Manuale SMP 300 RA Special - Rev.6

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Manual of installation, use and servicing

SMP 300 RA model

English 02-2012
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................2
2. General Principles .......................................................................................................................................2
3. Installation Guidance ...................................................................................................................................4
4. Mechanical Connection ...............................................................................................................................5
5. Electrical Connection................................................................................................................................ 11
6. Safety measures and regulations............................................................................................................. 17
6.1 Elettricity ................................................................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Mechanical dangers ................................................................................................................................. 17
6.3 Esposure to high intensity UV light........................................................................................................... 17
7. Run the System ....................................................................................................................................... 18
7.1 Turn On/Off the system ............................................................................................................................ 18
8. UV Controller ............................................................................................................................................ 19
9. Operation Flow Chart: .............................................................................................................................. 20
9.1 Cycling View Level ................................................................................................................................... 20
9.2 Menu Directory Level................................................................................................................................ 20
9.3 Menu Readings: ....................................................................................................................................... 21
9.4 Menu Settings:.......................................................................................................................................... 22
9.4.1 Alarm Thresholds Settings .................................................................................................................... 23
9.4.2 Flow Rate Settings (Optional on Request)............................................................................................ 24
9.4.3 Intermittent Operation............................................................................................................................ 25
9.4.4 Lamp Post Burn..................................................................................................................................... 25
9.4.5 Irradiance 4/20 mA Settings (Optional on Request) ............................................................................. 26
9.4.6 Cleaning System Settings (Optional on Request)................................................................................. 26
9.5 Menu Operation:....................................................................................................................................... 26
9.5.1 Restart Counter ..................................................................................................................................... 26
9.5.2 Maintenance Menu................................................................................................................................ 27
9.5.3 Sensor Calibration................................................................................................................................. 27
9.5.4 Manual cleaning .................................................................................................................................... 27
10. List of alarms and troubleshooting ........................................................................................................... 28
11. Electrical Panel Description...................................................................................................................... 33
11.1 External View ....................................................................................................................................... 33
11.2 Internal View......................................................................................................................................... 34
12. Technical Data Sheet UV SMP 300 DS model ........................................................................................ 36
13. Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................. 37
13.1 Replacement of the UV lamp ............................................................................................................... 37
13.2 Clean the quartz sleeve ....................................................................................................................... 38
13.3 Replacement of the quartz sleeve ....................................................................................................... 38
13.4 Replacement of the Control Panel filter mat ........................................................................................ 39
14. Spare Part Lists ........................................................................................................................................ 39
14.1 Relevant spare part lists....................................................................................................................... 40
14.2 Electrical Panel Spare Parts ................................................................................................................ 40
15. Electrical Drawings ................................................................................................................................... 40
15.1 Power Electrical Drawings ................................................................................................................... 41
15.2 Lamps Electrical Drawings................................................................................................................... 42
15.3 Auxiliary Electrical Drawings ................................................................................................................ 43
15.4 Electrical Panel Components ............................................................................................................... 47
16. Warranty Condition................................................................................................................................... 48
17. Declaration Of Conformity ........................................................................................................................ 49

1. Introduction
This manual is for the following models of Medium pressure systems:


These operating instructions contain important information for the operation and maintenance of the

Please ensure that these operating instructions are carefully read by all relevant persons before putting
into operation, to ensure the safe use of the UV system. The operating instructions are an integral part
of the equipment supply.

Before putting into operation, all the conditions necessary for safe operation of the equipment must be

The installation, commissioning and maintenance of the equipment should only be carried out by
qualified personnel.

The equipment should only be operated by authorized personnel who have been trained accordingly.

No modifications should be made to the equipment without consulting constructor, as this could effect
the safe operation of the unit. constructor shall not be held responsible for damage resulting from
unapproved modifications.

The operating instructions are to be kept where they will be accessible for operating
and maintenance personnel.

2. General Principles

Information about UV irradiation
The use of UV RADIATION is now recognised as one of the finest technologies for disinfecting water.
The UV rays to be found in nature are reproduced using special very pure quartz lamps that contain
mercury vapour that, when suitably activated by means of a current passing between electrodes, emits
photons with varying amounts of energy in the deactivation phase, which results in the characteristic
UV spectrum.
The inactivity of the pathogen microorganisms is due to the damage caused to the molecules of the
nucleic acids by this radiation, which results in their cellular replication being compromised.
The fact that the water’s chemical/physical and organoleptic qualities are not altered, and the complete
absence of sub-products of disinfection, mean that it is currently one of the safest and most commonly
used technologies for disinfecting water.
Depending on their operating conditions, the MERCURY VAPOUR LAMPS are able to emit radiation
at differing wavelengths. Where the gases they contain are at low pressure and temperature, they
produce the characteristic monochromatic spectrum (UV-C, λ = 253,7 nm). Higher pressures and
temperatures make it possible for other wavelengths to be produced that provide the polychromatic
spectrum that is typical of MEDIUM PRESSURE lamps (UV-A, UV-B, UV-C).
In addition to the effective germicide action of the UV-C rays, the other UV components emitted cause
the photochemical degradation of some substances such as chloramines.
Constructor has made use of these favourable characteristics and has added MEDIUM PRESSURE
lamps to their UV-C de-bacterial UV plants (that use low pressure lamps), in order to take advantage of
all the potential of ultraviolet light.
Due to the higher output from the lamps, MEDIUM PRESSURE UNITS are able to treat large water
flow-rates, while remaining compact in size. When suitably sized for its germicidal action, UV-C also
provides a photochemical degradation effect.

