Higher Nationals: Internal Verification of Assessment Decisions - BTEC (RQF)

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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)

Programme title BTEC HND in Computing
Ms. Ishani
Assessor Internal Verifier
Unit 04: Database Design & Development
Database Solution for Polly Pipe
Assignment title
Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan
Student’s name
List which assessment criteria Pass Merit Distinction
the Assessor has awarded.


Do the assessment criteria awarded match

those shown in the assignment brief? Y/N

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded

justified by the assessor’s comments on the Y/N
student work?
Has the work been assessed Y/N
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:
• Constructive? Y/N
• Linked to relevant assessment criteria? Y/N
• Identifying opportunities for
improved performance?
• Agreeing actions?
Does the assessment decision need Y/N

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if required)

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
Confirm action completed
Remedial action taken
Give details:

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier
signature Date

Programme Leader
signature (if required) Date

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan
Unit 04: Database Design & Development
Unit Title
Assignment Number 1 Assessor Ms. Ishani
15/04/2022 Date Received
Submission Date 1st submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date submission
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial problem

Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 M1 D1


LO2 Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design

Pass, Merit & Distinction P2 P3 M2 M3 D2


LO3 Test the system against user and system requirements.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P4 M4 D2

LO4 Produce technical and user documentation.

Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 M5 D3

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

Assignment Feedback
Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development
Assignment 01
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Date
[email protected] 15/04/2022
Student Date

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 04: Database Design & Development
Assignment 01

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use
previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
2. Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No,
and Page Number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become detached for any
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing
your assignment.

Important Points:

1. It is strictly prohibited to use textboxes to add texts in the assignments, except for the
compulsory information. eg: Figures, tables of comparison etc. Adding text boxes in the body
except for the before mentioned compulsory information will result in rejection of your
2. Carefully check the hand in date and the instructions given in the assignment. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
3. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
4. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
5. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
6. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness,
you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
7. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
8. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will
then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
9. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using
HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation
and a reference list.
10. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be
reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course

Student Declaration

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present
it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it
means to copy another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of the
assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be my
own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding
agreement between myself and Pearson, UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not
attached to the assignment.

[email protected] 15/04/2022
Student’s Signature: Date:
(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
Higher National Diploma in Computing
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan
Unit Number and Title Unit 4: Database Design & Development

Academic Year 2021/22

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Data base system for Polly Pipe

Issue Date 02/01/2022

Submission Date 15/04/2022
IV Name & Date

Submission format

Part 1: The submission should be in the form of an individual written report written in a concise,
formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of
headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using Harvard referencing system. Please also provide in-text citation
and bibliography using Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 3,000–
3,500 words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
Part 2: The submission should be in the form of a fully functional relational database system
demonstrated to the Tutor; and an individual written report (please see details in Part 1 above).
Part 3: The submission should be in the form of a witness statement of the testing completed
by the Tutor; technical documentation; and a written report (please see details in Part 1 above).
Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial
LO2 Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design.
LO3 Test the system against user and system requirements.
LO4 Produce technical and user documentation.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
Assignment brief

Polly Pipe is a water sports provider and installer based in Braintree, England. They need you
to design and implement a database that meets the data requirements. These necessities are
defined in this scenario and below are samples of the paper records that the Polly Pipe

Polly Pipe is focused in placing aquariums at business customers. Customers can request
several installations, but each installation is tailor-made for a specific customer. Facilities are
classified by type. One or more employees are assigned to each facility. Because these
facilities are often very large, they can include carpenters and masons as well as water
installers. The facilities use equipment such as aquariums, air pumps and thermostats. There
can be multiple computers in a facility.

Below are examples of paper records that Polly Pipe currently maintains.

Staff Management Record

Staff Number Name Type
SHA1 Dave Clark Plumber
SHA8 John Smith Installation Manager
SHA2 Freddy Davies Aquatics installer
SHA11 McCloud Aquatics installer
SHA23 Satpal Singh Plumber
SHA66 Winstn Kodogo Aquatics installer
SHA55 Alison Smith Brick Layer

Equipment Type Table

Type Equipment
Tanks 20 gallon tank, 50 gallon tank, 100 gallon
tank, 200 gallon tank
Thermostats Standard, Super
Air Pumps Standard, Super
Filters Air driven, Undergravel

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
Instillation Management Form

Installation Installation Installation Customer Equipment Types of Staff Period of

ID Type Name and Required Staff
Address assignme
234 Freshwater Oak House, Lee A. sun 2 air pumps 1 x Carpenter From 1st
Tropical 17 Wroxton 200 gallons 1 x Aquatics Septemb
Road, fish tank installer er 2012
Hertfordshi 1x 1 x Electrician
re, H5 667 standard
654 Freshwater Bayliss Sally 2 air pumps 5 x Carpenters 1st June
Cold House, Dench 200 gallons 1 x Installation 2005 – 1st
Orange fish tank Manager June
Street, Large 1 x Aquatics 2011
Kent, K7 Gravel Bag installer
988 2x 1 x Plumber
standard 3 x Labourers
767 Marine Eaglestone Perry 2 x 200
10 x From 30th
Castle, Vanderru gallons fish
Carpenters June
Eaglestone, ne tanks
2 x Installation 2012
Kent 500 Wood
1 x Aquatics
1 x Plumber
3 x Labourers
943 Marine 23 Sackville Eric 2 air pumps No staff required
Street, Mackintos 200 gallons
Wilts. W55 h fish tank
157 Freshwater Humbertso Perry 2 air pumps 1 x Aquatics 1st
Tropical n Castle, Vanderru 400 gallons installer Septemb
Kent, K8 ne fish tank er 2005 –
3x 1st
standard Septemb
thermostat er 2012
Activity 1
1.1. Identify the user and system requirements to design a database for the above scenario
and design a relational database system using conceptual design (ER Model) by including
identifiers (primary Key) of entities and cardinalities, participations of relationships.
Convert the ER Model into logical database design using relational database model

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
including primary keys foreign keys and referential Integrities. It should contain at least
five interrelated tables. Check whether the provided logical design is normalised. If not,
normalize the database by removing the anomalies.

