Bhoomi Agrawal

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Applications of Recombinant DNA

Technology in Today’s Medicine
• Introduction
Recombinant DNA Technology is the technique in
which the DNA is combine from two different sources,
to make new combinations. Recombinant DNA
molecule formed through recombinant DNA
technology. The process of recombinant DNA
technology invokes the identification of gene of interest
ligation into suitable vector and then transferring into
the expression system for the proper expression Mostly
the E.coli is used for the expression system There are
some applications of the recombinant DNA technology.

•Application of recombinant DNA technology in


Production of
Vaccines are live
attenuated or
modified pathogens
given to an
individual to trigger immunity against antigen. By
recombinant DNA technology, antigen producing gene
and plasmid combined, rDna formed and used as
vaccine or insert into another host where immunogenic
antibodies produced will be used as vaccine.
Viral vaccines prepared through it probably includes
HIV, hepatitis B, Herpex, mouth and foot diseases.
In figure
Have examples of hepatitis B vaccine producing due to
expression of rDna in yeast cell that multiples and
produce HB antigen. Extract then purify them.
Available for human vaccination.
Commercial and pharmaceutical products Insulin
Insulin hormone) controls glucose level in humans.
Improper functioning of hormones leads to diabetics.
By rDna, done cloning of human insulin gene and put in
Culturing of these engineered or recombinant E.coli
perform and now have availability of insulin. This
microbial involving method is much better and is
devoid of getting by-products by animal slaughtering
Human growth hormone
HGH is homing polypeptide means have role in growth
regeneration or differentiation. Number of human
growth hormone commercially present using
recombinant dna technology. Eg dwarfism treating by
injecting these.
For this procedure, take human growth from human cell
then insert in recombinant. Insertion of rDna into host
by vector.
Interferons are a group of protein that interfere with
viral multiplication or replication.
When any viral gets entry into cell, infected cell or
tissue releases interferon that spread to nearby cells and
stop viral protein synthesis. Due to interference ability
can use cure cancer e.g hairy cell leukemia. By rDna,
we become capable of making this protein. Alpha
component of which have role in curing lymphoma and
myelogenous leukemia.
Artificially prepared antibiotics also available by
recombinant dna technology. They denature harmful
living pathogens. Example of which is pencillin in 1928
by alexander flemming.
1.Monoclonal antibodies

Production of antibody
occur in the presence of
specific or foreign
antigen particle. Our blood contains several antibody
serum derived from different antigenic molecule.
Further with isolating and culturing procedure, these
specific lymphocytes are cultured in-vitro, known as
Applications of moAb
• Used as diagnostic agent of diseased infection and
pregnancy test. In treatment of cancer and veterinary
• Develop effective vaccines for human, animal and
plant also.
2. Molecular diagnosis of diseases
Diagnostic kits are produced with the help of
recombinant DNA technology for the diagnosis of
genetic (huntington's chorea, etc) as well as infectious
diseases (measles, TB, cholera, hepatitis, cancer, small
pox, certain pathogens, etc).
As isolating and then identification of that particular
diseased pathogen was very time consuming and slow
process while diagnostic kits according to their specific
sequence identify these pathogenic organisms which is
very accurate, fast and specific method. These tools are
based on the principle of ELISA, PCR based techniques
and RIA Essays. For example in the diagnosis of HIV:
"first antibody test will proceed by using recombinant
HIV protein to measure antibodies in body that
proliferate when there is HIV infection. Then, the DNA
test uses reverse transcription polymerase chain
reaction(RT-PCR) to detect presence of HIV genetic
material This is used for analyzing the genome
sequence." Constructing probes that are short sequence
nucleotides" with labelled marker are important strategy
in diagnosis of diseases while other is MAB production.
3. Medically Important Compounds in Berries
Modified strawberries increases the sugar level and
antioxidant activity by rolC gene. Glycosyl-transferase
and transferase have major role in glycosylation of
anthocyanins. Some nutrition related genes for different
components in strawberry including “ proanthocyanidin
l-ascorbate, flavonoid, polyphenol, and flavonoid" are
important for improving the component of interest
through genetic transformation. In case of raspberry,
bHLH and FRUITE4 genes control the anthocyanin
components" whereas "ERubLRSQ072H02 is related to
flavonol. By specific transformation, these genes can
enhance the production and improve the quality. All
these compounds have medical values
4. Gene therapy
Many diseases are the result of mutation or other factors
in the genome. These mutated" or "faulty" genes are
manipulated by foreign normal functioning gene, is the
phenomenon of gene therapy. For example in cancerous
patients, p53 gene is inserting into patients by following
this procedure.
5. DNA fingerprinting
Dr. Alec Jeffreys developed DNA fingerprinting
technique. Every person have its unique finger patterns
that differs from other individual There is possibility to
alter these patterns but specific principle is unknown.
Finger prints are detected on the basis of number of
highly polymorphic genes.
•Used in criminal identification.
•For child parentage establishment.
•Helpful for deduction of racial group.

