MFL68680413 Eng 2017.11

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Please read this owner's manual thoroughly before
operating and keep it handy for reference at all times.

Rev.03_112817 Copyright © 2014 - 2017 LG Electronics Inc. All Rights Reserved.



24 Before Use
25 Control Panel
25 - Control Panel Features
27 - Detaching the In-Door Ice Bin

7 COMPONENTS 27 - Assembling the In-Door Ice Bin

28 Automatic Icemaker
7 Refrigerator Exterior
28 - Turning the Automatic Icemaker On or Off
8 Refrigerator Interior
29 - When You Should Turn the Icemaker Off
29 - Normal Sounds You May Hear
9 INSTALLATION 29 - Preparing for Vacation
30 Ice and Water Dispenser
9 Installation Overview
30 - Dispenser
10 Specifications
30 - Using the Dispenser
11 Unpacking Your Refrigerator
30 - Locking the Dispenser
11 Choosing the Proper Location
30 - Cleaning the Dispenser Stand
11 - Flooring
31 Storing Food
12 - Ambient Temperature
31 - Food Preservation Location
12 - Measuring the Clearances
32 - Food Storage Tips
12 Removing/Assembling the Refrigerator
Door Handles 32 - Storing Frozen Food
13 Removing/Assembling the Freezer 33 Humidity Controlled Crisperand Glide’N’Serve
Drawer Handle 34 Detaching and Assembling the Storage Bins
13 Removing/Assembling the Doors and
35 Adjusting the Refrigerator Shelves
13 - Removing the Left Refrigerator Door
14 - Removing the Right Refrigerator Door
15 - Assembling the Right Refrigerator Door 36 Cleaning
15 - Assembling the Left Refrigerator Door 37 Replacing the Water Filter
16 - Removing the Freezer Drawers
17 - Assembling the Freezer Drawers 39 SMART DIAGNOSIS
19 Connecting the Water Line
39 Using Smart Diagnosis
19 - Before You Begin
19 - Water Pressure
19 - What You Will Need 40 TROUBLESHOOTING
20 - Water Line Installation Instructions
22 Turning On the Power
23 Leveling and Door Alignment
23 - Leveling
23 - Door Alignment


* Depending on the model, some of the following functions may not be available.


The water dispenser dispenses fresh, chilled water.
The ice dispenser dispenses cubed and crushed ice.

The Door Alarm function is designed to prevent refrigerator malfunctioning
that could occur if a refrigerator door or freezer drawer remains open. If a
refrigerator door or freezer drawer is left open for more than 60 seconds, a
warning alarm sounds in 30 second intervals.


The Humidity Controlled Crisper is designed to help keep your fruits and
vegetables fresh and crisp. You can control the amount of humidity in the
crisper by adjusting the setting between Low and High.

Glide`N’Serve provides storage space that keeps the compartment colder
than the refrigerator.
It is a convenient place to store sandwiches or meat to be cooked.

Ice production can be increased by approximately 20 percent when the
freezer section is maintained at the coldest temperature for a 24-hour
(USA Only)


Use this page to become more familiar with the parts and features of your refrigerator.
Page references are included for your convenience.
*The appearance and specifications of the actual product may differ depending on the model.

Refrigerator Exterior

LED Display
Displays the refrigerator and
freezer temperature, the water
filter condition and the dispenser Filtered Water and
Ice Dispenser
Dispenses fresh, chilled,
Ice Plus filtered water through
When this feature is activated, the door. The ice
the freezer section will run at the dispenser offers cubed
coldest temperature for a 24-hour or crushed ice.
period to increase ice production.

Door Alarm
A warning alarm sounds at 30-
second intervals when the
refrigerator or freezer door is left
open for more than 60 seconds.

Refrigerator Interior

LED Interior Lamps

The interior lamps light up the
inside of the refrigerator.
Smart Diagnosis Speaker
Hold your phone to this speaker when
Water Filter activating Smart Diagnosis. Refer to the
Smart Diagnosis section for more details.
SpacePlus Ice System
Automatically produces Dairy Product Bin
80-130 ice cubes in a
24-hour period. Adjustable
Refrigerator Shelves
The shelves in your
Fixed Door Bins refrigerator are adjustable
to meet your individual
storage needs.

Modular Door Bins
Folds in when the
left door is opened.

Can Storage Bin

Used to preserve chilled Crispers
food or drinks. Controls humidity and
helps vegetables and
fruit to stay crisp.
Allows you to store food items Pullout Drawer
at a different temperature than
the regular refrigerator area.

Auto Closing Hinge Durabase

The refrigerator doors
and freezer drawers close Durabase Divider
automatically when you push
them slightly.
(The door only closes
automatically when it is open
at an angle of less than 30°.)


Installation Overview
Please read the following installation instructions first after purchasing this product or transporting
it to another location.

1 Unpacking your 2 Choosing the proper 3 Disassembling/Assembling

refrigerator location

4 Connecting the water 5 Leveling and Door

supply and water line Alignment


The appearance and specifications listed in this manual may vary due to constant product

Description French door refrigerator

Electrical requirements 115 VAC @ 60 Hz

Min. / Max. Water pressure 20 and 120 psi (140 and 830 kPa)

Dimensions 35 3/4” (W) X 30 1/4” (D) X 69 3/4” (H), 42 1/2” (D w/ door open)
908 mm (W) X 768 mm (D) X 1772mm (H), 1073 mm (D w/ door open)

Net weight 287 lb. (130kg)


Unpacking Your Refrigerator Choosing the Proper Location

Select a place where a water supply can
WARNING be easily connected for the automatic
Use two or more people to move and
install the refrigerator. Failure to do so
can result in back or other injury. NOTE
Your refrigerator is heavy. When moving The water pressure must be between 20
the refrigerator for cleaning or service, and 120 psi (140 and 830 kPa)on models
be sure to protect the floor. Always pull without a water filter and between 40 and
the refrigerator straight out when moving 120 psi (280 and 830kPa) on models with
a water filter.
it. Do not wiggle or walk the refrigerator
when trying to move it, as floor damage
The refrigerator should always be plugged
could occur.
into its own individual properly grounded
Keep flammable materials and vapors, electrical outlet rated for 115 Volts, 60 Hz,
such as gasoline, away from the AC only, and fused at 15 or 20 amperes.
refrigerator. Failure to do so can result in This provides the best performance
fire, explosion, or death. and also prevents overloading house
wiring circuits which could cause a fire
hazard from overheated wires. It is
Remove tape and any temporary labels from your recommended that a separate circuit
refrigerator before using. Do not remove any serving only this appliance be provided.
warning-type labels, the model and serial number
label, or the Tech Sheet that is located under the
front of the refrigerator.
To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not
To remove any remaining tape or glue, rub the install the refrigerator in a wet or damp
area briskly with your thumb. Tape or glue residue area.
can also be easily removed by rubbing a small
amount of liquid dish soap over the adhesive with
your fingers. Wipe with warm water and dry.
Do not use sharp instruments, rubbing alcohol,
To avoid noise and vibration, the unit must be
flammable fluids, or abrasive cleaners to remove
leveled and installed on a solidly constructed
tape or glue. These products can damage the
floor. If required, adjust the leveling legs to
surface of your refrigerator.
compensate for unevenness of the floor. The
front should be slightly higher than the rear to
Refrigerator shelves are installed in the shipping
aid in door closing. Leveling legs can be turned
position. Please reinstall shelves according to
easily by tipping the cabinet slightly. Turn the
your individual storage needs.
leveling legs to the left to raise the unit or to
the right to lower it. (See Leveling and door

Installing on carpeting, soft tile surfaces,
a platform or weakly supported structure
is not recommended.

