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HVM100 Blaze Manual

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Blaze® for HVM100

Industrial Hygiene Software

Technical Reference Manual
Larson Davis
Blaze Software
for use with the
HVM100 Human Vibration Meter

Technical Reference Manual

IBLZ.03 Rev E Supporting Blaze version 6.2

Copyright 2016 PCB Piezotronics, Inc. This manual is copyrighted, with all rights reserved. The
manual may not be copied in whole or in part for any use without prior written consent of PCB
Piezotronics, Inc.
The following paragraph does not apply in any state or country where such statements are not
agreeable with local law:

Even though PCB Piezotronics, Inc. has reviewed its documentation, PCB Piezotronics, Inc. makes no
warranty or representation, either expressed or implied, with respect to this instrument and
documentation, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. This
documentation is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment or
representation by PCB Piezotronics, Inc.

This publication may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. PCB Piezotronics, Inc. will
periodically update the material for inclusion in new editions. Changes and improvements to the
information described in this manual may be made at any time.
For warranty information, refer to our Terms and Conditions of Sale on our website,
PCB Piezotronics, Inc. is an environmentally friendly organization and encourages our customers to
be environmentally conscious. When this product reaches its end of life, please recycle the product
through a local recycling center or return the product to:
PCB Piezotronics, Inc.
Attn: Recycling Coordinator
1681 West 820 North
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where it will be accepted for disposal
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1
Overview ............................................................................................... 1-1
HVM100 ........................................................................................... 1-1
Software........................................................................................... 1-2
Formatting Conventions...................................................................... 1-2
Chapter 2 Getting Started ........................................... 2-1
Installing the Blaze Software............................................................... 2-1
Starting Blaze Software ....................................................................... 2-2
Toolbar............................................................................................. 2-3
Communication with the HVM100....................................................... 2-5
Chapter 3 HVM100 Instrument Manager.................... 3-1
Instrument Status................................................................................. 3-2
General Settings................................................................................... 3-5
General Setting Buttons................................................................... 3-6
Setup Manager ................................................................................ 3-8
Manual Control of the HVM100 ........................................................... 3-11
Resetting Data in the HVM100 ........................................................ 3-12
Upgrading HVM100 Firmware ......................................................... 3-12
Downloading Data from the HVM100 to the PC................................. 3-14
Initiating the Download .................................................................... 3-16
Resetting HVM100 Data .................................................................. 3-16
Calibrating the HVM100 ....................................................................... 3-19
Working with the Sensor List ........................................................... 3-23
Chapter 4 Data Presentation ...................................... 4-1
Measurement Summary....................................................................... 4-1
Overall Data ..................................................................................... 4-1
Time History Data ............................................................................ 4-4
Set Parameters Menu ...................................................................... 4-4
Displaying Other Data Records ....................................................... 4-6
Merging Records ............................................................................. 4-6
Chapter 5 Graphic Presentations............................... 5-1
Time History Graph .............................................................................. 5-1

HVM Blaze Manual i-i

Selection of Data Displayed .............................................................5-4
Graph Modes.........................................................................................5-5
Normal (Interactive) Mode................................................................. 5-5
Zoom Mode ....................................................................................... 5-6
Edit Mode .......................................................................................... 5-8
Edit Data ........................................................................................... 5-9
Setting a Reference Line in a Time History Graph ............................5-12
Chapter 6 Report Generation ...................................... 6-1
Summary and Time History Detail Reports......................................... 6-1
Printing the Reports .......................................................................... 6-2
Printing Displayed Measurement Summary...................................... 6-4
Exporting Record Data...................................................................... 6-4

i-ii HVM Blaze Manual


1 Introduction

Blaze® software runs on Windows XP®, Windows Vista®

and Windows 7® (32 and 64-bit editions). Larson Davis
Blaze Software works in conjunction with the Larson Davis
HVM100 Human Vibration Meter, the Larson Davis
SoundTrack LxT and the Larson Davis Spark Personal
Noise Dosimeters (Models 703, 703+, 705, 705+, 706 and
706RC). This manual addresses its use with the HVM100

This is a companion manual to the Model HVM100 User

Manual which provides step-by-step instruction for the
manual operation of the instrument and also detailed
explanations of the terminology and measurement functions
associated with the three modes of operation offered;
Vibration (standard), Hand-Arm (optional) and Whole Body



The HVM100 is a powerful but small vibration

measurement tool. Used as a stand-alone instrument, this
handheld vibration analyzer will perform measurement
functions appropriate to a variety of applications including;
Whole Body Vibration analysis, Hand-Arm Vibration
analysis, and general purpose vibration analysis. It features
three input channels, a sum channel, a variety of frequency
weighting and band limiting settings, single and double
integration, displayed data in a variety of units, and
independent AC or DC outputs for all three channels

HVM Blaze Manual Introduction 1-1


Blaze Software enhances the flexibility and ease-of-use of

the HVM100 for these applications by providing setup
utilities, instrument calibration, computer-based control of
the instrument, data downloading with auto merge capability
and versatile report and graphic features.

Formatting Conventions

This manual uses the following formatting conventions:

In step-by-step directions, the process (what you do) is

shown in the right column, and the rationale (why you do it)
with other cautions and comments shown in the left column.
Especially important information are shown in italics.

