MIM - Natheer, BATA 5738, Batch 45

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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)


Programme title BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing

V.Niruban J.Piragathejan
Assessor Internal Verifier
Unit 13: Computing Research Project
Effect of Digital learning on organizational performance, A special references on government schools
Assignment title
in Sri Lanka
Student’s name
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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID MIM.Natheer/BATA-5738

Unit Title Computing Research Project
Assignment Number Assessor
15.08.2021 Date Received 1st
Submission Date
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:

LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant to a chosen computing research project

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M2 D1


LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders

Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 M3 D2


LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts

Pass, Merit & Distinction P6 P7 M4 D3


Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have

been agreed at the assessment board.

Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Student signature Date

Higher Nationals in
Unit 13: Computing Research Project
Assignment 01
General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous page as
your cover sheet and be sure to fill the details correctly.
2. This entire brief should be attached in first before you start answering.
3. All the assignments should prepare using word processing software.
4. All the assignments should print in A4 sized paper, and make sure to only use one side printing.
5. Allow 1” margin on each side of the paper. But on the left side you will need to leave room for binging.

Word Processing Rules

1. Use a font type that will make easy for your examiner to read. The font size should be 12 point, and should be
in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line word-processing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all headings are consistent in terms of size and font style.
4. Use footer function on the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number
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5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help edit your assignment.

Important Points:

1. Check carefully the hand in date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late submissions will not be
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3. Don’t leave things such as printing to the last minute – excuses of this nature will not be accepted for failure
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4. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
5. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply (in
writing) for an extension.
6. Failure to achieve at least a PASS grade will result in a REFERRAL grade being given.
7. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You will then be asked to
complete an alternative assignment.
8. Take great care that if you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, you properly reference them,
using the HARVARD referencing system, in you text and any bibliography, otherwise you may be guilty of
9. If you are caught plagiarising you could have your grade reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be
excluded from the course.
Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own
without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in any of the assignments for this
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will be my own, and where
I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way.
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding agreement between
myself and Edexcel UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not attached to the

[email protected] 15.08.2021
Student’s Signature: Date:
(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number MIM.Natheer/BATA-5738

Unit Number and Title Unit 13 – Computing Research Project

Academic Year 2020/2021

Unit Tutor V.Niruban

Assignment Title Final Research Project Report

Issue Date

Submission Date 15.08.2021

IV Name & Date

Submission Format:

• The submission is in the form of an individual written report.

• This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12.
• You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be
supported with research
• referenced using the Harvard referencing system.
• Please provide a referencing list using the Harvard referencing system.
• The recommended word limit is minimum 4,500 words

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO2. Conduct and analyse research relevant to a chosen computing research project
LO3. Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders
LO4. Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Student is now required to provide a comprehensive research project report based on the findings of primary and
secondary research carried out on the project proposal submitted in the previous section on the selected topic.

The Learner requires to produce a detailed research project report covering following areas:

• Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for a computing research project that
includes costs, access, and ethical issues.
• Carry out your research and apply appropriate analytical tools/methods to analyse research findings and
• Draw conclusion based on the research findings gained from your primary and secondary research.
• Communicate the outcomes of your research project to the appropriate identified audience.
• Reflect on the success of your research project and your performance at the end of the project with the
inclusion of a project evaluation and recommendations (Consider alternative research methodologies and
lessons learnt in view of the outcomes).
Grading Rubric
Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant for a business

research project

P3 Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate

methods for a computing research project that consider costs,
access and ethical issues
P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools to analyse research
findings and data.
M2 Discuss merits, limitations and pitfalls of approaches to
data collection and analysis.
D1 Critically evaluate research methodologies and processes
in application to a computing research project to justify
chosen research methods and analysis.

LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to

identified stakeholders

P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate manner

for the intended audience.
M3 Coherently and logically communicate outcomes to the
intended audience, demonstrating how outcomes meet set
research objectives.
D2 Communicate critical analysis of the outcomes and make
valid, justified recommendations.
LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and
P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied
for meeting objectives of the computing research project.
P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons
learnt in view of the outcomes.
M4 Provide critical reflection and insight that results in
recommended actions for improvements and future research
D3 Demonstrate reflection and engagement in the resource
process leading to recommended actions for future
Effect of Digital learning on organizational performance,
A special reference on Government schools in Sri Lanka



Submitted in accordance with the requirements for the

at the

Name of research Tutor: V.Niruban


MIM.Natheer BAT/A-5738 FR


Name of Research Candidate: MIM.Natheer

Pearson Registration Number: NC38722

Programme Name: HND in Computing

Research Title: Effect of Digital learning on organizational performance, A special reference on

Government schools in Sri Lanka

Field of Study:

I do solemnly and sincerely declare that:

i. I’m the sole author of this study

ii. This work is original

iii. In case of any use if any information from other sources references of copyright with its
ownership have been acknowledged in this document

iv. I do not have any actual knowledge nor do I ought reasonably to know that the making of
the work constitutes an infringement of any copyright work

v. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft, I understand the
plagiarism and copying policy of the Edexcel UK, I know what the consequences will be
if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in this research for this program.

Candidate Signature: [email protected] Date: 15.08.2021

Subscribed and solemnly declared before,

Supervisor’s Name: V.Niruban


MIM.Natheer BAT/A-5738 FR

Supervisor’s Signature: Date:

I wish to express my deep gratitude and sincere thanks to the Final Research Subject lecturer Mr.
V.Niruban for his encouragement and provided facilities for this assignment. I sincerely
appreciate his generosity by taking me into his fold for which I shall remain indebted to him. I
extent my appreciation to other Esoft lecturers who guided me to finish this assignment. I take
this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to them invaluable guidance, ongoing
encouragement, enormous motivation, which has sustained my efforts at all the stages of project

I can’t forget to offer my since thanks to our classmates and parents who helped me to carry out
this project successfully and for their valuable advice and support which I have received all the

This paper presents a research on the effectiveness of digital learning impact on organizational
performance and how it can be measuring effects. This research is based on a systematic literature
review and a survey analysis to answer the following research contents. Designing teaching
activity for digital learning and flexibly applying technology tools are the key issues for current
information technology integrated education. In this study, students are tested and proceeded
questionnaire survey to understand the opinions and feedback about digital learning. To effectively
achieve the research objectives and test the research hypotheses, descriptive research is applied in
this study. Totally, 265 students in 4 government schools and 70 samples of respondents are
selected as the research subjects for the instructional research. The research results conclude that
1.digital learning presents better positive effects on learning motivation than traditional teaching
does, 2.digital learning shows better positive effects on learning outcome than traditional teaching
does, 3.learning motivation reveals significantly positive effects on learning effect in learning
outcome, and 4.learning motivation appears remarkably positive effects on learning gain in
learning outcome. 5.digital learning analytics that measures the impacts on organizational
performance 6.this study’s results showed that digital learning analytics can enhance the efficacy
of the learning method effect in organizational performance and that contexts for learning
supported on new technologies (mobile technologies, tablet and LMS) become more and more
popular among the students, lectures and organization’s employees. Additionally, this study’s
results helped to create a model of learning and digital learning which is have a positive impact on
Organizational Performance.

