Mini Research Group 8 Translation in ELT

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Yuni Khairina, S.Pd.,M.Hum.







First of all, the writers would like saying “thanks” for God’s love and grace for us. Thanks to
God for helping the writers and give the writers chance to finish this assignment. And the writers
would like to say “Thank you” to Ma’am Dra.Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed. as the lecturer that
always teaches us and give much knowledge about how to practice English well. This
assignment is the one of English task that composed of Mini Research in Translation in ELT
subject. The writer realized this assignment is not perfect. But The writer hope that it can be
useful for us. Critics and suggestion are needed here to make this assignment be better.
Hopefully, we as a student in State University of Medan can work more professional by using
English as the second language . Thank you.

Medan, February 2021

The Author



For bilinguals, translation is an activity they indirectly do every day. Unfortunately, not
every bilingual person makes a good translator. Translation is not only change the language from
the source language to the target language, but also transfer messages from the source language
to the target language. Transfer messages To target language is not easy. Therefore, before the
translator delivers the message, the translator must understand messages accurately, both
grammatically and lexically. Therefore, it is in the process translation, there are three qualities of
translation that must be followed. There is clarity, accuracy and naturalness. Apart from clarity,
in translation, naturalness and accuracy are also important things that must be considered by
translators. Newmark states that level the naturalness of natural usage is grammar as well as
lexical. It is important that the the translation is written in ordinary language, common grammar,
idioms and the word face such a situation. As a result, target readers can receive the message
easily. And also in writing a text it is important to understand and evaluate the translation in
order to make improvements in the future. Based on this, the authors conducted a translation
evaluation analysis on the short functional text, namely narrative text. From the results of the
translation evaluation analysis based on accuracy, naturalness, communicative and acceptable so
that it can conclude the results of the study.


Based on the background description above, the problems to be examined in this research are
as follows:
1. What is translation
2. How to do the form and characteristics of the narrative text?
3. How to do an evaluation translation of a narrative text?
4. What are the results of the evaluation of the translation of a text?


Based on the background that has been explained, it can be seen that the purpose of this
study was to find out the readability, communicative, naturalness and the accuracy of narrative
text translation. So that the authors can conclude the results of the research and can compare the
evaluation of the translation of the results of these studies.

In a connection with the current pandemic situation, researchers conducted remote

research and limited the problems in this study, namely researchers conducting research remotely
so that they experience problems in communicating with each other. The objects of this research
are some of the translation results from peers. And the research instrument used is the result of
the translation discussion that has been carried out together.

1. The Concept of Translation

a. Definition of Translation

Translation is an attempt to restate ideas from one language to another. Translation implicates
existence of two languages, namely the source (SL) and target language (TL). Source language is
the language of the text translated and target language is the language text of the translation. For
example, if we translate English text into Indonesian language, English will be source language
and Indonesian is the target language. Translation has been defined in many ways by different
writers in the field, depending on how they view language and translation. There are some
definitions as translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent
textual material in another language (Nababan 2008:19). Translation consists of reproducing in
the receptor language the closest Natural equivalent of the source language message, first in
terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Nida, 1969:12). Translation is a craft consists
of attempt to replace a written message or statement in one language by the same message or
statement in another language (Newmark, 1988:7) .

2. Naturalness in Translation

The naturalness in target language should be achieved in order to make the readers of the
translated version do not realize that they are reading a translation product. Nida and Taber
(2005: 3) say that translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closets natural
equivalence of a source language message, firstly in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of
style. To be able to produce the closest natural equivalence, a translator has to master the
message in the original text up to the details, then he has to restructure it.

From the explanation of naturalness in translation above, the researcher can conclude that
translation should be natural in forms of meaning and structure (grammar). So, the translators
should make the translation be equivalent and natural in the forms of meaning and structure
(grammar). They should do it in order to make the readers of the translated version do not realize
that they are reading a translation product. They can do it on many kinds of translation.