1-2 Formatting Conventions HVM Blaze Manual


2 Getting Started

Installing the Blaze Software

The DVX009 and DVX010 drivers Before installing the Blaze software, please write down the
are needed for the IR interfaces, product serial number as found on the front of the CD.
which can be used with the 703,
703+, 705, 705+, 706 and 706RC Insert the Blaze CD into a computer to run the install
noise dosimeters. They need not be program. Follow the installation wizard, entering the serial
installed if Blaze is not going to be number when prompted.
used with these instruments.

Do not connect the SoundTrack LxT You must agree to the License agreement in order to install
to the computer until the Blaze Blaze Software.
software has been installed.
The install program will place a shortcut to the Blaze
program on the desktop.

HVM Blaze Manual Getting Started 2-1

Starting Blaze Software

Double click this shortcut icon to start Blaze.

Blaze Main Window

When the Blaze software is fully loaded, the Blaze Main

window is displayed.

2-2 Starting Blaze Software HVM Blaze Manual


Just below the menu bar is the toolbar.

The toolbar provides quick access to commonly used

software functions. The following table describes each
toolbar function in detail.

Table 2-1 Icons in Main Blaze Toolbar

The Connect button initiates communication with

the HVM100 via the computer serial port.

The Disconnect button will terminate the connection

between Blaze and the HVM100.

The Open File button will bring up a standard

WindowsTM browse window that will allow the user
to open a previously downloaded file.

The Save File button will bring up a standard

WindowsTM save file dialog box, that will allow the
user to save the current Blaze file. The dialog
window will also allow the user to select a file name
and location.

The Instrument Manager button will bring up the

Instrument manager screen. The user can then setup
the instrument, set the clock, download data files,

The Query Files button brings up a dialog window

that will allow the user to search through the
existing HVM100 download files for records
containing specific items.

HVM Blaze Manual Starting Blaze Software 2-3

Table 2-1 Icons in Main Blaze Toolbar

The Set Parameters button will bring up a dialog

box that will allow the user to select the units to be
used for the data display and place general
information onto the current record.

The Merge Records button will allow the user to

combine two or more downloaded records into a
single record.

The Average File Records button is not available

(grayed out) when used with the HVM100.

The Modify Time History Interval button will allow

the user to change the time history period for the
current record. Not available (grayed out) when
used with the HVM100.

The Time History Graph button will bring up a time

history graph for the current database record.

The Statistics Graph button will bring up a statistics

graph for the current database record. Not available
(grayed out) when used with HVM100.

The Graph Multiple Files button will allow the user

to graph records from different files on one graph.
Not implemented for use with HVM100.

The Print button will print the currently displayed

record. It will print the active window, whether it is
a Time History Graph, a Statistics Graph, or the text
data as displayed on the screen.

The Print Reports button will give you access to the

predefined reports that Blaze can print.

2-4 Starting Blaze Software HVM Blaze Manual

Table 2-1 Icons in Main Blaze Toolbar

The Export Data button will export the currently

displayed record as a Comma-Delimited File that
can be opened in a spreadsheet application. It will
also allow the user to select the output location and
file name, and whether or not to automatically
launch the viewer application.

The About button will bring up the Blaze splash

screen with the current revision number.

Communication with the HVM100

The computer communicates with the HVM100 via the

serial port using a CBL006 serial interface cable. Connect
the cable between the Serial Port on the top of the HVM100
and one of the serial ports on the computer.

USB Communication

If the computer does not have a serial port, a Larson Davis

DVX008A USB Port to Serial Adaptor can be used.

Setting up the Communication

To select the desired method of communication in the Blaze

software, open the software.

Click Options to obtain the following pull down menu.

HVM Blaze Manual Communication with the HVM100 2-5

Select Connection

The Connection Settings dialog box will appear.

From the Connection Settings dialog box, select HVM100

as the instrument type, the computer Com Port to which the
instrument is connected and the desired Baud Rate.

Clicking the Connect Button in the Connection Settings

dialog box will initiate connection with the HVM100.
However, once the connection settings have been set, it will
be simpler to click Connect on the toolbar.

2-6 Communication with the HVM100 HVM Blaze Manual

During the connect process, infor- Following connection, all Setups and their parameters are
mation is read from the HVM100, uploaded to the computer from the HVM100, which may
which then updates the Session Log take several seconds, following which the Instrument
with the serial number of the Manager is displayed.
HVM100. Run/stop status is updated
whenever initiated by the software.

Most of the operations of the Blaze software are performed

from the HVM100 Instrument Manager as described in the
following chapter.

HVM Blaze Manual Communication with the HVM100 2-7

2-8 Communication with the HVM100 HVM Blaze Manual

3 HVM100 Instrument

Most of the operations of the Blaze software are controlled

from the HVM100 Instrument Manager. Specific features
implemented from the Instrument Manager include the

• Determination of instrument status; serial number,

firmware version, battery status, data records in memory
and date/time

• Management of instrument setups, including creation,

modification and deletion of setups and utilization of the
Setup Manager to work with the setup database

• Manual control of the HVM100 via the PC

• Downloading of data from the HVM100 to the PC

• System calibration

Each of these functions will be discussed in this chapter.

