Sample Unit Practice Test 14

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Test 1 1

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Writing Instructions

• Choose either Task 1 (Email/Letter) or Task 2 • Use only the lines provided on the writing answer
(Essay). Write on only ONE of these tasks. document to complete this section. You should
• Once you have chosen your task, darken the circle write about one page.
for “Email/Letter” or “Essay” on your writing answer • Do not write your answer in this booklet.
document. • You will not be graded on the appearance of your
• You will have 30 minutes to write your answer. paper, but your handwriting must be readable.
• Use #2 (soft) pencil only. • You may use the planning area provided in this
booklet, but it will not count toward your score.

Writing Prompt

Task 1: Email
The local high school is considering requiring all students to take classes in music, dance, theater, and fine arts. The
school wants to hear how the public feels about this idea.
• Write an email to the school’s principal explaining your opinion. Give reasons to support your opinion.
• Start your email, “Dear Principal.”

Task 2: Essay
City governments should do everything they can to encourage people to use bicycles for transportation.
• Write an essay on whether you agree or disagree with the statement above.
• Include specific reasons and details to support your opinion.


Once you have chosen your task, darken the circle for “Email/Letter” or
“Essay” on your writing answer document.

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Listening Section Instructions

This section of the test has two parts. Mark all your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not make any stray
marks on the answer sheet. If you change your mind about an answer, erase your first answer completely. If you
do not know the answer, you may guess. Try to answer as many questions as possible.

Listening Test, Part 1

In this part, you will hear 25 short conversations. After each conversation, you will hear a question about it. You
will hear each conversation and question once. The answer choices are shown as pictures. Mark your answers on
the separate answer sheet, not in the test booklet. You should mark A, B, or C.

Here is an example:


The correct answer is B.

Do you have any questions?

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Listening Test, Part 2

In this part, you will hear four short talks. After each talk, you will hear five questions about it. Before each talk
begins, you will have time to preview the questions that are printed in the test booklet.
You will hear each talk twice. Then you will hear the questions once. If you want to, you may take notes in your
booklet as you listen. Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet, not in the test booklet. You should mark
A, B, C, or D.
Do you have any questions?

Now you will hear the first talk. Look at the questions. Notes
Listen to a guide at a museum.

26. Which floor is the gift shop on?

A. ground
B. 3rd
C. 5th
D. 6th

27. What will visitors see first?

A. ancient tools
B. a jewelry exhibit
C. pottery from the 1st century
D. 19th-century household implements

28. What is the documentary about?

A. early pottery making
B. early European history
C. the history of the museum
D. caring for exhibits

29. What does the museum offer each month?

A. a movie
B. free tours
C. history lectures
D. a special exhibit

30. What does the speaker mean when she says:

A. The ticket can only be used today.
B. The museum issues the ticket every six months.
C. The ticket must be validated at the front desk.
D. The ticket can be used for six months.

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Now you will hear the second talk. Look at the questions. Notes
Listen to a tour leader on a bus.

31. What does the price of the vacation include?

A. tours of the city
B. three meals a day
C. a trip to the countryside
D. a night at the theater

32. How do guests book a trip?

A. by registering at reception
B. by phoning the tour guides
C. by visiting the tour office
D. by putting their name on a list

33. Where can guests find the tour guides between 7

and 9 p.m.?
A. in the lobby
B. in the restaurant
C. in the office
D. at reception

34. What is the main purpose of the questionnaire?

A. to help guests win a weekend in Paris
B. to get feedback on the destinations
C. to enable guests to plan their next holiday
D. to get personal information about guests

35. What does the speaker mean when he says:

A. Existing tour dates will be altered.
B. Tour locations may change.
C. Planned tours will be canceled.
D. Tour prices may go up.

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Now you will hear the third talk. Look at the questions. Notes
Listen to a gym manager talking to new members.

