Cac Lesson Plan Master Template Blank 1 1

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Children’s Art Club

Lesson plan template

Image of Project Sample (created
Lesson Title: create your own planet by you)
Description (of what the lesson is trying to accomplish): Have students practice using
scissors safely to create their own unique continents for their planets

Teacher Names: Karla and Tilly Course: CAC

Grade Level(s): k-third Lesson Duration: 60 minutes

Supplies: One sheet of blue construction paper, multiple sheets of assorted colored
construction paper, tissue paper, glue sticks, and scissors, markers

Link to presentation you made:

Sources (optional):

Objectives for Learning

What is the main learning goal for your students?

1. The student will…use their creativity and imagination while creating their planets

2. The student will…be developing their motor skills by cutting out their shapes or animals.

3. The student will…learn the safety of using scissors

List all art terms, concepts, artists, historical periods, historical styles, and make child-friendly definitions.
Ex. “Complementary–colors that are opposite on the color wheel, like orange and blue, and make eachother look good.”

1. Continents- a large land mass, oceans in between

2. Shape- The outline or the boundary of an object. (“Everything we see in the world around
us has a shape” and point out the clock and table)

Instructional Procedure
Describe the step-by-step plan for instructing the lesson.

Include these tasks in

the procedure (right)
Anticipatory Set- Introduce ourselves and go around the room,
Anticipatory Set asking everyone's names and what is their favorite animal.
What is the VERY FIRST Input/Lecture-
thing you will do/say to
get your students
○ Introduction
interested and excited? ○ Show PowerPoint
■ Talk about the safety of using scissors
■ Define what Continent is
Input/Lecture ■ Introduce what we are doing today, Making our own planets!!!
List your steps for how
■ Steps of doing a planet which we will have an example of a dinosaur
you will teach the lesson.
Modeling/Demonstratio Modeling/Demonstration
Don’t forget to add your
○ Showing the class how to cut away with their scissors
vocab words, especially in ○ When introducing them to making their own planets explain the
presentation and dinosaurs, butterflies, flowers, or circles that they chose to do for their
theme are the continents.
Guided/Independent ○ If they choose to make flowers, teach them how to put the tissue
paper on a pencil and glue it on the end.
What part of the lesson
will you “hold their hand” Guided/Independent
and when will you give ○ Let the children work on their own when we introduce the project
them work time? What
does this look like?
and let their creativity flow. We will “hold their hand” if they have a
question or a problem they face when we walk around and help.
Reflection / Closure Reflection/ Closure
Write your questions you
will ask your students and ○ “Alright kids, we are out of time for today, and before we go can we
how you will end your raise our plants up and show everyone what kind of planet we made
today.” (Take a group picture)
(please don’t just say
“okay, that’s it)

What will you do to see how your students learned?

A way that we would see if our students learned would be by asking what type of shapes or
animals they used for their continents. To do this we will go around and ask students one on
one, what their planet is about and how they came up with their continent shapes

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