Maths Form Two Notes

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Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a) Find the cube of a number by multiplication
b) Find the cube root of a number by factor method
c) Find cubes of numbers from mathematical tables
d) Evaluate expressions involving cubes and cube roots
e) Apply the knowledge of cubes and cube roots to real life situations

a.) Cubes of numbers by multiplication.
b.) Cube roots of numbers by factor method.
c.) Cubes from mathematical tables.
d.) Expressions involving cubes and cube roots
e.) Application of cubes and cube roots

The cube of a number is simply a number multiplied by itself three times e.g.
a× a × a=a3
1 × 1 × 1 = 13; 8 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 23; 27 = 3 × 3 × 3 =33;
Example 1
What is the value of 63?
63 =6 x6 x 6
= 36 x 6

Example 2
Find the cube of 1.4
=1.4 x 1.4 x 1.4
=1.96 x 1.4

Use of tables to find roots

The cubes can be read directly from the tables just like squares and square root.
Cube Roots using factor methods
Cubes and cubes roots are opposite. The cube root of a number is the number that is multiplied
by itself three times to get the given number

The cube root of 64 is written as;
∛ 64 = 4 Because 4 x 4 x 4 =64
∛ 27 = 3 Because 3 x 3 x 3= 27

Evaluate:∛ 216
=∛ ( 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3)

After grouping them into pairs of three you chose one number from the pair and multiply
The volume of a cube is 1000 cm3 .What is the length of the cube
Volume of the cube, v = l 3
L 3=1000
L =∛ 1000
The length of the cube is therefore 10 cm
End of topic

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Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) Find reciprocals of numbers by division
b.) Find reciprocals of numbers from tables
c.) Use reciprocals of numbers in computation.
a.) Reciprocals of numbers by division
b.) Reciprocals of numbers from tables
c.) Computation using reciprocals
The reciprocal of a number is simply the number put in fraction form and turned upside down
e.g., the reciprocal of 2.

Change 2 into fraction form which is ,
Then turn it upside down and get

When you multiply a number by its reciprocal you get 1,
2 1
x =1
1 2

Finding the reciprocal of decimals

Finding the reciprocal of a decimal can be done in a number of ways.
Change the decimal to a fraction first.

0.25 is 25/100 and is equivalent to the fraction 1/4. Therefore its reciprocal would be 4/1 or 4.
Keep the decimal and form the fraction 1/?? Which can then be or converted to a decimal.

0.75 The reciprocal is 1/0.75. Using a calculator, the decimal form can be found by performing
the operation: 1 divided by 0.75. The decimal reciprocal in this case is a repeating decimal,
After finding a reciprocal of a number, perform a quick check by multiplying your original
number and the reciprocal to determine that the product.

Reciprocal of Numbers from Tables.

Reciprocal of numbers can be found using tables.

Find the reciprocal of 2.456 using the reciprocal tables.

Using reciprocal tables, the reciprocal of 2.456 is 0.4082 - 0.0010 = 0.4072

Find the reciprocal of 45.8.

You first write 45.8 in standard form which is 4.58 x101.
1 1
Then =
45.8 4.58 x 101
1 1
= x
10 4.58
= x 0.2183
= 0.02183

Find the reciprocal of 0.0236

Change 0.0236 in standard form which is 2.36 x 10−2
1 1
0.0236 2.36 x 10−2
1 1
= x

= 102x 0.4237
= 42.37

Use reciprocal tables to solve the following:
1 1
0.0125 12.5

Multiply the numerators by the reciprocal of denominators, then add them
1(reciprocal 0.0125) + 1 (reciprocal 12.5)

Using tables find the reciprocals,

= 1(80) +1 (0.08)
= 80.08

4 3

0.375 37.5

= 4 (rec0.375) - 3(37.5)
= (4 x2.667) – (3x0.026667)
= 10.59

End of topic

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Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) Define indices (powers)
b.) State the laws of indices
c.) Apply the laws of indices in calculations
d.) Relate the powers of 10 to common logarithms
e.) Use the tables of common logarithms and anti-logarithms in computation.

a.) Indices (powers) and base
b.) Laws of indices (including positive integers, negative integers and fractional indices)
c.) Powers of 10 and common logarithms
d.) Common logarithms:
 characteristics
 mantissa
e.) Logarithm tables
f.) Application of common logarithms in multiplication, division, powers and roots.

Index and base form
The power to which a number is raised is called index or indices in plural.

2 =2 X 2 X 2 X 2 X 2

5 is called the power or index while 2 two is the base.

100 = 102
2 is called the index and 10 is the base.
Laws of indices
For the laws to hold the base must be the same.
Rule 1
Any number, except zero whose index is 0 is always equal to 1

50 =1
Rule 2
To multiply an expression with the same base, copy the base and add the indices.
m n m +n
a + a =a

2 3 5
5 +5 =5
= 3125
Rule 3
To divide an expression with the same base, copy the base and subtract the powers.
m n m−n
a ÷ a =a

5 2 3
9 ÷ 9 =9

Rule 4
To raise an expression to the nth index, copy the base and multiply the indices
mxn mn
a =a

¿ ¿) 2¿
3× 2
5 =56
Rule 5
When dealing with a negative power, you simply change the power to positive by changing it
into a fraction with 1 s the numerator.
a = m

2−2= 2

a.) 23 ×2−3=2(3±3)
2 −2
b.) ( ¿ ¿ =¿( 2 ) 2
=( 4 )
9 1 9
=1 × =¿2 or ¿ =¿) squared =
4 4 4

Fractional indices
Fractional indices are written in fraction form. In summary ifa n=b . a is called the nth root of b
written as √n b.

1 3
27 3 =√ 27 16 4 = (√ 16) = 2 = 8
4 3

4 =
2 1

Logarithm is the power to which a fixed number (the base) must be raised to produce a given
number.¿ summarythe expression am = n is written as log a n =m.

a = n is the index notation while log a n = m is the logarithm notation.


Index notation Logarithm form
22=¿ 4 log 2 4=2
9 =3 log 9 3=
b =m
log b m=¿n

Reading logarithms from the tables is the same as reading squares square roots and reciprocals.
We can read logarithms of numbers between 1 and 10 directly from the table. For numbers
greater than 10 we proceed as follows:
Express the number in standard form, A X 10n .Then n will be the whole number part of the
Read the logarithm of A from the tables, which gives the decimal part of the logarithm. Then add
it to n which is the power of 10 to form the positive part of the logarithm.

Find the logarithm of:

= 3.79 x 102
Log 3.79 = 0.5786
Therefore the logarithm of 379 is 2 + 0.5786= 2.5786
The whole number part of the logarithm is called the characteristic and the decimal part is the

Logarithms of Positive Numbers less than 1

Log to base 10 of 0.034
We proceed as follows:
Express 0.034 in standard form, i.e., A X10n .
Read the logarithm of A and add to n
Thus 0.034 = 3.4 x 10−2
Log 3.4 from the tables is 0.5315
Hence 3.4 x 10−2 = 100.5315 × 10−2
Using laws of indices add 0.5315 + -2 which is written as2 .5315.
It reads bar two point five three one five. The negative sign is written directly above two to show
that it’s only the characteristic is negative.

Find the logarithm of:

¿ 6.3 ×10 (Find the logarithm of 6.3)

¿ 100.7993 × 10−3
¿ 10 +0.7993
¿ 3.7993

Finding antilogarithm is the reverse of finding the logarithms of a number. For example the
logarithm of 1000 to base 10 is 3. So the antilogarithm of 3 is 1000.In algebraic notation, if
Log x = y then antilog of y = x.

Find the antilogarithm of 2.3031

Let the number be x
X¿ 10 ¿ 3031¿
−2 +0.3031
¿ 10
−2 0.3031
¿ 10 x 10 (Find the antilog, press shift and log then key in the number)

¿ 10−2 x 2.01
¿ x 2.01
¿ 0.0201

Use logarithm tables to evaluate:
456 x 398
Number Standard form logarithm
456 4.56 x 102 2.6590

398 3.98 x 102 2.5999

271 2.71 x 102 2.4330 −¿
6.697 x 10 ← 2.8259
= 669.7
To find the exact number find the antilog of 2.8259 by letting the characteristic part to be the
power of ten then finding the antilog of 0.8259

Operations involving bar
415.2 x 0.0761

Number logarithm
415.2 2.6182
0.0761 2.8814 +
135 2.1303 −¿

2.341 x 10−1 1.3693


√ 0.945 = (9.45 x 10−1 ¿ 2
= ( 101 .9754 x 2 )

In order to divide 1 .9754 by 2 , we write the logarithm in search away that the characteristic is
exactly divisible by 2 .If we are looking for the nth root , we arrange the characteristic to be
exactly divisible by n)
1.9754 = -1 + 0.9754
= -2 + 1.9754
1 1
Therefore, ¿.9754) = (−2+1.9754 )
2 2
= -1 + 0.9877
= 1.9877
Find the antilog of 1 .9877 by writing the mantissa as power of 10 and then find the antilog of
¿ 9.720 X 10
= 0.9720

√3 0.0618
Number logarithm
√3 0.0618 2.7910 x
¿ ¿ + 1.7910) ×
3.954 x 10−1 =1 . 5970 (find the antilog)

End of topic

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Past KCSE Questions on the cubes, cubes roots, Reciprocals

indices and logarithms.
1. Use logarithms to evaluate

3 36.15 x 0.02573
2. Find the value of x which satisfies the equation.
16x2 = 84x-3

3. Use logarithms to evaluate ( 1934)2 x √ 0.00324

4. Use logarithms to evaluate
55.9 ÷ (02621 x 0.01177) 1/5

5. Simplify 2x x 52x 2-x

6. Use logarithms to evaluate
(3.256 x 0.0536)1/3

7. Solve for x in the equation

32(x-3) ÷8 (x-4) = 64 ÷2x
8. Solve for x in the equations 812x x 27x = 729
9. Use reciprocal and square tables to evaluate to 4 significant figures, the expression:
1 + 4 .3462
10. Use logarithm tables, to evaluate

0.032 x 14.26 2/3


11. Find the value of x in the following equation

49(x +1) + 7(2x) = 350

12. Use logarithms to evaluate

13. Find the value of m in the following equation
(1/27m x (81)-1 = 243
14. Given that P = 3y express the equation 3(2y-1) + 2 x 3 (y-1) = 1 in terms of P hence or otherwise find the
value of y in the equation 3 (2y – 1) + 2 x 3 (y-1) = 1

15. Use logarithms to evaluate 55.9 (0.2621 x 0.01177)1/5

16. Use logarithms to evaluate

6.79 x 0.3911¾
Log 5

17. Use logarithms to evaluate

3 1.23 x 0.0089

18. Solve for x in the equation

X = 0.0056 ½
1.38 x 27.42



Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) Define gradient of a straight line
b.) Determine the gradient of a straight line through known points
c.) Determine the equation of a straight line using gradient and one known point
d.) Express a straight line equation in the form y = mx + c
e.) Interpret the equation y = mx + c
f.) Find the x- and y- intercepts from an equation of a line
g.) Draw the graph of a straight line using gradient and x- and y- intercepts
h.) State the relationship of gradients of perpendicular lines
i.) State the relationship of gradients of parallel lines
j.) Apply the relationship of gradients of perpendicular and parallel lines to get equations of straight
a.) Gradient of a straight line
b.) Equation of a straight line
c.) The equation of a straight line of the form y = mx + c
d.) The x and y intercepts of a line
e.) The graph of a straight line
f.) Perpendicular lines and their gradient
g.) Parallel lines and their gradients
h.) Equations of parallel and perpendicular lines.


The steepness or slope of an area is called the gradient. Gradient is the change in y axis over the
change in x axis.

change∈ y co−ordinates y 2−¿ y

= ¿ 1

change∈ x co−ordinates x2−¿ x ¿ 2

If an increase in the x co-ordinates also causes an increase in the y co-ordinates the gradient is
If an increase in the x co-ordinates causes a decrease in the value of the y co-ordinate, the
gradient is negative.
If, for an increase in the x co-ordinate, there is no change in the value of the y co-ordinate, the
gradient is zero.
For vertical line, the gradient is not defined.