To view the instrument manager The HVM100 Instrument Manager is displayed following
window the HVM100 must be con- satisfactory connection of the HVM100 and the PC. The
nected. If you inadvertently close the functionality is divided among five tab pages entitled
Instrument Manager window, you Instrument Status, General Settings, Manual Control,
can re-open it by pressing the Instru- Download and Calibrate. Each of these will be addressed in
ment Manager icon on the toolbar. the following sections. The Instrument Manager will
initially open with the Instrument Status page selected.

HVM Blaze Manual HVM100 Instrument Manager 3-1

Instrument Status

The Instrument Manager is displayed as shown below when

Blaze is connected to an HVM100.

Setting the HVM100 clock

Set the date and time of the built-in clock of the HVM100 as

Step 1 Press Set Time

3-2 Instrument Status: HVM Blaze Manual

“Synchronize to computer time", which will open a pop-up dialog box.
forces the active HVM100’s internal
clock to match that of the connected

Two options are available.

(A) The time can be set to match the time of the computer’s
clock by selecting the “Synchronize to computer time” box
as shown below and pressing Set.

(B) Alternatively, you can manually choose the HVM100

time by deselecting the “synchronize to computer time” box.

HVM Blaze Manual Instrument Status 3-3

Refreshing the Instrument Status page

In order to update the Instrument Status display to reflect

changes in the battery life, memory available, etc. since the
window was last opened, click Refresh.

3-4 Instrument Status: HVM Blaze Manual

General Settings

The General Settings window supports most of the setup

functions found in the SETUP, RANGE and TOOL menus
of the HVM100. There are ten registers in the HVM100 in
which setups may be stored plus one containing the
currently active setup. As part of the connection process, the
parameters from all of these eleven registers are read to the

When the connection has been successfully completed, the

names of the Instrument Setups stored in these registers are
listed on the left of the screen under the heading “Instrument
Setups”, beginning with the active setup named
<Instrument>. Setup information displayed corresponds to
the setup which was active at the time of connection.

The setup parameters associated with any Instrument Setup

will be displayed by highlighting them on the Instrument

HVM Blaze Manual General Settings 3-5

Setup list. These setup parameters are distributed among
four dialog boxes which appear as shown below when
clicking the correspondingly named tab.

General Setting Buttons

The Blaze software provides numerous possibilities for

modifying, storing and downloading setups to the HVM100.

A red asterisk (*)appears to the left of the highlighted setup

name in the Instrument Setups list to indicate that one or
more of the parameters of that setup have been changed.

Replacing the active setup

Make Current will copy the setup information displayed on

the right of the screen to the active setup in the HVM100 and
also to the Instrument Setup labeled <Instrument> at the top
left of the setup list. Thus, to use one of the setups from the

3-6 General Settings: HVM Blaze Manual

Instrument Setup list as the active setup, simply highlight it
and press Make Current.

Storing All Setups

Press Write setups to HVM100 to store the entire list of

setups in the Instrument Setups list to the HVM100.

Storing a Single Modified Setup

After the parameters of a setup have been modified, pressing

the Save As button to display the following dialog box.

Type in a Setup Name and select an HVM100 register into

which to store the setup. The information is immediately
updated in the HVM and in Blaze instrument manager.

Modifying Setup Parameters

Pressing Reload from HVM100 will replace the setups in

the Instrument Setup list with those in the HVM100. Thus, if
the user has modified one or more setups and not stored
them, the unstored modified setups will be lost.

Erasing all Setups

It is not possible to utilize the Blaze software to erase setups

stored in the HVM100. Use the instrument keypad to erase
them, employing the Erase Setups item in the Tools Menu.
Following this erase operation, from the Blaze software
Setup Manager press Reload from HVM100 to update the
Instrument Setups list to reflect the fact that all the setups are
now "Not Set".

HVM Blaze Manual General Settings 3-7

Setup Manager

Setup manager provides for simple management of the ten

setups stored in the HVM100 by allowing them to be chosen
from a pre-defined database on a PC. Press Advanced on
the General Settings tab page to display the Setup Manager
dialog box.

The nine Database Setups listed above are default setups

provided with the software which cannot be deleted. The
user may create and store new setups which will be added to
these default setups, but the list will always contain these
nine as a minimum.

Transferring Database Setups to the HVM100

First highlight up to ten Database Setups which are to be

transferred to the HVM100 and then highlight an equal

3-8 General Settings: HVM Blaze Manual

number of HVM100 setups to indicate which HVM100
registers these Database Setups are to be placed.

Press the left arrow button beneath To HVM100 to initiate

the transfer.

The Instrument Setup list now includes those setups

transferred from the PC to the selected registers.

HVM Blaze Manual General Settings 3-9

Returning to the Setting Manager by pressing OK will
confirm that the HVM100 Setups list has also been updated.

Store Current Setup to Disk

Another way to create a new Database Setup is to work with

the General Settings dialog box, setting the parameters as
desired using the tab pages provided. Without saving that
setup, press Advanced to move to the Setup Manager and
press Store Current to Disk, which will display the Setup
Name dialog box.

