Load Frequency Control Optimization Using PSO Based Integral Controller

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020

Load Frequency Control Optimization using PSO

Based Integral Controller
Vandana Dhawane, Rajankumar bichkar

Abstract:This paper presents Automatic Generation Control In June 2017 secondary control has been introduced
(AGC) of a power system using integral controller. In the present where both 500MW units of Dadri stage-II power plant are
day power systems, it has become absolutely essential to maintain being operated under AGC.
the quality of the power generated indicating the need of a robust
system that can handle parameter uncertainties neglecting
In an isolated power system, functions carried out by a
disturbances. Although,extensive research has been done in load frequency controller can be summarized as;
thisarea, design of an efficient and robust system still remains 1. To improve the robustness of the system to parameter
one of the important issues that need to be addressed. Hence in variations.
this paperan integral controller has been designed for a single- 2. To reduce state deviations in frequency to zero as a
area thermal power system without reheat turbine. The optimum result of step load disturbance.
controller gain is obtained by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)
based on Integral of Absolute Error (IAE) and Integral of Square
So far numerous techniques have been used by
Error (ISE) criterion. The second part of the investigation researchers to address the AGC problem. Recent literature
includes robustness testing of the designed controller against study reveals extensive use of variety of optimization
different load conditions and plant parameter variations. The algorithms and a wide range of controllers varying from
results obtained are compared to those obtained by other control conventional controllers to modern controllers such as fuzzy
methodologies presented in the recent literature. The results of logic based controllers, integral double derivative
the simulation validate the superiority of the approach in terms of
improvement in the transient response and robustness to plant
controllers, optimal controllers, adaptive and self-tuning
parameter variations. controllers that have been used for dealing with the load
Keywords:AGC, single-area thermal power plant, frequency control problem [5], [6], [7], [8], and [9].
optimization, robustness, PSO. Fractional order Proportional Integral Derivative (PID)
controller has been used by Sondhi and Hote[4] wherein the
I. INTRODUCTION parameters of the controller were optimized using the
In India the main source of power generation is thermal integral error criterion. The design was also tested for
power plant. Nearly 54% of the total energy in India is robustness. As per the author’s claim, the fractional order
generated by coal fired thermal power plants. A power controller provides superior disturbance rejection and better
generation system as a whole can be subjected to various stability for a larger range of parameter variations compared
kinds of disturbances such as sudden increase in load to nominal controllers. Tan [5] has proposed a Proportional
demand during peak hours. At the same time there are Integral Derivative(PID) controller for a single-area thermal
various non-linearities introduced in the system due to power system. The gains of the controller were tuned by a
variation in system parameters. All this can result in two-degree-of-freedom Internal Model Control (IMC)-PID
deviation in the supply frequency thus deteriorating the tuning method. To check for robustness of the design, two
quality of the power generated[1]. Also modern power extreme cases of parameter variations were considered.
systems are complex and interconnected, so that disturbance However the robust performance was found to be inferior to
in one area can affect the other area. Similarly modeling the performance of a state-feedback controller.
errors due to increased complexity of a power system can In practice, due to nonlinear nature of power systems
further degrade the quality of power delivered by the power and approximations made by reducing the order of the
system. Taking into account all these possibilities, it has models, the mathematical models representing the plants are
become necessary to develop a robust system that can tackle valid only within a restricted operating range. In the event of
all these problems and still maintain the supply quality [2]. operating conditions fluctuations, the control scheme should
The technique used for maintaining the supply be able to adopt to changed system parameters. Under such
frequency in spite of the disturbances is named as AGC [3]. situations, evolutionary computational techniques are found
Unlike other countries such as England, USA and Australia, to provide a better solution. Prasad [10] has implemented
we do not have reserve provision for contingency condition AGC using a PID controller, optimizing the controller gains
due to imbalance between load and generation. Hence a using PSO. The designed controller was found to be robust
frequency associated regulatory method identified as in spite of changes in the system parameters. Duman[2] has
unscheduled interchange is practiced [4]. investigated Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) for
optimizing the proportional and integral gains of
Proportional Integral (PI) controller and PID controller
gains. The achievement of the executed technique was
Revised Manuscript Received on February 01, 2020. analyzed after comparison with that of the conventional PI
VandanaDhawane, Department of Instrumentation Engineering in D. controller and the technique was found to be superior.
V.V. P.F’s Dr. VithalraoVikhePatil College of Engineering, Ahmednagar.
Dr. Rajankumar S. Bichkar, Principal in Vidya Pratishtan’s
Kamalnayan Bajaj Institute of Engineering and Technology, Baramati,

Published By:
Retrieval Number: E6749018520/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6749.038620 & Sciences Publication
Load Frequency Control Optimization using PSO Based Integral Controller

