Cell Diffusion & Permeability - Basic Version

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Cell Diffusion & Permeability Lab Basic Student Version

Part 1 Modeling Cell Semi-Permeability

Key Concepts:
A human cell has a protective layer called a cell membrane.

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This cell membrane is semi-permeable, meaning that some molecules easily move across the cell membrane, some cannot. When solutions containing different amounts of ingredients are separated by a semipermeable membrane, diffusion of molecules occurs. Diffusion is the movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. For example, diffusion can occur across biological membranes or down open spaces in the cell.

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There are 3 main types of diffusion: o Passive Transport is when molecules diffuse without the use of energy from the cell, from areas of high amounts to areas of low amounts. o Active Transport is when molecules diffuse with the use of energy from the cell (and a special pump), from areas of low amounts to areas of high amounts. o Facilitated Transport is when molecules diffuse from areas of high amounts to areas of low amounts without the use of energy from the cell, but with the help of proteins that form channels across the cell membrane. Remember that to facilitate means to help so sometimes molecules need help getting across the cell membrane and special proteins facilitate this!

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Graduated Cylinder (or 25mL beaker) Plastic Sandwich Bag Twist Tie 500mL Beaker or Flask Iodine Solution Liquid Starch Gloves (one pair per student)

Pour approximately 50mL of water into a plastic sandwich bag and add 10mL of starch Secure bag with the twist tie and shake gently to mix the starch. Put on gloves. Pour 250mL of water into a 500mL beaker. Add 15 drops of iodine. Place the sandwich bag of starch solution into the beaker of iodine solution.

6. 7. 8. 9.

Allow the sandwich bag to soak in the iodine solution for at least 20 minutes. Record any observations noted at the beginning, during, and at the end of the experiment. In between observations, please continue to Part 2: Cell diffusion. Once you are finished with recording your observations for Part 1: Semi-Permeability, you may answer the concept questions below the data table. Initial Cell Semi-Permeability Observations During End

Concept Questions:
1. What cellular structure does the sandwich bag model?

2. What observations did you make that occurred outside of the sandwich bag? What observations did you make that occurred inside the sandwich bag?

3. What property of the sandwich bag allows for the results you observed during the experiment and recorded for Concept Questions #2 above?

Part 2 Cell Diffusion

Note: Initial observations and set up need to be conducted a day before the rest of the lab is completed. Key Concepts:
The prefix hyper- refers to high as in hypertension (high blood pressure). A hypertonic solution has a higher amount of solute (the solid that is being dissolved) and a lower amount of solvent (the liquid that is dissolving the solute). As diffusion of molecules takes place across a biological membrane, the high amounts of solvent (water) from inside the cell rushes out toward the low amounts of solvent and high amounts of solute outside the cell, thus causing the cell to shrink. The prefix hypo- refers to low as in hypotension (low blood pressure). A hypotonic solution has a lower amount of solute and a higher amount of solvent. As diffusion of molecules takes place across a biological membrane, the high amounts of solvent (water) from outside the cell rushes toward the low amounts of solvent and high amounts of solute inside the cell, thus causing the cell to gorge and possibly explode. Isotonic solutions have equal amounts of solvent and solute on both sides of a biological membrane, thus the molecules diffuse through the cell at a steady and balanced rate maintaining equilibrium in the cell.

In the Cell:

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The egg:


1. 3 chicken eggs with shells dissolved by vinegar 2. White vinegar 3. 3 clear plastic cups 4. Light Corn Syrup (enough to completely cover eggs) 5. Liquid egg whites (enough to completely cover eggs) 6. Distilled Water (enough to completely cover eggs) 7. String 8. Rulers 9. Triple-beam balance OR Rudimentary Scale (If scale is unavailable, only measure circumference).

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What will happen to eggs (cells) that are separately placed in syrup, distilled water, and liquid egg whites?

1.) If I place an egg in syrup, then _____________________________________________________________________________, because ______________________________________________________________________. 2.) If I place an egg in distilled water, then _____________________________________________________________________________, because ______________________________________________________________________. 3.) If I place an egg in liquid egg whites, then _____________________________________________________________________________, because ______________________________________________________________________.

Procedure: Day 1 Initial Observations and Set Up

1. Take the three cups and label them syrup, distilled water, and liquid egg whites, respectively. 2. Take the three eggs with shells dissolved by vinegar, and place an egg in each cup. 3. Measure and record circumference (in centimeters) in the data table of the syrup egg. For circumference, wrap a piece of string around the width of the egg until both ends meet. Then straighten the string and align against a ruler to record the circumference. 4. Measure and record mass (in grams) of the syrup egg. For mass, if not using a triple beam balance, then use the rudimentary scale by placing egg in one bag while you balance the bags with jelly beans in the other bag. 5. Measure and record circumference (in centimeters) in the data table of the distilled water egg. 6. Measure and record mass (in grams) of the distilled water egg. 7. Measure and record circumference (in centimeters) in the data table of the liquid egg whites egg. 8. Measure and record mass (in grams) of the liquid egg whites egg. 9. Gently place each egg back into their proper cups. 10. Cover the corn syrup egg with corn syrup, completely filling it. If the egg floats in the corn syrup, add a small amount of corn syrup into a plastic sandwich bag and place over egg to add weight on top of it. 11. Cover the other two eggs with their respective solution. 12. Let the eggs soak in their cups overnight.

Procedure: Day 2 Final Observations and Clean Up

1. Gently remove each egg from their respective beaker. Gently rinse the eggs that were in the corn syrup and liquid egg whites under running water. 2. Gently dry all three eggs by blotting with a paper towel. 3. Measure and record in the data table the circumference in centimeters and mass in grams for each egg just as you did previously. 4. Calculate and record in the data table the CHANGE in circumference and mass for each egg. CHANGE = Final Circumference Initial Circumference And CHANGE = Final Mass Initial Mass Note: Be sure to include a (+) sign if it is a positive change or a (-) sign if it is a negative change. 5. Calculate and record in the data table the PERCENT CHANGE in circumference and

mass for each egg using the formula below.

PERCENT CHANGE = Final Circumference Initial Circumference ---------------------------------------------------------X 100 Initial Circumference And PERCENT CHANGE = Final Mass Initial Mass ---------------------------------- X 100 Initial Mass

Data Table: Egg Measurements Pre/Post Diffusion Initial Final Measurement Measurement Egg #1: Corn Syrup Egg #2: Distilled Water Egg #3: Liquid Egg Whites Circumference (cm) Mass (g) Circumference (cm) Mass (g) Circumference (cm) Mass (g)

Change (cm/g)

Percent (%) Change

Concept Questions:
1. What role does vinegar play in the investigation? In other words, what did the vinegar do to the eggshells?

2. A cell placed in a syrup solution is in a(n) hypertonic/hypotonic/isotonic (circle 1 answer)

environment. This will cause the cell to gain/lose (circle 1 answer) water because the cell is hypertonic/hypotonic/isotonic (circle 1 answer) when compared to its environment. 3. A cell placed in distilled water is in a(n) hypertonic/hypotonic/isotonic (circle 1 answer) environment. This will cause the cell to gain/lose (circle 1 answer) water because the cell is hypertonic/hypotonic/isotonic (circle 1 answer) when compared to its environment. 4. A cell placed in egg whites is in a(n) hypertonic/hypotonic/isotonic (circle 1 answer) environment. This will cause the cell to maintain equilibrium because the flow of water is the same/different (circle 1 answer) on both sides of the biological membrane.

5. Draw illustrations depicting the final outcomes of each egg after soaking in their respective solutions. Egg in corn syrup Egg in distilled water Egg in liquid egg whites

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