Ambient Temperature Removing/Assembling the


Install this appliance in an area where the Refrigerator Door Handles

temperature is between 55°F (13°C) and 110°F
(43°C). If the temperature around the appliance NOTE
is too low or high, cooling ability may be
adversely affected. Removing the doors is always
recommended when it is necessary to
move the refrigerator through a narrow
opening. If it is necessary to remove the
Measuring the Clearances handles, follow the directions below.
Too small of a distance from adjacent items
may result in lowered freezing capability and
increased electricity consumption charges. Removing the Handles
Allow at least 24 inches (61 cm) in front of the
refrigerator to open the doors, and at least 1 Loosen the set screws with a 3/32 in.
2 inches (5.08 cm) between the back of the Allen wrench and remove the handle.
refrigerator and the wall.
2 Loosen the mounting fasteners that
connect to the refrigerator door and handle
using a 1/4 in. Allen wrench, remove the
mounting fasteners.

24” (61 cm)

2” (5.08 cm)

Assembling the Handles

1 Assemble the mounting fasteners at

both ends of the handle using a 1/4 in.
Allen wrench.

2 Place the handle on the door by fitting

the handle footprints over the mounting
fasteners and tightening the set screws
with a 3/32 in. Allen wrench.

Removing/Assembling the Removing/Assembling the

Freezer Drawer Handle Doors and Drawers
Removing the Handles Removing the doors is always recommended
when it is necessary to move the refrigerator
1 Loosen the set screws located on the
through a narrow opening.
lower side of the handle with a 1/8 in. Allen
wrench and remove the handle.
2 Loosen the mounting fasteners that
y If your entrance door is too narrow for the
connect to the
refrigerator to pass through, remove the
freezer drawer
refrigerator doors and move the refrigerator
and handle
sideways through the doorway.
using a 1/4 in.
y Use two or more people to remove and
Allen wrench,
install the refrigerator doors. Failure to do
and remove
so can result in back or other injury.
the mounting
y Disconnect the electrical supply to the
refrigerator before installing. Failure to do
so could result in serious injury or death.
y Do not put hands, feet or other objects into
Assembling the Handles the air vents or bottom of the refrigerator.
You may be injured or receive an electrical
1 Assemble the mounting fasteners at shock.
both ends of the handle using a 1/4 in. Allen y Be careful when handling the hinge and
wrench. stopper. It may result in injury.
y Remove food and bins from the doors and
2 Place the handle on the door by fitting
drawers before detaching.
the handle
footprints over
the mounting
fasteners and Removing the Left Refrigerator Door
tightening the
set screws 1 The water supply is connected to the
with a 1/8 in. upper right part of the rear surface of the
Allen wrench. refrigerator. Remove the ring in the joint
area. Hold the water supply connection
and gently push the Collet to detach the
water supply line as shown in and .
When the customer takes apart the handle
or assemble it from a refrigerator, please be
cautious of following things.
y Hold the handle with your own hand to Collet
make sure not to drop the handle to the
floor or instep while taking apart the handle
from a refrigerator.
y Do not swing the handle towards people or
animals after taking apart the handle.
y Insert the bracket hole of the handle into
the stopper bolt of the door exactly, and NOTE
then assemble the set screws to fix the Detachment of the water supply line is
handle. applicable only when detaching the left
y Check if there’s any gap between the door refrigerator door.
and handle after fixing the handle.

Removing the Right Refrigerator Door


1 Open the door. Remove the top hinge

cover screw (1). Lift up the cover (2).
2 Open the left door. Remove the top hinge
cover screw (1). Lift up the cover (2). 2 Remove the cover.

3 Remove the cover. 3 Rotate the hinge lever (3) clockwise. Lift
the top hinge (4) free of the hinge lever
4 Pull out the tube (3). latch (5).

5 Disconnect all wire harnesses (4). 4 Lift the door from the middle hinge pin and
remove the door.
6 Remove the grounding screw (5).
5 Place the door, inside facing up, on a non-
7 Rotate the hinge lever (6) scratching surface.
counterclockwise. Lift the top hinge (7)
free of the hinge lever latch (8). CAUTION
8 Lift the door from the middle hinge pin and When lifting the hinge free of the latch, be
remove the door. careful that the door does not fall forward.

9 Place the door, inside facing up, on a non-

scratching surface.

When lifting the hinge free of the latch, be
careful that the door does not fall forward.

Assembling the Right Refrigerator Assembling the Left Refrigerator

Door Door

Install the right-side door first. Install the left refrigerator door after the right
door is installed.

1 Lower the door onto the middle hinge

pin. Make sure that the plastic sleeve is
inserted into the bottom of the door. 1 Lower the door onto the middle hinge pin.

2 Fit the top hinge (4) over the hinge lever

latch (5) and into place.
3 Rotate the lever (3) counterclockwise to 2 Fit the top hinge (7) over the hinge lever
secure the hinge. latch (8) and into place.
4 Hook the tabs on the right side of the 3 Rotate the lever (6) clockwise to secure
hinge cover (2) under the edge of the top the hinge.
hinge (4) and position the cover in place.
4 Install the grounding screws (5) and
5 Insert and tighten the cover screw (1). connect the two wire harnesses (4).
5 Push the water tube (3) located at the top
of the left door into the hole beside the left
hinge on the top of the cabinet until it exits
through the back.
6 Insert the water supply tube (3) into the
connector until you see only one scale
mark. Fully insert the tub cover (15 mm).
7 Hook the tabs on the left side of the hinge
cover (1) under the edge of the top hinge (7)
and position the cover in place.
8 Insert and tighten the cover screw (1).

Removing the Freezer Drawers


The top, middle and bottom drawers are all

removed in the same way. In the following
figures, the Pullout Drawer located above the
freezer drawer is not shown for clarity.

Use two or more people to remove and
install the freezer drawer. Failure to do so
can result in back or other injury.
9 Insert the water supply tube at least 5/8 in. Do not hold the handle when removing
(15 mm) into the connector. or replacing the drawer. The handle may
come off and it could cause personal
1 0 Hook the tab on the door switch side injury.
of the cover under the edge of the wire Be careful of sharp hinges on both sides
opening in the cabinet top. of the drawer.
1 1 Position the cover into place. Insert and When you lay the drawer down, be
tighten the cover screw. careful not to damage the floor.
Do not sit or stand on the freezer drawer.
To prevent accidents, keep children and
pets away from the drawer. Do not leave
NOTE the drawer open.

1 Pull the drawer open to full extension.
Insert Line Remove the lower basket by lifting basket
from rail system.

1) Gently press the Collet and insert the

tube until only one line shows on the 1

(Correct) 2 Press in the tabs on the rail covers and

lift them up to separate from the rail


2) Pull the tube to make sure that the

tube is tightly fastened and then insert
the clip.

3 Remove the rail screw 2 on both the left Assembling the Freezer Drawer
and right rails.

1 With both hands, pull out each rail
simultaneously until both rails are fully

4 With both hands, grasp the sides of the door

and pull it up to separate it from the rails.

2 Hook the door support 1 into the rail tabs

2 on both sides.

When you remove the drawer, do not
hold the handle. The handle may come
off and it could cause personal injury.
3 Lower door into final position and tighten the
screws 3 .

