Lo 4 Evidence Plan

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Competency Standards: HOUSEKEEPING NC II

Unit of Competency: Provide Valet/Butler Service

Ways in which evidence will be collected:
[tick the column]


The evidence must show that the trainee….
 Provide valet services to guests √ √ √
 Display professional valet standards √ √ √
 Care for guest property √ √ √

Note: *Critical aspect of Competency

Prepared by: Date:

Checked by: Date:


# of
Objectives/Content items/
Knowledge Comprehension Application
Area / Topic % of

1. Provide valet 5 5
services to guest [A. 1-5]

2. Display
professional valet 5
[C. 1-5]
3. Care for guest 5
property [C. 6-15]
TOTAL 10 10 20
Written Test
A. Multiple Choice. Answer the following item s bellow. Encircle the
letter of your answer.
1. Who are the required to prepare and present guest clothing, ready for
the guest to wear?
a) Valets
b) Guest
c) Porters
2. Who came to the guest room and iron clothes in the room using
specialist equipment and product as required?
a) Laundry staff
b) Valet
c) Butler
3. What is the common mistake when ironing clothes?
a) There is too much ironing chemicals
b) The iron too hot which can damage clothes
c) There is too much use of spray bottles with starch
4. In presenting the guest clothing what is the first thing that you need
to ensure?
a) The clothing is in good condition no rips, tears, missing,
buttons, hanging herms, loose threads and split seams
b) It is clean free from stains, lint, dust, and other marks
c) It is pressed and looks presentable
5. Your work must be characterized by ______ for the guest and a pride
in what you do.
a) Obedience
b) Passion
c) Respect

B. True or False: Write “T” if the statement bellow is correct and “F” if
the statement below is incorrect.

1. Clean and polish guest shoes is probably the single most common jog
valets are asked to do.
2. The venue is not responsible for providing all necessary items to clean
and polish guest shoes.
3. Keep all shoe-cleaning equipment together for easy access and
4. Clean brushes regularly so they do transfer dirt and so they look clean
to anyone watching the process.
5. Use the soft cloth to polish and buff shoes until they shine all over
6. It is important to realize your actions when handling luggage or guest
belongings is usually visible to others and they will quickly determine
whether or not they believe you are treating items with care and
respect or not.
7. Ensure rooming sheet are available ant match luggage trolleys to each
room being by the VIP party. Each room must have its own trolley. Try
to accommodate luggage from different rooms on the same trolley.
8. As a valet you are there to serve and not to dictate.
9. The valet must follow guest request and instructions regarding the
unpacking and storing of items in their luggage as each guest has
personal needs, individual habits and their own way of doing things.
10. The purpose or correctly hanging and folding clothes to other
items is to keep the garments ready to use and wrinkle free.
11. Guest may wish time to them or require privacy to meet the
business colleagues or spend with friends or family.
12. The guest may discuss private and personal business matters,
activities or aspects of their life in front of the valet or with the valet.
These can be shared with anyone.
13. The valet, in some cases, may be asked to sign a confidentiality
clause or contact that stipulates guest history, activities and other
matters will be kept in the strictest of confidence.
14. Guest commonly request privacy shortly after they checked in
and been roomed.
15. Allow the others to enter the guest room. This includes
preventing other staff entering rooms at times when the guest
indicates the wish their privacy.

Answer Key:

A. Multiple Choice.
1. A
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. C

B. True or False:
1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. T
9. T
10. T
11. T
12. F
13. T
14. T
15. F


Question to probe the candidate’s underpinning

Extension/Reflection Questions: Yes No

1. What are the guest property and activities in
maintained accordance with legal and ethical
2. How to transfer luggage to the rooms using porters
or housemen?
Safety Questions:
1. What is the common mistake when ironing
2. How will you clean and polish guest shoes is
probably the single most common jog valets are
asked to do?
Job Role and Environment Questions:
3. How will you fold the hanging pants to avoid
visible folding?
4. How will you put toilet trace on the top of the
vanity table?
Contingency / Infrequent Events Questions:
5. What will you ask to the guest before packing their
6. How can you show your respect and pride to the
Rule and Regulations:
7. What are the rules, methods and techniques in
providing butler service?
8. What are rules in providing valet service to the
The candidate’s underlying
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
knowledge was:

Feedback of Candidate:
General comments [Strengths/ Improvements needed]:

Candidates Signature: Date:

Assessor Signature: Date:

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