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study .....................................................................................................................1
1.2 Problems in brief .................................................................................................................................3
1.3 Significance of the study .....................................................................................................................4
1.4 Research Questions .............................................................................................................................6
1.5 Research objectives .............................................................................................................................6
1.6 Delimitation .........................................................................................................................................6
1.7 Chapter profile ....................................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ...........................................................................................................8
2.0 Literature review .................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Knowledge gap ................................................................................................................................. 10
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................... 11
3.0 Research methodology ..................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Research Onion ................................................................................................................................ 11
3.1.1 Positivism ..................................................................................................................... 12

3.1.2 Deductive ...................................................................................................................... 12

3.1.3 Survey ........................................................................................................................... 12

3.1.4 Mono Method ............................................................................................................... 12

3.1.5 Cross Sectional ............................................................................................................. 13

3.1.6 Data Collection ............................................................................................................. 13

3.1.7 Data Analysis................................................................................................................ 13

3.2 Population and Sampling.................................................................................................................. 13

3.3 Role of Researcher ........................................................................................................................... 14
3.5 Validity and Reliability ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.6 Conceptual framework ..................................................................................................................... 15
3.7 Hypothesis Statement ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.8 Ethical consideration ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.9 Technology ....................................................................................................................................... 16
3.10 Time Limit ....................................................................................................................................... 21
CHAPTER FOUR: INVESTIGATING OF RESULTS AND ANALYSIS................................................................... 22
4.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1 Field Survey ...................................................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Descriptive analysis .......................................................................................................................... 22

4.2.1 Gender of the respondent.............................................................................................. 23

4.2.2 Education Qualification of the respondent ................................................................... 24

4.2.3 Working Experience of the respond ............................................................................. 25

3.1 Inference analysis ....................................................................................................................... 26

3.1.1 Definition of the variables ....................................................................................... 26

4.3 Descriptive statistics ......................................................................................................................... 27

4.3.1 Learning Management System (LMS) ......................................................................... 27

4.3.2 Online Streaming (OS) ................................................................................................. 27

4.3.3 Online Exam (OE) ........................................................................................................ 28

4.3.4 Nature of Dependent variable ....................................................................................... 29

4.4 Correlation Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 30

4.4.1 Correlation between LMS and Organizational Performance ....................................... 30

4.4.2 Correlation between Online streaming and Organizational Performance .................... 30

4.4.3 Correlation between Online Exam and Organizational Performance .......................... 31

4.5 Regression Analysis .......................................................................................................................... 31

CHAPTER FIVE - CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 33
5.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 33
5.1 Revisiting methodology and objective. ............................................................................................ 33
5.2 Finding and re-engagement with literature review ......................................................................... 34
5.3 Extension of Knowledge ................................................................................................................... 36
CAPTER SIX – RECOMMENDATION............................................................................................................. 37
6.0 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 37
6.1 Recommendation to improve the Digital learning ........................................................................... 37
References .................................................................................................................................................. 39
Annexure .................................................................................................................................................... 42

DL- Digital learning

E-Learning – Online Learning

LMS – Learning Management System


Table 1.. Benefits and Drawbacks of e-Learning ........................................................................... 3
Table 2.. chapter profile ............................................................................................................... 7
Table 3.. Population and Sampling ............................................................................................. 13
Table 4.. Definition of variables .................................................................................................. 26
Table 5.. Descriptive Statistic of LMS .......................................................................................... 27
Table 6.. Descriptive Statistic of OE ............................................................................................ 27
Table 7.. Descriptive Statistic of OE ............................................................................................ 28
Table 8.. Test of Normality ......................................................................................................... 29
Table 9.. Correlation between LMS and OP ................................................................................ 30
Table 10.. Correlation between OS and OP ................................................................................ 30
Table 11.. Correlation between OE and OP ................................................................................ 31
Table 12.. Regression Model summary ....................................................................................... 31
Table 13.. Aggression analysis Coefficients ................................................................................. 32

Figure 1.. graph for Sri Lanka's digital learning growth ................................................................. 2
Figure 2.. Research Onion ........................................................................................................... 11
Figure 3.. Deductive method ...................................................................................................... 12
Figure 4.. Virtual Class room ....................................................................................................... 17
Figure 5.. Digital Readers ............................................................................................................ 18
Figure 6.. LMS ............................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 7.. LMS System Example .................................................................................................. 20
Figure 8.. Time limit .................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 9.. Gender of respond ...................................................................................................... 23
Figure 10.. Education Qualification of the respond .................................................................... 24
Figure 11.. Working experience of the respond.......................................................................... 25
Figure 12.. Histogram of OP ........................................................................................................ 29


1.0 Introduction
This chapter introduces and provides a context to the importance of this chapter is to describe the
foundation and motivation for the research and discuss the problem addressed by the study. It
outlines the background details research questions, delimitation and objectives and covers
significance of the study. Finally, it highlights the chapter profile of the study.

1.1 Background of the study

The purpose of this research is to provide an analytical and theoretical background to the field of
digital learning and how it’s impact on organizational performing in government schools in Sri
Lanka. Digital learning is a replacing traditional educational method more and more each day.
Which is the essential guide for anyone wanting advice on how to choose the right technology at
the right cost for a course or flexible learning programme. Digital learning has been defined in
many different ways. The historical background of digital learning can be observed over three
decades of development in education and organizational performance.

Yoon et al. (2012) stated that digital learning (E-Learning) was first proposed by Jay Cross in
1999. With the advance and development of technology tools, it appeared different explanations
and terminology, such as Internet-based training, web-based training, or on-line learning, network
learning, distance learning. Doris Holzberger et al. (2013) regarded digital learning as delivery
with digital forms of media (e.g. texts or pictures) through the Internet; and, the provided learning
contents and teaching methods were to enhance learners’ learning and aimed to improve teaching
effectiveness or promote personal knowledge and skills. Basically, computers and network
technology media were applied to learning situations, including synchronous and asynchronous
network learning, to break through the restrictions on time, location, and schedule, and to achieve
the learner-centered individualized learning (Kaklamanou et al., 2012). The application includes
network-based learning, computer-based learning, virtual classrooms, and digital cooperation.
Anttila et al. (2012) regarded digital learning as a digital tool to acquire digital teaching materials
for online or offline learning activity through wire or wireless networks (Hockly, 2012).