5 With both hands, hold each rail and push it in

to allow both rails to slide in simultaneously.

Assembling the Freezer Drawer


4 Make sure you have the correct rail cover
If the Durabase divider is removed, there is
for each side.
enough open space for children or pets to
Right Rail crawl inside. To prevent accidental child and
Cover pet entrapment or suffocation risk, DO NOT
allow them to touch or go near the freezer
Left Rail
Cover DO NOT step or sit down on freezer

5 Align the tabs on the covers with the

assembly holes on each rail, and snap the
rail covers in place to secure.


6 With the drawer pulled out to full

extension, insert the lower basket 4 in
the rail assembly.


Connecting the Water Line

Before You Begin CAUTION
This water line installation is not covered by the Wear eye protection during installation
refrigerator warranty. Follow these instructions to prevent injury.
carefully to minimize the risk of expensive water
If the water pressure from the reverse osmosis
system is less than 21 psi (145 kPa) (takes more
Water hammer (water banging in the pipes) in
than 4.0 sec to fill a cup of 7 oz (200 cc) capacity):
house plumbing can cause damage to refrigerator
parts and can lead to water leakage or flooding. Check to see if the sediment filter in
Call a qualified plumber to correct water hammer the reverse osmosis system is blocked.
before installing the water supply line to the Replace the filter if necessary.
refrigerator. Allow the storage tank on the reverse
CAUTION If the issue concerning water pressure
To prevent burns and product damange, from reverse osmosis remains, call a
only connect the refrigerator water line to licensed, qualified plumber.
a cold water supply. All installations must be in accordance
with local plumbing code requirements.
If you use your refrigerator before connecting
the water line, make sure the icemaker power
switch is in the OFF (O) position. What You Will Need
Copper Tubing, ¼ in. outer diameter, to
connect the refrigerator to the water
Do not install the icemaker tubing in supply. Be sure both ends of the tubing
areas where temperatures fall below are cut square.
freezing. To determine how
much tubing you need:
measure the distance
from the water valve on the back of the
Water Pressure refrigerator to the water supply pipe.
Then, add 8 feet
A cold water supply. The water pressure must (2.4 m). Be sure there is sufficient extra
be between 20 and 120 psi (140 and 830 kPa)
on models without a water filter and between 40 tubing (about 8 feet [2.4 m] coiled into 3
and 120 psi (280 and 830kPa) on models with turns of about 10 in. [25 cm] diameter)
a water filter. to allow the refrigerator to move out
from the wall after installation.
If a reverse osmosis water filtration system is
Power drill.
connected to your cold water supply, this water
line installation is not covered by the refrigerator ½ in. or adjustable
warranty. Follow the following instructions wrench.
carefully to minimize the risk of expensive water Flat blade and Phillips
damage. head screwdrivers.
Two ¼ in. outer
If a reverse osmosis water filtration system is diameter compression
connected to your cold water supply, the water nuts and 2 ferrules (sleeves) to connect the
pressure to the reverse osmosis system needs to copper tubing to the shutoff valve and
be a minimum of 40 and 60 psi ( 280 and 420 the refrigerator water valve.
kPa), less than 2.0~3.0 sec. to fill a cup of 7 oz
(200 cc) capacity.

y If your existing copper water line has a Water Line Installation Instructions
flared fitting at the end, you will need

an adapter (available at plumbing supply WARNING

stores) to connect the water line to the
refrigerator OR you can cut off the flared When using any electrical device
fitting with a tube (such as a power drill) during
cutter and then use a installation, be sure the device is
compression fitting. battery powered, double insulated
y Shutoff valve to or grounded in a manner that will
connect to the cold water line. The shutoff prevent the hazard of electric shock.
valve should have a water inlet with a
minimum inside diameter of 5/32 in. at
the point of connection to the COLD Install the shutoff valve on the nearest
WATER LINE. Saddle-type shutoff valves frequently used drinking water line.
are included in many water supply kits.
make sure a saddle- Turn on the nearest faucet to relieve the
type valve complies pressure on the line.
with your local
Choose a location for
the valve that is easily
NOTE accessible. It is best to
connect into the side of a
A self piercing saddle type water valve vertical water pipe. When
should not be used. it is necessary to connect
into a horizontal water
pipe, make the connection to the top or
side, rather than at the bottom, to avoid
drawing off any sediment from the water


Drill a ¼ in. hole in
the water pipe using
a sharp bit. Remove
any burrs resulting
from drilling the hole
in the pipe. Be careful
not to allow water
to drain into the drill. Failure to drill a ¼ in.
hole may result in reduced ice production
or smaller cubes.

The hookup line cannot be white, plastic
tubing. Licensed plumbers must use
only copper tubing NDA tubing #49595
or 49599 or Cross Link Polyethylene
(PEX) tubing.


Fasten the shutoff valve to the cold water Place the compression nut and ferrule

pipe with the pipe clamp. (sleeve) for copper tubing onto the end of
the tubing and connect it to the shutoff
Pipe Clamp valve. Make sure the tubing is fully inserted
into the valve. Tighten the compression
nut securely.

Saddle-Type Compression
Saddle-Type Vertical Cold Shutoff Valve Nut
Shutoff Valve Water Pipe

Packing Nut
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Outlet Valve Ferrule (sleeve)
Plumbing Codes 248CMR shall be
adhered to. Saddle valves are illegal and
use is not permitted in Massachusetts. 8 FLUSH OUT THE TUBING
Consult with your licensed plumber. Turn the main water
supply on and flush out
the tubing until the water
Tighten the clamp screws until the sealing Shut the water off at the
washer begins to swell. water valve after about
NOTE: Do not overtighten clamp or one quart of water has
been flushed through the tubing.
you may crush the tubing.


Pipe Clamp Inlet End REFRIGERATOR
Clamp Screw NOTE: Before making the connection
to the refrigerator, be sure that the
refrigerator power cord is not plugged into
the wall outlet.
a. Remove the plastic flexible cap from
the water valve.
6 ROUTE THE TUBING b. Place the compression nut and ferrule
Route the tubing between the cold water (sleeve) onto the end of the tubing as
line and the refrigerator. shown.

Route the tubing through a hole drilled in c. Insert the end of the copper tubing into
the wall or floor (behind the refrigerator or the connection as far as possible. While
adjacent base cabinet) as close to the wall holding the tubing, tighten the fitting.
as possible.
Tubing Clamp ¼ in. Tubing

¼ in.
Be sure there is sufficient extra tubing Compression
(about 8 feet coiled into 3 turns of Nut
about 10 in. diameter) to allow the
refrigerator to move out from the wall
after installation. Ferrule




Tighten any connections that leak. Plug in the refrigerator.


Check to see if leaks occur at the water
line connections. y Connect to a rated power outlet.
y Have a certified electrician check
the wall outlet and wiring for proper
y Do not damage or cut off the ground
Arrange the coil of tubing so that it
terminal of the power plug.
does not vibrate against the back of the
refrigerator or against the wall. Push the
refrigerator back to the wall.


Set the icemaker power switch to the ON

The icemaker will not begin to operate

until it reaches its operating temperature
of 16°F (-9°C) or below. It will then begin
operation automatically if the icemaker
power switch is in the ON (I) position.

