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Patient: J.C.D Age: 68 years old Hospital No. 30625 Room No. 530

Impression/Diagnosis: Type 2 Diabetes Attending Physician(s): Dr. Romero, Chela Marie Tanato
Allergy to: None

Generic/ Brand Name & Dosage Timing & Duration Indication/Pharmacodynamics of Drug Side Effects/ Adverse Nursing Responsibilities Patient Teaching
Classification Reaction/ Contraindication
(5%) (20%) (Nursing Process Approach) (20 %)
(5%) (10%)

Generic Name: Drug form & Dosage Indications: Side Effects: Assessment • Inform patient that
Ordered: potassium is part of a
KCL Tab/Potassium Chloride To prevent or treat hypokalemia Occasional: Nausea, vomiting, • Assess for hypokalemia normal diet and that most
1 tab (Kizior & Hodgson, 2021) diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal (weakness, fatigue, meats, seafoods, fruits, and
discomfort with distention, polyuria, polydipsia). PO vegetables contain
phlebitis with IV administration should be given with food sufficient potassium to
Pharmacodynamics (particularly when potassium or after meals with full meet recommended daily
concentration of greater than 40 glass of water, fruit juice
Acts as the major cation in intracellular fluid, mEq/L is infused). intake. Also advise her not
Brand Name: (minimizes GI irritation). to exceed recommended
Timing: activating many enzymatic reactions essential
for physiologic processes, including nerve Rare: Rash. Interventions daily amount of potassium.
T.I.D. impulse transmission and cardiac and skeletal • Teach patient the correct
muscle contraction. Potassium also helps
Adverse Effects: • Monitor serum potassium, way to take prescribed
maintain electroneutrality in cells by Hyperkalemia (more common calcium, phosphate. If GI potassium. This can vary
controlling exchange of intracellular and in elderly, pts with renal disturbance is noted, dilute from swallowing a tablet
Classification Name: extracellular ions. It also helps maintain normal impairment) manifested as preparation further or give with a full glass of water to
renal function and acid–base balance. paresthesia, motor weakness, with meals. mixing certain preparations
Pharmacologic class:
(Jones & Bartlett, 2021) cold skin, hypotension, • Be alert to decreased with half to full glass of
Electrolyte cation Duration:
confusion, irritability, paralysis, urinary output (may be cold water or juice.
Therapeutic class: Electrolyte 8 hours cardiac arrhythmias. Too-rapid indication of renal • Caution patient not to crush
replacement Pharmacokinetics insufficiency).
infusion may cause cardiac or chew E.R. forms unless
Well absorbed from GI tract. Enters cells by arrhythmia, ventricular • Check IV site closely instructed otherwise.
active transport from extracellular fluid. fibrillation, cardiac arrest. during infusion for • Instruct patient to take drug
Primarily excreted in urine evidence of phlebitis (heat, with or right after food.
Contraindication pain, red streaking of skin •
(Kizior & Hodgson, 2021) Teach patient how to take
Renal failure, hyperkalemia, over vein, hardening of her radial pulse, and advise
- conditions in which potassium vein), extravasation her to notify prescriber
retention is present. Solid oral (swelling, pain). about significant changes in
dosage form in pts in whom • Be alert to evidence of heart rate or rhythm.
Other drug forms: there is structural, pathologic hyperkalemia (skin • Advise patient to watch
cause for delay in passage pallor/coldness, stools for changes in color
Injection Solution: 2 mEq/mL.
through GI tract. Cautions: paresthesia, feeling of and consistency and to
Oral Solution: 20 mEq/15 mL,
Cardiac disease, acid-base heaviness of lower notify prescriber if they
40 mEq/15 mL.
disorders, potassium-altering extremities). become black, tarry, or red.
Powder for Oral Solution: 20 disorders, digitalized pts, • Inform patient that
(Kizior & Hodgson, 2021)
mEq/packet, 25 mEq/packet. concomitant therapy that although she may see waxy
increases serum potassium (e.g., form of E.R. tablet in
Capsules, Extended-Release: ACE inhibitors), renal stools, she has received all
(Micro-K): 8 impairment. Do not administer of the potassium.
mEq, 10 mEq. T IV undiluted. • Urge patient to keep
(Kizior & Hodgson, 2021) follow-up laboratory
appointments as directed by
prescriber to determine
serum potassium level.