Internet, a user could link to the server, through the network, to select proper digital teaching
materials for the learning; and the instant tests allow students controlling the contents of digital
teaching materials. Accordingly, practical teaching strategies could be developed by combining

with current teaching trend and extracting the advantages of digital learning to achieve the teaching
effectiveness (Lai et al. 2012). Under the climate with changing learning modes, the government
and businesses have largely invested in the research and development of digital teaching platforms.
The software and hardware for many digital teaching platforms have been developed, diverse
digital teaching materials are produced, and schools have actively introduced distinct digital
teaching platforms to the instruction, expecting to promote students’ learning outcome. Utilizing
the shared education resources on the computer network for shortening the urban-rural education
gap has become a common trend globally. It is inevitable for teachers integrating information
technology into subjects to assist in students’ learning with teaching materials, teaching methods,
and diversified teaching media. It is the common responsibility for educators to have teaching
become more efficient, allow students being glad to learn, and cultivate the new generation with
creative and rational communication and critical thinking with technologies and network
information in the new era. Digital teaching aims to have students actively participate in learning
activity to achieve the set learning outcome (Pai & Tu, 2011). The design of teaching activity and
the flexible application of technology tools or digital learning therefore become the primary issues
for current information technology integrated education.

According to below mentioning graph is Sri Lanka’s digital learning growth till 2016

Figure 1.. graph for Sri Lanka's digital learning growth

There has been much debate over the potential benefits and drawbacks where web-assisted
learning is concerned (Asgarkhani 2003, Rosenberg 2001, Kruse 2002b, Kruse 2002c, Sitze 2001
and Burns et al 2001). Some of the more obvious advantages and disadvantages are outlined in
Table 1.

Table 1.. Benefits and Drawbacks of e-Learning

Potential Benefits Potential Drawbacks Potential Drawbacks

(Learner) (Solution Provider) (Learner)

• Reduced overall • On-demand • The need for up- • The need for
costs availability front investment access to
• Reduced learning • Self-pacing • Technology
time complexities and • The need for
• Interactivity
design printed
• Consistent delivery
• Availability of workbooks or
of materials • Educators’
newly updated reference material
• Expert knowledge material in a timely
• Reduced social
can be fashion • The need for
and cultural
communicated and selecting
captured with appropriate content
effective e- and effective
Learning and instructional
knowledge design
• Cultural
systems Proof of
completion and

1.2 Problems in brief

In Sri Lankan context, education is considered a major priority and avenue for socio-economic

advancement by all citizens, urban and rural, rich and poor. This attitude has created a demand for
education with which traditional systems have been unable to cope.

In traditional class room, students are mostly depending on teachers. But students get equal
attention. Traditional learning can be a problem for the introverts. Hence find it difficult to manage
their homework assignments. But in online classes, the one to one interaction ensures active
participation from students. Traditional classes are designed in such a way that one tutor teaches
the number of students in a class. Different students have a different approach to learning and
follow different learning methods. Inequality stress them out. If the tutor does not handle all the
students equally, then it will destroy their self-confidence. As a result, tutors lack the balance in
handling students equally. The online class in the best choice for those who need close attention.

Traditional education stresses on standardized testing. The skills and abilities learnt through
experience and thinking cannot be obtained in a traditional environment. Tutors do not encourage
students to understand the methods and skills required to solve the problems. Teacher's role is just
to give out knowledge to students, and the students receive them and store it in their minds. This
type of learning does not allow the students to understand the difficult concepts and have lifelong
skills of self-learning. So, they will struggle to understand the future principles and lessons. Hire
online class help for the interactive experience. The tutors must complete all modules expectations
within the allotted time in the traditional environment. So, they will decide what to learn. The
introduction of digital learning education was intended as a solution, but this mode has so far been
unable to cater to the dual challenges of increasing demands and rapidly changing educational

It means digital learning education based on information and communication technologies may
improve the organizational performance of government schools in Sri Lanka. It is concluded that
the modern focus on online education has failed to take account of its general lack of accessibility
and affordability, and that uses of mixed media technologies in digital learning education should
be encouraged. the internet and digital technology, learning has become much easier with many
learners and scholars agreeing that Online Education is much better than classroom Learning.

1.3 Significance of the study

Importance of this study represents how digital learning would impact on organizational
performance in government schools in Sri Lanka by using digital learning. Improving education
is a huge issue for our country now a days. everyone would see smaller schools and class sizes are
not enough for more students, digital learning cannot do that physically. However, technology can

be a “force multiplier” for the teacher. Through the use of learning management systems (LMS)
students can access online resources to get assistance on demand beyond the physical reach of
their teacher. Digital learning can also extend education in another way. And also, Education
doesn’t stop toward the finish of the school day. Students can access teachers, resources, and
assignments via the web whenever and wherever they have an internet connection. For students
who need to spend more time practicing a concept, online exercises and curriculum can also help
them work at their own pace and still keep up with their peers. And, Teachers can also utilize
technology to discover resources and go to virtual expert improvement courses and conferences.
They can likewise make personal learning networks with Ning, Twitter, and different resources to
discover and share thoughts and resources, and get support from their colleagues. Digital learning
can be utilized to improve teaching and learning and help to improve the organizational

1.4 Research Questions

1) What are the impacts of online streaming on organizational performance at government schools
in Sri Lanka

2) What are the impacts of online exam on organizational performance at government schools in
Sri Lanka

3) What are the impacts of Learning Management System (LMS) on organizational performance
at government schools in Sri Lanka

1.5 Research objectives

The main aim of the study was to investigate the impact of digital learning on organizational
performance at government schools in Sri Lanka.

1) To Establish the impact of online Streaming on organizational performance at government

schools in Sri Lanka.

2) To determine impact of online exam on organizational performance on government schools in

Sri Lanka.

3) To identify impacts of Learning Management System (LMS) on organizational performance at

government schools in Sri Lanka.

1.6 Delimitation
This study has the scope of investigating the impact of the digital learning in order to conduct this
research, Sri Lanka’s government schools have selected. It was hoped that this study would
provide valuable insights to the organizational performance of government schools in Sri Lanka
on the effect of digital learning on organizational performance and challenges in digital learning

1.7 Chapter profile

Table 2.. chapter profile

Chapter Contents

Chapter one: Introduction This chapter introduces and provides a context to

the importance of this chapter is to describe the
foundation and motivation for the research and
discuss the problem addressed by the study. It
outlines the background details research
questions, delimitation and objectives and
covers significance of the study. Finally, it
highlights the chapter profile of the study.