General Directions
According to the European rules EN 60204-1 (safety of the set-up off the electrical equipment-general
rules) the low tension electrical instruments (rule 73/23/CEE and 93/68/CEE) must be connected to a
current-tap provided with grounding.

Safety directions
The light of ultra-violet lamps can cause serious burns to unprotected skin and eyes, therefore it is
recommended not to connect it to the current tap without having before ensured the UV lamp in its
housing and inserted the PVC cover.
Run-down lamps with mercury vapors should be considered special refuse.
For this reason you must get rit of them according the law.

Indications for the disposal

We remind that, according to what is fixed by D.L.25 july 2005, № 151 “Accomplishment of directives
2002/CE, 2002/96/CE and 2003/108/CE, concerning the reduction of the use of dangerous substances
in electric and electronic equipments, and the disposal of waste” both mercury vapours lamps and
electrical panels, when no more used, must be considered as special waste, and in the same way
disposed of.
To do that, it is possible to address to specialized centres for the recovery of dangerous materials, or to
contact directly our technical department.


The lightning flash and arrowhead symbol is to alert the user to the presence of un-insulated
"DANGEROUS VOLTAGE” within the enclosure.

The equipment may only be opened if the mains supply is isolated. The mains supply must not be
restored as long as the equipment is open. This applies to both the electrical control panel and the
reactor vessel.

Working on live equipment is forbidden.

3. Installation Guidance
Each UV Systems is made of an electrical panel and a stainless steel collector.
The reactor control panel utilises air cooling. The following guidelines must be adhered to when
locating the unit.


9 The reactor and control panel must not be located in a position where the ambient air
temperature exceeds 30ºC.
9 The reactor and control panel must not be located adjacent to other equipment that directly emit
9 The reactor and control panel must not be located adjacent any chemical equipment that is
likely to emit fumes.
9 If the system is installed after the filters, it is recommended that a fine mesh strainer basket
should be incorporated downstream of the reactor to protect against glass particles entering the
pool in the unlikely event of the reactor internal glass thimble breaking in operation or during
routine maintenance.
9 It is recommended that the main piping incorporates a valved bypass around the reactor as well
as isolating valves for the inlet and outlet connections thereby allowing the pool flow to be
bypassed around the reactor during maintenance.
9 Chemical dosing connections should, where possible, be incorporated downstream of the

Failure to comply with any of the above criteria could effect the operation and warranty of the unit and
have an adverse effect on the long term reliability and lifespan of the system.

4. Mechanical Connection
1. Install the reactor as suggested in the following technical draw (lamps must work in horizontal

2. Install the reactor at more than 900 mm from the wall on the lamp side. In this way it’s
guaranteed enough space to extract the lamps and the quartz sleeves.

3 It is recommended that the main piping incorporates a valved bypass around the reactor as well as
isolating valves for the inlet and outlet connections thereby allowing the pool flow to be bypassed
around the reactor during maintenance.

4 Insert the quartz sleeves inside the UV
chamber using gloves.

5 Insert the o-ring for the sealing.

6 Block the quartz sleeve with the stainless

steel sleeve bolt.

7 Screw the sensor, with its o-ring, into the

8 Install the drain and vent valve.

9 Open the valves, vent valve and close the by-pass.

10 Vent the air out of the reactor.

5. Electrical Connection

The electrical installation must only be carried out by a suitably qualified electrical engineer. The
electrical supply to the unit must be earthed.

1. Feed the electrical panel as in the following technical drawing.


2. Insert the lamp inside the quartz sleeve

3. Connect the lamp’s terminals to holdfasts.

4. Insert completely the lamp into the quartz already present in the stainless steel chamber and
close the ring nut.

5. Check the grounding of the stainless steel chamber.

6. Make the connection to the terminal board (Plug 1 to 4 = R,S,T, N).
Connect the ground (GND). See page 34.
Check that the main electrical power supply is isolated to the control

IMPORTANT: Check the sequence of the 3 phases. If the

sequence is not correct the system will not start up!

7. Connect the signal cable with multiple plug on one side to the UV chamber and on the other
side to the electrical panel.

8. Connect the flow meter 4/20 mA output to the UV707 board as described in the electrical

9. Connect the sensor cable to the UV sensor

10. Turn the UV system on with the general switch (the lamp will light after few minutes). Do not
open the electrical panel without turning out the general switch. We remind you to test the
differential switch every month.