(Note:-It is allowed to have your own assumptions and related attributes within the scope of the case study

1.2. Design set of simple interfaces to input and output for the above scenario using
Wireframe or any interface-designing tool. Evaluate the effectiveness of the given design (ERD
and Logical design) in terms of the identified user and system requirements .

Activity 2
Activity 2.1
a. Develop a relational database system according to the ER diagram you have created
(Use SQL DDL statements). Provide evidence of the use of a suitable IDE to create a
simple interface to insert, update and delete data in the database. Implement proper
security mechanisms in the developed database.
Evaluate the database solution developed and its effectiveness with relevant to the
user and system requirements identified, system security mechanisms (EX: -User
groups, access permissions) and the maintenance of the database.
Activity 2.2
a. Explain the usage of DML with below mentioned queries by giving at least one single
example per each case from the developed database. Assess the usage of the below
SQL statements with the examples from the developed database to prove that the
data extracted through them are meaningful and relevant to the given scenario.
Select/ Where / Update / Between / In / Group by / Order by / Having

Activity 3
Activity 3.1
Provide a suitable test plan to test the system against user and system requirements. provide
relevant test cases for the database you have implemented. Assess how the selected test
data can be used to improve the effectiveness of testing.

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
Note:- Learner needs to give expected results in a tabular format and screenshots of the actual results with
the conclusion

Activity 3.2
Get independent feedback on your database solution from the non-technical users and some
developers (use surveys, questioners, interviews or any other feedback collecting method)
and make recommendations and suggestions for improvements in a separate
conclusion/recommendations section.

Activity 4

Produce a technical documentation and a user guide for the developed database system.
Suitable diagrams diagrams (Use case diagram, class diagram, flow charts, DFD level 0 and 1)
should be included in the technical documentation to show data movement in the system.
Assess the developed database by suggesting future enhancements to ensure the
effectiveness of the system.

Table of Contents
ACTIVITY 1.............................................................................................................................. 16
1.1 requirements....................................................................................................................16
1.1.1 Types of requirements:..............................................................................................16
1.1.2 Relational Database System for the above scenario..................................................18
1.1.3 Relational Database for the above ER diagram,.........................................................19
1.1.4 Normalization............................................................................................................ 19
1. First Normal form (1NF)................................................................................................. 19
2. Second Normal Form (2 NF)...........................................................................................20
3. Third normal form (3NF)................................................................................................ 20
4. Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF or 4NF).......................................................................21
Data Dictionary for above ERD Module..................................................................................21
1.2 Simple interfaces to input and output for the above scenario using Wireframe..............24
1.2.1 Wireframe for the above scenario.............................................................................25
Constraints............................................................................................................................. 29

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
1.2.2Effectiveness of the database.....................................................................................32
ACTIVITY 2.............................................................................................................................. 33
2.1.2 Suitable IDE................................................................................................................33
2.1.3 Develop a relational database system according to the ER diagram you have created
(Use SQL DDL statements)..................................................................................................34
2.1.4 Provide evidence of the use of a suitable IDE to create a simple interface to insert,
update and delete data in the database............................................................................41
2.1.5 Evaluate the database solution developed and its effectiveness with relevant to the
user and system requirements identified, system security mechanisms (EX: -User groups,
access permissions) and the maintenance of the database...............................................42
2.2 Data Manipulation Language (DML).................................................................................44
ACTIVITY 3.............................................................................................................................. 51
3.1 Test Plan........................................................................................................................... 51
3.1.1 What is Test Plan?..................................................................................................... 51
3.1.2 Requirements................................................................................................................ 52
3.1.3 Polly Pipe must need minimum Hardware requirements..........................................54
3.1.4 Test Case........................................................................................................................55
3.2 Feedback Form................................................................................................................. 57
Activity 4.................................................................................................................................58
Technical and user documentation........................................................................................58
4.1 User’s Guide................................................................................................................. 58
4.2 Technical Documentation.............................................................................................63
For Visual Studio 2017....................................................................................................63
For Microsoft SQL Server 2012.......................................................................................64
Diagrams for the system.................................................................................................65
4.3 Future Improvements to the Database System............................................................68
5 Gantt chart.......................................................................................................................... 69

Table of Figure
Figure 1 Polly Pipe ERD...........................................................................................................19
Figure 2 Login Form................................................................................................................26
Figure 3 Registration Form..................................................................................................... 26
Figure 4 Main Menu............................................................................................................... 27

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
Figure 5 Customer Details...................................................................................................... 27
Figure 6 Staff Details...............................................................................................................28
Figure 7 Installation details.................................................................................................... 28
Figure 8 Equipment Details.................................................................................................... 29
Figure 9 Payment Details........................................................................................................29
Figure 10 Not Null Statement.................................................................................................30
Figure 11 Primary Key.............................................................................................................32
Figure 12 Open SQL Server.....................................................................................................35
Figure 13 Connect To Server...................................................................................................35
Figure 14 Start New Query.....................................................................................................36
Figure 15 Create Database..................................................................................................... 36
Figure 16 Use Database..........................................................................................................37
Figure 17 Create Installation Table.........................................................................................37
Figure 18 Create Staff Table................................................................................................... 38
Figure 19 Create Customer Table...........................................................................................38
Figure 20 Create Equipment table..........................................................................................39
Figure 21 Create Payment Table............................................................................................ 39
Figure 22 Insert into Installation Table...................................................................................40
Figure 23 Insert into Staff Table............................................................................................. 40
Figure 24 Insert into Customer Table.....................................................................................41
Figure 25 Insert into Equipment Table...................................................................................41
Figure 26 Insert into Payment Table.......................................................................................42
Figure 27 Select Statement.................................................................................................... 46
Figure 28 Where Statement................................................................................................... 46
Figure 29 Update Statement..................................................................................................47
Figure 30 Between Statement................................................................................................47
Figure 31 IN Statement...........................................................................................................48
Figure 32 Group By Statement...............................................................................................49
Figure 33 Order By Statement................................................................................................49
Figure 34 Having Statement...................................................................................................50
Figure 35 Feedback Form....................................................................................................... 57
Figure 36 User Guide Login Page............................................................................................58
Figure 37 User Guide Signup Page.........................................................................................59
Figure 38 User Guide Main Menu Page.................................................................................59
Figure 39 User Guide Customer Details Page........................................................................60
Figure 40 User Guide Staff Details Page................................................................................60
Figure 41 User Guide Installation Details Page......................................................................61
Figure 42 User Guide Equipment Detail Page........................................................................62
Figure 43 User Guide Payment Details Page..........................................................................62
Figure 44 Use Case Diagram...................................................................................................65
Figure 45 Flow Chart 1............................................................................................................66
Figure 46 Flow Chart 2...........................................................................................................67
Figure 47 Flow Chart 3...........................................................................................................68
Figure 48 Flow Chart 4...........................................................................................................69
Figure 49 Flow Chart 5...........................................................................................................70
Figure 50 Gantt Chart............................................................................................................. 72

