Chapter One

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Lecture notes on Electromagnetic Fields by Dr. Amean Al-Safi Ch.

1: Vectors analysis

Chapter One: Vector analysis

Scalar and vector: The term scalar refers to a quantity whose value may be
represented by a single (positive or negative) real number, such as temperature.
A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction, such as velocity, force, electric
field, and so on.
Vector algebra:
1- Vector addition: vector addition follows the parallelogram law as shown in figure
below. The sum of two vectors A and B can be determined graphically. It can be
easily seen that A+B=B+A, or that vector addition obeys the commutative law.
Vector addition also obeys the associative law A+(B+C) = (A+B)+C.

2-Vector subtraction: for the subtraction of vectors, we may express A-B as A+(-B).
3- Vector multiplication: vectors may be multiplied by scalars. The magnitude of the
vector changes. But its direction does not when the scalar is positive, although it
reverses its direction when multiplied by a negative scalar. Multiplication of vector by
scalar also obeys the associative and distributive laws of algebra:
(r+s)(A+B)=r(A+B)+s(A+B)=rA+rB+sA+sB .
4-Division of a vector by a scalar is merely multiplication by the reciprocal of that
Vector components and unit vector:
A vector rp pointing from the origin to point P(1,2,3) is written as
rp = a x + 2a y + 3a z . The vector from point P to point Q may be obtained by applying
the rule of vector addition. This rule shows that the vector from the origin to P plus
the vector from P to Q is equal to the vector from the origin to Q. The desired vector
from P(1,2,3) to Q(2,-2,1) is therefore
rpq = rp + rq = (2 − 1)a x + (−2 − 2)a y + (1 − 3)a z = a x − 4a y − 2a z

→ →
Any vector B might be described by B = B x a x + B y a y + B z a z .The magnitude of
→ → →
B written B or simply B is given by B = B x 2 + B y 2 + B z 2

University of Thi-Qar, College of Engineering, Electrical & Electronics dept. 1

Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the textbook: Engineering Electromagnetics (6th edition), William H.
Hayt, Jr. and John A. Buck, 2006
Lecture notes on Electromagnetic Fields by Dr. Amean Al-Safi Ch.1: Vectors analysis

A unit vector in the direction of the vector B is define as:

B Bx a x + B y a y + Bz a z
aB = →
B Bx 2 + B y 2 + Bz 2

Example// Specify the unit vector extending from the origin toward the point
G (2,-2,-1).

Solution// G = 2a x − 2a y − a z

 G = 2 2 + 2 2 + 12 = 9 = 3

G 2a x − 2a y − a z
aG = →
= = 0.667a x − 0.667a y − 0.334a z

The dot product

→ →
Given any vectors A and B ,the dot product ,or scalar product is defined as the
→ →
product of the magnitude of A , the magnitude of B ,and the cosine of the small angle
between them,
→ → → →
A . B = A B cos AB .
→ → → →
The dot or scalar product obeys the commutative law A . B = B . A .
1- a x .a y = a x .a z = a y .a x = a y .a z = a z .a x = a z .a y = 0
→ →
2- A . B = Ax B x + Ay B y + Az B z
→ → →2 →2
3- A . A = A = A

→ →
Example//If G = yax − 2.5 x a y + 3az , and the point Q(4,5,2).Find G at the point Q, the
→ 1
scalar component of G at Q in the direction of a N = (2a x + a y − 2a z ) , the vector
→ →
component of G at Q in the direction of a N , and finally the angle  Ga between G (Q )
and a N .

Solution//substituting the coordinates of the point Q into the expression of G ,we get:

G (Q) = 5a x − 10a y + 3a z
University of Thi-Qar, College of Engineering, Electrical & Electronics dept. 2
Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the textbook: Engineering Electromagnetics (6th edition), William H.
Hayt, Jr. and John A. Buck, 2006
Lecture notes on Electromagnetic Fields by Dr. Amean Al-Safi Ch.1: Vectors analysis

Next, we will find the scalar component by using the dot product
( ) ( )
→ 1 1
G .a N = 5a x − 10a y + 3a z . 2a x + a y − 2a z = (10 − 10 − 6) = −2
3 3
The vector component is obtained by multiplying the scalar component by the unit
vector in the direction of a N
→ 1
(G .a N )a N = −2 * (2a x + a y − 2a z ) = −1.33a x − 0.667a y + 1.333a z

The angle between G (Q ) and a N is found from
→ →
G .a N = G a N cos Ga  −2 = 25 + 100 + 9 *1 * cos Ga