11. Calibrate the sensor (see UV Controller description)
12. Check that the flow rate reading is correct (see UV Controller description)
13. Check that the UV dose reading is correct (see UV Controller description)

6. Safety measures and regulations
The equipment must be installed, put into operation and maintained by trained specialists. The owner
and/or user must ensure that the operating personnel have been suitable instructed.

The equipment has been subjected to a hazard analysis, corresponding precautionary measures
regarding the safety of persons and domestic animals have been made. Nevertheless, it is still possible
that danger could arise as a result of incorrect use, bad maintenance, material changes, etc. These
dangers are associated with:

9 Electricity
9 Mechanical dangers
9 Exposure to high intensity UV light

6.1 Elettricity

The lightning flash and arrowhead symbol is to alert the user to the presence of un-insulated
"DANGEROUS VOLTAGE” within the enclosure.
The equipment may only be opened if the mains supply is isolated. The mains supply must not be
restored as long as the equipment is open.

Working on live equipment is forbidden.

6.2 Mechanical dangers

The equipment contains glass which must be handled with care.
Broken lamps emits dangerous mercury vapours.

6.3 Esposure to high intensity UV light

The reactor contains UV emitting lamps and if exposed while energised can cause serious eye and skin
damage. Ensure that the mains supply is isolated before opening any of the covers of the reactor.

7. Run the System
The commissioning personnel authorised by the owner and/or user, must read and understand the
operating instructions.
The commissioning personnel must be familiar with the safety measures and regulations applicable to
the country/area in which the system is installed.

7.1 Turn On/Off the system

The preconditions for starting are:

9 Water is flowing through the vessel.

9 The electrical panel is feeded
9 The lamps have been turn off for 10 minutes

If all these conditions are respected turn on the general switch.

To shut down the system turn off the general switch.

8. UV Controller

Function Keys

-) When it’s pushed for more than 5 sec. it turns ON/OFF the UV System
-) In the menu of the display it ENTER the menu and confirm the parameters or the

-) Back one level in the menu

-) Increase the parameters
-) Move UP through the menu

-) Decrease the parameters
-) Move down through the menu

9. Operation Flow Chart:
System OFF!

Cycling View Level Menu Directory Level

UV system
10:47 4/09/2010
H Tot: 76
Start UP H Lamp: 8.924
>3 Operations
sec Irradiance: OR OR
400 J/m

9.1 Cycling View Level

It’s the standard working level. It shows cyclically the Date and time, the 2 hour meters and the UV
Irradiance (Dose). H Tot is the total UV System lifespan. H Lamp is a “count down” from the last
lamps replacement.

9.2 Menu Directory Level

It’s the Main Menu level. Four different menus are available:

Readings: It’s the Menu in which the user can read all the parameters that the system is reading or has
Settings: It’s the Menu in which the user can set all the parameters useful for the measurements and the
system working.
Operations: It’s the Menu in which the user can operate on the UV system.
Password: It’s a menu protected by the user. The user cannot enter this menu if not allowed by the

9.3 Menu Readings:

It is the Menu in which the user can read all the parameters that the system is reading or had

Readings Flow Rate: Visible if a flow meter is connected to the UV System.
Flow Rate:
It shows the water flow in m3/h passing through the UV system.
200 m /h

Temp. Panel Temp. Panel: It shows the electrical panel internal temperature.

Temp. Chamber
Temp. Chamber: Visible in case of Rack Plus or SMP systems. It
shows the water temperature inside the UV chamber.
210 W/m
Irradiation: Visible in case of Rack Plus or SMP systems. It
H TOT: 20
H Lamp: 8980 monitors the UV-C output through an UV sensor which is installed
into the UV chamber. The sensor signal can be shown in a relative
display (%) or in an absolute display in W/m2. If the flow signal is
Start Up Number:
available the system can calculate the UV Dose and so the
Irradiance will be expressed in J/m2.
Lamp Changes:

17:20 03/08/2010
A drop in the sensor signal can be caused by:
MON ∼ Deposits on quartz sleeves lamp protection
Software Ver:
∼ Significant variation on UV transmittance of the water
BETA 1 ∼ Decrease of the UV-C output in lamp(s) due to the lamp

H Tot: It’s the total UV System lifespan.

H Lamp: It’s a “count down” from the last lamps replacement (see section “Operations” regarding
how to restart the “count down”)

Start UP Number: It’s the total number of start up of the system. Too much start/stop of the lamp can
damage them and decrease their efficiency.

Lamp Changes: It’s the total number of changes of the lamp. The system incorporate “count down”
from the last lamps replacement. When this is zero an alarm informs that You have to change the
lamps. On every lamps replacement the H Lamp count down must be reactivated and the N° of Lamp
Changes increases of one.

Date and Hours: It visualizes the current date and hours.