Find the gradient.

change∈ y axis
Gradient =
change∈ x axis

Equation of a straight line.

Given two points
Find the equation of the line through the points A (1, 3) and B (2, 8)

The gradient of the required line is =¿5
Take any point p (x, y) on the line. Using... points P and A, the gradient is
Therefore =¿ 5
Hence y = 5x - 2
Given the gradient and one point on the line

Determine the equation of a line with gradient 3, passing through the point (1, 5).

Let the line pass through a general point (x, y).The gradient of the line is =¿ 3
Hence the equation of the line is y =3x +2
We can express linear equation in the form y=mx+c .

−4 8
For example 4x + 3 y = -8 is equivalent to y¿ x− . In the linear equation below gradient is
3 3
equal to m while c is the y intercept.

Using the above statement we can easily get the gradient.

Find the gradient of the line whose equation is 3 y -6 x + 7 =0

Write the equation in the form of y=mx+c
3 y=6 x−7
y=2 x−

M= 2 and also gradient is 2.

The y- intercept
The y – intercept of a line is the value of y at the point where the line crosses the y axis. Which is
C in the above figure. The x –intercept of a graph is that value of x where the graph crosses the x
To find the x intercept we must find the value of y when x = 0 because at every point on the y
axis x = 0 .The same is true for y intercept.

Find the y intercept y = 2x + 10 on putting y = o we have to solve this equation.
2x + 10 = 0
2x= -10
X =- 5
X intercept is equal to – 5.
Perpendicular lines
If the products of the gradient of the two lines is equal to – 1, then the two lines are equal to each
Find if the two lines are perpendicular
y= x +1 y=−3 x −2

The gradients are
M= and M = -3
The product is
The answer is -1 hence they are perpendicular.

Y = 2x + 7
Y = -2x + 5
The products are 2 ×−2=−4 hence the two lines are not perpendicular.

Parallel lines
Parallel lines have the same gradients e.g.
y=2 x +7
y=2 x−9
Both lines have the same gradient which is 2 hence they are parallel
End of topic

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Past KCSE Questions on the topic

1. The coordinates of the points P and Q are (1, -2) and (4, 10) respectively.
A point T divides the line PQ in the ratio 2: 1
(a) Determine the coordinates of T
(b) (i) Find the gradient of a line perpendicular to PQ
(ii) Hence determine the equation of the line perpendicular PQ and passing through T
(iii) If the line meets the y- axis at R, calculate the distance TR, to three significant figures
2. A line L1 passes though point (1, 2) and has a gradient of 5. Another line L 2, is perpendicular to L1
and meets it at a point where x = 4. Find the equation for L 2 in the form of y = mx + c
3. P (5, -4) and Q (-1, 2) are points on a straight line. Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of
PQ: giving the answer in the form y = mx+c.
4. On the diagram below, the line whose equation is 7y – 3x + 30 = 0 passes though the
points A and B. Point A on the x-axis while point B is equidistant from x and y axes.

Calculate the co-ordinates of the points A and B

5. A line with gradient of -3 passes through the points (3. k) and (k.8). Find the value of k and hence
express the equation of the line in the form a ax + ab = c, where a, b, and c are constants.
6. Find the equation of a straight line which is equidistant from the points (2, 3) and (6, 1), expressing it
in the form ax + by = c where a, b and c are constants.
7. The equation of a line -3/5x + 3y = 6. Find the:
(a) Gradient of the line (1 mk)

(b) Equation of a line passing through point (1, 2) and perpendicular to the given line b
8. Find the equation of the perpendicular to the line x + 2y = 4 and passes through point (2,1)
9. Find the equation of the line which passes through the points P (3,7) and Q (6,1)
10. Find the equation of the line whose x- intercepts is -2 and y- intercepts is 5
11. Find the gradient and y- intercept of the line whose equation is 4x – 3y – 9 = 0

Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) State the properties of reflection as a transformation
b.) Use the properties of reflection in construction and identification of images and
c.) Make geometrical deductions using reflection
d.) Apply reflection in the Cartesian plane
e.) Distinguish between direct and opposite congruence
f.) Identify congruent triangles.
a.) Lines and planes of symmetry
b.) Mirror lines and construction of objects and images
c.) Reflection as a transformation
d.) Reflection in the Cartesian plane
e.) Direct and opposite congruency
f.) Congruency tests (SSS, SAS, AAS, ASA and RHS)
The process of changing the position, direction or size of a figure to form a new figure is called

Reflection and congruence

Symmetry is when one shape becomes exactly like another if you turn, slide or cut them into two
identical parts. The lines which divides a figure into two identical parts are called lines of
symmetry. If a figure is cut into two identical parts the cut part is called the plane of symmetry.

How many planes of symmetry does the above figures have?

There are two types of symmetry. Reflection and Rotational.

A transformation of a figure in which each point is replaced by a point symmetric with respect to
a line or plane e.g. mirror line.

Properties preserved under reflection

 Midpoints always remain the same.
 Angle measures remain the same i.e. the line joining appoint and its image is
perpendicular to the mirror line.
 A point on the object and a corresponding point on the image are equidistant from the
mirror line.
A mirror line is a line of symmetry between an object and its image.

Figures that have
rotational symmetry

(b) Order of
2 3 4 5
rotational symmetry

To reflect an object you draw the same points of the object but on opposite side of the mirror.
They must be equidistance from each other.

Find the mirror line or the line of symmetry.

To find the mirror line, join the points on the object and image together then bisect the lines
perpendicularly. The perpendicular bisector gives us the mirror line.
Figures with the same size and same shape are said to be congruent. If a figure fits into another
directly it is said to be directly congruent.
If a figure only fits into another after it has been turned then it’s called opposite congruent or
indirect congruence.


Figure A and B are directly congruent while C is oppositely or indirectly congruent because it
only fits into A after it has been turned.
End of topic

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Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) State properties of rotation as a transformation
b.) Determine centre and angle of rotation
c.) Apply properties of rotation in the Cartesian plane
d.) Identify point of rotational symmetry
e.) State order of rotational symmetry of plane figure
f.) Identify axis of rotational symmetry of solids
g.) State order of rotational symmetry of solids
h.) Deduce congruence from rotation.
a.) Properties of rotation
b.) Centre and angle of rotation
c.) Rotation in the cartesian plane
d.) Rotational symmetry of plane figures and solids (point axis and order)
e.) Congruence and rotation

A transformation in which a plane figure turns around a fixed center point called center of
rotation. A rotation in the anticlockwise direction is taken to be positive whereas a rotation in the
clockwise direction is taken to be negative.
For example a rotation of 900 clockwise is taken to be negative. - 900 while a rotation of
anticlockwise 900 is taken to be +900.

For a rotation to be completely defined the center and the angle of rotation must be stated.
To rotate triangle A through the origin ,angle of rotation +1/4 turn.

Draw a line from each point to the center of rotation ,in this case it’s the origin.Measure 90 0
from the object using the protacter and make sure the base line of the proctacter is on the same
line as the line from the point of the object to the center.The 0 mark should start from the object.
Mark 900 and draw a straight line to the center joining the lines at the origin.The distance from
the point of the object to the center should be the same distance as the line you drew.This give
you the image point
The distance between the object point and the image point under rotation should be the same as
the center of rotation in this case 900

To find the center of rotation.
 Draw a segment connecting point’s 𝑨 and 𝑨′
 Using a compass, find the perpendicular bisector of this line.
 Draw a segment connecting point’s 𝑩 and 𝑩′.Find the perpendicular bisector of this segment.
 The point of intersection of the two perpendicular bisectors is the center of rotation. Label this
point 𝑷.

Justify your construction by measuring angles ∠𝑨𝑷𝑨′ and ∠𝑩𝑷𝑩′. Did you obtain the same measure?
The angle between is the angle of rotation. The zero mark of protector should be on the object to give you
the direction of rotation.

Rotational symmetry of plane figures

The number of times the figure fits onto itself in one complete turn is called the order of
rotational symmetry.

The order of rotational symmetry of a figure = 360 /angle between two identical parts of the
Rotational symmetry is also called point symmetry. Rotation preserves length, angles and area,
and the object and its image are directly congruent.
End of topic

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Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) Identify similar figures
b.) Construct similar figures
c.) State properties of enlargement as a transformation
d.) Apply the properties of enlargement to construct objects and images
e.) Apply enlargement in Cartesian planes
f.) State the relationship between linear, area and volume scale factor
g.) Apply the scale factors to real life situations.
a.) Similar figures and their properties
b.) Construction of similar figures
c.) Properties of enlargement
d.) Construction of objects and images under enlargement
e.) Enlargement in the Cartesian plane
f.) Linear, area and volume scale factors
g.) Real life situations.

Similar Figures
Two or more figures are said to be similar if:
 The ratio of the corresponding sides is constant.
 The corresponding angle are similar
Example 1
In the figures below, given that △ABC ~ △PQR, find the unknowns x, y and z.

BA corresponds to QP each of them has opposite angle y and 980 .Hence y is equal to 980 BC
corresponds to QR and AC corresponds to PR.
Z = 7.5 cm
Two figures can have the ratio of corresponding sides equal but fail to be similar if the
corresponding angles are not the same.
Two triangles are similar if either their all their corresponding angles are equal or the ratio of
their corresponding sides is constant.
In the figure, △ABC is similar to △RPQ. Find the values of the unknowns.

Since △ABC~ △RPQ,

∠B= ∠P ∴x= 90°

39 /y =52 /48

(48 X 39)
∴y = 36



∴z = 65

What’s enlargement?
Enlargement, sometimes called scaling, is a kind of transformation that changes the size of an
object. The image created is similar* to the object. Despite the name enlargement, it includes
making objects smaller.
For every enlargement, a scale factor must be specified. The scale factor is how many times
larger than the object the image is.

Length of side in image = length of side in object X scale factor

For any enlargement, there must be a point called the center of enlargement.

Distance from center of enlargement to point on image =

Distance from Centre of enlargement to point on object X scale factor

The Centre of enlargement can be anywhere, but it has to exist.

This process of obtaining triangle A’ B ‘C’ from triangle A B C is called enlargement. Triangle
ABC is the object and triangles A’ B ‘C ‘Its image under enlargement scale factor 2.
OA’/OA=OB’/OB=OC’/OC= 2...
The ratio is called scale factor of enlargement. The scale factor is called liner scale factor
By measurement OA=1.5 cm, OB=3 cm and OC =2.9 cm. To get A’, the image of A, we proceed
as follows
OA=1.5 cm
OA’/OA=2 (scale factor 2)
=3 cm
Also OB’/OB=2
= 3 X2
=6 cm

Lines joining object points to their corresponding image points meet at the Centre of

To find center of enlargement join object points to their corresponding image points and extend
the lines, where they meet gives you the Centre of enlargement. Or Draw straight lines from each
point on the image, through its corresponding point on the object, and continuing for a little
further. The point where all the lines cross is the Centre of enlargement.
The scale factor can be whole number, negative or fraction. Whole number scale factor means
that the image is on the same side as the object and it can be larger or the same size,
Negative scale factor means that the image is on the opposite side of the object and a fraction
whole number scale factor means that the image is smaller either on the same side or opposite
Linear scale factor is a ratio in the form a: b or a/b .This ratio describes an enlargement or
reduction in one dimension, and can be calculated using.

New length
Original length
Area scale factor is a ratio in the form e: f or e/f. This ratio describes how many times to
enlarge. Or reduce the area of two dimensional figure. Area scale factor can be calculated using.
New Area
Original Area
Area scale factor= (linear scale factor) 2
Volume scale factor is the ratio that describes how many times to enlarge or reduce the volume
of a three dimensional figure. Volume scale factor can be calculated using.
New Volume
Original Volume
Volume scale factor = (linear scale factor) 3
When two triangles are congruent, all their corresponding sides andcorresponding angles are

Translation vector moves every point of an object by the same amount in the given vector
direction. It can be simply be defined as the addition of a constant vector to every point.
Translations and vectors: The translation at the left
shows a vector translating the top triangle 4 units to
the right and 9 units downward.  The notation for such
vector movement may be written as:


Vectors such as those used in translations are what is

known as free vectors.  Any two vectors of the same
length and parallel to each other are considered
identical.  They need not have the same initial and
terminal points.  