Type in a name for this setup and press OK. This feature
permits a user to create a Database Setup without having to
first store it to the HVM100. However, the user does have to
have an HVM100 connected to be able to perform this

3-10 General Settings: HVM Blaze Manual

Manual Control of the HVM100

Manual Control provides a means to operate the HVM100

from the PC using the Blaze software. Press the Manual
Control tab in the Instrument Manager window to open the
Manual Control dialog window.

Observing the Live Display

Press Live Display when the HVM100 is running to see a

running 50-second window of the time history of one of the
measured parameters.

HVM Blaze Manual Manual Control of the HVM100 3-11

Resetting Data in the HVM100

To clear the memory in the connected HVM100, press

Erase All Files. This deletes the current measurement and
all stored data residing in the on-board memory of the

WARNING: Caution should be exercised when using

this function, as deleted data cannot be recovered. Data
that you wish to save should be downloaded prior to
using the Reset Data function

Upgrading HVM100 Firmware

WARNING: Verify that the HVM100 has good batteries

before reprogramming. Do not disconnect CBL006 until
after reprogramming is finished.

3-12 Manual Control of the HVM100: HVM Blaze Manual

Note: Firmware programmer in Select Upload HVM100 Firmware to load new firmware
Blaze Demo is fully functional and into the attached HVM100. to complete the firmware
can be used to update firmware. reprogramming, follow the instructions in the wizard.

HVM Blaze Manual Manual Control of the HVM100 3-13

Downloading Data from the HVM100 to the PC

From the Instrument Manager dialog box, press the

Download tab to display the Download dialog box.

The number of records stored in the HVM100 and ready for

download is indicated at the upper right of the page.

Add General Information

By selecting the Add General Record Information box

before downloading, you will be able to add general
information to each of the downloaded records during the
download process. As soon as the download is initiated, the
following dialog box is displayed into which information
can be entered using the computer keyboard. Pressing OK
will continue the download process.

3-14 Downloading Data from the HVM100 to the PC: HVM Blaze Manual
If the Use for all Downloaded records box is selected, this
information will be stored with all downloaded records and
there will be no further interruptions during the remainder of
the download process.

Note: The general information If the Use for all Downloaded records box is not selected,
stored during download can be mod- the same dialog box will be opened as each record is
ified later or, if it has not been added downloaded, permitting the user to modify the general
during download, it can be added information to be stored with that particular record before
later as well. the next record is downloaded.

Automerge Records

Each data record stored in the HVM100 contains a Time

History table. The user can select to have similar files
automerged during the download process by checking the
box labeled Automerge HVM100 records prior to
initiating the download process.

For the automerge to work correctly, the HVM100 must be

configured for “Autostore On”. In addition the “Store Time”
parameter must be set so that the HVM100 only collects 120
time history samples (or less) before autostoring the file.
More time history samples) can be collected if “2nd History
= None” (i.e. the peak value isn't being stored in the time

HVM Blaze Manual Downloading Data from the HVM100 to the PC 3-15
For example, if Averaging = 1sec, the Store Time must be
00:02 or less (2 minutes or less). This will ensure that only
120 time history samples are collected before the file is
autostored. If the peak value is not being stored in the time
history, the Store Time must be 00:04 or less (4 minutes or

For more detailed information on the data structure of the

time history and the merging of time history records, see
Merging Records on page 4-6.

Initiating the Download

If neither of the boxes labeled Add General Record

Information or Automerge HVM100 records is checked,
clicking on the Download button will initiate the download
of data from the HVM100 to the PC. A download status
window will appear on the screen indicating the progress of
the download operation.

Resetting HVM100 Data

When the download is complete the download status

window will close and the following dialog box will appear.

3-16 Downloading Data from the HVM100 to the PC: HVM Blaze Manual
This indicates a successful transfer of the data records from
the HVM100 to the PC via the software.

If the HVM100 is running when Download is pressed, the

unit will stop running and the download will occur. The data
contained in the first downloaded record will be displayed as
shown below.

HVM Blaze Manual Downloading Data from the HVM100 to the PC 3-17
For a detailed description of the Measurement Summary and
its associated data presentation features, see Measurement
Summary on page 4-1.

3-18 Downloading Data from the HVM100 to the PC: HVM Blaze Manual
Calibrating the HVM100

It is always good practice to calibrate the HVM100 before

each measurement. To calibrate, select the Calibrate tab
page from the Instrument Manager dialog box to display the
Calibrate dialog box.

The sensitivity values displayed on the right side of the

screen are either values entered at the time the setup was
created or values determined as a result of a previous

Portable handheld shakers are typically used for the field

calibration of instruments using accelerometers. For
example, the PCB 394C06 Portable 1g Handheld Shaker can
be set to excite an attached accelerometer at a level of 1g
RMS. Note that triaxial accelerometers are calibrated one

HVM Blaze Manual Calibrating the HVM100 3-19

axis at a time by selecting the appropriate channel (X, Y or

Step 1 Type the vibration level produced by the shaker, in

units of g rms, into the Cal. Level data field.

Step 2 For a triaxial accelerometer, select the

accelerometer axis (X, Y or Z) to be calibrated.
For a uniaxial accelerometer, leave the X box

Step 3 Use a mounting stud or wax to attach the

accelerometer to the moveable head of the shaker
with the axis to be calibrated aligned with the long
axis of the calibrator. For triaxial accelerometers,
the orientation of these axes should be indicated
. on the accelerometer body.