Software Version: It visualizes the software version.

9.4 Menu Settings:
It’s the Menu in which the user can set all the parameters useful for the measurements and the system

Set Up Language

Set Up Timer

Alarm Thresholds

Flow Rate Settings


Intermittent Operation

Lamp Post Burn:


4/20 mA IRR Setting:


Cleaning System

Language: Set the language of the display.

Timer: Set Date and Hour

Alarm thresholds: Set the alarm max and min values (see section “Set Alarm threshold”)

Flow Rate Settings: Visible if a flow meter is connected to the UV System. Set the parameters useful
for the flow rate alarms and/or readings (see section “Flow Rate Settings”).

Intermittent operation: Set the start and the stop hour of the UV system (see section “Intermittence

Lamp Post Burn: Set the post Burn time (see section “Post Burn”)

4/20 mA IRR: Visible if the 4/20 mA optional is available. Set the 4/20 mA output for the Irradiance
(See section “Irradiance 4/20 mA settings”).

Cleaning System Settings: Set Day of the week, hours and N° of cycles of the cleaning system start.

9.4.1 Alarm Thresholds Settings

In this menu the user can set the alarm values:

Max Temperature
Chamber: 50°C

Alarm Threshold Pre-Alarm Low

ENTER Irradiation.: 500 J/m

Low Irradiation:
400 J/m2

Max Temperature Chamber: Visible in case of Rack Plus or SMP systems. This threshold level
define the max allowed water temperature in the UV chamber.

In case of flow absence the UV lamp(s) can increase the water temperature. This can
damage the lamps and the UV system. If the water temperature is higher then 50°C then the
system will shut off automatically and a message “SYSTEM OFF, HIGH
TEMPERATURE” is shown.

Factory Settings: 50°C

Pre-alarm Low Irradiation: Visible in case of Rack Plus or SMP systems. If UV output drops under
this warning threshold then a warning is registered. To avoid signal falling below safety threshold,
carry out immediate cleaning of lamp quartz sleeve or replace the lamp or improve water quality with
suitable pre- treatment.

Important! The sensor signal can be shown in a relative display (%) or in an absolute
display in W/m2. If the flow signal is available the system can calculate the UV Dose and so
the Irradiance will be expressed in J/m2. In all these case the threshold level has the same
unit of measurements.

Important! The warning threshold must be higher then the safety threshold.

Alarm Low Irradiation: Visible in case of Rack Plus or SMP systems. If UV output drops under this
threshold level then an alarm is registered.

Water that passes through the UV system when the irradiation is under this level can be non-
completely disinfected. Carry out immediate cleaning of lamp quartz sleeve or replace the
lamp or improve water quality with suitable pre- treatment.

Alarm relays switch when irradiation is under this safety threshold.

9.4.2 Flow Rate Settings (Optional on Request)

Available only in case that the UV system is provided with a flow meter or connected to an external
one. Set the parameter useful for the flow rate alarms and/or readings (see section “Flow Rate
Flow Meter

20 mA = 700 m3/h

4 mA = 0 m3/h

Flow Rate Settings

ENTER Check Max Flow Max Flow =
ON/OFF 700 m3/h

Check Min Flow Min Flow =

ON/OFF 100 m3/h

Shut off for min flow


Shut off for NO flow


Flow Meter ON/OFF: Set if the flow meter is available.

20 mA = : The UV system can read a 4/20 mA signal from the flow meter. If the flow meter is external
then the customer must set the correspondence between 20 mA and the flow rate measured.

4 mA = : The UV system can read a 4/20 mA signal from the flow meter. If the flow meter is external
then the customer must set the correspondence between 4 mA and the flow rate measured (usually 4
mA is 0 m3/h).
Never associate to 4 mA a flow rate higher than the correspondent to 20 mA.

Check Max Flow: Set if the user need to check the max flow rate and so to have an alarm in case the
flow rate is over this threshold level.
A too high flow rate can destroy the quartz sleeve or reduce the contact time with the UV so that the
water is not enough disinfected.

Check Min Flow: Set if the user need to check the min flow rate and so to have an alarm in case the
flow rate is lower then this threshold level.

Shut off for min flow: Turn off the lam(s) in case of water flow rate through the UV system lower
then the threshold level set in the previous section.
A too low flow rate can increase the water temperature and so ruin the UV system.

Shut off for no flow: Turn off the lamp(s) in case the water flow rate is 0 m3/h.
In case of flow absence the UV lamp(s) can increase the water temperature. This can damage the lamps
and the UV system. If the water temperature is higher then 80°C than the system will shut off
automatically and a message “SYSTEM OFF, HIGH TEMPERATURE” is shown. To prevent this the
user can decide to turn off the lamp immediately when the flow rate is 0 m3/h.

9.4.3 Intermittent Operation

In this menu the user can set the automatic start up and shut off hour of the UV Lamp(s).