End of topic

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Past KCSE Questions on Reflection and Congruence, Rotation,

Similarity and Enlargement.
1. A translation maps a point (1, 2) onto) (-2, 2). What would be the coordinates of the object whose
image is (-3, -3) under the same translation?
2. Use binomial expression to evaluate (0.96)5 correct to 4 significant figures
11. In the figure below triangle ABO represents a part of a school badge. The badge has as symmetry
of order 4 about O. Complete the figures to show the badge.

3. A point (-5, 4) is mapped onto (-1, -1) by a translation. Find the image of (-4, 5) under the same
4. A triangle is formed by the coordinates A (2, 1) B (4, 1) and C (1, 6). It is rotated
clockwise through 900 about the origin. Find the coordinates of this image.
5. The diagram on the grid provided below shows a trapezium ABCD

On the same grid

(a) (i) Draw the image A’B’C’D of ABCD under a rotation of 90 0
clockwise about the origin .
(ii) Draw the image of A”B”C”D” of A’B’C’D’ under a reflection in
line y = x. State coordinates of A”B”C”D”.
(b) A”B”C”D” is the image of A”B”C”D under the reflection in the line x=0.
Draw the image A”B” C”D” and state its coordinates.
(c) Describe a single transformation that maps A” B”C”D onto ABCD.
6. A translation maps a point P(3,2) onto P’(5,4)
(a) Determine the translation vector
(b) A point Q’ is the image of the point Q (, 5) under the same translation. Find the length of ‘P’ Q
leaving the answer is surd form.
7. Two points P and Q have coordinates (-2, 3) and (1, 3) respectively. A translation map point P to P’
( 10, 10)
(a) Find the coordinates of Q’ the image of Q under the translation (1 mk)
(b) The position vector of P and Q in (a) above are p and q respectively given that mp – nq =
9 Find the value of m and n (3mks)
8. on the Cartesian plane below, triangle PQR has vertices P(2, 3), Q ( 1,2) and R ( 4,1) while
triangles P” q “ R” has vertices P” (-2, 3), Q” ( -1,2) and R” ( -4, 1)

(a) Describe fully a single transformation which maps triangle PQR onto triangle P”Q”R”
(b) On the same plane, draw triangle P’Q’R’, the image of triangle PQR, under reflection in line y = -
(c) Describe fully a single transformation which maps triangle P’Q’R’ onto triangle P”Q”R
(d) Draw triangle P”Q”R” such that it can be mapped onto triangle PQR by a positive quarter turn
about (0, 0)
(e) State all pairs of triangle that are oppositely congruent

Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) Derive Pythagoras theorem
b.) Solve problems using Pythagoras theorem
c.) Apply Pythagoras theorem to solve problems in life situations
a.) Pythagoras Theorem
b.) Solution of problems using Pythagoras Theorem
c.) Application to real life situations.

Consider the triangle below:
Pythagoras theorem states that for a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum
of the square of the two shorter sides.

In a right angle triangle, the two shorter sides are 6 cm and 8 cm. Find the length of the hypotenuse.

Using Pythagoras theorem
2 2 2
hyp =6 x 8

hyp 2=362 x 64 2

hyp =¿100 hyp =√2 100 =10

End of topic

Did you understand everything?

If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to
Past KCSE Questions on the topic.
1. The angle of elevation of the top of a tree from a point P on the horizontal ground is 24.5°.From
another point Q, five metres nearer to the base of the tree, the angle of elevation of the top of the tree is
33.2°. Calculate to one decimal place, the height of the tree.
2. A block of wood in the shape of a frustrum of a cone of slanting edge 30 cm and base radius
10cm is cut parallel to the base, one third of the way from the base along the slanting edge. Find the ratio
of the volume of the cone removed to the volume of the complete cone



Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) Define tangent, sine and cosine ratios from a right angled triangle
b.) Read and use tables of trigonometric ratios
c.) Use sine, cosine and tangent in calculating lengths and angles
d.) Establish and use the relationship of sine and cosine of complimentary angles
e.) Relate the three trigonometric ratios
f.) Determine the trigonometric ratios of special angles 30°, 45°, 60° and 90°without using tables
g.) Read and use tables of logarithms of sine, cosine and tangent
h.) Apply the knowledge of trigonometry to real life situations.
a.) Tangent, sine and cosine of angles
b.) Trigonometric tables
c.) Angles and sides o f a right angled triangle
d.) Sine and cosine of complimentary angles
e.) Relationship between tangent, sine and cosine
f.) Trigonometric ratios of special angles 30°, 45°, 60° and 90°
g.) Logarithms of sines, cosines and tangents
h.) Application of trigonometry to real life situations.

Tangent of Acute Angle
vertical distance
The constant ratio between the is called the tangent. It’s abbreviated as tan
horizontal distance

opposite side
Tan∅ =
adjacent side

Sine of an Angle
The ratio of the side of angle x to the hypotenuse side is called the sine.
opposite side
Cosine of an Angle
The ratio of the side adjacent to the angle and hypotenuse.

In the figure above adjacent length is 4 cm and Angle x¿ 360 . Calculate the opposite length.

opposite length PR
tan 36 0= =
adjacent lengh 4

4 tan 360 =PR

Therefore PR=4 x 0.7265=2.9060 cm.


In the above o = 5 cm a = 12 cm calculate angle sin x and cosine x.

opp o 5
sin x= =
hyp h h
But H 2=122 ×52
¿ 169

¿ √ 169
Therefore sin x¿
= 0.3846
Cos x =

Sine and cosines of complementary angles

For any two complementary angles x and y, sin x = cos y cos x = sin y e.g. sin600 =cos 300 ,

Sin300 =cos 600 , sin700 =cos 200 ,

Find acute angles α ∧β if
Sinα =cos 33 0

sin α=cos 33
Therefore α +33=90

α =57 0
Trigonometric ratios of special Angles 300 45 0 60 0.
These trigonometric ratios can be deducted by the use of isosceles right – angled triangle and
equilateral triangles as follows.

Tangent cosine and sine of45 0.

The triangle should have a base and a height of one unit each, giving hypotenuse of√ 2.

0 1 0 1
Cos 45 = sin45 = tan45 0=1
√2 √2
Tangent cosine and sine of 300 amd 60 0 .

The equilateral triangle has a sides of 2 units each

0 1 0
Sin 30 = cos 30 =
√ 3 tan30 0= 1
2 2 √3
Sin 60 =
√3 cos 600= 1 tan 600= √ 3 =√ 3
2 2 1
End of topic

Did you understand everything?

If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to
Past KCSE Questions on the topic.
1. Given sin (90 - a) = ½ , find without using trigonometric tables the value of cos a

tan θ=
2. If 45 ,find without using tables or calculator, the value of
tan θ−cosθ
cos θ+sin θ (3
3. At point A, David observed the top of a tall building at an angle of 30 o. After walking for 100meters
towards the foot of the building he stopped at point B where he observed it again at an angle of 60 o. Find
the height of the building

4. Find the value of , given that ½ sin = 0.35 for 0o ≤ θ ≤ 360o

5. A man walks from point A towards the foot of a tall building 240 m away. After covering 180m,
he observes that the angle of elevation of the top of the building is 45 o. Determine the angle of elevation
of the top of the building from A
6. Solve for x in 2 Cos2x0 = 0.6000 00≤ x ≤ 3600.

7. Wangechi whose eye level is 182cm tall observed the angle of elevation to the top of her house to
be 32º from her eye level at point A. she walks 20m towards the house
on a straight line to a point B at which point she observes the angle of elevation to the
top of the building to the 40º. Calculate, correct to 2 decimal places the ;
a)distance of A from the house
b) The height of the house
8. Given that cos A = 5/13 and angle A is acute, find the value of:-
2 tan A + 3 sin A

9. Given that tan 5° = 3 + 5, without using tables or a calculator, determine tan 25°, leaving your
answer in the form a + b c
10. Given that tan x = 5, find the value of the following without using mathematical tables or
calculator: 12
(a) Cos x
(b) Sin2(90-x)

11. If tan θ =8/15, find the value of Sinθ - Cosθ without using a calculator or table
Cosθ + Sinθ



Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) Derive the formula; Area = ½ab sin C
b.) Solve problems involving area of triangles using the formula Area = ½ab sin C;
c.) Solve problems on area of a triangle using the formula area = √ s ( s−a)(s−b)( s−c )
a.) Area of triangle A =1/2 ab sin C
b.) Area of a triangle A=√ s ( s−a ) ( s−b)( s−c)
c.) Application of the above formulae in solving problems involving real life situations.

Area of a triangle given two sides and an included Angle
The area of a triangle is given by A= bh but sometimes we use other formulas to as follows.

If the length of two sides and an included angle of a triangle are given, the area of the triangle is
given by A= absinθ
In the figure above PQ is 5 cm and PR is 7 cm angle QPR is 500 .Find the area of the the triangle.

Using the formulae by A= absinθ a= 5 cm b =7 cm and θ=500
Area = x 5 x 7 sin 500
=2.5 x 7 x 0.7660
=13.40 cm 2

Area of the triangle, given the three sides.

Find the area of a triangle ABC in which AB = 5 cm, BC = 6 cm and AC =7 cm.

When only three sides are given us the formulae

A=√ s ( s−a ) ( s−b)(s−c) Hero’s formulae

S ¿ of the perimeter of the triangle
¿ (a+b+c) A, b, c are the lengths of the sides of the triangle.
¿ ( 6+7+5 )=9 And A ¿ √ 9(9−6)(9−7)(9−5)
¿√9 x3 x2 x 4
¿ √ 216
¿ 14.70 cm

End of topic
Did you understand everything?
If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to

Past KCSE Questions on the topic.

1. The sides of a triangle are in the ratio 3:5:6. If its perimeter is 56 cm, use the Heroes formula to
find its area (4mks)

2. The figure below is a triangle XYZ. ZY = 13.4cm, XY = 5cm and angle xyz = 57.7 o

i.) Length XZ. (3mks)
i.) Angle XZY. (2 mks)
ii.) If a perpendicular is dropped from point X to cut ZY at M, Find the ratio MY: ZM. (3 mks)
Find the area of triangle XYZ. (2 mks)



Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) Find the area of a quadrilateral
b.) Find the area of other polygons (regular and irregular).
a.) Area of quadrilaterals
b.) Area of other polygons (regular and irregular).
They are four sided figures e.g. rectangle, square, rhombus, parallelogram, trapezium and kite.

Area of rectangle

AB and DC area the lengths while AD and BC are the width.

Area of parallelogram
A figure whose opposite side are equal parallel.
Area ¿ base x height=2.5 x 1.8=4.5 cm2

Area of a Rhombus.
A figure with all sides equal and the diagonals bisect each other at90 0. In the figure below BC
=CD =DA=AB=4 cm while AC=10 cm and BD = 12. Find the area

Find half of the diagonal which is ×10=5 cm
1 2
Area of ∆ BCD= X 12 X 5=30 cm
Area of ∆ ABCD=2 X areaof ∆ BCD
¿ 2 X 30 cm
¿ 60 cm

Area of Trapezium
A quadrilateral with only two of its opposite sides being parallel. The area ¿ ( a+2 b ) h
Find the area of the above figure

Area ¿ ( 6+212 ) 4
¿ 9 x 4=36 cm 2

You can use the sine rule to get the height given the hypotenuse and an angle.

Or use the acronym SOHCAHTOA


In the figure above the lines market // =7 cm while / =5 cm, find the area.

Join X to Y.
Find the area of the two triangles formed
x 5 x 5 x sin 950=12.45 (Triangle one)

1 0
x 7 x 7 x sin 60 =21.21 (Triangle two)
Then add the area of the two triangles
12.45+21.21=33.67 cm

Area of regular polygons

Any regular polygon can be divided into isosceles triangle by joining the vertices to the Centre.
The number of the polygon formed is equal to the number of sides of the polygon.