36. What does the monthly fee allow members to do?

A. use the spa
B. take a weekly group class
C. use the pool
D. work out in the gym with weights

37. What must members do if they wish to take a class?

A. sign up at reception seven days in advance
B. sign up at reception one month before the class
C. call reception to book a place
D. let reception know two days in advance

38. What must members do if they want to cancel a

A. call reception seven days beforehand
B. call at least two days before the class
C. sign for a refund at reception
D. sign a cancelation sheet at reception

39. Why do gym members need the token?

A. to access the gym and locker
B. to use in the café
C. to reclaim items from the basement
D. to store items in the locker overnight

40. What is the main purpose of this talk?

A. to welcome new members
B. to explain the rules
C. to encourage people to join the gym
D. to introduce new classes

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Now you will hear the fourth talk. Look at the questions. Notes
Listen to a ship’s captain making an announcement.

41. Why is the captain speaking to the passengers?

A. to give emergency instructions
B. to explain the role of the crew in an emergency
C. to give directions to muster stations
D. to announce an emergency drill

42. Where can passengers find information about what

to do in an emergency?
A. at reception
B. in their cabins
C. at a muster station
D. on the notice board

43. What should passengers do first after they hear the

emergency signal?
A. wait for further instructions
B. assemble at the muster stations
C. go to the upper decks
D. go to their cabins

44. Why will crew members be positioned at the

A. to help passengers put on their life jackets
B. to prevent passengers from going down the
C. to show passengers the way
D. to give passengers further emergency

45. What does the captain mean when he says:

A. Everyone on board must participate in the drill.
B.  Passengers and crew should begin preparing
for the drill.
C. The drill will begin shortly.
D. There will be only one drill during the cruise.

End of the listening test

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Reading Section Instructions

Do not begin this section until the examiner has read these instructions to you. Do not turn the page until the
examiner has told you to do so.
This section of the examination contains 65 questions. Each question has only one correct answer.
Here are examples of each kind of question. In each example, the correct answer is underlined. If you do not
understand how to do the questions, raise your hand and a proctor will explain the examples to you. None of the
actual test questions can be explained.

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
Don't leave for tomorrow ____ .
A. what can you do today
B. if you can do today
C. what you can do today
D. can you do today

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
We all enjoyed trying the new ____ .
A. dish
B. plate
C. taste
D. serving

Choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
Research has found that social networking helps teenagers learn the social and technical skills they
need to be knowledgeable citizens in the digital age.
According to the text, what is one benefit of social networking?
A. It alleviates depression in young people.
B. It can increase political awareness of teenagers.
C. It helps young people develop important skills.
D. It increases teenagers' self- esteem.

Mark all your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not make any stray marks on the answer sheet. If you
change your mind about an answer, erase your first answer completely. If you do not know the answer, you may
guess. Try to answer as many questions as possible.
You have 75 minutes to answer all 65 questions. If you finish before the time is over, you may check your answers
within the reading section only. Do not go back to the listening section of the exam. Do not leave the room before
the end of the time period. Remain silent and in your seat until the group is dismissed.
Do you have any questions?
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46. “Would you like to go to the movies?” 50. Will you give Mary my message when she _____
“I ____ stay home, if you don’t mind.” to her office?
A. would rather A. returns
B. will rather B. will be returning
C. had better C. is returning
D. have better D. will return

47. “Did you see the robbery?” 51. “Why aren’t you ready yet?”
“No. All I saw was the thief ____ out of the “I didn’t expect you ____ here so early.”
bank.” A. be
A. was dashing B. were
B. dashed C. will be
C. dashing D. to be
D. when dashed
52. Where are you going tonight?”
48. The man ____ car was stolen works for an “My English teacher has invited us _____ her
insurance company. home.”
A. which A. in
B. whose B. at
C. whom C. to
D. who D. for

49. Let the soup cool a bit because it’s still ___ to 53. “Have you made any plans for the weekend?”
eat. “Yes. Some friends and I ____ to New York.”
A. hot A. have been driving
B. too hot B. are driving
C. very hot C. going to drive
D. enough hot D. have driven

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54. “I don’t know how to do the exercises.” 58. “I have a terrible headache.”
“Unless I ____ things to you, you never will.” “I think you ___ lie down for a while.”
A. will explain A. need
B. would explain B. would
C. explain C. ought
D. will have explained D. should