Intermittent Operation ON: 08:30

ON/OFF OFF: 17:30

If the system is OFF the next start up hour will be visualized in the display.
If the system is ON the next shut off hour will be visualized in the display.

9.4.4 Lamp Post Burn

The user should prevent that water insufficiently disinfected may reach the consumer. Lamp post burn
delay time avoids that water insufficiently disinfected can pass during the start up.

Lamp Post Burn: Post Burn

ON/OFF 120 sec.

Usually during the start up the alarms are inhibited, if post burn delay time is ON then the alarms relays
are switched for all the post burned time. If automatic valves are connected to the UV systems relays
then this will remain close for all the post burn time. As results the water will not pass during the start
up time. Below time flow chart with identification of the valve position:

9.4.5 Irradiance 4/20 mA Settings (Optional on Request)

The UV system can have an 4/20 mA output available as optional.

This signal is available for the chamber temperature and the UV irradiance. The temperature signal is 4
mA for 0 °C and 20 mA for 100°C. The Irradiance 4/20 mA signal can be set by the user:

4/20 mA IRR Setting: 20 mA = 100%

ENTER 4 mA = 0% (*)

For example the user can associate 4 mA to 0% and 20 mA to 110% of irradiance. In case the
irradiance is shown in absolute measurement units (W/m2 or J/m2) the association can also be done by
the customer (ex: 4 mA to 0 W/m2 and 20 mA to 230 W/m2).

9.4.6 Cleaning System Settings (Optional on Request)

Set the day of the week and the hours and the n° of cleaning cycles. The cleaning system of the rack
quartz sleeves will start automatically at the hours and date day of the week. In case of one cycle the
cleaning system starts from one side arrives at the opposite side of the quartz and then comes back. In
case of 2 cycles this operation is done twice.

9.5 Menu Operation:

In this menu the user can do some operations on the UV system. The operation that may be done are:
restart the lamps hour meter, put the system in maintenance mode and calibrate the sensor (only in
Rack Plus / SMP UV versions):


Counter Reset

Maintenance Mode

Sensor Calibration

Manual Cleaning

9.5.1 Restart Counter

The system incorporate a “count down” from the last lamps replacement. When it is zero an alarm
inform that the user must change the lamps.
On every lamps replacement the partial hour timer must be reactivated.
Counter Reset Confirm? Lamp Changes

This operation restarts the H Lamp to the standard value (that is the standard lifespan of that specific

After the Hour Meter is restarted the number of lamp changes increases of 1. the number of lamp
changes can be also read in the READING menu.

9.5.2 Maintenance Menu

Maintenance Mode Maintenance Mode


In this configuration the system can work and the lamp remains on but no alarm will switch. In this
way the user can do maintenance (work on the sensor without alarms that may close the valves).

9.5.3 Sensor Calibration

9 Irradiance in %

With this operation the user confirms that the signal read by the UV sensor matches the 100% of the
irradiance of the lamps.

Sensor Calibration 100% = 1.413 mV


The sensor must be calibrated on every lamp replacement.

To calculate the IRR. FACTOR. it’ s important the sensor calibration in steady condition (the
time depends on the quality of water, it is about 30 min).

9 Irradiance in W/m2 (or Dose in J/m2):

The same operation is possible if the system expresses the irradiance in W/m2 (or the Dose in J/m2).

In this case the calibration can only be done by authorized peoples and with a reference

The association of the sensor signal with the real Irradiance (W/m2) is done by the factory. Once time
per year the user should send the sensor to the factory to be calibrated.

9.5.4 Manual cleaning

Manual cleaning Direction STOP
F1 f2

With this operation the user can move the cleaning system in both the directions. Push ok then move up
and down to chose the direction. Direction 1Æ2 (means from end switch 1 to end switch 2). If the
cleaning rack is arrived at one end switch than an “ * ” will be visualized near F1 or near F2.

10. List of alarms and troubleshooting
Each alarm switches the main relays (free contact and 230 V contact) and a red led is lighted in the el.
The following alarms can be shown in the UV System Display:

Lamp Failure Each lamp of the UV system is identified with a number.

This message is visualized when lamp number X is not working.

Possible Causes: Solutions:

9 Lamp Burned 9 Change the lamp

9 Ballast Burned 9 Change the ballast

In this case set the system in MAINTENANCE MODE if it is necessary to continue the disinfection with
the other lamp without alarms. If it’s not necessary then turn off the system and change the lamp or the
ballast (see following troubleshooting).


Fault Reason Elimination

Reignition after switch off will not run Apply DC input ≥ 8V for ignition
because of still too hot uv-lamp
Ballast or lamp wait for cooling down lamp
could not be Uv-lamp switched off itself,
switched on is destroyed or a too long mains short Check uv-lamp
auto turn off cut occurred check terminations and wiring to the
while running lamp
Lamp too cold and shut off when
running in stand by a longer time Check cooling of lamp
Check mains fuses etc.
check terminations and mains contractor
Missed phase in main
same (1 contact burned out?)
automatic RESET when all 3 phases are
Check terminations and wiring to the
same Ground fault in lamp circuit
RESET by switching OFF-ON mains for
at least 20 sec. OFF

Thermal switch off, Air stream impeded?