•Applications of recombinant DNA technology in

Plants are modified from last two decades. By using
conventional breeding Plant breeders (perform selection
and cross those selected plants to get new varieties
recombinant DNA technology allow the breeders to get
crops with improve yield stress tolerant plant and
disease resistant plants. This comes under the criteria of
modern breeding Desire identified, Isolated ans inserted
into other plant to obtain desire characteristics. This
gene can be taken from two different species. There are
many transgenic crops which are being produced gene
is commercially Recombinant DNA technology remove
the barriers of taking gene only from same specie.
rDNA technology has three main types of applications
in agriculture
1-Production of stress tolerant crops.
2-Increasing the yield of crops.
3-Production of biopharmaceuticals from plants.
•Production of stress tolerant crops:
Herbicide tolerant plants
Recombinant DNA technology allows the plant
breeders to produce the herbicide tolerant plants.
Because some plants are kill by herbicides which grow
near these plants. The common example is Roundup
herbicide which grow some plants and block the near
enolpyruvateshikimate phosphate synthase enzyme
pathway by producing glyphosate The glyphosate block
the pathway of EPSP synthase and kill the plants There
are many plants species which are killed by this
herbicide. Plant breeders take gene from those plants
which have resistant towards this herbicide and
manipulate those plants by inserting herbicide tolerant
genes. Soyabean and cotton are two important crops
which are being improved by modifying EPSP gene.
Insect tolerant plants
Insect tolerant plants can be produced through
recombinant DNA technology Before this technology
insecticide and pesticide sprays are used, but these
sprays are not echo friendly because they have adverse
effects on crops as well as on environment. Insect
resistant plants are modified by introducing Bt gene in
these plants Bt gene is isolated from bacillus
thuringeinsis Bacillus thuringeinsis have Bt gene which
is responsible for releasing cry proteins. When any
insect eats leaves of plant the cry gene releases a toxin
and the crystalline form of toxin binds in the intestinal
wall of insect. By this binding pores create in the
intestine of insect and in this way the whole digestive
system destroys. Cotton, maize rice, cabbage,
cauliflower and other crops are being manipulated with
Bt gene.
Stress tolerant plants
Abiotic stress such as high temperature, salinity, acidic
environment are not suitable for plants. Some plants
cope up with this environment but some die due to
unfavourable (conditions. Recombinant DNA
technology plays a vital role for making stress tolerant
plants. Genes are taken from those plants which can
survive in these conditions and get back inserted into
the plant to make it stress tolerant. Some plants are
modified by r DNA technology which can survive in
high amount of aluminium.
Disease resistance plants
Disease resistant plants are made from recombinant
DNA technology. Foreign genes are inserted into plant
to save it from the bacterial, viral, fungal infections.
First the desire gene is selected and inserted into
suitable vector. Tobacco plant is modified by inserting
foreign genes to protect it from tobacco mosaic virus
Different enzymes, proteins are secreted as a defense
mechanism in plants.
• Increasing quality and yield of crops
Plant breeders improve the quality and yield of crops
through recombinant dna technology. Tomatoes are
soften very quickly with the polygalacturonase and
pectinase enzyme. Due to overcome this problem the
antisense RNA is prepared using recombinant DNA
technology. The RNA is complementary to the mRNA.
This will result in this slow ripening due to slow
translation rate to make their quality better. Yield can
be improved by t introducing photosynthetic gene. By
this starch is stored in the tubers not in leaves and plant
yield is more. Ethylene is a hormone which is
responsible for ripening of fruit. Recombinant DNA
technology introduces ethylene producing gene this
result in the delayed fruit ripening Vitamin A deficiency
can also be treated by increasing production of beta
• Production of biopharmaceuticals
Important biopharmaceuticals are prepared through
recombinant technology. Drugs therapeutic proteins.
Foreign genes are inserted into the plants and the seeds
that the plant produce will contain the therapeutic
proteins. Many infectious diseases, cancer can be cure
by therapeutic proteins. Recombinant DNA technology
