Portfolio Finalllll123

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SHOW your Learning Artifacts

Which is your favorite theory of development. How can this guide you as a future
teacher? Clip some reading about this theory and paste them here.

The Jean Piaget theory of cognitive development is what I adore the most. In a more
focused manner, he described the developmental stages. That makes it simple for me
to distinguish between the features of children in preschool, elementary school, and
high school. I need to be conscious of the possibility of having various learner types in
my classroom as a soon-to-be teacher. I must therefore have the creativity and
knowledge to handle a variety of situations. My preparation of various tactics and
pertinent materials for managing various students in the classroom will be guided by this

Piaget made the now-obvious yet ground-breaking claim that "children think differently
than adults," which fundamentally altered how we view how children develop. How a
person develops their mental processes is a topic of cognitive theory. This theory will be
helpful to me in the future because using Piaget's theory in the classroom will benefit
both me and my students in a variety of ways. It will help me develop a better
understanding of my students' thinking and align my teaching strategies with their
cognitive level (e.g., motivational setting, modeling, and peer teaching).

Learning is influenced by development. Our human talents and capacities become

stronger and more developed as we move through different periods of life. Our bodies
and minds will be able to do a particular activity thanks to the developmental patterns
provided by these various phases. At different phases, we learn and approach activities
in different ways. And this is what the cognitive development theory of Jean Piaget
highlights. The basic tenet of Piaget's theory is that our mental growth progresses
through many phases. Because of this, our capacity for learning, understanding, and
information acquisition varies between childhood and maturity. From childhood to
adulthood, our intellect evolves.


How did you feel being in that classroom? Did you feel a sense of oneness or
unity among the earners and between the teacher and the learner.

while I'm in a classroom. I enjoy watching them. Despite the fact that I was simply a
practice teacher, I feel good about the way the children treat me and the respect they
have for me. I sense a sense of unity and oneness among the students as well as
between the teacher and the students. When there are groups or whenever there are
questions or difficulties that they struggle to address, learners get together.

When you can see that the classroom climate is positive and encouraging because
everyone is involved and active in the class, you can tell that the instructor and the
students are working together. It seems like a second home in the classroom. I can see
the students' enthusiasm to work hard so that they may understand a certain topic, and
this makes me feel a feeling of togetherness and oneness among the students. Even
though the students have diverse personalities and viewpoints, they nevertheless get
along well with one another and their instructor, which made me happy as I watched the
classroom. They are exchanging jokes and humorous anecdotes, which keeps the
classroom lively and engaging.

Additionally, there must be harmony between the instructor and the students, since
unity implies uniformity and harmony. I experience a positive sense of optimism when I
sit at the back of the classroom, watching and monitoring the students, as though I am
already their instructor. As a result of the students' positive interactions with their
teachers and their prompt responses when asked a question, I was able to feel a sense
of togetherness and oneness between the teacher and the students. This is
demonstrated by the student, who has complete self-confidence and faith in himself.


1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/year

level do you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for
this level? Why?

I want to work with students in their fourth year. like other people. I'll follow the same
procedures that work well for my students. The routines I will take into consideration for
this level are as follows: first, I will begin my class with an opening prayer, asking for my
students' cooperation and participation. Second, I will check their attendance, letting me
know who is absent. Third, I will ask my students about the previous meeting's
discussion, and then I will ask them to give a brief explanation of the previous topic. I'll
move on to the next subject for discussion after that. I will then offer my students a little
quiz if they don't have any further questions on the subject. I will offer my students a
little exam once they have finished their last question about the subject to see who in
the class has the most understanding of the material.

2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you
choose these rules?


1. Eating during class hours is not allowed.

2. Students are not allowed to enter the class without wearing their proper uniform

3. Ignorance of the law excuses no one.

4. Encourage the students to speak in English.

5. Male students are not allowed to wear earrings and dangling in my classroom.

6. Male students must observe proper haircut.

7. Students are entrusted when to clean the room before leaving

8. Students are not allowed to answer in chorus.

9. Both male and female students must observe personal hygiene and neatness at all

Well, I desired to choose these rules because I want to have a harmonious

classroomestablishing rapport with unity, peace, and order between me and my future
students someday.

3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

Without a doubt, the students should participate in creating the rules and regulations for
the class because they should be aware of them as well. This will help the students stay
on task and have a clear understanding of the consequences should they violate the
rules and regulations in the classroom. It will also spare the teacher from having to
explain anything further because the rules and regulations have already been agreed
upon by the teacher and the students.

SHOW your learning activities

Some snapshots of the classroom routines employed by the Resource Teacher

which worth emulating. Tell something about the pictures.

Just right after the prayer, the resource teacher always flash the page of the discussion
and tell some reminders and class attendance before the lesson proper.


What classroom management strategies do I need to employ to respond to

diverse types of leaners?

Consider the observations as a prospective instructor, and then respond to the

question. What classroom management techniques do I need to use to deal with
different sorts of students? To respond to a variety of learners, I will use the following

• learn about your students;

• maintain consistent communication;

• recognize and respect each student

• exercise cultural sensitivity;

• include diversity in your lesson plan;

• give students flexibility and freedom.

I'll let them use their aggressive and antagonistic energy for socially acceptable
purposes like athletics, clubs, arts and crafts, hobbies, and other pursuits.



If I'm going to teach, that is. I take care to ensure that the environment in the classroom
is lovely. Why? It's because they can draw their attention to this place. The learners
might be able to focus and pay close attention to the teacher. Additionally, it is providing
a task. I'll be sure to praise them and provide constructive criticism. Student-centered
classrooms, as we are all aware, move the emphasis from the teachers to the students,
who are encouraged to take ownership of their own learning. Giving kids lots of chances
to reflect is one method to aid them in learning how to accomplish this. Students must
really evaluate or think about what they did in order to reflect on their actions. They get
the capacity to make choices while solving problems thanks to this. It also encourages
flexibility of thought. Without teachers, we wouldn't be able to study, and there would not
be any professionals in the world today. They teach us morals, discipline, and
knowledge since it is their job to lead students. We should treat teachers as our second
parents because they dedicate their time to educating students.

The curriculum places the learner at its core, since knowledge acquisition is our
constant goal. Teachers must access the information that already exists in their minds
as constructivists.merely incorporate our existing information. Students need to be
disciplined, collaborative, and cooperative.

Due to the complexity and technological dependence of today's learners, using both
tactics may be challenging for me. We only have one choice, and that is to use a
student-centered strategy for instruction. Because it focuses on the child's capacity for
learning and comprehension, student-centered education is far superior to teacher-
centered instruction. Every need of that student must be met.

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