3. Accuracy in Translation

Accuracy in translation consists of studying the lexicon, grammatical structure,

communication situation and cultural context of the source language text, analyzing it in order to
determine its meaning and then reconstructing this same meaning using the lexicon and
grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context
(Larson, 1998: 3). Larson explained that the accuracy test can be done by five methods, i.e .:
a) compare the translation result with the source text at several points in the total project during
the translation process,
b) after the comparison complete, do one more careful comparison,
c) when checking for equivalence of information context, make sure that the information
is include - nothing omit, nothing add and nothing different,
d) after checking to be sure that all of the information is there, make another comparison of
source language and target language text. Larson also said that maintaining the dynamics of the
original source text means that the translation is presented in such a way that it will, hopefully,
evoke the same response as the source text attempted to

According to the statements above, the study concludes that a translation can be said accurate
if it does not deviate from the context or information on the source text. If the result of
translation does not match with the meaning on target language and context, it can be said that
the translation is not accurate. In addition, the most important thing of the result of translation is
an original work that maintains the meaning and context from source language.

4. Communicative in Translation

Communicative translation is a translation that seeks to translate the contextual meaning in

source language. This method does not have to be done freely but tends to emphasize the
content of the message. This method is widely used in translating announcements.

According to Newmark (1988: 47), communicative translation seeks to translate contextual

meaning in SL texts, both linguistic aspects and aspects of its content, so that it can be accepted
and understood by readers. In addition, Nababan (2003: 41) explains that translation
communicative basically emphasizes the transfer of the message.


The research method has a meaning as a strategy used to carry out research planning. The aim
for good research is related to the statement that good research design ensures that the data
obtained can help answer research questions more effectively. So in this study, the author uses
qualitative research by describing the result data that has been collected. The data collected is the
result of translation that has been carried out by college students and takes some of the data that
became the data in this study. The next step is to analysis the results of the study and turn them
into the conclusions of further research.


The object of this research is to analyze and to see how the translation results carried out by
english education students in the 2019 academic year in long functional text, namely narrative
text and evaluating the results of the translation.


In determining the data carried out in this study randomly on the results of the translation
carried out by English language education students. It is for this purpose to get good results and
be able to analyze the results of the translation based on the theory of translation evaluation well.
In analyzing the data, there were three steps did by the researcher namely tabling, explaining,
and drawing a conclusion. The first step was tabling, the researcher analyze translation result by
drawing table. Next step was explaining, the researcher explained the result of the analysis in
form of words. The last step was drawing a conclusion, the researcher made a conclusion of the
analysis result in form of words to make the explanation clearer.


The man who never lied

Once upon a time there lived a wise man by the name of Mamad. He never lied. All the people in
the land, even the ones who lived twenty days away, knew about him.
The king heard about Mamad and ordered his subjects to bring him to the palace. He looked at
the wise man and asked:
" Mamad, is it true, that you have never
lied?" " It's true."
"And you will never lie in your life?"
" I'm sure in that."
"Okay, tell the truth, but be careful! The lie is cunning and it gets on your tongue easily."
Several days passed and the king called Mamad once again. There was a big crowd: the king was
about to go hunting. The king held his horse by the mane, his left foot was already on the stirrup.
He ordered Mamad:
"Go to my summer palace and tell the queen I will be with her for lunch. Tell her to prepare a
big feast. You will have lunch with me then."
Mamad bowed down and went to the queen. Then the king laughed and said:
"We won't go hunting and now Mamad will lie to the queen. Tomorrow we will laugh on his
But the wise Mamad went to the palace and said:
"Maybe you should prepare a big feast for lunch tomorrow, and maybe you shouldn't. Maybe the
king will come by noon, and maybe he won't."
"Tell me will he come, or won't he?" - asked the queen.
"I don't know weather he put his right foot on the stirrup, or he put his left foot on the ground
after I left."
Everybody waited for the king. He came the next day and said to the queen:
"The wise Mamad, who never lies, lied to you yesterday."
But the queen told him about the words of Mamad. And the king realized, that the wise man
never lies, and says only that, which he saw with his own eyes.