Leveling and Door Alignment

Leveling Door Alignment
After installing, plug the refrigerator’s power Both the left and right refrigerator doors have
cord into a 3-prong grounded outlet and push an adjustable nut, located on the bottom hinge,
the refrigerator into the final position. to raise and lower them to align properly.
If the space between your doors is uneven,
Your refrigerator has two front leveling legs— follow the instructions below to align the doors
one on the right and one on the left. Adjust the evenly:
legs to alter the tilt from front-to-back or side-
Use the wrench (included with the Owner’s
to-side. If your refrigerator seems unsteady, or
Manual) to turn the nut in the door hinge to
you want the doors to close more easily, adjust
adjust the height. To the right to raise or to the
the refrigerator’s tilt using the instructions
left to lower the height.

1 Remove the base grille. Refer to the Base

Grille Installation section.

2 Turn the leveling leg to the left to raise

that side of the refrigerator or to the right
to lower it. It may take several turns of
the leveling leg to adjust the tilt of the

A flare nut wrench works best, but an
open-end wrench will suffice.
Do not over-tighten.

3 Open both doors again and check to make

sure that they close easily. If the doors do
not close easily, tilt the refrigerator slightly
more to the rear by turning both leveling
legs to the left. It may take several more
turns, and you should turn both leveling
legs the same mount.

4 Replace the base grille.



Before use
Clean the refrigerator.
Clean your refrigerator thoroughly and wipe off all dust that accumulated during

y Do not scratch the refrigerator with a sharp object or use a detergent that
contains alcohol, a flammable liquid or an abrasive when removing any tape
or adhesive from the refrigerator,.
y Do not peel off the model or serial number label or the technical information
on the rear surface of the refrigerator.

Remove adhesive residue by wiping it off with your thumb or dish detergent.

Connect the power supply.

Check if the power supply is connected before use.
Read the “Turning On The Power” section.

Turn off the icemaker if the refrigerator is not yet connected to the
water supply.
Turn off the automatic icemaker and then plug the power plug of the refrigerator
into the grounded electric outlet.
* This is applicable only to certain models.

Running the automatic icemaker before connecting it to the water
supply may cause the refrigerator to malfunction.

Wait for the refrigerator to cool.

Allow your refrigerator to run for at least two to three hours before putting food in
it. Check the flow of cold air in the freezer compartment to ensure proper cooling.

Putting food in the refrigerator before it has cooled could cause the
food to spoil, or a bad odor could remain inside the refrigerator.

The refrigerator makes a loud noise after initial operation.

This is normal. The loudness will decrease as the temperature lowers.

Open refrigerator doors and freezer drawers to ventilate the interior.

The inside of the refrigerator may smell like plastic at first. Remove any adhesive
tape from inside the refrigerator and open the refrigerator doors and the freezer
drawers for ventilation.

Control Panel Features (continued)


Energy Saving Control Lock

The Energy Saving function disables the mullion The Control Lock function disables every other
heater located on the refrigerator door in order to button on the display.
conserve electricity. Press and hold the Energy
Saving button for three seconds to activate or y When power is initially connected to the
deactivate this function. refrigerator, the Lock function is off.
y If you want to activate the Lock function to
NOTE lock other buttons, press and hold the Lock
Discontinue using the Energy Saving function button for three seconds or more. The Lock
if excessive moisture begins to collect on the icon will display and the Lock function is
door mullion. now enabled.
y To disable the Lock function, press and hold
the Lock button for approximately three

Press the LIGHT button, to turn on the CAUTION

dispenser light. The indicator will appear on the
LED display. Display Mode (For Store Use Only)
The Display Mode disables all cooling
in the refrigerator and freezer sections
Change Filter to conserve energy while on display in
a retail store. When activated, OFF will
display on the control panel.
When the water filter indicator turns on, you
have to change the water filter. After changing
To deactivate:
the water filter, press and hold the FILTER
button for three seconds to turn the indicator With either refrigerator door opened,
light off. You need to change the water filter press and hold the Refrigerator and Ice
approximately every six months. Plus buttons at the same time for five
seconds. The control panel will beep and
the temperature settings will display to
confirm that Display Mode is deactivated.
Alarm Use the same procedure to activate the
Display Mode.
y When power is connected to the
refrigerator, the door alarm is initially set to
ON. When you press the ALARM button,
the display will change to OFF and the
Alarm function will deactivate.
y When either the refrigerator or the freezer
door is left open for more than 60 seconds,
the alarm tone will sound to let you know
that the door is open.
y When you close the door, the door alarm
will stop.

In-Door Ice Bin

* Depending on the model, some of the 2 To remove the in-door ice bin, grip the
following functions may not be available.
front handle, slightly lift the lower part,
and slowly pull out the bin as shown.
y Keep hands and tools out of the ice
compartment door and dispenser chute.
Failure to do so may result in damage or
personal injury.
y The icemaker will stop producing ice when
the in-door ice bin is full. If you need more
ice, empty the ice bin into the extra ice bin
in the freezer compartment. During use,
the ice can become uneven causing the
icemaker to misread the amount of ice
cubes and stop producing ice. Shaking the
ice bin to level the ice within it can reduce
this problem. Assembling the In-Door Ice Bin
y Storing cans or other items in the ice bin will
damage the icemaker. 1 Carefully insert the in-door ice bin while
y Keep the ice compartment door closed slightly slanting it to avoid contact with the
tightly. If the ice compartment door is not icemaker.
closed tightly, the cold air in the ice bin will
freeze food in the refrigerator compartment.
This could also cause the icemaker to stop
producing ice.
y If the ON/OFF switch on the icemaker is
set to OFF for an extended period of time,
the ice compartment will gradually warm
up to the temperature of the refrigerator
compartment. To prevent ice cubes from
melting and leaking from the dispenser,
ALWAYS empty the ice bin when the 2 Avoid touching the ice-detecting sensor
icemaker is set to OFF for more than a few when replacing the ice bin. See the label
hours. on the ice compartment door for details.


Detaching the In-Door Ice Bin

1 Gently pull the handle to open the ice


When handling the ice bin,
keep hands away from the
icemaker tray area to avoid
personal injury.

Automatic Icemaker
Water fills the ice tray.

* Depending on the model, some of the

following functions may not be available.

Ice is made in the automatic icemaker and

sent to the dispenser. The icemaker will
produce 70~210 cubes in a 24-hour period,
depending on freezer compartment temperature,
room temperature, number of door openings and
other operating conditions.
1 hour later from
supplying water

It takes about 12 to 24 hours for a newly

installed refrigerator to begin making ice. Wait
72 hours for full ice production to occur.
Ice making stops when the in-door ice bin is full.
When full, the in-door ice bin holds approximately
6 to 8 (12~16 oz or 340~455 cc) glasses of ice.
The water pressure must be between 20 and 120
psi (140 and 830 kPa)on models without a water
filter and between 40 and 120 psi (280 and 830
kPa) on models with a water filter to produce the 60 minutes after water has been added
normal amount and size of ice cubes. to the ice tray, the ice tray will sit slightly
tilted to help the cold air reach the ice.
Foreign substances or frost on the ice-detecting
sensor can interrupt ice production.
Make sure the sensor area is clean at all times
for proper operation.



The ice-detecting sensors will sense

when the ice is ready to be dumped
into the ice bin.

Turning the Automatic Icekamer

On or Off
To turn off the automatic icemaker, set the
icemaker switch to OFF (O). To turn on the
automatic icemaker, set the switch to ON (I).