 Ga = cos −1 = 99.9 
The cross product:
→ → → →
Given two vectors A and B ,the cross product A  B is a vector, the magnitude of
→ → → →
A B is equal to the product of the magnitudes of A and B ,and the sine of the smaller
→ → → →
angle between A and B .The direction of A B is perpendicular to the plane containing
→ →
A and B and is along that one of the two possible perpendiculars which is in the
→ →
direction of advance the right handed screw as A is turned into B
→ → → →
A B = A B sin  AB aN
→ → → →
Note that A B = − B A

→ → → →
Example//If A = 2a x − 3a y + a z and B = −4a x − 2a y + 5a z . Find A B .
→ →
ax a y az
A B = 2 − 3 1 = a x (− 3 * 5) − (1 * −2) − a y (2 * 5) − (−4 *1) + a z (2 * −2) − (−3 * −4)
−4 −2 5
= −13a x −14 a y − 16 a z
Cylindrical coordinates
The circular cylindrical coordinates system is the three-dimensional version of the
polar coordinates of analytical geometry. In the two-dimensional polar coordinates, a
point was located in a plane by giving its distance ρ from the origin, and the angle
between the line from the point to the origin and an arbitrary radial line, taken as Ø. A
three-dimensional coordinate system is obtained by also specifying the distance Z of
University of Thi-Qar, College of Engineering, Electrical & Electronics dept. 3
Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the textbook: Engineering Electromagnetics (6th edition), William H.
Hayt, Jr. and John A. Buck, 2006
Lecture notes on Electromagnetic Fields by Dr. Amean Al-Safi Ch.1: Vectors analysis

the point from an arbitrary Z=0 plane, reference plane which is perpendicular to the
line  = 0 . The point in cylindrical coordinates is the intersection of three plane.
These planes are circular cylinder (  = constant), a plane (Ø=constant), and another
plane (Z=constant). There are three unit vector in cylindrical coordinates a  , a ,
and a z .

The variables of rectangular and cylindrical coordinate systems are related to each
other as follow:
x =  cos 
y =  sin 
and  = x 2 + y 2  0
 = tan −1
a a az
ax . cos  − sin  0
ay . sin  cos  0
az . 0 0 1

Example//Transform the vector B = ya x − xa y + za z into cylindrical coordinates.

Solution // B = B .a  = y (a x .a  ) − x(a y .a  ) = y cos − x sin 
=  cos sin  −  cos sin  = 0

B = B .a = y(a x .a ) − x(a y .a ) = − y sin  − x cos
= −  sin 2  −  cos 2  = − 

Thus B = −  a + z a z
Spherical coordinates

University of Thi-Qar, College of Engineering, Electrical & Electronics dept. 4

Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the textbook: Engineering Electromagnetics (6th edition), William H.
Hayt, Jr. and John A. Buck, 2006
Lecture notes on Electromagnetic Fields by Dr. Amean Al-Safi Ch.1: Vectors analysis

In spherical coordinates system, we first define the distance from the origin to any
point as r. The surface (r =constant) is a sphere. The second coordinate is an angle Ө
between the Z-axis and the line drawn from the origin to the point in question. The
surface (Ө=constant) is a cone, and the two surfaces cone and sphere are everywhere
perpendicular along their intersection, which is a circle of radius r sinӨ. The
coordinate Ө corresponds to latitude, except that latitude is measured from the equator
and Ө is measured from the north pole. The third coordinate Ø is also an angle and is
exactly the same as the angle of cylindrical coordinates. It is the angle between the x-
axis and the projection in the z=0 plane of the line drawn from the origin to the point.
It corresponds to the angle of longitude, but the angle increases to the east .The
surface Ø=constant is a plane passing through the line Ө=0 (or the z-axis ).There are
three unit vector in spherical coordinates a r , a , and a . The transformation of
scalars from the cartesian to spherical is made by:
x = r sin  cos 
y = r sin  sin 
z = r cos 
and r = x 2 + y 2 + z 2 r0
 = cos −1
x + y2 + z2

 = tan −1
ar a a
ax . sin  cos  cos  cos  − sin 
ay . sin  sin  cos  sin  cos 

az . cos  − sin  0

University of Thi-Qar, College of Engineering, Electrical & Electronics dept. 5

Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the textbook: Engineering Electromagnetics (6th edition), William H.
Hayt, Jr. and John A. Buck, 2006
Lecture notes on Electromagnetic Fields by Dr. Amean Al-Safi Ch.1: Vectors analysis