The steps of Research data in this research were as follows:

1. The researcher determines the data to be analyzed and prepares a problem formulation in this
2. Assigning all group members to find the data to be analyzed.
3. Determine the object specified in this study
4. Analyze the data that has been collected
5. Making the conclusion from the discussion that the author has gotten through the paper


The procedure of collecting data in this research were as follows:

1. Specifying the object
2. Collect data
3. Analyzing the text
4. According to how to get it: Using Primary Data because the data collected and processed by
the researcher directly from the subject or object of research
5. According to the method: Using Qualitative Data, namely data that take from the calculation
of research results
6. According to the time of collection: Using time interval for deployment.


a. Analysis of Accuracy

Indicators of Inaccuracy
Here some issues related to the Accuracy of Translation according to Newmark:
Definition Indication
Accurate The meaning of words, phrases, clauses, or
sentences in the source text is conveyed
accurately in the target text. There are no
distortions in meaning
Less Accurate The meaning of words, phrases, clauses, or
sentences in the source text is mostly conveyed
accurately in the target text. However, there are
still distortions in meaning (ambiguity or
deletion that distracts the meaning).
Inaccurate The meaning of words, phrases, clauses, or
sentences in the source text is mostly conveyed
accurately in the target text. However, there are
still distortions in meaning (ambiguity or
deletion that distracts the meaning).

Based on these aspects, the authors analyzed the data in tabular form and provided revisions to the

Accurate Translation Level

Source Language Target language
He never lied Dia tidak pernah berbohong
He looked at the wise man and asked Mamad dan memerintahkan rakyatnya untuk
membawanya ke istana. Dia memandang orang bijak itu
dan bertanya:

“I'm sure in that” "Saya yakin dengan itu."

Several days passed and the king Beberapa hari berlalu dan raja memanggil Mamad sekali
called Mamad once again lagi.
There was a big crowd: the king was Ada kerumunan besar: raja akan pergi berburu
about to go hunting.
“Go to my summer palace and tell “Pergi keistana musim panasku dan beritahu ratu aku
the queen I will be with her for akan bersamanya untuk makan siang. Katakan padanya
lunch. Tell her to prepare a big untuk menyiapkan pesta besar.”
Mamad bowed down and went to the Mamad membungkuk dan pergi menemui ratu.
queen. Then the king laughed and Kemudian raja tertawa dan berkata:

‘We won't go hunting and now "Kami tidakakan pergi berburu dan sekarang Mamad
Mamad will lie to the queen. akan berbohong kepada ratu. Besok kami
Tomorrow we will laugh on his akantertawaatasnamanya."
But the wise Mamad went to the Tetapi Mamad yang bijak pergi keistana dan berkata:
palace and said:

"Maybe you should prepare a big "Mungkin kau harus menyiapkan pesta besar untuk
feast for lunch tomorrow, and maybe makan siang besok, dan mungkin sebaiknya tidak.
you shouldn't. Maybe the king will Mungkin raja akan datang siang hari, dan mungkin
come by noon, and maybe he won't." tidak."

"Tell me will he come, or won't he?" "Katakan padaku apakah dia akan datang, atau tidak?" –
- asked the queen Tanya ratu.

Everybody waited for the king. He Semua orang menunggu raja. Dia datang keesokan
came the next day and said to the harinya dan berkata kepada ratu:

"The wise Mamad, who never lies, "Mamad yang bijak, yang tidak pernah berbohong,
lied to you yesterday." berbohong padamu kemarin."
But the queen told him about the Tapi ratu memberitahunya tentang perkataan Mamad.
words of Mamad. And the king Dan raja menyadari, bahwa orang bijak tidak pernah
realized, that the wise man never berbohong, dan hanya mengatakan itu, yang dia lihat
lies, and says only that, which he dengan matanya sendiri.
saw with his own eyes.