Automatic Icemaker When You Should Turn the

Icemaker Off

y When the water supply will be shut off
for several hours.
y When the ice bin is removed for more
y The first ice and water dispensed may than one or two minutes.
include particles or odor from the water
supply line or the water tank. y When the refrigerator will not be used
for several days.
y Throw away the first few batches of ice
(about 24 cubes). This is also necessary if NOTE
the refrigerator has not been used for a long
time. The ice bin should be emptied when the
icemaker on/off switch is turned to the
y Never store beverage cans or other items in
OFF position.
the ice bin for the purpose of rapid cooling.
Doing so may damage the icemaker or the
containers may burst.
y If discolored ice is dispensed, check the Normal Sounds You May Hear
water filter and water supply. If the problem
continues, contact a Sears or other qualified y The icemaker water valve will buzz as
service center. Do not use the ice or water the icemaker fills with water. If the
until the problem is corrected. power switch is in the ON (I) position,
it will buzz even if it has not yet been
y Keep children away from the dispenser.
hooked up to water. To stop the buzzing,
Children may play with or damage the
move the power switch to OFF (O).
y The ice passage may become blocked with NOTE
frost if only crushed ice is used. Remove the
frost that accumulates by removing the ice Keeping the power switch in the ON
bin and clearing the passage with a rubber (I) position before the water line is
spatula. Dispensing cubed ice can also help connected can damage the icemaker.
prevent frost buildup.
y You will hear the sound of cubes
y Never use thin crystal glass or crockery to
dropping into the bin and water running
collect ice. Such containers may chip or
in the pipes as the icemaker refills.
break resulting in glass fragments in the ice.
y Dispense ice into a glass before filling it
with water or other beverages. Splashing
may occur if ice is dispensed into a glass Preparing For Vacation
that already contains liquid.
Set the icemaker power switch to OFF (O) and
y Never use a glass that is exceptionally shut off the water supply to the refrigerator.
narrow or deep. Ice may jam in the ice
passage and refrigerator performance may NOTE
be affected.
The ice bin should be emptied anytime
y Keep the glass at a proper distance from
the icemaker on/off switch is turned to
the ice outlet. A glass held too close to the
the OFF (O) position.
outlet may prevent ice from dispensing.
y To avoid personal injury, keep hands out of
If the ambient temperature will drop below
the ice door and passage.
freezing, have a qualified technician drain
y Never remove the dispenser cover. the water supply system to prevent serious
y If ice or water dispenses unexpectedly, turn property damage due to flooding caused by
off the water supply and contact a qualified ruptured water lines or connections.
service center.

Ice and Water Dispenser Incorrect Way Correct Way


* Depending on the model, some of the

following functions may not be available.

Keep children away from the dispenser.
Children may play with or damage the

Dispenser Ice

Water Switch
Ice Switch Throw away the first few batches of ice
(about 24 cubes). This is also necessary
if the refrigerator has not been used for
a long time.

Locking the Dispenser

Using the Dispenser
Press and hold the Alarm and Lock button
y To dispense cold water, push on the simultainously for 3 seconds to lock the
water switch with a glass. dispenser and all the control panel functions.
y To dispense ice, push on the ice switch Follow the same instructions to unlock.
with a glass.

NOTE Cleaning the Dispenser Stand

y If discolored ice is dispensed, check
the water filter and water supply. If the 1 Grip the stand with both hands and pull it
problem continues, contact a qualified out.
service center. Do not use the ice or
water until the problem is corrected.
y The dispenser will not operate when
either of the refrigerator doors are open.
y If dispensing water or ice into a container
with a small opening, place it as close to
the dispenser as possible.
y Some dripping may occur after
dispensing. Hold your cup beneath
the dispenser for a few seconds after
dispensing to catch all of the drops. 2 Wipe out dirty areas with a clean cloth.

Storing Food

Food Preservation Location
Each compartment inside the refrigerator is designed to store different types of food.
Store your food in the optimal space to enjoy the freshest taste.

Adjustable refrigerator shelf

Dairy product bin
Adjustable shelves to meet
your individual storage Store milk products such as
needs. butter and cheese.

Vegetable storage
(Crisper) Gallon Storage Bin
Preserves vegetables and Store drinks such as
fruit. juice and soda, as well as
seasonings, salad dressings
and other food items.

Durabase ®
Largest storage space in
the freezer. Provides storage space that
keeps the compartment
at a different temperature
than the refrigerator. It is a
convenient place to store
sandwiches or meat to be

Do not store food with high moisture content towards the top of the refrigerator. The moisture
could come in direct contact with the cold air and freeze.
Wash food before storing it in the refrigerator. Vegetables and fruit should be washed, and food
packaging should be wiped down to prevent adjacent foods from being contaminated.
If the refrigerator is kept in a hot and humid place, frequent opening of the door or storing a lot of
vegetables in the refrigerator may cause condensation to form. Wipe off the condensation with a
clean cloth or a paper towel.
If the refrigerator door or freezer drawer is opened or closed too often, warm air may penetrate
the refrigerator and raise its temperature. It can also increase the cost of electricity.

If you are leaving home for a short period of time, like a short vacation, the refrigerator should
be left on. Refrigerated foods that are able to be frozen will stay preserved longer if stored in the
If you are leaving the refrigerator turned off for an extended period of time, remove all food and
unplug the power cord. Clean the interior, and leave the door open to prevent fungi from growing
in the refrigerator.

Food Storage Tips Storing Frozen Food


* The following tips may not be applicable NOTE

depending on the model.
Check a freezer guide or a reliable cookbook
Wrap or store food in the refrigerator in airtight for further information about preparing food
for freezing or food storage times.
and moisture-proof material unless otherwise
noted. This prevents food odor and taste transfer
throughout the refrigerator. For dated products,
check date code to ensure freshness.
Your freezer will not quick-freeze a large
quantity of food. Do not put more unfrozen
Food How to
food into the freezer than will freeze within
Butter or Keep opened butter in a covered 24 hours (no more than 2 to 3 lbs. of food per
Margarine dish or closed compartment. cubic foot of freezer space). Leave enough
When storing an extra supply, space in the freezer for air to circulate around
wrap in freezer packaging and packages. Be careful to leave enough room at
freeze. the front so the door can close tightly.
Cheese Store in the original wrapping Storage times will vary according to the quality
until you are ready to use it. and type of food, the type of packaging or wrap
Once opened, rewrap tightly in used (how airtight and moisture-proof) and
plastic wrap or aluminum foil. the storage temperature. Ice crystals inside a
Milk Wipe milk cartons. For best sealed package are normal. This simply means
storage, place milk on interior that moisture in the food and air inside the
shelf, not on door shelf. package have condensed, creating ice crystals.

Eggs Store in original carton on

interior shelf, not on door shelf. NOTE
Allow hot foods to cool at room temperature
Fruit Do not wash or hull the fruit
until it is ready to be used. Sort for 30 minutes, then package and freeze.
and keep fruit in its original Cooling hot foods before freezing saves
container, in a crisper, or store energy.
in a completely closed paper
bag on a refrigerator shelf.
Leafy Remove store wrapping and
Vegetables trim or tear off bruised and
discolored areas. Wash in cold
water and drain. Place in plastic
bag or plastic container and
store in crisper.
Vegetables Place in plastic bags or plastic
with skins container and store in crisper.
Fish Store fresh fish and shellfish
in the freezer section if they
are not being consumed the
same day of purchase. It is
recommended to consume
fresh fish and shellfish the
same day purchased.
Leftovers Cover leftovers with plastic
wrap, aluminum foil, or plastic
containers with tight lids.

