IEI News October 2022 Web

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October 2022

Green Building Concept and Information Emerging Trends Reports of Reports of News-in-Brief IEI Diary
Its Application in Smart Privacy for Air Pollution 55th Engineers’ Day Royal Charter Day
Cities Mitigation

3 3 4 5 10 12 18
Volume 29 Number 7

Thirty-fourth National Convention of Agricultural Engineers

and National Seminar
From the
Utilization of Modern Technologies in
President’s Desk.....
Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable Construction industry is one of
the most significant industries that
Agricultural Production has remarkably contributed toward
socio-economic development of
the country. Concrete structures
are linked to large amount of
carbon emission at various
stages including manufacture
of materials, construction and
operation. For a considerable period, this was considered
unavoidable as concrete was indispensable to construction
sector and intrinsically linked to human prosperity. However,
in our pursuit of becoming a carbon neutral economy, we
Hosur Local Centre, IEI organized Thirty-fourth National Convention of Agricultural Engineers must focus on concrete structures, that minimize carbon
during 16-17 September 2022 at Hosur. A National Seminar was also organized on the emission over minimizing cost. Sustainable concrete
theme Utilization of Modern Technologies in Agricultural Engineering for Sustainable is concerned with all aspects of a concrete structure
Agricultural Production. The National Convention provided opportunities for the agricultural throughout its’ lifetime, including materials, design,
professionals to discuss, share and exchange views, ideas and information relevant to the construction, conservation, intervention, demolition, reuse
application of agricultural engineering on addressing the tremendous challenges associated and recycling, which will require intervention of state-of-
Contd. on page 2
the-art technologies in these areas.
Sustainable concrete construction is a step towards green
IEI Technical Webinar under the aegis of Electronics and and eco-friendly concrete construction practices to reduce
Telecommunication Engineering Division Board global environmental problems. Instead of conventional
Quantum Computing concrete, sustainable cementing material, as recommended
by the landscape designers and architects, include fly ash -
West Bengal State Centre, IEI organized a Technical Webinar on the theme Quantum a byproduct of thermal power plant. Application of recycled
Computing on 27 June 2022. Panellists of the webinar were Ms Munmun Chakraborty, material like crushed glass and woodchips, also leads to
Joint Director, CDAC, Kolkata and Mr Sanjay Kumar Choudhury, Joint Director, CDAC, lesser production and consumption of cement thereby
Kolkata. Moderator of the webinar was Mr Chanchal Chakraborty, lowering the carbon footprint. Application of permeable
Vice President (Technology), Reliance Jio. The event started with the concrete in ground is another sustainable alternative, which
welcome address delivered by Dr Nirmal Das, Chairman, West Bengal allows more water infiltration in the ground and subsequent
State Centre, IEI. Dr G Ranganath, Chairman, CATE, IEI was present recycling of aggregate material. Self-maintaining or self-
on the occasion and addressed the audience. Mr Ram Chandra healing concrete is an engineered microbial glue, which
Chakraborty, Joint Honorary Secretary, West Bengal State Centre, IEI is applied as spray and capable of repairing cracks in
introduced the panellists. concrete. The use of geopolymer technology in building
has greatly reduced cement consumption, cutting carbon
Ms Munmun Chakraborty started her
pollution significantly. Also, to resolve concerns arising
presentation by mentioning that the nineteenth
century as the machine age, the twentieth century as the information
from the disposal of industrial materials by processing and
age and the twenty-first century the quantum age. She then narrated repurposing them in geopolymer production, geopolymer
the evolution of computing generations starting from first generation cements are being deployed to improve structural
using vacuum tubes, second generation using transistors, third performance by enhancing durability and compressive
generation using Integrated Circuits (IC), fourth generation using Very strength, improving resistant against acid, and structural
Large Scale Integration (VLSI) and fifth generation using Ultra Large performance under elevated temperature curing conditions.
Scale Integration (ULSI). She explained Quantum Computing as the
Contd. on page 9
Contd. on page 4

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 October 2022
Utilization of Modern Technologies in Agricultural Engineering for
Sustainable Agricultural Production
Contd. from page 1

with sustainable development in land use and environment, food chain, Assistant Professor, Department of Processing and Food Engineering, CAE,
agriculture and amenity, energy and bio production processes. The UAS, Raichur, Karnataka and Dr Ranjit Vasant Powar, Assistant Professor
major topic, deliberated during the National Seminar principally covered and Head, Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Dr D Y
the complete and interdisciplinary range of research in engineering for Patil College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Kolhapur for their
agriculture and bio-system. On the occasion, Prof Dr T Arumugam, Vice significant contribution in the field of Agricultural Engineering.
Chancellor, Thirvalluvar University, Vellore graced the inaugural function During the technical session, Dr S Manivannan, Principal Scientist
as Chief Guest. Dr P Immanuel, Joint Director of Horticulture, Directorate (SWCE), Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Research Centre,
of Horticulture, Government of Tamilnadu and Dr G Ranganath, Chairman, Udhagamandalam, Tamilnadu delivered Keynote Address on the topic
Committee for Advancement of Technology and Engineering (CATE), IEI ‘Water harvesting Technologies for Water Security and Climate Adaptation’.
graced the function as Guests of Honour. Prof (Dr) M Nemichandrappa, Dr V Krishamoorthy, Associated Professor (Horticulture), Department of
Chairman, Agricultural Engineering Division Board [AGDB] IEI presided over Fruit Science, Horticultural College and Research Institute for Women,
the function and delivered the Presidential Address. Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Tiruchirappalli delivered State of the Art
In the beginning, Prof (Dr) Ms T Menakadevi, Chairperson, Hosur Local Lecture on the topic ‘Ultra-high Density Planting in Mango and Guava’. Also
Centre, IEI welcomed the dignitaries and the audience, highlighted the papers were presented on; Improving Nutritional and Functional Properties
importance of National Convention and role of IEI in promoting the of Pearl Millet Pasta; Technologically Advanced Plant Protection Equipment
agricultural activities including research and new technology. Prof (Dr) for Precise Agricultural Pesticide Application; Post-harvest Handling and
J Arivudai Nambi, Immediate Past Chairman, Hosur Local Centre and Primary Processing Practices of Horticultural Produce; Metropolis Farm – A
Convener, 34th National Convention of Agricultural Engineers explained Farm of City Farmers; Renewable Energy Engineering – Biomass Utilization;
about the theme of the National Convention. Chief Guest of the function, Prof De-Petal Turbine for Efficient Energy Harnessing; Agricultural Process
(Dr) T Arumugam in his address stressed on more applications of Smart and Biosystem Engineering – Food Processing and Packaging; Role of
Farming, utilization of Information and Electronics enabled techniques and Renewable Fuels in Weeding Operation; Application of Modern Technologies
Drone Technology for better sustainable Agricultural production and so on. for Organic Farming in Sustainable Agriculture; Post-harvest Technology
Guest of Honour of the function, Dr P Immanuel in his address opined that and Methods for the Handling of Fresh Produce; Techno-economics of
effective transfer of technologies developed by the agricultural engineering Baling Paddy Straw; Emerging Technologies in Smart Farming; Simulation
fraternity will definitely be helpful in achieving the goal of doubling the of Cumulative Infiltration Depth using Hydrus – 1D Model; Utlization of
farmers income in India and highlighted the active role of Government of Fluorescent Biosensors for Sensitive Detection of Aflatoxin in Agricultural
India in this regard. Guest of Honour, Dr G Ranganath, Chairman CATE, IEI Products; Comparison of Pine Needles and Lantana Camara Biochar
in his address, explained the role of CATE in encouraging the involvement Briquettes; Horticultural Machineries; Development and Evaluation of
of Corporate Members and engineering professionals in organizing various Unmanned Paddy Transplanter; Waste Water Utilization for Production of
technical events including National Conventions, All India Seminars etc. Electricity using Microbial Fuel Cell; Organic and Inorganic Agriculture and
Prof (Dr) M Nemichandrappa, Chairman, AGDB, IEI in his Presidential so on.
Address mentioned the significant and remarkable contributions made by
the agricultural engineers in the area of Natural Resources Management, During the Valedictory Function, Dr S Manivannan, Principal Scientist
Farm Mechanization, Food Processing, Post Harvest Technologies and (SWCE), Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Research Centre,
other related fields for the growth of agricultural and allied sectors. Mr P Udhagamandalam, Tamilnadu graced the occasion as Chief Guest
Murugesa Pandian, Honorary Secretary, Hosur Local Centre, IEI proposed Recommendations that emanated from the National Convention are as
the vote of thanks. A Technical Proceeding was released on the occasion follows.
containing the papers presented during the technical sessions.
The modern technologies in agricultural engineering for sustainable
On the occasion, Dr Konda Sreenivas Reddy, Principal Scientist
agricultural production be utilized in a meaningful way; Looking forward
(SWCE), ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad, Telangana and Dr T Guruswamy,
towards digital transformation in Agriculture, implementation of emerging
Director, Instruction (Agricultural Engineering) were felicitated as Eminent
technologies need to be accelerated, which includes machinery system
Agricultural Engineering Personalities for their immense contribution in
engineering, renewable energy engineering, agricultural information
the field of Agricultural Engineering. The prestigious Rathindranath Tagore
technology and electronics, and drone technology; With the objective
Memorial Lecture was delivered by Dr P V Venkitakrishnan, Former
to optimize the performance and parameters of modern technology,
Distinguished Scientist, Director, CBPO, ISRO HQ & Prof Satish Dhawan
more research and development are required in alternate analysis and
Scientist, ISRO HQ, Bangalore and Chairman, Aerospace Engineering
applications of big data, design and simulation, particularly for cost-
Division Board, IEI.
effective agricultural and biosystem management; To sustain agricultural
The IEI Young Engineers Award in Agricultural Engineering Division for development, applications of biomechanics and biosensors need to be
the year 2021-22 were presented to; Dr (Ms) Kirti Jalgaonkar, Scientist, addressed with ecofriendly material in a cost-effective manner; Advanced
Quality Evaluation and Improvement Division, ICAR-CIRCOT, Matunga East agricultural cultivation and production technology should be applied for
Mumbai, Maharashtra; Dr Bikram Jyoti, Scientist, Agricultural Mechanization agricultural engineering practices in an effective manners, which include
Division, ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal and Dr Artificial Intelligence, Drone Technology, Robotics, GPS technology, Aerial
Pawar Dilip Ananda, Scientist, Agro-Produce Processing Division, ICAR- Vehicles, etc; Agricultural processing and biosystem engineering need to
Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal. For the year 2022-23, be introduced by the implementation of post-harvest technologies, food
the recipients of the Award were; Dr Dinesha B L, Young Scientist, DST- processing and packaging, modeling and simulation, and other technologies
SYST Project, Centre for Nanotechnology, Department of Processing as feasible alternatives that need to be explored further; Renewable energy
and Food Engineering, College of Agricultural Engineering, University of engineering should be applied as the substitute to traditional agricultural
Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, Karnataka; Dr Goudra Pramod Gouda, technologies.

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2 October 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
All India Seminar under the aegis of Civil Engineering Division Board

Green Building Concept and Its Application in Smart Cities

Kanchepuram Local Centre, IEI organized All India Seminar on the theme The function was inaugurated by Dr P T Ravichandaran, Professor and Head,
Green Building Concept and Its Application in Smart Cities during 20-21 Department of Civil Engineering, SRM Institute of Science & Technology,
May 2022 at Kanchepuram under the aegis of Civil Engineering Division Kattankulathur, Chennai. Dr G Shanmugasundar, Honorary Secretary,
Board [CVDB]. Green Building, by virtue of its design and construction, Kanchepuram Local Centre, IEI and Associate Professor & Dean, R&D,
reduces or create positive impact on climates and natural environment. It Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology,
Chennai was present on the occasion.
During the technical sessions, Prof Ravichandran delivered his lecture on
the topic ‘Green Building Concept and its Application in Smart Cities’. Dr
S Bhagavathi Perumal, Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering,
Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai spoke on ‘Impact of Green Building
Sustainability in Smart Cities: An Outlook with IoT’. Dr K Yokeshwari,
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, B S Abdur Rahman Cresent
Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai spoke on ‘Green Building
Concept and its’ Application in Smart Cities’; Dr N Suganya, Assistant
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Sri Sairam Engineering College,
Chennai presented lecture on ‘Green Building’; Dr G V Ramana, Assistant
uses less energy, water and natural resources, creates less waste and is
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Warangal delivered
healthier compared to conventional building. Advantages of green building
presentation on virtual mode on the topic ‘Bearing Capacity of Soil in
construction are low maintenance and operational cost, energy efficiency,
Smart Cities’; Dr J Revathi, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
enhanced indoor environment quality, water efficiency, better health, material
B S Abdur Rahman Cresent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai
efficiency, better environment and reduced strain on local resources. Green
spoke on ‘Application of Fiber Reinforced Concrete in Smart Cities’; Ms
architecture can help to decrease the use of natural resources, fuels and it
R Subalakshmi, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Sri
helps to improve water and material efficiencies, improve air quality within
Sairam Engineering College, Chennai delivered lecture on ‘Green Buildings
and outside the structures. Thus, a sustainable or green building is an
Concept & its Application in Smart Cities; and Mr S Anbu, CEO, PI Infratech,
outcome of a design philosophy which holistically focuses on increasing
Chennai discussed the topic ‘Smart and Sustainable Building in Smart
the efficiency of the resources used, namely energy, water and materials,
Cities’. The event was well attended by the professionals, academicians,
while reducing building impacts on human health and environment during
students and other stakeholders.
the building lifecycle through better sitting, design and construction.