Less Accurate Translation Level

Source language Target Language Correction
Once upon a time there Alkisah hiduplah seorang+ Alkisah hiduplah seorang yang bijak
lived a wise manby the Yang bijak bernama Mamad bernama Mamad
name of Mamad
All the people in the Semua orang di negeri itu, Semua orang di negeriitu, bahkan
land, even the ones who bahkan yang tinggal dua yang tinggal dua puluh hari Jauhnya,
lived twenty days away, puluh hari lagi = Jauhnya, tahu tentang dia
knew about him. tahu tentang dia

The king heard about Raja mendengar tentang Raja mendengar tentang Mamad dan
Mamad and ordered his Mamad dan memerintahkan memerintahkan ajudannya untuk
subjects to bring him to rakyatnya = ajudannya untuk membawanya ke istana. Dia
the palace. He looked at membawanya ke istana. Dia memandang orang bijak itu dan
the wise man and asked: memandang orang bijak itu bertanya:
dan bertanya:

" Mamad, is it true, that "Mamad, benarkah = apa itu "Mamad, apaitubenar, Kalau kau
you have never lied?" benar,+Kalau kau tidak tidak pernah berbohong?"
pernah berbohong?"

"And you will never lie "Dan kamu tidak akan pernah "Dan kamu tidak akan pernah
in your life?" berbohong dalam = Selama berbohong Selama hidupmu?"

The king held his horse Raja memegang kudanya di Raja memegang kudanya di dekat
by the mane, his left foot dekat surai+nya, kaki kirinya surainya, kaki kirinya sudah di
was already on the sudah di pelana. pelana.
“You will have lunch ‘Kalau begitu kau akan makan “kau akan makan siang denganku."
with me then." siang denganku."
"We won't go hunting "Kami = Kita tidak akan pergi “Kita tidak akan pergi berburu dan
and now Mamad will lie berburu dan sekarang Mamad sekarang Mamad akan berbohong
to the queen. Tomorrow akan berbohong kepada ratu. kepada ratu. Besok Kita akan
we will laugh on his Besok Kami = Kita akan tertawa atas namanya."
behalf." tertawa atas namanya."

"I don't know whether "Aku tidak tahu cuaca= "Aku tidak tahu Apakah dia
he put his right foot on Apakah dia meletakkan kaki meletakkan kaki kanannya di Pelana,
the stirrup, or he put his kanannya di sanggurdi = atau dia meletakkan kaki kirinya di
left foot on the ground Pelana, atau dia meletakkan tanah setelah aku pergi."
after I left." kaki kirinya di tanah setelah
aku pergi."

Translation assessment rubric is transfer of general idea but with a number lapses in accuracy;
needs considerable revision to reach professional standard. of the source sentence is not
accurately conveyed to the target sentence. There are some problems with the choice of lexical
items and with the relationships between phrase, clause and sentence. In order to determine its
meaning, the subject have to reconstructing this same meaning using the lexicon and
grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context.
According to the result of data analysis, the researcher concluded that accuracy of data
translation was almost completely successful. This was proved by the result of subject which
classified as “almost completely successful” score. The majority the subject translated the text
well, but a few still had mistake that were low.