If the radius is of a pentagon 6 cm find its area.

Divide the pentagone into five triangles each with 720 ie ( )

1 0
Area of one triangle will be ¿ x 6 x 6 xsin72
There are five triangles therefore
AREA ¿ 5 X 17.11

¿ 85.55 cm2
End of topic

Did you understand everything?

If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to

Past KCSE Questions on the topic.

1.) The diagram below, not drawn to scale, is a regular pentagon circumscribed in a circle of radius 10 cm
at centre O

10 cm
(a) The side of the pentagon (2mks)
(b) The area of the shaded region (3mks)
2.) PQRS is a trapezium in which PQ is parallel to SR, PQ = 6cm, SR = 12cm, ∠ PSR = 400 and PS
= 10cm. Calculate the area of the trapezium. (4mks)

P > Q

S >
3.) A regular octagon has an area of 101.8 cm2. calculate the length of one side of the octagon
4.) Find the area of a regular polygon of length 10 cm and side n, given that the sum of interior angles of
n : n –1 is in the ratio 4 : 3.

1.) Calculate the area of the quadrilateral ABCD shown:-




Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) Find the area of a sector
b.) Find the area of a segment
c.) Find the area of a common region between two circles.
a.) Area of a sector
b.) Area of a segment
c.) Area of common regions between circles.

A sector is an area bounded by two radii and an arc .A minor sector has a smaller area compared
to a major sector.
The orange part is the major sector while the yellow part is the minor sector.

The area of a sector

The area of a sector subtending an angle θ at the Centre of the circle is given by; A¿ X π r2

Find the area of a sector of radius 3 cm, if the angle subtended at the Centre is given as 1400 take
π as

Area A of a sector is given by;
θ 2
A¿ X πr
140 22 2
Area¿ x x3
360 7
= 11 cm2

The area of the sector of a circle is 38.5 cm. Find the radius of the circle if the angle subtended at
the Centre is90 0.

θ 2
From A¿ X π r , we get
90 22 2
x x r =38.5
360 7
2 38.5 x 360 x 7
90 x 22

r 2= √ 49
R = 7 cm

The area of a sector of radius 63 cm is 4158 cm .Calculate the angle subtended at the Centre of
the circle.

θ 22
4158 ¿ x x 63 x 63
360 7
4158 x 360 x 7
22 x 63 x 63
¿ 120

Area of a segment of a circle

A segment is a region of a circle bounded by a chord and an arc.
In the figure above the shaded region is a segment of the circle with Centre O and radius r. AB=8
cm, ON = 3 cm, ANGLE AOB =106.30. Find the area of the shaded part.

Area of the segment = area of the sector OAPB – area of triangle OAB

=[ 106.3
360 ][
2 1
X 3.142 X 5 − X 8 X 3
2 ]
= 23.19 – 12
= 11.19 cm 2
Area of a common region between two intersecting circles.

Find the area of the intersecting circles above. If the common chord AB is 9 cm.

From ∆ A O1 M ;

O1 M =√ 8 −4.5
2 2

¿ √ 43.75
¿6.614 cm
From ∆ A O2 M ;

O2 M =√ 6 −4.5
2 2

¿ √ 15.75
¿3.969 cm
The area between the intersecting circles is the sum of the areas of segments A P1 B and A P2 B .
Area of segment A P1 B = area of sector O2 A P1 B−area of ∆ O2 AB
AM 4.5
Using trigonometry, sin ¿ A O2 M = = = 0.75
A O2 6

Find the sine inverse of 0.75 to get 48.59 0 hence ¿ A O2 M =48.590

¿ A O2 B=2 X < A O2 M

¿ 2 X 48.590 =97.1 80
97.18 2 1
Area of segment A P1 B= X 3.12 X 6 − X 9 X 3.969
360 2
¿ 30.53−17.86
¿ 12.67 cm

Area of segment A P2 B = area of sector O1 A P2 B−area of ∆ O1 AB

AM 4.5
Using trigonometry, sin ¿ A O1 M = = = 0.5625
A O1 8

Find the sine inverse of 0.5625 to get 34.230 hence ¿ A O1 M =34.23 0

¿ A O1 B=2 X < A O1 M
¿ 2 X 34.23
¿ 68.4 6
68.46 2 1
Area of segment A P2 B= X 3.12 X 8 − X 9 X 6.614
360 2
¿ 38.24−29.76
¿ 8.48 cm
Therefore the area of the region between the intersecting circles is given by;
Area of segmnet AP 1 B+ areaof segment A P 2 B

¿ 12.67+8.48
¿ 21.15 cm
End of topic

Did you understand everything?

If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to

Past KCSE Questions on the topic.

1. The figure below shows a circle of radius 9cm and centre O. Chord AB is 7cm long. Calculate the
area of the shaded region. (4mks)


2. The figure below shows two intersecting circles with centres P and Q of radius 8cm and 10cm
respectively. Length AB = 12cm

P ө ß



a) ∠ APB

b) ∠ AQB

c) Area of the shaded region (6mks)


5cm 5cm


The diagram above represents a circle centre o of radius 5cm. The minor arc AB subtends an
angle of 1200 at the centre. Find the area of the shaded part. (3mks)
4. The figure below shows a regular pentagon inscribed in a circle of radius 12cm, centre O.

Calculate the area of the shaded part.


5. Two circles of radii 13cm and 16cm intersect such that they share a common chord of length

20cm. Calculate the area of the shaded part.

( π=227 )
6. Find the perimeter of the figure below, given AB,BC and AC are diameters. (4mks)

7. The figure below shows two intersecting circles. The radius of a circle A is 12cm and that of
circle B is 8 cm.

If the angle MBN = 72o, calculate

The size of the angle MAN
b) The length of MN
c) The area of the shaded region.

In the diagram above, two circles, centres A and C and radii 7cm and 24cm respectively intersect
at B and D. AC = 25cm.

a) Show that angel ABC = 900

b) Calculate

i) the size of obtuse angel BAD

ii) the area of the shaded part (10 Mks)

9. The ends of the roof of a workshop are segments of a circle of radius 10m. The roof is 20m long.
The angle at the centre of the circle is 120o as shown in the figure below:


(a) Calculate :-
(i) The area of one end of the roof
(ii) The area of the curved surface of the roof
(b) What would be the cost to the nearest shilling of covering the two ends and the curved surface
with galvanized iron sheets costing shs.310 per square metre
10. The diagram below, not drawn to scale, is a regular pengtagon circumscribed in a circle of radius
10cm at centre O


(a) The side of the pentagon
(b) The area of the shaded region

11. Triangle PQR is inscribed in he circle PQ= 7.8cm, PR = 6.6cm and QR = 5.9cm. Find:

P 7.8cm


(a) The radius of the circle, correct to one decimal place

(b) The angles of the triangle
(c) The area of shaded region



Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) Find the surface area of a prism
b.) Find the surface area of a pyramid
c.) Find the surface area of a cone
d.) Find the surface area of a frustum
e.) Find the surface area of a sphere and a hemisphere.
Surface area of prisms, pyramids, cones, frustums and spheres.

Surface area of a prism
A prism is a solid with uniform cross- section. The surface area of a prism is the sum of its faces.

Area of closed cylinder ¿ 2 π r 2 +2 πrl

Area of open cylinder ¿ π r 2+ 2 πrl(area of the botton ås thetop is open)

Find the area of the closed cylinder r =2.8 cm and l = 13 cm

¿2 ( 227 x 2.8 x 2.8)+(2 x 227 x 2.8 x 13)

2 2
¿ 49.28 cm −228. 8
¿ 278.08 cm
For open cylinder do not multiply by two, find the area of only one circle.

Surface area of a pyramid

The surface area of a pyramid is the sum of the area of the slanting faces and the area of the base.
Surface area = base area + area of the four triangular faces (take the slanting height marked green below)

Surface area = base area + area of the four triangular faces
= (14 x 14) + ( x 14 x 14)
= 196 + 252

= 448 mm2

The figure below is a right pyramid with a square base of 4 cm and a slanting edge of 8 cm. Find the
surface area of the pyramid.

a = 4 cm e = 8 cm
Surface area = base area + area of the four triangular bases
= (l x w) + 4 ( bh)
Remember height is the slanting height

Slanting height = 82−¿2 ¿

=√ 60

Surface area = ( 4 x 4 ) +4 ( x 4 x √ 60)
= 77.97 cm 2

Surface area of a cone

Total surface area of a cone= π r 2+ πrl

Curved surface area of a cone = πrl

Find the surface area of the cone above

¿ ( 3.14 x 4 x 4 )+(3.14 x 4 x 5)
= 50.24 +62.8

=113.04 cm 2

Always use slanting height, if it’s not given find it using Pythagoras theorem

Surface area of a frustum

The bottom part of a cut pyramid or cone is called a frustum. Example of frustums are bucket,

Examples a lampshade and a hopper.

Find the surface area of a fabric required to make a lampshade in the form of a frustum whose top and
bottom diameters are 20 cm and 30 cm respectively and height 12 cm.
Complete the cone from which the frustum is made, by adding a smaller cone of height x cm.

h =12, H= x cm, r =10 cm, R =15 cm

x x +12
From the knowledge of similar =
10 15
15 x=10 x+120
15 x−10 x=120
5 x=120
Surface area of a frustum = area of the curved −¿ area of curved surface of smaller cone
Surface of bigger cone.
L = 24 + 12 = 36 cm
Surface area = πRL – πrl

= ( 227 ×15 × √36 +15 )−¿ )

2 2

=1838.57 cm 2−8 17.14 cm2

= 1021 cm 2 4 s . f

Surface area of the sphere

A sphere is solid that it’s entirely round with every point on the surface at equal distance from
the Centre. Surface area is ¿ 4 π r 2

Find the surface area of a sphere whose diameter is equal to 21 cm

Surface area = 4 π r 2
= 4 x 3.14 x 10.5 x 10.5
= 1386 cm2
End of topic

Did you understand everything?

If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to
Past KCSE Questions on the topic.
1. A swimming pool water surface measures 10m long and 8m wide. A path of uniform width is
made all round the swimming pool. The total area of the water surface and the path is 168m 2

(a) Find the width of the path (4 mks)

(b) The path is to be covered with square concrete slabs. Each corner of the path is covered with a
slab whose side is equal to the width of the path. The rest of the path is covered with slabs of
side 50cm. The cost of making each corner slab is sh 600 while the cost of making each
smaller slab is sh.50. Calculate

(i) The number of the smaller slabs used (4 mks)

(ii) The total cost of the slabs used to cover the whole path (2 mks)

2. The figure below shows a solid regular tetrapack of sides 4cm.

(a) Draw a labelled net of the solid.


(b) Find the surface area of the solid. (2mks)

3. The diagram shows a right glass prism ABCDEF with dimensions as shown.

5.2cm D

A 5.2cm C

7.4 cm 14.7cm

(a) the perimeter of the prism (2 mks)
(b) The total surface area of the prism (3 mks)
(c) The volume of the prism (2 mks)
(d) The angle between the planes AFED and BCEF (3 mks)
4. The base of a rectangular tank is 3.2m by 2.8m. Its height is 2.4m. It contains water to a depth of
1.8m. Calculate the surface area inside the tank that is not in contact with water. (2mks)
5. Draw the net of the solid below and calculate surface area of its faces (3mks)


4cm F
8cm D
The figure above is a triangular prism of uniform cross-section in which AF = 4cm, AB = 5cm and
BC = 8cm.
(a) If angle BAF = 300, calculate the surface area of the prism. (3 marks)
(b) Draw a clearly labeled net of the prisms. (1 mark)
7. Mrs. Dawati decided to open a confectionary shop at corner Baridi. She decorated its entrance
with 10 models of cone ice cream, five on each side of the door. The model has the following
shape and dimensions. Using  = 3.142 and calculations to 4 d.p.
(a) Calculate the surface area of the conical part. (2mks)

(b) Calculate the surface area of the top surface. (4mks)

(c) Find total surface area of one model. (2mks)

(d) If painting 5cm2 cost ksh 12.65, find the total cost of painting the models (answer to 1 s.f).