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
Table of Tables
Table 1 H/W & S/W Requirements.........................................................................................18
Table 2 Relational Database...................................................................................................20
Table 3 First Normal Form......................................................................................................21
Table 4 Second Normal Form................................................................................................. 21
Table 5 Third Normal Form.....................................................................................................22
Table 6 Boyce-Codd Normal Form..........................................................................................22
Table 7 Data Dictionary Staff Table........................................................................................23
Table 8 Data Dictionary Installation Table..............................................................................23
Table 9 Data Dictionary Customer Table................................................................................24
Table 10 Data Dictionary Equipment Table............................................................................24
Table 11 Data Dictionary Payment Table................................................................................25
Table 12 Foreign Key.............................................................................................................. 32
Table 13 Test Case..................................................................................................................55
Table 14 Technical Documentation Visual Studio 2017..........................................................63
Table 15 Technical Documentation MS SQL Server 2012.......................................................64

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01

Before heading into the proceedings of this assignment I would like to thank my lecturer Ms
Ishani for all her effort made in coaching me and my colleagues. Miss your guidance and
support was most needed and the motivations helped.

And I would like to thank Esoft organization for giving me this opportunity to reveal my
talents through the assignment.

I would like to thank my friends in batch 71 for all the support.

Thank You,
Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01
1.1 requirements
What is the requirement?
 A set of requirements is used as inputs into the design stages of product development.
Requirements are also an important input into the verification process since tests should
trace back to specific requirements. Requirements show what elements and functions
are necessary for the particular project. When iterative methods of software
development or agile methods are used, the system requirements are incrementally
developed in parallel with design and implementation. With the waterfall
model requirements are developed before design and implementation.

1.1.1 Types of requirements:

1) User requirements: - User requirements often referred to as user needs, describe what
the user does with the system, such as what activities that users must be able to perform.
User requirements are generally documented in a User Requirements Document (URD)
using narrative text. User requirements are generally signed off by the user and used as
the primary input for creating system requirements.

2) System requirements: - System requirements are a statement that identifies the

functionality that is needed by a system to satisfy the customer’s requirements. System
requirements are abroad and also narrow subjects that could be implemented to many
items. Whether discussing the system requirements for certain computers, software, or
the business processes from a broad viewpoint. Also, taking it down to the exact
hardware or coding that runs the software. System requirements are the most effective
way of meeting the user’s needs and reducing the cost of implementation. System
requirements could cause a company to save a lot of money and time and Cause
Company to waste money and time. They are the first and foremost important part of
any project because if the system requirements are not fulfilled, then the project is not

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 17
Types of user requirements.
 Functional requirements: define what a product must do and its features and functions.
 Nonfunctional requirements: - describe the general properties of a system. They are
also known as quality attributes.

Types of system requirements.

 Hardware requirements.
 Software requirements.

Hardware & Software Requirements that I used for this assignment.

Table 1 H/W & S/W Requirements

Hardware specification Software specification

CPU - Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2500 CPU @ OPERATING SYSTEM – WINDOWS 10
3.30GHz 3.70 GHz PRO
GRAPHICS CARD – GeForce GTX 560 1GB Microsoft Visio
HDD – SAMSUNG HD502HM ATA Device MS SQL – Version 2012
MONITOR – SAMSUNG SyncMaster 933 MS OFFICE PACK – Version 2016
(1360 X 768)
NETWORKING – 802.11n USB Wireless Visual Studio 2017
LAN Card

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 18
1.1.2 Relational Database System for the above scenario
Figure 1 Polly Pipe ERD

Mohamed ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 19
1.1.3 Relational Database for the above ER diagram,
Table 2 Relational Database

Entities Attributes

Installation ins_id, ins_type, start_date, end_date

Staff st_no, st_name, email, st_type, ins_id

Customers cus_id, f_name, l_name, con_no, email,

ins_address, ins_id
Equipment eq_id, eq_type, eq_name, ins_id
Payment pay_no, cus_id, amount, ins_id

1.1.4 Normalization

What is Normalization?

Normalization is a database design technique that reduces data redundancy and eliminates
undesirable characteristics like Insertion, Update, and Deletion Anomalies. Normalization rules
divide larger tables into smaller tables and link them using relationships. Normalization in SQL
aims to eliminate redundant data and ensure data is stored logically.