B. Analysis of Naturalness

Source Language Target Language

Once upon a time there lived a wise man by the Alkisah hiduplah seorang bijak bernama
name of Mamad. He never lied. All the people Mamad. Dia tidak pernah berbohong. Semua
in the land, even the ones who lived twenty orang di negeri ini, bahkan mereka yang
days away, knew about him. berjarak dua puluh hari lagi, tahu tentang dia.
The king heard about Mamad and ordered his Raja mendengar tentang Mamad dan
subjects to bring him to the palace. He looked memerintahkan rakyatnya untuk membawanya
at the wise man and asked: ke istana. Dia memandang orang bijak itu dan
"Mamad, is it true, that you have never bertanya:
lied?" "It's true." "Mamad, benarkah kamu tidak pernah
"And you will never lie in your life?" berbohong?"
"I'm sure in that." " Itu benar."
"Okay, tell the truth, but be careful! The lie is "Dan kamu tidak akan pernah berbohong
cunning and it gets on your tongue easily." dalam hidupmu?"
Several days passed and the king called "Saya yakin akan hal tersebut."
Mamad once again. There was a big crowd: the "Oke, katakan yang sebenarnya, tapi hati-hati!
king was about to go hunting. The king held Kebohongan itu licik dan mudah sampai ke
his horse by the mane, his left foot was already lidahmu."
on the stirrup. He ordered Mamad: Beberapa hari berlalu dan raja memanggil
"Go to my summer palace and tell the queen I Mamad sekali lagi. Ada banyak orang: raja
will be with her for lunch. Tell her to prepare a akan pergi berburu. Raja memegang kudanya
big feast. You will have lunch with me then." di dekat surai, kaki kirinya sudah di sanggurdi.
Mamad bowed down and went to the queen. Dia memerintahkan Mamad:
Then the king laughed and said: "Pergi ke istana musim panasku dan beri tahu
"We won't go hunting and now Mamad will lie ratu aku akan bersamanya untuk makan siang.
to the queen. Tomorrow we will laugh on his Katakan padanya untuk menyiapkan pesta
behalf." besar. Lalu kamu akan makan siang
But the wise Mamad went to the palace and denganku."
said: Mamad membungkuk dan pergi menemui ratu.
"Maybe you should prepare a big feast for Kemudian raja tertawa dan berkata:
lunch tomorrow, and maybe you shouldn't. "Kami tidak akan pergi berburu dan sekarang
Maybe the king will come by noon, and maybe Mamad akan berbohong kepada ratu. Besok
he won't." kami akan tertawa atas namanya."
"Tell me will he come, or won't he?" - asked Tetapi Mamad yang bijak pergi ke istana dan
the queen. berkata:
"I don't know weather he put his right foot on "Mungkin kamu harus menyiapkan pesta besar
the stirrup, or he put his left foot on the ground untuk makan siang besok, dan mungkin tidak
after I left." seharusnya. Mungkin raja akan datang pada
Everybody waited for the king. He came the siang hari, dan mungkin tidak."
next day and said to the queen: "Katakan padaku apakah dia akan datang atau
"The wise Mamad, who never lies, lied to you tidak?" - tanya ratu.
yesterday." "Aku tidak tahu apakah dia meletakkan kaki
But the queen told him about the words of kanannya di sanggurdi, atau apakah dia
Mamad. And the king realized, that the wise meletakkan kaki kirinya di tanah setelah aku
man never lies, and says only that, which he pergi."
saw with his own eyes. Semua orang menunggu raja. Dia datang
keesokan harinya dan berkata kepada ratu:
"Mamad yang bijak, yang tidak pernah
berbohong, berbohong padamu kemarin."
Tapi ratu memberitahunya tentang apa yang
dikatakan Mamad. Dan raja menyadari, bahwa
orang bijak tidak pernah berbohong, dan hanya
mengatakan itu, yang dia lihat dengan matanya

In the results of the translation, the subject translated well in doing the word reconstruction with
the word equivalent. It can be seen in
SL: Once upon a time there lived a wise man by the name of
Mamad TL:. Alkisah hiduplah seorang bijak bernama Mamad.

In general, the translator will translate the sentence in the target language " Pada zaman
dahulu, hiduplah seorang bijak bernama Mamad ". This translation is natural in forms of
meaning and structure (grammar) and is not rigid. Determining the word in translation, the
subject reproducing in the receptor language the closets natural equivalence of a source language
message, firstly in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. And the researchers found
several natural words, namely:
SL: "Go to my summer palace and tell the queen I will be with her for lunch. Tell her to prepare
a big feast. You will have lunch with me then."
TL: " Pergi ke istana musim panasku dan beri tahu ratu aku akan bersamanya untuk makan
siang. Katakan padanya untuk menyiapkan pesta besar. Lalu kamu akan makan siang denganku "

Basically, the translator will translate “you” word in the target language is "Anda" which has
the meaning of status between two people different position. The subject translates it more
naturally and is easily understood by the audience, especially students who know more about
these basic words. And the researcher can conclude that the overall translation is natural because
the subject and the data use words that are easy to understand by the audience or listener of the
narrative text even though there should be an addition technique to the text.