All India Seminar under the aegis of Computer Engineering Division Board

Information Privacy
Kanchepuram Local Centre, IEI organized All India Seminar in association
Access Control: It is to grant access completely to the significant data and
with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, St Joseph’s Institute
avoid unnecessary irrelevant data for any particular service. Access control
of Technology on the theme Information Privacy during June 01-02, 2022
mechanism is needed to decide whether to permit or reject an assigned
at Chennai under the aegis of Computer Engineering Division Board [CPDB].
unit the liberty to do a specified action. Access control method includes the
Privacy protection and cyber security are thought to be as interconnected.
tests in the field of the database, operating system, and distributed system.
As more and more
personal information But pervasive systems possess unique features which let distinct access
is processed and control methods.
stored online, Anonymity: Many of the applications in pervasive computing environment
privacy protection do not rigidly need to know the identity of the user. Anonymity provides the
increasingly user with the functionality which helps the user to be known to others or
relies on effective
remains unknown to others or to be known with different identity.
cyber security
implementation by Speaker of the event, Dr J Dafni Rose, Head, Computer Science and
the organizations Engineering, St Joseph’s Institute of Technology in her address stated
to secure personal data both in transit or static condition. Moreover, the that information privacy has the ability to avoid attacks on the networks
applications of pervasive computing are dramatically increasing every using security tools. Mr Ragul Chandran, Cyber Security Specialist, Special
measure concerning towards the data collected and released. It is obvious Zee Technology, Chennai delivered lecture on Cyber Kill Chain Model,
that a user in pervasive computing environment wishes to maintain Cryptanalysis and Computer Security and Cyber Threats and Security. Dr K
different connections with various smart devices reckless of the software S Arikumar, St Joseph’s Institute of Technology, Chennai delivered lecture
restrictions and hardware specifications. Such devices and applications on necessity of understanding privacy, issues in privacy, analysis of system
intend to increase the amount of personal information released to the vulnerabilities and risk exposure. Ms Poorvaja Bhaskaran, Sella India
service providers and third parties. The Seminar essentially focused on Software Services, Chennai spoke on cyber threat intelligence, data analytics
certain pertinent issues as – in cyber world, advanced data breaches and detecting and avoiding security
Authentication: Privacy has to ensure that data being shared or communicated breaches. Earlier, Dr G Sanmugasundar, Honorary Secretary, Kanchepuram
is not being hacked by any active or passive attackers. It has to guarantee Local Centre, IEI welcomed the gathering. Prof (Dr) D Elango, Chairman,
that the user data which is being collected almost obviously will not be used Kanchepuram Local Centre, IEI addressed the august audience and also
maliciously or is not being processed by any unauthorized user. spoke during the valedictory function.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 October 2022
IEI Technical Webinar under the aegis of Environmental Engineering Division Board

Emerging Trends for Air Pollution Mitigation

Bokaro Steel City Local Centre of the Institution organised Technical host Centre. Mr Anup Kumar Mishra, Chairman, Pollution Control Board
Webinar on the theme Emerging Trends for Air Pollution Mitigation on 29 while addressing the participants and spoke about the stringent rules and
May 2022 under the aegis of Environmental Engineering Division Board, regulation imposed by the Government of India for mitigation of air pollution
IEI. Mr Anand Wankhede, Regional Manager, West Zone, Devic Earth and Mr as such all out efforts to be made towards its implementation.
Amarsinh Jadav, Director(Operations), M/s JClean
Mr Anand Wankhade, in his address stated that Device Earth is first to
Weather Tech Private Limited graced the webinar as
utilize pulsed RF energy commercially for mitigating air pollution and opined
panelists. The session was moderated by Mr Nitesh
that pure skies accelerate the clearance of certain
Ranjan, Assistant General Manager, Environment
pollutants in the air. Mr Amarsinh Jadhav, said that
Division, SAIL, Bokaro Steel
in the year 2020, M/s JClean Weather Tech Private
Plant. The programme was
Limited has been recognized by Department of
started with the welcome
Science and Technology, Government of India for
address, delivered by Mr
its first patent technology AIORN 1000 negative
Navin Prakash Srivastava,
ion generator to fight against the COVID pandemic.
Chairman, Bokaro Steel City
Moderator of the event, Mr Nitesh Ranjan, presented
Local Centre, IEI. In his address, Mr Srivastava
the paper of Mr A H Ansari and at the end of the
suggested taking care of mitigation of air pollution in
session, summed up the proceedings of deliberation. Vote of thanks was
the industries, towns and homes. Dr G Ranganath,
proposed by Mr Sunil Kumar, Honorary Secretary, Bokaro Steel City Local
Chairman, CATE, IEI in his address, appreciated the efforts taken by the
Centre, IEI.

Quantum Computing
Contd. from page 1

She concluded her presentation by describing the use cases in the field of
new possible solutions at the atomic and subatomic levels in the field to Artificial Intelligence, drug discovery, system optimization, cryptography,
cater the need of future computing. She then elaborated the development of financial services, teleportation etc.
Quantum Mechanics through the works of Max Plank, Albert Einstein, Ernest
Rutherford and Niels Bohr, explained wave-particle duality propounded by Mr Sanjay Kumar Choudhury talked about quantum sensing. He narrated
Louis De Broglie and narrated the (time-dependent) equation of motion of that chronic arsenic toxicity (arsenicosis) as a result of drinking arsenic-
wave-particle expressed by the Schrodinger Equation which established that contaminated groundwater was a major environmental health hazard
the wave behaviour of the particle admitted the superposition. She explained throughout the world, including India. He said that, not only arsenic but also
the difference between classical computing and quantum computing. She lead was a major source of contamination of groundwater causing multiple
narrated the concept of qubit (quantum bit) and expressed that a single qubit diseases. He explained the classical concept of phase difference due to path
can be forced into a superposition of the two states denoted by the addition difference; When LASER is passed through the contaminated liquid, it causes
of the state vectors. She stated the concept of interference of waves and shift in bandgap. If the bandgap is too small then the existing equipment
concluded that Young’s double-slit experiment gave definitive proof of the could not sense it for particular contamination limit; he added.
wave character of light and an interference pattern was obtained by the He further elaborated that in the year 1926, Schrodinger first described
superposition of light from two slits. She explained Superposition using the a special state known as Coherent State and in this particular state, the
Schrodinger cat and concluded that qubit is the superposition of both the statistics of photons follow Poisson Distribution. He then elaborated the
states 0 and 1 simultaneously multiplied with some probability amplitudes. concept of shot noise where the relative fluctuations were reduced as with
She elaborated on the concept of Entanglement which is the ability of quantum the reciprocal of the square root of N, called the standard quantum limit
systems to exhibit correlations between states within a superposition and (SQL), which can be achieved by using N independent probes. This limit is
mentioned that we could entangle the two qubits such that the measurement also the effect of the presence of shot noise in the source and is known as the
of one qubit was always correlated to the measurement of the other qubit. The Shot Noise Limit (SNL).He further narrated that Quantum mechanics placed
speaker further defined Quantum Computing as a computing paradigm that a fundamental limit on measurement precision, called
exploited quantum mechanical properties like Superposition, Entanglement, the Heisenberg limit (HL), which constrained how the
and Interference etc. of matter in order to do calculations. She explained precision of parameter estimation improved as the
the technologies behind quantum computing like superconducting loops, total probing time t increased and the precision scales
trapped ions, silicon quantum dots, topological qubits, diamond vacancies were no better than 1/N with the total number of
etc. She discussed commercial quantum computers from IBM and D-Wave probes N used in an experiment. He stated that in the
and mentioned quantum computing programming languages like qasm, coherence state of light, phase and amplitude follow
Qiskit (IBM), Cirq (Google), Forest/pyqil (Rigetti), Q# (Microsoft), Ocean Gaussian distribution resulting in a combined circular
(D-Wave). She then talked about quantum circuit consisting of data (known distribution whereas Heisenberg Limit depicted a
as Qubits), operation (quantum logic gates) and results (for measurements). squeezed state where the phase fluctuations are squeezed at the expense
She explained about quantum logic gates which were similar to classical of amplitude fluctuations leading to a more accurate measurement of phase.
gates but their original input state could be derived from their output state Hence, HL would be used where the shift in bandgap is too small in actual
uniquely that meant they must be reversible. She then narrated the operating measurement, the speaker stated. He concluded his lecture mentioning that it
principles of NOT or X gate, Z gate, Hadamard gate and Pauli gate under had been experimentally proved that the sensitivity of detection with entangled
single qubit category and described the philosophy of universal quantum photon state attained the limits defined by the Heisenberg Uncertainty
gates like phase flip, bit flip , phase-bit flip etc. She described the two-qubit Principle. Moderator of the session, Mr Chanchal Chakraborty summed up
states and narrated C-NOT gates and Bell states using C-NOT gates. She the proceedings of deliberation. Dr Raju Basak, Honorary Secretary, West
further explained the difference between product state and entangled state. Bengal State Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.

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4 October 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
IEI Celebrates
55th Engineers’ Day
Smart Engineering for a Better World
The 55th Engineers’ Day was celebrated by the Institution all over the country on September 15, 2022
to commemorate the 162nd birth anniversary of legendary Engineer-Statesman Bharat Ratna Sir M
Visvesvaraya. Brief accounts of the celebration as received from various Centres are highlighted

STATE CENTRES absentia). Guest of Honour

of the event was Dr Sandesh
Gujarat Kumar Jain, Principal
Gujarat State Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day in association with Director and Head, Central
Water Management Forum, IEI on 15 September 2022 at Ahmedabad in Institute of Petrochemicals
hybrid mode. Mr Pravinkumar Mohanbhai Choudhari, Chairman, Gujarat Engineering and Technology
State Centre, IEI welcomed the guests and delegates. Guest of Honour of (CIPET). Special Lecture
the event, Mr H U Kalyani, was delivered by Mr Mitesh
Immediate Past Chairman, Lokwani, MD, HLBS, Bhopal on the theme. Earlier, Mr Aviniash Chandra,
Gujarat State Centre, Honorary Secretary, Madhya Pradesh State Centre, IEI welcomed the
IEI and Chief Engineer dignitaries.
(Saurashtra) and Additional Punjab & Chandigarh
Secretary, Water Resources
Department, Government Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day in
of Gujarat addressed the association with American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
gathering. Chief Guest of the Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Chandigarh Chapter on 15 September
event, Mr Sandeep B Vasava, Council Member, IEI and Secretary, Roads 2022 at Chandigarh. Chief
and Building Department, Government of Gujarat addressed the audience Guest of the event was
through online mode. Keynote Speaker of the event, Mr Niraj A Shah, Prof (Dr) Harpreet Singh,
Chairman, Computer Society of India, Ahmedabad Chapter presented his Professor, Department of
views on smart engineering for a better world and emphasized the need Mechanical Engineering, IIT
of smart engineering to deal with global challenges like adverse effects of Ropar and Guest of Honour
climate change, water scarcity, mixed energy usage, reducing the digital was Prof (Dr) Vijay Kumar
divide among others. At the end, Mr Dineshchandra Odhavjibhai Nakrani, Banga, Principal, Amritsar
Honorary Secretary, Gujarat State Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. Group of Colleges, Amritsar. Mr Sukhvir Singh Mundi, Chairman, Punjab
and Chandigarh State Centre, IEI welcomed the guests and members.
Jharkhand Keynote Speaker of the event was Dr Balkar Singh, Former Joint Director,
Jharkhand State Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September Punjab Development Agency, Chandigarh. At the end, Mr Baljit Singh,
2022 at Ranchi. Chief Guest of the event was Mr Murari Bhagat, Engineer-in- Honorary Secretary, Punjab & Chandigarh State Centre, IEI proposed the
Chief cum Special Secretary, vote of thanks.
Rural Works Department, Sikkim
Government of Jharkhand.
Special Guest of the event Sikkim Sate Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day in association with
was Dr Rana S Chakravarty, College of Agriculture Engineering and Post Harvest Technology [CAEPHT],
Director (Marketing and Rampool on 15 September 2022 through online mode. Chief Guest of the
Production), HEC Limited. event, Mr G P Upadhyaya, Additional Chief Secretary, Government of Sikkim
Keynote Speaker of the discussed on the issues and challenges faced by the nation and encouraged
event, Professor Vinay the participants to be innovative and self-reliant. Guest of Honour of the
Sharma, Director, University Polytechnic, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra event was Dr P P Dabral, Dean, CAEPHT. Special Guests of the event
explained the concept of smart home, smart manufacturing and other smart were Mr Shankar Bhawmic, GM, National Highways and Infrastructure
technologies, to improve the standard of living and also the use of AI in bio- Development Corporation Limited (NHIDCL) and Mr Sahadev Khatua, GM,
medical field. Earlier, Mohammed Iquebal Alam, Chairman, Jharkhand State NHPC. The Director, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology, Principal,
Centre, IEI welcomed all. At the end, Mr Manoj Kumar, Honorary Secretary, Advanced Technical Training Centre (ATTC), Principal, Centre for Computers
Jharkhand State Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. and Communication Technology (CCCT) and Corporate Members of IEI
attended the program. Keynote Speaker of the event, Dr C T Singh, CEO,
Madhya Pradesh ATAL Incubation Centre, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Technology (SMIT)
Madhya Pradesh State Centre of the Institution observed 55th Engineers' highlighted the avenues of entrepreneurship for making the country self-
Day on 15 September 2022 at Bhopal. Chief Guest of the event was Shri reliant. Earlier, Mr Govind Prasad Sharma, Chairman, Sikkim State Centre,
Vishvash Sarang, Hon'ble Minister of Medical Education, Bhopal Gas IEI delivered the welcome speech. Mr Lochan Kumar Adhikary, Honorary
Relief & Rehabilitation Department, Government of Madhya Pradesh (in Secretary, Sikkim State Centre briefed on the theme.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 October 2022
LOCAL CENTRES Chancellor, MGM University,
Aurangabad delivered
Agra lecture on the theme. Ar
Agra Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day, in association with Ajay Kulkarni, Architect
Anand Engineering College, Keetham, Agra on 15 September 2022 at Tilaknagar, Aurangabad; Mr
Agra. Guest of Honour of Milind Kelkar, Industrialist,
the event was Dr Aman Aurangabad; Mr Sanjay
Sachdeva, Principal, Anand Mungilwar, Superintending
Polytechnic College. Mr Engineer, Public Works
Mohd. Arif, Associate Circle, Satara and Mrs Arunadhati Sharma, Superintending Engineer, Public
Professor, Department of Works Circle, Amravati were attended the programme. Dr Uttam Baburao
Mechanical Engineering, Kalwane, Chairman, Aurangabad Local Centre, IEI welcomed all and
Anand Engineering College informed about the technical activities of the host Centre. Prof Ravindara
Keetham, Agra narrated the life sketch of Bharat Ratna Sir M Visvesvaraya. R Deshmukh, Honorary Secretary, Aurangabad Local Centre, IEI presented
Mr Rajneesh Kumar Yadav, Associate Professor, BSA Engineering College, the life sketch of Bharat Ratna Sir M Visvesvaraya.
Mathura explained that engineering makes life easy through smart machines Bareilly
in all sectors like rail connectivity; drinking water, agriculture, healthcare,
affordable houses, etc. Mr Rajneesh Kumar Yadav, Associate Professor, Bareilly Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September
BSA Engineering College, Mathura and Joint Secretary, Agra Local Centre, 2022 at Bareilly. Chief Guest of the event was Mr Rajeev Sharma, Chief
IEI was present on the occasion. Engineer, Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited (UPPCL) and Guest of
Honour of the event was Prof Y D S Arya, Vice Chancellor, Invertis University.
Alwar Mr Sudhir Kumar Gupta,
Alwar Local Centre, IEI Chairman, Bareilly Local
observed 55th Engineers' Centre, IEI welcomed the
Day on 15 September dignitaries. Speakers of the
2022 at Alwar. Chief Guest event, Mr Sovan Mohanty,
of the event was Mr Dinesh Assistant Professor, Shri
Kumar, Chairman, Safety Ram Murti Smarak College
and Quality Forum, IEI. of Engineering & Technology
Special Guest of Honour of [SRMSCET], Bareilly explained the terminology SMART, which is often
the event was Mr Sangeet associated with feats of modern engineering and the invention from the
Arora, Superintending ancient times to modern era, scientists and engineers helps to build a
Engineer, PWD, Alwar. Guests of Honour were Mr Praveen Kumar Singh, modern society. Also, Mr Subhankar Puri, Invertis University, Bareilly, Mr
Director, Safety and Quality Forum, Delhi and Mr Bhupinder Sidhu, Regional Rohan and Ms Stuti, SRMSCET, Bareilly and Mr Awdesh Kumar, Assistant
Head, Customer Support, Ambuja Cement, Jaipur. Keynote Speaker of the Professor, Invertis University, Bareilly delivered lecture on the occasion. At
event was Mr Ajit Jain, Retired Group General Manager, ONGC. Earlier, Mr the end, Mr Mahendra Kumar Agarwal, Honorary Secretary, Bareilly Local
Subhash Chandra Joshi, Chairman, Alwar Local Centre, IEI welcomed all Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
the participants and paid tribute to Sir M Visvesvaraya and at the end of the Bhimavaram
session, proposed the vote of thanks.
Bhimavaram Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September
Ahmednagar 2022 at Bhimavaram. Chief
Ahmednagar Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September Guest of the event, Mr S
2022 at Ahmednagar. Chief Lokeswara Rao, District
Guest of the event, Mr Manoj (R&B) Engineering Officer,
Patil, IPS, Superintendent of W.G District delivered
Police, Ahmednagar opined lecture on the theme. Prof
that engineers play crucial (Dr) K Brahma Raju, Council
role in the development of Member, IEI discussed about the activities of IEI. At the end, Mr Karanam
the nation. Chief Guest, Suresh Babu, Honorary Secretary, Bhimavaram Local Centre, IEI proposed
Mr Sudhakar Yariagadda, the vote of thanks.
Principal District Judge, Bokaro Steel City
Ahmednagar opined that engineers should work for fast expediency of
cases in the court. Keynote address was delivered by Mr Arvind Pargaonkar, Bokaro Steel City Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15
Director Manufacturing, Schneider Electric India Private Limited and Past September 2022 at Bokaro.
Chairman, Ahmednagar Local Centre, IEI on the theme. He briefed on Chief Guest of the event,
industrial revolution and digital transformation. Earlier, Mr Abhay Krishanrao Mr Amarendu Prakash,
Raje, Honorary Secretary, Ahmednagar Local Centre delivered the welcome Director-in-Charge,
address. Mr Manohar Mukund Anekar, Chairman, Ahmednagar Local SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant
Centre, IEI presided over the function. inaugurated the function and
stressed upon employment
Aurangabad oriented skill development. Guest of honour of the event, Mr B K Tiwari,
Aurangabad Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September Executive Director (Works), SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant mentioned about the
2022 at Aurangabad. Chief Guest of the event was Dr S A Nagre, Former administrative and management qualities of Sir M Visvesvaraya. Earlier, Mr
Executive Director, Godavari Marathwada Irrigation Development Corporation Navin Prakash Srivastava, Chairman, Bokaro Steel City Local Centre, IEI
(GMIDC), Aurangabad. Keynote Speaker of the event, Dr Vilas Sapkal, Vice welcomed the dignitaries and spoke about Sir M Visvesvaraya as a builder

