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“The use of consonants 'a' and 'an' in English sentences”

Compiled to Fulfill Lecture Assignments

PDGK 4304 (Bahasa Inggris Untuk Guru SD)

Tutor: Elia Santi, S.Pd.M.Pd.


1. ANTONI BASRI 857036187


Pokjar: SMK YP 17 Baradatu (Way Kanan)


TAHUN 2022

Praise and gratitude to the presence of God Almighty, for His guidance, mercy, and
guidance, the author was able to complete this task without any obstacles in accordance with
the specified time.

This paper was prepared in order to fulfill the assignment in the PDGK 4304
(ENGLISH FOR SD TEACHER) course. The author realizes that this paper is still far from
perfect. Therefore, the writer expects constructive criticism and suggestions.

Finally, I hope this paper is useful, especially for authors and generally for readers.

Way Kanan, 17 October 2022


Cover ............................................................................................ i
FOREWORD................................................................................................ ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................ iii

Chapter 1 (Introduction) ............................................................................. 1

a.Background ................................................................................................. 1

b. Froblem Formulation ................................................................................. 1

c. Purpose of the Paper................................................................................... 1

Chapter 2 (Discussion) ................................................................................. 2

a. The use of consonant letters 'a' and 'an' in English sentences .................... 2

Chapter 3 Conclusion .................................................................................. 5

References ..................................................................................................... 6

1.1 Background
The English Language is created through the different combinations of 44 sounds
(phonemes), 20 vowels and 24 consonants. In our written language we refer to the letters
of the alphabet as being consonant or vowel letters depending on which type of sound
they are representing.
Vowel sounds allow the air to flow freely, causing the chin to drop noticeably, whilst
consonant sounds are produced by restricting the air flow.
Vowel sounds are usually (in the UK Education System) split into two main categories
based on sound quality:
 ‘Short’ vowel sounds, due to the short duration of the sound being made. The
sound cannot be held onto without becoming distorted
 ‘Long’ vowel sounds, due to the length of their pronunciation. These can often be
held without distorting their sound.
The letters of the alphabet that we normally associate as being the vowel letters are: a, e,
i, o and u. The letter ‘y’ is sometimes referred to as an honorary vowel as it is used to
replace one of the other vowel letters in words such as: fly or my.
All words in the English language have at least one vowel sound in them so the written
version must have at least one vowel letter in it.
Consonant sounds are made (produced) when the air flow is being restricted in some way,
for example, changes in tongue position resulting in the mouth not opening as wide. This
means that the jaw doesn’t drop noticeably, which is different to vowel sounds.
The letters of the alphabet that usually represent the consonant sounds are: b, c, d, f, g, h,
j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. What are the vowel?
2. What are the consonant?
1.3 Purpose of the Paper
1. To define consonant or vowel
2. To examine the consonant or vowel

A. The use of consonant letters 'a' and 'an' in English sentences

(Penggunaan huruf konsonant ‘a’ dan ‘an’ Dalam Kalimat Bahasa Inggris)

In English, to identify that the noun is singular, we put the word "a" or "an" in front of a
noun (usually). In addition, Indefinite articles such as "a" and "an" are also used when we
want to express a single number of things that we do not know.
(Dalam bahasa Inggris, untuk mengidentifikasi bahwa benda tersebut tunggal (singular)
kita memasang kata “a” atau “an” di depan sebuah kata benda (pada umumnya). Selain
itu, Indefinite articles seperti “a” dan “an” juga digunakan ketika kita ingin menyatakan
sebuah jumlah tunggal terhadap suatu benda yang mana tidak kita ketahui.)

1. Vowels and consonants

Huruf vokal dan konsonan

A. In English, to identify that the noun is singular, we put the word “a” or “an” in
front of a noun (usually). In addition, Indefinite articles such as "a" and "an" are
also used when we want to express a single number of things that we do not know.
(Dalam bahasa Inggris, untuk mengidentifikasi bahwa benda tersebut tunggal
(singular) kita memasang kata “a” atau “an” di depan sebuah kata benda (pada
umumnya). Selain itu, Indefinite articles seperti “a” dan “an” juga digunakan
ketika kita ingin menyatakan sebuah jumlah tunggal terhadap suatu benda yang
mana tidak kita ketahui.)

 Vowels or commonly referred to as vowels are sounds that come out due to the
movement of the vocal cords without obstacles. Without vowels, consonants
cannot be read clearly. In the Big Indonesian Dictionary there are five vowels

Huruf vokal atau biasa disebut dengan huruf hidup adalah bunyi yang keluar akibat
gerakan dari pita suara tanpa hambatan. Tanpa huruf vokal, huruf konsonan tidak
dapat dibaca dengan jelas. Di dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia
terdapat lima huruf vokal

 • Consonant letters or commonly referred to as consonants are letters that come

out due to movement of the vocal cords but are blocked by something. There are
21 consonant letters
Huruf konsonan atau biasa disebut dengan huruf mati adalah huruf yang keluar akibat
gerakan dari pita suara namun terhambat oleh sesuatu.terdapat 21 huruf konsonan

 • Examples of vowels are a, i, u, e, and o

Contoh huruf vokal adalah a, i, u, e, dan o

 • Examples of consonants are b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, and z

Contoh huruf konsonan adalah b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, dan z

2. How to use it?

Bagaimana Cara Menggunakannya?
In general, how to use
Secara umum, cara penggunaannya.

a. "A" is usually used before nouns that start with a consonant (pronounced like a
“A” biasanya digunakan sebelum kata benda yang berawalan huruf konsonan
(diucapkan seperti huruf konsonan),

b. . "AN" is used when dealing with words starting with vowels (pronounced like
“AN” digunakan jika berhadapan dengan kata berawalan huruf vokal (diucapkan
seperti huruf vokal).
3. Contoh:
“A” digunakan saat berhadapan dengan kata benda berawalan huruf konsonan
 Student ( Siswa ) - A student ( Seorang siswa )
 Car ( Mobil ) - A Car ( Seabuah mobil)
 Bag ( Tas ) - A Bag ( Seabuah Tas)
 City ( Kota ) - A City ( Seabuah Koto )
 Table ( Meja ) - A Table ( Seabuah meja )

“An” digunakan saat berhadapan dengan kata benda berawalan huruf vokal
 Idea ( ide ) - An Idea ( Sebuah ide )
 Apple ( Apel ) - An Apple ( Sebutir telur )
 Orange ( Jeruk ) - An Orange ( Sebuah jeruk )
 Umbrella ( Payung ) - An Umbrella ( Sebuah payung)
 Egg ( Telur ) - An Egg ( Sebutir telur )

4. Contoh percakapan yang menggunakan huruf volal a dan an

 Sambe : why is a car parked in the backyard ?

mengapa sebuah mobil terparkir di halaman belakang ?

 Pengawal :I don't kknow sir, maybe they just want to steal an egg there
saya tidak tau pak , mungkin mereka hanaya ingin mencuri sebutir telur
tersebut disana.

 Sambe : Alright, let's just do it later. Get me an orange over there

Baiklah ,biarkan saja nanti kita eksekusi. Ambilkan saya sebuah jeruk disana

 Pengawal : yes ,sir .

Baik pak

A. Conclusion
In English, to identify that the noun is singular, we put the word "a" or "an" in
front of a noun (usually). In addition, Indefinite articles such as "a" and "an" are also
used when we want to express a single number of things that we do not know.
In general, how to use :
"A" is usually used before nouns that start with a consonant (pronounced like a
"AN" is used when dealing with words starting with vowels (pronounced like

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