55. “Why didn’t you buy that nice handbag?” 59. You can go out to play with your friends only
“Because it was ____ expensive than I thought.” after you ____ your room.
A. much more A. have cleaned
B. too much B. cleaned
C. lot more C. will clean
D. so much D. will have cleaned

56. I think we should buy ____ furniture for our 60. ____ the really nice weather, I didn’t feel like
living room. going out yesterday.
A. one A. Despite
B. a B. In spite
C. any C. Although
D. some D. Even if

57. She can’t seem to raise her grades ____ how

hard she studies.
A. even if
B. no matter
C. though
D. even

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61. I ____ to ask if you needed anything from the 65. Jack’s wallet was ___ from his briefcase last
supermarket. night.
A. came across A. missed
B. dropped by B. stolen
C. went away C. robbed
D. came about D. picked

62. The results of the upcoming elections are quite 66. Ben ____ left for school when he realized how
difficult to _____. late he was.
A. promote A. desperately
B. represent B. carelessly
C. encourage C. hastily
D. predict D. certainly

63. The basketball game was ___ to the same time 67. Kevin had to ____ Susan $20.00 because she’d
next week. run out of money.
A. delayed A. supply
B. postponed B. borrow
C. prevented C. provide
D. arranged D. lend

64. The doctor ____me to lose weight. 68. The temperature ___ below zero.
A. pointed A. declined
B. stressed B. decreased
C. advised C. dropped
D. insisted D. lowered

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69. Do I have to wear a suit and tie or can I dress 72. I cannot make ends meet on my monthly ____.
more ____? A. receipt
A. casually B. rate
B. unofficially C. payment
C. naturally D. wage
D. loosely
73. She ____ her story was true but I didn’t believe
70. It takes both ____ and talent to be a good her.
painter. A. debated
A. proficiency B. claimed
B. skill C. intended
C. worth D. told
D. value
74. There is a deep lake on the ____ to the village.
71. The tourists were stopped at the ____ to have A. direction

their passports checked. B. distance
A. territory C. street
B. border D. way
C. board
D. limit

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This passage is about social networking. 75. What did the research find?
Many parents may feel that social networking A. Teens are the fastest-growing group on social
sites are a waste of their children’s time. But networks.
new research claims that the communication B. Social networking is beneficial for teens.
opportunities provided by social networking C. Most teens have an online identity.
encourage young people to explore their interests, D. Teens spend an average of 2,000 hours online
develop technical skills, and work on new forms of
self-expression. The three-year-study was carried
76. What does it refer to in the last sentence of the
out by a University of California research team that
first paragraph?
interviewed over 800 teens, and conducted over
A. an interview
2,000 hours of online observations. It found that
B. research
social networking helps teenagers learn the social
C. a social networking site
and technical skills they need to be knowledgeable
D. the University of California
citizens in the digital age.
The study concludes that social networking 77. What are most teenagers said to use social
contributes to young people’s extended friendships networking sites for?
and interests. While the majority of teens use social A. exchanging music
networking sites to “hang out” with people they B. forming new friendships
already know in real life, some use them to find C. expanding their interests
like-minded people. D. interacting with existing friends

Teens interested in chess or international

78. Why does the author mention international politics?
politics, for example, can expand their social circles
A. to highlight an application of social networking
with others who share the same interests and can
B. to make a comparison with social circles
find information that goes beyond what they have
C. to make a statement about the government
access to at school. They can also publicize and
D. to indicate the influence of social networking
distribute their music, art work, or writing to online
audiences, and gain visibility and enhance their 79. According to the text, how might social
artistic reputations. networking help artistic students?
Teenagers create new modes of self-expression A. by giving them larger audiences for their work
and rules for social behavior online. New forms B. by connecting them with professional artists
of online media allow them to acquire technical C. by exposing them to creative content
skills through creating videos, writing blogs, or D. by motivating them to do better work
customizing their online profiles. The researchers
said teens usually respect one another’s authority 80. What is suggested about teens and learning online?
online, and they are often more motivated to learn A. Teens prefer to learn from each other.
from one another than from their parents or other B. Some teens are uncomfortable learning
adults. online.
C. Teens learn more from online media than was
D. Some teens’ online social behavior prevents
them from learning