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6 October 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
of modern city and technology. At the end, Mr Sunil Kumar, Honorary stressed on the betterment of the engineering profession. Guest of Honour,
Secretary, Bokaro Steel City Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. Prof (Dr) Govind Pandey, Dean, Infrastructure and Planning, Madan Mohan
Malaviya University of Technology (MMMUT), Gorakhpur briefed on
the theme. Earlier, Mr Dhirendra Chaturvedi, Chairman, Gorakhpur Local
Dhanbad Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day in association Centre, IEI welcomed the audience and presented a life sketch of Sir M
with Tata Steel, Jharia Division, Jamadoba, Dhanbad on 15 September Visvesvaraya. Mr Ved Prakash Gupta, Honorary Secretary, Gorakhpur Local
2022 at Dhanbad. Chief Guest of the event was Mr Sanjay Kumar Singh, Centre, IEI introduced the Honourable Speakers, and at the end, proposed
Director (Technical), Bharat the vote of thanks.
Coking Coal Limited,
Dhanbad. Guest of Honour
and Special Guest of the Jammu Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September
event was Prof Binay Dayal, 2022 at Jammu. Chief
Former Director (Technical), Guest of the event, Mr
Coal India Limited. Keynote Shiv Anant Tayal, IAS,
Speaker of the event was Mr Managing Director,
Sanjay Rajoria, General Manager, Tata Steel, Jharia Division, Dhanbad. Dr Jammu Power Distribution
Satyendra Kumar Singh, Chairman, Dhanbad Local Centre, IEI and Former Corporation Limited, Power
Chief Scientist, CSIR-CIMFR, Dhanbad; Dr Arvind Kumar Mishra, Honorary Development Department,
Secretary, Dhanbad Local Centre, IEI and Professor & Head, Department of Government of Jammu &
Mining Engineering, IIT-ISM, Dhanbad; Prof Biswajit Paul, Joint Honorary Kashmir highlighted the
Secretary, Dhanbad Local Centre, IEI and Professor, Department of role of engineers in the development of country especially the progress
Environmental Science and Engineering, IIT-ISM, Dhanbad; Mr Mayank achieved in the space sector, chip set designing and artificial intelligence
Shekhar, Chief, Tata Steel, Jamadoba, Dhanbad, members and guest based applications. In the technical session chaired by Mr Vinod Malhotra,
from IIT-ISM, Dhanbad, Tata Steel, BIT, Sindri, BCCL participated in the Former Development Commissioner, Town Planning, Jammu, five technical
programme. Mr Mayank Shekhar, Chief, Tata Steel welcomed the members papers were presented on the theme of the day. Earlier, Dr (Prof) Sanjay
and guests; Dr Arvind Kumar Mishra, Honorary Secretary, Dhanbad Local Khar, Chairman, Jammu Local Centre, IEI delivered the welcome address.
Centre, IEI presented the life sketch of Sir M Visvesvaraya; Dr Satyendra At the end, Mr Chanchal Paul Sharma, Honorary Secretary, Jammu Local
Kumar Singh, Chairman, Dhanbad Local Centre, IEI delivered Chairman’s Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
address. In the technical sessions papers were presented on Collaborative
Robots for Smart industry, Next Generation wireless Technologies and
Sustainable engineering. At the end, Dr Arvind Kumar Mishra, Honorary Kadapa Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September
Secretary, Dhanbad Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. 2022 at Kadapa. Mr N
Bramhananda Reddy,
Chairman, Kadapa Local
Ghaziabad Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September Centre, IEI delivered
2022 at Ghaziabad. Chief Guest of the event, Mr Rajiv Sharma, FMR, CMD, presidential address. Chief
Power Finance Corporation (GOIU) expressed his view on generation and Guest of the event was
distribution of electric supply system in the country and explained supply Mr V Narasimha Kumar,
and demand scenario of renewable energy projects. Guest of Honour of the Superintending Engineer
function, Dr Priya Ranjan Swarup, Director General, Construction Industry (Civil), APTRANSCO,
Development Council [CIDC] Sankarapuram, Kadapa and Guest of Honour and Theme Speaker of the
emphasized on manpower event was Dr G V Nagesh Kumar, Professor and HoD of EEE, JNTUA College
utilization and deliberated on of Enginering, Pulivendula. Mr R Narendra Rao, Honorary Secretary, Kadapa
employment of engineers in Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
the industries and academia.
Guest of Honour & Keynote
Speaker of the event, Mr Kakinada Local Centre, IEI
M K Seth, ITS, FMR, Chief observed 55th Engineers'
General Manager, ALTTC, BSNL explained the technological advancements Day on 15 September 2022
in industries and healthcare. Earlier, Mr Raghunandan Prasad Sharma, at Kakinada. Mr Vadrevu
Chairman, Ghaziabad Local Centre, IEI delivered the welcome address. Mr Srinivasa Rao, Chairman,
R R Tanwar, Council Member, IEI and Convenor presented the life sketch Kakinada Local Centre,
of Sir M Visvesvaraya and spoke on the Corporate Membership drive, PE IEI delivered presidential
Certification, Chartered Engineer Certification, AMIE Examination, etc. At address and paid tributes
the end, Mr Ashok Kumar, Honorary Secretary, Ghaziabad Local Centre, IEI to Bharat Ratna Sir M Visvesvaraya. Chief Guest of the event, Dr G V R
proposed the vote of thanks. Prasada Raju, Honourable Vice-Chancellor, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological
University, Kakinada [JNTUK] delivered lecture on the theme. Guest of
Honour of the event was Mr K V S L N Raju, Superintending Engineer,
Gorakhpur Local Centre, IEI Irrigation Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh. Dr Malothu Ramesh,
observed 55th Engineers' Honorary Secretary, Kakinada Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
Day on 15 September 2022
at Gorakhpur. Chief Guest
of the event, Prof (Dr) B B Kalaburagi Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September
Singh, Retired Principal, 2022 at Kalaburagi. Chief Guest of the event, Mr R Cheluvaraju, Former
Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology (MMMUT), Gorakhpur Chief Engineer, Government of Karnataka, DRIP discussed elaborately the

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 October 2022
execution of major irrigation Muzaffarpur
projects. Guest of Honours
Muzaffarpur Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15
of the event were Mr Prem
September 2022 at Muzaffarpur. Mr Anjani Kumar Srivastava, Chairman,
Singh, Chief Engineer,
Muzaffarpur Local Centre,
Krishna Bhagya Jala
IEI delivered welcome
Nigam Limited [KBJNL],
address and narrated the
Bheemarayanagudi and Mr
life and achievements of
R P Jadhav, Superintending
Sir M Visvesvaraya. Chief
Engineer, City Corporation, Kalaburagi. At the end, Mr Hanmayya Belure,
Guest of the event, Mr
Honorary Secretary, Kalaburagi Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of
Sudheshwar Prasad Yadav,
Superintending Engineer
Madurai (Retd), Public Health Engineering Department (PHED), Government of
Bihar stated that smart engineering comprises the integration of product
Madurai Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September development, production planning and control for implementation of
2022 at Madurai. Chief Guest of the event was Dr S Dharmalingam, Former innovative product ideas valued for digitally influenced development process.
General Manager, BHEL, Prof C B Rai, Principal-in-Charge, Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology was
Trichy, Visiting Faculty, NIT present on the occasion and addressed the audience. At the end, Mr Sanjay
Trichy and Council Member, Kumar Choudhary, Honorary Secretary, Muzaffarpur Local Centre, IEI
IEI. Mr S Rajagopal, proposed the vote of thanks.
Immediate Past Chairman,
Madurai Local Centre North Bengal
delivered welcome address North Bengal Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15
and Prof (Dr) P Udhaya September 2022 at Jalpaiguri. Mr Chinmoy Ghosh, Honorary Secretary,
Kumar, Honorary Secretary, Madurai Local Centre, IEI introduced the Chief North Bengal Local Centre,
Guest and at the end of session, proposed the vote of thanks. IEI delivered the welcome
address. Mr Subhas
Barman, Head, Department
Meerut Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day in association with of Computer Science and
Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engineering and Technology [SCRIET], Meerut Engineering, Jalpaiguri
on 15 September 2022 at Meerut. Chief Guest of the programme, Dr Niraj Government Engineering
Singhal, Director, Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engineering and Technology, College briefed the life
Meerut delivered lecture sketch of Sir M Visvesvaraya. The theme Speaker of the day was Ms Jhuma
on this occasion. Mr C Dutta, Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department,
P Gupta, Past Chairman, Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College. Earlier, welcome address was
Meerut Local Centre, delivered by Mr Chinmoy Ghosh, Honorary Secretary, North Bengal Local
IEI presented the life Centre, IEI. Prof (Dr) Sudip Mukherjee, Chairman, North Bengal Local Centre,
sketch of Bharat Ratna IEI presided over the function. At the end, Mr G K Panda, Past Chairman,
Sir M Visvesvaraya and North Bengal Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
his contribution to the Ranipet
nation. Speakers of the event, Dr Shobhit Saxena, Assistant Professor,
Department of ECE, SCRIET, Meerut delivered lecture on ‘Role of Engineers Ranipet Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September
in achieving United Nations Sustainability Development Goals’. Mr Arphit 2022 at Ranipet. Chief
Chhabra, Senior Computer System Analyst, SCRIET, Meerut discussed the Guest of the event, Mr M
smart ways of life as the best way of living. Earlier, Mr Mohan Lal Jain, G Rajasankar, Additional
Chairman, Meerut Local Centre, IEI welcomed the participants. At the end, General Manager (Head/
Mr Raj Pal Agarwal, Honorary Secretary, Meerut Local Centre, IEI proposed Quality), BHEL, Ranipet
the vote of thanks. delivered lecture on the
theme. Special Invitee of the
Munirabad event was Mr P Ravikumar,
Munirabad Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September General Manager
2022 at Munirabad. Guest Speaker of the event, Mr K Madhusudhana, (Operations), BHEL, Ranipet. Earlier, Mr M Salai Manalan, Chairman,
Vice President, MSPL Limited and National President, Mining Engineer’s Ranipet Local Centre, IEI delivered welcome address. At the end, Mr Vivek S,
Association of India explained the significance and necessity to observe Honorary Secretary, Ranipet Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
this day. Mr K Nanjappa, Silchar
Honorary Secretary,
Munirabad Local Centre, IEI Silchar Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September
welcomed the dignitaries 2022 at Silchar. Mr Gautam Dutta Choudhury, Chairman, Silchar Local
and delivered the Keynote Centre, IEI delivered the
address on the theme. Prof welcome address and
(Dr) Kuppagal Veeresh, highlighted the life sketch
Chairman, Munirabad Local of Sir M Visvesvaraya.
Centre, IEI in his welcome speech, extended warm wishes to all dignitaries, Chief Guest of the event, Mr
Executive Committee Members and attendees. Dr Vinay Kumar, Executive Jitesh Choudhary, Director,
Committee Member proposed the vote of thanks. Centre for Development of
Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Government of India focused on application