8. A right pyramid of height 10cm stands on a square base ABCD of side 6 cm.
a) Draw the net of the pyramid in the space provided below. (2mks)
b) Calculate:-
(i) The perpendicular distance from the vertex to the side AB. (2mks)
(ii) The total surface area of the pyramid. (4mks)
c) Calculated the volume of the pyramid. (2mks)
9. The figure below shows a solid object consisting of three parts. A conical part of radius 2 cm and
slant height 3.5 cm a cylindrical part of height 4 cm. A hemispherical part of radius 3 cm . the
cylinder lies at the centre of the hemisphere. (
π=3 .142 )
Calculate to four significant figures:
I. The surface area of the solid (5 marks)
II. The volume of the solid (5 marks)
10. A lampshade is in the form of a frustrum of a cone. Its bottom and top diameters are 12cm and
8cm respectively. Its height is 6cm.Find;
(a) The area of the curved surface of the lampshade
(b) The material used for making the lampshade is sold at Kshs.800 per square metres. Find the
cost of ten lampshades if a lampshade is sold at twice the cost of the material
11. A cylindrical piece of wood of radius 4.2cm and length 150cm is cut lengthwise into two equal
pieces. Calculate the surface area of one piece
12. The base of an open rectangular tank is 3.2m by 2.8m. Its height is 2.4m. It contains water to a
depth of 1.8m. Calculate the surface area inside the tank that is not in contact with water

13. The figure below represents a model of a solid structure in the shape of frustrum of a cone with
ahemisphere top. The diameter of the hemispherical part is 70cm and is equal to the diameter of thetop of
the frustrum. The frustrum has a base diameter of 28cm and slant height of 60cm.

(a) The area of the hemispherical surface
(b) The slant height of cone from which the frustrum was cut
(c) The surface area of frustrum
(d) The area of the base
(e) The total surface area of the model

14. A room is 6.8m long, 4.2m wide and 3.5m high. The room has two glass doors each measuring
75cm by 2.5m and a glass window measuring 400cm by 1.25m. The walls are to be painted except the
window and doors.
a) Find the total area of the four walls
b) Find the area of the walls to be painted
c) Paint A costs Shs.80 per litre and paint B costs Shs.35 per litre. 0.8 litres of A covers an area of
1m2 while 0.5m2 uses 1 litre of paint B. If two coats of each paint are to be applied. Find the cost of
painting the walls using:
i) Paint A
ii) Paint B
d) If paint A is packed in 400ml tins and paint B in 1.25litres tins, find the least number of tins of
each type of paint that must be bought.
15. The figure below shows a solid frustrum of pyramid with a square top of side 8cm and a square
base of side 12cm. The slant edge of the frustrum is 9cm

(a) The total surface area of the frustrum

(b) The volume of the solid frustrum

(c) The angle between the planes BCHG and the base EFGH.


Specific Objectives
By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:
a.) Find the volume of a prism
b.) Find the volume of a pyramid
c.) Find the volume of a cone
d.) Find the volume of a frustum
e.) Find the volume of a sphere and a hemisphere.
Volumes of prisms, pyramids, cones, frustums and spheres.
Volume is the amount of space occupied by an object. It’s measured in cubic units.
Generally volume of objects is base area x height

Volume of a Prism
A prism is a solid with uniform cross section .The volume V of a prism with cross section area A and
length l is given by V = AL


Volume of the prism = base area x length (base is triangle)
= x 6 x 3 x 10
= 90cm 2


A cross- sectional area of the hexagonal is made up of 6 equilateral triangles whose sides are 8 ft
To find the height we take one triangle as shown above
Using sine rule we get the height

Area of cross section ¿ 6 x x 8 x 8 sin 60
¿ 166.28
Volume = 166.28 x 12

= 1995.3 ft 2

Volume of a pyramid
Volume of a pyramid ¿ Ah
Where A = area of the base and h = vertical height

Find the volume of a pyramid with the vertical height of 8 cm and width 4 cm length 12 cm.

Volume ¿ x 12 x 4 x 8
= 128cm 2

Volume of a sphere
V ¿

Volume of a cone
Volume ¿ area of base x height
1 2
¿ π h

Calculate the volume of a cone whose height is 12 cm and length of the slant heigth is 13 cm

Volume ¿ (base area X height )

1 2
¿ πr h
But, base radius r =√ 132−122= √ 25=5

1 22
Therefore volume ¿ x x 25 x 12cm
3 7
¿ 314.3 cm
Volume of a frustrum
Volume = volume of large cone – volume of smaller cone

A frustum of base radius 2 cm and height 3.6 cm. if the height of the cone from which it was cut was 6
cm, calculate
The radius of the top surface
The volume of the frustum


Triangles PST and PQR are similar

Therefore = =
6 2
Hence =
2.4 ST
ST = 0.8 cm
The radius of the top surface is 0.8 cm
Volume of the frustum = volume of large cone – volume of smaller cone
1 1
= x 3.142 x 4 x 6− x 3.142 x ( 0.8 ) x 2.4
3 3
= 25.14 – 1.61 = 23.53 cm 2
End of topic

Did you understand everything?

If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to

Past KCSE Questions on the topic.

1. Metal cube of side 4.4cm was melted and the molten material used to make a sphere. Find to 3

significant figures the radius of the sphere

(take ∏ ¿ 227 ) (3mks)

2. Two metal spheres of diameter 2.3cm and 3.86cm are melted. The molten material is used to cast
equal cylindrical slabs of radius 8mm and length 70mm.

If 1/20 of the metal is lost during casting. Calculate the number of complete slabs casted. (4mks)

3. The volume of a rectangular tank is 256cm3. The dimensions are as in the figure.


Find the value of x (3 marks)



The diagram represent a solid frustum with base radius 21cm and top radius 14cm. The frustum
is 22.5cm high and is made of a metal whose density is 3g/cm3 π = 22/7.
a) Calculate
(i) the volume of the metal in the frustrum. (5 marks)
(ii) the mass of the frustrum in kg. (2 marks)
b) The frustrum is melted down and recast into a solid cube. In the process 20% of the metal is
lost. Calculate to 2 decimal places the length of each side of the cube. (3 marks)
5. The figure below shows a frustrum

2.2 cm

4.8 cm

3.3 cm
Find the volume of the frustrum (4 mks)
V = πr 3
6. The formula for finding the volume of a sphere is given by 3 . Given that V = 311 and
π =3.142, find r. (3 mks)

7. A right conical frustrum of base radius 7cm and top radius 3.5cm, and height of 6cm is stuck onto
a cylinder of base radius 7cm and height 5cm which is further attached to a hemisphere to form a
closed solid as shown below
(a) The volume of the solid (5mks)
(b) The surface area of the solid
8. A lampshade is made by cutting off the top part of a square-based pyramid VABCD as shown in
the figure below. The base and the top of the lampshade have sides of length 1.8m and 1.2m
respectively. The height of the lampshade is 2m

a) The volume of the lampshade (4mks)
b) The total surface area of the slant surfaces (4mks)
c) The angle at which the face BCGF makes with the base ABCD. (2mks)
9. A solid right pyramid has a rectangular base 10cm by 8cm and slanting edge 16cm.
(a) The vertical height
(b) The total surface area
(c) The volume of the pyramid

10. A solid cylinder of radius 6cm and height 12cm is melted and cast into spherical balls of radius
3cm. Find the number of balls made

11. The sides of a rectangular water tank are in the ratio 1: 2:3. If the volume of the tank is 1024cm 3.
Find the dimensions of the tank. (4s.f)

12. The figure below represents sector OAC and OBD with radius OA and OB respectively.
Given that OB is twice OA and angle AOC = 60o. Calculate the area of the shaded region in m 2,
given that OA = 12cm B


13. The figure below shows a closed water tank comprising of a hemispherical part surmounted on
top of a cylindrical part. The two parts have the same diameter of 2.8cm and the cylindrical part is 1.4m
high as shown:-


d =2.8m
(a) Taking = 22, calculate:
(i) The total surface area of the tank
(ii) the cost of painting the tank at shs.75 per square metre
(iii) The capacity of the tank in litres

(b) Starting with the full tank, a family uses water from this tank at the rate of 185litres/day for
the first 2days. After that the family uses water at the rate of 200 liters per day. Assuming that no
more water is added, determine how many days it takes the family to use all the water from the tank
since the first day
14. The figure below represents a frustrum of a right pyramid on a square base. The vertical height
of the frustrum is 3 cm. Given that EF = FG = 6 cm and that AB = BC = 9 cm

a) The vertical height of the pyramid.

b) The surface area of the frustrum.

c) Volume of the frustrum.

d) The angle which line AE makes with the base ABCD.

15. A metal hemisphere of radius 12cm is melted done and recast into the shape of a cone of base
radius 6cm. Find the perpendicular height of the cone
16. A solid consists of three discs each of 1½ cm thick with diameter of 4 cm, 6 cm and 8 cm
respectively. A central hole 2 cm in diameter is drilled out as shown below. If the density of material used
is 2.8 g/cm3, calculate its mass to 1 decimal place
17. A right conical frustum of base radius 7 cm and top radius 3.5 cm and height 6 cm is stuck onto a
cylinder of base radius 7 cm and height 5 cm which is further attached to form a closed solid as shown

a) The volume of the solid.

b) The surface area of the solid.

18. The diagram below shows a metal solid consisting of a cone mounted on hemisphere.
The height of the cone is 1½ times its radius;

Given that the volume of the solid is 31.5π cm3, find:

(a) The radius of the cone
(b) The surface area of the solid
(c) How much water will rise if the solid is immersed totally in a cylindrical container which
contains some water, given the radius of the cylinder is 4cm
(d) The density, in kg/m3 of the solid given that the mass of the solid is 144gm

19. A solid metal sphere of volume 1280 cm3 is melted down and recast into 20 equal solid cubes.
Find the length of the side of each cube. Calculate the volume of the


Specific Objectives

By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:

a.) Expand algebraic expressions that form quadratic equations
b.) Derive the three quadratic identities
c.) Identify and use the three quadratic identities
d.) Factorize quadratic expressions including the identities
e.) Solve quadratic equations by factorization
f.) Form and solve quadratic equations.
a.) Expansion of algebraic expressions to form quadratic expressions of the form
ax2 + bx + c,where a, b and c are constants
b.) The three quadratic identities:
( a+ b )2 =a 2+2 ab+ b2

( a−b )2 =a 2−2 ab+b 2

( a+ b ) ( a−b )= a 2−b2
c.) Using the three quadratic identities
d.) Factorisation of quadratic expressions
e.) Solve quadratic equations by factorization
f.) Form and solve quadratic equations.

A quadratic is any expression of the form ax2 + bx + c, a ≠ 0. When the expression (x + 5) (3x + 2) is
written in the form, 3 x 2+17 x +10,it is said to have been expanded

Expand (m + 2n) (m-n)
Let (m-n) be a
Then (m + 2n)(m-n) = (m+2n)a
= ma + 2na
= m (m-n) + 2n (m-n)

= m2−mn+2 mn−2 n2

= m 2 +mn−2 n2

1 1 2
Expand ( − ¿
4 x

1 1 2 1 1 1 1
( − ¿ = ( − ¿( − ¿
4 x 4 x 4 x
1 1 1 1 1 1
= ( − ¿− ( − ¿
4 4 x x 4 x
1 1 1 1
= − − + 2
16 4 x 4 x x

1 1 1
= − +
16 2 x x 2

The quadratic identities.