is efficient mean to transfer the desire gene for
production of desire product or protein Edible vaccines
are also prepared by recombinant DNA technology.
Desire antigenic proteins are selected from the other
plants organism and inserted into the fruits like tomato,
banana. These fruits then immunized the patients with
susceptible disease. Production of secondary
metabolites is also performed by recombinant DNA
technology. Sometimes expression of a gene is
increased and due to overexpression the metabolite is
released into the medium. Arabidopsis plant is
improved by inserting foreign genes and polyhydroxy
butyrate is released by Arabidopsis in the chloroplast.
is then extracted from this plant. PHB is a
biodegradable plastic it is further can be used for
different purposes. (Panda, 2004).
•Applications of recombinant DNA technology in
Recombinant DNA technology is the technique In
which DNA molecules from two different species are
join together and inserted into a host organism to
produce new genetic combination. Recombinant DNA
technology have different applications in environment,
By production of genetic combination from insertion of
desire gene, pollutants can remove from environment.
Remediation of Environmental pollutants
Through plant metabolism is possible to check the
remediation of environmental pollutants. There are
some harmful chemicals that are not digested and
degrade. They are partially degradeable e.g TNT
chemical. In this nitrogen is reacted with oxygen and
super oxide is formed that is toxic. To solve this issue,
knock out the nodehydroascorbate reductase gene that
will create resistant against TNT.
Arsenic particles are toxic and they are present in the
soil that is harmful for plants. By recombinant DNA
technology PvACR3 gene is incorporate in Arabidopsis.
For incorporation of gene vectors are used. Expression
of PVACR3 gene will give rise to generate tolerance
plant to arsenic. Seeds of plant are genetically
engineered with PVACR3 gene, germinate and grow
plant in presence of either higher amount of arsenic in
soil. In Arabidopsis thaliana, reductase enzyme is
present that reduce the arsenic. Phytochelatins resist the
movement of arsenic in root cells and phloem cells.
Waste product of agriculture have cellulose that do not
easily decompose. By using recombinant dna
technology we can convert cellulose to sugar for
breakdown of cellulose. For this E.coli bacteria is use.
cellulase enzyme gene is incorporated in vector into the
bacteria. Expression of this enzyme will enhance to
degrade the waste that contain cellulose.
Some bacteria have capability to degrade oil spills or
organic waste. These wastes are harmful for
environment. Genetically modified strain of
Pseudomonas putida able to degrade chemical in oil
spills Pseudomonas putida is genetically modified by
Indian Scientist Anand Chakrabarty. The 'degradation
genes placed bacterial plasmids, were transferred to
create a microorganism capable of degrading all
Energy Applications
Some microorganisms are used for energy purposes.
Cyanobacteria, is environmental friendly energy source
that is hydrogen mediated. By properly utilizing the
required enzymes, specific production is maintained or
these enzymes play a key role in the product formation.
By genetic engineering, production of hydrogen can
enhance in Cyanobacteria and other biofuel. The
commercialization of energy source by genetically
engineered Cyanobacteria will keep the environment
clean which is not possible by using conventional
energy sources releasing CO2 and other harmful
chemicals. Genetically engineered Cyanobacteria able
to convert of CO2 into reduced fuel compounds. This
will make the carbon energy sources harmless to die
Biotechnology has revolutionized in all fields of life
commercial benefits health food pharmaceuticals.
industrial microbiology is emerged with molecular
biology for the improvement industrial production
primary and secondary metabolites, low-cholesterol
level antibiotics enzymes genetic modified organisms
and transgenic animals or plants that is only beneficial
for mankind it's all do play a vital role in commercial or
domestic purposes. The ability to manipulate DNA in
with microbes has generated many applications at
industrial level examples food industry, pharmaceutical
industry, agricultural industry.
Recombinant DNA technology in food industry dairy
products, soya products, brewery products and bakery.
many bacterial strains produced for enriching the
industrial level and its us age primary metabolites
growth hormones amino acids enzymes or different