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8 October 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
of smart engineering for interdisciplinary engineering practices, improvised Resident Chief Executive, Oil India Limited, Duliajan. Invited Guests on
engineering, communication media; intelligent engineering for sensors, the event, Mr Dibakar Bhattacharjee, Past Chairman, Upper Assam Local
actuators, intelligence, sustainable engineering for environmental effect, Centre, IEI and Mr Bhairab Bhuyan, CGM (Inst) Oil India Limited delivered
nature inspired engineering with no waste or reusable products etc. Prof lectures on the theme. Keynote Speaker of the event, Dr Mukul Chandra
Promod Kumar Patowari, Mechanical Engineering Department, NIT Silchar Bora, Director, Dibrugah University Institute of Engineering and Technology,
was the Guest of Honour and Keynote speaker on the occasion. At the Dibrugarh delivered lecture on the theme. A documentary video on the life
end, Dr Biswajit Purkayastha, Honorary Secretary, Silchar Local Centre, IEI and achievement of Bharat Ratna Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya was
proposed the vote of thanks. presented by Mr Debajeet Sarma, Honorary Secretary, Upper Assam Local
Centre, IEI. At the end, he also proposed the vote of thanks.
Tirupati Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15 September Vallabh Vidyanagar
2022 at Tirupati. Prof R V Satyanarayana, Principal, S V U College
Vallav Vidyanagar Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 17
of Engineering, S V University, Tirupati; Mr K Ramesh Reddy, A P State
September 2022 at Vallabh
Committee Member; Prof G Umamaheswara Reddy, Past Honorary
Vidyanagar. Chief Guest
Secretary, Tirupati Local Centre, IEI; Engineer’s Association of Southern
and Expert Speaker of the
Power Distribution Limited, Tirupati and Engineers Association (Welfare),
event, Mr Nilesh M Desai,
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams, Tirupati participated in the programme.
Director, Space Application
Udaipur Centre (SAC/ISRO), Gujarat
delivered lecture on the
Udaipur Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day at Udaipur on 15
theme and encouraged the
September, 2022. Chief Guest of the event, Mr Shakun Vaidya, CTS Head -
young engineers in making
Grey Cement, J K Cement Limited, New Delhi mentioned about the skilled
Smart India in coming years. Guest of Honour of the event, Dr Pratapsinh
manpower of the organisation, provision of technical support through
Desai, President, ISTE, New Delhi discussed on ancient education system,
mobile van etc. testing through laboratories. Keynote Speaker of the event,
role of engineers in current era and the problems faced by engineering
Dr D N Ray, Senior Principal Scientist and Head, Design Management
community. He further opined on more employment generation and
and System Engineering Group, CSIR - CMERI Durgapur informed about
entrepreneurship spirit to be developed in budding engineer. Mr Dinesh
research activities in Central
Chandra Odhavjibhai Nakrani, Honorary Secretary, Gujarat State Centre, IEI
Mechanical Engineering
proposed the vote of thanks.
Research Institute (CMERI),
which include; Experimental Visakhapatnam
Robotic System, Design,
etc. He further elaborated on Visakhapatnam Local Centre, IEI observed 55th Engineers' Day on 15
the application of robotics September 2022 at Visakhapatnam. Chief Guest of the event, Dr Y Sreenivas
in disaster management, Rao, Outstanding Scientist and Director, NSTL, DRDO, Ministry of Defence,
underground mining etc. Government of India,
Earlier, Mr Yawanti Kumar Visakhapatnam opined
Bolia, Chairman, Udaipur Local Centre, IEI welcomed the guests, dignitaries that, engineers should
and attendees. At the end, Mr Chandra Prakash Jain, Honorary Secretary, play the key role and serve
Udaipur Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. the nation with innovative
methods. He also explained
Upper Assam
the importance of primary
Upper Assam Local Centre, education, health and moral
IEI observed 55th Engineers' values. Keynote Speaker of
Day in association with the event, Dr Manu Korulla, Scientist ‘G’, NSTL, Visakhapatnam explained
Dibrugarh University briefly about the fundamentals of human well being for economic condition
Institute of Engineering and and processes; socio political and environmental conditions and processes;
Technology, Dibrugarh, challenges for climate change etc. Prof (Dr) K Venkatasubbaiah, Senior
Assam, on 15 September Professor and HoD, Mechanical Engineering Department, AUCE, Andhra
2022 at Dibrugarh. Mr Sasanka Pratim Deka, Chairman, Upper Assam University and Council Member, IEI, was present on the occasion and
Local Centre, IEI welcomed the participants and offered his respect to Sir addressed the audience. Dr B Venkataramana, Chairman, Visakhapatnam
M Visvesvaraya. Chief Guest of the event, Mr Jiten Hazarika, Honourable Local Centre and Council Member, IEI presided over the function. Earlier, Mr
Vice-Chancellor, Dibrugarh University delivered his speech on the theme K Venkata Rama Mohana Rao, Honorary Secretary, Visakhapatnam Local
of the day. Guest of Honour of the event was Mr Prasanta Borkakoty, Centre, IEI welcomed the gathering.

From the President’s Desk.....

Contd. from page 1

From the holistic point of view, to improve the carbon footprint of new and products that will enhance the sustainability of new buildings and
buildings, producers and contractors alike are now increasingly being infrastructure. Finally, use of recycled or waste materials in the concrete
expected to preserve natural resources while continuing to produce quality industry is a feasible alternative to achieve the sustainable development
products, and are, therefore, searching for construction methods, practices goals across the globe.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 October 2022
IEI Celebrates
Royal Charter Day
The Institution of Engineers (India) was incorporated by Royal Charter on September 9, 1935 by King and Emperor
George V at the Court at Buckingham Palace, London and remains the only professional body in India to be accorded
this Honour. This endowed the Corporate Members of the Institution with the right to use the title ‘Chartered Engineer’
after their names, implying that they are qualified engineers deemed worthy to hold a Charter. The ‘Royal Charter Day’
was celebrated by IEI all over the country on September 9, 2022. A brief accounts of celebration, as received from
various Centres, are reported hereunder.

STATE CENTRE Chairman, Asansol Local

Centre, IEI. Dr Shantanu
Gujarat Datta, Assistant Professor,
Gujarat State Centre, IEI observed Royal Charter Day on 09 September 2022 Mechanical Engineering
at Ahmedabad and organized technical talk on ‘National Education Policy – Department, Asansol
2020’. Mr Dineshchandra Odhavjibhai Nakrani, Honorary Secretary, Gujarat Engineering College,
State Centre, IEI delivered the welcome address. Guest of Honour of the Asansol delivered lecture
event was Mr H U Kalyani, on the topic ‘Wind Turbines’
Immediate Past Chairman, and explained working
GSC, IEI and Chief Engineer principle and applications domain of wind turbine. At the end, Mr Sumanta
(Sau.) and Additional Karmakar, Honorary Secretary, Asansol Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote
Secretary, Water Resources of thanks.
Department, Government of
Gujarat and Chief Guest of Bokaro Steel City
the event was Mr Sandeep Bokaro Steel City Local
B Vasava, Secretary, Roads and Buildings Department, Government of Centre, IEI observed
Gujarat and Council Member, IEI in absentia. Keynote Speaker of the event, Royal Charter Day on 09
Prof Shyam Varghese, Immediate Past Honorary Secretary, GSC, IEI and September 2022 at Bokaro.
Head of Automobile Department, Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad Chief Guest of the event,
delivered the thematic address. Mr C P Sahay, Former
Deputy General Manager
LOCAL CENTRES (Traffic), SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant inaugurated the function and invited
Ahmednagar the engineers to join IEI and serve the humanity with the advancement of
science and technology. Guest of Honour of the event, Mr Harihar Rout,
Ahmednagar Local Centre, IEI observed Royal Charter Day in association
General Manager, (ETL) SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant mentioned the genesis
with Department of Information Technology, Dr Vithalrao Vikhe Patil College
of IEI and Royal Charter. Earlier, Mr Yogendra Nath Singh, Immediate Past
of Engineering, Ahmednagar on 13 September 2022 at Ahmednagar. Mr H
Chairman, Bokaro Steel City Local Centre, IEI welcomed the dignitaries and
B Thigale, Past Honorary Secretary, Ahmednagar Local Centre, IEI briefed
the Corporate Members. At the end, Mr Sunil Kumar, Honorary Secretary,
the audience about the incorporation of Royal Charter. On this occasion, Mr
Bokaro Steel City Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
Abhay Krishnarao Raje, Honorary Secretary, Ahmednagar Local Centre, IEI
discussed on the topic ‘Indian Automobile-Car Segment’. Dhanbad
Dhanbad Local Centre, IEI
Anpara Local Centre, IEI observed Royal Charter Day
observed Royal Charter on the topic ‘Use of Artificial
Day on 09 September 2022 Intelligence and Machine
at Anpara. Chief Guest of Learning in Coal Mining
the event, Mr Ram Janam Industry’ on 09 September
Yadav, Senior Manager, NCL 2022 at Dhanbad. Mr
Krishnshila appealed to the Naveen Thakur, Area
engineering fraternity to Manager (Planning), Sijua
follow the path laid down by Royal Charter and called the technical experts Area, BCCL, Dhanbad
to work for Institution by setting up a task force and sharing their charter delivered lecture on the theme. Mr Jitendra Malik, General Manager, Sijua
knowledge. Mr G K Maurya, and Mr Prashant Kumar, Assistant Engineers, Area, BCCL, Dhanbad and Director (Technical)-selected, NCL; Prof Biswajit
Anpara Thermal Power Plant delivered lectures on the aspects of ‘Royal Paul, Professor, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,
Charter’. Earlier, Mr Amarnath Pandey, Chairman, Anpara Local Centre, IEI IIT-ISM, Dhanbad; Mr Sanjay Kumar Singh, Project Officer, Sijua Area,
welcomed all. At the end, Mr Vikas Kumar Srivastava, Honorary Secretary, Dhanbad; Mr Naveen Thakur, Area Manager (Planning), Sijua Area,
Anpara Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. BCCL, Dhanbad, members from BCCL, guests and students from IIT-ISM,
Dhanbad participated in the programme. Dr Arvind Kumar Mishra, Honorary
Secretary, Dhanbad Local Centre, IEI deliberated on Royal Charter. At the
Asansol Local Centre, IEI observed Royal Charter Day on 09 September end, Prof Biswajit Paul, Joint Honorary Secretary, Dhanbad Local Centre, IEI
2022 at Asansol. The program was inaugurated by Mr Tarun Tapan Lahiri, proposed the vote of thanks.