Ballast too hot because of overload, or
bad cooling Air filters in cabinet polluted?
too high ambient and/or cooling air Fans blocked or defective?
or Measuring: at the right or left side at
blocked or defective fans middle height of cooing unit near
housing of the ballast:
≤ 50°C recommended, 60°C max

automatic RESET after cooling down

BLP 75
Check mains voltages
Mains fault
Check terminations and wiring to the
same short circuit in lamp circuit
ballast defective.
Replace ballast
Nothing to do
asymmetrical A difference of about 1A is normal.
mains phase Asymmetrical mains voltage failure of 1
Check mains and fuses
currents phase of mains
Check mains fuses

Chamber High It’s visible in case of Rack Plus or SMP systems. It’s visualized in case the
Temperature water temperature inside the chamber is higher than the settable threshold level
(factory setting 80°C).

Possible Causes: Solutions:

9 No Flow 9 Check pumps, valves

9 Non correct signal from the 9 Check the temperature sensor
temperature sensor

In case of high water temperature the system shut down for safety reason.

Panel High It’s visualized in case the panel temperature is higher than the settable threshold
Temperature level (factory setting 50°C).

Possible Causes: Solutions:

9 Problem on the fan 9 Check the fan

9 Non correct signal from the 9 Check the temperature sensor
temperature sensor

In case of water temperature high the system shut down for safety reason.

Low IRR It’s visible in case of Rack Plus or SMP systems. It’s visualized in case the UV
Irradiance (or Dose) is under the threshold level.

Possible Causes: Solutions:

9 Deposits on quartz sleeves lamp 9 Clean the quartz sleeve

9 Significant variation on UV 9 Filter the water
transmittance of the water
9 Decrease of the UV-C output in 9 Change the lamps
lamp(s) due to the lamp ageing

Warning low IRR It’s visible in case of Rack Plus or SMP systems. It’s visualized in case the UV
Irradiance (or Dose) is under the threshold level.

Possible Causes: Solutions:

9 Deposits on quartz sleeves lamp 9 Clean the quartz sleeve

9 Significant variation on UV 9 Filter the water
transmittance of the water
9 Decrease of the UV-C output in 9 Change the lamps
lamp(s) due to the lamp ageing

This alarm doesn’t switch the main relays.

Change the lamp(s) It’s visualized in case the hour meter count down has arrived to 0. This means
that the lamp has finished the suggested working time.

Possible Causes: Solutions:

9 Lamp lifespan finished 9 Change the lamp(s) and restart the

lamp hour meter count down.

No Flow It’s visible in case the system is connected to a flow meter. It’s visualized in case
the flow meter signal is 0 m3/h.

Possible Causes: Solutions:

9 No water flow 9 Check valves and pumps

9 Error on the flow meter signal 9 Check the flow meter and it’s cable

If it has been set the lamps may shut down for no flow (see Section “Menu Settings”).

Low Flow It’s visible in case the system is connected to a flow meter. It’s visualized in case
the flow meter signal is lower then the settable threshold level.

Possible Causes: Solutions:

9 Low water flow 9 Check valves and pumps

9 Error on the flow meter signal 9 Check the flow meter and it’s cable

If it has been set the lamps may shut down for low flow (see Section “Menu Settings”).

High Flow It’s visible in case the system is connected to a flow meter. It’s visualized in case
the flow meter signal is higher then the settable threshold level.

Possible Causes: Solutions:

9 High water flow 9 Check valves and pumps

9 Error on the flow meter signal 9 Check the flow meter and it’s cable

If it has been set the lamps may shut down for high flow (see Section “Menu Settings”).

No signal It’s visualized in case the display board doesn’t receive any signal from the other boards. This
message identifies the board that doesn’t communicate with the monitor board.

Possible Causes: Solutions:

9 No connections between the 9 Ask the manufacturer

9 Error on one panel board

This alarm shuts down the lamps for safety reason.

11. Electrical Panel Description
11.1 External View


11.2 Internal View

11.3 Terminal boards details

12. Technical Data Sheet UV SMP 300 DS model
Portata max Max Flow rate Débit max 2000 m³/h

N. lampade UV-C No. of UV-C lamps Nombre de lampes UV-C 4x7500 W

Durata lampade (ca.) Life of lamps (around) Durée des lampes (environ) 6.000 h

Dose UV UV Dose UV Dose > 800 J/m2


Materiale Material Matériel AISI 316L

Raccordi IN-OUT IN-OUT connections Raccords IN-OUT DN450 – PN10

Décharge, soupirail sortie de
Scarico, sfiato e presa campione Drain, breather and test outlet 1/2” - 1/8” – 1/8 ”
Pressione di lavoro (max.) Working pressure (max.) Pression de travail (max.) 9 bar