Step 4 Press Calibrate to initiate the calibration process.

3-20 Calibrating the HVM100: HVM Blaze Manual

Prompts will appear on the screen asking you to confirm that
the calibration data may be reset and that the accelerometer
is properly connected and that the calibrator is operating. A
response of No to either of these prompts will abort the
calibration process. The calibration process will continue if
both prompts are answered Yes.

Step 5 During the calibration process, the Calibrate

button will change to an Abort button. Pressing
this will stop the calibration process.

Step 6 When the calibration process is complete, the

following screen will appear indicating the
accelerometer axis being calibrated, the current
sensitivity (determined from a previous
calibration), the actual sensitivity as determined
by the calibration just concluded and the offset
associated with this new calibration. If the result
of this calibration is acceptable, click Accept.
Otherwise click Cancel and determine whether
the unacceptable result indicates a fault in the
accelerometer under test or a mistake made in the
setup of the calibration procedure.

HVM Blaze Manual Calibrating the HVM100 3-21

The HVM100 sensitivity is changed Following an Accept action, the value of the Calculated
when Accept is clicked. No setups Sensitivity just measured will appear in the corresponding
are changed by this action. box on the right of the screen. The corresponding sensitivity
in the active HVM100 will be changed as well. If you want
to save the active setup, go to the General Settings on page
3-5 and select “save as”.

If using a triaxial accelerometer, continue to calibrate the

remaining channels of the HVM100.

Saving the Calculated Sensitivity Values to Setups

If you wish to update the sensitivity values contained in any

of the setups to those calculated from the calibration,
highlight them on the Instrument Setups List on the left
portion of the dialog box. To highlight a single setup, simply
left click on that setup name. To highlight a series of setups,
left click on the first setup in the series, then hold down the
Shift key while left clicking the last setup in the series. To
select individual setups, hold down the Ctrl key while left
clicking each setup name in turn.

Press Save Sens. to Setups to complete the save action. This

will not save the updated setups to the HVM100, but
prepares the setups to be loaded into the HVM100. The
changed setups will have a red asterisk (*) placed before
them on this page and on the General Setups page. Any
measurements made prior to transferring the setups to the
HVM100 will be made using the old sensitivity values.

3-22 Calibrating the HVM100: HVM Blaze Manual

Most often you will want to update To update the sensitivity values of the highlighted setups in
the sensitivity values in both the the Instrument Setup List in both the computer and the
computer and the HVM100 HVM100, press Write Setups to HVM100. This will
remove the red asterisk. The HVM100 will then be ready to
take measurements using the updated sensitivity values.

Working with the Sensor List

In addition to displaying the accelerometer type and its

sensitivity, the Sensor Tab page permits access to a
transducer database in the form of a sensor list from which a
user can select a sensor, add/edit a sensor, delete a sensor or

HVM Blaze Manual Calibrating the HVM100 3-23

print the sensor list. Click Sensor List to display the sensor
list dialog box.

Printing the Sensor List

Press Print List to send the list to a printer.

Coping Sensor Sensitivity from Sensor List to Sensor Tab

A very efficient way to input the sensitivity of a particular

sensor into the Sensitivity boxes on the Sensor tab page of
the Instrument Manager is to insert them directly from the
Sensor List.

To do this, simply highlight that sensor and press OK.

3-24 Calibrating the HVM100: HVM Blaze Manual


4 Data Presentation

A download of data from the HVM100 provides setup

information, overall data and time history data for each
register in the HVM100 which has data. These data are
presented on-screen as a series of Measurement Summaries,
one for each register or set of merged registers.

In this chapter we will discuss operations related to the

Measurement Summary, which provides numeric values of
overall and time history data. We will show how to change
the units used for these data presentations and how to merge
records to create time histories longer than can be stored
within a single record in the HVM100.

Measurement Summary

Note: There can be a slight rounding Following a download from the HVM100, the Measurement
difference between values measured Summary window presents a summary of complete
and displayed on the HVM100 and information from the first measurement record. The units
those downloaded and displayed on utilized in the summary can be chosen as m/s2, cm/s2, ft/s2,
the computer. This difference will be in/s2, g and dB, see “Displaying Other Data Records” on
less than 0.1 dB. page 4-6.

Overall Data

The Overall Data section provides the runtime of the

measurement and values of the overall parameters for that
measurement period.

HVM Blaze Manual Data Presentation 4-1

Operating Mode Dependency

The specific overall parameters measured depend upon the

Operating Mode of the measurement (Vibration, Hand-Arm
or Whole Body). All Operating Modes measure and report
the overall parameters described in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1:Overall Parameters Measured in all


Parameter Symbol Parameter Name

Aeq Long Term Energy Average

Amax Maximum Level

Amp Maximum Peak Level

Amin Minimum Level

In addition to the overall parameters in Table 4-1,

measurements made using the Hand-Arm Mode will also
measure and report the overall parameters described in
Table 4-2.