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10 October 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
Ghaziabad Kanchepuram
Ghaziabad Local Centre Kanchepuram Local Centre,
of the Institution observed IEI observed Royal Charter
Royal Charter Day on Day in association with
09 September 2022 at Department of Electrical
Ghaziabad. Dr Arindam and Electronics Engineering,
Basu, Director General, Jerusalem College of
Northern India Textile Engineering, Chennai on
Research Association, Ghaziabad, [NITRA] and Dr H R P Yadav, Former 09 September 2022 at
Secretary and Director General, IEI were present in the event. Mr Kanchepuram. Chief Guest of the event was Dr J Balamurugan, Assistant
Raghunandan Prasad Sharma, Chairman, Ghaziabad Local Centre and Executive Engineer, TNEB/TANGEDCO. Dr Asha Panchanathan, Professor
Council Member, IEI welcomed all. Mr R R Tanwar, Council Member, IEI and and Head, Civil Engineering Department, Jerusalem College of Engineering;
Past Chairman, Ghaziabad Local Centre was present in the event. Dr Ramesh S, Principal, Jerusalem College of Engineering were present in
the event. Earlier, Dr G Shanmugasundar, Honorary Secretary, Kanchepuram
Local Centre, IEI welcomed all.
Gorakhpur Local Centre,
IEI observed Royal Charter
Day on 09 September 2022 Kanyakumari Local Centre, IEI observed Royal Charter Day on 09
at Gorakhpur. Mr Dhirendra September 2022 at Kanyakumari. A technical session was organized on
Chaturvedi, Chairman, the topic ‘International Space Station’. Dr S Arumuga Perumal, Chairman,
Gorakhpur Local Centre, IEI Kanyakumari Local Centre, IEI presided over the function. Chief Guest of
welcomed the dignitaries the event, Ms S Rasathi, Scientist, ISRO Propulsion Complex, Mahendragiri
and audience. Speaker of the event was Mr Mirza Waseem Beg, Former addressed the audience. Mr S Natarajan, Former Special Chief Engineer,
Chief Production Manager, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Mathura Refinery Timalnadu Public Works Department [TNPWD] and Honorary Secretary,
and Past Chairman, Gorakhpur Local Centre, IEI. Mr Beg explained in details Kanyakumar Local Centre, IEI briefed on Royal Charter Day. At the end, Dr
about the establishment of Royal Charter and its development till date. M Marsaline Beno, Honorary Joint Secretary, Kanyakumari Local Centre, IEI
At the end, Mr Ved Prakash Gupta, Honorary Secretary, Gorakhpur Local thanked all the participants.
Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks.
Madurai Local Centre, IEI observed Royal Charter Day on 15 September,
Indore Local Centre, IEI observed Royal Charter Day on 07 September 2022 2022 at Madurai. Dr S
at Indore. A seminar was Dharmalingam, Former
organized on the occasion. General Manager, BHEL,
Speaker of the event was Trichy was the Chief Guest
Dr Manisha Gaur, CEO, of the session. Prof (Dr)
Roopantaran. Mr Rajendra P Udhya Kumar, Honorary
Prasad Gautam, Chairman, Secretary, Madurai Local
Indore Local Centre, IEI Centre, IEI introduced the
delivered the welcome Chief Guest and at the end of the session, delivered the vote of thanks.
address. Dr Raksha Parolkar, Convenor proposed the vote of thanks.
Meerut Local Centre, IEI observed Royal Charter Day on 09 September
Jammu Local Centre, IEI Observed Royal Charter Day on 09 September 2022 through online mode. Speaker of the event, Mr Rajneesh Kumar,
2022 at Jammu. Chief Guest Principal (Retired), D N Polytechnic, Meerut and Immediate Past Chairman,
of the event was J B S Johar, Meerut Local Centre, IEI discussed the brief history and background of IEI
Vice Chairman, IIPA, Jammu Royal Charter. Keynote Speaker of the event, Dr Pragati Sharma, Associate
& Kashmir Regional Branch Professor & Head, Department of ECE, S D College of Engineering and
and Former Chairman, Technology, Muzaffarpur delivered lecture on ‘6G-Potential Technologies
Jammu Local Centre, IEI. and Challenges’. Earlier, Mr Mohan Lal Jain, Chairman, Meerut Local
Dr (Prof) Sanjay Khar, Centre, IEI welcomed the guests and the participants. At the end, Mr Raj
Chairman, Jammu Local Pal Agarwal, Honorary Secretary, Meerut Local Centre, IEI proposed the
Centre, IEI presided over the function and presented welcome address. Mr vote of thanks.
Anil Verma, Former Honorary Secretary, Jammu Local Centre, IEI briefed on
Royal Charter. At the end, Mr Chanchal Paul Sharma, Honorary Secretary,
Jammu Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. Muzaffarpur Local Centre, IEI observed Royal Charter Day through online
mode on 09 September 2022. A webinar was organized on the occasion
on the theme ‘Role of Engineers in Disaster Resilient State’. Mr Anjani
Kalaburagi Local Centre, IEI observed Royal Charter Day 2022 on 09 Kumar Srivastava, Chairman, Muzaffarpur Local Centre, IEI delivered
September 2022 at Kalaburagi. Chief Guest of the event was Dr V D welcome address and explained the importance of Royal Charter. Keynote
Mytri, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Sharnbasva University, Kalaburagi. Speaker Speaker of the event, Prof Vijay Kumar, Department of Civil Engineering,
of the event was Mr Babu Sidramappa More, Immediate Past Chairman, Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology delivered lecture on the topic. At the
Kalaburagi Local Centre, IEI. The function was presided by Mr Subhash end, Mr Sanjay Kumar Choudhary, Honorary Secretary, Muzaffapur Local
Sugoor, Chairman, Kalaburagi Local Centre, IEI. At the end, Mr Hanmayya Centre, IEI proposed the vote of thanks. The programme was attended by
Belure, Honorary Secretary, Kalaburagi Local Centre, IEI proposed the vote Past Chairmen and Honorary Secretaries of the Local Centre and other
of thanks. dignitaries.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 October 2022
The following are the brief account of Technical Activities organised by various Centres

Andaman and Nicobar Organized webinar in association with IEEE, CSI, INSARM, ASI, SSI, ISTD,
SAME IITArb, PMI, IETE on the topic ‘Distances & Similarities for Pattern
Organized webinar in association with Pidilite Industries Limited on ‘Repair Analysis Task’ on 02 February 2022. Speaker of the event was Prof B S Shajee
and Rehabilitation of Structures’ on 08 June 2022. Speakers of the event, Mohan, Professor, Department of Allied Electronics & Instrumentation, GEC
Mr A K Sinha, Senior Manager (Special Projects), Pidilite Industries Limited Kozhikode, explained that distance or similarity measures are essential in
discussed on various products Pidilite for repair and rehabilitation of solving pattern recognition problems such as classification and clustering.
structures. Er Divya G, Area Manager (Special Products), Pidilite Industries He elaborated further, pattern analysis algorithms, selection of a particular
Limited mentioned about the products available with Pidilite for repair and distance measures and their significance in pattern analysis.
rehabilitation of structures.
Organized webinar in association with IEEE, CSI, INSARM, ASI, SSI, ISTD,
Gujarat SAME IITArb, PMI, IETE on the topic ‘Distances & Similarities for Patten
Analysis Task’ on 09 February 2022. Speaker of the event, Prof (Dr) Arch
Organized workshop in association with Aspire Disruptive Skill Foundation, Sunil Edward, Dean of PG Studies and Professor in Architecture, College of
Ahmedabad on ‘Skill, Technology and Entrepreneurship on CNC/VMC and Engineering, Trivandrum discussed on Sustainable/Green buildings.
Solar Technology’ during 14-16 July 2022 at Gandhinagar. Major Focus
of the workshop was to provide hands on training and technology based Organized 24th Er C S Padmanabha Iyer Memorial Lecture, in association
entrepreneurship development for engineers. Mr Manoj Pundir, General with IEEE, CSI, INSARM, ASI, SSI, ISTD, SAME IITArb, PMI, IETE on the topic
Manager, Aspire Disruptive Foundation, Ahmedabad explained the role of ‘Uncertainty Analysis of Seismic Soil Liquefaction of Quo FEM (Project from
the organization to empower young engineers and Technicians in the State NHERI REU at UC Berkely Simcentre)’ on 11 February 2022. A webinar was
of Gujarat. Mr Pawan Kumar Kaushal, Expert on Power and Energy briefed organized on the occasion. Speaker of the event, Mr Adithya Salil Nair, PhD
about the Scope of Solar Energy and Benefits. Scholar, Ohio State University, USA delivered on earthquake, landslides,
floods, etc and also on Geohazard mitigation.
Jammu & Kashmir
Organized webinar in association with IEEE, CSI, INSARM, ASI, SSI, ISTD,
Organized workshop on ‘Project Management (Contract Management)’ SAME IITArb, PMI, IETE on the topic ‘Blind Spots in Your Thinking’ on 16
on 28 May 2022 at Srinagar. The Quarterly Newsletter titled ‘Engineers February 2022. Speaker of the event was Dr Venugopal S Reddiar, Physician
Bulletin’ was also launched during the occasion. Chief Guest of the event and Life Skills Coach, USA.
was Mr Bashir Ahmad Dar, Secretary Technical, Jammu and Kashmir Power Organized webinar in association with IEEE, CSI, INSARM, ASI, SSI, ISTD,
Development Department (JKPDD) and Guests of Honour of the event were; SAME IITArb, PMI, IETE on the topic ‘Geo-Textiles-BhooVasthra on 23 February
Mr Rafiq Ahmad Rafiq, Chief Engineer, PW R&B and Mr Mir Tanveer, Chief 2022. Speaker of the event, Dr K Balan, Vice-Principal & Dean (Research),
Engineer, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY). Speakers of the Rajadhani Institute of Engineering & Technology (RIET) mentioned that
event were Mr Nadeem Akbar Najar, Research Scholar; Mr Sajad Ahmad Geosynthetic materials are used in soil to improve its engineering properties
Wani, Executive Engineer, Jhelum and Tawi Flood Recovery Project (JTFTP)/ and it includes material like geotextile, geogrid, geomembrane, geocell,
JKERA; Dr Saad Parvez, Associate Professor, NIT Srinagar; Mr Mir Tanveer, geofoam, geo tube, etc. He also explained application of Geotextiles in
Chief Engineer, Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY); Mr Iftikhar erosion control of highways or railway embankments, man-made or natural
Ahad Kakroo, Chief Engineer, Srinagar Smart City Limited and Mr Iftikhar A slopes, etc.
Drabu,Consulting Civil Engineer deliberated on procurement and execution
process of projects. Organized webinar in association with IEEE, CSI, INSARM, ASI, SSI, ISTD,
SAME IITArb, PMI, IETE on the topic ‘Disciplined Agile – The New Arsenal
Organized Workshop in association with Disaster Awareness and of a Project Manager’ on 02 March 2022. Speaker of the event was Lt Col
Management Forum (DAMF), Safety and Quality Forum, IEI on ‘Disaster L Shri Harsha, Project Management Professional and Past President, PMI,
Risk Awareness and Mitigation’ on 31 May 2022 at Srinagar. Chief Guest Bangalore.
of the event was Mr Narendra Singh, Immediate Past President, IEI. Guests
Organized webinar in association with IEEE, CSI, INSARM, ASI, SSI, ISTD,
of Honour of the event were Mr Dinesh Kumar, Chairman, SQF and Mr
SAME IITArb, PMI, IETE on the topic ‘Evolution of Information Systems
S C Goyal, Chairman, DAMF. Keynote Speaker of the event was Prof Dr
from an AI Perspective’ on 16 March 2022. Speaker of the event was Dr
Satyendra Mittal, IIT, Roorkee. Mr N K Yadav, Former Chief Engineer, I&FC,
Suresh Subramoniam, Professor and Director, CET School of Management,
Uttarakhand and Mr Aijaz Ahmed, SDRF also on the occasion.
Thiruvananthapuram. Dr Suresh explained that information systems were
Karnataka used for transaction processing and later for the needs of middle level
managers giving rise to management information systems with interactive
Organized Er B R Manickam Memorial Lecture on the topic ‘The Journey query capability for performing structure data analysis. He mentioned that
of Bengaluru – from Southern Hemisphere to 1536 CE’ on 21 May 2022. ERP systems have the capability of intelligent decision making and intended
Keynote Speaker of the event was Mr Udaya Kumar P L, Project Director, to address the ways by which how artificial intelligence can be made use
Bengaluru Inscriptions 3D Digital Conversation, Mythic Society, Bengaluru. of such systems.
Organized lecture on the topic ‘National Education Policy 2020’ on 07 July Organized webinar in association with IEEE, CSI, INSARM, ASI, SSI, ISTD,
2022 through hybrid mode. Keynote Speaker of the event, Dr S Y Kulkarni, SAME IITArb, PMI, IETE on the topic ‘Indian Railways: A Net-Zero Carbon
Former Vice Chancellor, REVA University and presently Additional Director, Emitter by 2030’ on 23 March 2022. Speaker of the event, Mr K Madhana
BNM Institute of Technology, Bangalore highlighted the need for new Mohan, Deputy Chief Electrical Engineer (Retd), Indian Railways in his lecture
education policy. mentioned that transport sector contributes 12% of country’s greenhouse

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12 October 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
emission with railways account of 4% of theses emissions. He mentioned Telangana
that Indian railways is coming forward to decarbonize progressively from Observed National Survey Day on 10 April 2022 through online mode. Chief
renewable energy to electricity in its traction network and reducing energy Guest of the event, Dr Swarna Subbarao, Former Surveyor General of India
consumption. He spoke that Indian railways is committed to use solar delivered Lecture on ‘Relevance of Drones in Survey’. Guest of Honour of
energy to meet the traction power and the aims to become net zero carbon the event, Mr A Bhaskar, Joint Director and Vice Principal, State Survey
emitter by 2030 through various initiatives. Department addressed the audience as Guest of Honour and delivered
Organized webinar in association with IEEE, CSI, INSARM, ASI, SSI, ISTD, lecture on ‘Methodology of Cadastral Survey and Challenges’.
SAME IITArb, PMI, IETE on the topic ‘The NEP and the Desirable Changes in Observed Engineers Memorial Day on 14 April 2022 to pay homage to Sir
Education in Kerala’ on 30 March 2022. Speaker of the event, Dr Kuncheria Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya. Mr B Brahma Reddy, Chairman, Telangana
P Issac, Former Vice Chancellor, A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University State Centre and Council Member, IEI recalled about the immense
focused on various aspects of National Education Policy (NEP) and the contributions by Sir M Visvesvaraya, particularly in the engineering
major challenges, changes, and opportunities for engineers. profession for nation building as a builder, a dreamer, a thinker and a man
of action. On the day, the Corporate Members who passed away during 01
Organized five-day training programme on ‘Estimation and Costing’ from April 2021 to 31 March 2022, were remembered and paid homage by Dr I
18-22 April 2022 at Thiruvananthapuram. Various topics covered during Satyanarayana Raju, Council Member, IEI, Mr Shyam Prasad Reddy, Council
the training program include; supervision and construction; quality control; Member, IEI; Prof (Dr) Ramana Naik Banothu, Immediate Past Chairman,
management; construction safety management, commissioning and Telangana State Centre, IEI, Prof (Dr) Mohd. Mohinoddin, Joint Honorary
handing over; estimation and billing. Secretary, Telangana State Centre, IEI, and the Committee Members of the
Madhya Pradesh host Centre.
Organized ceremony of unveiling Statue of Late Er G Prabhakar, Past
Organized webinar on the topic ‘Concept & Development of Smart Cities’
President, IEI and 1st Memorial Lecture on 15 April 2022. Chief Guest on
on 12 March 2022. Guest Speaker of the event was Mr Vivek Ranjan
this occasion, Mr T Harish Rao, Hon'ble Minister for Finance, Health, Medical
Shrivastava, Retd Chief Engineer, (Civil), M P Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitran
& Family Welfare, Government of Telangana addressed the gathering as
Company, Jabalpur.
Chief Guest, unveiled the bust size statue of Late Er G Prabhakar and also
Mizoram inaugurated the Mr R Vidya Sagar Rao Conference Hall. Guest of Honour
of the event, Mr V Prakash Rao, Chairman, Telangana Water Resources
Organized webinar on the topic ‘Electrical Vehicle for Future Generations’ Development Corporation Limited& Indian Peninsular River Basins Council
on 11 June 2022. Dr Pranjal Borah, Assistant Professor, Department of addressed the gathering and explained elaborately on ‘Rivers Rejuvenation
Instrumentation and USIC, Gauhati University delivered presentation on for Sustainable Development’. During the occasion, HYM International
the topic ‘Advances in Automotive Antenna Design’. Dr Pranjal Barman, Certification Private Limited presented ISO 9001-2015 Certification Award
Associate Project Engineer, E&ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati delivered lecture to Telangana State Centre, which was awarded by the Chief Guest of the
on ‘The Growth of Electric Vehicles: India’s Perspective’. function.
Puducherry Organized Felicitation Ceremony for the engineers selected for Civil Services
– 2021 on 08 June 2022 at Hyderabad. Chief Guest of the event was Mr V
Organized webinar on the topic ‘Emotional Intelligence for Engineers’ on 10 Prashanth Reddy, Hon’ble Minister for Roads & Buildings, Legislative Affairs
May 2022. Mr D Karunakaran, Associate Professor, Sri Manakula Vinayagar and Housing, Government of Telangana and Guest of Honour of the event
Engineering College, Puducherry was the Speaker of the session. was Mr V Prakash Rao, Chairman, TWRDC & IPRBC. Special Guest of the
event was Mr Yashwanth Rao, IRS, Government of Telangana.
Organized webinar on the topic ‘Fundamentals of TPM Autonomous
Maintenance’ on 29 June 2022. Speaker of the event, Mr P Sivasankaran, Uttar Pradesh
Associate Professor, Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology, Organized webinar on the topic ‘Bioprocessing of Fruits and Vegetables for
Puducherry explained the concepts of Total Productive Maintenance. Nutritional Security, Livelihood Upliftment and Employment Generation’ on
11 May 2022. Chief Guest and Keynote Speaker of the event, Dr Neelima
Organised Seminar on the topic ‘Self Compacting Concrete – An Overview
Garg, Acting Director, ICAR-CISH, Lucknow mentioned that India is the
and Practical Applications’ on 04 July 2022 at Puducherry. Speaker of
second largest producer of fruits and vegetables and presented facts and
the event, Mr J Somasundaram, Manager (Technical), Puducherry Smart
figures of these production mentioning the various types of vegetable
City Development Limited explained the techniques and theory of self
and fruits. She mentioned that these horticultural crops not only provide
compacting concrete and enriched the students with practical knowledge
nutrition and healthy food but generate revenue and employment. She
by facilitating site visit.
also mentioned various processes to increase the shelf life of fruits and
Punjab & Chandigarh vegetables. She called upon the young generation of educated farmers,
rural youth to become entrepreneurs and adopt horticulture as business
Organized Seminar in association with Department of Computer Applications enterprise.
and Science and Department of Commerce and Economics, B A M Khalsa
West Bengal
College, Garhshankar on 04-05 March 2022 at Chandigarh on the topic
‘Business Intelligence with Intelligent Computing’. Chief Guest of the event Organized Seminar on the topic ‘India Power Sector – Past, Present and
was Prof (Dr) Tara Singh Kamal, Former Vice President, IEI and Guest of Future’ on 03 June 2022 at Kolkata. Guest of Honour of the event, Mr Joydeb
Honour of the event was Dr Ravinder Singh Zandu.On the occasion, Prof Bandyopadhyay, Advisor (Engineering), West Bengal Electricity Regulatory
(Dr) Amar Pratap Singh, SLITE, Longowal ; Prof (Dr) Satwinder Singh, HoD, Commission delivered lecture on the topic. Prof (Dr) Samiran Choudhuri,
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Central University of Past President, IEI graced the occasion as Special Invitee and addressed
Punjab, Bathinda; Dr Arjan Singh, Punjabi University, Patiala, Dr Balkrishan, the august audience.
Associate Professor, Yadvindra College of Engineering, Punjabi University, Organized Seminar on the topic ‘Unveiling of Knitting Science: A New Horizon
Dr Rohini Sharma, Chairperson, Department of Computer Science and of Manufacturing Speciality Products’ on 04 June 2022 at Kolkata. Speaker
Applications, Punjabi University, Chandigarh and other notable speakers of the event, Prof (Dr) Sadhan Chandra Roy, Former Head, Department of
graced the occasion with their august presence and delivered presentations. Textile and Fibre Technology, University of Calcutta and presently Council

