Homeopathic Medicines For Delusions - DrHomeo Homeopathy

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Delusions – Homeopathic
Medicines Can Help
By Dr. Vikas Sharma MD 4 Comments

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Delusions are defined as fixed, false, irrational beliefs despite evidence

that they are false and not real. A person having delusions becomes
preoccupied with the fixed beliefs that appear real to them. These beliefs
can not be shaken even by providing facts or reasoning. Homeopathic
Medicines For Delusions are natural, safe and very effective.

Few examples of delusions include belief someone is spying on them,

belief that some famous person is in love with them.

It is not exactly known what causes delusions.
However, it is thought that certain genetic,
psychological and environmental factors play a role in
its development. These may run in families. Next brain
damage / trauma and an imbalance between
neurotransmitters (these are chemical messengers
that transmit signals from nerve cells to target cells)
may increase the chance of developing delusions. Mental stress and
trauma can also trigger delusions. It can be a symptom of psychotic
disorders (like schizophrenia – a psychological disorder in which a person
interpret reality abnormally and have hallucinations, delusions, and
disordered thinking), delusional disorder, major depression, paranoia, a
mood disorder, a personality disorder, postpartum psychosis and
parkinson’s disease. Some neurological conditions like dementia and
brain cancer can also cause delusions. Certain drugs, alcohol intoxication
and toxins are also known to cause delusions.

Bizarre Delusions : The delusions are said to be bizarre when the belief is
physically impossible and other members of the same culture do not
understand or share that belief. An example of this type is a belief that a
stranger has removed his / her internal organs and then replaced them
with someone else’s organs without leaving any scars.

Non – Bizarre Delusions : These delusions that though false but have
possibility to occur in real life like being poisoned, being followed. Legal Disclaimer -None of the medicines
mentioned including services , mentioned
Mood – Congruent Delusions : These delusions are a part of the mood of at Drhomeo.com should be used without
a person like depression or mania. clearance from your physician or health
care provider. We do not claim to cure any
Mood – Neutral Delusions : These delusions are not related to the disease which is considered' incurable ' on
the basis of scientific facts by modern
sufferer’s emotional state.
medicine .The website’s content is not a

Themes of Delusions substitute for direct, personal, professional

medical care and diagnosis. .

The delusions are based on various different themes but some themes are
more common as follows.

Persecutory Delusions

Persons with these delusions believe that they are being spied on,
followed, tracked, drugged, cheated on, a victim of a plot or a person is
trying to hurt them or working against them. These are the most common
delusions in paranoid schizophrenia.

Grandiose Delusions

Persons having these beliefs believe that they are very powerful,
important, famous, valuable and have extraordinary talent.

Delusional Jealousy

In this type persons believe that their partners are unfaithful or having an
affair without any proof.

Somatic Delusion

In this type individuals have false belief that they have something wrong
with their body part, or a body part is damaged or diseased or a part of
their body is missing. They may also believe that their body is infested
with insects, worms, and bacteria.

Delusion Of Control

Persons believe that their thoughts, feelings, behaviours are being

controlled by another person or some external force.

Religious Delusions

In this a person believes that he is god or chosen to act like god

Erotomanic Delusions

Person has a belief that some famous person or a person of high social
status is in love with him.

Delusion of Guilt

it is common in people having depression with feeling of guilt

Delusion of Infidelity

Person has excessive jealousy or possessiveness toward another person.

Delusion of Reference

Here a person has belief that the statement or remarks that he / she reads
or hears have a personal meaning.

Cotard Delusion

People with this believe that they have died and don’t exist.


The person has delusions of two or more themes.

Some other delusions include that the mind is being read by another
person, that other person is thinking through his / her mind.

Homeopathic Medicines For Delusions

Homeopathy carries a great scope for treating cases of delusions.
Homeopathic medicines for treating cases of delusions are natural, safe
and very effective. Delusions based on various themes can be treated with
them. These medicines help by gradually reducing the intensity and
frequency of delusions. The results depend upon the severity and duration
of the illness. Homeopathic medicines do not have any side effects and
any risk of dependency. The most suitable medicine for treating delusions
is selected by a detailed case analysis so any homeopathic medicine
should be taken under the guidance of a homeopathic physician.

1. Lachesis – Top Grade Medicine

Lachesis tops the list of homeopathic medicines for treating cases of

delusions. This medicine is mainly indicated for delusions of persecution.
Persons needing it believes someone is pursuing them, they are being
followed by enemies or enemies are trying to harm them. Another main
belief that they may have is being poisoned. Jealousy and suspiciousness is
marked among them. Other indications for using it are a person’s belief
that some stronger power or superhuman is controlling them, or they are
dead or there are robbers in the house It is leading medicine for paranoid
schizophrenia with delusions of persecution.