4-2 Measurement Summary HVM Blaze Manual

Table 4-2:Additional Overall Parameters Measured
in Hand-Arm Mode

Parameter Symbol Parameter Name

A(1), A(2), A(4), A(8) Energy Equivalent Level

averaged over the run time and
reallocated to a time period equal
to the number of houses
indicated within the parentheses

A(8) Exp Allowed Exposure Time (in

hours) based on the measured
A(8) value and the selected
criterion level

Exposure Points Dosage points accumulated.

Recommended dosage per day:
0-100. Critical limit per day: 400

In addition to the parameters presented in Table 4-1,

measurements made using the Whole Body Mode will also
measure and report the overall parameters described in
Table 4-3.

Table 4-3:Additional Overall Parameters Measured

in Whole Body Mode

Parameter Symbol Parameter Name

VDV (not calculated when Vibration Dose Value

the units have been set to
"g" or "dB")

CFmp Long Term Crest Factor

A(8) Energy Equivalent Level

averaged over the run time and
reallocated to an 8-hour time

HVM Blaze Manual Measurement Summary 4-3

Time History Data

The HVM100 has a circular buffer into which measured

Arms levels are stored at selected time intervals (one second
when averaging is set to “Slow”). This buffer will store up to
240 values of X, Y, Z and Sum; 120 values if Peak values are
stored as well. Since it is a circular buffer, once it is full it
will drop the oldest time samples as new ones are stored,
meaning that at any time after that it contains the last 240
(120 with peak) samples.

These data appear in the Time History section of

Measurement Summary, along with the file name, register
number in the HVM100 where it was stored, date/time and

Set Parameters Menu

The Set Parameters dialog box is used to select display units,

set general information, and select a time history limit line.

Open the Set Parameters dialog box by clicking the Set

Result Parameters button on the toolbar (or click Records/
Set Parameters). The following dialog box will be

4-4 Measurement Summary HVM Blaze Manual

Selecting Units

Note: dB units can be defined rela- The presently active units are indicated in a window labeled
tive to either 10-5 or 10-6 m/s2 as set “Display Units for Time History and overall data” on the
from the HVM100 Instrument Man- upper left of the dialog box. Cursor down to highlight the
ager/General Settings/Range tab new units desired.
The units used in the measurement summary for the
displayed record and any subsequently opened records will
be those selected by the above operation. The summary
measurement window must be active before the “Set
Parameters” button can be selected.

Setting a Reference Line for the Time History Graph

Blaze allows you to define a limit line that will appear on the
Measurement Summary Time History Graph and the
Summary Report Time History Graph. The limit is set
individually for each record.

In the Set Parameters dialog box, check the box labeled

“Display Limit Line”, enter a value of amplitude defining
the vertical position of the reference line, and click OK.

HVM Blaze Manual Measurement Summary 4-5

Displaying Other Data Records

At the conclusion of a data download, the Measurement

Summary for the first record downloaded is displayed. Any
record from the download can be similarly displayed as

Left Mouse click the top of the Data Record window to open
a drop-down menu and select the desired record.

Merging Records

A unique data record is created every time a measurement is

stored in the HVM100, whether it is a manual storage
operation resulting from the user pressing the STORE key
or an autostorage operation programmed by the user. Blaze
allows the user to merge records provided they have been
measured using identical setups.

A practical application of merging: When records are merged, the overall parameters are
Measure a worker’s exposure to recalculated based on the data contained in all the records
vibration during separate morning and the time history data are concatenated, meaning that a
and afternoon measurement ses- single time record is created by joining the separate time
sions then merge them to obtain records together sequentially. During the merge operation,
exposure data covering the full day. the time history sequences are arranged in order of their
date/time stamps, but the gaps between records, if any, are

4-6 Measurement Summary HVM Blaze Manual

Note: When storing records, be sure For example, suppose that the instrument setup calls for data
to reset the instrument before to be stored every second and that five separate one minute
starting the measurement; otherwise, measurements are made and stored manually with a waiting
the next record will include the period of four minutes between the end of one measurement
previously stored data as well as the and the beginning of the next. Each time history record will
new data. contain sixty data points at one second intervals, but the time
corresponding to the first data point in each record will be
five minutes later than the first data point in the preceding
record and five minutes earlier than the first data point in the
following record. The concatenation will remove these four
minute gaps such that the merged time history will contain
three-hundred data points at one second intervals beginning
at the time of the first data point in the first of the
measurement records.

Manual Merging

The procedure for merging two or more similar data files is

as follows:

Click the Merge Records icon on the toolbar (or click

Records/Merge Records) to open a window listing the
records available for merging.

HVM Blaze Manual Measurement Summary 4-7

Step 1 Select the records you wish to merge. More than
two records can be selected.

If the records to be merged are listed sequentially, you can

select them as a block. Begin with a Left Mouse click on the
first record, then hold down the Shift key while using
another Left Mouse click to select the last record in the
sequence. This will highlight all the records in the sequence.

If the records to be merged are not listed in a single

sequence, use a Left Mouse click to select the first record,
then hold down the Control key while clicking on each
additional record you wish to have merged with the first.

Step 2 With all records to be merged highlighted, press

Merge. The new merged file will be added to the
records list, with an icon representing a
combination of overlapped records to indicate that
it is a record which has been created by the
merging of records rather than by an actual
measurement. The following graphic shows the
display which appears after records 3-4 from a list
of 5 records were merged.