Chapter two: Literature review Next chapter include a context to the importance
of this chapter is to find literature review which
is a scholarly paper, it includes the current
knowledge including substantive findings, as
well as theoretical and methodological
contribution to particular topic. Then researcher
discuss the problem knowledge gap of the

Chapter three: Research methodology The next chapter describe about importance of
Research methodology. It includes research
onion, population and sampling, data collecting,
Role of researcher, generalizability, validity and
reliability, data analysis, conceptual framework
and hypothesis statement. Finally, it highlights
ethical considerations and technology


2.0 Literature review
upcoming chapter include a context to the importance of this chapter is to find literature review
which is a scholarly paper, it includes the current knowledge including substantive findings, as
well as theoretical and methodological contribution to particular topic. Then researcher discuss the
problem knowledge gap of the research.

According to (palgrave, 2018) Digital learning is portrayed as tools that will enhance learner
collaboration and motivation and develop new multimodal literacy skills. However, digital
learning costs very less compared with the traditional education system of brick and mortar, real
teachers and classrooms. The first and foremost reason for the cost reduction is transport. Online
education removes the necessity of transportation either by public vehicle or by own vehicles.
(digitalteacher, 2017). Moreover, (insitu, 2018) says Digital learning can Access 24/7 accessibility
to learning when and where needed with training and information on-demand, employees can learn
new skills and refresh their knowledge at any time of day and wherever they need it at work, at
home, on the move and on any device. with access to digital learning, employees can be confident
that they are always going to find the most up-to-date information. And management can be sure
that essential training has been completed and according to (thecenteratmdc, 2016) Digital learning
platforms have provided bigger opportunities for interaction and collaboration between schools
and teachers to merge resources and expertise, and better collaboration between learners.

Current literatures therefore reveal different explanations of digital learning among domestic and
international researchers. By comprehensively analyzing the viewpoints of several researchers,
digital learning could be divided into four parts (Keane, 2012).

(1) Digital teaching materials: It emphasizes that learners could learn by extracting some digital
teaching material contents. The so-called digital teaching material contents refer to e-books,
digitalized data, or contents presented with other digital methods.

(2) Digital tools: It stresses on learners proceeding learning activity through digital tools, such as
desktop computers, notebook computers, tablet computers, and smart phones.

(3) Digital delivery: It emphasizes that learners’ learning activity could be delivered through the
Internet, e.g. intranet, internet, and satellite broadcasting.

(4) Autonomous learning: It focuses on learners engaging in online or offline learning activity
through digital learning by themselves. It stresses on personal autonomous learning and requires
the participation of learners with autonomous learning to precede learning activity.

(e-student, 2018) argued that Digital learning methods are proven to be highly effective at
improving the academic knowledge of the students. However, developing the communicational
skills of the students is an area often neglected during online lessons. Due to the lack of face-to-
face communication between peers, students and teachers in an online setting, the students might
find that they are unable to work effectively in a team setting. Neglecting the communicational
skills of the students will inevitably lead to many graduates who excel in theoretical knowledge,
but who fail to pass their knowledge on to others. And also (activia, 2019) argued that No self-
discipline in digital learning. because of this inherent freedom, e-learning often translates to no
learning. People may switch off from fully engaging in the material, and see the activity as a tick
box exercise – just another item on an ever-growing “to do” list. According to (elearningindustry,
2016) they argued that there is also the problem of the extent of security of online learning

McKiernan (2011) pointed out various differences in teaching material contents, learning
channels, and practice methods between traditional teaching and digital learning. For instance,
learning contents focusing on convenience and flexibility were suitable for digital learning, while
traditional teaching was better for courses which required practical operation or teamwork.
Although digital learning could not completely replace traditional teaching, it could achieve the
best teaching effect and have learners be glad to learn by reinforcing traditional teaching with
digital learning and comprehensively practicing both methods in teaching activity. Yien et al.
(2011) pointed out the difference between digital learning and traditional teaching in learning
environment and persons. Traditional teaching, with “lecture” in classrooms, was the most
traditional and representative teaching method. In short, it referred to instructors delivering
teaching materials in the teaching activity to learners through interpretation. With the long history,
it has been broadly applied and is still one of favourable teaching methods of instructors.

The debate for choosing digital learning vs. traditional learning is increasing each year. According
to (easy-lms, 2019) traditional learning involves a teacher, a brick-and-mortar facility (usually a
school) and a group of students that gather together at this facility during specific periods of the
day to learn from the teacher(s). It may also include paper-based assignments and exams. And also
(easy-lms, 2019) says “Digital learning” is a self-explanatory term: the learning takes place online.
Which means, someone (usually a teacher or instructor) creates learning content and then share it
with a group of students, that can access it using a device connected to the Internet. Exams are
applied online too, using an online exam software. Content can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
Time & space don’t matter too much here. Students don’t need to be in the same physical place to
take the same instruction.

According to (procurement-academy, 2018) conclusions that Digital learning represents one of the
most efficient training solutions in today’s fast-paced corporate world. It is highly viewed as a
very effective way of learning since it helps organizations create high-quality knowledgeable
employee training at a lower cost, empowering their workforce to upskill their capabilities and be
genuinely excited about learning. Eventually, they are more engaged and satisfied with their jobs.
At the end of the day, it greatly contributes to higher revenue. Thus, after going through the
differences between Digital and traditional education you can easily decide Digital learning is the
betterment of your career.

2.1 Knowledge gap

In Sri Lanka, learning about digital learning is important but here are insufficient research papers
are submitted. Researcher hopefully says that this study will fill this gap.


3.0 Research methodology
The next chapter describe about importance of Research methodology. It includes research onion,
population and sampling, data collecting, Role of researcher, generalizability, validity and
reliability, data analysis, conceptual framework and hypothesis statement. Finally, it highlights
ethical considerations and technology.

3.1 Research Onion

Figure 2.. Research Onion


3.1.1 Positivism
Positivism is a philosophical theory stating that certain ("positive") knowledge is based on
phenomena and their properties and relations. Verified data (positive facts) received from the
senses are known as empirical evidence. Thus, positivism is based on Digital learning.

3.1.2 Deductive
In Deductive method, Theory and Hypothesis are developed and tested in Digital learning through
below mentioning Approaches.

Literature Research
Data Recommendati
Introduction Methodolog Conclusion on
review Analysis

Figure 3.. Deductive method

3.1.3 Survey
Survey research is a method which involves using questionnaires, gather feedback to collect data
on my research Topic.

3.1.4 Mono Method

A monomethod study uses only one type of method, one quantitative or one qualitative. In to this
research, researcher use in a quantitative study, the data is in numerical form and this information
is analysed using quantitative data analysis techniques to this Study.

3.1.5 Cross Sectional

A cross-sectional study is a research type that collecting data and analysing data at one short point
of time. For this study researcher is collecting data and data analysing from government schools
within 8 months.