(a + b ¿2 = (a 2+2 ab+ b2 ¿

(a - b ¿2 = (a 2−2 ab+b 2 ¿

(a + b)(a –b) =(a 2−b2 )

(X+2¿2 x 2+4x+4

(X-3¿2 x 2-6x+9

(X+ 2a)(X -2a) x 2- 4 x 2

To factorize the expression, a x 2+ bx+ c ,we look for two numbers such that their product is ac and their
sum is b. a , b are the coefficient of x while c is the constant

8 x + 10 x +3

Look for two number such that their product is 8 x 3 = 24.
Their sum is 10 where 10 is the coefficient of x,
The number are 4 and 6,

Rewrite the term 10x as 4x + 6x, thus 8 x 2+ 4 x +6 x +3

Use the grouping method to factorize the expression

= 4x (2x + 1) + 3 (2x + 1)
= (4x + 3) (2x + 1)


6 x 2−13 x+ 6

Look for two number such that the product is 6 x 6 =36 and the sum is -13.
The numbers are -4 and – 9

Therefore, 6 x 2−13 x+ 6

= 6 x 2−4 x−9 x+ 6

=2x (3x -2)-3(3x-2)

= (2x-3) (3x- 2)

Quadratic Equations
In this section we are looking at solving quadratic equation using factor method.

Solve x 2+ 3 x −54=0

Factorize the left hand side

x 2+ 3 x −54=x 2−6 x + 9 x−54=0

The product of two numbers should be - 54 and the sum 3

¿ x −6 x +9 x−54
¿ x ( x−6 ) ( x +9 )=0
¿ ( x−6 )( x +9 )=0
X - 6 = 0, x +9 = 0

Hence x=−9∨x=6

Expand the following expression and then factorize it

¿=9 x 2+ 6 xy+ y 2−( x 2−6 xy + 9 y 2 )

=9 x 2+ 6 xy+ y 2−x 2+ 6 xy + 9 y 2

¿ 8 x 2+12 xy−8 y 2

¿ 4 (2 x 2+3 xy−2 y 2 )(You can factorize this expression further, find two numbers whose product is
4 x2 y 2∧∑ is 3 xy )
The numbers are 4xy and –ay

¿ 4 (2 x 2+ 4 xy−xy −2 y 2 )
¿ 4 [2 x ( x+ 2 y )− y ( x +2 y ) ]
¿ 4 ( x +2 y)(2 x− y )

Formation of Quadratic Equations

Given the roots
Given that the roots of quadratic equations are x = 2 and x = -3, find the quadratic equation
If x = 2, then x – 2 = 0
If x= -3, then x +3 =0
Therefore, (x – 2) (x + 3) =0
x + x−6=0

A rectangular room is 4 m longer than it is wide. If its area is 12 m2find its dimensions.
Let the width be x m .its length is then (x + 4) m.

The area of the room is x (x+4)m2

Therefore x (x + 4) = 12
x + 4 x=12
x + 4 x−12=0
( x +6)(x−2)=0
( x +6 )=0 ( x −2 )=0 therefore x =−6∨2
-6 is being ignored because length cannot be negative
The length of the room is x +4 = 2 +4
End of topic

Did you understand everything?

If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to

Past KCSE Questions on the topic.

2 y 2 −xy−x 2
1. Simplify 2 x 2−2 y 2

2. Solve the following quadratic equation giving your answer to 3 d.p. (3mks)

23 1
− −120=0 .
x x2

3. Simplify
(3 mks)

16x2 - 4 ÷ 2x – 2
4x2 + 2x - 2 x +1
(4 x +2 y )2 −(2 y−4 x )2
2 2
4. Simplify as simple as possible (2 z+ y ) −( y−2 x )
5. The sum of two numbers x and y is 40. Write down an expression, in terms of x, for the sum of the
squares of the two numbers.Hence determine the minimum value of x 2 + y2

6. Mary has 21 coins whose total value is Kshs 72. There are twice as many five shillings coins as
there are ten shillings coins. The rest one shilling coins. Find the number of ten shilling coins that Mary

7. Four farmers took their goats to the market Mohamed had two more goats than Ali Koech had 3
times as many goats as Mohamed. Whereas Odupoy had 10 goats less than both Mohamed and Koech.
I.) Write a simplified algebraic expression with one variable. Representing the total number of goats
II.) Three butchers bought all the goats and shared them equally. If each butcher got 17 goats. How
many did Odupoy sell to the butchers?


Specific Objectives

By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:

a.) Identify and use inequality symbols
b.) Illustrate inequalities on the number line
c.) Solve linear inequalities in one unknown
d.) Represent the linear inequalities graphically
e.) Solve the linear inequalities in two unknowns graphically
f.) Form simple linear inequalities from inequality graphs.
a.) Inequalities on a number line
b.) Simple and compound inequality statements e.g. x > a and x < b = > a < x < b
c.) Linear inequality in one unknown
d.) Graphical representation of linear inequalities
e.) Graphical solutions of simultaneous linear inequalities
f.) Simple linear inequalities from inequality graphs.

Inequality symbols
Statements connected by these symbols are called inequalities

Simple statements
Simple statements represents only one condition as follows

X = 3 represents specific point which is number 3, while x >3

does not it represents all numbers to the right of 3 meaning all the numbers greater than 3 as illustrated
above. X< 3 represents all numbers to left of 3 meaning all the numbers less than 3.The empty circle
means that 3 is not included in the list of numbers to greater or less than 3.

The expression x ≥ 3∨x ≤ 3 means that means that 3 is included in the list and the circle is shaded to show
that 3 is included.

Compound statement
A compound statement is a two simple inequalities joined by “and” or “or.” Here are two examples.
3 ≥ x ∧x>−3 Combined into one to form -3 ¿ x ≤ 3
Allreal numbers that are greater than−3 but less∨equal ¿ 3

x >−6∧x< 3 forms−6< x <3

Allreal numbers that greater than−6 but less than3

Solution to simple inequalities

Solve the inequality

Adding 1 to both sides gives ;
Therefore, x > 3

In any inequality you may add or subtract the same number from both sides.

Solve the inequality.

Subtracting three from both sides gives
X + 3 – 3 < 8-3

Solve the inequality
2 x+3 ≤ 5
Subtracting three from both sides gives

2 x + 3 – 3 ≤ 5−3

2 x≤2
2x 2
Divide both sides by 2 gives ≤
2 2

Solve the inequality x−2 ≥ 4

Adding 2 to both sides
x−2+2 ≥ 4+ 2
x × 3 ≥6 × 3
x ≥ 18

Multiplication and Division by a Negative Number

Multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequality by positive number leaves the inequality sign
Multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequality by negative number reverses the sense of the
inequality sign.

Solve the inequality 1 -3x < 4

- 3x – 1 < 4 – 1
-3x < 3
−3 x 3
−3 −3

Note that the sign is reversed X >-1

Simultaneous inequalities
Solve the following
3x -1 > -4

2x +1 ≤ 7

Solving the first inequality
3x – 1 > _ 4
3x > -3
X > -1
Solving the second inequality
2 x+1 ≤ 7
2 x ≤ 6 Therefore x ≤ 3 The combined inequality is −1< x ≤ 3

Graphical Representation of Inequality

Consider the following;

The line x = 3 satisfy the inequality ≤ 3 ,

the points on the left of the line satisfy the
We don’t need the points to the right hence
we shade it

We shade the unwanted region
The line is continues because it forms part
of the region e.g it starts at 3.for ≤∨≥
inequalities the line must be continuous
For ¿∨¿ the line is not continues its dotted.This is because the value on the line does
Not satisfy the inequality.

Linear Inequality of Two Unknown

Consider the inequality y ≤ 3 x +2 the boundary line is y = 3x + 2

If we pick any point above the line eg (-3 , 3 ) then substitute in the equation y – 3x ≤ 2 we get 12 ≤ 2
which is not true so the values lies in the unwanted region hence we shade that region .

Intersecting Regions
These are identities regions which satisfy more than one inequality simultaneously. Draw a region which
satisfy the following inequalities y + x ≥ 1∧ y − x ≥ 2
End of topic

Did you understand everything?

If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to

Past KCSE Questions on the topic.

1. Find the range of x if 2≤ 3 – x <5
2. Find all the integral values of x which satisfy the inequalities:
2(2-x) <4x -9<x + 11
3. Solve the inequality and show the solution

3 – 2x  x ≤ 2x + 5 on the number line

4. Solve the inequality x – 3 + x – 5 ≤ 4x + 6 -1
4 6 8
5. Solve and write down all the integral values satisfying the inequality.
X – 9 ≤ - 4 < 3x – 4

5. Show on a number line the range of all integral values of x which satisfy the following pair of
-½ (x-5) ≤ 7-x
7. Solve the inequalities 4x – 3  6x – 1  3x + 8; hence represent your solution on a number line

8. Find all the integral values of x which satisfy the inequalities

2(2-x) < 4x -9< x + 11

9. Given that x + y = 8 and x²+ y²=34

Find the value of:- a) x²+2xy+y²
b) 2xy
10. Find the inequalities satisfied by the region labelled R

11. The region R is defined by x  0, y  -2, 2y + x  2. By drawing suitable straight line

on a sketch, show and label the region R

12. Find all the integral values of x which satisfy the inequality
3(1+ x) < 5x – 11 <x + 45

13. The vertices of the unshaded region in the figure below are O(0, 0) , B(8, 8) and A (8, 0). Write
down the inequalities which satisfy theB(8,
8) region

O(0, 0) A(8, 0)
14. Write down the inequalities that satisfy the given region simultaneously. (3mks)

15. Write down the inequalities that define the unshaded region marked R in the figure below. (3mks)

16. Write down all the inequalities represented by the regions R. (3mks)
17. a) On the grid provided draw the graph of y = 4 + 3x – x2 for the integral values of x in the
interval -2  X  5. Use a scale of 2cm to represent 1 unit on the x – axis and 1 cm to represent 1 unit on
the y – axis. (6mks)
b) State the turning point of the graph. (1mk)
c) Use your graph to solve.
(i) -x2 + 3x + 4 = 0
(ii) 4x = x2


Specific Objectives

By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:

a.) Define displacement, speed, velocity and acceleration
a.) Distinguish between:
 distance and displacement
 speed and velocity
b.) Determine velocity and acceleration
c.) Plot and draw graphs of linear motion (distance and velocity time graphs)
d.) Interpret graphs of linear motion
e.) Define relative speed
f.) Solve the problems involving relative speed.
a.) Displacement, velocity, speed and acceleration
b.) Determining velocity and acceleration
c.) Relative speed
d.) Distance - time graph
e.) Velocity time graph
f.) Interpretation of graphs of linear motion
g.) Solving problems involving relative speed


Distance between the two points is the length of the path joining them while displacement is the distance
in a specified direction

distance covered
Average speed ¿
time taken

A man walks for 40 minutes at 60 km/hour, then travels for two hours in a minibus at 80 km/hour.
Finally, he travels by bus for one hour at 60 km/h. Find his speed for the whole journey .

distance covered
Average speed ¿
time taken

Total distance = ( 4060 x 60 ) km+ ( 2 x 80) km+ (1 x 60 ) km=260 km

4 2
Total time = +2+1=3 hrs
6 3
Average speed 2
260 x 3
= =70.9 km/h

Velocity and acceleration

For motion under constant acceleration;
initial velocity+ final velocity
Average velocity=

A car moving in a given direction under constant acceleration. If its velocity at a certain time is 75 km /h
and 10 seconds later its 90 km /hr.

time taken
( 90−75 ) km/h
10 s
( 90−75 ) x 1000
¿ m/s 2
10 x 60 x 60
= m/s 2

A car moving with a velocity of 50 km/h then the brakes are applied so that it stops after 20 seconds .in
this case the final velocity is 0 km/h and initial velocity is 50 km/h.

( 0−50 ) x 1000
Acceleration = m/s 2
20 x 60 x 60
¿− m/s 2
Negative acceleration is always referred to as deceleration or retardation

Distance time graph.

When distance is plotted against time, a distance time graph is obtained.

Velocity—time Graph
When velocity is plotted against time, a velocity time graph is obtained.

