92068-Software Reprogramming Tips - 50, 60, 70, WTS - CTS, T, C, W, and S-Series Combines-Oct 10 2017 - 92068 - Service ADVISOR™

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92068-So ware Reprogramming Tips - 50, 60, 70, WTS/CTS, T, C, W, and S-

Series Combines-Oct 10 2017

Solu on Number: 92068

Solu on Summary: So ware Reprogramming Tips - 50, 60, 70, WTS/CTS, T, C, W, and S-Series Combines

Publica on Date: Oct 10 2017

**Paper copies of solu ons may not be the most current solu ons**

Complaint or Symptom :

While trying to update controller so ware or reprogram a controller received out of parts, Service ADVISOR™ says
reprogramming has failed, or error messages come up during the programming session.

Problem or Situa on :

Programming a so ware payload can be difficult on a combine controller.

Solu on :

NOTE: If PDU programming stalls at 43 percent while using Service ADVISOR 5.X, press the F11 key. If the OK
bu on does not appear change the zoom window of the browser using the “Ctrl” and (-/+).

Reprogramming Tips:


Remove any GreenStar/IVS equipment, that is currently connected to the CAN Bus.


Always verify the controller to be programmed is online. (Verify this by naviga ng to the Message Center >
Control Unit Informa on and searching for the controller. If the controller cannot be selected, then the
controller is not online, and will not program.


Check for the system voltage minimum 11.2 Volts; in addi on to both CAN H/L at the controller. Verify this by
accessing the correct diagnos c addresses or tes ng voltage at the diagnos c port within the operator’s sta on.
Refer to the following illustra on.


When preparing your laptop for the programming session, verify Service Advisor is the only program running on
your laptop, this includes WiFi or internet data cards.


When the EDL is connected and the power has been turned on by the key switch, verify the green light on the
EDL is on constant. If the green light on the EDL is not on or not on constantly, the EDL is not powered, Check all
of the electrical connec ons and/or correct as required prior to proceeding. If the green light is flashing, the
CAN Bus system does not have power.


If the Service Advisor computer and current USB port, being used on the computer has been successfully used
previous to to reprogram controllers, go to the next step. If the Service Advisor computer indicates “Found New
Device” when the EDL USB port is connected to the computer, allow the wizard to install the hardware before
moving on to the next step. Refer to the following illustra ons.



Try to make a live connec on with the controller. (If this step is successful it proves the laptop, EDL, Service
Advisor, and the controller are able to communicate. Service Advisor will no fy you if the live connec on has
failed. If the live connec on fails go back to step 2. If Step 2 checks out, contact your local helpdesk by
referencing KB0020366 in Service Now.


Verify the correct payload for your applica on has been downloaded.


Once all the checks have been made, start the programming session. Verify the green light on the EDL is on
constant and the orange light is on or blinking. If the orange light is blinking, the controller is available for
reprogramming and the reprogramming is taking place. Refer to the following illustra ons.


If the programming session starts, proceeds to program, but fails before Service Advisor states “Program
Successful” verify the so ware actually did not program. Do this by u lizing the following solu ons to confirm
the so ware version number.

79575: Current 70-Series (S560 & S690 [XXXXXX-745100]) Combine So ware Versions
79279: How Do You Find So ware Informa on for 70 Series and New Combine Controllers?

91405: Current S-Series Combine So ware Versions
91403: How Do You Find the So ware Part Number and Version Number for the S-Series Combine?


If Service Advisor indicates programming failed and step 10 did not work: shut down the Service Advisor
computer and restart, cycle ba ery power off, wait 30 seconds, cycle ba ery power back on, wait another 30
seconds while le ng the run screen load, and try to program again.


If programming a empt fails again a er step 10, repeat steps 2 and 3, and try again. Verify that Service Advisor
is the only applica on running and do not ini ate any other programs or key strokes on the computer, in
addi on to acknowledging any DTC’s generated while the programming session is taking place.


If programming a empt fails again a er step 12, remove as many devices from the CAN Bus as possible.


Navigate to the following file on the computer opera ng Service Advisor: C:\sds\logapp\JDCommonLoader.log.
Highlight all of the files found in the JDCommonLoader.log Delete the files.


Repeat reprogramming session. If the reprogramming session fails again, contact your local helpdesk for
assistance by referencing KB0020366 in Service Now.

* Your local helpdesk may request logs located: C:\sds\logapp\JDCommonLoader.log

Combine Specific:
Note: If you are receiving an Uniden fied DTC 628.12 from an unknown controller or a controller is not showing up
on the vehicle CAN BUS a er reprogramming. This DTC indicates the controller is in boot block. For more
informa on concerning the boot block DTC, reference solu on 78002.

50 & 60 Series, 9000 WTS/CTS and T-Combines Specific Only


Follow DTAC solu on 69394 for reprogramming using Interac ve Calibra ons


Follow DTAC solu on 68657 for reprogramming using Generic PINs.

Note: Upda ng machine so ware is not a part of regular machine requirements on 50 and 60 Series Combines,
unless an addi onal bundle is being installed or a specific controller has been replaced. Upda ng so ware for no
reason may permanently boot block controllers. When you are required to program a controller on a 50 or 60
Series Combine, unplug every controller except for the one you are programming. This will greatly reduce the
amount of CAN Bus traffic and will make programming easier.

70-Series and W/T/C Command Center Combines Specific Only

Note: When upda ng one controller be sure that all other controllers also have the latest version of so ware.
Failure to update other control units that have newer so ware available will cause unusual machine performance,
while genera ng ac ve DTC’s with no text displayed as an “undefined code”.