3.1.6 Data Collection

Data collection is a process of collecting information from government schools in Sri Lanka.
Researcher collecting Data to this study as two methods. Primary method of data collection which
means information is collected directly from first hand sources. Researcher used survey and
questionnaire for primary data collection to this study. And another method is secondary methods
of data collection which means data is already available and analysed by someone else. Researcher
used books, magazines and newspaper for secondary data collection to this study.

3.1.7 Data Analysis

Researcher used latest version of SPSS tool for data analysing part of this study.

3.2 Population and Sampling

Table 3.. Population and Sampling

Government Schools Population Sampling

(Sri Lanka)

St. Michael's College National 110 30

Vincent girls high school 75 20

Kattankudy Central College 50 15

Meera Balika National school 30 5

Total 265 70

Data have collected from Government schools in Sri Lanka. 110 students selected as population
from St. Michael's College National School and collect sampling 30 from them and 75 students

were selected as population at Vincent girls high school and collect sampling 20 from there. 50
students have selected at Kattankudy Central College and collect sampling 50 from that campus.
Lastly, 30 students were selected at Meera Balika National school as population and 5 of them
data is collected as sampling. Researcher, to collect data Totally, 265 students in 4 government
schools and 70 samples of respondents are selected as the research subjects for the instructional

3.3 Role of Researcher

In this study, Researcher is doing research in-order to solve the problem of traditional study. For
that researcher has chosen Research topic. Then found the research sources to developed research
question align with hypothesis. After developed research question researcher has collected data
for this study. Then researcher analysed the data to having that collected data. Finally, researcher
gave conclusion and recommendation. Researcher has been defined on quantitative method for
this study. 3.4 Generalizability

Generalizability is researcher’s experimental results can be extended to applied to other similar

social contexts and similar industries. In this research’s results is applied on medical industry as

3.5 Validity and Reliability

Reliability and validity are concepts used to evaluate the quality of research through questionnaire.
Because it’s presented to digital learning on organizational performance a special reference to
Government schools in Sri Lanka.

3.6 Conceptual framework

Online Streaming

Online exam Organizational performance

Learning management
System (LMS)

Learning management
System (LMS)

3.7 Hypothesis Statement

H0: There is no significant relationship between online streaming and organizational performance.

H1: There is a significant relationship between online streaming and organizational performance.

H0: There is no significant relationship between online exam and organizational performance.

H1: There is a significant relationship between online exam and organizational performance.

H0: There is no significant relationship between LMS and organizational performance.

H1: There is a significant relationship between LMS and organizational performance.

3.8 Ethical consideration

Ethical Considerations can be specified as one of the most important parts of the research. it helps
to protection of the privacy of research participants has to be ensured. This study was carried out
without discrimination such as like, unlike, gender, age or any other set.

3.9 Technology
1. Virtual class room

Digital devices and speedy internet can transform classrooms by supporting and inspiring
innovative teaching methods. A virtual classroom is an online classroom that allows participants
to communicate with one another, view presentations or videos, interact with other participants,
and engage with resources in work groups. Virtual learners are working with each other more than
ever before. They’re chatting in your forums, teaming up on group projects, and competing for
high scores on your leader board. In some cases, these experiences are the new defining feature of
online courses. Learners have come to view them less as digital transpositions of physical
classrooms, and more as places where they build relationships with fellow learners over shared
interests. Virtual classrooms can be used to deliver lectures, or even tutorials online. They are also
great options for impromptu meetings and group projects where members need to check-in on
progress and bounce ideas of one-another. With the virtual environment, ideas and collaborators
are never far away. (learndash, 2020)

Figure 4.. Virtual Class room

Some important features of Virtual class room.

• High-definition video conferencing

• Secure live streaming

• Server-side recording

• Advanced interactive whiteboard

• Advanced collaboration and moderation

• Live screen sharing

• Polls and surveys

• Collaborative code editor

• Test and assessment

• Easy administration

• Insights and analytics

• API and Plugins

2. Digital E-book Readers

E-readers are probably the best piece of technology created in the past few years. Digital readers
and Tablets are using for accessing the notes. People can all now choose the device that fits our

needs the best. E-readers have tremendous potential to entice reluctant readers to read more. A
study that we recently conducted among low-reading-ability middle school students demonstrated
that potential. Students became more engaged and motivated during their scheduled silent
sustained reading periods when they were given the opportunity to use e-readers.

Figure 5.. Digital Readers

Some benefits of using this technology:

• Readers can absorb more information.

• It helps children become better readers, too.

• Readers are less likely to get distracted.

• It having a library at home is linked to higher academic achievement.

3. Learning Management System (LMS)

A learning management system, also known as a learning content management system, is

becoming a vital part of educational establishment’s digital toolkit. If you’re not yet sure
what an LMS is, now is the time to find out. After all, learning management tools can
greatly improve the way e-course administration works within organizations. E-learning

provides excellent opportunities in terms of professional and personal development, but it

can be a real challenge for administrators to keep everything in check. That’s where a
training management system really comes into its own. An LMS/IMCS is a piece of
software that functions as a virtual classroom for learners and a management hub for
administrators. This software makes it possible to easily keep track of course
administration, documentation, reporting and delivery, all from one central control panel.
(cae, 2019)

Figure 6.. LMS


Some important features and benefits of LMS.

• Easily upload assignments and check the results via this LMS System.

Figure 7.. LMS System Example

• Ease of Use. LMS must be easy to navigate and customizable to the needs of your

• Accessibility. LMS is the largest perk of eLearning is that it can be accessed

anytime, anywhere

• It’s security and privacy.

The must-have LMS features will depend on your goals and requirements. When selecting an
LMS, identifying the features you need, as well as those you want, will help you make the best
decision for your organization.

3.10 Time Limit

Jan 2021 Feb 2021 Mar 2021 Apr 2021 May 2021 Jun 2021 Jul 2021 Aug 2021
ID Task Name Start Finish Duration
1/24 1/31 2/7 2/14 2/21 2/28 3/7 3/14 3/21 3/28 4/4 4/11 4/18 4/25 5/2 5/9 5/16 5/23 5/30 6/6 6/13 6/20 6/27 7/4 7/11 7/18 7/25 8/1 8/8

1 Introduction 1/25/2021 2/12/2021 15d

2 Literature Review 2/15/2021 3/4/2021 14d

3 Research Methodology 3/5/2021 3/29/2021 17d

4 Data Collection 4/1/2021 5/10/2021 28d

5 Data Analysis 5/11/2021 6/4/2021 19d

6 Conclusion 6/7/2021 7/20/2021 32d

7 Recommendation 7/21/2021 8/13/2021 18d

Figure 8.. Time limit



4.0 Introduction

This chapter presents statistical analysis in order to drive meaningful findings and conclusions.
In data analysis, all the data are combined together and presented in a way, which helps easy
analysis of the data. There are two section in the in analysis such as descriptive and interference
analysis which are included under this topic.