(Jones & Bartlett, 2021)

___Ms. Angelique Villaester, MAN, RN__ _______CLAIRE MAURICE G. JUANERO_____

Printed Name and Signature Printed Name and Signature
Clinical Instructor Student


Patient: J.C.D Age: 68 years old Hospital No. 30625 Room No. 530

Impression/Diagnosis: Type 2 Diabetes Attending Physician(s): Dr. Romero, Chela Marie Tanato
Allergy to: None

Generic/ Brand Name & Dosage Timing & Duration Indication/Pharmacodynamics of Drug Side Effects/ Adverse Nursing Responsibilities Patient Teaching
Classification Reaction/ Contraindication
(5%) (20%) (Nursing Process Approach) (20 %)
(5%) (10%)

Generic Name: Drug form & Dosage Indications: Side Effects: Assessment • Advise patient if a dose is
Ordered: missed he should not
Linagliptin As adjunct to improve glycemic control in Occasional (5%): • Check blood glucose, double up on the next dose.
5 mg/tab type 2 diabetes mellitus Nasopharyngitis. hemoglobin A1c level.
• Urge patient to report
Assess pt’s understanding
1 tab Pharmacodynamics Rare (less than 2%): Cough, evidence of hypoglycemia,
of diabetes management,
headache. such as anxiety, confusion,
Inhibits the enzyme, dipeptidyl peptidase-4, routine glucose monitoring.
dizziness, excessive
that degrades incretin hormones responsible for Receive full medication
sweating, headache, and
Brand Name: glucose elevation. This allows levels of incretin history including herbal
Adverse Effects: nausea.
hormones to rise, stimulating the release of products.
Tradjenta insulin in a glucose-dependent manner while • Encourage patient to carry
Hypoglycemia reported in 7%
Timing: decreasing the glucagon level in the blood. In hard candy or other simple
of pts. Concomitant use of
addition, glucagon secretion from pancreatic Interventions sugars to treat mild
O.D. hypoglycemic medication may
alpha cells is reduced, resulting in a reduction hypoglycemia.
increase hypoglycemic risk. • Monitor blood glucose,
in the amount of glucose released by the liver. • Urge patient to carry
Pancreatitis, hypersensitivity hemoglobin A1c level.
These combined actions reduce blood glucose, identification indicating
reactions (angioedema, rash, • Assess for hypoglycemia
Classification Name: levels, thereby improving glycemic control in that he has diabetes.
urticaria, pruritus, (diaphoresis, tremors,
type 2 diabetes.
bronchospasm) occur rarely • Teach patient how to
Antidiabetic dizziness, anxiety,
(Jones & Bartlett, 2021) monitor his blood glucose
Duration: headache, tachycardia,
Pharmacokinetics perioral numbness, hunger,
12-100 hours • Instruct patient about diet,
Contraindication: diplopia, difficulty
Rapidly absorbed following PO exercise, foot care, hygiene,
administration. Peak plasma concentration: 1.5 Hypersensitivity to linagliptin, signs of hyperglycemia and
hyperglycemia (polyuria,
hrs. Extensive tissue distribution. Protein other DD4 inhibitors. hypoglycemia, and ways to
polyphagia, polydipsia,
binding: 70%–99%. Minimal metabolism avoid infection.
Cautions: nausea, vomiting, fatigue,
(90% excreted as unchanged metabolite). • Tell patient to stop drug if
Kussmaul breathing).
Excreted primarily in enterohepatic system Concurrent use of other he experiences signs and
• Screen for glucose-altering
(80%), urine (5%). Half-life: 12 hrs. hypoglycemics. symptoms of an allergic
conditions: fever, increased
reaction such as difficulty
(Kizior & Hodgson, 2021) Not recommended for use in activity or stress, surgical breathing, hives, rash, or
type 1 diabetes, diabetic procedures. Dietary consult swelling of face or skin or
Other drug forms:
ketoacidosis, history of for nutritional education. signs and symptoms of
pancreatitis, HF. acute pancreatitis such as
(Kizior & Hodgson, 2021)
persistent severe abdominal
(Kizior & Hodgson, 2021)
pain radiating to the back,
which may or may not be
accompanied by vomiting,
and to seek medical
attention immediately.
• Review signs and
symptoms of heart failure
with patient such as
difficulty breathing;
swelling or fluid retention,
especially in ankles, feet, or
legs; unusual tiredness; or
fast weight gain. Tell
patient to report any such
symptoms immediately.
• Inform patient that
disabling and severe
arthralgia may occur with
lingagliptin therapy
beginning within a day of
starting therapy or years
later. Patient should notify
prescriber if severe joint
pain occurs.
• Advise patient to to report
blisters or erosions that
occur on his skin to
(Jones & Bartlett, 2021)