Storing Frozen Food (continued)


Successful freezing depends on correct

packaging. When you close and seal the
package, it must not allow air or moisture in or
out. If it does, you could have food odor and
taste transfer throughout the refrigerator and
could also dry out frozen food.

Packaging recommendations:

Rigid plastic containers with tight-fitting

Straight-sided canning/freezing jars
Heavy-duty aluminum foil
Plastic-coated paper
Non-permeable plastic wraps
Specified freezer-grade self-sealing plastic
Follow package or container instructions for
proper freezing methods.

Do not use

Bread wrappers
Non-polyethylene plastic containers
Containers without tight lids
Wax paper or wax-coated freezer wrap
Thin, semi-permeable wrap The Glide‘N’Serve provides storage space with a
variable temperature control that keeps the
Humidity Controlled Crisper
compartment colder than refrigerator.
and Glide’N’Serve
This drawer can be used for large party trays, deli
* Depending on the model, some of the
following functions may not be available. items, or beverages. (but this drawer can't be
used for vegetable.)
The crispers provide fresher tasting fruit
and vegetables by letting you easily control Controls
humidity inside the drawer.
The control regulates the air temperature in the
You can control the amount of humidity in
drawer. Set control level to COLD (print on
the moisture-sealed crispers by adjusting the
control to any setting between surface) to provide normal refrigerator
Vegetables and Fruit. temperature. Use the COLDER (print on surface)
setting for meats or other deli items.
Vegetables keeps moist air in the crisper for
best storage of fresh, leafy vegetables. NOTE
Fruit lets moist air out of the crisper for Cold air directed to the Glide‘N’Serve can
best storage of fruit. decrease refrigerator temperature.
Refrigerator control may need to be adjusted.

Detaching and Assembling the To Remove the Glass

Storage Bins (Pantry drawer not shown for clarity)

Lift up the glass under the crisper cover, and

Glide’N’Serve and Humidity pull up and out.
Controlled Crisper

To remove the Humidity Controlled Crisper and

the Glide’N’Server, pull out the Crisper and
Glide’N’Server to full extension, lift the front
up, and pull straight out.

Door Bins

The door bins are removable for easy cleaning

and adjustment.

1 To remove the bin, simply lift the bin up and

pull straight out.

To install, slightly tilt up the front, insert the 2 To replace the bin, slide it in above the
drawer into the frame and push it back into desired support and push down until it snaps
place. into place.

Storage Bins may vary in appearance, Some bins may vary in appearance and
depending on your model. will only fit in one location.

Do not apply excessive force while
detatching or
assembling the storage bins.
Do not use the dishwasher to clean
the storage bins and shelves.
Regularly detach and wash the
storage bins and shelves; they can
become easily contaminated by the

Adjusting the Refrigerator


Ice Bin
The shelves in your refrigerator are adjustable To separate the ice bin, pull out the drawer
to meet your individual storage needs. Your to full extension. Gently lift and pull out the
model may have glass or wire shelves. ice bin. To reinstall, simply set the ice bin
in its correct position.
Adjusting the shelves to fit different heights
of items will make finding the exact item you Drawer
want easier. Doing so will also reduce the
amount of time the refrigerator door is open
which will save energy.

Detaching the Shelf

Tilt up the front of the shelf and lift it straight
up. Pull the shelf out.

Pinch hazard! Keep hands and feet clear
of the bot- ytom of the door when
opening and closing.

Assembling the Shelf DuraBase ® Divider

Tilt the front of the shelf up and guide the shelf
hooks into the slots at a desired height. Then,
lower the front of the shelf so that the hooks
drop into the slots.

Child Entrapment Hazard
If the Durabase divider is removed, there
is enough yopen space for children or
Make sure that shelves are level from pets to crawl inside. To prevent
one side to the other. Failure to do so accidental child and pet entrapment or
may result in the shelf falling or spilling suffocation risk, DO NOT allow them to
food. play inside of drawer.


Both the refrigerator and freezer sections defrost automatically; however, clean both
sections about once a month to prevent odors.
Wipe up spills immediately.
Always unplug the refrigeration before cleaning.

General Cleaning Tips Inside Walls (allow freezer to warm

Unplug refrigerator or disconnect power. up so the cloth will not stick)
Remove all removable parts, such as To help remove odors, you can wash the inside
shelves, crispers, etc. of the refrigerator with a mixture of baking
Use a clean sponge or soft cloth and a soda and warm water. Mix 2 tablespoons of
mild detergent in warm water. Do not baking soda to 1 quart of water (26 g soda
use abrasive or harsh cleaners. to 1 liter water.) Be sure the baking soda is
completely dissolved so it does not scratch the
Hand wash, rinse and dry all surfaces surfaces of the refrigerator.

Exterior Door Liners and Gaskets

Waxing external painted metal surfaces helps Use a clean sponge or soft cloth and a mild
provide rust protection. Do not wax plastic detergent in warm water. Do not use cleaning
parts. Wax painted metal surfaces at least waxes, concentrated detergents, bleaches,
twice a year using appliance wax (or auto paste or cleaners containing petroleum on plastic
wax). Apply wax with a clean, soft cloth. refrigerator parts.

For products with a stainless steel exterior,

use a clean sponge or soft cloth and a mild Plastic Parts (covers and panels)
detergent in warm water. Do not use abrasive Use a clean sponge or soft cloth and a mild
or harsh cleaners. Dry thoroughly with a soft detergent in warm water. Do not use window
cloth.Do not use appliance wax, bleach, or sprays, abrasive cleansers, or flammable fluids.
other products containing chlorine on These can scratch or damage the material.
stainless steel.

CAUTION Condenser Coils

Do not use a rough cloth or sponge Use a vacuum cleaner with an attachment to
when cleaning the interior and exterior clean the condenser cover and vents. Do not
of the refrigerator. remove the panel covering the condenser coil
Do not place your hand on the bottom area.
surface of the refrigerator when
opening and closing.

Use non-flammable cleaner. Failure to do
so can result in fire, explosion, or death.

2.5 gallon (9 litters)

2.5 gallon
(9 litters)

Performance Data Sheet

Models Number 5231JA2002A-S Use with replacement cartridge 5231JA2002A

This system has been tested according to NSF/ANSI Standards 42 for the reduction of the substances
listed below. The concentration of the indicated substances in water entering the system was reduced
to a concentration less than or equal to the permissible limit for water leaving the system as specified in

System tested and certified by NSF International against NSF/ANSI Standard 42 for
the reduction of Chlorine Taste and Odor and Nominal Particulate Class III.
Capacity: 500 gal (1,892 L)

NSF % reduction req.

Average Influent Challenge Average
Average % or Max. permissible
Substance Influent Concentration. Units apply Product Water
Reduction product water
Concentration to each row Concentration

Nominal Particulate
Class I Particle size: 24,333 At least 10,000 particles/ml 915 96 ≥ 85%
>0.5 to < 1 um

Chlorine taste and

1.9 2.0 mg/L ± 10% 0.07 96.4 ≥ 50%
odor Class III

Note that while the testing was performed under standard laboratory conditions, actual performance may vary.