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 October 2022
Member & Chairman,Textile Engineering Division Board (TXDB) explained Telecommunication Engineering, Ram Meghe Institute of Technology and
knitting Science, engineering and technology, structure &design Aspects Research Badnera on 13 May 2022 at Amravati. Guest of Honours of the
and applications. event were Mr G U Barbade, Member, Maharashtra State Centre, IEI and Dr
Observed 169th Birthday of Sir R N Mookerjee, the Founder President of The S G Fale, Joint Secretary, Amravati Local Centre, IEI. The objective of the
Institution of Engineers (India) on 23 June 2022 at Kolkata. On the occasion, competition was to enhance the technical skills of polytechnic students and
Mr Amitabha Ghoshal, Council Member, IEI and Past President, Consulting to make them aware about the current trends.
Engineers Association of India [CEAI] delivered Memorial Lecture on the Aurangabad
topic ‘Influence of Sir R N Mookerjee on Bridges in Kolkata –Rabindra Setu
Observed Energy Conservation Day on 22 June 2022 in association with Urja
and Vidyasagar Setu’. Mr Sandip Kumar Deb, Vice President, IEI presided
Sahayog, Aurangabad and a webinar was organised on the topic ‘Challenges
over the function. Mr Chanchal Chakraborty, Executive Vice President –
in the field of Electrical Power in India’. Chief guest and speaker of the
Reliance Jio and Convener, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
event, Mr Uttam Zalte, Director (Operations), Maharashtra State Electricity
Division, WBSC presented a life sketch of Sir R N Mookerjee. Mr Anirban
Board highlighted the major challenges faced by the country regarding the
Datta, Chief Technology Officer – MESCIA Engineers and Joint Honorary
growth and improvement in reliability of electrical infrastructure alongwith
Secretary, WBSC introduced the Speaker of the event.
bridging the gap between demand and supply. He discussed at a length
Organized seminar on the topic ‘Protected Cultivation: Concepts and the significant factors of Indian power sector, which include grid operation,
Principles’ on 28 June 2022 at Kolkata. Guest Speaker of the event, transmission & distribution, operation and maintenance etc.
Dr K K Satapathy, Chairman, Agricultural Engineering Divisional Sub-
Committee and Ex-Director,National Institute of Natural Fibre Engineering Organized webinar on ‘Challenges and Opportunities in Developing Socio
and Technology(ICAR-NINFET), Kolkata in his address emphasized the need Economy of India with Reference to Solar System and Energy Conservation’
of protected cultivation in the faster growing population coupled with the on 15 January 2022, in association with Aurangabad Municipal Corporation.
migration of people from village to cities. He further mentioned that high On this occasion, Mr Dhananjay Joshi, Head (Asset Management QHSE),
value crops cultivation under protected structure can pave the way for better Continuum Green Energy Private Limited, Mumbai explained technical
earning for farmers leading to a better quality of working life with improved knowhow, economics in solar system, Government policies and international
socio-economic condition. treaties regarding solar system and energy conservation etc. Mr Mukund
Kukarni, Director, Expert Global Solution Private Limited, Aurangabad
Organized 36th A K Ghose Memorial Lecture on the topic ‘Transmission explained significance of solar system and scope of energy conservation in
Congestion Management Pricing and Locational Marginal Pricing in the Aurangabad jurisdiction and emphasized on the awareness for the utilization
Deregulated Power System’ on 08 July 2022 at Kolkata. Guest of Honour of solar energy.
of the event, Prof (Dr) Bishaljit Paul, HoD, Narula Institute of Technology
discussed about the management of generator scheduling during Bareilly
overloading of lines or during outage of the elements and how to manage Organized technical lecture meeting on the topic ‘Internet of Things, AI &
it. Prof Ashoke Kumar Paul, Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, Machine Learning’ on 05 March 2022. Speaker of the event, Mr Kaushlendra
Techno India University read out the life sketch of late A K Ghose. Singh Sisodiya, Chief Executive Officer, Uniconverge Technology explained
the applications of Internet of Things (IoT).
Ahmednagar Belagavi

Arranged Site Visit to IEI Building under construction on 23 July 2022 at Organized technical lecture on the topic ‘Current Challenges in Water
Ahmednagar. The purpose of this visit was to acquaint the members about Resources Management and Solutions’ on the occasion of Birth Centenary
the progress of construction, explain the building plan, architectural design celebration of renowned irrigation expert Mr S G Balekundry on 05 May
and practical experience in construction. 2022 at Belagavi. Chief Guest of the event, Dr Rajendra S Poddar, Director,
Water and Land Management Institute, Dharwad, Government of Karnataka
Alwar delivered lecture on the topic and explained the need and possibilities of water
Organized seminar in association with National Safety Council, Rajasthan management and highlighted challenges in protecting the water reservoirs.
State Chapter; Safety & Quality Forum, New Delhi; and Factory & Boilers Mr C N Wali, SE (Retd) spoke about the personal and professional life of
Department, Alwar on the topic ‘Emergency Preparedness in Industry and eminent irrigation expert Mr S G Balekundry.
Chlorine Hazard Control’ on 11 June 2022 at Alwar. Chief Guest of the Bokaro Steel City
program, Mr Mukesh Jain, Chairman, National Safety Council, Rajasthan
State Chapter shared his expertise during his tenure as Chief Inspector, Organized seminar jointly with SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant on the topic
Factories & Boilers Department, Rajasthan. Guest of Honour of the event, ‘Increasing Steel Consumption: Way to Increase Rural Steel Usage and India
Mr Surendra Singh, Deputy Chief Inspector, Factories & Boilers Department, – Way Forward’ on 06 July 2022 at Bokaro. Chief Guest of the event, Mr B K
Rajasthan shared his practical experience on emergency preparedness in Tiwari, Executive Director (Works), Steel Authority of India Limited, Bokaro
various industries. Special Guest of Honours of the event were Mr Dinesh Steel Plant inaugurated the function and addressed the august audience.
Kumar, Chairman, and Mr Praveen Kumar Singh, Director, Safety and Quality Guest of Honour of the event, Mr Sanjay Kumar, Executive Director (P &A),
Forum, IEI. Keynote Speaker of the program, Mr G P Kumawat, Executive SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant in his address explained methodologies to enhance
Director – IGPCL, New Delhi informed onsite Emergency Control in the steel consumption.
industries and elaborated the responsibility of different officers in plant during Coimbatore
such incident. Speaker of the program, Mr Arun Maurya, Assistant Director,
SMTC, Jaipur expressed the need of emergency preparedness in industry Organized technical webinar in association with Department of Textile
and the functioning of SMTC establishment for benefit of industries. Mr Technology, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on the topic
Pankaj Dewan, Plant Head, Daikin Airconditioning India Limited expressed ‘Advances in Microencapsulation for Multifunctional Textiles’ on 28 April
his views on the theme. 2022. Guest Speaker of the event, Dr Nagender Singh, Assistant Professor,
Department of Fashion and Apparel Engineering, The Technological Institute
Amravati of Textile and Sciences, Bhiwani, Haryana explained the core and shell
Organized national level multidisciplinary project competition on the topic material and microencapsulation techniques, spray drying, encapsulation
‘Techno Eagles 2022’,in association with Department of Electronics and efficiency and yield %, characterization of microcapsules.

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14 October 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
Organized Innovation Contest in association with Department of Textile voltage in form of pure sine wave, magnitude of voltage within certain
Technology, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on the topic ‘Technology limits, frequency within certain limits etc. Power quality problems arises
and Innovations in Technical Textiles’ on 13 May 2022 at Coimbatore. This due to disturbance caused by interruption, under voltage, over voltage,
contest encourages design, innovation and product development activities voltage/current unbalance, harmonics, voltage sag, flicker, outage. He
amongst the students. Technical textiles/clothing/fashion products with also mentioned about the impact of lower power quality such as power
innovative technologies were invited for the contest. Fifty presentations failures (release switch, fuses blowing), breakdown or malfunctions of
were displayed in the contest by different institutes and individuals and prize machines, overheating of machines, etc. He also suggested various ways
were distributed at the end of the contest. to improve power quality by transient voltage surge supper, filters, isolation
Organized webinar in association with the Department of Biomedical transformers, voltage regulators, dynamic voltage restorer, uninterruptible
Engineering, Dr N G P Institute of Technology, Coimbatore on 27 May 2022 power supply (UPS), flexible AC transmission system, etc. In his concluding
on the topic ‘Healthcare Engineering: Health Maintenance through Medical remark, he stated that, proper mitigation devices can be used to maintain
Technology Innovation’. Guest Speaker of the event, Dr Kalaivani Chellappan, the level of power quality as desired.
Associate Professor, Healthcare Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Organized webinar on the topic ‘Digital Behaviours towards Human Life and
Malaysia shared knowledge on medical technological innovations, data Environment for Healthy Living’ on 23 July 2022. Speaker of the event,
driven precision medicine, lifelong digital health assistant system etc. Mr Pankaj Kumar, Director Technical, R & D Purecss, Faridabad mentioned
Organized webinar in association with Department of Textile Technology, about Digital Technologies and how it has made the life better and quicker.
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on the topic ‘Innovation Gorakhpur
in Textiles’ on 30 May 2022. Guest Speaker of the event, Mr S Periasamy,
Chief Executive Officer, AIC-NIFT TEA Incubation Centre for Textiles and Organized Seminar on the topic ‘Advancement in Petroleum Technology’
Apparels, SIDCO, Tirupur delivered lecture on the topic. on 07 July 2022. Speaker of the event, Mr Mirza Waseem Beg, Former
Chief Production Manager, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Mathura Refinery
Organized webinar in association with Department of Textile Technology, and Past Chairman, Gorakhpur Local Centre, IEI discussed on refineries,
Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore on ‘Developments in its capacities and location along with the manufacturing process of
Spinning’ on 14 June 2022. Guest Speaker of the event, Mr Vivek Arora, various petroleum products with specification and importance. He further
DGM – Sales (Domestic) and Marketing, Lakshmi Machine Works Limited, highlighted the risk for using highly volatile product along with safety during
Coimbatore briefed about the industry requirement, evolving of spinning its use.
industry, yarn manufacturing contribution in India and globe, benchmark
technology transformation from blow room to spinning and also explained Indore
the IOT-Spin connect. Organized seminar in association with Association of Structural Engineers
Organized webinar on 17 June 2022 at Coimbatore in association (ASE) for discussion on the draft on ‘Indian Standard Earthquake Resistant
with Department of Civil Engineering, Dr N G P Institute of Technology, Design and Detailing of Steel Buildings’ (ISC 91.120.25) brought by Bureau
Coimbatore on the topic ’Serviceability Limit States and Codal Provisions’. of Indian Standards (BIS) on 18 June 2022 at Indore.
Guest Speaker of the event, Dr R Senthil, Professor and Director (Building
Organized expert talk on ‘Career Guidance and Roadmap for Industry’ on
Technology Centre), Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University,
23 June 2022 at Indore. Guest Speaker of the event, Mr Jitesh Bharad
Chennai explained about the codal provisions, control of deflection of
addressed the students about the opportunities in Information Technology
various structures subjected to dead and live loads, serviceability limit
(IT) Sector and advised them for a well-planned roadmap for their career.
states and codal provisions for fire resistance of structures.
This expert talk highlighted about how the aspirants would approach written
Dharwad aptitude, group discussion, and interview and be confident to face the
Organized one day training programme on ‘PCB Design’ on 05 June 2022 interview.
at Dharwad. Chief Guest of the event, Dr Ramesh L Chakrasali, Professor, Jabalpur
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, Dean (AP) and Dean (R
& D), S D M College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad inaugurated Organized Lecture on ‘Captcha’ on 24 April 2022 through virtual mode.
the programme and in his address, highlighted the importance of skill Guest of Honour of the event, Dr Ayan Seal, Assistant Professor, Pandit
development and mentioned the objective, mission and initiatives by the Dwarka Prasad Misra Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and
Government of India for skill development programmes. Manufacturing, Jabalpur delivered Key note address on the topic.