 Insertion anomaly: - When inserting records if the same record is inserting for several
times, insertion anomaly will occur.
 Update anomaly: - When updating details, the same record will update more than once.
 Deletion anomaly: - When deleting unnecessary details from a table along with it,
necessary details will get deleted.
The database normalization process is further categorized into the following types:

1. First Normal Form (1 NF)

2. Second Normal Form (2 NF)
3. Third Normal Form (3 NF)
4. Boyce Codd Normal Form or Fourth Normal Form (BCNF or 4 NF)

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 20
1. First Normal form (1NF)
 If the relation is repeating groups, it should remove from the relation.
Steps from UNF to 1NF
 Remove repeating group and create a new relation.
 Add a copy of the Primary Key original.
 Name the new relation.
 Determine the Primary Key.
Ex: -

Table 3 First Normal Form

ST_No ST_Name Contect_No 1NF Table Contect_No Table
001 Sam 011258258 ST_N ST_Name ST_No Contect_No
011258259 o 001 011258258
011258257 2.
001 Sam 001 011258259
002 Jack 011258255 002 Jack 001 011258257
002 011258255

Second Normal Form (2 NF)

 The table should be in the 1st normal form and all the candidate keys should
depend on the primary key.
Steps from 1NF to 2NF
 Remove partial dependencies and create new relationships.
 At the determination of the dependent and determinant and the PK.
 Name the new relation.
Ex: -

Table 4 Second Normal Form

Cus_Id Cus_Nam Contact Pur_item Item_des
1234 smith 011789987 bag red
2345 rock 011789978 purse blue

2NF Table ITEM Table

Cus_Id Cus_Name Contact Pur_item Pur_item Item_des
1234 smith 011789987 bag bag red
2345 rock 011789978 purse purse blue
Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development
Assignment 01 21
3. Third normal form (3NF)
 The relation R is in 2NF before converting into the 3rd normal form.
 Remove transitive dependencies into a new relation.

Steps from 2NF to BNF

 Remove transitive dependencies and create new relations.
 Get a Copy of the determinant, make it the PK, and Name it
Ex: -

Table 5 Third Normal Form

ST_I ST_Name Course_Id Course_Name
00566 john 4545 HND
00577 Ann 7878 BIT

3NF Table COURSE Table

ST_I ST_Name Course_Id
Course_I Course_Name
00566 john 4545
4545 HND
00577 Ann 7878
7878 BIT
4. Boyce-Codd
Normal Form (BCNF or 4NF)
 It is also known as the 3.5 Normal form.
 The table is in (BCNF) the determinant is candidate key.
Ex: -

Table 6 Boyce-Codd Normal Form

EMP_I EMP_Country EMP_Dept DEPT_Typ EMP_Dept_No
d e
264 India Designing D394 283
264 India Testing D394 300
364 UK Stores D283 232
364 UK Developing D283 549


EMP_I EMP_Country
264 India
Dept _Type ept_No
264 India
Desig D394 283
Testin D394 300
Stores D283 232
Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database549
Devel D283 Design & Development
Assignment 01 oping 22
264 283
264 300
364 232
364 549

Data Dictionary for the above ERD Module

Staff Table
Table 7 Data Dictionary Staff Table

Column Data type Descriptio Max PK

n Field or
size FK
St_no Varchar Staff 15 PK
F_name Varchar Staff first 20 -
L_name Varchar Staff last 20 -
email Varchar Staff email 50 -
St_type Varchar Staff 50 -
Ins_id Int Installation - FK
Unique Id

Installation Table
Table 8 Data Dictionary Installation Table

Column Data
Description Max PK
type Field or
size FK
Ins_id Int Installation - PK
Unique Id
Ins_type Varchar Fitting 20 -
Start_date Varchar Contract 50 -
start date
End_date Varchar Contract 50 -
end date

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 23
Customers Table
Table 9 Data Dictionary Customer Table

Column Data
Description Max PK
type Fiel or
d FK
Cus_id int Customer - PK
F_Name Varchar Customer- 20 -
first name
L_Name Varchar Customer 20 -
last name
Con_no int Customer - -
Email varchar Customer 30 -
Ins_address Varchar Place 100 -
where the
takes place

Ins_id Int Installation - FK

Unique Id

Equipment Table
Table 10 Data Dictionary Equipment Table

Column Data Description Max PK

type Fiel or
d FK
Eq_no int Equipment - PK
Eq_type Varchar Equipment 50 -

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 24
Eq_name varchar Equipment 50 -
Ins_id Int Installation - FK
Unique Id

Payment Table
Table 11 Data Dictionary Payment Table

Column Data Description Max PK

type Fiel or
d FK
Pay_no Int Reference - PK
Cus_id int Customer - FK
Amount Int Paid - -
Ins_id Int Installation - FK
Unique Id

1.2 Simple interfaces to input and output for the above scenario
using Wireframe
A wireframe is a design tool for building or developing a website. It aids in the creation of a
website's basic framework. The website navigation, content category and organization, content
layout and structure, functionality items, user interaction items, and methods of displaying the
material are all detailed in a wireframe.

The benefits of using a wireframe are:

 Visualize the structure clearly.
 Clarify the features of interface.
 Push usability to the forefront.
 Help to refine navigation.
 Make the design process iterative.

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 25
According to the scenario the following are the functionalities of the system
 Customer details
 Job details
 Transport details
 Payment details
 Deport details
 Product details
 Load details

1.2.1 Wireframe for the above scenario

Polly Pipe login and registration page.

Sign In
Figure 2 Login Form

Create new account

Figure 3 Registration Form

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 26
Main Menu
Figure 4 Main Menu

Customer Details
Figure 5 Customer Details

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 27
Staff Details
Figure 6 Staff Details

Installation Details
Figure 7 Installation details

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Assignment 01 28
Equipment Details
Figure 8 Equipment Details

Payment Details
Figure 9 Payment Details

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Assignment 01 29
Constraints limit the amount of data that may be inserted into a relational database.
Constraints are used to keep data in a relation safe during updates, inserts, and deletions.
Types of constraints

 Not null
 Unique
 Check
 Primary key
 Foreign key

Not null
Not null ensures that a column does not hold any null or empty value.


Job_ID int NOT NULL,
Job_title varchar (255) NOT NULL,

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Assignment 01 30
Invoice_no int NOT NULL


Figure 10 Not Null Statement

A unique constraint guarantees that each column in a table has only one value. If a column has
unique constraints, the column in the table cannot have duplicate values.


Job_title varchar (255) NOT NULL,
Invoice_no int NOT NULL

Ensure that the specific column has a value with the specified
Job_title varchar (255) NOT NULL,
Des_km int CHECK (km>=150)

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Assignment 01 31

Primary key

A primary key is a unique identification in a relation. Whereas it should have

unique values and should be not null.

