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Gaspar, Gianne Kate R.

Reflect on how the theories of Jerome Bruner and Robert Gagne help you improve the teaching-learning process in EPP.

For me, the theories of Jerome Bruner and Robert Gagne’ s theories will significantly help me improve and guide me to imply different
teaching strategies in Edukasyong Pantahan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP). Since both theories helped learn to let the students experience some lessons
practically, in ] for them to learn and imprint that learning as a long term knowledge in the future.
First, let’s talk about what I learn in Bruner’s Discovery learning theory. His theory adviced me that as an instructor. I need to encourage
and safely guide my students to build their knowledge and experience using their creativity, reasoning, problem solving, imagination, and search
for new information to discover facts and new knowledge. Since they won’t really learn by just memorizing and reading. But needs a thirst for
seeking for answer and solution. This will also helped enhanced their skills that will be applied in the outside world.
Then Gagne’s Learning Hierarchy Theory, has its unique procedure to organize the learning process. As he proposed a theory of a system of
classifying different types of learning in terms of the degree of complexity of the mental process. This will also guide me on how I will direct my
students based on their learning capability that will progressively provide success in the EPP subject. Since each student has their own speed pace
of capability.
Overall, I learned new things after reading Bruner’s and Gagne’s theory. And as a future teacher. I can apply this and learn more so that I
can be teacher that will be beneficial and trusted to my future students.

A. Situation analysis
Analyze the following situation, in not less than 150 words write your own point of view about the situation. Mrs. Silva a grade VI EPP
teacher, wants her students to conduct a gardening activity that will enhance their skill in agriculture, however, the school lacks appropriate facility
to conduct such activity. If you were Mrs. Silva what are going to do to in order to conduct the students’ activity? How are you going to pursue the
activity? What theory/theories of learning did you use upon conducting your students ‘gardening activity?

The first thing you can do is to conduct different spots or places where the student can use to enhance their agricultural skill, but if it is
impossible to find the right place, you can just tell your students that the activity is postponed, and after that you can use the theory of
constructivism where you will give them task to draw something in a white bond paper of what agricultural skills or designs they know about
farming, construct ideas with them on which design can be used in an actual agricultural setting in the future. With the use of their own
imagination, you can help them visualize their thoughts of what they want to create in a single crop field that you will assigned to them in the
future, our mind or brain composed of an eternal idea creating different situations, students’ knowledge varies from each other, learning is an
active process of engaging into an activity while socializing and brainstorming to other students.

B. Reflection Paper
Reflect on how the learning theories impact Philippine education, Do you think there is a single best learning theory that suits teaching EPP?
In not less than 100 words, explain your answer.

Teaching student is a hard task, especially here in the Philippines where resources in teaching is limited but with a good teaching skills and
theory it can enhance students’ knowledge and intelligence in different fields of subject either physical, social and cultural aspect. The best way to
teach EPP is to use the “Behaviorism” or “Behaviorist Theory” by John B. Watson because it gives a balance reinforcements and approach to
students like complimenting their good behavior, praising them with the work they have done, handling their negative attitudes, and giving them
consequences whenever there is an unnecessary action shown by the students. A single section or classroom full of students has these different
personalities and skills, some are introvert, extrovert or ambivert, and some student learns by being praised, some are being the clown of the class,
and some of them are skilled to do things on their own. A good teacher must not just fill them with knowledge on what they are ignorant in
something, it is about being their second mother or father in a room where they can be disciplined and obey the rules given to them.

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