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This passage is about diners. 81. What inspired Walter Scott’s invention?
In 1872, a man named Walter Scott realized A. an observation he made
that employees from the print works near his New B. a job he did
England home had nowhere to eat when they left C. an employee he hired
work at night, so he began selling pies, sandwiches, D. a conversation he had
and coffee from a cart. Without knowing it, he
had introduced the concept of the diner – the 82. Why were diners popular?
restaurant that was to become an American icon. A. They could easily be moved around.
The diner soon took off. Businessmen realized B. They had unique furniture.
there was a gap in the market for inexpensive C. They were open until late at night.
places to eat that were open long hours, so they D. They had extensive menus.
began buying disused railroad dining cars and
turning them into mobile diners. Later, diners 83. What does the word fixed in the last sentence of
became fixed structures, and gradually developed paragraph 2 mean?
into stainless steel and chrome buildings. A. elegant
The classic diner had a counter with stools B. redecorated
and a row of booths. The menu included club C. old-fashioned
sandwiches, waffles, pancakes, eggs, hamburgers, D. stationary
fries, hash browns, omelets, and the classic diner
desserts – cherry pie, apple pie, and cheesecake. 84. Why did the popularity of diners decline in the
Diners reflected the nature of America itself 1950s and 1960s?
with its wide social and cultural diversity. They A. People ate out less.
flourished up to the 1950s, but then began to B. Working hours changed.
suffer competition from the new fast food chains. C. People started eating more traditional foods.
Thousands closed down and by the 1960s, only a D. Fast food chains became popular.
few hundred were left.
But now, the diner is staging a comeback. Old 85. What is the main purpose of paragraph 3?
ones are being restored as nostalgia for the “good
A. to show how American diets have changed
old days” has made Americans keener to preserve
B. to describe a typical vintage diner
their heritage. All vintage diners still in operation C. to provide details about how Scott got his
are now included on the National Register of idea
Historic Places, showing recognition for the D. to illustrate how modern diners have evolved
important role they played in America’s history.
86. According to the text, why are diners popular
A. They are enjoyable places to eat.
B. People appreciate the past more.
C. They are inexpensive.
D. They are in convenient places.

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Announcement Girls’ Softball Blog
It all started when play against
Registration for Atlantic Little
I was eight and older college
League girls’ softball will be held
my mother gave girls to help me
at Springfield High School on
me a softball improve. We get
February 4 from 5-8 p.m.
glove. Life hasn’t up very early in
been the same the morning to
Please bring the following:
since. I’ve spent practice, so we
• copy of your child’s birth
the past five have a 9 p.m.
summers at curfew – coach’s
• medical insurance information
softball camp so I get to meet new golden rule! This is frustrating
• date of last tetanus shot
people and visit interesting places. sometimes, but I do everything I
• cash or check for payment
I have loved every minute of it! It can to be a better softball player.
hasn’t all been easy – I’ve been
Also please check our league Softball girls are a breed apart.
hurt a few times. I’ve broken two
boundaries page to insure that You know us when you see us!
fingers and am often hit by the ball,
you are registering with the We live for softball!
but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
correct league.
Every summer I travel to a Sally P.
different camp where I get to Atlantic Little League

Atlantic Little League
Player Code of Conduct
History of Girls’ Baseball
The first girl to In 1972, 12-year-old Maria
All players must
play on a Little Pepe tried out for and was
follow the Code of
League team was placed on a team in Hoboken,
Kathryn Johnston New Jersey. Pepe pitched for
•N ever argue with
in 1950, when three games with the support
the umpire
she tucked her of her coach but angry parents
•R espect your
hair under her baseball cap and, reported her to Headquarters.
posing as a boy, tried out for Local newspapers speculated
• Be a good sport. Appreciate
a team in Corning, New York. that the League worried that
good play whether it is by your
teammates or your opponents.
She made the team and then a girl might play better than
revealed her gender to her coach boys. Little League threatened
• Above all, have a good attitude
who considered it a novelty and to take away the Hoboken
… this is far more important
than winning or losing. let her play. charter, and Maria reluctantly
left the team.
However, a year later, Little
If you break this Code of
League Headquarters made a This last move came amid lively
Conduct, your coach will give
you a verbal warning. new regulation that girls were debates on women’s rights, and
not eligible under any conditions. the story became national news.
If you continue to violate the Despite this, over the next two Maria's case was taken to the
Code, then you and your parents decades several girls played on Supreme Court where, two years
will receive a warning letter various teams “illegally.” But later, the court ruled that girls
describing the consequences of if it came to the attention of could play in the Little League.
your behavior. This may include
officials at Headquarters, the Maria Pepe paved the way for
being “benched,” and you will
have to sit out two games. Any local league lost their charter and the hundreds of thousands of
further violation will result in your the right to play as an official girls who play Little League
dismissal from the team. Little League team. today.