→ xz
Example//Transform the vector G = ax into spherical coordinates
→ xz xz cos2 
Gr = G .ar = ax .ar = sin  cos = r sin  cos
y y sin 
→ xz xz cos 2 
G = G .a = a x .a = cos cos = r cos 2 
y y sin 
→ xz xz
G = G .a = a x .a = * − sin  = −r cos cos
y y

 

 G = r cos cos sin  cot  a r + cos cot  a − a

→ →
Example//Given the vector M = −10a x + 4a y − 8a z and N = 8a x + 7a y − 2a z .Find
→ →
a) a unit vector in the direction of − M + 2 N .
→ →
b) the magnitude of 5a x + N − 3 M
→ → → →
c) M 2 N ( M + N ) .

→ →
a) − M + 2 N = 10a x − 4a y + 8a z + 16a x + 14a y − 4a z = 26a x + 10a y + 4a z
→ →
− M + 2 N = 262 + 102 + 42

26a x + 10a y + 4a z
Unit vector =
26 2 + 10 2 + 4 2
→ →
b) 5a x + N − 3 M = 5a x + 8a x + 7a y − 2a z − (−30a x + 12a y − 24a z )
= 43a x − 5a y + 22 a z
Magnitude = 43 2 + 5 2 + 22 2 = 48.6

c) M = 10 2 + 4 2 + 8 2 = 13.4

2 N = 16 2 + 14 2 + 4 2 = 21.6
→ →
M + N = −2a x + 11a y − 10a z
→ → → →
 M 2 N ( M + N ) = 13.4 * 21.6(−2a x + 11a y − 10a z ) = −580.5 a x + 3193 a y − 2902 a z

Example//Given in Cartesian coordinates, P(− 2,6,3) A = ya x + (x + z )a y

University of Thi-Qar, College of Engineering, Electrical & Electronics dept. 6

Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the textbook: Engineering Electromagnetics (6th edition), William H.
Hayt, Jr. and John A. Buck, 2006
Lecture notes on Electromagnetic Fields by Dr. Amean Al-Safi Ch.1: Vectors analysis

(i) Point P in Cylindrical coordinates

(ii) Vector A at P in Cartesian coordinates system

(iii) Vector A in Cylindrical coordinates system

(iv) Vector A at P in Cylindrical coordinates system

(i) In Cartesian coordinates, point P
x = −2, y = 6, z = 3
Transformation for point P:
 = x 2 + y 2 = 4 + 36 = 6.32
y 6
 = tan −1 = tan −1 = 108.430
x −2
z =3
 P 6.32,108.430 ,3 )

(ii) Vector A at P in Cartesian coordinates systems can be easily obtained as:

A = 6a x + (− 2 + 3)a y
= 6a x + a y

(iii) Vector A in Cylindrical coordinates systems
 A   cos sin  0  Ax 
 A  = − sin  cos 0  A 
    y 
 Az   0 0 1  Az 
 A   cos sin  0  y 
 A  = − sin  cos 0  x + z 
    
 Az   0 0 1  0 

A = y cos + (x + z )sin 
A = − y sin  + (x + z ) cos
Az = 0
x =  cos  , y =  sin  , z=z

A =  cos  sin  + ( cos  + z )sin  a 

+ −  sin 2  + ( cos  + z ) cos  a  

A =  cos  sin  + ( cos  + z )sin  a 

+ −  sin 2  + ( cos  + z ) cos  a  
University of Thi-Qar, College of Engineering, Electrical & Electronics dept. 7
Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the textbook: Engineering Electromagnetics (6th edition), William H.
Hayt, Jr. and John A. Buck, 2006
Lecture notes on Electromagnetic Fields by Dr. Amean Al-Safi Ch.1: Vectors analysis

A =  cos  sin  + ( cos  + z )sin  a 

+ −  sin 2  + ( cos  + z ) cos  a  

→ 6.32 cos108.430 sin 108.430 + 

A= 0 
( )
 6.32 cos108.43 + 3 sin 108.43 

− 6.32 sin 2 108.430 + 

+ 0 
( )
 6.32 cos108.43 + 3 cos108.43 

A = −0.945a  − 6.008a 

University of Thi-Qar, College of Engineering, Electrical & Electronics dept. 8

Notes and figures are based on or taken from materials in the textbook: Engineering Electromagnetics (6th edition), William H.
Hayt, Jr. and John A. Buck, 2006

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