Week 7

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Obligations Which Cannot Be Waived also seek rescission, even after he has chosen fulfillment, if

latter should become impossible.

1. Obligation to transfer
2. Obligation to deliver

Obligation Which Can Be Waived 2. Implied – that which the law derives by implication or
inference from the nature of the transaction or relative
1. Obligation to warrant the thing situation or circumstances of the parties
Art. 1545 – Where the obligation of either party to a contract of sale is  Principle of implied warranties is an exception to the rule of
subject to any condition which is not performed, such party may caveat emptor [1547]
refuse to proceed with the contract or waive performance of the  Natural element of contract which may be waived or modified by
condition express stipulation

 If the other party has promised that condition should happen or Rule of Caveat Emptor (Buyer Beware)
be performed, such 1st party may also treat non-performance as  One who purchases real property, which is in actual possession
breach of warranty of others, should make some inquiry concerning rights of those
in possession
-Kinds of Warranties-  Purchased must exercise care and attention ordinarily exercised
by a prudent man in like business affairs
1. Express – any Affirmation of fact or any promise by the
seller relating to the thing, the natural tendency is to Induce Samples
the buyer to purchase the thing [1546] (4 years) 1. Warranty that a seller has a right to sell
Requisites [AIR] 2. Warranty against eviction/title
3. Warranty against non-apparent burden or servitudes
a. Affirmation of fact 4. Warrant against hidden defects or unknown encumbrance
b. Fact must pertain to the thing either to the quality, 5. Warrant against redhibitory defects on animals
character or title of the thing 6. Warranties as to fitness or merchantable quality
 Any other matter may not be considered express warranty 7. Warranties for consumer goods
 Statement of opinion is not considered an express warranty
 As long as the seller is not an expert on that field, that would be
treated merely as an opinion and no liability for breach WARRANTY AGAINST EVICTION/TITLE [1548]
- Law allows latitude to seller’s talk. A man who relies on Q: If the seller was able to transfer ownership to the buyer may
such does so as his peril the seller nonetheless be held liable for breach of warranty
Dealer or Seller’s Talk – “excellent quality”. Misrepresentation in GF against eviction?
no liability for breach
A: Yes. There are 2 different obligations: obligation to transfer
Q: A sold a land to B for Php1million. As agreed, upon, dp of P100 ownership and the obligation to warrant the thing
000 will be paid upon signing of DOS. The balance would be paid
within 30 days from the time the squatters of the land are evicted.
It was stipulated that if within 6 months the squatters have not yet  Warranty against eviction includes warranty that the buyer from
been evicted, seller would return the dp. Another stipulation states the moment of sale would have and be able to enjoy and will not
– within 6 months, the land value would double. be disturbed in his legal and peaceful possession over the thing
After 6 months, squatters were still there. Buyer refused to accept sold
P100 000 and said he would still buy the land despite the
squatters. The buyer offered to pay and demanded the DOS but Elements (beda)
seller refused. He filed an action to rescind contract, would the 1. Vendee is deprived, in whole or in part, of the thing
action prosper?
2. Deprivation is by virtue of a final judgment
A: The action will not prosper because rescission may only be
3. Judgment is based on a right prior to the sale or an act
invoked by the aggrieved party. The seller is not an aggrieved
party. imputable to the vendor
4. Vendor was summoned in the suit for eviction at the
instance of the vendee
Art. 1191 – The power to rescind obligations is implied in reciprocal 5. No waiver of warranty by the vendee
ones, in case one of the obligors should not comply with what is
incumbent upon him. Requisites

 Injured party may choose between fulfillment and rescission of 1. There has to be final judgment depriving vendee of the
the obligation, with payment of damages in either case. He may thing wholly or partially [1557]
 A case was filed by a 3rd person against the buyer which
resulted in a favorable decision as to the plaintiff resulting in A: Yes. Vendee can hold vendor liable for breach of warranty
deprivation of property by the buyer against hidden defects even if the thing was lost due to fortuitous
2. Deprivation must either be event or due to the fault of the vendee himself because of hidden
a. Based on 3rd person’s right over the thing prior to the defects. But of course, if the cause of the loss was the defect
sale; or itself, the liability is greater than if the cause of the loss was a
b. Based on an act after the sale imputable to the vendor fortuitous even of fault of the buyer.
3. There should be no valid waiver of warranty
4. Action to hold vendor liable should be filed within the period Rules: [1569]
prescribed by law
1. If defect was cause of loss – vendor would be liable for the
Prescription of Action – 6 months for implied warranties and 4 years return of the price, not only the price less value but also to
for express unless another period is stipulated refund the expenses and damages because vendor was
 Warranty is waivable and seller is not liable when buyer knew of aware of the defects
the risks or danger of eviction 2. If vendor was not aware of the defects – he cannot be held
liable for damages but he would only be held liable for the
GR: Obligation of the vendor to warrant against eviction is not an price
essential element in a contract of sale and therefore may be modified 3. If the cause of the loss of the thing was a fortuitous event –
by agreement of the parties [1548,3] he can only be held liable for the price less value
 Even if by vendee’s fault
E: Rights may be waived unless waiver is contrary to law, public
order, public policy, morals, or good customs, or prejudicial to 3rd A bought a TV from B at P250,000. It had hidden defects with the
person with a right recognized by law [6] repair will cost P50,000. TV was lost through fortuitous even by
then was worth P200,000. B is liable to refund to A sum of
If vendee is the cause, vendor is still liable for defects for the cost
 Seller guarantees that the thing sold is free from any hidden of repairs had it not been lost.
faults or defects or any charge or encumbrance not declared or Alternative Remedies
known to buyer 1. Accion Redhibitoria – buyer withdraws from contract
Requisites 2. Accion Quanti Minoris – proportionate reduction of price