Application Guidelines/Water Supply Parameters CAUTION

To reduce the risk of property damage due to
Service Flow 0.5 gpm (1.89 lpm) water leakage:
20 and 120 psi y Read and follow. Use instructions before
Water Pressure (140 and 830 kPa) installation and use of this system.
y Install on COLD water lines only.
36 °F - 100 °F
Water Temperature y Comply with all state and local plumbing
(0.6 °C - 37.8 °C) codes.
y Install a pressure limiting device and water
WARNING hammer arrester for inlet water pressures
exceeding 80 psi (552 kPa). Refer to
Do not use with water that is microbiologically Uniform Plumbing Code, Sections 608.2
unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate and 609.10).
disinfection before or after the system.
y Never install or operate where inlet water
y Systems must be installed and operated pressure may exceed 125 psi (862 kPa).
in accordance with manufacturer’s
y Protect filter from freezing. Remove filter in
recommended procedures and guidelines. temperatures below 33°F (0.6°C).
Warranty: See Warranty Card for Details.
y Replace cartridge at specified service
interval. Cartridge MUST be replaced at
For a replacement cartridge or for service least every 12 months.
contact your local dealer.
You can also visit our website;
or call 1-877-714-7486.

Manufactured for LG® Electronics by:

CUNO Incorporateda 3M Company 400
Research Parkway Meriden, CT 06450 U.S.A.
Telephone: 203-237-5541
Fax: 203-238-8701


Should you experience any problems with 3 Hold the mouthpiece of your phone in
your refrigerator, it has the capability of front of the speaker that is located on the
transmitting data via your telephone to the LG right hinge of the refrigerator door, when
service center. This gives you the capability of instructed to do so by the call center.
speaking directly to our trained specialists. The
specialist records the data transmitted from
your machine and uses it to analyze the issue,
providing a fast and effective diagnosis.

If you experience problems with your

refrigerator, call 1-800-243-0000. Only use
the Smart Diagnosis feature when instructed
to do so by the LG call center agent. The 4 Press and hold the Freezer Temperature
transmission sounds that you will hear are button for three seconds while continuing
normal and sound similar to a fax machine. to hold your phone to the speaker.

Smart Diagnosis cannot be activated unless

your refrigerator is connected to power. If
your refrigerator is unable to turn on, then
troubleshooting must be done without using
Smart Diagnosis.
5 After you hear three beeps, release the
Freezer Temperature button.

Using Smart Diagnosis 6 Keep the phone in place until the tone
transmission has finished.
First, call 1-800-243-0000. Only use the Smart The display will count down the time.
Diagnosis feature when instructed to do so by Once the countdown is over and the tones
the LG call center agent. have stopped, resume your conversation
with the specialist, who will then be able
1 Lock the display. To lock the display, to assist you in using the information
press and hold the Lock button for three transmitted for analysis.
seconds. (If the display has been locked
for over five minutes, you must deactivate
the lock and then reactivate it.) NOTE
y For best results, do not move the phone
while the tones are being transmitted.
y If the call center agent is not able to get
an accurate recording of the data, you
may be asked to try again.

2 Open the right refrigerator door.

y Call quality differences by region may
affect the function.
y Use the home telephone for better
communication performance, resulting
in better service.
y Bad call quality may result in poor data
transmission from your phone to the
machine, which could cause Smart
Diagnosis to not work properly.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the best temperature settings for my refrigerator and freezer?

A: The default setting for the refrigerator is 37° Fahrenheit (3° Celsius). The default setting for the
freezer is 0° Fahrenheit (-18° Celsius). Adjust these settings as necessary to keep food at desired
temperatures. Milk should be cold when stored on the inner shelf of the refrigerator. Ice cream should
be firm and ice cubes should not melt in the freezer. To switch the display from Fahrenheit to Celsius,
press and hold the Freezer and Refrigerator buttons until you hear a beep and the settings in the
display change.

Q: How do I set the refrigerator and freezer temperatures?

A: Continually press the Refrigerator or Freezer button on the control panel until the desired temperature
appears. The numbers will cycle from highest to lowest and then return to the highest again with
continuous pressing.

Q: Why do I hear a buzzing noise from my refrigerator periodically?

A: This may happen if you do not have a water source attached to your refrigerator and the icemaker is
turned on. If you do not have a water source attached to the back of the refrigerator you should turn
the icemaker off.

Q: Why does the icemaker tray look crooked?

A: This is a normal part of the icemaker cycle. The icemaker tray may appear level or with a slight tilt.
The change in position is to assist in the freezing process..

Q: What can I do if I see condensation on the refrigerator door mullion?

A: On some models with an Energy Saver function, the default is set to enable the Energy Saver. This
turns off the heater on the door mullion to save energy, which may cause excessive condensation
to form on the mullion. If you encounter this problem, press and hold the Energy Saver button for 3
seconds to turn off the Energy Saver mode. The Energy Saver mode can be re-activated using the
same method.

Q: My refrigerator is powered on and the controls are working, but it’s not cooling and the display
shows “OFF” (see below). What is wrong?

A: The refrigerator is in Demo Mode. This mode disables cooling to save energy while the appliance
is on display in a store. To restore normal operation, press and hold the Temperature and Ice Plus
buttons for 5 seconds or until you hear a beep and the temperature settings appear on the display.
Use the same procedure to return the refrigerator to Demo Mode, if desired.


Problem Possible Causes Solutions


Refrigerator or Refrigerator was recently It may take up to 24 hours for each compartment
Freezer section is installed. to reach the desired temperature.
too warm.
Air vents are blocked. Rearrange items to allow air to flow throughout
the compartment. Refer to the Airflow diagram in
the Using Your Refrigerator section.

Doors are opened often or for When the doors are opened often or for long
long periods of time. periods of time, warm, humid air enters the
compartment. This raises the temperature and
moisture level within the compartment. To lessen
the effect, reduce the frequency and duration of
door openings.

Unit is installed in a hot location. The refrigerator should not be operated in

temperatures above 110F.

A large amount of food or Adding food warms the compartment requiring

hot food was added to either the cooling system to run. Allowing hot food to
compartment. cool to room temperature before putting it in the
refrigerator will reduce this effect.

Doors not closed correctly. See the Doors will not close correctly or pop open
section in Parts & Features Troubleshooting.

Temperature control is not set If the temperature is too warm, adjust the
correctly. control one increment at a time and wait for the
temperature to stabilize. Refer to the Setting the
Controls section for more information.

Defrost cycle has recently During the defrost cycle, the temperature of each
completed. compartment may raise slightly and condensation
may form on the back wall. Wait 30 minutes
and confirm the proper temperature has been
restored once the defrost cycle has completed.

Problem Possible Causes Solutions

Interior moisture Doors are opened often or for When the doors are opened often or for long
buildup. long periods of time. periods of time, warm, humid air enters the
compartment. This raises the temperature and
moisture level within the compartment. To
lessen the effect, reduce the frequency and
duration of door openings.
Doors not closed correctly. See the Doors will not close correctly section in
the Troubleshooting section.
Weather is humid. Humid weather allows additional moisture
to enter the compartments when the doors
are opened leading to condensation or frost.
Maintaining a reasonable level of humidity in the
home will help to control the amount of moisture
that can enter the compartments.
Defrost cycle recently During the defrost cycle, the temperature
completed. of each compartment may raise slightly and
condensation may form on the back wall.
Wait 30 minutes and confirm that the proper
temperature has been restored once the defrost
cycle has completed.
Food is not packaged correctly. Food stored uncovered or unwrapped, and damp
containers can lead to moisture accumulation
within each compartment. Wipe all containers
dry and store food in sealed packaging to prevent
condensation and frost.
Food is freezing Food with high water content Rearrange items with high water content away
in the refrigerator was placed near an air vent. from air vents.
Refrigerator temperature control If the temperature is too cold, adjust the control
is set incorrectly. one increment at a time and wait for the
temperature to stabilize. Refer to the Setting the
Controls section for more information.
Refrigerator is installed in a cold When the refrigerator is operated in temperature
location. below 41°F (5°C), food can freeze in the
refrigerator compartment. The refrigerator should
not be operated in temperature below 55°F (13°C).
Frost or ice Door is opened frequently or for When the doors are opened often or for long
crystals form long periods of time. periods of time, warm, humid air enters the
on frozen food compartment. This raises the temperature and
(outside of moisture level within the compartment. Increased
package). moisture will lead to frost and condensation.
To lessen the effect, reduce the frequency and
duration of door openings.
Door is not closing properly. Refer to the Doors will not close correctly or pop
open section in the Troubleshooting section.
Refrigerator or Incorrect temperature control If the temperature is too cold, adjust the control
Freezer section is settings. one increment at a time and wait for the
too cold. temperature to stabilize. Refer to the Setting the
Controls section for more information.