C. Analysis of Communicative

Source language Target language Revision

Once upon a time there lived Alkisah hiduplah seorang Alkisah hiduplah seorang
a wise man by the name of bijak bernama Mamad. Dia yang pandaibernama
Mamad. He never lied. All tidak pernah berbohong. Mamad. Dia tidak pernah
the people in the land, even Semua orang di negeri itu, berbohong. Semua orang di
the ones who lived twenty bahkan yang tinggal dua negeri itu, bahkan yang
days away, knew about him. puluh hari lagi, tahu tentang tinggal dua puluh hari lagi,
The king heard about dia. tahu tentang dia
Mamad and ordered his Raja mendengar tentang Raja mendengar tentang
subjects to bring him to the Mamad dan memerintahkan Mamad dan memerintah kan
palace. He looked at the rakyatnya untuk merekauntuk membawanya
wise man and asked: membawanya ke istana. Dia ke istana. Dia memandang
" Mamad, is it true, that you memandang orang bijak itu orang bijak itu dan bertanya
have never lied?" dan bertanya: “Mamad, benarkah kau tidak
" It's true." "Mamad, benarkah kau tidak pernah berbohong?”
"And you will never lie in pernah berbohong?"
your life?" " Itu benar." “ iyabenar.”
" I'm sure in that." "Dan kamu tidak akan
"Okay, tell the truth, but be pernah berbohong dalam *apakah kamu yakintidak
careful! The lie is cunning hidupmu?" akan pernah berbohong
and it gets on your tongue "Saya yakin dengan itu." dalam hidupmu?”
easily." "Oke, katakan yang
Several days passed and the sebenarnya, tapi hati-hati! “akuyakin dengan itu.”
king called Mamad once Kebohongan itu licik dan “yaudah katakan yang
again. There was a big mudah sampai ke lidahmu." sebenarnya, tapi hati-hati!
crowd: the king was about to Beberapa hari berlalu dan Kebohongan itu licik dan
go hunting. The king held raja memanggil Mamad mudah sampai ke lidahmu.”
his horse by the mane, his sekali lagi. Ada kerumunan
left foot was already on the besar: raja akan pergi Beberapa hari berlalu dan
stirrup. He ordered Mamad: berburu. Raja memegang raja memanggil Mamad
"Go to my summer palace kudanya di dekat surai, kaki sekali lagi. Ada kerumunan
and tell the queen I will be kirinya sudah di sanggurdi. besar: raja akan pergi
with her for lunch. Tell her Dia memerintahkan berburu. Raja memegang
to prepare a big feast. You Mamad: kudanya di dekat surai, kaki
will have lunch with me "Pergi ke istana musim kirinya sudah di sanggurdi.
then." panasku dan beri tahu ratu Dia memerintahkan
Mamad bowed down and aku akan bersamanya untuk Mamad:
went to the queen. Then the makan siang. Katakan
king laughed and said: padanya untuk menyiapkan “Pergi ke istana musim
"We won't go hunting and pesta besar. Kalau begitu panasku dan beri tahu ratu
now Mamad will lie to the kau akan makan siang aku akan makan siang
queen. Tomorrow we will denganku." bersamanya Katakan
laugh on his behalf." Mamad membungkuk dan padanya untuk menyiapkan
But the wise Mamad went to pergi menemui ratu. pesta besar. Kalau begitu
the palace and said: Kemudian raja tertawa dan kau akan makan siang
"Maybe you should prepare berkata: denganku.”
a big feast for lunch "Kami tidak akan pergi
tomorrow, and maybe you berburu dan sekarang Mamad membungkuk dan
shouldn't. Maybe the king Mamad akan berbohong pergi menemui ratu.
will come by noon, and kepada ratu. Besok kami Kemudian raja tertawa dan
maybe he won't." akan tertawa atas namanya." berkata:
"Tell me will he come, or Tetapi Mamad yang bijak
won't he?" - asked the pergi ke istana dan berkata: “Kami tidak akan pergi
queen. "Mungkin kau harus berburu dan sekarang
"I don't know weather he put menyiapkan pesta besar Mamad akan berbohong
his right foot on the stirrup, untuk makan siang besok, kepada ratu. Besok kami
or he put his left foot on the dan mungkin sebaiknya akan tertawa karena dia”
ground after I left." tidak. Mungkin raja akan
Everybody waited for the datang siang hari, dan Tetapi Mamad yang bijak
king. He came the next day mungkin tidak." pergi ke istana dan berkata:
and said to the queen: "Katakan padaku apakah dia
"The wise Mamad, who akan datang, atau tidak?" - “Mungkin kau harus
never lies, lied to you tanya ratu. menyiapkan pesta besar
yesterday." "Aku tidak tahu cuaca dia untuk makan siang besok,
But the queen told him meletakkan kaki kanannya dan mungkin sebaiknya
about the words of Mamad. di sanggurdi, atau dia tidak. Mungkin raja akan
And the king realized, that meletakkan kaki kirinya di datang siang hari, dan
the wise man never lies, and tanah setelah aku pergi." mungkin tidak.”
says only that, which he saw Semua orang menunggu
with his own eyes. raja. Dia datang keesokan “Katakan padaku apakah dia
harinya dan berkata kepada akan datang, atau tidak?” –
ratu: tanya ratu.
"Mamad yang bijak, yang
tidak pernah berbohong, “Aku tidak tahu cuaca dia
berbohong padamu meletakkan kaki kanannya
kemarin." di sanggurdi, atau dia
Tapi ratu memberitahunya meletakkan kaki kirinya di
tentang perkataan Mamad. tanah setelah aku pergi.”
Dan raja menyadari, bahwa
orang bijak tidak pernah Semua orang menunggu
berbohong, dan hanya raja. Dia datang keesokan
mengatakan itu, yang dia harinya dan berkata kepada
lihat dengan matanya ratu:
“Mamad yang bijak, yang
tidak pernah berbohong,
berbohong padamu