Reference the following solu ons for informa on regarding 70-Series Machine So ware
79575: Current 70 Series (S560 & S690 [XXXXXX-745100]) Combine So ware Versions
79279: How Do You Find So ware Informa on for 70 Series and New Combine Controllers?

Note: When reprogramming several control units, proceed in the following order (mandatory):


CAB Control Unit (CAB)


Cornerpost Display Unit (CDU)


Engine Control Unit (ECU)

Other Controllers that require upda ng

Note: If the CAB controller fails part way through programming and the other controllers seem to shut off at the
same me fuse F62 that keeps CAN Bus alive when the CAB controller is missing is likely blown. The only me you
will know fuse F62 is blown is when the CAB controller is off the CAN Bus or being programmed. Fuse F62 is not
needed at any other me for machine opera on. This fuse is located in the operator sta on next to the CAB
controller, ServiceADVISOR loca on X631.

S-Series and MY12 W/T Combines Specific Only

Note: When upda ng one controller be sure that all other controllers also have the latest version of so ware.
Failure to update other control units that have newer so ware available will cause unusual machine performance,
while genera ng ac ve DTC’s with no text displayed as an “undefined code”.

Reference the following solu ons for informa on regarding S-Series Machine So ware.
91405: Current S-Series Combine So ware Versions.
91403: How Do You Find the So ware Part Number and Version Number for the S-Series Combines?

Note: When reprogramming several control units, proceed in the following order (mandatory):


CAB Control Unit (CAB)


Primary Display Unit (PDU)


Engine Control Unit (ECU)


Other Controllers that require upda ng

Note: If the CAB controller fails part way through programming and the other controllers seem to shut off at the
same me fuse F66 that keeps CAN Bus alive when the CAB Controller is missing is likely blown. The only me you
will know fuse F66 is blown is when the CAB Controller is off the CAN Bus or being programmed. This fuse is not
needed at any other me for machine opera on. Fuse F66 is located in the operator sta on below the cup holder,
ServiceADVISOR loca on X631.

Informa on on Control Units for Programming

For the following reasons, certain control units MUST be reprogrammed a er they have been replaced:
Programming of combine-specific informa on that cannot be configured manually.

Programming of VIN specific informa on.

Refer to the table to find out whether a replacement control unit MUST be reprogrammed and which so ware data
file requires to be downloaded from the so ware server [John Deere Custom Performance so ware distribu on
system] for each respec ve control unit.

A) Replacement part is supplied without so ware. A er replacing the control unit, this unit MUST be
B) The MTG/JDL controller is updated periodically (3-4 mes a year) over the air, this process automa cally takes
place and is transparent to the customer. Therefore there is no need to reprogram the MTG/ JDL controller.
C) Control unit is fully programmed on upon delivery, no reprogramming or manual configura on is required

Control Unit Displayed TLA on the Control Interac ve Par cipant Instruc ons Service
so ware server (John Deere Unit Calibra on in VIN on Advisor
Customer Performance So ware security replacing Remote
so ware distribu on Diagnos c func on the control Capable
system) Addresses unit

Control Unit for ATC ATC ATC 22 No A Yes

ATC 23

Control Unit for AYM AYM No A Yes

Ag Leader

Cab Control CAB CAB Ac ve A Yes


Control Unit for CSM CSM No A Yes

Switch Module
in Cab
Engine Control ECU ECU Ac ve A Yes

Le Hand LC1 LC1 LC1 100 No A Yes

Control Unit 1 LC1 101
LC1 102
LC1 103
LC1 104
LC1 105
LC1 106

Le Hand LC2 LC2 LC2 100 No A Yes

Control Unit 2 LC2 101
LC2 103
LC2 104
LC2 105
LC2 106
LC2 107
LC2 108
LC2 109
LC2 110
LC2 111
LC2 112
LC2 113

Control Unit for MHC MHC No A Yes

Mul -Func on
Hydro Handle

Control Unit for MTG MTG No B No

JDLink / Service

Control Unit for PDU PDU Ac ve A No

Primary Display

Control Unit for PTP PTP PTP 110 No A Yes

Automa c Two PTP 111
Speed PTP 112
Transmission PTP 113
PTP 115
PTP 116
PTP 117

Radio RAD N/A No C No

Right Hand RC1 RC1 RC1 101 No A Yes

Control Unit 1 RC1 102
RC1 103
RC1 104
RC1 105

Right Hand RC2 RC2 RC2 101 No A Yes

Control Unit 2 RC2 106

Steering SBBC XSC XMC NO No A Yes

Control Unit
(AutoTrac) XMC
XSC 22
XSC 23
XSC 27

Steering SCL N/A No C No

Control Lever

Control Unit for SFC SFC No A No

Smart Feedrate

Steering SSU SSU SSU 28 No A Yes

Control Unit SSU 120

Control Unit for VCM VCM VCM 100 No A Yes

Hydro Valve VCM 101
Control Module

Command VTI SDUA No A No

Center Control
Unit HXE65028

Addi onal Informa on :

So ware updates are not considered a warrantable item.

S685, S690 Hillmaster, 9650CTS, 9660CTS, 9550SH, 9580, 9560, 9660, 9540, W550, 9860STS, W650, 9870STS,
9650STS, S690, T560, 9660STS, T660, S670, 9670STS, S550, S650, 9660WTS, 9560iSTS, 9560SH, C670, 9780CTS,
9450, 9550, 9650, W660, 9750STS, W540, 9760STS, T670, S680, 9770STS, T550, 9560STS, S560, S660, 9570STS


Copyright © Deere & Company, all rights reserved.

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