1. Defect must exist at the time of the sale Any Charge or Non-Apparent Encumbrance [1560]
 Started after the sale there can be no such liability
Q: Would there be an encumbrance over an immovable which is a
2. Defect must be hidden form of easement or servitude?
 If defect is patent and buyer nonetheless bought the thing he
cannot hold seller liable [1561] A: An example of this is a road right of way
GR: Seller is liable even though he is unaware [1566] Q: If the buyer bought the land which turned out to have a road
right of way in favor of 3rd person, can he claim breach of warranty
E: Stipulation to contrary and vendor was not aware of the defect against any charge or non-apparent encumbrance?

3. Defect must result in the thing being unfit for the purpose of A: Encumbrance, easement, burden, or RROW has to be non-
the buyer apparent
 Or at least it diminishes fitness of the thing that the buyer would Q: If there is an encumbrance, what are the remedies of the
not have bought it at the price had he known buyer?

Q: Even if there’s such a hidden defect, it is possible that the a. He can seek for the reduction of the price [1539]
vendee cannot hold the vendor liable despite the fact that there b. Rescission – law requires that the action for rescission
was hidden defect even if he was not informed because maybe must be filed within 1 year from the date of the contract.
the seller was not aware? If after 1 year, no more rescission
c. If he became aware more than a year, he may file an
A: Yes, he may not be able to hold the seller liable if he is an action for damages.
expert on the thing. He is expected to know the defect. [1561] The law requires that the action for damages has to be filed within
Q: If the thing which has a hidden defect was lost or destroyed, 1 year also but from the time of discovery of encumbrance
can the vendee hold the vendor liable for this breach of warranty? If after 2 years, no recovery of damages
Does it matter if the loss was due to a fortuitous event or maybe
the loss was due to the fault of the buyer himself, nonetheless,
can be hold the vendor liable?
Requisites entire contract pertaining to all animals? [1572]
1. Immovable sold is encumbered with a non-apparent burden A: GR: No. he can only rescind the contract pertaining to the
or servitude not mentioned in the agreement animal with the redhibitory defect
2. Nature of such is that it must be presumed that the buyer Expn.: If he can prove he would not have bought the others had
would not have acquired it had he been aware he known the defect of one
Q: Who has the burden of proof that he would not have bought
others had he known of the defect of one?


Purpose: To promote high standards in business and to discourage Expn.: Under certain circumstances the law would provide that he
would not have bought all had he known of defect of one
sharp dealings. “Honesty is the best policy”
Example: Lovebirds
1. Warranty of fitness  Sale of animal suffering from disease is void if if they are unfit
2. Warranty of Merchantability for the use or service for which they are acquired [1575]

Instances Caveat Emptor May Be Invoked

1. Sale as is where is – vendor makes no warranty as to the
Requisites quality or workable condition of goods and vendee takes
them in the conditions in which they are found and the
1. Buyer has to inform the seller of the particular purpose for place they are located
which the thing is to be used  Does not extend to liens or encumbrances unknown to vendee
2. Seller manifested that the thing would be fit for the purpose and cannot be disclosed by principal examination of the goods
and buyer relied on such representation sold
2. Sale of 2nd hand items
Note: If thing sold is under trade name, there can be no warranty of
fitness for a particular purpose unless stipulation to contrary [1563] Expn. Certification issued by vendor that a 2nd-hand items is an
express warranty
Basis: By exactly defining what he wants, buyer exercised his own
judgment instead of relying upon that of the seller 3. Sale of animals in fairs
 Thing may not be fit for 1 buyer and he may hold seller liable for Basis: It is assumed defects must have been clearly known to the
breach of warranty although there is not hidden defect buyer

