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Ateneo SHS Appl Instructions For Private School Applicants - For 23 24 1

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APPLICATION FOR GRADE 11, school name is complete, including the branch.

(5) Click
“Submit.” (6) You will be directed to the “payable” page
SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024 displaying a box that indicates the applicant’s unique
ATENEO DE MANILA payment reference number—a 9-digit number that
SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL begins with “450.” (If the applicant’s reference number begins with
“350,” it means that he/she has mistakenly created an application account
Procedure for Applicants from Private Schools for Grade 7.)
This document contains detailed step-by-step
instructions to guide the applicant through the
online application process. Please download /print
all the instructions then refer to the instructions per Applicant’s Name

step as you go through that particular step.

STEP 1: Create an account in the online system and
generate a payment reference number.
When creating an account, use the applicant’s
active personal email address. Ateneo will use this email
address to send official communication to the applicant STEP 2: Pay the application and testing fee of Php 750.
throughout the application process and afterwards. Don’t use a
dummy email address or somebody else’s. Note down the email
address you used to open the account and the password you will
 The applicant should take a picture or a screenshot of
set. You will use this to log into the system several times the box that displays the reference number. He/She will
including the time you view the application decision. Don’t need to refer to this when he/she pays the application
create more than one account per applicant. This will lead to fee.
confusion in the future.

