Reflection Essay 2

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Alejandra Martinez

ENGL 1302-101

Dr. Sharity Nelson

17 October 2022

Reflection Essay 2

From the first essay, I was able to learn how to research information that was useful to

create more knowledge on a topic. In both essays, I was instructed to find peer-reviewed articles

on the chosen topic and I learned a lot about each one. The second essay was more difficult

because I needed to find more articles than the first essay, however after reading each article, I

found it easier to write my paper. Gaining knowledge and finding research on the topic of

conversation helped me understand the assignment, as well as gain a different perspective on the

assignment. The topic that I chose has recently been extremely controversial in recent times, so I

was able to apply what I learned in my US Government class to the essay. With background

knowledge on the topic, I was able to formulate ideas and thoughts and use new research to

expand those thoughts. The government class helped me gain an understanding of our nation’s

government and political ideals. For example, I learned about the idea of “separation of church

and state” which assisted me in understanding how politicians formulate laws for the country and

the logic behind them. I also learned how the government is always changing trying to keep up

with the changing times and social views of the public.

In essay one, I was instructed to conduct an experiment and analyze the data and results,

furthermore, create a discussion on the chosen topic to find answers on what was being

experimented. During essay two, I was instructed to research a topic by finding scholarly

articles and compare and contrast each one with each other without presenting an argument for
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each one. I was not able to create an experiment and record my own data for the topic in this

essay unlike the first one. I was also not able to use all of the prior knowledge/information that I

learned from my US Government class because that only provided me with one perspective on

the topic and I needed multiple. I needed to find different views on the topic of research and

evaluate each one.

From writing and accumulating research for this essay, I learned the different types of

discrimination that people face when out in public as well as the different supreme court cases

that were involved with this topic. As I was learning about these court cases, I could also

compare how this social movement is similar to the civil rights movements that happened not too

long ago. I am able to use this knowledge in other classes because I now gain an understanding

of what different people go through on a daily basis. I could choose better vocabulary that is

inclusive to all people, as well as interact better with others around me. I can also use the

knowledge I collected in my research in classes like psychology, communications, and those that

involve social sciences and studies classes.

In this second essay, I learned a lot about the different religious beliefs and practices of

various religions. I also learned about how the rules of the church have affected those who

identify as part of the LGBTQ community regarding the reactions of family members and higher

members of the church and religious community. I do not think that information and knowledge

is useful in any of my other courses because in school we are taught to not talk about our

religious beliefs, it would simply be unethical to talk about religion, moreover, instructors rarely

talk about religion. This information was useful in my essay, but not useful to other academic

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By creating this annotated bibliography and constructing this research analysis, I was

able to improve my writing as well as the writing process by changing the way that I research

and study a topic. Preparing to write this essay, I read a lot of various articles that had to do with

this topic. I had to evaluate and eliminate the articles that were either not useful to my analysis

or were not peer-reviewed. By reading and summarizing these articles before starting the writing

process, I was able to quickly look at the summaries I created to remember what the articles were

about and what information they included. In the future, this strategy will be useful because I

now know how to research various articles and evaluate and analyze them. I can also write brief

summaries on each source that could help me locate a specific source faster. This strategy of

finding and annotated sources helped me understand the assignment better, moreover, I learned a

new way of understanding a topic that will help me in future assignments.

Looking back at the comments I received from my classmates in the peer-review

workshop, several comments about being unclear with what I was trying to say. Unlike from

essay 1 where I gave too much detail about the topic, in this essay I gave too little detail of the

topic I was trying to analyze. One of the strongest aspects of my writing includes how I was able

to formulate a strong, informative essay without giving my own opinion on the topic. I was able

to use the sources to form a solid research analysis. My strengths I would say are about the same

from this essay and the previous one. I think that I am able to understand the assignment and not

give an opinion on the topic that I am discussing. From these comments that I received from my

first draft, I was able to fix my mistakes and explain in further detail the message I was trying to

convey to the readers of my essay.

I scored an 85% on the first essay. I think that I could have been clearer on my thesis

statement as well as been more direct as to what I was trying to say. The professor mentioned
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that the thesis statement mostly revealed information gained through an experiment and I still do

not know if that was positive or negative. I also got notes that some of the evidence I included

was loosely connected or irrelevant to the main idea of the experiment. I honestly think that the

comments I will receive on the second essay will be the same. I feel that I understood the

assignment well enough to do good but not excel. I think I will receive the same comments of

“mostly” and “somewhat”. I do however, think that I will receive better comments on how I was

able to not give my opinion on the topic and throughout the essay.

I think the most challenging aspect of this unit was finding the right sources that I was

going to use. I struggled finding sources that were credible and useful for my research. I

switched my topic of research because I could not find enough sources for the first topic that

provided different perspectives on the topic. For the topic I ended up choosing, I was able to

find more useful sources, but they did take a while to find. Once I was able to find all ten of the

sources that I wanted to use, I was easily able to compose the essay. I think that comparing and

contrasting the sources in the essay was less of a challenge to do rather than gathering the

information that I wanted and able to use.

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Works Cited

Martinez, Alejandra. “Same-Sex Marriage: The Reverberation in the United States.” 5 October

2022. ENGL 1302, Texas A&M International University, student paper.

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