Problem Possible Causes Solutions


Frost or ice Condensation from food with a This is normal for food items with a high water
crystals on frozen high water content has frozen content.
food (inside of inside of the food package.
sealed package).
Food has been left in the freezer Do not store food items with high water content
for a long period of time. in the freezer for a long period of time.

Icemaker is not Demand exceeds ice storage The icemaker will produce approximately
making enough capacity. 70~210 cubes in a 24 hour period.
House water supply is not Connect the refrigerator to a cold water supply
connected, valve is not turned with adequate pressure and turn the water
on fully, or valve is clogged. shutoff valve fully open.
If the problem persists, it may be necessary to
contact a plumber.

Water filter has been It is recommended that you replace the water
exhausted. filter:
• Approximately every six months.
• When the water filter indicator turns on.
• When the water dispenser output decreases.
• When the ice cubes are smaller than normal.

Low house water supply The water pressure must be between 20 and 120
pressure. psi (140 and 830 kPa) on models without a water
filter and between 40 and 120 psi (280 and 830
kPa) on models with a water filter.
If the problem persists, it may be necessary
to contact a plumber.

Reverse Osmosis filtration Reverse osmosis filtration systems can reduce

system is used. the water pressure below the minimum amount
and result in icemaker issues.
(Refer to Water Pressure section.)

Tubing connecting refrigerator The tubing can kink when the refrigerator is
to house supply valve is kinked. moved during installation or cleaning resulting
in reduced water flow. Straighten or repair the
water supply line and arrange it to prevent future

Problem Possible Causes Solutions

Icemaker is not Doors are opened often or for If the doors of the unit are opened often, ambient
making enough long periods of time. air will warm the refrigerator which will prevent
ice (continued). the unit from maintaining the set temperature.
Lowering the refrigerator temperature can help,
as well as not opening the doors as frequently.

Doors are not closed If the doors are not properly closed, ice
completely. production will be affected. See the Doors will
not close completely or pop open section in Parts
& Features Troubleshooting for more information.

The temperature setting for the The recommended temperature for the freezer
freezer is too warm. compartment for normal ice production is 0°F (-18°C).
If the freezer temperature is warmer, ice production
will be affected.

Dispensing water Water filter has been exhausted. It is recommended that you replace the water filter:

• Approximately every six months.

• When the water filter indicator turns on.
• When the water dispenser output decreases.
• When the ice cubes are smaller than normal.

Reverse osmosis filtration Reverse osmosis filtration systems can reduce

system is used. the water pressure below the minimum amount
and result in icemaker issues.

If the problem persists, it may be necessary to

contact a plumber.

Low house water supply The water pressure must be between 20 and 120
pressure. psi (140 and 830 kPa) on models without a water
filter and between 40 and 120 psi (280 and 830
kPa) on models with a water filter.
If the problem persists, it may be necessary to
contact a plumber.

Problem Possible Causes Solutions


Not dispensing Doors are not closed Ice will not dispense if any of the refrigerator
ice. completely. doors are left open.

Infrequent use of the dispenser. Infrequent use of the ice dispenser will cause
the cubes to stick together over time, which
will prevent them from properly dispensing.
Check the ice bin for ice cubes clumping/sticking
together. If they are, break up the ice cubes to
allow for proper operation.
The delivery chute is clogged Eliminate the frost or ice fragments by removing
with frost or ice fragments. the ice bin and clearing the chute with a plastic
utensil. Dispensing cubed ice can also help
prevent frost or ice fragment buildup.

The dispenser display is locked. Press and hold the Lock button for three seconds
to unlock the control panel and dispenser.

Ice bin is empty. It may take up to 24 hours for each compartment

to reach the desired temperature and for the
icemaker to begin making ice. Make sure that the
(arm/sensor) is not obstructed.

Once the ice supply in the bin has been

completely exhausted, it my take up to 90
minutes before additional ice is available, and
approximately 24 hours to completely refill the
Icemaker is not Refrigerator was recently It may take up to 24 hours for each compartment
making ice. installed or icemaker recently to reach the desired temperature and for the
connected. icemaker to begin making ice.
Icemaker not turned on. Locate the icemaker ON/OFF switch and confirm
that it is in the ON (I) position.
The ice detecting sensor is Foreign substances or frost on the ice-detecting
obstructed. sensor can interrupt ice production. Make sure
that the sensor area is clean at all times for proper
The refrigerator is not connected Connect refrigerator to the water supply and turn
to a water supply or the supply the water shutoff valve fully open.
shutoff valve is not turned on.
Icemaker shutoff (arm or If your icemaker is equipped with an ice shutoff
sensor) obstructed. arm, make sure that the arm moves freely. If
your icemaker is equipped with the electronic ice
shutoff sensor, make sure that there is a clear
path between the two sensors.
Reverse osmosis water filtration Reverse osmosis filtration systems can reduce
system is connected to your the water pressure below the minimum amount
cold water supply. and result in icemaker issues.
(Refer to the Water Pressure section.)


Problem Possible Causes Solutions

Icemaker is Icemaker shutoff (arm/sensor) Empty the ice bin. If your icemaker is equipped

making too much is obstructed. with an ice shutoff arm, make sure that the arm
ice. moves freely. If your icemaker is equipped with
the electronic ice shutoff sensor, make sure that
there is a clear path between the two sensors.
Reinstall the ice bin and wait 24 hours to confirm
proper operation.
Clicking The defrost control will click Normal Operation
when the automatic defrost
cycle begins and ends.
The thermostat control (or
refrigerator control on some
models) will also click when
cycling on and off.
Rattling Rattling noises may come from Normal Operation
the flow of refrigerant, the
water line on the back of the
unit, or items stored on top of
or around the refrigerator.
Refrigerator is not resting solidly Floor is weak or uneven or leveling legs need to
on the floor. be adjusted. See the Door Alignment section.
Refrigerator with linear Normal Operation
compressor was jarred while
Whooshing Evaporator fan motor is Normal Operation
circulating air through the
refrigerator and freezer
Air is being forced over the Normal Operation
condenser by the condenser
Gurgling Refrigerant flowing through the Normal Operation
cooling system.
Popping Contraction and expansion of Normal Operation
the inside walls due to changes
in temperature.
Sizzling Water dripping on the defrost Normal Operation
heater during a defrost cycle.
Vibrating If the side or back of the To eliminate the noise, make sure that the sides
refrigerator is touching a cabinet and back cannot vibrate against any wall or
or wall, some of the normal cabinet.
vibrations may make an audible
Dripping Water running into the drain pan Normal Operation
during the defrost cycle.

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