4.1 Field Survey

Data for the research was collected from primary source. The primary data used was questionnaire.
The questionnaire was structured; the respondents were placed major on a five-points Likert scale.
The sample frame was questionnaire respondents where 70 questionnaires were distributed among
Adults and Teenagers. As a questionnaire survey, challenges were conducted during the data
collection period, one of the major problems the researcher was the limited time to collect the data
for the 18 questions from the respondents. And other problem was the researcher had to meet the
respondents in various locations. So, the researcher couldn’t travel for long distance. To prevent
these major problems, the researcher found a solution. That is the online google form survey. So,
researcher got the responses from the respondents easily by google forms.

4.2 Descriptive analysis

A descriptive analysis is an important first step for conducting statistical analyses. It gives you an
idea of the distribution of your data, helps you detect outliers and typos, and enable you identify
associations among variables, thus making you ready to conduct further statistical analyses.
(statulator, 2018)

Descriptive analysis is used to describe the features of the data in this study. Descriptive analysis
provides sample summaries about the sample and the measures demographic variables. Together
with the sample graphics analysis, they form the basis of virtually every quantitative analysis of
data. The study sought demographic data of the respondents including gender, level of education,
and work experience.

4.2.1 Gender of the respondent

Seventy (70) respondents were collected by questionnaire, figure presents the gender distribution
to my research.

Figure 9.. Gender of respond

In terms of gender Figure 9 indicates that approximately forty percent (59%) were males and sixty
percent (41%) were female.

4.2.2 Education Qualification of the respondent

Figure 10.. Education Qualification of the respond

terms of level of education Figure 10 indicates that approximately 20% were Certificate level,
30% were Diploma level, 17% were HND level, 21% were Degree level, 6% were Masters level
and also 6% were PHD level.

4.2.3 Working Experience of the respond

Figure 11.. Working experience of the respond

In terms of work experience level, Figure 11 indicates that approximately 57% were 1 – 5 years,
37% were 6 – 10 years and 6% were 11 – 15 years.

3.1 Inference analysis

Inference analysis is the process of analysing the result and making conclusions from data subject
to random variation. It is also called inferential statistics. Hypothesis testing and confidence
intervals are the applications of the statistical inference. Statistical inference is a method of making
decisions about the parameters of a population, based on random sampling. It helps to assess the
relationship between the dependent and independent variables.

3.1.1 Definition of the variables

The definitions of independent variables are known as Learning Management System (LMS),
Online Streaming (OS) and Online Exam (OE). Dependent variable is Organizational Performance
(OP) which are used to analyze impact of Digital learning on organizational performance A special
reference to government schools in Sri Lanka. Expected sign of the said variables are showed in
table 4. Independent variables used are relied upon to have a positive relationship.

Table 4.. Definition of variables

Variables Definition Expected sign

Learning Management
OS Online Streaming +
OE Online Exam +
OP Organizational performance N/A

4.3 Descriptive statistics

4.3.1 Learning Management System (LMS)

Table 5.. Descriptive Statistic of LMS

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimu Maximu Mean Std. Skewness Kurtosis

m m Deviation

Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Statistic Std.

Error Error

LMS 70 2 4 2.99 .563 .366 .287 -.294 .566

Valid N

Based on the responses received for independent variables perceived of Learning management
system (LMS) the mean is 2.99 (Table 5). This is because there has been a mix of high and low
scores within the data set. The data set has a standard deviation of 0.56 when referring to the scores
of skewness, it is possible to note that this parameter has achieved a score of 0.36 The skewness
is distribution is fairly symmetrical kurtosis scores achieve -0.29.

4.3.2 Online Streaming (OS)

Table 6.. Descriptive Statistic of OE

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimu Maximu Mean Std. Skewness Kurtosis

m m Deviation

Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Statistic Std.

Error Error

OS 70 1 4 2.85 .675 .157 .287 -.572 .566

Valid N

Based on the responses received for independent variables perceived of Online Streaming (OS)
the mean is 2.85 (Table 6). This is because there has been a mix of high and low scores within the
data set. The data set has a standard deviation of 0.67 when referring to the scores of skewness, it
is possible to note that this parameter has achieved a score of 0.15 The skewness is distribution is
fairly symmetrical kurtosis scores achieve -0.57.

4.3.3 Online Exam (OE)

Table 7.. Descriptive Statistic of OE

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimu Maximu Mean Std. Skewness Kurtosis

m m Deviation
Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Statistic Std.
Error Error

OE 70 1 4 2.81 .663 -.037 .287 -.431 .566

Valid N

Based on the responses received for independent variables perceived of Online Exam (OE) the
mean is 2.81 (Table 7). This is because there has been a mix of high and low scores within the
data set. The data set has a standard deviation of 0.66 when referring to the scores of skewness, it
is possible to note that this parameter has achieved a score of -0.03 The skewness is distribution
is fairly symmetrical kurtosis scores achieve -0.43.

4.3.4 Nature of Dependent variable

Table 8.. Test of Normality

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

OP .126 70 .000 .975 70 .174

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Figure 12.. Histogram of OP

According to the normality test is highly significant for both the values of 0.000 (Kolmogorov-
Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk).

4.4 Correlation Analysis

Correlation analysis is a method of statistical evaluation used to study the strength of a relationship
between two, numerically measured, continuous variables (e.g. height and weight).

4.4.1 Correlation between LMS and Organizational Performance

Table 9.. Correlation between LMS and OP



Pearson Correlation 1 .151

LMS Sig. (2-tailed) .213

N 70 70
Pearson Correlation .151 1

OP Sig. (2-tailed) .213

N 70 70

The significance is at 0.01 level (2-tiled) and coefficient of Pearson correlation is less than 0.5. It
is found as a moderately positive (0.151) correlation between Learning Management System and
Organizational performance This indicate that the correlation was significant and relationships are
linearly correlated (see in table 9).

4.4.2 Correlation between Online streaming and Organizational Performance

Table 10.. Correlation between OS and OP



Pearson Correlation 1 .164

OS Sig. (2-tailed) .174

N 70 70
Pearson Correlation .164 1

OP Sig. (2-tailed) .174

N 70 70

The significance is at 0.01 level (2-tiled) and coefficient of Pearson correlation is less than 0.5. It
is found as a moderately positive (0.164) correlation between Online Streaming and
Organizational performance. This indicate that the correlation was significant and relationships
are linearly correlated (see in table 10).