New record created from

multiple records

Press Done to close the Merge Records dialog box. To

display the new record, open the records pull-down list at
the top of the Data Record window, highlight the merged
record and click with the left mouse button.

4-8 Measurement Summary HVM Blaze Manual

Automerging Records During Download

If the information in the individual records stored in the

HVM100 is not required, the automerge feature can be used
to automatically merge records of similar types during the
download process. Automerging is activated from the
Download dialog box in the HVM100 Instrument Manager
by checking the Automerge HVM100 records box prior to
initiating a download.

The listing of records following the download will show

merged records with their multiple-folder icons instead of
the original records which were merged into them. Records
which did not match any others will appear separately as
standard records. Automerge is very useful for the creation
of time history records larger than the 240 sample limit (120
with peak data) for individual records stored in the

To create a time history record larger than the capacity of a

single time history record in the HVM100, setup the
measurement for an autostore using averaging time and store
time selected such that the total number of samples will not
exceed the capacity of a single record (240 or 120 with Peak
Store enabled). Start the measurement, let the instrument
autostore for the desired time period (limited by the memory
capacity of the HVM100, 100 records) and automerge
during download to obtain a single gap-less time history for
the total time period.

HVM Blaze Manual Measurement Summary 4-9

4-10 Measurement Summary HVM Blaze Manual

5 Graphic Presentations

The Blaze Software includes very powerful and flexible

graphics capabilities for displaying and examining the time
history data download from the HVM100. This chapter
describes the features and utilization of this graphics

Time History Graph

Click the Time History icon on the toolbar (or click
Graph/Time History Graph) to view a time history of the
active measurement summary record (multiple summary
windows can be open at the same time).

The Time History graph will appear as shown below.

HVM Blaze Manual Graphic Presentations 5-1

A new toolbar is provided for use with Time History graph.

The functions provided by the first ten icons in the Time

History toolbar are shown in the following figure.

5-2 Time History Graph HVM Blaze Manual

Icon Function

Zoom In
- Puts graph into Zoom mode
- Allows user to drag a rectangle over the graph to zoom to it
- A second click puts the graph back into the interactive mode

Zoom Out
- Restores the previous zoom state if zoomed in multiple times
- Disabled when graph is at 100%

Zoom to original size

- Zooms out to original size
- Put the graph into the interactive mode

- Copies the image into memory so that it can be pasted into another program

Edit Mode
- Puts the graph into edit mode

- Changes currently selected edit file to modify values

- Excludes the currently selected edit field

Restore Data
- Deletes all edit fields, restoring data to their original values

HVM Blaze Manual Time History Graph 5-3

Icon Function

Create New Record

- Takes the currently selected edit field and creates a new record from it

Add Note
- Sets the graph in a mode to paste a new note next time the graph is clicked

Selection of Data Displayed

The Time History toolbar icons shown below are used to
select or deselect which data will appear on the graph.
Clicking each will toggle the status between Display, which
places a frame around the icon as illustrated by the first icon,
or No Display, for which no frame appears, as illustrated by
the remaining icons.

Note: Peak time history values will The first three icons represent r.m.s levels along the three
only be displayed if they were axes, the fourth represents the sum value of the three r.ms.
measured, as called for in the setup values. The next four represent peak levels along the three
associated with that record. If not, axes and the sum of these levels.
the peak level icons will be grayed

5-4 Time History Graph HVM Blaze Manual

Graph Modes
The display can be utilized in three different modes:
• Normal (Interactive) Mode: described in the following
• Zoom Mode: described in the section "Zoom Mode" on
page 5-6.
• Edit Mode: described in the section "Edit Mode" on page
The active mode is indicated in the lower left corner of the

Clicking on the Zoom In button will toggle the mode

between Normal and Zoom.
Clicking on the Edit button will toggle the mode between
Normal and Edit.
The mode can also be selected by right clicking on the
display area and utilizing the menus shown below.

To move the cursor to another location, click a new point on

the graph or use the left/right arrow keys on the keyboard.

Normal (Interactive) Mode

Amplitude Display
To display the amplitude of each curve at a selected position
on the graph, click on the graph to produce a cursor. The
amplitude values will appear in the legend below the graph.

HVM Blaze Manual Graph Modes 5-5

To move the cursor to another location, click a new point on
the graph or use the left/right arrow keys on the keyboard.

Zoom Mode

Zoom In

Step 1 Click the Zoom In button on the Time History


Step 2 At a desirable place within the Time History

graph, click and hold down the left mouse button
and draw a box around the desired zoom location.

5-6 Graph Modes HVM Blaze Manual

Step 3 Release the left mouse button to execute the zoom.

Note that the Zoom icon is still highlighted, meaning that

further zooming can be achieved on the zoomed time history
presently displayed by repeating the above procedure. In
order to utilize the mouse to control the cursor function in
the display, turn off the zoom function while retaining the
zoomed display by clicking the Zoom In icon one more time
so that it is no longer highlighted. Or, use the arrow keys
rather than the mouse to move the cursor.