Create an Account The applicant or the applicant’s parent/guardian may

(1) Access the login page choose from the ff modes of payment (1) Paybiz – (a)
https://ateneo.edusuite.asia/login Mobile wallets: G-cash or Grab Pay (b) Online Bank
(2) Click the portion labelled “Don’t have an Transfer: BPI, BDO, UnionBank, PNB, RCBC; (2) Webpay
account? Sign up.” (3) When the screen with the - Visa/Mastercard debit and credit cards.
heading “Create account” is displayed, enter
applicant’s name (not the parent’s name) (4) enter Detailed instructions for each of these payment modes
the applicant’s active personal email address (5) are downloadable from the SHS Admissions page in the
choose “I am applying for Senior High School” (6) Ateneo Website.
read and tick the box to agree with Ateneo’s data
use policy (7) Click Submit. (8) Applicant must open Very important: After payment, the applicant should
the email that will be sent to the email address (a) upload the proof of payment (screenshot or scan of
he/she entered in the system and click the activate system-generated payment confirmation) in the google
account button (found in the email) (9) Applicant form that can be accessed through this link:
will be redirected to a screen entitled “Activate your go.ateneo.edu/SHSOAS-ProofofPayment-SY2324
account” and he/she has to set his/her password (b) and also upload it in the applicant’s account in the
(10) click activate button (11) in the pop-up that the Ateneo Edusuite Admission system. (In order to do this,
“account is successfully created,” click “ok” (12) go to the payables section of the applicant’s admission
applicant will be redirected to the login page (13) account and click “upload receipt.”) This will help
enter the applicant’s email and the password he/she ensure that Ateneo can track the payment and attribute
created and choose “Senior High School” then click it to the applicant. Failure to upload the proof of
login. payment may lead to problems in tracking the payment.
Generate a Payment Reference Number The applicant’s status in the system should change to
(1) Upon login, click “My Registration” on the left “draft” around 3-5 working days after payment. If the
panel (2) Click “Apply Now” (3) Read the application applicant remains in the “for payment” status beyond 5
checklist and click “Apply” (4) Fill up the details for working days, the applicant may contact the Office of
the initial registration – do this carefully, taking care Admission and Scholarships. The delay is usually
to check that the applicant’s name is entered because the payment cannot be tracked.
completely and exactly the same as what is written
in the applicant’s birth certificate, and the
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STEP 3: Fill up the online application form and Grade 9 report card (all parts/pages of the report card).
[“Draft” status]. The name of the applicant, the name of the school,
all the academic and non-academic ratings and the grading
(1) Click “My Registration” on the left panel (2) Click system equivalents must be visible.
“View” (3) Click the “Edit” button on the top right A PDF copy of the applicant’s report card for the first
portion of the page grading period of Grade 10, if already available. If this is not
(4) Send the request for recommendation yet available by the application period, it may be submitted as
(a) In the screen entitled “Recommendation Form” enter soon as it is available as long as this is before January 31,
the full name, position, contact number and correct email 2023.
address of 2 recommenders. In choosing the A PDF copy of the applicant’s birth certificate – copy issued
recommenders, the applicant should – by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) or National
 select teachers, counselors or administrators in his/her Statistics Office (NSO), or by the gov’t of the applicant’s
present school particularly the ones who handled the country of origin.
applicant in Grade 8, 9 or 10 and know the applicant well; If the applicant is NOT a Filipino citizen: a scanned copy of the
 ask these recommenders if they are willing to fill up a valid passport biopage and a copy of the valid Philippine visa
recommendation form for the applicant and, if yes, ask (both stamp/sticker and/or or the ACR-I Card issued by the
for a working email address of the recommender and a Philippine Government). These documents must be scanned
contact number (landline and local number of the school as one PDF file only.
or a mobile number); If the applicant has dual citizenship: a PDF copy of at least one
inform the recommenders that a recommendation form of the following documents - the applicant’s valid Philippine
(google form) will be sent to them via their email address, passport, certificate of recognition as a Filipino citizen,
which they will fill up online. When the recommender certificate of re-acquisition of Filipino citizenship or certificate
clicks the “submit” button at the end of the form, it will of naturalization.
be sent to Ateneo’s online application system. The An image file (PNG, JPG/JPEG) of a recent 1 x 1 picture of
recommendation form will not be seen by the applicant. the applicant. The picture must be colored with a white
(b) The applicant should ensure that he/she enters the background and show the applicant’s head up to the
correct email address of each recommender. Entering the shoulders. The size of the picture file must not exceed 500 kb.
wrong email address will cause the email to bounce or be A PDF copy of the applicant’s autobiography, which must
sent to the wrong recipient. be typewritten, A4 page size, 1-2 pages only, using any
(c) Entering the details of the recommenders and their readable font. The autobiography should touch on the
correct, working email addresses and then clicking following points: interests, ambitions, accomplishments, and
“proceed” will trigger the sending of the google the reasons that the applicant desires a senior high school
recommendation form to the recommender. education at the Ateneo de Manila University.
(d) The applicant must NOT choose parents, relatives and Parent’s Consent Form. The applicant must download the
friends as their recommenders. Recommendations from blank parent’s consent form from the SHS Admissions page
these people will not be considered. (https://www.ateneo.edu/ashs/admissions) in the Ateneo
(e) The applicant must NOT enter his/her own website. He/She must ask his/her parent to check the
name/email addresses nor those of parents, relatives or accuracy and correctness of everything entered in the
friends in the fields in this section. Doing this will cause application form. The applicant’s parent must either e-sign
problems and delays later on: the applicant will not be the consent form or print the blank form and physically sign it
able to move past Step 6 and will be asked to go back to then scan the signed copy and save it as a new PDF file. The
this step and accomplish it correctly. applicant must then upload the consent form in the
“Certification” section.
(5) Fill up the Application Form
The applicant should fill up all the different fields in STEP 4: Submit the filled-up form online (by clicking
the form with correct information and click “next” at “Submit”) and wait for Ateneo’s checkers/reviewers to
the end of each page. check the completeness of the form [“For Review”
The LRN (Learner Reference Number) is a 12-digit
status]. Ateneo’s checkers will either return the form
number assigned by the DepEd to each student
throughout Basic Ed in the Philippines. It is sometimes
online [“Return to Applicant” status] or move the form
indicated in the report card. If it is not, the applicant to the “For Recommendation” status.
should ask the registrar of his/her school for his/her LRN.
Students enrolled in foreign, non-DepEd schools do not STEP 5: If the application is in the “Return to Applicant”
have an LRN. status, edit the form according to the comments of the
checkers/reviewers and re-submit the form.
(6) Upload the required documents
The applicant must upload the following- Click “Edit” and then look at the comments of the
A PDF copy of the applicant’s final, completed Grade 8 checkers in the discussion panel on the right side (make
sure to view ALL comments by scrolling down).
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According to the comments of the checkers, edit the STEP 7: Before clicking on an exam schedule, discuss
content of the application form. Do not put the your chosen schedule with your family. Once you select
corrections in the discussion panel, but rather in the an exam schedule in the system, it is no longer possible
application form. Click “next” to move through the to change schedule.
different parts of the application form in order to
make changes. If it is necessary to explain something When you are ready to select a schedule, click “Manage
to the checker or ask the checker a question, the Exam Schedule” then “add schedule” then click on the
applicant may enter a message in the discussion chosen testing schedule in the online system. [“For
panel. Examination” status].
Don’t forget to click “Submit” at the very end or
else the application will not be re-submitted for Note that slots in each testing session are limited and
checking, and it will remain in the “return to accommodation in a testing session is on a first come
applicant” status. Note that Ateneo cannot act on an first served basis.
application if it is in the “return to applicant” status.
In this stage, only the applicant can move the Clicking on an exam schedule will trigger the sending of
application forward. an exam permit to the applicant’s notification email
address (the one used to open the account in the
STEP 6: Follow up if the teacher-recommenders admission system). The applicant must then print the
have sent their google recommendation forms exam permit or have it printed in color, on white A4
[“For Recommendation” status] until Ateneo’s bond paper, landscape orientation.
checkers/reviewers receive these online
recommendation forms.  General Reminders:
Kindly note that the online application process is not
Click “Recommendation Letter” in the left panel and
complete until the applicant receives an email
check the status of each recommendation:
containing the exam permit.
SENT = Ateneo’s online system sent the
Also note that the online process cannot be completed
recommendation form to the email address of the
in a single day.
recommender (as entered by the applicant). If the
It will take 3-5 working days for payment to be reflected in
email address is wrong, the recommender will not the system due to the necessary processes that the bank and
receive the form. cashier have to execute.
ACKNOWLEDGED = The recommender opened It may take days for the recommenders to fill up the
Ateneo’s email containing the recommendation recommendation form and send it to Ateneo’s online system.
form. This does NOT necessarily mean that the It may take 1-2 working days for the checker to check the
recommender answered the form. requirements.
SUBMITTED = The recommender completed the
recommendation form and clicked the “submit”
button in order to electronically submit the form to DEADLINES:
Ateneo’s application system. All of those who intend to apply must create an
RECEIVED = Ateneo’s online checkers received and account in the system (Step 1) by November 29, 2022.
read the recommendation form and have marked it All applicants with accounts must complete the
as “received.” application process by December 12, 2022.
If the recommendation has not yet been RECEIVED
by Ateneo, the applicant may (1) click the resend
button to resend the request for recommendation,
(2) talk to the recommender and follow up the
recommendation and check if the email address is
correct, (3) click “add” and enter the details and
email address of (a) new recommender(s) and click
“proceed” to trigger the sending of the request for
recommendation to the new recommender(s).