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Refer to page 34 when answering the questions below.

The following question refers to section A. 93. What does the phrase a breed apart in the last
paragraph mean?
87. What is the main purpose of this announcement?
A. different from the rest
A. to encourage parents to update their
B. athletic
children’s health insurance
C. hard-working
B. to announce the date of a softball game
D. all the same
C. to give details about signing up for a team
D. to remind parents that a payment is overdue The following questions refer to section D.
The following questions refer to section B. 94. Why did Kathryn Johnston's coach let her play
on the team?
88. What should players have as their most
important goal? A. He didn't know she was a girl.
B. She was the best player.
A. having the right attitude
C. He liked the new and unusual idea.
B. avoiding disagreements with the referee
D. The team needed an extra player.
C. winning the game
D. working as a team 95. What happened in 1951?
89. What happens to players who are benched? A. Girls were officially allowed to play in
certain games.
A. Their parents are notified.
B. Manchester lost their right to play.
B. They cannot play for a couple of games.
C. Little League Headquarters changed the
C. They get a warning from the coach.
D. They have to leave the team.
D. Girls stopped playing Little League
90. In the first sentence of the last paragraph, what baseball completely.
does violate mean?
96. In the first sentence of paragraph 4, what does
A. be unaware of this last move refer to?
B. have a problem with
A. Maria Pepe leaving the team
C. fight back against
B. taking away the Hoboken charter
D. break the rules of
C. parents contacting Headquarters
The following questions refer to section C. D. stories in local newspapers

91. What prompted Sally P. to take up softball? The following questions refer to two or more sections.
A. a gift from her mother 97. What will Sally P. probably do on February 4?
B. interesting people
A. attend softball camp
C. a chat with friends in college
B. get a tetanus shot
D. a trip to a new place
C. play a softball game
92. What does Sally P. say helps her to play softball D. register for Little League
98. Which sections include information about
A. using high quality sports equipment parents’ involvement?
B. competing against older players
A. all sections
C. watching other teams play
B. sections A, B, C
D. having a positive attitude
C. sections A, B, D
D. sections B, C, D
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Review of Chili Sista’s Diva!
Chili Sista Chili Sista’s debut hip-hop album “Diva!” is simply amazing.
She writes her own lyrics about everything, from relationships
Live! to society. Her single hit “Money Honey” may well be on
See the talented, up-and-coming the way to a Music Pro Top 10. There are twelve tight tracks
hip-hop artist Chili Sista nearly all beautifully produced and a pleasure to blast from
with your car.
Tony Thomas on the Sax There’s a bit of genre crossover on a few of the songs
with “Backstreet”, a soul-flavored jam, and “Soul Sister”,
March 20th at 9 p.m. a bluesy number, but this just adds to the variety of the
Golden Gate Stadium album. Chili teams up with younger sibling Tony Thomas on
San Francisco a couple of tracks adding a bit of spice and a male vibe.
Featuring songs The album suffers a little with “Promise” and “Runaway”
from her debut album which sound too much like those of other rappers, but the
rest of the album is so original you can forgive these minor
Diva! slip-ups. Female rappers have come a long way and albums
like this will keep raising the bar for others to shoot for.
Tickets $25, $40, $60
“Diva!” can be downloaded in MP3 format, or
Available on-line through MusicTeam
purchased at your favorite music store.