Faridabad Kalaburagi
Organized technical webinar on 07 January 2022 on the topic ‘Critical Organized One Day Students Skill Enrichment Program, in association
Thinking: Way to Think for Sustainability’. Speaker of the event, Dr with Department of Information Science and Engineering, PDA College
Sudhanshu Joshi, Professor, Department of Management Studies, Doon of Engineering, Kalaburagi on the topic ‘Google Cloud’ on 7 May 2022 at
University stated that critical thinking is the most desirable skill while Kalaburagi. Chief Guest of the event was Dr S S Kalashetty, Principal, PDA
absorbing new employees and it has been making justified decision than College of Engineering. Guest of Honours of the event were Dr S R Patil,
technical knowledge. Speaker of the event, Dr Meghna Chhabra, Associate Vice Principal, and Dr Viswanath Burkpalli, HOD, Department of Information
Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, Manav Rachna International Science and Engineering, PDA College of Engineering, Kalaburagi.
Institute of Research and Studies [MRIIRS].stated that critical thinking and Organized technical lecture on 26 July 2021on the topic ‘Role of Ceramic
sustainable development are the approach for social, economic, political Engineer in Steel Industry’. Mr Harish Joshi, Assistant General Manager,
problem, solving for current and future generations through active mental JSW Steel Limited, Toranagallu Bellari delivered lecture on the topic.
and emotional inquiry, etc. The session was moderated by Dr Rajendra
Kumar, Assistant professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, FET, Kalpakkam
MRIIRS. Organized Industrial visit to BHEL Trichy on 28 May 2022. Members of
Organized webinar on ‘Power Quality Improvement’ on 25 June 2022. Kalpakkam Local Centre, IEI actively enriched with the knowledge by
Speaker of the event, Mr Pradeep Mallha, CEO, Technoipan Industries observing different operations in plants like valves manufacturing, valve
elaborated about power quality and explained different aspects of it. He testing, fabrication shop, machine shop, boiler coil manufacturing unit and
mentioned that power quality depends on reliability, continuity of service, various welding processes unit, etc.

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Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 October 2022
Organized Technical Meet and Technical Discussion Meet at Trichy on 28 Muzaffarpur
May 2022. Participated in technical activity programme on the topic 'Robotic Model
Kanpur Competition (DANGAL)' in association with MIT, Muzaffarpur on 25-26 May
2022 at Muzaffarpur.
Organized Lecture in association with All India Valuers Association, Kanpur
on the topic ‘Non Performing Assets’ on 11 June 2022 through online North Bengal
mode. Chief Guest of the event was Mr Niraj Kumar Tiwari, Zonal Manager, Organized lecture meeting through online mode on 10 January 2022 on
Bank of India. Guest Speaker of the event, Mr S S Dash, Proprietor, S S Dash the topic ‘Multi Factor Based Authentication System for User Verification.
& Associates, Kanpur discussed briefly about the non-performing assets. Theme speaker of the event was Mr Subhas Barman, Head of the
Department, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Jalpaiguri
Organized lecture on the topic ‘Technical Textiles for Defence Applications’
Government Engineering College, Jalpaiguri. In his lecture, Mr Barman
on 22 July 2022 at Kanpur. Guest Speaker of the event was Dr Krishna
explained that Multi factor based authentication is a security technology that
Kumar Gupta, Former Scientist F/Joint Director, Defence Materials and
requires multiple methods of authentication from independent categories of
Stores Research and Development (DMRDE), Kanpur. Throughout his
credentials to verify user's identity for a login or other transaction. He spoke
presentation the speaker spoke about various fabric materials with their
on different type of authentication processes, namely password based
detailed specification like thickness, weight and also mention their uses in
authentication, multi factor authentication, certificate based authentication,
different sector of Indian Defence System.
biometric authentication and token based authentication.
Kharagpur Pune
Organized webinar on ‘Biological and Bio-electrochemical Wastewater Observed Energy Conservation Day in association with Institute of Industrial
Treatment Technologies to Facilitate Reuse of Treated Water and Resource and Computer Management and Research (IICMR) Pune and organized
Recovery’ on 05 May 2022. Speaker of the event, Prof Makarand webinar on the topic ‘Introduction to Six Sigma for Operational Excellence’
M Ghangrekar, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of on 27 April 2022 at Pune. Speaker of the event, Dr Abhay Kulkarni, Director,
Technology Kharagpur delivered lecture on the topic and informed that bio- IICMR mentioned the importance of celebration of energy conservation day
electrochemical systems have a potential to offer sustainable waste water and emphasized the need of energy cost saving.
treatment and simultaneously recover valuables. He also mentioned that
Organized technical talk in association with ASM International Pune Chapter
bio-electrochemical wastewater treatment is not easy because certain
on the topic ‘Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) in
microbiological, technological and economic challenges which need to be
Material and Process Development for Automotive Components’ on 02 June
resolved that not have been previously encountered in any other wastewater
2022 at Pune. Speaker of the event, Dr Ajeet Babu, Manager, ARAI explained
treatment system.
the importance of ICME in materials and process development;redesign of
Organized webinar on ‘Three Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics Cadillac Control Arm: Integration of coupled metallothermo mechanical
of Scour Around a Single Pile due to Combined Actions of Waves and simulations to predict final properties, purpose of the ICME platform,
Current using Level Set Method’ on 28 April 2022. Speaker of the event, concept of virtual modelling, simulation software, etc.
Dr Mohammad Saud Afzal, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Organized Sunday Tech Talk and Eyeball QSO in association with Pune
Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur delivered lecture Hams and IETE on 05 June 2022 at Pune. Speaker of the event, Com Ashish
on the topic and demonstrated three dimensional CFD Modelling of scour Saxena, VU2ANM explained the importance of FSM in radio communication.
around a single pile due to combined action of the waves and current using Speaker of the event, Mr Om Ajit Karnik, VU2AMK, Ex-Director, C-DAC
level-set method. interacted with the students.
Kochi Organized bi-monthly 24th Tech Talk jointly with Tech Forum through online
Observed World Telecommunication and Information Society day on 17 mode on 12 June 2022. Speaker of the event, Mr Deepak Bhalerao, Tech
May 2022 through virtual mode. Speaker of the session, Dr P T Mathew Forum, mentioned about the liquid saving flow control device, henceforth
ITS, Senior Deputy Director General, Ernakulam Circle, Department of called as ‘Cut Off Valve’ or ‘Valve’ is designed to prevent water wastage
Telecommunications, Government of India explained the significant aspects from overhead water tanks in societies, buildings, etc. Speaker of the event,
of mobile communication systems. Dr D Madhu, Convener, Technical Mr Laxmikant Vishnupant, Rashingkar innovation, mentioned about the
Activity Committee introduced the speaker. liquid saving flow control valve patented technology.

Kollam Organized technical talk in association with ASM International, Pune Chapter
on the topic ‘Flash Carbide – A Novel Techno Economical Alternative to
Observed World Earth Day on 17 May 2022 at Kollam. Dr Najee M, Electroplated Hard Chrome Plating (EHC)’ on 23 June 2022 through online
Principal, MES Institute of Technology and Management (MESITAM) and mode. Speaker of the event, Dr Dattatraya Arvind Karandikar, Head of
Dr J Udayakumar, Associate Professor, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam Materials Division, Thapar Corporate R & D Centre, Metallizing Equipment
delivered address on the occasion. Company, Jodhpur discussed on flash carbide coating technology, carbide
coating applications and the benefit of flash carbide coating.
Organized online event in association with Tech Forum on 26 June 2022. Mr
Organized seminar on ‘Wind Industry Overview in India’ on 10 May 2022 Veerava Narasimhan, Bliksem Chief Engineer deliberated on electronic DIY
at Mangalore. Guest Speaker of the event, Dr A S Karanth, Wind Energy kit for students designed by BLIKSEM Tech Singapore.
Consultant, Bengaluru delivered lecture on the subject and stressed on
using local expertise and technology for harnessing wind energy to achieve Organized Pre-preparatory meeting, in hybrid mode, in association with
self reliance. Regional Transport Office, Pune for annual programme of road safety
activities in the form of workshop on Road Safety on 27 June 2022 at Pune.
Munirabad Speaker of the event, Mr Sanjay Sasane, Secretary, District Road Safety
Observed World Asteroid Day on 30 June 2022 at Munirabad. Speaker of the Committee and Deputy RTO, Pune highlighted the objectives of the meeting
event was Dr M Prabhugouda, Associate Professor and HOD, Department and mentioned the planning for different road safety activities during 2022-
of Physics, VNC College, Hosapete. 23.
Contd. on page 17

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

16 October 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
Chennai, December 16-18, 2022
Theme: Role of Engineers for Creating a Sustainable & Self Reliant India
Organized by
The Institution of Engineers (India)
Hosted by: Tamilnadu State Centre
For further details, please follow the website:
and also the link below

CALL News-in-Brief
FOR Contd. from page 16

PAPERS Ranipet
Organized Lecture Programme on the topic ‘Solid
Propulsion - Launch Vehicles Applications’ on 31
March 2022 through online mode. Speaker of the
event, Mr K Sangeetha, Scientist-F, Satish Dhawan
Space Centre, SHAR, ISRO explained evolution of
The Institution of Engineers (India) human needs and start of space exploration; tools
for space exploration: space craft, launch vehicle;
In service of the Nation since 1920
Components of launch vehicle; Propulsion system
– fuel sources; Merits of solid propulsion system;
De-merits of solid propulsion system; Operating
principle for solid rocket motor; Components
of solid propulsion system: oxidizer, fuel,
additives; Evolution of launch vehicles in India
(ISRO); Challenges faced during evolution; Other

Indian Engineering Congress applications of solid energetics; Future scope in

solid propellant launch vehicle etc.
Organized Lecture Programme on the topic
December 16-18, 2022, Chennai ‘Requirements of Automated Control for Thermal
System Accessories to Improve Efficiency’ on 18
April 2022 through online mode. Speaker of the
Hosted by Tamilnadu State Centre event was Mr M Salai Manalan, Deputy General
Manager, Water Systems Engineering, Boiler
Auxiliaries Plant, BHEL, Ranipet and Chairman,
Ranipet Local Centre, IEI. Chairman, RLC in
his lecture, highlighted the role of boiler and its
function in a thermal power station. He explained
the function of Air Preheater, constructional details
and application of Electrostatic Precipitator, etc.
Theme Technical Partner
Role of Engineers for Creating
A Sustainable & Self Reliant Organized webinar on the topic ‘Machine
Learning Algorithms in Control Perspective’ on
India Anna University, Chennai 15 March 2022. Guest Speaker of the event was
Dr R Rajaprasanna, Assistant Professor, Nadar
Saraswathi College of Engineering & Technology,
Hotel Le Royal Meridian, Chennai Theni.
For details please follow the link below
Contd. on page 20