Job_title varchar (255) NOT NULL,
Des_km int CHECK (km>=150)

Figure 11 Primary Key

Foreign key

A foreign key is taken from a primary key of another relation. They act as the
cross-reference between the tables.
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Assignment 01 32

Table 12 Foreign Key

Job table
Job_no Job_title Department
00011 Junior executive Operations
00012 Assistant executive HR

Payment table
Invoice_no Name Job_no
1238 Mike 00011
1239 James 00012

In the Job table, “Job_no” column is the primary key.

In the Payment table, “Job_no” column is the foreign key.
Both tables are connected with a primary key.

Invoice_no int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
Name (255) NOT NULL,
Job_no int FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES job (Job_no)

1.2.2Effectiveness of the database

Smart Movers is a transportation firm that requires a system to keep track of its daily operations
in order to meet consumer requests. On behalf of registered clients, the company transfers
chemical items from one area to another. There are nine regional deports in charge of managing
and maintaining the product delivery transport units. This project's design (ERD and logical
design) is based on the user and system requirements that have been determined.

According to the scenario, the design comprises of records of all information and data about the

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Assignment 01 33
client, product, transport unit, load, deport, payment, and task the user requires. When a
consumer orders one or more products, the orders are logged as loads for the transport unit. The
loads are divided into three categories: small, medium, and large, while the items are divided into
two categories: no risk and high risk.
Primary keys are used to connect all tables in a database relation.

In the scenario, the user needs should be recorded in the system. On the Smart Movers website,
the user can enter his or her information. For example, one of the scenario's needs (Customer) is
that they enter their information on the website. Similarly, the system keeps track of all user
requirements. The database is designed in such a way that all information is saved in one
location. As a result, a database is a critical system that must be monitored and protected. As a
database developer, you must take the essential procedures to safeguard the database system.
The above design outlines and reflects the system requirements for retrieving the database
design's efficacy and efficiency.


2.1.2 Suitable IDE

What is MSSQL?
 MSSQL is a suite of database software published by Microsoft and used extensively
within our enterprise. Typically, it includes a relational database engine, which stores
data in tables, columns and rows, Integration Services (SSIS), which is a data
movement tool for importing, exporting and transforming data, Reporting Services
(SSRS), which is used to create reports and serve reports to end-users, and also
Analysis Services (SSAS), which is a multidimensional database used to query data
from the main database engine.

What MS SQL version I’m using:

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Assignment 01 34
I’m using MSSQL 2014 because it seems to be a little easier for me than the latest versions.

SQL statements are divided into two major categories: Data Definition Language (DDL) and
Data Manipulation Language (DML).

What is DDL?
 DDL statements are used to create and modify the structure of your database tables and
other objects. When you run a DDL statement, it goes into effect right away.

2.1.3 Develop a relational database system according to the ER diagram you

have created (Use SQL DDL statements).

Open SQL Server Management System.

Figure 12 Open SQL Server

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Assignment 01 35
Connect to Server.
Figure 13 Connect To Server

Start New Quarry.

Figure 14 Start New Query

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Assignment 01 36
Create Polly_Pipe database.
Figure 15 Create Database

Use Polly_Pipe Database.

Figure 16 Use Database

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Assignment 01 37
Create Installation table.
Figure 17 Create Installation Table

Create Staff table.

Figure 18 Create Staff Table

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Assignment 01 38
Create Customer table.
Figure 19 Create Customer Table

Create Equipment table.

Figure 20 Create Equipment table

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Assignment 01 39
Create Payment table.
Figure 21 Create Payment Table

Insert data into Installation Table.

Figure 22 Insert into Installation Table

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Assignment 01 40
Insert data into Staff Table.
Figure 23 Insert into Staff Table

Insert data into Customer Table.

Figure 24 Insert into Customer Table

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Assignment 01 41
Insert data into Equipment Table.
Figure 25 Insert into Equipment Table

Insert data into Payment Table.

Figure 26 Insert into Payment Table

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Assignment 01 42
2.1.4 Provide evidence of the use of a suitable IDE to create a simple
interface to insert, update and delete data in the database
Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for creating computer
programs, websites, online applications, and mobile apps. Visual Studio supports 36
programming languages and allows code editors and debuggers to work with any programming
language, including C++, C#, JavaScript, Python, and others. Microsoft's Visual Studio 2017 is
the most recent version of Visual Basic.
Visual Studio 2017 consists of many new features
 Designer
 Code Editor
 Debugging
 Extensibility
 Other tools
The edition in Visual Studio:
 Professional
 Enterprises
 Community

2.1.5 Evaluate the database solution developed and its effectiveness with
relevant to the user and system requirements identified, system security
mechanisms (EX: -User groups, access permissions) and the maintenance of
the database.

Security mechanisms
Database security is a top priority for today’s organizations. Database security concerns the use
of a broad range of information security controls to protect databases against compromises of
their confidentiality, integrity and availability. It involves various types or categories of controls,
such as technical, procedural/administrative and physical. Database security is a specialist topic
within the broader realms of computer security, information security and risk management.

Types of security control in databases:

 Access control
 Auditing

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Assignment 01 43
 Authentication
 Encryption
 Integrity controls
 Backups
 Application security

Access control (AC) is a method of restricting access to a location or other resource on a case-
by-case basis. Consuming, entering, or using are all words that can be used to describe the
process of accessing. Authorization is the process of gaining access to a resource.

Database auditing entails observing a database in order to be aware of database users' behavior.
Auditing is frequently set up by database administrators and consultants for security reasons,
such as ensuring that people who do not have the authority to view information do not do so.

Authentication is the initial step in access control, and there are three common factors
employed. It is the process or act of ensuring that a user attempting to log in to a database is
permitted to do so and that only the rights to do actions that he or she has been granted are
granted to him or her.

