CSTP 6 Camp Updated 12:5:22

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6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the need to Begins to engage in Engages in re8lection Re8lects individually and Maintains ongoing
re8lect on teaching re8lection on teaching individually and with with colleagues on re8lective practice and
practice to support practice individually and colleagues on the re8inements in teaching action research in
student learning. Re8lects with colleagues that is relationship between practice and connections supporting student
individually or with focused on methods to making adjustments in among the elements of the learning and raising the
colleagues on immediate support the full range of teaching practice and CSTP to positively impact level of academic
student learning needs. learners. impact on the full the full range of learners. achievement.
range of learners.
Engages in and fosters
re8lection among
colleagues for school
wide impact on student
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

My mentor is another one Meeting with colleagues - Being in a clear credential

of the 3rd grade teachers Teacher meets regularly program has allowed me to
at my school. There are a with grade level teachers re8lect on teaching practices
total of three 3rd grade to discuss how things are with other new teachers.
going in the classroom,
teachers. We meet every My grade level teacher and I
both socially and
week for at least an hour. meet regularly to discuss
6.1 Re>lecting on academically
We discuss planning, but Teacher regularly the new curriculum we
teaching practice in also discuss strategies to received this year.
attends staff meetings

support of student reach students who are Reflective Conversation

learning needing extra help. We - Teacher questions:

talk about issues that -Was I able to get to

come up because of bad everything I had planned
behavior as well. in the lesson

9/25/21 -Did students seem

engaged and interested
throughout the lesson?

-Were the activities and

work expected
appropriate for the
learning goals?

-Did my students learn

what I had intended for
them to learn?—What
can I do better for next

Lesson Plan Book -

Teacher reviews lessons
already given and looks
for ways to improve
strategies and
techniques for next time
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Develops goals connected Sets goals connected to Sets goals connected to Sets and modi8ies authentic Sets and modi8ies a broad
to the CSTP through the CSTP that take into the CSTP that are goals connected to the CSTP range of professional
required processes and account self-assessment authentic, challenging, that are intellectually goals connected to the
local protocols. of teaching practice. and based on self- challenging and based on CSTP to improve
assessment. self-assessment and instructional practice and
Attends required Expands knowledge and feedback from a variety of impact student learning
professional skills individually and Aligns personal goals sources. within and beyond the
development. with colleagues through with school and classroom.
available professional district goals, and Engages in and contributes
development. focuses on improving to professional Engages in ongoing
student learning. development targeted on inquiry into teacher
student achievement. practice for professional
Selects and engages in Pursues a variety of development.
professional additional opportunities to
development based on learn professionally. Contributes to
needs identi8ied in professional
professional goals. organizations, and
opportunities to extend
own teaching practice.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I do have goals related to BTSA Descriptions of My school has

6.2 Establishing CSTP, but I would Practice - Teacher provided many
professional goals and de8initely like to 8ind time reflects on their own opportunities this year
engaging in continuous to do some self- teaching practice and to learn about our new
and purposeful assessment of my commits to educating curriculum.
professional growth teaching. I 8ind that I have herself about new
and development little time for that techniques and
because I’m always so strategies.

busy just trying to plan BTSA Individual

the day’s lessons. I do Induction Plan
have good time (information gathering) -
management skills, but Teacher looks for ways
there is not much to grow and improve
planning time I’m given within their teaching
during the week. 9/25/21 practice

BTSA Inquiry Process

Documents or
Verification of
Completion - Teacher
engages in professional
development when
provided by school

CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Attends staff, grade level, Consults with colleagues Collaborates with Collaborates with Facilitates collaboration
department, and other to consider how best to colleagues to improve colleagues to expand impact with colleagues.
required meetings and support teacher and student learning and on teacher and student
collaborations. student learning. re8lect on teaching learning within grade or Works to ensure the
practice at the department and school and broadest positive impact
Identi8ies student and Begins to identify how to classroom level. district levels. possible on instructional
teacher resources at the access student and practice and student
school and district level. teacher resources in the Interacts with Engages with members of achievement at school
broader professional members of the the broader professional and district levels and for
community. broader professional community to access the profession.
community to access resources and a wide range
resources that support of supports for teaching the Initiates and develops
teacher effectiveness full range of learners. professional learning
and student learning opportunities with the
broader professional
6.3 Collaborating with community focused on
colleagues and the student achievement.
broader professional I attend all meetings that The other grade level
community to support are required of me. We Grade Level Meetings - teacher/my mentor
teacher and student have monthly staff Teacher regularly meet for at least one
learning meetings and I meet each attends grade level hour per week to
Wednesday for an hour meetings in which a discuss our teaching
with my mentor. variety of topics is practices.
Thankfully, since she is discussed

also a 3rd grade teacher Teacher uses grade level

at my school, we are able meetings to discuss
to collaborate with our curriculum, classroom
lesson planning. As the management, and
year progresses, I am teacher development
hoping to be able to talk Staff Meetings - Teacher
with her and get more regularly attends staff
ideas about addressing meetings in which all
individual student needs. teachers (K-4) discuss
9/25/21 things going on in the
classroom and the
school community
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Is aware of the role of the Acknowledges the Supports families to Provides opportunities and Structures a wide range
family in student learning importance of the contribute to the support for families to of opportunities for
and the need for family’s role in student classroom and school. actively participate in the families to contribute to
interactions with families. learning. Seeks Adjusts classroom and school. the classroom and school
information about communication to community. Supports a
cultural norms of families families based on Communicates to families in school/district
represented in the school. awareness of cultural ways which show environment in which
Welcomes family norms and wide range understanding of and families take leadership
involvement at of experiences with respect for cultural norms. to improve student
classroom/ school events. schools. learning.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