HVM Blaze Manual Graph Modes 5-7

Zoom Out/Zoom to Original
When the zoom function has been utilized, Zoom Out

will return the graph to that displayed prior to the most

recent zoom action. When the display is the result of a
sequence of zoom actions, repeated use of Zoom Out will
produce displays associated with each of the prior displays.
To return a zoomed display to its original display, regardless
of the number of zoom actions utilized, click the Zoom to
Original icon.

Edit Mode
Select the Edit Mode by clicking the Edit icon from the

A note in the lower left corner will show that the Edit Mode
is active.

Selecting a Data Block

The data block to be edited is selected by depressing the left
mouse button over a point on the graph, sliding the mouse
left or right, and then releasing the button.
The selected band can be moved left or right using the left/
right arrow keys on the keyboard. The left or right edges of
the band can be moved left or right by depressing the left
mouse button, sliding it right or left, releasing the button and
then clicking within the adjusted band.

5-8 Graph Modes HVM Blaze Manual

Edit Data
This option is used to add or subtract an equal amplitude
value, in units of m/s2, from all data points within the band.
Right click over the band to open the menu shown below
and click Modify Selection.

This will open the Edit Time History Data dialog.

Enter a numerical value and select to which axis, or axes, the

modification is to be applied and click OK

HVM Blaze Manual Graph Modes 5-9

Exclude Data
Exclusion removes the data points within the selected range
from the overall calculations.

Creating New Record

To create a new record from the currently selected edited
record, click the Create New Record button.

This will generate a new data record like the one shown

5-10 Graph Modes HVM Blaze Manual

Restore Data
To delete all edit fields and restore data to original values,
click the Restore Data button.

Annotating Graph
Multiple notes can be added to the graph, one note at a time.
To add a note to a graph, click the Add Note icon on the
graphic toolbar.

Place the mouse pointer where you would like to have the
Note Box located on the graph and left click.

Double click within the box and type the desired text.

Edit Note
To edit or delete the note, right click on the note box to open
the menu shown below.

HVM Blaze Manual Graph Modes 5-11

Setting a Reference Line in a Time History Graph
Blaze allows the user to define a limit line that will appear
on the Time History Graph, the Summary Report time
history graph, and the Time History Detail Report graph.
The limit must be set for each record. This action is
performed using the Set Parameters Menu.

Step 1 Click the Set Record Parameters icon on the

toolbar or click Records/Set Parameters.

User Defined Limits Box

5-12 Setting a Reference Line in a Time History GraphHVM Blaze Manual

Step 2 Select units from the list provided.

Step 3 Enter a value in the User defined Limit box.

Step 4 Click Display Limit Line box to display limit line

on graph, and click OK.
A horizontal line corresponding to the limit line value will
now appear when a Time History graph is created.

HVM Blaze Manual Setting a Reference Line in a Time History Graph 5-13
5-14 Setting a Reference Line in a Time History GraphHVM Blaze Manual

6 Report Generation

To improve efficiency in documenting the results of

measurements, Blaze provides routines to generate and print
Summary and Time History Reports.

Summary and Time History Detail Reports

The Summary Report is a one-page report that prints

instrument setup information, measurement results and a
time history graph (if desired) that is condensed to fit the

The Time History Detail Report provides instrument setup

information and a tabular presentation of all time history
data accompanied by a bar chart graphic.

HVM Blaze Manual Report Generation 6-1

Printing the Reports

Step 1 Display the measurement record you wish to print.

Step 2 Click the Print Reports icon on the toolbar or

click File/Print Reports.

6-2 Summary and Time History Detail Reports HVM Blaze Manual
Step 3 Select the desired report by clicking the corre-
sponding icon in the window on the left. This will
highlight that icon and enter a default title for the
report as shown below.

Note: If the measurement does not Step 4 You can now click Print to print the report imme-
include peak levels, the four option diately or click Advanced to access additional
boxes used to select peak values will selections provided in the Advanced Print Options
not appear. prior to printing the report.

Advanced Print Options

From the Print dialog box click Advanced to open the

Advanced Print Options dialog box.

HVM Blaze Manual Summary and Time History Detail Reports 6-3
After the selections have been made, press OK to return to
the Print dialog box and press Print.

Printing Displayed Measurement Summary

You can print a displayed Measurement Summary report or

Time History Graph by clicking the Print icon on the
toolbar (or clicking File/Print).

Exporting Record Data

Measurement records can be exported to text files, which

can be exported to another program such as a spreadsheet for
further processing and for use in a report.

Step 1 Display the measurement record you want to


Step 2 Click the Export Data icon on the toolbar or click

File/Export Data to display the Export Data dia-
log box.

6-4 Summary and Time History Detail Reports HVM Blaze Manual
HVM Blaze Manual Summary and Time History Detail Reports 6-5
Check the appropriate boxes, and select the output file name,
then press save.

Selecting “Export all downloaded files” will export all

downloaded files to separate .csv or .txt files at the same
time. These will be stored to the file name defined in step 3
with _001, _002, etc. appended sequentially to that file

Step 3 Press Save to return to the Export Data dialog box

where the newly defined file name will appear in
the Output Filename field and press OK to per-
form the export operation.

The text file(s) have been created and reside in the Windows
directory you selected.

6-6 Summary and Time History Detail Reports HVM Blaze Manual
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