There are three common factors used for authentication:

 Something you know (such as a password)

 Something you have (such as a smart card)
 Something you are (such as a fingerprint or other biometric method)

Encryption is the process of converting data stored in a database into "cypher text," which
cannot be read without first being decrypted, using an algorithm. Encryption does not prevent
interference in and of itself, but it does prevent a would-be interceptor from understanding the
content. The intended information or message, referred to as plaintext, is encrypted using an
encryption method in an encryption scheme. An encryption technique commonly employs a
pseudo-random encryption key generated by an algorithm for technical reasons.

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Assignment 01 44
Data integrity is the consistency, correctness, and completeness of data. Data integrity is
frequently enforced by the adoption of standard procedures and rules throughout the database
design phase.

Backups are replicas of your database's data that can be utilized to reconstruct it. Physical and
logical backups are the two types of backups.

 Physical backups are the foundation of any solid backup and recovery strategy. They
contain logical data exported from a database with an Oracle export tool and stored in a
binary file for subsequent re-importing into a database with the equivalent Oracle import
utility. In many cases.
 Logical backups are a good addition to physical backups, but they aren't enough to
defend against data loss without physical backups.

2.2 Data Manipulation Language (DML)

What is DML?

 A data manipulation language (DML) is a computer programming language that allows

you to add (insert), delete (delete), and alter (update) data in a database. A DML is
frequently a sublanguage of a larger database language like SQL, with the DML
containing some of the language's operators.

Example queries for DML:

o Select
o Where
o Update
o Between
o In

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Assignment 01 45
o Group by
o Order by
o Having
SELECT Statements
 A SELECT command pulls zero or more rows from one or more database tables.
SELECT is the most often used DML command in most applications. SELECT queries
specify a result set. “The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database.”

SELECT column1, column2, ...

FROM table_name;

Here, column1, column2, ... are the field names of the table you want to select data from. If you
want to select all the fields available in the table, use the following syntax:

SELECT * FROM table_name;

Figure 27 Select Statement

WHERE Statement

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Assignment 01 46
 The WHERE clause specifies that a SQL DML statement should only affect rows that
fulfil certain criteria. Predicate expressions are used to express the criteria. WHERE
clauses in SQL DML statements are optional, although they can be used to limit the
number of rows affected by a SQL DML statement or returned by a query. In a nutshell,
the WHERE clause in SQL is used to extract only certain results from a SQL query,
such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. “The WHERE clause is used to filter
SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE condition;
Figure 28 Where Statement

UPDATE Statement
 The data of one or more rows in a table is updated with a SQL UPDATE query. Either
all of the rows or a subset of them can be modified using a condition.
UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2, ...
WHERE condition;
Figure 29 Update Statement

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Assignment 01 47
BETWEEN Statement
 The BETWEEN operator selects values within a given range. The values can be
numbers, text, or dates. The BETWEEN operator is inclusive: begin and end values are
SELECT column_name
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2;

Figure 30 Between Statement

IN Statement
 The SQL IN Statement makes it simple to see if an expression matches any value in a
list. It's utilized in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements to help
eliminate the need for multiple OR conditions. “The IN operator allows you to specify
multiple values in a WHERE clause.”

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Assignment 01 48
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name IN (value1, value2, ...);

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
Figure 31 IN Statement

GROUP BY Statement
 The SQL GROUP BY clause can be used in a SELECT statement to collect data across
multiple records and group the results by one or more columns. The GROUP
BY statement group’s rows that have the same values into summary rows, like "find the
number of customers in each country”. The GROUP BY statement is often used with
aggregate functions (COUNT (), MAX (), MIN (), SUM (), AVG ()) to group the result-set by
one or more columns.

SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
GROUP BY column_name(s);

Figure 32 Group by Statement

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Assignment 01 49
In the above screenshot, the Table is grouped based on the f_name column and cus_id is
aggregated department-wise.
ORDER BY Statement
 To sort the result set in ascending or descending order, use the ORDER BY keyword.
By default, the ORDER BY keyword organizes the records in ascending order. Use the
DESC keyword to sort the records in descending order.
SELECT column1, column2,...
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column1, column2, ... ASC|DESC;
Figure 33 Order By Statement

HAVING Statement

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Assignment 01 50
 In SQL, the HAVING Clause is used as a conditional clause with the GROUP BY
Clause. This conditional clause only provides rows that match the aggregate function
results with the supplied conditions. Because the WHERE Clause cannot be coupled
with aggregate results, it was introduced to the SQL for a different reason. The WHERE
Clause is mostly used to deal with non-aggregated or individual records.
SELECT column_name(s)
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
GROUP BY column_name(s)
HAVING condition;
Figure 34 Having Statement

In the above screenshot, the Table is grouped based on st_type column and these grouped rows
are filtered using HAVING Clause with condition (st_no) > 1.

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 51
3.1 Test Plan

3.1.1 What is Test Plan?

 A Test Plan is a detailed document that outlines the test strategy, objectives, timetable,
estimation, deliverables, and resources needed to accomplish software testing. The Test
Plan assists us in determining the amount of effort required to validate the quality of the
application being tested.

Benefits of making a test plan:

 Assist others outside the test team in understanding the details of testing, such as
developers, business managers, and customers.
 Our thinking is guided by the Test Plan. It's similar to a set of rules that must be
 Test Plan documents important features such as test estimation, test scope, and Test
Strategy so that it may be evaluated by the Management Team and reused for additional

Follow the seven steps below to create a test plan:

I. Analyze the product

II. Design the Test Strategy
III. Define the Test Objectives
IV. Define Test Criteria
V. Resource Planning
VI. Plan Test Environment
VII. Schedule & Estimation
VIII. Determine Test Deliverables

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 52

The purpose of Polly Pipe database is to enter, retrieve and delete data about
the customers, Staff, Installation, Equipment and Payment. The facility should
be able to enter all the details using Polly Pipe.
The purpose of the test plan is to test:
1. What happens if additional data are added to the tables?
2. What happens wrong if data types are entered into the system
3. Data can be inserted into the system
4. Data can be updated
5. Data can be deleted from the system

1. Check whether the system give an error message when trying to delete data from a non-
existing table in the database
2. Check whether a value is update
3. Check whether an error message is represented
4. Check whether a created table is in the system
5. Check whether deleted data still exist.