Relative Speed
Consider two bodies moving in the same direction at different speeds. Their relative speed is the
difference between the individual speeds.
A van left Nairobi for kakamega at an average speed of 80 km/h. After half an hour, a car left Nairobi for
Kakamega at a speed of 100 km/h.
a.) Find the relative speed of the two vehicles.
b.) How far from Nairobi did the car over take the van
Relative speed = difference between the speeds
= 100 – 80
= 20 km/h

Distance covered by the van in 30 minutes

Distance = x 80=40 km
Time taken for car to overtake matatu ¿

= 2 hours
Distance from Nairobi = 2 x 100 =200 km

A truck left Nyeri at 7.00 am for Nairobi at an average speed of 60 km/h. At 8.00 am a bus left Nairobi
for Nyeri at speed of 120 km/h .How far from nyeri did the vehicles meet if Nyeri is 160 km from

Distance covered by the lorry in 1 hour = 1 x 60
= 60 km
Distance between the two vehicle at 8.00 am = 160 – 100
= 100km
Relative speed = 60 km/h + 120 km/h
Time taken for the vehicle to meet =
= hours
Distance from Nyeri = 60 x x 60
= 60 + 33.3
= 93.3 km

End of topic

Did you understand everything?

If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to

Past KCSE Questions on the topic.

1. A bus takes 195 minutes to travel a distance of (2x + 30) km at an average speed of
(x -20) km/h Calculate the actual distance traveled. Give your answers in
2.) The table shows the height metres of an object thrown vertically upwards varies with the time t
The relationship between s and t is represented by the equations s = at 2 + bt + 10 where b are constants.

t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

s 45.1

I.) Using the information in the table, determine the values of a and b ( 2 marks)
II.) Complete the table ( 1 mark)

(b) (i) Draw a graph to represent the relationship between s and t ( 3 marks)
(ii) Using the graph determine the velocity of the object when t = 5 seconds
(2 marks)
3.) Two Lorries A and B ferry goods between two towns which are 3120 km apart. Lorry A traveled at
km/h faster than lorry B and B takes 4 hours more than lorry A to cover the distance.Calculate the speed
of lorry B
4.) A matatus left town A at 7 a.m. and travelled towards a town B at an average speed of 60 km/h. A
second matatus left town B at 8 a.m. and travelled towards town A at 60 km/h. If the distance between the
two towns is 400 km, find;
I.) The time at which the two matatus met
II.) The distance of the meeting point from town A

5. The figure below is a velocity time graph for a car.


Velocity (m/s)

0 4 20 24 x
Time (seconds)
(a) Find the total distance traveled by the car. (2 marks)
(b) Calculate the deceleration of the car. (2 marks)
6. A bus started from rest and accelerated to a speed of 60km/h as it passed a billboard. A car
moving in the same direction at a speed of 100km/h passed the billboard 45 minutes later. How far from
the billboard did the car catch up with the bus? (3mks)
7. Nairobi and Eldoret are each 250km from Nakuru. At 8.15am a lorry leaves Nakuru for Nairobi.
At 9.30am a car leaves Eldoret for Nairobi along the same route at 100km/h. Both vehicles arrive
at Nairobi at the same time.
(a) Calculate their time of arrival in Nairobi (2mks)
(b) Find the cars speed relative to that of the lorry. (4mks)
(c) How far apart are the vehicles at 12.45pm. (4mks)
8. Two towns P and Q are 400 km apart. A bus left P for Q. It stopped at Q for one hour and then
started the return journey to P. One hour after the departure of the bus from P, a trailer also
heading for Q left P. The trailer met the returning bus ¾ of the way from P to Q. They met t hours
after the departure of the bus from P.
(a) Express the average speed of the trailer in terms of t
(b) Find the ration of the speed of the bus so that of the trailer.
9. The athletes in an 800 metres race take 104 seconds and 108 seconds respectively to complete the
race. Assuming each athlete is running at a constant speed. Calculate the distance between them
when the faster athlete is at the finishing line.
10. A and B are towns 360 km apart. An express bus departs form A at 8 am and maintains an
average speed of 90 km/h between A and B. Another bus starts from B also at 8 am and moves
towards A making four stops at four equally spaced points between B and A. Each stop is of
duration 5 minutes and the average speed between any two spots is 60 km/h. Calculate distance
between the two buses at 10 am.
11. Two towns A and B are 220 km apart. A bus left town A at 11. 00 am and traveled towards B at
60 km/h. At the same time, a matatu left town B for town A and traveled at 80 km/h. The matatu
stopped for a total of 45 minutes on the way before meeting the bus. Calculate the distance
covered by the bus before meeting the matatu.
12. A bus travels from Nairobi to Kakamega and back. The average speed from Nairobi to Kakamega
is 80 km/hr while that from Kakamega to Nairobi is 50 km/hr, the fuel consumption is 0.35 litres
per kilometer and at 80 km/h, the consumption is 0.3 litres per kilometer .Find
i) Total fuel consumption for the round trip
ii) Average fuel consumption per hour for the round trip.
13. The distance between towns M and N is 280 km. A car and a lorry travel from M to N. The
average speed of the lorry is 20 km/h less than that of the car. The lorry takes 1h 10 min more
than the car to travel from M and N.
(a) If the speed of the lorry is x km/h, find x (5mks)
(b) The lorry left town M at 8: 15 a.m. The car left town M and overtook the lorry at 12.15 p.m.
Calculate the time the car left town M.
14. A bus left Mombasa and traveled towards Nairobi at an average speed of 60 km/hr. after 21/2
hours; a car left Mombasa and traveled along the same road at an average speed of 100 km/ hr. If
the distance between Mombasa and Nairobi is 500 km, Determine
(a) (i) The distance of the bus from Nairobi when the car took off (2mks)
(ii) The distance the car traveled to catch up with the bus
(b) Immediately the car caught up with the bus
(c) The car stopped for 25 minutes. Find the new average speed at which the car traveled in
order to reach Nairobi at the same time as the bus.
15. A rally car traveled for 2 hours 40 minutes at an average speed of 120 km/h. The car consumes an
average of 1 litre of fuel for every 4 kilometers.
A litre of the fuel costs Kshs 59
Calculate the amount of money spent on fuel

16. A passenger notices that she had forgotten her bag in a bus 12 minutes after the bus had left. To
catch up with the bus she immediately took a taxi which traveled at 95 km/hr. The bus maintained
an average speed of 75 km/ hr. determine
(a) The distance covered by the bus in 12 minutes
(b) The distance covered by the taxi to catch up with the bus

17. The athletes in an 800 metre race take 104 seconds and 108 seconds respectively to complete the
race. Assuming each athlete is running at a constant speed. Calculate the distance between them
when the faster athlete is at the finishing line.
18. Mwangi and Otieno live 40 km apart. Mwangi starts from his home at 7.30 am and cycles
towards Otieno’s house at 16 km/ h Otieno starts from his home at 8.00 and cycles at 8 km/h
towards Mwangi at what time do they meet?

19. A train moving at an average speed of 72 km/h takes 15 seconds to completely cross a bridge that
is 80m long.
(a) Express 72 km/h in metres per second
(b) Find the length of the train in metres



Specific Objectives

By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:

a.) Define statistics
b.) Collect and organize data
c.) Draw a frequency distribution table
d.) Group data into reasonable classes
e.) Calculate measures of central tendency
f.) Represent data in form of line graphs, bar graphs, pie-charts, pictogram,histogram and frequency
g.) Interpret data from real life situations.
a.) Definition of statistics
b.) Collection and organization of data
c.) Frequency distribution tables (for grouped and ungrouped data)
d.) Grouping data
e.) Mean, mode and median for ungrouped and grouped data
f.) Representation of data: line graph, Bar graph, Pie chart, Pictogram, Histogram, Frequency
polygon interpretation of data.


This is the branch of mathematics that deals with the collection, organization, representation and
interpretation of data. Data is the basic information.

Frequency Distribution table

A data table that lists a set of scores and their frequency
In tallying each stroke represent a quantity.

This is the number of times an item or value occurs.

This is usually referred to as arithmetic mean, and is the average value for the data

total marks scored ∑ fx

The mean( x )= =
total number of students ∑ f
¿ 5.767

This is the most frequent item or value in a distribution or data. In the above table its 7 which is the most

To get the median arrange the items in order of size. If there are N items and N is an odd number, the item
If N is even, the average of the items occupying

Grouped data
Then difference between the smallest and the biggest values in a set of data is called the range. The data
can be grouped into a convenient number of groups called classes. 30 – 40 are called class boundaries.

The class with the highest frequency is called the modal class. In this case its 50 ≤ m< 60, the class width
or interval is obtained by getting the difference between the class limits. In this case, 30 – 40 = 10, to get
the mid-point you divide it by 2 and add it to the lower class limit.

The mean mass in the table above is ∑ f =25 , ∑ fx=1215

Mean =48.6

Representation of statistical data

The main purpose of representation of statistical data is to make collected data more easily understood.
Methods of representation of data include.

Bar graph
Consist of a number of spaced rectangles which generally have major axes vertical. Bars are uniform
width. The axes must be labelled and scales indicated.
The students’ favorite juices are as follows
Red 2
Orange 8
Yellow 10
Purple 6

In a pictogram, data is represented using pictures.

Consider the following data.

The data shows the number of people who love the following animals
Dogs 250, Cats 350, Horses 150 , fish 150

Pie chart
A pie chart is divided into various sectors .Each sector represent a certain quantity of the item being
considered .the size of the sector is proportional to the quantity being measured .consider the export of US
to the following countries. Canada $ 13390, Mexico $ 8136, Japan $5824, France $ 2110 .This
information can be represented in a pie chart as follows
amount of export
Canada angle x 360
total population
x 360=163.6 20
8136 0
Mexico x 360=99.4 2

5824 0 2110 0
Japan x 360=71.1 6 France x 360=25.7 8
29460 29460

Line graph
Data represented using lines

Frequency in each class is represented by a rectangular bar whose area is proportional to the
frequency .when the bars are of the same width the height of the rectangle is proportional to the
frequency .
The bars are joined together.
The class boundaries mark the boundaries of the rectangular bars in the histogram

Histograms can also be drawn when the class interval is not the same

The below information can be represented in a histogram as below

Marks 10- 14 15- 24 25 - 29 30 - 44

No.of 5 16 4 15

Note ;
When the class is doubled the
frequency is halved
Frequency polygon
It is obtained by plotting the frequency against mid points.

End of topic

Did you understand everything?

If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to

Past KCSE Questions on the topic.

1. The height of 36 students in a class was recorded to the nearest centimeters as follows.
148 159 163 158 166 155 155 179 158 155 171 172
156 161 160 165 157 165 175 173 172 178 159 168
160 167 147 168 172 157 165 154 170 157 162 173
(a) Make a grouped table with 145.5 as lower class limit and class width of 5. (4mks)

2. Below is a histogram, draw.

Frequency density

0.5 11.5 13.5
17.5 15.5

Use the histogram above to complete the frequency table below:

Length Frequency

11.5 ≤ x ≤13.5
13.5 ≤ x ≤15.5
3. Kambui spent
15.5 ≤ x ≤ 17.5
her salary as
follows: 17.5 ≤ x ≤23.5

Food 40%

Transport 10%

Education 20%

Clothing 20%

Rent 10%

Draw a pie chart to represent the above information

4. The examination marks in a mathematics test for 60 students were as follows;-

60 54 34 83 52 74 61 27 65 22

70 71 47 60 63 59 58 46 39 35
69 42 53 74 92 27 39 41 49 54

25 51 71 59 68 73 90 88 93 85

46 82 58 85 61 69 24 40 88 34

30 26 17 15 80 90 65 55 69 89

Class Tally Frequency Upper class limit


From the table;

(a) State the modal class
(b) On the grid provided , draw a histogram to represent the above information
5. The marks scored by 200 from 4 students of a school were recorded as in the table below.