4.4.3 Correlation between Online Exam and Organizational Performance

Table 11.. Correlation between OE and OP



Pearson Correlation 1 -.136

OE Sig. (2-tailed) .261

N 70 70
Pearson Correlation -.136 1

OP Sig. (2-tailed) .261

N 70 70

The significance is at 0.01 level (2-tiled) and coefficient of Pearson correlation is less than 0.0. It
is found as a weekly positive (-0.136) correlation between voice bio metric engine and smartphone.
This indicate that the correlation was significant and relationships are linearly correlated (see in
table 11).

4.5 Regression Analysis

The regression analysis was used investigate the relationship between more than two independent
variables and dependent variable.

Table 12.. Regression Model summary

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Square Estimate

1 .625a .577 .565 .386

a. Predictors: (Constant), OE, LMS, OS

The “R square” statistic indicates that are three independent variables in the regression model
account for 57.7 percent of the total variation in organizational performance. In other word 57.7%
of the variation in the organizational performance is explained by Learning Management system

(LMS), Online Steaming (OS) and Online Exam (OE). The higher the R-squared Statistic the better
the model fits the data. In this case. The model “highest” fits data.

The “Adjusted R square” 56.5% indicates that is an adjustment of the R-squared that penalizes the
addition of unnecessary predictors to the model (See in table 12). The adjusted R2 statistic is
typically smaller than the R2 statistic. Because it downward adjusts the R2 statistic when additional
variables of limited significance are added to a model. It’s a common practice to say that one
aggression model “fits” the data better than another aggression model if its adjusted R2 statistic id

Table 13.. Aggression analysis Coefficients


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 2.658 .400 6.642 .000

LMS .491 .083 .132 1.097 .276

OS .312 .070 .143 1.180 .242

OE .589 .071 .101 .835 .407

a. Dependent Variable: OP

The unstandardized constant statistic 2.658 unit’s show in above table (See in table 13). The b
coefficient for Learning management system is 0.491. this means that on average. If go up 1 point
on the LMS scale organizational performance will increase by 0.491 units. The b coefficient for
Online streaming is 0.312. this means that on average. If go up 1 point on the Online streaming
scale organizational performance will increase by 0.312 units. The b coefficient for Online Exams
0.558. this means that on average. If go up 1 point on the Online exam scale organizational
performance will increase by 0.589 units.


5.0 Introduction
According to the research study regarding to the impact of Digital learning on organizational
performance A special reference to government schools in Sri Lanka. Specifically, an independent
and a dependent variable were analysed, which helped to assess the independent variable in
influencing dependent variable and direction for the future research that have to be taken in to the
consideration to improve the digital learning influencing on organizational performance in greater

5.1 Revisiting methodology and objective.

Researcher effectively achieve the research objective and test the research hypotheses and
methodologies are utilized for the descriptive research. According to the research methodology,
researcher used quantitative methodology for this study. Researcher collected Verified data
(positive facts) received from the senses are known as empirical evidence for this study. Survey
technique was using questionnaire adopted from government schools. Totally, 265 students in 4
government schools and 70 samples of respondents are selected from government schools for the
instructional research. For this study researcher is collecting data and data analysing from
government schools within 8 month and researcher applied deductive method for this study.

Researcher used the computer statistics software SPSS is used for the data analysis. Researcher
used Descriptive Analysis, inference Analysis, correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis for
this study. Analysis of Variance are applied to test various hypotheses are positive. In descriptive
analysis the study sought demographic data of the respondents including gender, level of
education, and work experience. In inference analysis it helps to assess the relationship between
the dependent (LMS, OS, OE) and independent variables (OP). In correlation analysis statistical
evaluation used to study the strength of a relationship between two, numerically measured,
continuous variables. So, it is found as a moderately positive (0.151) correlation between Learning
Management System and Organizational performance This indicate that the correlation was
significant and relationships are linearly correlated. Analysis of Variance is applied in this study
to discuss the effects of digital learning on organizational performance and Regression Analysis is
further used for understanding the relationship between Learning Management system, Online
Streaming, online exam and organizational performance. The “R square” statistic indicates that
are three independent variables in the regression model account for 57.7 percent of the total
variation in organizational performance.

5.2 Finding and re-engagement with literature review

According to (palgrave, 2018) Digital learning is portrayed as tools that will enhance learner
collaboration and motivation and develop new multimodal literacy skills. However, digital
learning costs very less compared with the traditional education system of brick and mortar, real
teachers and classrooms. The first and foremost reason for the cost reduction is transport. Online
education removes the necessity of transportation either by public vehicle or by own vehicles.
(digitalteacher, 2017). Moreover, (insitu, 2018) says Digital learning can Access 24/7 accessibility
to learning when and where needed with training and information on-demand, employees can learn
new skills and refresh their knowledge at any time of day and wherever they need it at work, at
home, on the move and on any device. with access to digital learning, employees can be confident
that they are always going to find the most up-to-date information. And management can be sure
that essential training has been completed and according to (thecenteratmdc, 2016) Digital learning
platforms have provided bigger opportunities for interaction and collaboration between schools
and teachers to merge resources and expertise, and better collaboration between learners.

Current literatures therefore reveal different explanations of digital learning among domestic and
international researchers. By comprehensively analyzing the viewpoints of several researchers,
digital learning could be divided into four parts (Keane, 2012).

(1) Digital teaching materials: It emphasizes that learners could learn by extracting some digital
teaching material contents. The so-called digital teaching material contents refer to e-books,
digitalized data, or contents presented with other digital methods.

(2) Digital tools: It stresses on learners proceeding learning activity through digital tools, such as
desktop computers, notebook computers, tablet computers, and smart phones.

(3) Digital delivery: It emphasizes that learners’ learning activity could be delivered through the
Internet, e.g. intranet, internet, and satellite broadcasting.

(4) Autonomous learning: It focuses on learners engaging in online or offline learning activity
through digital learning by themselves. It stresses on personal autonomous learning and requires
the participation of learners with autonomous learning to precede learning activity.

The digital learning environment consists of three types namely, virtual learning environment
(VLE) given by the educator, personal learning environment (PLE) the tools or the techniques
available to the student to manage his or her own learning and the social networking sites (SNS)
that facilitate the networking, connections and interaction with other peers (Henry,Marco, & Rob,

2013). This study is based on the UML class diagram developed based on learning networks by
Koper (2009). The model is based on four key principles.

• a person learns by (inter)action in/within the external world;

• the real world can be considered to be composed of social and personal institutions, which
provide the context for (inter)actions (activities);

• a context is a container for a collection of things, human beings, and tools in a specific
relationship; and

• Learning can be considered as a change in behavior or the capacity to behave in a given

fashion (Schunk, 2012).