2. Hyoscyamus – For Delusion Of Being Poisoned

This medicine is prepared from plant Hyoscyamus niger commonly

known as Henbane. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. This
medicine is well indicated for persons having delusions of being poisoned.
They are very suspicious and fear to eat or drink for fear of being
poisoned. They also have delusions of being betrayed, being sold or having
some plot against them.

3. Stramonium – For Delusions Of Identity

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant known as thorn-apple that

belongs to the family solanaceae. Its use is indicated when delusions about
identity are present. People needing it believe that they are tall, they are
double, limbs are separated from the body, or a part of the body is
missing. Another delusion they have is that all the surrounding objects are
small and they are very large. Next delusion indicating its use is belief
they are possessed by the devil. Other than this its use is recommended
when there is delusion of being committed an unpardonable sin. Lastly,
the delusion by a man that his wife is not faithful indicates use of this

4. Anacardium Orientale – For Delusion Of Being Under

Superhuman Control

This medicine is prepared from a layer of nuts between the shell and
kernel of the marking nut. It belongs to family anacardiaceae. This
medicine is mainly indicated for cases where there are delusions of being
under superhuman control. Next it is indicated for persons having
delusions that they are double and delusion that mind and body are
separated. Apart from these it is valuable medicine for delusion that
everything is a dream and there is no reality in anything; delusion that a
demon and an angel is sitting on shoulder commanding to do things.

5. Platina – For Delusion Of Superiority (Delusion Of Grandiose)

It is a prominent medicine for cases having delusions of

superiority. It is indicated where a person feels as he is too large
and superior and all persons around him are very small and
inferior mentally and physically. Secondly it is indicated for
delusions as if everyone is an enemy and all persons are devil.
Lastly it is indicated for delusion of being not appreciated.
6. Kali Bromatum – For Delusions Of Being Pursued And Of

Homeopathic medicine Kali Bromatum is beneficial for cases having

delusions of being pursued and of conspiracies. Other than this it works
well in cases of profound depression with fits of uncontrollable weeping,
indifference to life and religious delusions with persistent sleeplessness.
Apart from above delusions of being a devil and fearful delusions are
suggestive of its use.

7. Sabadilla – For Delusions Of Imaginary Diseases

This medicine is prepared from seeds of the plant Sabadilla Officinalis also
known as Cebadilla and Cevadilla. It belongs to the family Melanthaceae of
the Liliaceae. It is useful for cases presenting with delusions of imaginary
diseases and sickness. It is also helpful for delusions that limbs are
crooked or parts are sunken or one side of the body is longer than the

8. Lac Caninum – For Delusion Of Being Surrounded By Snakes

Lac Caninum is particularly indicated for delusion as if surrounded by

snakes. In addition to above this medicine is also indicated for delusions of
having a horrible disease and the whole body being filled with pus. Other
delusions where this medicine seems indicated is delusion of spirit in the
surrounding air and delusion of wearing someone else’s nose.

9. Sulphur – For Delusions Of Grandiose

It is beneficial medicine for delusions of grandiose. Person needing it

believes that he is a great person. He possesses much pride and is very

10. Hydrogen – For Delusion Of Being Separated From The World

It is well indicated for persons who have delusions of unreality and are
separated from the world. It is valuable for persons having delusions that
they are smaller than normal, that they are dirty or they are pulled
downwards. It is also significant for cases having delusions of insects on
the back of the head.

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Christine says:
October 8, 2022 at 11:35 pm


I have an issue where I feel as if I am equal to God because I love as much as God does. It makes
me feel too important to do some things and makes me feel a sense of self-importance
constantly. What remedy do you think will help?


Navneet Singh says:

October 25, 2021 at 4:45 pm

Hi doctor, my relative is suffering from erotomania. Which medicine he should take and is this
curable or controllable. As per allopathi it’s only controllable but not curable.


L. Louis says:
October 12, 2020 at 6:12 pm

Good day, Dr. Sharma!

My ex-boyfriend has delusions of grandeur. He is an avid reader and a brilliant man with
advanced degrees, but his behavior is off-putting to everyone who knows him.
We’ve been friends for 30+ years and I’m not willing to write him off (just yet).
Do you think Stramonium & sulfur could possibly help?
Laurette S.


R k Mahanto says:
July 27, 2021 at 2:10 am

Schizophrenia for last 30 yrs. Now he is brooding with gesture. No bathing for months after
months. Dirty. Constant sitting. No interaction with family members. Sometimes use
abusive language sleeplessness. Normal appetite.
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