Th e e-editio n is av a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg 17

Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 October 2022
IEI DIARY All India Workshop on "Renewable Energy
Integration with Energy Storage Systems"
Tiruchirappalli, January 04-05, 2023
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Tiruchirappalli
Aerospace Engineering Division Mobile: 9431382798, E-mail : jharkhandsc@ Local Centre, Near Ganesa Bus Stop, BHEL, Website:] Main Office Road, Opposite to 79 Building,
Thirty-fifth National Convention of Aerospace Tiruchirappalli 620014 [(: 0431-2554285
Engineers on "Smart Materials and their Computer Engineering Division /2574022, E-mail: [email protected]]
Applications in Aerospace Structures"
Chandigarh, November 25-26, 2022 Thirty-fifth National Convention of Computer Electronics and Telecom. Engineering Division
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Punjab and Engineers on "Cyber Security/Privacy"
Chandigarh State Centre, Plot No.1-A, Engineers Bareilly, February 18-19, 2023 Thirty-seventh National Convention of
Bhawan, Madhya Marg, Sector 19-A, Chandigarh The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bareilly Local Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers on
160019 [(: 0172-2775418, E-mail: pcsc@ Centre, 44, Camphor State Colony, Near "The Impact of 5G: Creating New Value across, Website:] Camphor Estate Colony, Rampur Road, C B Industries and Society"
Ganj, Bareilly 243502, Uttar Pradesh [Mobile: Hyderabad, November 18-19, 2022
Architectural Engineering Division 9634953691, E-mail: [email protected]] The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State
Centre, IEI, 6-2-910, “Visvesvaraya Bhavan”,
All India Seminar on "Recent Trends in Khairatabad, Hyderabad 500004 [(: 040-
Thirty-sixth National Convention of Architectural
Information and Communication Technology" 23314969/23373087/23370779, E-mail:
Engineers on "Green Buildings, Innovation and
Kanchepuram, March 15-16, 2023 [email protected], Website: www.ieitsc.
Sustainability (NCGBIS)"
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kanchepuram]
Bhopal, November 19-20, 2022
Local Centre, Jerusalem College of
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Madhya Pradesh
Engineering Campus, Velachery Main Road,
State Centre, Visvesvaraya Marg (Kasturba All India Workshop on "Design and Testing of
Narayanapuram, Pallikaranai, Chennai 600100
Hospital Road), PO : Habibganj, Bhopal 462024, Advanced Robots"
[(: 9789924739]
[(: 0755-2474572 / 2502987; E-mail:mpsc@ Kanchepuram, December 19-20, 2022; Website :] The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kanchepuram
Electrical Engineering Division
Local Centre, Jerusalem College of
Chemical Engineering Division Engineering Campus, Velachery Main Road,
Thirty-seventh National Convention of Electrical
Narayanapuram, Pallikaranai, Chennai 600100
Engineers on "Green Energy and Clean Energy
[(: 9789924739]
All India Seminar on "Wastewater Treatment for New India"
Systems: Water Efficient Technologies and Jabalpur, November 12-13, 2022
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jabalpur Local One Day Seminar on “Emerging Signal
Centre, Vishvesvaraya Marg, South Civil Lines, Processing Applications"
Coimbatore, December 22-23, 2022
In front of Old RTO Office, Jabalpur 482001 Hyderabad, February 11, 2023
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore
[(: 0761-2678929, E-mail: jabalpurlc@ The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State
Local Centre, PSG Tech Campus, Peelamedu,] Centre, 6-2-910, “Visvesvaraya Bhavan”,
Coimbatore 641004, Tamilnadu, [(: 0422-
Khairatabad, Hyderabad 500004, Telangana,
2580733, E-mail: [email protected]
[(: 040-23314969/23373087/23370779,
All India Seminar on "National Campaign on
Civil Engineering Division E-mail: [email protected], Website:
Electrical Safety at Residential, Commercial &]
Public Building & Utility"
All India Seminar on "Air Quality Monitoring and Kolkata, November 18-19, 2022
Analysis: Challenges and Research Gap" Marine Engineering Division
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal State
Coimbatore, November 03-04, 2022 Centre, 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020, [(:
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore All India Seminar on 'Technological Innovation
033-22238914, Fax: 033-22233140, E-mail: in Sea Water Desalination, Waste Water
Local Centre, PSG Tech Campus, Peelamedu, [email protected]]
Coimbatore 641004, Tamilnadu, [(: 0422- Management and Zero Liquid Discharge'
2580733, E-mail: [email protected] Belapur, November 26-27, 2022
All India Seminar on “Importance of Calibration The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Navi Mumbai Local
All India Seminar on "Use of Green Technology and Concepts of Uncertainty Measurements Centre, Plot No.106, Sector 15, CBD-Belapur,
in Road Construction" as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standards" Navi Mumbai 400614 [(: (022) 27579935;
Ranchi, January 28-29, 2023 Coimbatore, December 01-02, 2022 E-mail:[email protected]; Website: www.
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore]
Centre, Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, PO Local Centre, PSG Tech Campus, Peelamedu,
: Doranda, Ranchi 834002 [(: 0651-2491344, Coimbatore 641004, Tamilnadu, [(: 0422- Thirty-sixth National Convention of Marine
Mobile: 9431382798, E-mail : jharkhandsc@ 2580733, E-mail: [email protected]] Engineers on "Contemporary Developments in, Website:] Maritime Technologies"
One Day Seminar on “Industrial Automation" Visakhapatnam, December 02-03, 2022
All India Seminar on "Water Security: Challenges Kanchepuram, December 13, 2022 The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Visakhapatnam
for Present and Future" The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kanchepuram Local Centre, 43-18-22, “Visvesvaraya
Ranchi, February 25-26, 2023 Local Centre, Jerusalem College of Bhavan”, Venkatarajunagar, Railway Station
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State Engineering Campus, Velachery Main Road, Road, Visakhapatnam 530016 [(: 0891-
Centre, Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, PO Narayanapuram, Pallikaranai, Chennai 600100 2947460; E-mail: visakhapatnamlc@ieindia.
: Doranda, Ranchi 834002 [(: 0651-2491344, [(: 9789924739] org]

Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg

18 October 2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2
All India Seminar on "Smart and Sustainable 23314969/23373087/23370779, E-mail: All India Seminar on "Sustainable Development
Marine Operations: Emerging Paradigm" [email protected], Website: www.ieitsc. of Mines - Role of Mining Technology"
Ranchi, January 07-08, 2023] Ranchi, January 07-08, 2023
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State
Centre, Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, PO Centre, Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, PO
All India Seminar on "An Application and
: Doranda, Ranchi 834002 [(: 0651-2491344, : Doranda, Ranchi 834002 [(: 0651-2491344,
Performance Analysis of Refractories in the
Mobile: 9431382798, E-mail : jharkhandsc@ Mobile: 9431382798, E-mail : jharkhandsc@
Thermal Power Plant", Website:], Website:]
Bokaro Steel City, December 17-18, 2022
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bokaro Steel City
All India Seminar on Proposed ‘Port Bill 2022 & Local Centre, Abhiyanta Bhawan, Sector V-A, Textile Engineering Division
Its Implications in Maritime Logistics’ Bokaro Steel City 827006, [(: 06542-267227,
Hyderabad, January 08-09, 2023 E-mail : [email protected], Web: www.
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State] All India Seminar on 'Sustainability in Apparel
Centre, IEI, 6-2-910, “Visvesvaraya Bhavan”, and Textile - 2022'
Khairatabad, Hyderabad 500004 [(: 040- Coimbatore, November 25-26, 2022
All India Workshop on "Smart Manufacturing
23314969/23373087/23370779, E-mail: The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Coimbatore
and Automation using Advanced Robotics"
[email protected], Website: www.ieitsc. Local Centre, PSG Tech Campus, Peelamedu,
Kanchepuram, January 04-05, 2023] Coimbatore 641004, Tamilnadu, [(: 0422-
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kanchepuram
2580733, E-mail: [email protected]]
Mechanical Engineering Division Local Centre, Jerusalem College of Engineering
Campus, Velachery Main Road, Narayanapuram,
All India Seminar on "Logistics and Supply Pallikaranai, Chennai 600100 [(: 9789924739] Thirty-fifth National Convention of Textile
Chain" Engineers on "Resource Efficient Technologies
Bareilly, November 11-12, 2022 All India Seminar on "Challenges and in Textile Manufacturing"
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Bareilly Local Opportunities in Electric Vehicles" Kolkata, February 11-12, 2023
Centre, 44, Camphor State Colony, Near Camphor Madurai, February 15-16, 2023 The Honorary Secretary, IEI, West Bengal State
Estate Colony, Rampur Road, C B Ganj, Bareilly The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Madurai Local Centre, 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700020, [(:
243502, Uttar Pradesh [Mobile: 9634953691, Centre, E r T M Jambulingam Bhavan, No 1, 033-22238914, Fax: 033-22233140, E-mail:
E-mail: [email protected]] Vivekananda Nagar, 120 Feet Road, Surveyor [email protected]
Colony, K Pudur, Madurai 625007 [(: 0452-
All India Workshop on "Solar Energy for 4373067; E-mail: [email protected]]
Interdisciplinary Coordination Committee
Residential Application"
Kanchepuram, November 10-11, 2022
Thirty-eighth National Convention of
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Kanchepuram All India Seminar on "Data Analytics: End-to-End
Mechanical Engineers on "Emerging Trends
Local Centre, Jerusalem College of Engineering AI Solutions and Augmented Analytics",
and Developments in Smart Manufacturing ,
Campus, Velachery Main Road, Narayanapuram, Ranchi, December 10-11, 2022
Renewable Energy and Mechanical Systems
Pallikaranai, Chennai 600100 [(: 9789924739] The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Jharkhand State
Nagpur, September 08-09, 2023 Centre, Engineer Bhawan, Nepal Kothi Campus, PO
All India Seminar on 'Alternative Energy : Doranda, Ranchi 834002 [(: 0651-2491344,
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Nagpur Local Centre,
Systems' Mobile: 9431382798, E-mail : jharkhandsc@
North Ambazari Road, Nagpur 440010, [(:
Bangalore, 16-17 November 2022, Website:]
0712-2525617, E-mail : [email protected]]
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Karnataka State
Centre, No.3, Dr B R Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore
560001, Ph: (080) 22264698 [Telefax: 080- Metallurgical & Materials Engg. Division All India Seminar on "Role of Artificial
22256191, E-mail: [email protected], Intelligence in Technological Advancements in] Thirty-fifth National Convention of Metallurgical Industry"
& Materials Engineers "Valuing Low-grade Ore Hyderabad, January 06-07, 2023
and Waste: Challenges and Remedies" The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State
All India Seminar on "Small Hydro Projects in Centre, IEI, 6-2-910, “Visvesvaraya Bhavan”,
Durgapur, January 21-22, 2023
Hilly Region" Khairatabad, Hyderabad 500004 [(: 040-
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local
Dehradun, November 25-26, 2022 23314969/23373087/23370779, E-mail:
Centre, Nehru Avenue, B-Zone, Durgapur 713205
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Uttarakhand State [email protected], Website: www.ieitsc.
[(: 0343-2564770, E-mail: durgapurlc@
Centre, Near ISBT Flyover, Saharanpur Road,]; Website:]
Dehradun 248002 [Telefax : 0135-2641190
/9412056431; E-mail : uttarakhandsc@ieindia. Mining Engineering Division
org; Website :] All India Seminar on 'Piped Distribution —
Thirty-second National Convention of Mining
Hyderabad, January 20-21, 2023
Thirty-seventh National Convention of Engineers on "Occupational Health Problem
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State
Mechanical Engineers on "Advances in Battery and Remedial Measures in Mining Operation"
Centre, IEI, 6-2-910, “Visvesvaraya Bhavan”,
Technologies for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles" Durgapur, 03-04 December, 2022
Khairatabad, Hyderabad 500004 [(: 040-
Hyderabad, December 09-10, 2022 The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Durgapur Local
23314969/23373087/23370779, E-mail:
The Honorary Secretary, IEI, Telangana State Centre, Nehru Avenue, B-Zone, Durgapur 713205
[email protected], Website: www.ieitsc.
Centre, IEI, 6-2-910, “Visvesvaraya Bhavan”, [(: 0343-2564770, E-mail: durgapurlc@]
Khairatabad, Hyderabad 500004 [(: 040-; Website:]

Th e e-editio n is av a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg 19

Ol d Vol u m e 7 2 October 2022
Registration No. 64282/1994 with The Registrar of Newspapers for India, New Delhi

Project Management Associates

Weekend Programme
International Project Management Association
IPMA is a federation of about 72 Member Associations (MAs) who develop project management competences in their geographic
areas of influence. Through IPMA, project management practitioners from all parts of the world can network, share ideas through
effective collaboration and cooperation.
Who / Why to Attend
Professionals across all levels who want to understand the intricacies of Project Management and want to excel in managing
projects to advance their career.
Discounted Program Registration Fee for IEI Members (15% discount from the published fee)
Participation Fee for Level C: Rs. 47,090 per person plus GST @ 18%
Participation Fee for Level D: Rs. 24,650/- per person plus GST @ 18%
• Registration fee is non refundable. However, alternate persons can be nominated.
• Cheque / draft or NEFT is payable to “Project Management Associates” at Delhi.
• The registration fee does not include travel and hotel accommodation.
Next batch of on-line learning sessions on Project Management Competence Building (PMCB) based on ICB Version 4, knowledge
base for IPMA Level C and Level D by our Learning partner PMA is from November 11-12, 18-19, 2022. The relevant material is
available in the link
Exam Dates for Level C: 26 November & 2-3 December 2022
Exam Dates for Level D: 26 November 2022
Exam Venue: Secure and Seamless Online Exam & Assessment
For more details, please contact:
Arvind Agarwal, Head, PMA Cert (Certification Body)
Project Management Associates
FC-33, Plot No. 1 & 2, Periyar Centre, 3rd Floor, Institutional Area, Jasola, New Delhi – 110025
Tel: 011 41421511 Mob: +91 9711631534-35/39, 9840432229, Website:, Email: [email protected] /

Contd. from page 17 Tirunelveli
Organized technical seminar on ‘Computational Thinking – Problem Solving
Approaches’ on 07 January 2022 through online mode. Resource person
Organized Lecture through online mode on 21 December 2021 on the topic of the event, Mr Premkumar M, Assistant Professor (Sr. G), KPR Institute
‘Living in Nature vs Living with Nature’. Speaker of the event was Mr S Stella of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore explained about problem
Mary, Head, Department of Architecture, M A M School of Architecture, identification, development of algorithm for the identified problem and
Tiruchirappalli. finally implementing the algorithm to develop a computer program. He
further discussed the concept, how Computational Thinking allows us to
Organized lecture in association with Computer Society of India,
take complex problems, understand what the problem is, and to develop
Tiruchirappalli Chapter, Indian Institute of Welding Tiruchirappalli
solutions. He also explained computational thinking methodologies, namely
branch; Indian Welding Society Southern Zone; Indian Institute of Metals
decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms.
Tiruchirappalli Chapter and Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering,
Tiruchirappalli on the topic ‘Management Information System for Wind Organized seminar on ‘Big Data using Apache Hadoop & Spark’ on 11
Farms’ on 12 April 2022 through online mode. Speaker of the event was January 2022 through online mode. Dr K Saravanan, HOD, Department
Dr T Koilpillai Prabhakar, Director, RS Wind Tech Engineers Private Limited, of Computer Science and Engineering, Anna University Regional Campus,
Nagercoil. Tirunelveli delivered lecture on the topic.

Owner : The Institution of Engineers (India), 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 President : Dr Hemant Omkarrao Thakare
Printer : Maj Gen MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General
Publisher : Maj Gen MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General Editor : Maj Gen MJS Syali, VSM (Retd)
Published from : 8 Gokhale Road, Kolkata 700 020 Associate Editor: Dr Jitendra Saxena
Printed from : M/s Florence Offset Process Pvt. Ltd.
6A S N Banerjee Road, Kolkata 700013 Special Contributors: Mr S Chakraverty, Mr K Sen
ISSN 0971-3352 Editor : Maj Gen MJS Syali, VSM (Retd), Secretary & Director General Mr P Chakraborty, Mr A Das, Ms H Roy, Mr S Bagchi

The Institution of Engineers (India) as a body accepts no responsibility for the statements made by individuals. Reprints of any portion of the
publication may be made provided reference thereto is quoted.
Telephones: 91-33-40106299/248/228/215; Web:; E-mail: [email protected]
Th e e-ed itio n is a v a ilab le at www. ie ind ia. o rg
20 October
October 2022
2022 Ol d Vol u m e 7 2

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