Lato apribile per ispezione Openable side for inspection Côté à ouvrir pour inspection ●
Rivestimento interno per acqua di mare Inner coating for sea-water Revêtement intérieur pour eau de mer Optional

Sistema di pulizia dei quarzi automatico Automatic system for quartz cleaning Système de nettoyage automatique ●
Alimentazione elettrica Electrical alimentation Alimentation électrique 400 V – 50/60 Hz

Consumo elettrico Electrical absorption Absorption électrique 31 kWh

Grado protezione Protection degree Degré de protection IP 54

Predisposiz. cavo alimentazione Disposition for feeding cable Predisposer câble d’alimentation Standard
Cavi collegamento lampade Lamps connection cables Câble de connexion lampe 10 m
Controllo funzionamento lampade Control of lamps working Contrôle fonctionnement lampes ●
Contaore e Contaore resettabile con avviso fine Hour-meter and Resettable count down Compte-heures/compte-heures avec
vita lampada hour-meter with alarm for end lamp life alarme de fin vie la lampe ●
Contatto pulito NA/NC Free contact NO/NC Contact libre NO/NC
Uscita NA/NC 230V–5A max 230V NA/NC Outlet – 5A max Sortie NA/NC 230V–5A max ●
Accensione Spegnimento da Remoto Remote ON/OFF Allumage éteignement a’distance ●
Controllo Temperatura Quadro Electrical Panel Temperature Control Contrôle Température Panneau ●
Possibilità di lavoro intermittente ON/OFF timer Possibilité de Travail Intermittent ●
Memorizzazione eventi (dati scaricabili con Datalog (data downloadable with the Mémorisation évents (données
software dedicato) appropriate software) déchargeables avec software)
Control of water temperature-
Monitoraggio irraggiamento/temperatura acqua
Contrôle rayonnement/température ●
Spegnimento per alta temperatura collettore e Shutdown for high temperature UV Eteignement pour haute température
quadro chamber or electrical panel collecteur/ panneau electrique ●
Mem. irraggiamento/temperatura (scaricabile Datalog Irr./Temp. (downloadable with Mém. rayonnement/température
con software dedicato) appropriate software) (déchargeables avec software)
Spegnimento per allagamento Shut OFF for flooding Eteignement pour noyage
Possibilità di comunicazione ad un Possible communication with an

Possibilité de communication avec un fluxmètre extérieur

flussimetro esterno external flow meter
Calcolo della Dose UV Dose Calculation Calcul de la dose UV

Uscita 4 – 20 mA 4-20 mA Outlet Sortie 4 – 20 mA

Regolazione potenza lampade in funzione UV lamp Output regulation on the UV Régulation puissance des lampes selon la dose UV ou chlore
della Dose UV o del cloro combinato Dose or on the combined chlorine combine.
(*) Dose UV calcolata con/Dose calculated with/Dosage UV calculé avec: T: 99% (1 cm), T=20°C, 6000 h

13. Maintenance
Maintenance work may only be carried out by personnel who have been trained and authorized for this
work by the owner and/or user. The owner and/or user must ensure that the maintenance personnel are
familiar with the safety measures and regulations, and that they also comply with them, in addition to
having read and understood the operating instructions.
Only original replacement parts from the supplier must be used.
The following are the recommended service intervals for replacement parts:
9 UV Lamp: Replacement 6000 h.
9 Quartz sleeve: Clean every week , replacement depends on wear
9 O-Rings: Replacement every year.
9 Control Panel filter mat: Replacement or cleaning every year

13.1 Replacement of the UV lamp

UV Replacement must be done when the Partial Hour Timer display 6000 hours.

1. Switch off the electrical panel. Check that the main power supply is isolated to the control
2. Make sure that the power has been isolated or that the UV lamp has been OFF for at least 15
minutes before carrying out the following procedure. This is to insure that any residual heat on
the lamp has been dissipated.
3. Open the clamp of the lamps.
4. Screw out the ceramic terminal that secure the lamp terminal plate to the reactor glad nut.

5. Visually check the internals of the vessel quartz for any signs of cracking or water leakage that
could have occurred during operation.

INFORMATION: The UV lamp glass and quartz sleeve must never be handled with a bare hand.
When handling the glass, clean white cotton gloves must always be worn.

6. Insert the new lamp, securing with the fixing ceramic terminal.
7. Close the clamp of the lamps.
8. Ensure that the fixing screws are re-fitted as they form the Earth connection for the cover.
9. Reset the Partial Hours (See Section “Reset Partial Hours” )
10. Start the system and calibrate the sensor (See Section “Calibrate the sensor”).