Shiva and Mukherjee [1] have employed Quasi- II. DYNAMIC MODELOFASINGLE-AREA
Oppositional Harmony Search algorithm for Load THERMAL POWER SYSTEMWITH INTEGRAL
Frequency Control (LFC) of a single-area thermal power CONTROLLER
system. The controller used was PID controller with ISE as
The model of a single-area thermal power system in
the objective function. The result analysis showed
terms of system dynamics is shown in Fig. 1. As shown each
improvement in the values of the objective function.
block is represented by its equivalent transfer function.
Shrikant and Yadaiah[11] have used Teaching-Learning
There are two inputs to the system, ∆ (load disturbance)
Based Optimization (TLBO) algorithm to tune observer and
and ∆ (reference power setting) in p.u. MW. The system
controller gains. The simulation results involving parameter
has a single output ∆f in Hz which represents the power
variations,sudden load disturbances and model uncertainties
system frequency deviation which is the variable of interest
justify the efficacy of the approach.
to us.R signifies the droop characteristic or speed regulation
The use of evolutionary algorithms has shown
in Hz/p.u. MW. The equations representing transfer
improvement in the performance of a power system from
function for governor, turbine and power system are
frequency control point of view. During the analysis of
represented by (1) to (3)
some studied optimization techniques, we have encountered
a number of limitations. One of the extensively used recent
techniques is Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm = (1)
(BFOA). The technique relies upon chemotactic movement
of the virtual bacteria. The accuracy of the solution obtained (2)
by BFOA is affected by delaycaused in attaining the global
optimum solution as the bacteria move in random direction
in the search spaceas shown by Nanda [12]. Similarly Ant (3)
Colony Optimization (ACO) technique has a complex
theoretical analysis. Moreover in ACO,probability .
distribution can change for each iteration. In contrast PSO -∆
is simple to implement, its convergence rate is fast and the ∆ ∆
algorithm can be easily implemented through programming
[7]. In addition, researchers have further enhanced the
capabilities of PSO by introducing variants of the basic
version of PSO to make it more effective.
Apart from conventional control techniques,
researchers have explored various advanced control
techniques such as fractional order PID controller, fuzzy
logic controller, adaptive controller, and internal model
controller. Most of the above mentioned methods are
effective in achieving the desired objectives, but they suffer
from a major drawback of implementation complexity. On
the other hand, integral controller is easy to implement and
has only a single tuning parameter, hence preferred for this
purpose. The integral control action is characterized by zero
steady state error and hence the controller suits our
requirement as the main aim of our research is to drive the
frequency deviation to zero.
The results manifested in the paper clearly
Fig. 1. Dynamic model of a single area thermal power
authenticate the disturbance rejection capability of the
system while simultaneously improving the transient
response of the system. The basic outcomes of this paper
can be stated as; From above equations, it can be noted that and
represent power system, governor and turbine time constants
1. An integral controller is suggested for AGC of a respectively in seconds. Similarly ∆ ,∆ and ∆ represent
single-area thermal power system without reheat turbine. incremental changes in governor valve position in p.u. MW,
2. The parameters of the said controller are optimized generator output in p.u. MW and step load perturbation in
by PSO algorithm using the IAE and ISE criteria. p.u.MW. representsgain of the power system in Hz/p.u.
3. The robustness of the identified approach is verified MW.The system model can be expressed by the following
by variation in system parameters. transfer function:

Published By:
Retrieval Number: E6749018520/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6749.038620 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020

G(S)= (4)

The transfer function of a single-area thermal power plant

without integral controller can be expressed by the
following equations:

= (5)

Similarly the transfer function of a thermal power plant with

integral controller is represented by the following equation:

= (6)For an

uncompensated system, the steady state analysis of the

system transfer function by final value theorem gives a static
error in frequency for a step load disturbance of magnitude
∆ On the contrary, the system analysis with integral
controller proves that frequency is restored back to its
nominal value.


