)]
208  103
l – 0.29 c = 12.48 ...(2)
6. From eq. (1) and eq. (2), we get
c = 58.45 MN/m2 (Compressive)
l = 29.43 MN/m2 (Compressive)

7. Attempt any one part of the following : (7 × 1 = 1)

a. A 75 mm × 75 mm × 12 mm angle is used as a cantilever with
the face AB horizontal as shown in figure. A vertical load
of 3 kN is applied at the tip of the cantilever which is 1 m
long. Determine the stresses at A, B and C.
75 mm
12 mm
75 mm

12 mm
Fig. 14.
Given : Fig. 14
To Find : Stresses at A, B and C.
1. We know that
75  12  75 / 2  63  12  6 38286
x = = = 23.11 mm
75  12  63  12 1656
75  12  6  63  12  (63 / 2  12) 38286
y= = = 23.11 mm
75  12  63  12 1656
2. Moment of inertia about x and y axis,
Solved Paper (2018-19) SP–22 D (ME-Sem-5)

12  633 75  123
Ix =  12  63  20.392  + 75 × 12 × 17.112
12 12
= 564355.58 + 274276.89 = 838632.47 mm4
63  123 12  753
Iy =  63  12  17.112  + 12 × 75 × 14.392
12 12
= 230392.5 + 608239.97 = 838632.47 mm4
75 mm 23.11 mm 23.11 mm

12 mm

12 mm
23.11 mm
75 mm


12 mm
Fig. 15.
3. Co-ordinate of, G1 = (37.5 – 23.11), (23.11 – 6) = (14.39, 17.11)
Co-ordinate of, G2 = – (23.11 – 6), – (43.5 – 23.11) = (– 17.11, – 20.39)
4. Product of inertia, Ixy = 75 × 12 × 14.39 × 17.11 + 75 × 12 × (– 17.11)
× (– 20.39)
= 535577.22 mm4
5. Inclination of principal U-axis
2 I xy 2  535577.22
tan 2  =  =  ,  = 45°
I y – Ix 0
6. Moment of inertia about principal axes,
IUU = ( I x  I y )  sec 2 ( I x – I y ) 
= [(838632.47  838632.47)  0]
IUU = 838632.47 mm4
IVV = 838632.47 mm4
7. Maximum bending moment, M = 3000 × 1 = 3000 N-m
8. Resolving about UU and VV
MV = MU = 3000 cos 45° = 2121.32 N-m
9. UV coordinate :
Point A : x = – 23.11 mm, y = 23.11 mm
U = x cos  + y sin 
= – 23.11 × cos 45° + 23.11 × sin 45° = 0
V = y cos  – x sin  = 23.11 × cos 45° – (– 23.11) sin 45°
= 32.68 mm
Strength of Material SP–23 D (ME-Sem-5)

Point B : x = 75 – 23.11 = 51.89 mm

y = 23.11 mm
U = 51.89 cos 45° + 23.11 sin 45° = 53.03 mm
V = 23.11 cos 45° – 51.89 sin 45° = – 20.35 mm
Point C : x = – 23.11 mm, y = – (75 – 23.11) = – 51.89 mm
U = – 23.11 × cos 45° – 51.89 × sin 45° = – 53.03 mm
V = – 51.89 cos 45° – (– 23.11 × sin 45°) = – 20.35 mm
10. Bending stress about point A, B and C :
MU MV  32.68 
A =   3000 0  = 0.1169 N/mm2
IVV IUU  838632.47 
 53.03 20.35  2
B = 3000  –  = 0.1169 N/mm
 838632.47 838632.47 
 – 53.03 20.35  2
C = 3000  –  = – 0.263 N/mm
 838632.47 838632.47 

b. The bending moment acting on the curved beam with a

rectangular cross section is M = 8 kN-m. Calculate the
bending stress at point B.

70 mm
B 20 mm

40 mm 170 mm M
100 mm

Fig. 16.
Given : M = 8 kN-m, b = 20 mm, d = 100 mm, Position of point
B = 40 mm from bottom
To Find : Stress at point B

1. Mean radius of curvature, R = 70 + = 120 mm
2. The value of h2 can be obtained as,
2 4

2 1  d  1 d  
h2 = R        ......
 3  2 R  5  2 R  
 1  100  2 1  100 4 
= 1202        ...... = 920.3 mm
 3  2  120  5  2  120  
Solved Paper (2018-19) SP–24 D (ME-Sem-5)

3. Position of neutral axis from centroidal axis is given by,

R  h2 120  920.3
y= – – = – 7.208 mm
R 2  h2 120 2  920.3
4. Stress at point B is calculated by using given equation,
M  R2  y  
= 1  2  
R A  h  R  y  
8  106  1202   7.208  
= 1  
120  20  100  920.3  120   7.208  
= 2.33 × 10–3 N/mm2


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