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Generic/ Dose Indications/ Adverse/ side Nursing Rationale Client
Brand Name strength and Mechanisms of effects drug Responsibilities Teaching
& Formulation Drug Action interaction

Generic: Ordered: Indications: GI ulceration -Always monitor -to have -Instruct the
Potassium Dosage must Potassium (sometimes for the vital the patient to
Chloride be adjusted chloride is a with signs of the informatio take the
Brand: to the major cation of hemorrhage patient. n of the medication
KCL tab individual the and vital signs with a full
Classification: needs of intracellular perforation or of the glass of
Minerals and each fluid. It plays with late patient. water.
Electrolytes patient. In an active role formation of -Position the -to make -inform the
severe in the strictures) patient in a the patient patient to
Footnotes: deficiencies conduction of
following the comfortable feel eat before
3-6 tablets nerve impulses use of enteric- position. comfort. taking the
Indications, Side
Effects, Warnings or 4-8 in the heart, coated K -Give the -to prevent medication
- Drugs.com teaspoonful brain and chloride medication if gastrointes -explain the
KCL | Uses, or 25-50 skeletal
Dosage, Side
preparation; the patient has tinal patient
Effects, FAQ -
mmol per muscle; hyperkalemia. already eaten. symptoms, about
MedicinesFAQ day orally in contraction of Oral: Nausea, nausea and potassium
divided cardiac skeletal vomiting, vomiting chloride and
doses for and smooth diarrhea and may occur. how it will be
some days muscles; abdominal -Do not -to avoid taken.
with fruit maintenance cramps. IV: administer renal -tell the
juice, sweet of normal renal Pain or potassium failure to patient to be
or plain function, acid- phlebitis; chloride to the patient relaxed most
water. base balance, cardiac anyone with and will of the time
Timing: carbohydrate toxicity. hyperkalemia, prevent and not to
3-6 tablets metabolism Footnotes: renal failure, more moved so
or 4-8 and gastric KCL | Uses, Dosage, and Addision’s complicatio quickly.
teaspoonful Side Effects, FAQ -
secretion. disease that has ns to the
or 25-50 MedicinesFAQ
Mechanism of not been patient.
mmol per
Action: treated yet.
Supplemental -Document data -to be used Footnotes:
potassium in and findings as NCLEX
Duration: Pharmacology
Thrice a day the form of references.
for Nurses:
high potassium Footnotes: Potassium
Other food or NCLEX Pharmacology Chloride - QD
for Nurses: Nurses
forms: potassium
Potassium Chloride -
Syrup, chloride may QD Nurses
Injection be able to
restore normal
Footnotes: potassium
KCL | Uses,
Dosage, Side
Effects, FAQ -
a, severe renal
or adrenal

KCL | Uses, Dosage,
Side Effects, FAQ -
Potassium chloride:
Uses, Interactions,
Mechanism of
Action | DrugBank

Cesa, Germin E. BSN2-G

Printed Name and Signature: Printed Name/Year & Section, and Signature:

Clinical Instructor Student

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