Essay 1 Instructor Feedback

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Alejandra Martinez

ENGL 1301-101

Dr. Sharity Nelson

16 September 2022

Essay 1 Instructor Feedback

Well designed experiment and solid paper presenting it. As you revise this paper for the Portfolio

due at the end of the semester, keep these suggestions in mind: the Introduction can be

streamlined for improved readability (several statements need citations for the summarized ideas

or clearer connections to the sentences that contain cited research); the Methods section needs to

clarify why gym visits are relevant to the experiment, same for Results; and the Discussion

section could be more rigorous in its paragraphing (breaking up the discussion with clearer topic

sentences, etc.), and the citations for the quotations must have page numbers. The Lavie source is

misspelled in the citation, which makes it difficult to match to the correct reference.

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