Tapi ratu memberitahunya

tentang perkataan Mamad.
Dan raja menyadari, bahwa
orang bijak tidak pernah
berbohong, dan hanya
mengatakan itu, yang dia
lihat dengan matanya sendiri

After being analyzed and the researcher knows about communicative translation which only
focuses on the target text in order to make it easier for readers to understand a text message to be
translated. So the researchers analyzed the translation products in students' English education
with the aim of seeing clearly whether the translation they made was communicative or not, and
whether it was good or not. So based on the analysis carried out on the translation of the
narrative text. The researcher found that there were several words or sentences which according
to the researcher had not used communicative sentences or were too formal to be pronounced in
informal conversations. From there, after the researcher analyzed and confirmed what the
researcher thought did not show a communicative sentence, it was very clear that the researcher
revised the above by using a different color.

Assessment Rubric of Translation Product

After analyzing the translation of the product, the researcher conducted an assessment and carried out the
validity of the translation based on the theory that had been used to analyze the translation of the product.
The following is an analysis of the validity of the translation of the product.

Table 1: Scale for Scoring Accuracy

scale Categories indicator

4 High accurate The content of the source language is accurately conveyed into the
target language and no revising is needed
3 Accurate The content of the source language is accurately conveyed to the
target language, but it needs to be revised.
2 Less accurate The content of the source language is not accurately conveyed to the
target languages. There are some problems with the choice of diction.
1 Not Accurate The source language is not translated at all into the target language,
for example, it is committed or deleted.

Meanwhile the naturalness of the translator's translation was also examined by the raters based on the
criteria for scoring clarity adapted from Arnold et al in Fiederer and O'Brien (2009).