Above points have been studied by several other researches who conducted research on OLE
environments and have confirmed that the construction of technology and platform is the
foundation; the development of seamless learning requires close integration and integration with
related technologies (Xin, Zuo, & Huang, 2018). Seamless learning is defined as an intelligent
learning state, which is based on the integration of information technology means and equipment,
physics learning environment and digital learning resources. There are commonalities in the open
learning environments and the seamless learning environments as such based on the definitions as
both addresses the digitally enabled learning environment with the ability to integrate the learning
experience. Hence, the researcher reasonable assumes that the concepts covered under seamless
learning and the open learning environments are much similar and that they can be used

The evidence on digitally enabled education was primarily drawn on technology acceptance model
by the researchers, and they identified that seamless integration, seamless switching between
platforms, sharing of resources and data synchronization between learning process and behavior
as important aspects of integration. However, the significant effort required to develop the pre-
lecture independent learning materials and the provision of spontaneous feedback remain as a
drawback to implementation of digital enablers (Chew, Jones, & Wordley,2018). Additionally,
according to (Hautz, 2018) the network size, how individuals are connected and the strength of
ties between participants can significantly influence outcomes. Several other researchers also
identified the limitations of integration in terms of managing costs, problems associated with
initiation of innovation, low enthusiasm shown by the teachers as main drawbacks in the process
of integration (Xin, Zuo, & Huang, 2018). Hence, they argued that the external influences by the

government in order to adopt a competitive approach to select social capital with investment and
operational management capabilities could mediate the effect.

5.3 Extension of Knowledge

Research investigating title is ‘impact of Digital learning on Organizational performance A special
reference to government schools in Sri Lanka’. During this study researcher’s condition is usually
monitored more closely so any changes can be detected earlier. Researcher may also have access
to expert in this field and this allows to learn about the condition of the learner, and gives more
access to professionals. And its helps to study more unconventional topics. During this research,
researcher learned Understanding the research process, developing skills in the interpretation of
results, the ability to analyse data, the ability to integrate theory and practice, learning to work
independently, understanding how knowledge is constructed, Self-confidence, understanding that
assertions require supporting evidence and clarification of a career path. The only disadvantages
is researcher struggling financially while collecting data from government schools and its take
long time.


6.0 Introduction
The finding demonstrates that the digital learning, impact on organizational performance in
government schools in Sri Lanka. While this chapter discussing about its recommendation
practically that government schools need to implement in the first place. Based on the literature
review, survey following recommendations are made by researcher.

6.1 Recommendation to improve the Digital learning

The Researcher would like to recommend improvements on government schools in Sri Lanka to
facilitate the obstacles that are increases the new technology level to gain a higher level of profit
in government schools in Sri Lanka. Consequently, Digital learning has a positive impact on
organizational performance as a result of learning it connects actions and outcomes and increases
the participation of students and employee. above research results, the following Recommendations are
proposed in this study

• Implement Virtual Reality (VR): Virtual Reality (VR) is a relatively new technology to
government schools. That has taken over the world of eLearning at an incredible speed. The
main reason behind VR in education is based on how the human brain functions. On an
average, the brain is capable of remembering 10% of what students read, 20% of what they
hear and about 90% of what is being done or stimulated.

• The administration of schools could provide teachers with software and hardware support
and assistance, according to the needs, to reduce the doubt of digital learning and, with
encouragement. for that government schools in promote digital learning and organizational

• Flexible Lesson Plans: Now, when learning online, students do have the convenience of
studying at their own pace, but chances are the lesson plan might still be conventional. Instead
of sticking to the old-school rules, courses need to explore flexible lesson plans curated
according to the specific needs of the student. With this, they won't have to struggle at one
topic for hours but instead break things through with focused study time on difficult concepts.

• Improve service element of the services on offer by reducing waiting times

• Government schools maintain student relationships with the highest excellent service

• Government schools has to use as a practice to make sure that the student satisfaction

• Introduce motivation systems such as financial rewards and other encouragements to

Digital learners

• Introduce special registration policy on government schools operate in Sri Lanka through
the Ministry of Higher Education

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Dear Friends,

I have intended to collect the data regarding to “Impact of Digital learning on Organizational
performance, A special references on government schools in Sri Lanka. For this research purpose
researcher choose your organization. Hence, I humbly request you to participate on our survey
through filling this questionnaire. I believe that will take below than ten minutes to fill this
questionnaire. This data will be used only for this research purpose and will be kept confidentially.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,


Section A

Please tick (√) in the bracket to suitable answer correctly.

1. Gender (Tick one only)

• Male ( )

• Female ( )

2. Level of education

• Certificates ( )

• Diploma ( )

• HND ( )

• Masters ( )

• PHD ( )

3. Working Experience

• 1-5 Years

• 6-10 Years

• 11-15 Years


Please tick (√) in the box to indicate the level of implementation in your organization based on index below:

Strongly agree = 5; Agree = 4; Neutral = 3 ; Disagree = 2; strongly disagree = 1

No Statement 5 4 3 2 1

1 Easily tracks learner progress and


2 Reduces Learning and Development costs.

3 Access whenever and wherever you want to.


Please indicate the tick (√) which you agree or disagree with the statement relevant to the
Learning Management System to the organizational performance

Strongly agree = 5; Agree = 4; Neutral = 3 ; Disagree = 2; strongly disagree = 1

No Statement 5 4 3 2 1

1 Increasing efficiency and effectiveness of

organizational performance

2 contribute towards the growth and profits of an



Please tick (√) in the box to indicate the level of implementation in your organization based on index below:

Strongly agree = 5; Agree = 4; Neutral = 3 ; Disagree = 2; strongly disagree = 1

No Statement 5 4 3 2 1

1 better learning experience

2 Live streaming Enables Educators to

Record their Lectures

3 learn whenever and wherever you want to.


Please indicate the tick (√) which you agree or disagree with the statement relevant to the
Online Streaming to the organizational performance

Strongly agree = 5; Agree = 4; Neutral = 3 ; Disagree = 2; strongly disagree = 1

No Statement 5 4 3 2 1

1 Improving the organization’s quality of


2 Organization’s performance Metrics



Please tick (√) in the box to indicate the level of implementation in your organization based on index below:

Strongly agree = 5; Agree = 4; Neutral = 3 ; Disagree = 2; strongly disagree = 1

No Statement 5 4 3 2 1

1 Online exam is Better Security and Privacy

2 It Reduces Overheads of learners

3 Its Quick Result Processing


Please indicate the tick (√) which you agree or disagree with the statement relevant to the
Online Exam to the organizational performance

Strongly agree = 5; Agree = 4; Neutral = 3 ; Disagree = 2; strongly disagree = 1

No Statement 5 4 3 2 1

1 Increase productivity

2 Increase organization’s demand

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