Marks 41 – 50 51 – 55 56 – 65 66 – 70 71 – 85

Frequency 21 62 55 50 12

a.) On the graph paper provided, draw a histogram to represent this information.
b.) On the same diagram, construct a frequency polygon.
c.) Use your histogram to estimate the modal mark.
6. The diagram below shows a histogram representing the marks obtained in a certain test:-

Frequency Density


4.5 9.5 Marks 19.5 39.5 49.5

(a) If the frequency of the first class is 20, prepare a frequency distribution table for the data
(b) State the modal class
(c) Estimate: (i) The mean mark
(ii) The median mark

Specific Objectives

By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:

a.) Identify an arc, chord and segment
b.) Relate and compute angle subtended by an arc at the circumference;
c.) Relate and compute angle subtended by an arc at the centre and at the circumference
d.) State the angle in the semi-circle
e.) State the angle properties of a cyclic quadrilateral
f.) Find and compute angles of a cyclic quadrilateral.
a.) Arc, chord and segment.
b.) Angle subtended by the same arc at the circumference
c.) Relationship between angle subtended at the centre and angle subtended on the circumference by
the same arc
d.) Angle in a semi-circle
e.) Angle properties of a cyclic quadrilateral
f.) Finding angles of a cyclic quadrilateral.

Arc, Chord and Segment of a circle

Any part on the circumference of a circle is called an arc. We have the major arc and the minor Arc as
shown below.

A line joining any two points on the circumference. Chord divides a circle into two regions called
segments, the larger one is called the major segment the smaller part is called the minor segment.

Angle at the centre and Angle on the circumference

The angle which the chord subtends to the centre is twice that it subtends at any point on the
circumference of the circle.
Angle in the same segments
Angles subtended on the circumference by the same arc in the same segment are equal. Also note that
equal arcs subtend equal angles on the circumference

Cyclic quadrilaterals
Quadrilateral with all the vertices lying on the circumference are called cyclic quadrilateral

Angle properties of cyclic quadrilateral

 The opposite angles of cyclic quadrilateral are supplementary hence they add up to 1800 .
 If a side of quadrilateral is produced the interior angle is equal to the opposite exterior angle.

In the figure below ¿ ADE=1200 find ¿ ABC
Using this rule, If a side of quadrilateral is produced the interior angle is equal to the opposite exterior
angle. Find ¿ ABC=12 00

Angles formed by the diameter to the circumference is always 9 0 0

 Angle in semicircle = right angle
 Angle at centre is twice than at circumference
 Angles in same segment are equal
 Angles in opposite segments are supplementary


1.) In the diagram, O is the centre of the circle and AD is parallel to BC. If angle ACB =50 o
and angle ACD = 20o.

20o 50


Calculate; (i) OAB

(ii) ADC

Solution i) ∠ AOB = 2 ∠ ACB

= 100o
∠ OAB = 180 – 100 Base angles of Isosceles ∆
= 400
(ii) ∠B AD = 1800 - 700
= 110

End of topic

Did you understand everything?

If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to

Past KCSE Questions on the topic.

1. The figure below shows a circle centre O and a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD. AC = CD, angle
ACD is 80o and BOD is a straight line. Giving reasons for your answer, find the size of :-



(i) Angle ACB

(ii) Angle AOD
(iii) Angle CAB
(iv) Angle ABC
(v) Angle AXB
1 In the figure below CP= CQ and <CQP = 1600. If ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral, find < BAD.

2 In the figure below AOC is a diameter of the circle centre O; AB = BC and < ACD = 25 0, EBF
is a tangent to the circle at B.G is a point on the minor arc CD.
(a) Calculate the size of

(i) < BAD

(ii) The Obtuse < BOD

(iii) < BGD

(b) Show the < ABE = < CBF. Give reasons

3 In the figure below PQR is the tangent to circle at Q. TS is a diameter and TSR and QUV are
straight lines. QS is parallel to TV. Angles SQR = 400 and angle TQV = 550

Find the following angles, giving reasons for each answer

(a) QST
(b) QRS
(c) QVT
(d) UTV
4. In the figure below, QOT is a diameter. QTR = 480, TQR = 760 and SRT = 370
(a) <RST
(b) <SUT
(c) Obtuse <ROT
5. In the figure below, points O and P are centers of intersecting circles ABD and
BCD respectively. Line ABE is a tangent to circle BCD at B. Angle BCD = 42 0

(a) Stating reasons, determine the size of

(i) <CBD
(ii) Reflex <BOD
(b) Show that ∆ ABD is isosceles
6. The diagram below shows a circle ABCDE. The line FEG is a tangent to the circle at point E.
Line DE is parallel to CG, < DEC = 280 and < AGE = 320
(a) < AEG
(b) < ABC
7. In the figure below R, T and S are points on a circle centre OPQ is a tangent
the circle at T. POR is a straight line and  QPR = 200

Find the size of  RST



Specific Objectives

By the end of the topic the learner should be able to:

a.) Define vector and scalar
b.) Use vector notation
c.) Represent vectors both single and combined geometrically
d.) Identify equivalent vectors
e.) Add vectors
f.) Multiply vectors by scalars
g.) Define position vector and column vector
h.) Find magnitude of a vector
i.) Find mid-point of a vector
j.) Define translation as a transformation.
a.) Vector and scalar quantities
b.) Vector notation
c.) Representation of vectors
d.) Equivalent vectors
e.) Addition of vectors
f.) Multiplication of a vector by a scalar
g.) Column vectors
h.) Position vectors
i.) Magnitude of a vector
j.) Midpoint of a vector
k.) Translation vector.


A vector is a quantity with both magnitude and direction, e.g. acceleration velocity and force. A quantity
with magnitude only is called scalar quantity e.g. mass temperature and time.

Representation of vectors
A vector can be presented by a directed line as shown below:
The direction of the vector is shown by the arrow.
Magnitude is the length of AB

Vector AB can be written as AB∨ AB

Magnitude is denoted by |AB|

A is the initial point and B the terminal point

Equivalent vectors
Two or more vectors are said to be equivalent if they have:
 Equal magnitude
 The same direction.

Addition of vectors
A movement on a straight line from point A to B can be represented using a vector. This movement is
called displacement

Consider the displacement from u⃗ followed by ⃗v

The resulting displacement is written as u⃗ + ⃗v

Zero vector

Consider a diplacement from A to B and back to A .The total displacement is zero denoted by O
This vector is called a Zero or null vector.
AB + BA = O
If a + b = 0 , b = -a or a = - b

Multiplication of a vector by a scalar

Positive Scalar
If AB= BC =CD=a
AD = a + a +a =3a
Negative scalar
Subtraction of one vector from another is performed by adding the corresponding negative
Vector. That is, if we seek a − b we form a + (−b).
DA = (- a) + (-a) + (-a)
= -3a
The zero Scalar
When vector a is multiplied by o, its magnitude is zero times that of a. The result is zero vector.
a.0 = 0.a = 0
Multiplying a Vector by a Scalar
If k is any positive scalar and a is a vector then ka is a vector in the same direction as a but k times longer.
If k is negative, ka is a vector in the opposite direction to a andk times longer.
More illustrations……………………………………………

A vector is represented by a directed line segment, which is a

segment with an arrow at one end indicating the direction of
movement.  Unlike a ray, a directed line segment has a specific
The direction is indicated by an arrow pointing from thetail(the
initial point) to the head (the terminal point).  If the tail is at point A
and the head is at point B, the vector from A to B is written as:

   (Vectors may also be labeled as a single bold face letter, such as
vector v.)

The length (magnitude) of a vector v is written |v|.  Length is always

a non-negative real number.
As you can see in the diagram at the right, the length of a vector can
be found by forming a right triangle and utilizing the Pythagorean
Theorem or by using the Distance Formula. 
The vector at the right translates 6 units to the right and 4 units

upward.  The magnitude of the vector is from the

Pythagorean Theorem, or from the Distance Formula:

| |

The direction of a vector is determined by the angle it makes with  a
horizontal line. 
In the diagram at the right, to find the direction of the vector (in
degrees) we will utilize trigonometry.  The tangent of the angle
formed by the vector and the horizontal line (the one drawn parallel to
the x-axis) is 4/6 (opposite/adjacent).

A free vector is an infinite set of parallel directed line segments and can be thought of as a translation.  
Notice that the vectors in this translation which connect the pre-image vertices to the image vertices are
all parallel and are all the same length. 
You may also hear the terms "displacement" vector or "translation" vector when working with

Position vector: 
To each free vector (or translation), there corresponds a position vector which is the image of the origin
under that translation. 
Unlike a free vector, a position vector is "tied" or "fixed" to the origin.  A position vector describes the
spatial position of a point relative to the origin.
Translation vector moves every point of an object by the same amount in the given vector direction. It
can be simply be defined as the addition of a constant vector to every point.
Translations and vectors:  The translation at the left
shows a vector translating the top triangle 4 units to the
right and 9 units downward.  The notation for such vector
movement may be written as:


Vectors such as those used in translations are what is

known as free vectors.  Any two vectors of the same
length and parallel to each other are considered identical. 
They need not have the same initial and terminal points.  

The points A (-4 ,4 ) , B (-2 ,3) , C (-4 , 1 ) and D ( - 5 , 3) are vrtices of a quadrilateral. If the
quadrilateral is given the translation T defined by the vector

( −35 ) draw the quadrilateral ABCD∧its image under T


OA =
(−44)+(−35 )=(11 ) , so A is(1 ,1)

3 ( )( )()
OB 1= −2 + 5 = 3 , so B1 is( 3 ,0)
−3 0

OC =
(−41 )+(−35 )=(−21 ) , so C is(1 ,−2)

3 ( )( )( )
OD 1= −5 + 5 = 1 , so D1 is( 0 , 0)
−3 −2
Summary on vectors
Components of a Vector in 2 y
dimensions: B
To get from A to B you would move: 4
A 2-dimensional column vector is of the form
2 units in the x direction (x- A

component) x D
4 units in the y direction (y- 2

component) -3 C

Similarly: or
The components of the vector are these
moves in the form of a column vector.

thus or

Magnitude of a Vector in 2 dimensions:

We write the magnitude of u as | u | The magnitude of vector u is |u| (the length of PQ)

Q The length of PQ is written as


The magnitude of a vector is the length of
the directed line segment which represents
it. and so

Use Pythagoras’ Theorem

to calculate the length of the vector.

Examples: Solutions: 1

1. Draw a directed line segment 3


Q (6, 4)
representing 3

(2, 1) 4

2. and P is (2, 1), find co-

ordinates of Q
2. Q is ( 2 + 4, 1 + 3)  Q(6, 4)
3. P is (1, 3) and Q is (4, 1) find
P (1, 3)

Q (4, 1)
3. 3

Vector: Examples:
A quantity which has magnitude and Displacement, force, velocity, acceleration.
Temperature, work, width, height, length, time of day.
A quantity which has magnitude only.
End of topic

Did you understand everything?

If not ask a teacher, friends or anybody and make sure you understand before going to

Past KCSE Questions on the topic.

1. Given that
4 p−3 q= (105 ) and
p+2 q= (−14
15 ) find

p and q
a) (i) − − (3 mks)

(ii) | p+2 q | (3 mks)

(b) Show that A (1, -1), B (3, 5) and C (5, 11) are collinear (4 mks)

1 6 −3
a= −2 b= −3 c= 2 1
1 9 3 p=2 a− b+ c
2. Given the column vectors and that 3

(c) (i) Express p as a column vector (2mks)

(d) (ii) Determine the magnitude of p (1mk)
3. Given the points P(-6, -3), Q(-2, -1) and R(6, 3) express PQ and QR as column vectors. Hence
show that the points P, Q and R are collinear. (3mks)

4. The position vectors of points x and y are x=2 i+ j−3 k and y=3 i+2 j−2 k respectively.
Find x y as a column vector (2 mks)

a = ¿ (1 ¿ )¿ ¿
5. Given that ~ ¿ (3mks)

6. The position vectors of A and B are 2 and 8 respectively. Find the coordinates of M
5 -7
which divides AB in the ratio 1:2. (3 marks)

7. The diagram shows the graph of vectors ~ ~ and ~ .

Find the column vectors;

(a) ~ (1mk)

(b) | ~ | (2mks)

OA =2 i −4 k and OB =−2 i + j−k |AB|

8. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Find ~ (2mks)

9. Find scalars m and n such that

m 4 + n -3 =5
3 2 8

10. Given that p = 2i – j + k and q = i + j +2k, determine

(a.) │p + q│ (1 mk)

(b) │ ½ p – 2q │ (2 mks)

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