___Ms. Angelique Villaester, MAN, RN__ _______CLAIRE MAURICE G. JUANERO_____

Printed Name and Signature Printed Name and Signature
Clinical Instructor Student


Patient: J.C.D Age: 68 years old Hospital No. 30625 Room No. 530

Impression/Diagnosis: Type 2 Diabetes Attending Physician(s): Dr. Romero, Chela Marie Tanato
Allergy to: None

Generic/ Brand Name & Dosage Timing & Duration Indication/Pharmacodynamics of Drug Side Effects/ Adverse Nursing Responsibilities Patient Teaching
Classification Reaction/ Contraindication
(5%) (20%) (Nursing Process Approach) (20 %)
(5%) (10%)

Generic Name: Drug form & Dosage Indications: Side Effects: Assessment • Instruct patient to avoid
Ordered: potassium-containing salt
Losartan To treat nephropathy in patients with type 2 Frequent (8%): Upper • Obtain B/P, apical pulse substitutes because they
50 mg diabetes and hypertension respiratory tract infection. immediately before each may increase risk of
dose, in addition to regular hyperkalemia.
1 tab (Jones & Bartlett, 2021) Occasional (4%–2%):
monitoring (be alert to
Dizziness, diarrhea, cough. • Advise patient to avoid
Pharmacodynamics exercising in hot weather
Rare (1% or less): Insomnia, • Question for possibility of and drinking excessive
Brand Name: Decreases left ventricular mass index in dyspepsia, heartburn, back/ leg pregnancy. amounts of alcohol; instruct
patients with left ventricular hypertrophy who pain, muscle cramps, myalgia, • Assess medication history her to notify prescriber if
Arbloc also have hypertension. By targeting the renin– nasal congestion, sinusitis, (esp. diuretics). she has prolonged diarrhea,
Timing: angiotensin system, a renoprotective action depression.
occurs through the lowering of the albumin Interventions nausea, or vomiting.
excretion rate in patients with type 2 diabetes. • Warn patient to tell all
• Maintain hydration (offer prescribers of losartan
(Jones & Bartlett, 2021) Adverse Effects: fluids frequently). Assess therapy.
Overdosage may manifest as for evidence of upper • Instruct women to notify
Classification Name:
Pharmacokinetics hypotension and tachycardia. respiratory infection, prescriber immediately if
Pharmacologic class: Bradycardia occurs less often. cough. pregnancy occurs or is
Angiotensin II receptor Duration: Route Onset Peak Duration • Monitor B/P, pulse. Assist
Institute supportive measures. suspected as drug may
blocker (ARB) P.O. N/A 6 hrs 24 hrs with ambulation if cause fetal harm and will
24 hours Contraindication: dizziness occurs. need to be discontinued.
Therapeutic class:
Antihypertensive Hypersensitivity to losartan. • Monitor daily pattern of
Well absorbed after PO administration. Protein bowel activity, stool
Concomitant use of aliskiren in (Jones & Bartlett, 2021)
binding: 98%. Metabolized in liver. Excreted consistency.
pts with diabetes.
in urine (35%), feces (60%). Not removed by
hemodialysis. Cautions: Renal/hepatic (Kizior & Hodgson, 2021)
impairment, unstented renal
Half-life: 2 hrs; metabolite, 6–9 hrs. arterial stenosis, significant
aortic/mitral stenosis.
(Kizior & Hodgson, 2021)
Concurrent use of potassium
Other drug forms: supplements. Pts with history of
(Kizior & Hodgson, 2021)

___Ms. Angelique Villaester, MAN, RN__ _______CLAIRE MAURICE G. JUANERO_____

Printed Name and Signature Printed Name and Signature
Clinical Instructor Student
Note: Please provide additional sheets/s if necessary.

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