I am very aware of the Communication to I communicate

importance of parent Parents - Teacher regularly with parents
communication in helping regularly communicates by sending out a
support student learning. to parents using a newsletter every
I’ve already reached out variety of means such Monday.
to several parents about as email, the app Parents know that I am
either discipline issues or Remind, and being available by email at
6.4 Working with learning issues. I use the available both before any time for any
families to support app called Remind and school and after school reason.
student learning send out information for quick questions or
about our class on a comments. Homework
regular basis. These Assignment - Teacher
reminders will be about ensures that homework
upcoming tests or even is given out weekly and
just sending pictures of has clear directions so
the art we made that day. as to make it easier for
9/25/21 parents to support
students at home.
Reflective Conversation
- Teacher uses Morning
Meeting and classroom
discussions as a way to
get to know students
better. Teacher uses this
information to help put
lessons into context by
relating it to students’
home lives in a
meaningful and
impactful way
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Develops awareness Seeks available Uses a variety of Uses a broad range of Collaborates with
about local neighborhood and neighborhood and neighborhood and community members to
neighborhoods and community resources. community resources community resources to increase instructional
communities surrounding to support the support the instructional and learning
the school. Includes references or curriculum. program, students, and opportunities for
connections to families. students.
Uses available communities in single Includes knowledge of
neighborhood and lessons or sequence of communities when Draws from understanding Engages students in
community resources in lessons. designing and of community to improve leadership and service in
single lessons. implementing and enrich the instructional the community.
instruction program. Incorporates community
members into the school
learning community.

Because this is a private Lesson Plan - Teacher

school, many of the makes an effort to bring
students who come here the local community into
6.5 Engaging local do not live in the area. In lessons Example: We had
communities in support fact, some students the Youth Science
of the instructional commute as far as an Institute do an in-house
program hour away because their 8ield trip about our local
parents work near the Santa Clara Native
school. I will be honest American Tribe: The
and say I’m not sure Ohlone
exactly how to use This year we took a 8ield
community resources in trip to Vasona Lake
lessons when so many of where they gave a great
my students live in presenttation/nature
different communities walk on the Ohlone
around the Bay Area. Native American Tribe
9/25/21 This is an area where I
struggle and so I’ve been
talking to other teachers
about how best to involve
the greater community.
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Develops an Maintains professional Anticipates Integrates the full range of Models professionalism
understanding of responsibilities in timely professional professional responsibilities and supports colleagues
professional ways and seeks support responsibilities and into advanced planning and in meeting and exceeding
responsibilities. as needed. manages time and prepares for situations that professional
effort required to meet may be challenging. Responsibilities
Seeks to meet required Demonstrates expectations. effectively.
commitments to students. commitment by exploring Maintains continual effort
ways to address Pursues ways to to seek, develop, and re8ine Supports colleagues to
individual student needs. support students’ new and creative methods maintain the motivation,
diverse learning needs to ensure individual student resiliency, and energy to
and maintains belief in learning. ensure that all students
students’ capacity for achieve.

I am very good about Observation - Teacher I’ve improved on my work/

6.6 Managing maintaining my undergoes a home life balance. I’ve made
professional professional professional it clear to parents that I’m
responsibilities to responsibilities. If I have observation by the only available from 7-3pm.
maintain motivation questions, I never principal of the school If they email me after 3,
and commitment to all hesitate to ask. once per year. they know that I might not
students Reflective get back to them until the
I think I have shown Conversation - next day.
commitment to Teacher balances I demonstrate positivity
addressing individual teacher life with with my students.
student needs by home/family
reaching out to both responsibilities by
parents and leaving school at
administration if there is school before
an issue that I see come transitioning into
up with a student. evening with family

9/25/21 -Teacher is available

to talk with parents
both in the morning
and in the afternoon if
there is an issue that
needs to be
CSTP 6: Developing as a Professional Educator

Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Follows all state education codes, legal requirements, district and site policies, Maintains a high standard of personal integrity and
contractual agreements, and ethical responsibilities.* commitment to student learning and the profession in
all circumstances.
* As follows:
• Take responsibility for student academic learning outcomes. Contributes to building professional community and
• Is aware of own personal values and biases and recognizes ways in which holding peers accountable to norms of respectful
these values and biases affect the teaching and learning of students. treatment and communication.
• Adheres to legal and ethical obligations in teaching the full ranges of
learners, including English learners and students with special needs. Contributes to fostering a school culture with a high
• Reports suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect as outlined in the degree of resilience, professional integrity, and ethical
California Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act. conduct.
• Maintains a non-hostile classroom environment and carries out laws and
district guidelines for reporting cases of sexual harassment.
• Understands and implements school and district policies and state and
federal law in responding to inappropriate or violent student behavior.
• Complies with legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy,
6.7 Demonstrating health, and safety of students, families, and other school professionals.
professional • Models appropriate behavior for students, colleagues, and the profession.
responsibility, integrity, • Acts in accordance with ethical considerations for students.
and ethical conduct • Maintains professional conduct and integrity in the classroom and school

I follow all the rules whether it is about mandatory reporting down to the dress Observation - Teacher demonstrates a professional
code I am expected to follow at school. I model appropriate behavior and manner both in the classroom and within the school
interactions with other colleagues in front of students so that they can have a community at all times. Teacher follows all state legal
good example of what respectful behavior is. We talk about this a lot at our requirements as well as all school policies.
morning meetings. We also have speci8ic life skills we are teaching every I follow all codes of conduct at school and make sure
month. In September it was about being trustworthy and always doing your that I’m setting a good example for students and fellow
personal best. 9/25/21 colleagues.
I’ve completed a mandatory reporting class and feel
con8ident that I would know what to do should the
situation arise.

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