13.2 Clean the quartz sleeve

Clean must be done every month (suggested range 1 week) to preserve the correct working of the

13.3 Replacement of the quartz sleeve

The replacement of the quartz sleeve must be done only if itself wear compromises the correct working
of the systems. It depends on the quality of the water.
1. Switch off the electrical panel. Check that the main power supply is isolated to the control
2. Make sure that the power has been isolated or that the UV lamp has been OFF for at least 15
minutes before carrying out the following procedure. This is to insure that any residual heat on
the lamp has been dissipated.
3. Open the clamp of the lamps.
4. Remove the UV lamp.
INFORMATION: The UV lamp glass and quartz sleeve must never be handled with a bare hand.
When handling the glass, clean white cotton gloves must always be worn.
5. Stop the flow of water through the reactor by operating the by-pass valve or by stopping the
main circulation pump(s) and drain the water in the reactor.
6. Screw out the sleeve bolts and take the o-ring.
7. Remove the quartz sleeve and change it with the new one.

INFORMATION: The quartz sleeve must never be handled with a bare hand. When handling the
glass, clean white cotton gloves must always be worn.

INFORMATION: Insert the new quartz thimble, taking care to ensure that it locates
through the scraper ring.
8. Place the O-Ring between the quartz sleeve and the sleeve bolt.
9. Screw the sleeve bolt to fix the quartz sleeve.
10. Insert the lamp and connect it as described before.
11. Slowly open the water isolating valves and slowly flood the reactor with the water (vent the
reactor). Check the o-ring seal and thimble for signs of leakage
12. Turn on the electrical panel.

13.4 Replacement of the Control Panel filter mat

Depending on the environment where the control panel is installed, the filter mat fitted to the inlet fan
grills must be cleaned or changed on a regular basis. It is recommend that after commissioning that the
filter mat is checked on a monthly basis. There after, depending on the results of these checks this
could be reduced to between 3 to 6 months.

14. Spare Part Lists

14.1 Relevant spare part lists

Codice Articolo
MP1414 UV Lamp for SMP 300
MP1128 Irr/Temp Sensor for SMP 300 For other spare parts ask directly to
MP1163 Quartz O-ring for SMP 300 constructor
MP1406 Quartz for SMP 300

14.2 Electrical Panel Spare Parts

Details of all the relevant electrical control panel components are contained in the electrical drawings
(see section “electrical Drawings”).

15. Electrical Drawings

15.1 Power Electrical Drawings

15.2 Lamps Electrical Drawings

15.3 Auxiliary Electrical Drawings

15.4 Electrical Panel Components


Magneto-Thermic Switch 4 I1;I2;I3;I4
General Switch 1 IG
Auxiliary Magneto-Thermic Switch 1 Iaux
Relay 1 1 TG
Starter 4 ACC1;ACC2;ACC3;ACC4
Relay (24 V AC) 4 R1;R2;R3;R4
Relay (230 V AC) 1 R5
230 V AC to 24 V AC transformer 1 T
Display Board 1 UV708
Full Optional Board 1 UV707
Rack SMP Board 1 UV706
Cleaning system End-Switch 1 F1
Cleaning system End-Switch (motor side) 1 F2
Cleaning system security end switch 1 S1 ; S2
Cleaning system engine terminals 3 Z2 ; U2 ; U1
230 V AC / 12 V DC transformer 1 AL1

16. Warranty Condition


Works in compliance with ISO-9001 2000 quality procedures and subjects all equipments to
accurate checks and tests.
The equipments are covered by warranty for 24 months from the date of purchase, while the
stainless steel chambers are guaranteed 5 years for manufacturing defects.
Our Company engages itself to repair or replace without charge those parts which should prove to
be non efficient, in its judgement.

The warranty does not cover:

• Accidental breakages due to the transport
• Accidental breakages due to the uncorrect use or to carelessness
• Breakages due to the connection to a power grid feeded with a tension different from the forecast
one (± 10% of the nominal value, as fixed by the CEI rules)

The warranty does not cover the product repaired or tampered by non-authorized third party, and
the product on which an intervention has been made for defect or for convenience tests.
In no case the integral replacement of the product is foreseen and no request for indemnities for
eventual damages undergone will be recognized.
Repairs are normally carried out in our warehouse or in authorized after-sales service centers.


• The adhesive label with the number of QC (Quality Control) indicates the form of the electrical test
specific for that unit, which, upon request, can be sent to the Customer.

17. Declaration Of Conformity

Unit produced in the factory of:

Italian Company for Water Treatment

The undersigned hereby declares, under full responsibility, that the unit:





2006/95/CE (low voltage directive)

2004/108/CE (electro-magnetical compatibility)
2002/95/CE (RoHS)
2002/96/CE (WEEE)
IEC -EN 60204-1 norms (safety of machinery-electrical equipment of machinery)
IEC -EN 55022 norms (characteristics of radio interference)

97/23/CE (art.3 comm.3) (PED)

The validity of CE marking is subordinated to the equipment integrity. Any modification,if not authorized,will cancel the
use of the CE marking.This will occurs in case the relevant risks have not been previously analyzed by our company,and a
new EC Declaration of Conformity has been issued.


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