Particle swarm optimization is aoptimization
technique that works on particle population and is developed
by Eberhart and Kennedy in 1995. It is a computational
method that optimizes solution to a problem through
iterative behavior. The algorithm is developed based on the
social behavior of flock of birds as demonstrated by
Prasad[10]. PSO has been widely used in variety of
applications including power quality enhancement and
power flow control in microgrid operation [13], load
frequency control of hybrid distributed generation system
[14], economic load dispatch and low-frequency oscillation
damping control [15]. Owing to its ease of application and
simplicity, the algorithm has also been used for AGC Fig. 2. Flowchart for PSO algorithm
application. Researchers have reported variousvariants of
basic PSO such as perturbed PSO [16] which works on the Thus as can be seen from the work carried out by other
principle of perturbed global best, novel PSO wherein the researchers, the design of a controller can be ascertained to
algorithm is adaptive to varying inertia weights when the be satisfactory only when the designed controller is able to
algorithm is in progress[17] and PSO with chaotic reject the disturbances efficiently bringing back the system
opposition based population initialization[18].Shiva[1] has frequency to its original value at the earliest within
implemented Quasi-Oppositional Harmony Search based minimum settling time and provide a robust performance to
PID controller for automatic generationcontrol of a single- the system parameter changes. In view of these
area thermal power plant.The results obtained were requirements we have designed an integral controller with
promising with lower values of performance indices but the gain optimized by PSO, to achieve overall satisfactory
transient response required more time for the transients to transient response with reduced settling time while
settle down. Thakur and Patra[19]have employed a successfully rejecting the disturbances on the system.
traditional Zeigler-Nichols tuned PID controller for load PSO is an iterative algorithm that finds optimal solution
frequency control problem. The simulation results proved for a specified objective function through search space. The
the ability of the controller to reject the disturbances. algorithm scans the search space and reaches the optimal
However the transient response parameters emphasize the solution considering the movement of each particle as well
need for transient response improvement. In addition, the as the swarm as a whole. Each particle starts random scan of
robustness of the system has not been verified. the search space based on its own best knowledge and the
knowledge of the swarm. It is drifted towardsthe current
global best position and its own best position .
The search process can be represented by simple equations
using the position vector =[ , ] and the
velocity vector =
[ … ] in the
search space.

Published By:
Retrieval Number: E6749018520/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6749.038620 & Sciences Publication
Load Frequency Control Optimization using PSO Based Integral Controller

At every iteration, each particle changes its velocity and rejection for different load conditions as well as for
attains a new position as expressed by the following robustness.
A.Uncompensated Systemwith LoadVariations:
=ω. + . [ - ]+ . [ - ](7) The problem of frequency regulation in a single–area
power system with non-reheat turbine dynamics and without
= + (8) integral controller is considered. For execution of the
proposed technique, Intel® CORETM i3processor is used. The
Where , are the position and velocity of particle iat system is simulated in MATLAB2014b environment. The
iteration krespectively; iis the index of the particle;ω system parameters are; = 120, = 20, = 0.3, = 0.08,
indicates the inertia constant and is in general in the range [0 and R=2.4. A step load perturbation of varying magnitude is
1]; and are coefficients in the range [0 2]; and are applied to the system, and response plot for frequency
random values generated during each velocity update; variation is plotted. The PSO parameters considered are;
is the local best position of each particle attained so far population size = 40, maximum number of iterations = 100,
based on its own best position. is the global best ω=1, = = 2.0. As can be observed from the response
position achieved depending upon the swarm’s experience. shown in fig.3, the step load increase results in drop in the
The terms in (7) and (8) can be defined according frequency. The final steady state value at which the
to the task they perform: frequency stabilizes is determined by the regulation R of the
1. The first term ω. represents inertia component and its governor and the magnitude of step load change. We have
function is to maintain the particle search in one direction. considered three variations for step load change and
2. The second term . [ - ] is called as cognitive corresponding frequency deviations for uncompensated
component and it indicates the ability of the particle to system are expressed in Table I.
remember its local best position. The particle has the
tendency to return to the area of search space in where it
enjoys high individual fitness. The cognitive component
decides the step size of the particle with which it moves
towards its local best position .
3. The third term . [ – ] is called as social
component and it tends to move the particle towards the area
in the search space where the swarm has highest fitness. The
coefficient decides the step size of the particle in finding
the global best position
As per (8), each particle’s position is updated by
using its previous position and new velocity. Thus a search
process is renewed and initiated over the changed search Fig.3.Frequency deviation step response
space in order to investigatethe global optimum solution. foruncompensated system for load variations
The process is repeated until the algorithmiterates
throughmaximum number of iterations or the desired fitness
value is reached. Thus regeneration of the swarm through Table-I: Static variations in frequency with step load
indefinite velocity term and the ability of interpreting the change for uncompensated system
search process produce highlyefficient operation to find the Sr. No. Load Variation Static error in
global optimum solution. A restricted search space is the
only major constraint of the PSO algorithm. This problem 1 10% -0.235
can be overcome by use of extended boundaries for the 2 30% -0.7058
search space but at the cost of increased computation time. 3 50% -1.1764
Hence more information about the search space boundaries
will help to overcome the limitation. B.System withIntegral Controller
In this section the effectiveness of PSO with integral
IV. SIMULATION RESULTS AND EVALUATION controller is tested for disturbance rejection and robustness.
In the present study we consider an isolated single-area For this, an objective function is considered as a test
thermal power system without reheat turbine, supplying a criterion for testing the computational efficiency of the
load. The simulation studies are considered for two cases. In proposed PSO algorithm. In this paper Integral of Square
the first part of the simulation, we consider the Error (ISE) and Integral of Absolute Error (IAE) are
uncompensated system or the system without integral selected as objective functions. The mathematical
controller as represented by transfer function (5) and study expressions are expressed as:
the dynamic behavior of the system for varying load
disturbances. In the second part of the simulation, we
consider the system assisted by an integral controller as
described by (6). The system is tested for disturbance