North End Music Store
March 2, 20--
Chili Sista
Soul Records Chili Sista (born Alice Thomas in 1992
CD Order in Queens, New York) is an American
rapper who first gained fame on the
Dear Ms. Denver, TV show "American Superstar" last
We would like to place an order for 20 copies year. Although she didn’t win the talent
of Chili Sista’s CD Diva! Please send by contest, Restyle Records noticed her
express mail so that they arrive before her potential and gave her a recording
concert here in San Francisco on March 20. contract. Her first album Diva! was released to much
I’d appreciate it if you could supervise this order praise from the critics.
yourself. The last time we placed an express Chili is the second of three children. Her mother
order with you, there were some delays. Valerie is a history teacher, and her father Duke is a
jazz singer. Music was a central part of the Thomas
Please also send us 10 CDs of Josh
home and Alice grew up listening to her parents’ 1960s
Morrissey’s Deep End, our last order has
soul records. The entire family performed at private
already sold out! Additionally, we would
parties with Duke and Alice singing blues, Valerie on
like to preview your featured new albums:
the piano, and her brothers Tony and Willie playing the
Arabesque by The Wiley Chix, and Merry
saxophone and trumpet.
Weather’s Long Time Gone, so please send
us 3 trial CDs of each. There is no need to Up until six months ago, Chili had been performing for
express mail this part of the order. free at open mic nights in New York City clubs, while
working part-time as a waitress. Following the success
Please bill all CDs and shipping to our of Diva!, her life has been a whirlwind of concerts
account with you. As always, it is a pleasure around the country. Tickets to her recent performance
working with you. in San Francisco were sold out in a matter of hours.
Sincerely, She says she would also like to pursue an acting
Robert Doyle career, following in the footsteps of some of her rap
Manager artist role models.

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Refer to page 36 when answering the questions below.

The following question refers to section A. 105. Which song does the reviewer predict will be
99. What is this announcement mainly promoting?
A. “Money Honey”
A. a concert
B. “Backstreet”
B. an album
C. “Soul Sister”
C. Golden Gate Stadium
D. “Promise”
D. a talent contest

The following questions refer to section D.

The following questions refer to section B.
106. How did Chili Sista first become famous?
100. What happened last time Soul Records express
mailed some CDs to North End Music? A. by competing in a talent show
B. by releasing an album
A. they arrived late
C. by singing in New York City
B. they got lost
D. by hosting American Superstar
C. they were the wrong order
D. they were damaged
107. In the third sentence of the second paragraph,
what does the word entire mean?
101. Which album has been ordered before?
A. whole
A. Arabesque
B. talented
B. Deep End
C. inseparable
C. Diva!
D. hardworking
D. Long Time Gone

108. How did Chili Sista support herself when she

102. What is likely true about the album by The Wiley
first started performing hip-hop?
A. by acting in plays
A. It features a song by Chili Sista
B. by rapping in clubs
B. It has been selling well recently
C. by singing with her parents
C. Robert Doyle has not heard it before.
D. by working in a restaurant
D. Josh Morrissey helped produce it

The following questions refer to two or more sections.

The following questions refer to section C.
109. Who produced the CDs that Robert Doyle has
103. In the first sentence in paragraph 2, what does
placed a rush order for?
this refer to?
A. American Superstar
A. a blues flavored song
B. MusicTeam
B. different styles of music
C. Restyle Records
C. duets with Tony Thomas
D. Soul Records
D. the Music Pro Top 10

110. Which sections make reference to Chili Sista’s

104. What complaint does the “Diva!” reviewer have?
A. Chili had help writing the songs.
A. sections A, B, and C
B. Some of the songs do not sound unique.
B. sections A, C, and D
C. There is little variety in the lyrics.
C. sections B, C, and D
D. Chili doesn’t stick to rap
D. all sections