3.1.2 Requirements

What is the requirement?

 A set of requirements is used as inputs into the design stages of product development.
Requirements are also an important input into the verification process since tests should
trace back to specific requirements. Requirements show what elements and functions
are necessary for the particular project. When iterative methods of software
development or agile methods are used, the system requirements are incrementally
developed in parallel with design and implementation. With the waterfall
model requirements are developed before design and implementation.

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Assignment 01 53
Types of requirements.
1) User requirements: - User requirements often referred to as user needs, describe what
the user does with the system, such as what activities that users must be able to perform.
User requirements are generally documented in a User Requirements Document (URD)
using narrative text. User requirements are generally signed off by the user and used as
the primary input for creating system requirements.

Types of user requirements.

 Functional requirements: define what a product must do and its features and
 Nonfunctional requirements: - describe the general properties of a system. They are
also known as quality attributes.

2) System requirements: - System requirements are a statement that identifies the

functionality that is needed by a system to satisfy the customer’s requirements. System
requirements are abroad and also narrow subjects that could be implemented to many
items. Whether discussing the system requirements for certain computers, software, or
the business processes from a broad viewpoint. Also, taking it down to the exact
hardware or coding that runs the software. System requirements are the most effective
way of meeting the user’s needs and reducing the cost of implementation. System
requirements could cause a company to save a lot of money and time and Cause
Company to waste money and time. They are the first and foremost important part of
any project because if the system requirements are not fulfilled, then the project is not

Types of system requirements.

 Hardware requirements.
 Software requirements.

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 54
3.1.3 Polly Pipe must need minimum Hardware requirements.
 A PC with a minimum speed of 1.0 GHz for 32-bit and a minimum speed of 1.4 GHz
for 64-bit implementation. (Recommended 2.0GHz)
 A system with 4GB RAM
 A reasonable storage to store data

Risks Involved
 In the process of testing few or some wanted data would be deleted.
 In the process of testing some important information could be changed

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 55
3.1.4 Test Case
Relevant Test case for the database that I have implemented

Table 13 Test Case

Test Test Name Actions Test Data Expected Actual PASS/ Tester Test
Case Output Output FAIL Name Date
001 Insert data Insert the data into the ins_id (234, The system A success PASS Safwan
into the Installation table with 654, 767, should give a message was
database with correct SQL syntax 943, success shown
the correct 157) message as
data type the output
002 Insert data Insert the wrong ins_id The system A failure PASS Safwan
into the data type into the (abc, Ab1, should give a message was
database with Load table fields A41) failure shown
wrong data with correct SQL message as
types syntax the output
003 Update data Update the “19845627” to The system A success PASS Safwan
in the data in the “19845757” should give a message was
database Customer table success shown
fields with message as
correct SQL the output
004 Delete data Delete data from the Delete The system A success PASS Safwan
from the Staff table with correct “SHA4” from should give a message was
table SQL syntax the Staff table success shown
message as
the output
005 Enter a null Insert a null value to ins_id – The system A failure PASS Safwan
value to a the Staff table ins_id “654” should give a message was
foreign key field with correct SQL failure shown
field syntax message as
Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development
Assignment 01 56
the output


As all the above test case was positive the developed Polly Pipe database has no errors and it is well created and organized as it is
ready to be execute

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Assignment 01 57
3.2 Feedback Form
Figure 35 Feedback Form

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Assignment 01 58
Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development
Assignment 01 59
Activity 4

Technical and user documentation.

4.1 User’s Guide

This is the Polly Pipe automated system for operational activities. The user’s guide will help you
to work with the system.

Image of Login Page

Figure 36 User Guide Login Page

This is the welcome page which will be shown soon after you run the program. If you are an
existing user
1. Enter your User ID
2. Enter your password
If you are a new user click “Sign up” to create a new account.

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Assignment 01 60
Image of Sign up page
Figure 37 User Guide Signup Page

This is the new account page for new registration. Enter your details correctly, create a new
password and remember the password for your sign in purpose. After entering all the relevant
details click on the “Submit” button to register your account.
Image of Main Menu page
Figure 38 User Guide Main Menu Page

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Assignment 01 61
On this page, you can choose what page you want open next. Once you click a button the next
page will appear.
Image of Customer Details page
Figure 39 User Guide Customer Details Page

This is the Customer Details page for inserting, updating, delete the details of customers. Enter
the details correctly and click on the “INSERT” button to add details to the database. Re-type
the details and click on the “UPDATE” button to update details on the database. Type Customer
ID and click on the “DELETE” button to delete details from the database. Click on the “VIEW”
button to view details on the Data Grid View.

Image of Staff Details page

Figure 40 User Guide Staff Details Page

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 62
This is the Staff Details page for inserting, updating, delete the details of staff. Enter the details
correctly and click on the “INSERT” button to add details to the database. Re-type the details
and click on the “UPDATE” button to update details on the database. Type Staff No. and click
on the “DELETE” button to delete details from the database. Click on the “VIEW” button to
view details on the Data Grid View.

Image of Installation Details page

Figure 41 User Guide Installation Details Page

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 63
This is the Installation Details page for inserting, updating, delete the details of installation. Enter
the details correctly and click on the “INSERT” button to add details to the database. Re-type
the details and click on the “UPDATE” button to update details on the database. Type
Installation ID and click on the “DELETE” button to delete details from the database. Click on
the “VIEW” button to view details on the Data Grid View.

Image of Equipment Details Page

Figure 42 User Guide Equipment Detail Page

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 64
This is the Equipment Details page for inserting, updating, delete the details of Equipment’s.
Enter the details correctly and click on the “INSERT” button to add details to the database. Re-
type the details and click on the “UPDATE” button to update details on the database. Type
Equipment No. and click on the “DELETE” button to delete details from the database. Click on
the “VIEW” button to view details on the Data Grid View.