4. Sale in public auction (judicial or extrajudicial)

WARRANTY FOR MERCHANTABILITY [1562]  Still be warranty against eviction
 Applicable to judicial sale
 Fit for a general purpose if the thing was sold by description or
 The law exempts certain persons from liability because they are
not selling for themselves but on behalf of others
 Requirement of merchantability carries no implication that goods
with be saleable in a particular market Example: Sheriff, auctioneer, mortgagee, pledgee, agents, notary
 What is described in contract and what is tendered must be of public
the same quality and value
Q: In sale by authority of law or in execution sale, can there be
Causes of Unmerchantability – not physical defect but some other breach of warranty against eviction?
circumstances (infringement of trademark, use is dangerous)
A: Yes, the judgment debtor and not the sheriff shall be liable.
The law would specifically exempt certain persons above.

Redhibitory Defect When -Rights and Obligations of Vendee-

1. Even by expert examination cannot be discovered [1576] OBLIGATION TO ACCEPT THING DELIVERED
2. Vet failed to discover or disclose it through ignorance or BF Q: If the buyer received the goods delivered, does it mean that he
- He shall be liable for damages already accepted?
3. Animal dies within 3 days from purchase and disease
which caused death existed at the time of contract [1478] A: No, because receiving is preliminary to accepting. In fact, his is
consistent to the right provided by law to the byer which is the
Period for Action – 40 days from animal’s death [1577]
right of inspection or right of examination. Thereafter, he may
Q: If one animal has redhibitory effect, can the buyer rescind the reject goods if defective
Acceptance – may precede actual delivery; there may be actual Coverage – transactions or contracts involving sale or financing of
receipt without acceptance and there may be acceptance without real estate on installment payments including residential
receipt condominium apartments

Acceptance Actual Receipt Requisites

Implies approval of contract. Refers only to the physical act
With the delivery and transfer of taking and receiving goods 1. Transactions or contracts involving sale or financing of real
of title postponed until a later sold estate on installment payments
time 2. Buyer defaults in payment of succeeding installment

Not Included
Modes of Acceptance
1. Sale covering industrial lots
1. Express Acceptance – when the buyer, after delivery of 2. Sale covering commercial buildings
goods intimates to seller, verbally or in writing, that he has 3. Sale of tenants under agrarian reform laws
accepted them 4. Sale of lands payable in straight terms
2. Implied acceptance
In Essence
a. Failure to return goods after reasonable time
b. After delivery, buyer performs acts of ownership 1. After having paid installments for at least 2 years, buyer is
entitled to mandatory grace period of 1 month for every
year to pay unpaid installments without interest
- If the contract is cancelled, seller shall refund 50% total
 If warranted, with interest payment plus 5% per year provided not exceed 90%
- Exercised only once in every 5 years
Q: When? 2. If installments paid were less than 2 years, grace period of
not less than 60 days. If buyer is unable to pay, seller may
A: As stipulated. If there’s no stipulation, it would be at time and cancel contract or demand for rescission
place of delivery
 Non-payment does not prove stimulation; resolutory condition Remedies

Seller’s Remedy – collection, or rescind contract 1. Annulment of contract

2. Rescission
- Judicially or notarial act
RIGHT TO INSPECT OR EXAMINE 3. Collection of money – for full payment of cash surrender
GR: Reasonable opportunity to examine the goods upon delivery to
ascertain whether they are in conformity with the contract before Cancellation
accepting the same [1584]  30 days from receipt by buyer of notice of cancellation or
E: demand for rescission by notarial act and upon full payment of
cash surrender value
1. Stipulation to the contrary
2. In case of COD, buyer is not entitled to examine until Rights of Buyer
payment is made  Right to assign or sell his rights or reinstate the contract
E2E: There is an agreement permitting examination or usage of trade  Right to pay in advance any installment or full unpaid balance of
permits examination [1523] purchase price without interest and have payment annotated

 Seller is bound to afford buyer right only on “request” Notice of Cancellation – must be notarized to enable the exercise of
 If seller refused to allow inspection, buyer may rescind contract statutory right of unilateral cancellation by seller of perfected contract

 Through an acknowledgement, individuals acting as

MACEDA LAW [6552] representatives declared they are authorized and officer signing
for seller indicate he is authorized
Q: Are the remedies under Maceda Law alternative? Can the  Extends beyond converting private documents into public ones
buyer be able to exercise 2 or more remedies all at the same

A: Yes. Remedies under the Maceda Law are cumulative

Purpose – expression of public policy to protect buyers of real estate
on installments against onerous and oppressive conditions

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