protein for synthesizing fungi strains is have been
modified for to reduction of any toxicity in fruits
Lysozymes are effective agent to get rid of microbial
colonies of microbes in food like frites meat. chees,
vegetables and also increase their shelf life.
Recombinant chymosin
Chymosin is an enzyme that is use for manufacturing of
cheese, and it’s found from rennet Microbiological
engineered this enzymes is engineered from non
pathogenic strain of E.coli for the large scale production
of cheese.
Food products by fermentation process, or processing of
food from microbes as one of the ancient way
genetically or through recombinant DNA technology
engineered such stars from yeast to manipulation of
brewing stain utilization of new substrates like
amilolyses proteolysis, hydrolysis of beta-glucans. It
also increased the taste or aroma of food
A Broadband range of protein expressed or genetically
modified these protein for more food, best quality or
friendly for environment as well at agricultural level
recombinant DNA technology have produced GMO's
crop, fruits and vegetables with more nutrition values
size aroma and taste. Transgenic plants based on
regulatory enzymes or expression protein. 17gene 10
engineered for salt stress but it has low stress
expression in non green plants
Lycopene B-cyclase gene incorpulate into the plastid
genome of tomatoes that will increase the lycopene into
the Provitamin A.
A recombinant variety in rice scientists has been
engineered and expressed a enzymes responsible for B-
carotene synthesizing that do promise to the whole for
reducing the deficiency of vitamin A.
It’s necessary to have different varieties in crops for
domestic and commercial purposes. Like maize, cotton,
wheat, soy and com. With its also necessary to have
herbicides resistant. Genetically recombinant a gene
that for the result to produce resistant to herbicides
Glyphosate that is worldwide trading commercially.
Insect-resistant crops
Environmental associated problems all sort out through
transgenic or modified crops Bacillus thuringieses is a
bacteria that naturally produces a protein that kills the
insects, this bacterium is used for insecticiding.
Functional foods or crops are with dietry component,
these crops have active antioxidants for lower risks of
any chronical diseases may caused from aging high
level of calcium Vitamin A filled high level of
important fatty acids.
Recombinant DNA technology has been revolutionized
into the pharmaceutical industry as well is using in
human protein replacement or as therapeutic agent for
human diseases and for further vaccination. In human
protein replacement sometimes cellular protein defected
and this defective gene causes disease in human body.
Diabetes Mallitus has effect on our 2-3% generation
and it is genetically linked disease when the
concentration of glucose increased into the blood and
body form into the hyperglycemia and the diabetes
occur when concentration of insulin
early days before scientist were used to produce insulin
from pancreas of cow and pig. It was isolated from
these but now through the recombinant DNA
technology production of insulin synthesized from

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ations-of-Recombinant-DNA Technology-in-Medicine-
• l
issuel/Article 009.pdf

Applications of Recombinant DNA
Technology in today’s medicine

This is to certify that Bhoomi Agrawal of grade 12 has completed her biology
Investigatory project titled – Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology in
today’s medicine as specified by the Central Board of Secondary Education
under the All India Senior Secondary Certificate Examination 2022-23.

Signature of external examiner Signature of Biology teacher

I hereby declare that the work presented in this project entitled – Applications
of Recombinant DNA Technology in today’s medicine has been carried out by
me under the supervision of Ms. Aliva Das. I further declare that this project has
not formed the basis for the award of any similar title to any institution.

Name: Bhoomi Agrawal

Date: 28.11.22
Place: Bhubaneswar
I would like to start by thanking the almighty for showering his continuous
blessings upon me during the project. Next, I would like to thank my biology
teacher, Ms. Aliva Das, for supporting and guiding this investigatory project –
Applications of Recombinant DNA Technology in today’s medicine.
Secondly, I would also like to thank my parents and friends who helped me a lot
in finalizing this project within the limited time frame.

Bhoomi Agrawal
XII Science

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