Published By:
Retrieval Number: E6749018520/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6749.038620 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020

IAE = dt (9) proposed PSO based integral control scheme is optimal in

nature as far as IAE criterion is considered.
ISE= dt(10)

The aim of minimization of the performance index

is to obtain optimal controller gain which may produce the
desired performance for the system under study. The
constraint for the present optimization problem is the
controller gain within some pre-specified limit given by:

≤ ≤ (11)

In the present work, thecontroller gain lies within 0 to 5.0 Fig.5. Frequency deviation step response for a system
and the optimized value obtained is 4.9986. Assessment of with integral controller with nominal system parameters
with IAE as objective function
the proposed technique is carried out related to the transient
response performance specifications and sensitivity to the
parameter variations. With the secondary control action
initiated by the integral controller, the system successfully
drives the frequency deviations to zero resulting from step
load changes as seen from Fig. 4. To verify the transient
performance of the system, a step load perturbation of 0.01
p.u. is applied. Under the influence of the disturbance, the
system frequency deviation response is plotted shown in
Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 taking into account IAE and ISE as error
criteria respectively.For asserting the superiority of the
proposed approach, we compare the transient response Fig.6. Frequency deviation step response for a system
parameter such as settling time and integral error indices with integral controller with nominal system parameters
with those reported in the recent literature. with ISE as objective function

Fig. 4. Frequency deviation step response for system Fig. 7. Frequency deviation step response for a system
with integral controller for different load variations with integral controller with 50% upper bound system
parameters with IAE as objective function
Similarly to test for robustness of the applied controller
scheme, ± 50% uncertainty is added in all the system
parameters, i.e., = [60, 180], = [10,30], = [0.15,
0.45], = [0.04, 0.5] and R= [1.2, 3.6]. The results
tabulated in Table II, compares the performance of the
applied control scheme with the methodologies
implemented by other researchers.As can be seen from
Table II, the efficiency of the applied technique is verified
by value of objective functions.From the observations
tabulated in Table II, the values of the IAE performance
index obtained are better than those obtained by Sondhi and
Hote[3], [20] and Saxena and Hote[21] for nominal system Fig. 8. Frequency deviation step response for a system
parameters.Similarly improved results are obtained for with integral controller with 50% upper bound system
lower and upper bound system parameters than obtained by parameters with ISE as objective function
Sondhi and Hote[3] and Saxena and Hote[21] considering
IAE as the objective function.The objective functions are
indicative of the controller optimality. From the values of
the IAE criterion obtained for nominal as well as lower and
upper bound system parameters, it can be asserted that the

Published By:
Retrieval Number: E6749018520/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6749.038620 & Sciences Publication
Load Frequency Control Optimization using PSO Based Integral Controller

From the point of view of transient response specification,

we have considered settling time as it indicates the speed of
response of the system or how rapidly the system settles
back to its nominal frequency afterthe system is subjected to
disturbances. The observations illustrated in the TableIII
depict the efficiency of the system in terms of settling time.
We have obtained 83% improvement in the settling time
over that obtained by Shiva and Mukherjee [5] for nominal
system parameters. The variations obtained in the settling
time introduced due to parameter uncertainty are found to be
within appreciable limits. Thus it can be asserted that the
proposed control scheme is optimal in nature considering
the ability of the system to nullify frequency fluctuations
Fig. 9.Frequency deviation step response for a system
within minimum settling time resulting from step load
with integral controller with 50% lower bound system
parameters with ISE as objective function

Table II: Comparison of the performance indices

Nominal system
50% parameter change
Lower limit Upper limit
Implemented scheme 0.002582 0.004 0.002582 0.004 0.002582 0.004
Shiva & Mukherjee
-- 0.00562 -- -- -- --
Sondhi&Hote [20] 0.01014 4.32E-05 -- -- -- --
Saxena [22] 0.00249 0.00061 0.00118 0.000133 0.00406 0.000012
Sondhi&Hote [3] 0.003877 1.36E-05 0.005813 2.21E-05 0.003828 8.91E-06
Saxena&Hote [21] 0.08061 0.000823 0.08247 0.000866 0.07827 0.00081

Table III: Comparison of settling time (Sec)

Nominal 50% upper 50%lower
Design Method system bound bound
parameters parameters parameters
Proposed scheme 3.3383 4.5025 1.79
Shiva &
19.81 -- --
-- -- --
-- -- --
Saxena [22] -- -- --
Sondhi&Hote [3] -- -- --

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DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6749.038620 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
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Published By:
Retrieval Number: E6749018520/2020©BEIESP Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
DOI:10.35940/ijrte.E6749.038620 & Sciences Publication

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