Table 2: Scale for Scoring Naturalness

scale Categories indicator
4 High Natural The content of the source language is clearly conveyed into the
target language and no ambiguity.
3 Natural The content of the source language is accurately conveyed to the
target language, but it needs to be revised.
2 Less Natural The content of the source language is clearly conveyed to the
target language, but there is a little bit ambiguity
1 Not Natural The source language is not translated at all into the target
language, there is a meaningless of translation

On the other hand, the readability of the translator's translation was also examined by the raters based on
the criteria for scoring readability adapted from Haliday's scale in Fiederer and O'Brien (2009)

Table 3: Scale for Scoring Readability

scale Categories indicator

4 High All the content of the message is comprehensive, even if there are errors of style and/or
Communicative of spelling, and if certain words are missing, or are badly translated, but close to the
target language.
3 Readable The major part of the message passes.
2 Less Readable A part only of the content is understandable, representing less than 50% of the message.
1 Not Readable Nothing or almost nothing of the message is comprehensive.

The average score of the accuracy, clarity, and readability of the translation products were converting into
the following rating quality for each level: accuracy, Naturalness, and readability:

Average grade/ score Accuracy Description Naturalness Description Readability Description

3.51- 4.00 High accurate High natural High Readable
2.51- 3.50 Accurate Natural Readable
1.51- 2.50 Less Accurate Less Natural Less Readable
1.0- 1.50 Not Accurate Not Natural Not readable

Analysis the Validity of Translation Product

No. Aspect Description Score

4 3 2 1
1. Accuracy No important/significant information is missing in the √
target language.
2. Readability a. The translation is easily comprehensible and well √
b. The grammar follows the common rules of the target √
c. The diction used is suitable with the context of the √
target language.
d. The spellings and punctuations are correctly used. √
e. Spaces between lines are enough. √
3. Naturalness a. The language in general is culturally appropriate for √
the target language readers.
b. In general, the rules of TL are applied (whether in √
formal or informal contexts)
Score Obtained 22
Score of the product: 22 x 100: 84.6 Total percentage


The translator applied borrowing technique, literal and calque technique to translate this product. In this
case, the translator has delivered the term meaning and it did not give any significant effect for the
accuracy level. The researcher overall gave 3.5 as the accuracy scale. Thus, this term considered as
accurate translation.


This classification involves clearly translating data to the target language even though changes are
needed. The data included in this classification are actually natural but needs to be revised. The
translation product, the use of techniques by the translator is accurate from the level of accuracy because
it conveys original meaning. And, from a natural point of view, it could be considered as clear because it
can be understood by the reader. The use of good language in general is in accordance with the culture of
the target language readers in product translation. Contents from source the language is clearly conveyed
to the target language, but something needs to be revised. For these terms, the researcher gave 3.00 as the
clarity scale. So it is considered natural translation.


At the level of product translation readability. The researcher has given the scale of readability level
classification. Researchers determine several parts that become a scale at the level of readability. In this
product, the translation is easily comprehensive and well written. The grammar follows the common rules
of the target language. And the diction used is suitable with the context of the target language but needs
revision of the translation. And the researchers overall gave 3 as the scale. But in the spellings and
punctuations section, the product pays less attention to punctuation and spaces between lines. The
researcher overall gave 2 as the readability scale. Thus, the term was considered readable since there was
no significant information dropped in the translation.


After analyzing the data, the researcher can conclude that the translation of the narrative
text is good based on the accuracy, naturalness, and communicative aspects. Researchers also get
a good understanding when translating the text and to improve language skills and researchers
know the translation techniques performed by the subject, namely literal translation and calque
so that the translation that has been carried out conveys meaning well. Thus, researchers have
tested the validity of the product and based on a predetermined level. In the accuracy of the
translator as in translating narrative text is at an accurate level. Also the high clear percentage is
highest translation score. Moreover, the naturalness of the translated product is at a natural level.
And lastly for the level of readability, the translation product also achieves a good measurement
as readable translation products. The findings show that in translation accuracy, naturalness,
legibility and communicativeness are the main points of translation quality.

Larson, Mildred L.1984. Meaning Based Translation America: University Press of America
Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook of Translation: Prentice Hall.
Newmark, Peter (1988). Textbook of Translation. New York: Prentice-Hall International
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