Image of Payment Details page

Figure 43 User Guide Payment Details Page

This is the Payment Details page for inserting, updating, delete the details of payments. Enter the
details correctly and click on the “INSERT” button to add details to the database. Re-type the

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Assignment 01 65
details and click on the “UPDATE” button to update details on the database. Type Payment No.
and click on the “DELETE” button to delete details from the database. Click on the “VIEW”
button to view details on the Data Grid View.

4.2 Technical Documentation

To run the program smoothly and for better performance and maintenance following
requirements is needed.
For Visual Studio 2017

Table 14 Technical Documentation Visual Studio 2017

Hardware  1.8 GHz or faster processor. Dual-core or better recommended

 2 GB of RAM; 4 GB of RAM recommended (2.5 GB minimum if
running on a virtual machine)
 Hard disk space: up to 130 GB of available space, depending on
features installed; typical installations require 20-50 GB of free
 Hard disk speed: to improve performance, install Windows and
Visual Studio on a solid state drive (SSD).
 Video card that supports a minimum display resolution of 720p
(1280 by 720); Visual Studio will work best at a resolution of
WXGA (1366 by 768) or higher.

Supported Visual Studio 2017 will install and run on the following operating
Operating systems:
Systems  Windows 10 version 1507 or higher: Home, Professional,
Education, and Enterprise (LTSB and S are not supported)
 Windows Server 2016: Standard and Datacenter
 Windows 8.1 (with Update 2919355): Core, Professional, and
 Windows Server 2012 R2 (with Update 2919355):
Essentials, Standard, Datacenter
 Windows 7 SP1 (with latest Windows Updates): Home Premium,
Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate

[ CITATION Vis18 \l 1033 ]

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Assignment 01 66
For Microsoft SQL Server 2012
Table 15 Technical Documentation MS SQL Server 2012

Component Requirement

Memory [1] Minimum:

Express Editions: 512 MB All other editions: 1 GB Recommended:
Express Editions: 1 GB
All other editions: At least 4 GB and should be increased as database size
increases to ensure optimal performance.

Processor Minimum:
Speed x86 Processor: 1.0 GHz x64 Processor: 1.4 GHz
Recommended: 2.0 GHz or faster

Processor x64 Processor: AMD Opteron, AMD Athlon 64, Intel Xeon with Intel
Type EM64T support, Intel Pentium IV with EM64T support
x86 Processor: Pentium III-compatible processor or faster

[ CITATION Har14 \l 1033 ]

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Assignment 01 67
Diagrams for the system

Use case Diagram

Figure 44 Use Case Diagram

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Assignment 01 68
Flow Chart
System Login
Figure 45 Flow Chart 1

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Assignment 01 69
Insert new data
Figure 46 Flow Chart 2

Update data
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Assignment 01 70
Figure 47 Flow Chart 3

Delete data

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Assignment 01 71
Figure 48 Flow Chart 4

Select data
Figure 49 Flow Chart 5

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Assignment 01 72
4.3 Future Improvements to the Database System
In order to improve this database system in the future, the following suggestions could be put in

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Assignment 01 73
 Database Archiving could be implemented to help save storage space and reduce the
amount of unused data stored
 The system could facilitate more types of reporting functionalities for future decision
making operations
 The system could include the use of notification facilities for certain operations such as
when a job is ready to be dispatched and so forth.
 The database system currently only has Admin access and could be improved to allow
multi-level user access
 Automated error handling is not currently implemented in the database system and could
be added in the future to provide clients easy solutions to errors

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Assignment 01 74
5 Gantt chart
Figure 50 Gantt chart

In conclusion, Databases were made to make our lives a little easier. Databases help us maintain information needed daily success.
Another reason why Database systems were made, so that companies could keep up with massive amounts of information in a
singular place. Queries help find this data faster by punching in key words. This helps out productivity in a work place. Forms are
made to store the reports, so we have the information required to present to others. There are serious threats out there. Without
proper monitoring, these issues can become major problems if companies do not catch them in time.

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 75
Techopedia.com. (2018). What is Data Manipulation Language (DML)? - Definition from
Techopedia. [online] Available at: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/1179/data-
manipulation-language-dml [Accessed 21 Jun. 2018].

En.wikipedia.org. (2018). Database security. [online] Available at:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_security [Accessed 21 Jun. 2018].

En.wikipedia.org. (2018). Access control. [online] Available at:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access_control [Accessed 21 Jun. 2018].

En.wikipedia.org. (2018). Database audit. [online] Available at:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_audit [Accessed 21 Jun. 2018].

En.wikipedia.org. (2018). Authentication. [online] Available at:

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Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development
Assignment 01 76
Grading Criteria

LO1 Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial problem

P1 Design a relational database system using appropriate design tools and techniques, containing at least four interrelated tables, with clear
statements of user and system requirements.
M1 Produce a comprehensive design for a fully functional system that includes interface and output designs, data validations and data

D1 Evaluate the effectiveness of the design in relation to user and system requirements.

LO2 Develop a fully functional relational database system, based on an existing system design

P2 Develop the database system with evidence of user interface, output, and data validations, and querying across multiple tables.

P3 Implement a query language into the relational database system

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 77
M2 Implement a fully functional database system that includes system security and database maintenance.

M3 Assess whether meaningful data has been extracted using query tools to produce appropriate management information.

LO3 Test the systems against user and system requirements

P4 Test the system against user and system requirements.

M4 Assess the effectiveness of the testing, including an explanation of the choice of test data used.
LO2 & LO3
D2 Evaluate the effectiveness of the database solution in relation to user and system requirements, and suggest improvements.
LO4 Produce technical and user documentation

P5 Produce technical and user documentation.

M5 Produce technical and user documentation for a fully functional system, including diagrams showing movement of data through the
system, and flowcharts describing how the system works.

D3 Evaluate the database in terms of improvements needed to ensure the continued effectiveness of the system.

Mohamed Ramzeen Safwan – HND in Computing | Database Design & Development

Assignment 01 78

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