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Those who complete the application process and
Admission decisions will be released at the end of April
receive exam permits will then take the Ateneo de
2023 (specific date to be announced). An applicant will
Manila Senior High Admission and Placement Exam
be able to view the individual decision on his/her
(A-SHAPE). Only those who take the exam will be
application online, through his/her application
considered for admission.
account. No public posting of admission decisions will
be made.
The A-SHAPE schedule is as follows:
Session Date Assembly Exam End of For more information, visit
Proper Exam
1 Sat, 14 Jan 2023 7:00 am 7:30 am 12:00 nn https://www.ateneo.edu/ashs/admissions
2 Sat, 14 Jan 2023 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 6:00 pm For Grade 11 application inquiries, please contact the
3 Sun,15 Jan 2023 7:00 am 7:30 am 12:00 nn
4 Sun,15 Jan 2023 1:00 pm 1:30 pm 6:00 pm
Ateneo de Manila Senior High School Office of
Admission and Scholarships (OAS) during office hours
(8:00 am to 12:00nn, 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm, Mondays to Fridays).
The venue of the exam is the Senior High School
Phone: 8426-60-01, local 6292
Building in the High School campus within the
Email: [email protected]
grounds of Ateneo de Manila University, Katipunan
Ave, Quezon City. There are no provincial or
international testing centers.

Exam Reminders:
Applicants should arrive at least 30 minutes before
the start of the exam and should make allowance for
heavy traffic.
Applicants should print their test permit prior to
the test and present it on the day of the test – at the
Ateneo gate, at the entrance to the test venue and
inside the testing venue. Applicants without a test
permit will not be allowed to take the exam.
Attire: T-shirt with sleeves, jeans and rubber shoes.
Examinees should also wear their school ID during
the exam.
Examinees must wear a face mask that covers their
nose and mouth.
Examinees are advised to bring their own drinking
There is no need to bring pencils and scratch
paper, as these will be provided.
Additional reminders, health protocols, details on
drop-off, parking, pick-up, assembly and lining up
will be posted in the SHS page of the Ateneo website
shortly before the exam.

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