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1. Helen ____ to be the best athlete in our school. 7. “I'm sorry you failed your examination.”
A. they considered “I know. I wish I ____ harder.”
B. is considering A. will study
C. is considered B. am studying
D. it is considered C. have studied
D. had studied
2. “Isn’t Mary here yet?”
“No. And she didn’t even say when she _____ 8. You don’t have any free time and I ____.
home.” A. don’t either
A. come B. don’t too
B. came C. neither
C. would come D. not either
D. coming
9. My doctor advised ____ smoke.
3. Although the rest of my grades are low, I’m A. not to
quite good ____ history. B. me not to
A. at C. not I
B. with D. I don’t
C. for
D. to 10. “Do you think you ____ give me a hand with
this suitcase?”
4. “You’ve put on some weight, haven’t you?” “Sure. Just a moment.”
“Yes. It’s because I’ve stopped ____.” A. will
A. exercise B. would
B. to exercise C. shall
C. exercising D. could
D. to exercising
11. I persuaded him ___ on holiday with me.
5. “Are there any apples?” A. coming
“I think there are some ____ in the fridge.” B. come
A. to be left C. to come
B. left D. about coming
C. leaving
D. have left 12. I need a box to put ____.
A. in these papers
6. Everyone is ____ on a school trip. B. these papers in
A. excited for going C. these papers
B. excited about going D. them in these papers
C. exciting to go
D. excitingly about to go

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13. “Did you withdraw any money from the bank?” 17. The pants Mary gave me for my birthday ___ fit
“No, because we don’t really need ____ for the me.
weekend.” A. don’t
A. many B. doesn’t
B. some C. aren’t
C. much D. can’t
D. none
18. “Where were those students from?”
14. “Has the teacher assigned any homework?” “_____ were from England.”
“Yes. We ____ two essays to write.” A. More
A. have given B. The most
B. have been given C. Most of them
C. will give D. More of them
D. are giving
19. If you had set your alarm clock, you ____ late!
15. I ____ go out because I have so much homework A. don’t be
to do. B. won’t have been
A. have never C. won’t be
B. hardly ever D. wouldn’t have been
C. not ever
D. hardly never 20. “Why do you prefer that apartment?”
“___ having a balcony, it’s quiet.”
16. “You seem surprised to see Bill.” A. Because
“Yes. I didn’t know ____ here.” B. Besides
A. he is being C. Although
B. him to be D. As wel
C. he’d be
D. he’d been

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1. If we don’t hurry, we’ll ____ the bus. 7. Biting your nails is such a bad _____.
A. lose A. habit
B. miss B. routine
C. forget C. custom
D. mistake D. manner

2. ____ money for children in need is always a 8. All cars have been ____ from the city center.
good cause. A. stopped
A. Raising B. prevented
B. Earning C. inhibited
C. Borrowing D. banned
D. Gathering
9. Sally was ____ by her boss for being late.
3. We decided to spend our holiday in a beautiful, A. reprimanded
____ mountain village. B. shouted
A. removed C. resigned
B. remote D. called
C. redundant
D. restrained 10. The students ____ high scores on the final test.
A. achieved
4. Buses and trains are the most important means B. completed
of ____ in this country. C. resulted
A. traffic D. passed
B. driving
C. movement 11. I find household ____ tiring and boring.
D. transport A. burdens
B. prospects
5. In villages, children have more outdoor ___ to C. chores
play in. D. works
A. ground
B. place 12. Her remark was so ____ that I decided never to
C. space speak to her again.
D. area A. invasive
B. inventive
6. Violence on TV can have a bad ____ on children. C. offensive
A. consequence D. defensive
B. result
C. influence 13. Charles was such an excellent employee that he
D. force soon got ____.
A. an announcement
B. a promotion
C. an encouragement
D. an improvement

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14. Why are you looking at me so _____? Don’t you 18. The little boy was able to describe the thief
believe me? ____.
A. suspiciously A. definitely
B. remarkably B. accurately
C. apparently C. closely
D. secretly D. especially

15. The police have not yet discovered the ____ of 19. Paul was suffering from a stomach ____
the men who robbed the bank. because he had eaten too much.
A. recognition A. agony
B. identity B. sore
C. individuality C. ache
D. personality D. injury

16. What are your ____ of passing the test? 20. He is ____ borrowing money from people and
A. chances never returning it.
B. opportunities A. permanently
C. ideas B. steadily
D. predictions C. constantly
D. eagerly
17. Your French will ___ if you make an effort to
use it more often.
A. refine
B. correct
C. strengthen
D. improve

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